When the Moon is in Aries


When the Moon is in Aries

The Mood of Aries

The Moon sets the emotional tone as it transits through the Zodiac signs. It changes signs every 2 1/2 days. You can work with this rhythm to “go with the flow” of the Moon. You can use it to know the general feeling tone to expect.

If you’re following the Moon, see if you don’t sense the mood change from dreamy and diffuse Pisces to fired up Aries. It brings emotional vitality and the drive to act on feelings. The Moon in Aries speeds up instinctual reactions, and might put us in an edgy, punchy mood. We’re restless to start something! It’s a good time for firsts that mean facing your fears. That butterflies in the stomach feeling let’s you know you’ve shoved off from your own comfort zone.

There’s a spark of momentum that is like the thrust of Spring, or the lusty look in a young lover’s eye. It fosters the desire to keep things simple, and do more than you talk about doing. If you’re one that sits a lot, this is a great time to move the gams or take a challenging martial arts class.

Doing something out of the ordinary, that has a physical component, is very satisfying under an Aries Moon.

This can be an emotionally cathartic few days. Instead of sidling up to a problem, you can attack it head on. If you’ve been bottling up righteous anger, this Moon gives you the courage to let the truth fly. It brings out the “fight” in everybody. Getting into it with others is always risky, but it provokes change, and sometimes for the better.

It’s a great time to have an opening for an art show, a business, or to sell your house. It supports you if you’ve got to be dynamic, for a job interview or on a date.

You can go ahead and start that project or try to sell your idea to others. Quick short activities are favored, rather than doing any tedious footwork. You can encourage a friend, work on self-promotion materials, or throw a party.

There’s urgency with this Moon that can lead to impulsive acts. You might do some soul searching on what you’d do if you could do anything. Aries is an invincible energy that has an innocent belief that anything is possible.

When the Moon is in Aries, it’s a good time to dream big, and soul search for your passions.


Molly Hall, Astrology Expert
Article published on & owned by About.com

Celebrating Legends, Folklore & Spirituality 365 Days A Year for February 4th – King of Frost Day

Butterfly Wolf
February 4

King of Frost Day

Prior to World War I, a fair was held on this day in London to honor the King of Frost. All the townspeople would gather on the Thames River, normally frozen over at this time, and petition the King of Frost to bring forth Spring. The festival died out during the war.

Along the Welsh border people continue to celebrate this day by gathering snowdrops, sometimes called Candlemas Bells. These tiny bright flowers are tied into bundles and used to purify the hearth and home.

As Imbolc Approaches

Imbolc/Candlemas Comments
As Imbolc Approaches

a guide to the Sabbat’s symbolism

by Arwynn MacFeylynnd

Date: February 1 or 2.

Alternative names: Imbolg, Candlemas, Oimelc, Brighid’s Day, Lupercus, the Feast of Lights, Groundhog’s Day

Primary meanings: The name “Imbolc” derives from the word “oimelc,” meaning sheep’s milk. It is considered a time of purification, preparation and celebration for new life stirring, anticipating spring. The holiday is also known as Candlemas; the custom of blessing candles at this time signifies awakening of life and honors the Celtic goddess Brighid, to whom fire is sacred. This Sabbat also celebrates banishing winter.

Symbols: Candle wheels, grain dollies and Sun wheels, a besom (witch’s broom), a sprig of evergreen, a bowl of snow and small Goddess statues representing her in the maiden aspect.

Colors: White, yellow, pink, light blue, light green; also, red and brown.

Gemstones: Amethyst, aquamarine, turquoise, garnet and onyx.

Herbs: Angelica, basil, bay, benzoin, clover, dill, evergreens, heather, myrrh, rosemary, willows and all yellow flowers.

Gods and goddesses: Brighid, the Celtic goddess of healing, poetry and smithcraft; all virgin and maiden goddesses; all fire and flame gods, connected with the newborn Sun.

Customs and myths: In Irish legends of the Tuatha De Danaan, Brighid is the name of three daughters of Dagda who over time were combined into one goddess. She was venerated in Scotland, Wales, on the Isle of Man and in the Hebrides. When celebrating Candlemas or Imbolc, spellwork for fertility, inspiration and protection are appropriate, defining and focusing on spiritual and physical desires for the future. Imbolc is a good time to get your life in order — physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. Make plans, organize, clean out drawers and closets to bring in the new and clearing out the old. Make and bless candles; light one in each room in honor of the Sun’s rebirth. Carry out rites of self-purification. Burn mistletoe, holly and ivy decorations from Yule to signify the end of harsh weather and old ways.

