The Wicca Book of Days for Wednesday, November 4th – Mischief-making Night


November 4th

Mischief-making Night


In northern England, “Mischief Night” is the traditional time for harmless pranks and tricks to be played by young people on their elders, who refrain from disciplining them for these misdeeds. This is a healthy celebration of the right to be different, or outside society’s mainstream, and of our tolerance of diversity of faith and belief. While the distinction between Mischief Night and Halloween has faded in most places, its origins on this night are still celebrated in some communities.


Queen Hyacinth

This is a good time to plant hyacinth bulbs, which can be used in love magick. Choose the color with your lover or intended lover, in mind, and plant the bulbs either in an indoor container or in a well-drained, sunny outdoor spot. When the fragrant hyacinth blooms in the Spring, you may use their petals in a spell.



The Wicca Book of Days
Observances, Traditions and Lore for Every Day of the Year

Selena Eilidth Ash