A Witches Spell – Spell To Assist In Readings and Divination

Lady of the Abyss is has a way to teach us new things from the Spirit Plane by me reposting this post of hers done on November 10, 2013

Spell To Assist In Readings and Divination

Items You Will Need:

White candle

Whatever tools you use for divination, such as tarot cards, runes, crystal ball, etc.

Not every form of divination works for every Witch. Sometimes it take trial and error to discover which one work the best for you. If you are having a hard time seeing clearly, try doing this before attempting a reading. It is also a good one to do if the issue at hand is very important.

If you still have a hard time seeing the answers you seek, you can try having your familiar help by giving them a choice of tarot cards or runes stones, and seeing which one they pick.

You can call on any God or Goddess for this spell. Apollo is used here because he was the patron God of the Oracle at Delphi, probably the most famous center of divination in the ancient world.

Great Apollo
Farseeing and wise
Help me see clearly
As if through your eyes
Bless now these tools
And the one who will see
And send me your vision
Of what is to be
Help me set aside feelings
That get in the way
So I might see true
In my reading today.

So Mote It Be

The Daily Motivator for Feb. 21 – Thankful for the past

Thankful for the past

You can’t change the past. So there’s no point in continuing to rehash it in  your mind.

Yes, there is much you can learn from the past. Once you’ve learned what  there is to learn, move quickly on.

Though you can’t change the past, you can choose the way you feel about it.  Your best choice is to always feel thankful that your past has brought you to  where you are.

Where you are now is a place and time filled with great possibilities. Choose  the most positive and meaningful of those possibilities, and go with them.

Go into the future with a sincere sense of gratitude and purposeful  intention. Go into the future informed and inspired by the past, but not  burdened by it.

The past has been good to you because it has given you the opportunity of  now. Wisely use that opportunity and make the future even better.

— Ralph Marston

The Daily Motivator

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How to Protect Oneself From Psychic Attacks

How to Protect Oneself From Psychic Attacks

By an eHow Contributor
There are several ways to recognize when you are under psychic attack. If you suddenly feel drained of energy or unaccountably depressed, then there’s a good chance that you are under psychic attack. However, it is a good idea to visit a medical doctor first to rule out any medical problems, like anxiety or schizophrenia. There are several things you can do to protect yourself. Read on to find out.

Know When You Are Under Psychic Attack

1  Check your energy level. One of the common symptoms of psychic attacks is the feeling of being drained of energy.

2  Assess your emotional state. Do you feel fearful or anxious for no reason? Do you feel danger? These are also common signs of attack.

3  Take note of any headaches you may be having, as well as the frequency with which they occur.

4  Watch for other symptoms of attack. Other symptoms of psychic attacks include feelings of depression, suicidal thoughts, a cold or tense feeling in the stomach and more.

5  Notice how you feel when you leave the company of people you talk to. If you feel extremely fatigued when you depart, there is a good chance that you were just under attack.

6  Be aware that psychic attacks could come from one person or a group of people. If it is from a group of people you will need help from a professional healer. Visit the “International Association of Reiki Professionals” to find a Reiki energy healer (see Resources below).

Protect Oneself From Psychic Attacks

7  Say a prayer. Address your request for protection to the entity you believe in and believe that you have been heard.

8  Ask for protection from your spirit guides and angels. These light beings help to protect you from negativity.

9  Place a triple layer of cling film over your solar plexus, under your clothes. Your solar plexus is your most volatile area. Cling film helps to repel unwanted energies.

10  Place a protective gemstone on your solar plexus. Several gemstones are said to promote good vibrations, such as black tourmaline. This gemstone is believed to cause energies directed at you to bounce off. Other gemstones include agate, turquoise and jasper.

11  Use natural essences from flowers. The scent from the flowers is said to help promote positive emotions around you.

12  Free oneself from fear. When you are fearful you are more susceptible to psychic attacks. Try meditation, yoga or visualization exercises to help you balance and strengthen your mental and emotional states.

13  Read “Psychic Shield: The Personal Handbook of Psychic Protection” by Caitlin Matthews to learn more about how to protect yourself from psychic attacks.

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About Psychic Self Defense

About Psychic Self Defense


By Jonae  Fredericks, eHow Contributor

When we think of self defense, we think of the protection of our physical  bodies. But when we speak of psychic self defense, the focus is instead  on the harm another may inflict on our inner self. In short, psychic self  defense can best be defined as your “intuitive protection” against those who  wish to harm your mind or spirit. We all have the ability to transfer negative  energy, and psychic self defense helps to guard against the dark force that  motivates our enemies.