The Wicca Book of Days for Wednesday, November 4th – Mischief-making Night


November 4th

Mischief-making Night


In northern England, “Mischief Night” is the traditional time for harmless pranks and tricks to be played by young people on their elders, who refrain from disciplining them for these misdeeds. This is a healthy celebration of the right to be different, or outside society’s mainstream, and of our tolerance of diversity of faith and belief. While the distinction between Mischief Night and Halloween has faded in most places, its origins on this night are still celebrated in some communities.


Queen Hyacinth

This is a good time to plant hyacinth bulbs, which can be used in love magick. Choose the color with your lover or intended lover, in mind, and plant the bulbs either in an indoor container or in a well-drained, sunny outdoor spot. When the fragrant hyacinth blooms in the Spring, you may use their petals in a spell.



The Wicca Book of Days
Observances, Traditions and Lore for Every Day of the Year

Selena Eilidth Ash


Water Protection

Water Protection

Items You Will Need:

  • 1 small pot
  • 3 cups of Water (tap will work but spring water is better)
  • 1 handful of Rose petals
  • 1 small polished stone
  • 1 piece of bark (oak works best)
  • 1 Heat Source
  • 1 Wooden Spoon
  • 1 Strainer
  • 1 bowl

The Spell:

Add the water to the pot and put it on the heat source until it comes to a boil. Add the piece of bark in the water and wait about five minutes. Next add the rose petals turn off the heat source. Let cool and drop in rock. Use the wooden spoon to stir it around for a while.  Put the mixture through the strainer and have liquid land in the bowl.  Take the potion and put it on your finger make a line on your forehead and down your arms.  Sit and say

  Spirits of Water hear my Plea  Evil threatens me  Belief of attacks surround me  Protect me from the monstrosities  Let them fall like the tide

Calendar of the Moon for May 15th

Calendar of the Moon
15 Saille/Mounukhion

Day of the Honeysuckle

Color: Apricot
Element: Earth
Altar: Upon an apricot cloth set a vase of honeysuckle vines collected earlier and forced to bud, a single apricot candle, a pot of soil, flower seeds, a bowl of water, and a bell.
Offerings: Plant seeds. Be tender toward someone or something.
Daily Meal: Vegan

Invocation to the Green Man of the Honeysuckle Vine

Hail, Green Man of the Spring!
Honeysuckle of the twining limbs
Falling across hedge and fence,
Delight of children and lovers
Whose heady scent intoxicates,
You sacrifice to us your tender flowers
And grow anew each year.
Teach us, honeysuckle, that tenderness
Is never weakness
And that which is easily withered
Can also be that
Which is most easily regenerated,
And that which is softest
Can be strongest.
We hail you, sacred honeysuckle,
Green Man of the Spring,
On this your moment of sweetest nectar.

Flower of the dawn
Flower of the morning
Flower of the day
Through the springtime turning

(Each comes forward and plants a seed in the pot of soil, saying, “Hail Green Man of the Earth!” Water is poured onto the pot, and then the rest is poured out as a libation. Ring bell and dismiss.)

[Pagan Book of Hours]

Making Gemstone water

Making Gemstone water

Making gemstone water is actually very simple, you will need the following ‘ingredients’ for this:
* a glass vessel
* a gemstone
* bottled spring water or boiled (and cooled) tapwater
* a windowsill

Before you start making gemstone water you will have to make the choice whether you wish to use the energies of the sun or the energies of the moon. The sun will charge your gemstone water with soothing, soft and warm energies while the various moon phases will give a different result.

The Moon phases:
Waxing Moon: The energies of the waxing moon are suited for new projects, new relations and to plant new ‘seeds’.
Full Moon: The Full Moon is the symbol of positive magick, blessing, creativity, healing and reinforcement.
Waning Moon: The energies of the waning moon are connected to get rid of bad habits, negative thoughts and to build down things, to purge yourself from all negativity from the outside world, but also from within yourself.
New Moon: The New Moon is the time of death, a time to stop and look inside yourself and to realize that you can always start again, no matter what happened to you. It is the time to halt an illness or a pattern of thoughts and give it a positive spin.

It is therefore important to ask yourself for which purpose you wish to use the gemstone water before you start.

Put the stone in the glass vessel and fill it up to 3/4 with spring water or the cooled down tapwater. Put the vessel with the stone in it on your windowsill for 12 hours and leave it to ‘charge’ there without interruption. If you have decided to make use of the energies of the sun, you should take into account that certain stones may discolour in direct sunlight.

You can enhance your immune system by drinking a few glasses of gemstone water every day, but you may also use it to wash your face and/or hands, especially for skin disorders it is advisable to use Aventurine water to wash yourself. Next to that it is also possible to give your plants this water, the stones that are highly suited for this are Jade and Moss Agate.

Text © copyright Branwynn Annwn. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. No portion of this issue may be reproduced and/or disclosed publicly in any way, shape or form without the written permission of the editor/author Branwynn Annwn. Feel free to share with a friend.

The Wicca Book of Days for March 21 – Aries, the Ram

The Wicca Book of Days for March 21

Aries, the Ram

The arrival of the Spring, or Vernal Equinox – which usually falls on March 21, give or take a day – also marks the start of the astrological year as the zodiacal month of Pisces gives way to that of Aries, the Ram. Imagine a headstrong ram lowering its head, kicking u its heels, and charging forward, and you’ll understand the kind of springtime energy that Aries unleashes. And small wonder: its influences are Mars, which supplies bloody-mindedness and aggression; fire, which provides hot-blooded energy; a masculine, or positive, polarity, which removes inhibitions; and a cardinal quadruplicity, which contributes initiative and pushiness.

Furze Day

According to the Celtic tree month calendar, March 21 is the day of the Furze (or gorse). You could mark this by bringing a sprig of Furze (Ulex) inside, for instance or researching the Gorse (Ulex europeaus) Bach Flower Remedy.

How To Hold an Ostara Ritual for Solitaries

How To Hold an Ostara Ritual for Solitaries

By Patti Wigington, About.com Guide

Ostara is a time of balance. It is a time of equal parts light and dark. At Mabon, we have this same balance, but the light is leaving us. Today, six months later, it is returning. Spring has arrived, and with it comes hope and warmth. Deep within the cold earth, seeds are beginning to sprout. In the damp fields, the livestock are preparing to give birth. In the forest, under a canopy of newly sprouted leaves, the animals of the wild ready their dens for the arrival of their young. Spring is here.

Difficulty: Average
Time Required: Varied

Here’s How:

  1. For this ritual, you’ll want to decorate your altar with symbols of the season. Think about all the colors you see in nature at this time of year — bright daffodils, crocuses, plump tulips, green shoots — and incorporate them into your altar. This is also a time of fertility in the natural world — the egg is the perfect representation of this aspect of the season. Symbols of young animals such as lambs, chicks, and calves are also great altar adornments for Ostara.

  2. In addition, you’ll need the following:

    • Three candles — one yellow, one green, and one purple
    • A bowl of milk
    • A small bowl of honey or sugar

    Perform this ritual outside if at all possible, in the early morning as the sun rises. It’s spring, so it may be a bit chilly, but it’s a good time to reconnect with the earth. If your tradition normally requires you to cast a circle, do so now.

  3. Begin by taking a moment to focus on the air around you. Inhale deeply, and see if you can smell the change in the seasons. Depending on where you live, the air may have an earthy aroma, or a rainy one, or even smell like green grass. Sense the shift in energy as the Wheel of the Year has turned. Light the green candle, to symbolize the blossoming earth. As you light it, say:

    The Wheel of the Year turns once more,
    and the vernal equinox arrives.
    Light and dark are equal,
    and the soil begins to change.
    The earth awakes from its slumber,
    and new life springs forth once more.

  4. Next, light the yellow candle, representing the sun. As you do so, say:

    The sun draws ever closer to us,
    greeting the earth with its welcoming rays.
    Light and dark are equal,
    and the sky fills with light and warmth.
    The sun warms the land beneath our feet,
    and gives life to all in its path.

  5. Finally, light the purple candle. This one represents the Divine in our lives — whether you call it a god or a goddess, whether you identify it by name or simply as a universal life force, this is the candle which stands for all the things we do not know, all those things we cannot understand, but that are the sacred in our daily lives. As you light this candle, focus on the Divine around and within you. Say:

  6. Spring has come! For this, we are thankful!
    The Divine is present all around,
    in the cool fall of a rain storm,
    in the tiny buds of a flower,
    in the down of a newborn chick,
    in the fertile fields waiting to be planted,
    in the sky above us,
    and in the earth below us.
    We thank the universe* for all it has to offer us,
    and are so blessed to be alive on this day.
    Welcome, life! Welcome, light! Welcome, spring!