Our psychic self defense is gifted to us by our higher self. When something  just doesn’t feel right, or you suspect that someone is not being truthful and  cannot be trusted, you are receiving information from another level of your  being. Often ignored, these feelings or “vibes” are your intuition’s way of  telling you that you had better think twice about the situation. This intuition  is your psychic self defense. If heeded more often, you may be less apt to allow  the feelings of guilt, shame, hurt and self doubt that others bestow on you to  infect your mind and affect your  health.



The world can be cruel, and psychic attacks can come in many forms. They  often are a result of the thoughts and actions of those in whom we place our  greatest faith and trust. Jealousy and envy in others can create dark emotions,  resulting in destructive behavior and thinking. Unaddressed, these  manifestations can maim and cripple our own sense of well being. Although you  may not at first suspect that a jealous person means to belittle or whittle down  your self esteem, eventually his dark thoughts can be picked up on by your inner  radar. An uneasiness or doubt that begins to arise when you are around this  person, or are thinking of him, is your psychic self defense kicking in. Recognizing it is to your advantage


For those that practice psychic self defense, it is often believed that their  positive auras can counteract psychic attacks. Techniques such as aversion,  which entails forcing your mind to believe only in the positive and  extinguishing all negatives, will weaken any effect that verbal or mental  badgering will have on your psyche. It is also theorized that by developing your  precognitive warning system, you can intercept the harmful effects of psychic  attacks before they have the opportunity to strike. The precognitive warning  system means building up your positive aura through meditation and taking  control of your unconscious mind. By always keeping a clear head and maintaining  a constant awareness, you will project positive energy that will deflect  negative.


Although the term “psychic” often conjures up thoughts of tarot cards and  fortunes, those associations are a drastic version of the psychic reality. It is  believed that everyone is born with an intuition, which some would say is a form  of psychic ability that can be developed. Taking time to meditate, exercise and  eat a balanced diet will help keep your body and your mind balanced. Being  aware, and listening when that little voice inside of your head speaks to you,  even when logic tells you otherwise, will help keep you safe. You can rely on  your own intuition, especially when it proves over time to be  correct.


It is worthwhile to mention that psychic self defense is also a useful form  of protection against the  threats to our mental stability that can manifest in our own psyche. Our own  negative thoughts and worries can cause us to attract the very circumstances  that we fear. The theory of psychic self defense enlists the belief that  replacing worry with positive thoughts will steer the universe in a positive  direction, and finally bring you peace.
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Daily OM for February 10th – Perceiving the Infinite

Perceiving the Infinite
Using Your Psychic Gifts

by Madisyn Taylor

People often have difficulty accepting that they have been blessed with psychic abilities.

Psychic experiences are a natural part of our everyday lives. People often have difficulty accepting that they have been blessed with psychic abilities because without a frame of reference it is almost impossible to identify an extrasensory experience and to distinguish psychic sights, sounds, and sensations from the projects of the unconscious mind. To some extent, every human being on the planet is clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient, although most people discover that they are naturally adept at one more than the others. When you trust in and take steps to hone your innate clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience, you will enter a new realm of being in which the universe, your higher self, and your spirit guides lovingly conduct you toward a more aware existence.

Clairvoyance, or clear seeing, is the ability to see with the mind’s eye. An individual who has honed their clairvoyant abilities may be able to see in their mind’s eye events in a remote location; to witness incidents that have yet to occur; or to perceive shapes, colors, and other images that are physically invisible. Clairaudience, which means clear listening, is the ability to hear sounds not physically audible. A person with the gift of clairaudience perceives psychic information as auditory resonance and may hear angelic voices, music, or other sounds. A clairsentient, or clear feeling, individual is able to sense physical, emotional, and spiritual energy in the form of seemingly unearthly scents, touches, and movements. Each of these psychic abilities can manifest themselves within us voluntarily or involuntarily. It is natural for us to have these abilities; we need only practice.

Developing your psychic talents is a matter of releasing your fear of seeing, hearing, or feeling inexplicable or disquieting stimulus. Before you attempt to consciously tap into your gifts, ground yourself to anchor your mind in the present to disconnect from any involuntary psychic experiences you may be having. Concentrate on your intuitive responses to the world around you and notice any sights, sounds, or feelings that enter your mind. If you trust your perceptions, you’ll discover that each psychic impression you receive will be in some way relevant to your experience—even when that relevance may not be immediately recognizable.