  7. Take a moment and meditate on the three flames before you and what they symbolize. Consider your own place within these three things — the earth, the sun, and the Divine. How do you fit into the grand scheme of things? How do you find balance between light and dark in your own life?

    Finally, blend the milk and honey together, mixing gently. Pour it onto the ground around your altar space as an offering to the earth**. As you do, you may wish to say something like:

    I make this offering to the earth,
    As thanks for the many blessings I have received,
    And those I shall some day receive.

  8. Once you have made your offering, stand for a minute facing your altar. Feel the cool earth beneath your feet, and the sun on your face. Take in every sensation of this moment, and know that you are in a perfect place of balance between light and dark, winter and summer, warmth and cold — a time of polarity and harmony.

    When you are ready, end the ritual.


  1. * Instead of “the Universe”, feel free to insert the name of your patron deity or the gods of your tradition here.
  2. ** If you’re doing this rite indoors, take your bowl of milk and honey and pour it in your garden, or around your yard.

What You Need

  • Three candles – yellow, green and purple
  • A bowl of milk
  • A small bowl of honey or sugar
  • Seasonal decorations for your altar



You’ll need a few large apples, cinnamon, yarrow, spring water, salt, and a enameled or cast-iron saucepan.
These are often associated with love and passion.
If it is to your orientation, it is often helpful to bless or consecrate these components.
Concentrate on your goal while preparing this potion:
Slice the apples place them into the saucepan, coat with cinnamon, and cover with yarrow.
Put in enough water to submerge the contents and add a small sprinkling of salt.
Stir clockwise on low heat, incanting a love charm of your own making.
Bring to a simmer for about 90 minutes, strain and place into a dark jar.
Put a few drops into your favorite aftershave or cologne and wear it every 4 days.
The magic stays after the scent fades.

Imblc – Brigid’s Well Spell

Imbolc – Brigid’s Well Spell

To Heal Or Bring General Good Health

Purpose:  To ease ill-health or bring well-being in the coming year.

Background:  Imbolc is also known as the Feast of Brigid, a well-beloved Irish Goddess renowned as a patron of healing. Many springs and rivers are sacred to her, bearing features of her name, in Brittany, England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, but her strongest association with the healing power of waters is with wells.

In pre-Christian times, people venerated the genii loci, or “spirits of place,” of natural locations that were considered particularly sacred springs and wells, sources of water that came up from the earth, were considered very special, and healing properties, including cures for eye and skin problems, became attributed to many of those associated with Brigid. In this spell, you will be recreating Brigid’s Well in symbol, in the form of a pottery or stone bowl or cup. Since Brigid’s Healing Well is a spiritual symbol, this recreation is just as valid as if you had applied to the spirit of a well in Kildare, in Ireland, or a river in Wales. You may make up to three requests for healing, including one for general good health, as appropriate.

How to cast the Spell

Items You Will Need:

  • Six white candles, 6-8″ in length
  • One stone or pottery cup or bowl
  • Three small beach pebbles
  • One small cup of salt
  • Spring water
  • Matches

Timing:  Cast this spell at Imbolc

Casting the Spell:

  • Place the candles all around the cup.
  • Name each stone as an ailment you wish healed, as appropriate, sprinkling a pinch of salt over each. Breathe onto them, saying:

By my breath.

  • Cover them with your hands, saying:

By my flesh.

  • Place the in the cup, and cover them with water, saying:

By the living waters of Brigid, may health prevail and good reside.

  • Light each candle, saying:

Hail, Lady of Fire.

  • Hold your palms toward the flames and close your eyes, then visualize dark stains on the stones dissolving in the water, rising to the surface to be burned away in the candle flames.
  • Chant the following until you feel the energies in the circle rise:

Earth, water, flame

Work in Her name

Earth, water, fire

Work my desire.

Discharge the energy raised by raising your hands into the air and mentally releasing it.

  • Return the stones to a beach as soon as possible after Imbolc night.
 The Spells Bible
The Definitive Guide to Charms and Enchantments
Ann-Marie Gallagher

Moon Water Healing Potion

Moon Water Healing Potion


1 – Place sacred objects in a cauldron or glass bowl.

2 – Cover them with pure spring water.