The Daily OM

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Quiz of the Day : What Type of Psychic Are You?

What Type of Psychic are You?

Everyone has four psychic senses, and you can learn to focus on psychic  reception areas to enhance all of your psychic abilities. But as you become more  adept at the process you will find that one or two of your four psychic senses  are dominant–easier and more reliable for you to use.

It is important to know which psychic senses are your best channels for your  intuition. Over time you can rely on them to help you keep your bearings. Find  out which of the four psychic senses are your special gifts, here:

Know Your Psychic Strengths: Four Types

Gut Feeling:  Feelers Psychic feeling is the most  accessible. It is the easiest to open to and to interpret. The hallmarks are  “gut” feelings, and uneasy physical feelings that often give you a sense of  something not being right, or being right.

All people, places, and objects constantly radiate vibrational patterns, and  your physical body is like a large antenna able to register and assimilate their  meaning as inner feelings.

Focal Point:  In the front of the body, from the top of the diaphragm to just  below the naval (the third chakra).

Knowing:  Prophetics The sense of “knowing” is very  fleeting, but once you get the message the awareness of the truth is deep and  unwavering.

Men and women high in psychic knowing function at an accelerated pace. They  are excellent anticipators of problems or difficulties, and they naturally sense  how to be at the right place at the right time. They are innovators with  limitless creativity.

Focal Point: The crown and top of head (seventh chakra). The insight comes  down from the crown into the center of the head to the nerve bundle that  connects the two hemispheres of the brain.

Hearing:  Audients Psychic hearing manifests as words,  phrases, and inner dialogue. You might even hear a song that gives you a  message. Or a warning that comes with words.

People good in psychic hearing can hear when someone is lying to them, and  they are good, uncomplicated and direct initiators.

Focal Point:  Both sides of the head, just above the ears, in the area of the  temporal lobes.

Seeing:  Visionary Seeing messages visually, such as a  date, or someone’s energy field. With your eyes shut, your visual awareness  shifts upward to your forehead.

Visionaries can often “see” when something is not right, and know what is  wrong. They are excellent planners and have a very good sense of time and  space.

Focal Point:  The third eye.

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We’re not Goofying Off I Swear………..

I should know  never brag on your servers, lol! We are trying to get the dailys out. But every time I go to post the site act. It is pitiful right now. You can tell that by looking at the Tarot Card post. No graphics! Words are disappearing!

I have never seem such madness, lol! Hang with us, hopefully this will end sooner! Thank you!

Daily Specials

Elegant Chrome Candle Snuffer


A beautiful, light-weight tool that is handy to have around at any  altar, this Chrome Candle snuffer can just as easily be used as a  decorative accent within your home as it could be used to smother the  flame of candles without spilling wax. Measuring approximately 10″ long, one end features the classical bell design that is used to smother the  flame of your candle. From here it arches back into a spiraling,  easy-to-grip handle that ends its spiral upon a large ball-shaped knob.

With Shipping & Handing @ $5.95 = Your Price of $15.90


Spell Breaker 7 Day Jar Candle

For only $8.95

Standing 8″ tall, this black jar candle is intended to aid you in breaking whatever spell or curses have been laid on you. Burn it in ritual use it to get rid of those spells and charms that plague you like curses, or simply use it in ritual to help remove those beneficial spells that you have worked before when you decide you have no need for them anymore.

With Shipping & Handing @ $5.95 = Your Price of $14.90


Easy Tarot Reading


After learning Tarot card meanings and basic spreads, the next step  for beginners is fitting all of these pieces into a cohesive, insightful reading. Josephine Ellershaw, the author of the international  bestseller Easy Tarot, presents an easy, effective, and enjoyable way for anyone to learn to do amazingly accurate, helpful readings with Easy Tarot Reading.

Ellsershaw illuminates the Tarot reading process by inviting you to  virtually sit in on her readings with ten individuals. Card by card,  spread by spread, she reveals her thought process behind each  interpretation and decision, and tells how to make the connections that  add clarity and depth to a reading. These compelling and memorable  accounts of ten  very different readings, along with follow-up  documentation of how relevant each reading proved to be, result in a  powerful and completely unique approach to learning to do tarot  readings.

Easy Tarot Reading

also includes tips on the following topics:

  • Ethical guidelines and responsibility
  • Conducting email and telephone readings
  • Delivering bad news
  • Seeking involvement and icebreakers
  • Frequency of consultations
  • Indicator of success, secrets, and skullduggery

With Shipping & Handing @ $5.95 = Your Price of $20.90


Blue Sage Smudge Stick 3 Pack


Offering a bargain for anyone who enjoys smudging, this 3-pack of blue  sage smudge sticks is quite a steal! Smudging is the sacred art of  burning sage and similar herbs to create a purifying smoke that can be  used to remove negative energies from individuals and places. Made  specifically for this purpose, each of these smudge sticks is a 1″  diameter and 4 3/4″ long bundle of tightly packed blue sage, offering  you a convenient way to fill your sacred space with its cleansing smoke.  Please allow for exact sizes to vary slightly. Made in the USA.

With Shipping & Handing @ $5.95 = Your Price of $15.90


*There is a PayPal Button on this page (Donations) that you can use for purchases. At the bottom of your payment, please specific which item you are purchasing. Thank You!*

Daily OM for August 12th – Evolution of the Soul

Evolution of the Soul

Life Lessons through Reincarnation

by Madisyn Taylor

Often we reincarnate on earth with our soul family and often our most intense relationships are with our soul family.

You meet someone for the first time and feel as if you know them already. You’re in a town that you’ve never been to before, yet you recognize streets and buildings. You start playing a new sport and amaze everyone, including yourself, at your natural abilities and intuitive knowing of the rules. We often describe such experiences as déjà vu: the experience or feeling that a new situation has happened to us before. Then again, the possibility does exist that we have actually lived these experiences in the past or, rather, in another lifetime.

Many spiritual practices believe that reincarnation is real: Our souls return to this earth over a series of lifetimes to evolve, learn, grow, transform, and become more spiritually attuned through the course of each life. When we reincarnate, it is believed that we tend to cycle through our different lives with many of the same people. Often these traveling “soul companions are the ones we enter into relationships with; we work through our unresolved issues together so that we may heal. When we struggle or keep encountering blocks that keep us from reaching our goals, there may be a specific lesson that we are supposed to learn in this lifetime. Being naturally blessed with a musical talent or another gift can be a special ability that you worked hard to develop in a past life. You may even have lived before as another gender or as part of a different social or economic class. Each lifetime brings with it specific lessons that are necessary for our spiritual evolution.

Past life recall can give us valuable insights into our past, present, and future lives. The knowledge of how we lived before can help us overcome present obstacles, understand phobias, and resolve relationship issues. There are workshops you can take to learn about past lives, and past life regression therapists can guide you on your journey backward in time. You can learn to visit your past lives through your dreams, meditation, and trance work. It is even possible to see full scenes of a former lifetime flash before you in your mind’s eye as if you were watching a movie. While looking back at your past lives can be exciting and enlightening, it is important to remember that the answers you are seeking to this life can only truly be found by living this one. Look to your past to see where you’ve been, but remember that the life that matters most is the one that you are living now.

Daily OM

Life As The Witch – Past Life Remembrance Exercise



I have been digging around in our files this morning especially for you, my dear. I am also on the hunt for the unusual and the different. I know if you are like me, you get tired of the same old, same old. I have done it seems like the same Past Life Regressions and Remembrance Spells for the last five years. I ran across this one and automatically said, “Oh boy, I had forgot about this. Something new to share. I admit it is different, very different from what you are use to but it does work and work very well it does. I hope you find it useful and enjoy!

Past Life Remembrance Exercise

Actually you can use it for many things, but it works well for this purpose.

Get into a relaxed position, lying down is best.  You should do some exercise to open your Chakras. After that, once you are really relaxed.  You first imagine that you are getting smaller.  Like your body is shrinking and you become smaller and smaller.  Then you imagine you are your normal size again. Now you imagine that you are getting bigger and bigger, your entire body is just growing.   Then again back to your normal size.  Eac h time you go smaller or bigger, imagine you are going further and further into that size.  When you are getting larger and you feel like you are above the town, above the earth, just hovering with the stars.  Stay there for a minute.  Just relax and think about nothing.  Then when you are ready to return to your normal size again, tell yourself as you move further down towards the earth, when you arrive you will be at another time, in another lifetime.  You can ask to arrive in a lifetime that will help you in this carnation.  Once you are back to normal size, take a minute and just see what you feel what thoughts are running through your head. You might see scenes or images or flashes of things.  Even if you think you might be making it up, just go along with it as it comes.  Don’t question it or try to understand any of it, just be more like a spectator.  When you are ready, you make yourself larger again.  And again, as you are hovering above the earth, you say to yourself as you return to your normal body size, you will be back in your own time, in your present life.  Take your time to come out of it, relaxed and slowly.  You may want to write down what you can remember about it all, so you don’t forget later.  Now, take what information you received and try to meditate on it, see if you can understand anything that connects that life with this one.