3 – Expose this water to moonlight over night.

4 – In the morning drink the water or use it to bathe with.

Although this spell is specifically recommended for digestive disorders, it may be beneficial for other health ailments as well.




The best time to perform this spell is during the Full Moon, although, you can
also do it on a Friday during the Waxing Moon.
-Bowl of spring water
-herbs for beauty, such as lavender and catnip,
-a white rose that has been separated from the stem, -mirror.
A ritual bath or purification ritual is recommended before performing this spell to
sort-of ‘clean the slate’ and allow magic to start anew.
Cast the circle and become calm and centered. Sit or stand facing the West.
Pour the spring water into the bowl and hold it up to the Western corner. Say:
I hail to the West and the forces of Water.
Hear and aid me in this magick tonight.
Grant me your beauty,
Shape and form this face and body
and let me radiate with self-love.
With harm towards none,
and for the free will of all, So mote it be.
Set afloat the rose on top of the water and stir it with your fingers three times round in a clockwise motion.
Take the flower out of the water and hold it in your hands. Say:
By the powers of the West,
The forces of Water,
I charge this flower with love.
Beauty is here,
It shines with the power.
Beauty is here,
Contained in this flower.
Keep the flower in a box along with catnip and/or lavender to remind you of your true beauty.
If a friend or loved one needs the power of love and beauty, tell them the story of the rose you
have blessed and give them the rose to continue it’s power. I hope you enjoyed this spell, and
I hope you see the true beauty with your hearts.

Spirit Water

A glass of pure spring water is typically maintained on an altar, to call in spirits and feed the ancestors. Many find Spirit Water a stronger substitute. This is a favorite of the Spiritualist, community and may be used to summon your own ancestral spirits, or in seances or other necromantic spells.

1.     Add one tablespoon of anisette to a glass of spring water.

2.     Place it on the altar instead of, or in addition to, the standard glass of plain spring water.

Spirit Summoning Spells

Summoning a person is usually straight-forward. Call them on the telephone, drop them a note. Faxes and e-mails are instantaneous. If you’re patient, you could show up on their doorstep and await their inevitable arrival home. But how do you summon a spirit?

Straightforward methods exist as well as more complex ones. There are a lot of ways. Ancient theurgists used to call spirits with spinning tops. Some spirits respond if their name is called while others only respond to elaborate spells and rituals. It’s possible to summon generic “benevolent” spirits or summon a specific one by name. It is usually wisest to know exactly whom you’re summoning.

Some traditions consider that it’s safest or necessary to contact a gatekeeper spirit who will then summon the actual spirit for you. Essentially you are summoning a spirit to summon spirits for you. Although whether you choose to do this depends largely upon the tradition you follow, it is a wise practice if you are in the habit of summoning “generic” spirits. Summoning spirits without being very familiar with their identity and personality is a little like living in a very busy metropolis, throwing your front door open and inviting just anyone to enter. Always remember that, as with any guest, it’s easier to invite them in than to ask them to leave.

Gate guardian spirits may be petitioned to only permit benevolent or kind spirits through and bar the gate to malicious spirits. These gate guardians include:

  • Elegba

  • Exu

  • Hecate

  • Hermes

  • Maria Padilha Pomga Gira

These spirits guard the crossroads, permitting and denying access as they deem fit.

Spirits are summoned via:

*Fragrance: In ancient Egypt, it was believed that every spirit possessed it own characteristic scent, sort of like the ghost in the move “The Uninvited.” The sudden appearance of the fragrance signaled the spirit’s presence. This fragrance becomes a summoning device: when you introduce the fragrance to atmosphere, you’re effectively extending an invitation. General magickal wisdom suggests that beautiful, aromatic fragrance (gardenia, frankincense, sandalwood) summon beautiful, powerful, benevolent spirits. Likewise offensive, foul, malodorous fragrances summon malicious, mean-spirited, malignant, destructive spirit forces.

*Altars on which they recognize themselves: Every spirit has one or more attribute: objects, emblems, birds, animal, minerals or things that represent their power or whose essence they share manipulating these objects like a tableau extends visual invitations. Hence a glass of spring water and a dish of honey beckons Oshun; she is sweet water and honey, each shares the same essence.

*Offerings: In general, spirits are not above bribery but rather consider it their due. Attract their attention and lure them to your side by offering whatever they love, whatever most attracts them and invigorates them.

Element Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells
by Judika Illes