How to Phrase Your Tarot Question

How to Phrase Your Question

Get the most from your Tarot and I-Ching readings

Tarotcom Staff  Tarotcom Staff on the topics of tarot, i ching

It’s important to realize that if you ask the appropriate kind of questions, you will have a more satisfying Tarot or I-Ching experience. Readings work best when you are looking for greater insight, wise advice or an idea of which way the wind is blowing. They are NOT designed to answer questions asking for data or to give exact predictions about the future.

Consult the Tarot or I-Ching as if you were asking the advice of a wise friend or teacher, and expect to get a snapshot of what is going on in the present, at the time you are picking the cards. A great question is “What is happening with regard to (a situation or relationship),” while a not-so-good question to avoid is something specific like “Where should I go on vacation.”

You also may skip asking a question and just enter a subject (the name of a situation or person you are in relationship with) and Tarot cards can give you a spectacularly helpful reading as long as you are sincerely focused when you pick your cards or toss the coins.

Use Your Intuition: The Benefits of Tarot

Use Your Intuition: The Benefits of Tarot

Learn what a Tarot reading can do for you!

Tarotcom Staff      Tarotcom Staff on the topics of tarot, insight

Are you wondering, “Why should I do a Tarot reading?” It’s a common question for Tarot beginners, and one that has a simply wonderful answer: Because it can help you improve your life!

Tarot is all about “intuition.” You know — that pure perception of truth we all have hidden deep inside. It’s the inner voice of your higher self, telling you what is the right thing to do and hoping you won’t ignore it. Well, Tarot cards can help you hear your inner voice and embrace its message.

Sometimes it’s hard to hear your inner voice amid all the cosmic clutter. And some people may hear it, but they deny it. Which is where Tarot comes in. If you can learn to use Tarot readings to tap into your wise intuition and listen and learn its lessons, you will be guided toward a more fulfilling life.

Some people have a fear of Tarot because don’t want to face their personal truth or they’re afraid they’ll see something “bad” in their future. But that’s not how it works. Tarot can’t predict the future. It’s simply a valuable tool for tapping into your intuition and using that insight to make decisions that will lead to a happier life.

Here are a few ways Tarot readings can help you:

Gain clarity — Whatever your situation, you can’t avoid the truth with Tarot. Tarot puts you in touch with your higher self, also known as your intuition, and it will force you to take an honest look at your life — even the things you’d rather not admit! Once you have that clarity, you’ll be able to make more responsible choices.

Highlight areas that need work — Sometimes life gets so overwhelming that you don’t know where to begin to make it better. Tarot can help highlight the things you should be focusing on right now in order to get the best results in the future.

Find peace — Anxiety, worry and fear are often symptoms of living in the unknown. And while Tarot cannot predict the future or tell you for sure what’s going to happen, it can tap into what is happening right now. Once you have clarity on the present, it’s easier to determine the path you’re on and how to change it for the best.

Make difficult decisions — People often turn to Tarot for advice about what to do, and once again Tarot can’t predict the future. But it can provide a snapshot of your present life, and show you a few likely options of where you’re headed if you continue on the same path. You can use this information to continue down the road you’re on, or make a necessary change.

Improve your life — Never forget the power of free will! If you see something you don’t like about your life in a Tarot reading, you have the power to change it. That’s the whole point!

Arrow Spell – Eight of Wands

Arrow Spell – Eight of Wands


One of the traditional meanings of the eight of wands tarot card is love at first sight.  The eight wands represents the arrows of love.

Carve and dress a red candle as desired, using love-drawing oils. Burn the candle. Place an eight wands card upright near the candle so it is easily visible.

Once the candle burns down, place the card underneath your pillow so that it can provide romantic insight and inspiration while you sleep. During the day wear rose quartz in a charm bag, pocket or tucked into your bra to attract and maintain the love you desire

Your Daily Number for September 28: 7

Your Daily Number: 7

You may feel a strong need for answers and knowledge. This could very well be a time of soul searching for you, and you might feel a bit lonely. Your head may be in the proverbial clouds, so exercise caution when dealing with mechanical items.

Fast Facts

About the Number 7

Theme: Quiet, Insightful, Analytical, Mystical, Intuitive
Astro Association: Cancer
Tarot Association: Chariot

Your Daily Number for September 21: 2

Your Daily Number: 2

Dreams and psychic ‘insights’ will not be unusual for you today. You’ll be a master problem solver when it comes to personality issues. Others are drawn to you in a real and lasting way. Your tact and wisdom will have a profound influence on others.

Fast Facts

About the Number 2

Theme: Adaptable, Tactful, Gentle, Cautious
Astro Association: Moon
Tarot Association: High Priestess

Your Daily Number for September 1: 7

A confrontation with a loved one is possible today, and you may find yourself engaging in somewhat self-critical behavior. Don’t. Today is the perfect day for greater understanding of yourself and others. Make this a time for spiritual realization rather than negative back talk

Fast Facts

About the Number 7

Theme: Quiet, Insightful, Analytical, Mystical, Intuitive
Astro Association: Cancer
Tarot Association: Chariot

Your Daily Influences for August 3

Your Daily Influences

August 3, 2012

Tarot Influence Rune Influence Charm Influence
The Star     This is the card of hope, perception and revelation. Great love is possible and good health will be enjoyed.
Othala     Othala represents a solid, immovable home, prosperity and safety. Good fortune based on your heritage and character is yours to enjoy.
The Swastika     Over the next weeks and months this aspect should be one that requires little effort on your part to keep things moving forward. This is one of the few charms that has the same meaning upright or inverted.
Your Daily Influences represent events    and challenges the current day will present for you. They may represent opportunities you    should be ready to seize. Or they may forewarn you of problems you may be able to avoid or    lessen. Generally it is best to use them as tips to help you manage your day and nothing more.

Quiz of the Day – What Type of Psychic are You?

What Type of Psychic are You?

by Annie B. Bond

Everyone has four psychic senses, and you can learn to focus on psychic  reception areas to enhance all of your psychic abilities. But as you become more  adept at the process you will find that one or two of your four psychic senses  are dominant–easier and more reliable for you to use.

It is important to know which psychic senses are your best channels for your  intuition. Over time you can rely on them to help you keep your bearings. Find  out which of the four psychic senses are your special gifts, here:

Know Your Psychic Strengths: Four Types

Gut Feeling:  Feelers Psychic feeling is the most  accessible. It is the easiest to open to and to interpret. The hallmarks are  “gut” feelings, and uneasy physical feelings that often give you a sense of  something not being right, or being right.

All people, places, and objects constantly radiate vibrational patterns, and  your physical body is like a large antenna able to register and assimilate their  meaning as inner feelings.

Focal Point:  In the front of the body, from the top of the diaphragm to just  below the naval (the third chakra).

Knowing:  Prophetics The sense of “knowing” is very  fleeting, but once you get the message the awareness of the truth is deep and  unwavering.

Men and women high in psychic knowing function at an accelerated pace. They  are excellent anticipators of problems or difficulties, and they naturally sense  how to be at the right place at the right time. They are innovators with  limitless creativity.

Focal Point: The crown and top of head (seventh chakra). The insight comes  down from the crown into the center of the head to the nerve bundle that  connects the two hemispheres of the brain.

Hearing:  Audients Psychic hearing manifests as words,  phrases, and inner dialogue. You might even hear a song that gives you a  message. Or a warning that comes with words.

People good in psychic hearing can hear when someone is lying to them, and  they are good, uncomplicated and direct initiators.

Focal Point:  Both sides of the head, just above the ears, in the area of the  temporal lobes.

Seeing:  Visionary Seeing messages visually, such as a  date, or someone’s energy field. With your eyes shut, your visual awareness  shifts upward to your forehead.

Visionaries can often “see” when something is not right, and know what is  wrong. They are excellent planners and have a very good sense of time and  space.

Focal Point:  The third eye.


Today’s Tarot Card for July 15th is The Sun

The Sun

This Tarot Deck: Gummy Bear Tarot

General Meaning:  What has traditionally been known as the Sun card is about the self — who you are and how you cultivate your personality and character. The earth revolves around the sun to make up one year of a person’s life, a fact we celebrate on our birthday.

The Sun card could also be titled “Back to Eden.” The Sun’s radiance is where one’s original nature or unconditioned Being can be encountered in health and safety. The limitations of time and space are stripped away; the soul is refreshed and temporarily protected from the chaos outside the garden walls.

Under the light of the Sun, Life reclaims its primordial goodness, truth and beauty. If one person is shown on this card, it is usually signifying a human incarnation of the Divine. When two humans are shown, the image is portraying a resolution of the tension between opposites at all levels. It’s as if this card is saying “You can do no wrong — it’s all to the good!”