Spell for Today – Protection from Someone – Printable

A Few Simple Hoodoo Spells for Protection


To Keep Someone From Using Foot Track Spells Against You

– Red Pepper
– Your Right Shoe
Place the red pepper inside your right shoe to prevent foot track spells from being able to latch on to you.


Silver Dime to Prevent Hoodoo

– Silver Dime
– Drill
– Leather Throng
Drill a hole into the silver dime and string it with the leather throng. Wearing this amulet will protect you from others attempting to Hoodoo you.


Rattle Snake Skin For Protection Against Bewitchment

Ingredients: – Shed Rattle Snake Skin
Carry the shed rattlesnake skin on your person to prevent others from bewitching you. (If you kill the snake it will not work the reason being that any bewitchment cast on you will rebound to the snake.)


To Protect Against Evil Forces

Ingredients: – Horseshoe
Place the horseshoe over top your front door to keep evil forces from entering the home.


Cinnamon Bath for Protection Against Evil Forces

– Cinnamon
– Bath
Tub Run a bath sprinkling in ground cinnamon. Make sure to fully submerge yourself to wash away any negative influences that may have attached themselves to you.


Gray’s Pocket Book Of Hoodoo Protection Spells: (Gray’s Pocket Books Series Book 3)
Deran Gray

Spell for Today – Guard Spell

Guard Spell


A powerful Eath-based magic spell that guards the psychic boundaries of its worker and provides safe haven from evil magic spells cast by others.

You will need:

A smooth, black stone
A beeswax candle
A small plastic bag
Approximately 1/2 cup of soil
A piece of twine


In your home, on the setting of the sun, on the morning of a Thursday, light your beeswax candle and place it on a flat surface, preferably a tabletop.

Form a small pile of soil and lay your stone on top of it on the tabletop, not too near the candle. Next, speak aloud the following words:

Earth of birth,
Breath of death,
Guard the holder,
Of this stone.

Next, place the stone and the soil in the plastic bag and tie it closed with the twine. Then extinguish the candle.

Hide the bag of soil with the stone in it in a safe place for three days, Then remove the stone from the bag and dump the soil onto the ground outdoors. Carry the stone with you as a guard stone.

Benefits of Casting a New Year’s Eve Protection Spell, Tips for Making the Most of Your New Year’s Eve Protection Spell, and Common Mistakes to Avoid When Casting a New Year’s Eve Protection Spell

From eclecticwitchcraft.com

Benefits of Casting a New Year’s Eve Protection Spell

Casting a New Year’s Eve Protection Spell can provide many benefits. It can help to create a safe and secure environment for the coming year, allowing you to focus on your goals and dreams without fear or worry.

The spell also helps to purify and cleanse any negative energies that may be lingering from the past year, allowing you to start fresh in the new year.

Additionally, this spell can help to open up your intuition and raise your vibration, allowing you to better connect with the Universe and manifest your desires. Finally, this spell can help to protect you from any negative influences or energies that may be present in the coming year.

Tips for Making the Most of Your New Year’s Eve Protection Spell

Once you have cast your New Year’s Eve Protection Spell, there are a few tips to help you make the most of it:

  1. Take a few moments each day to visualize the protective shield of light surrounding you and your space.
  2. Speak aloud your intention for the spell each day, reinforcing its power.
  3. Carry a small piece of salt with you as a reminder of the protection that the spell provides.
  4. Spend time in nature to connect with the elements and draw on their energy for protection and renewal.
  5. Make sure to take time for self-care and relaxation, as this will help to keep your energy balanced and protected.
  6. Call upon planetary energies for additional protection and guidance. Planets that can offer energy and protection in the new year are Jupiter, Saturn, and the Moon.
  7. Finally, remember to thank the Universe or the gods for their protection and guidance.

By following these tips, you can make sure that your New Year’s Eve Protection Spell is working to its fullest potential.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Casting a New Year’s Eve Protection Spell

When casting a New Year’s Eve Protection Spell, it is important to be mindful of the common mistakes that can occur. One of the most common mistakes is not setting a clear intention for the spell. Without an intention, the spell will lack focus and power.

There are times when it can be tempting to rush through the spell, but it is important to take your time and focus on each step. This will ensure that the spell is done correctly and with the right amount of energy.

Protection spells are very powerful, but if you do things that put you into a spiritually weak position, your protections can become fragile. Be sure to stay aligned with your highest self in what you do magically. If your highest self wouldn’t curse someone for stealing your parking spot, you probably shouldn’t either.

Finally, it is important to remember that protection spells are not a substitute for taking practical steps to protect yourself physically. While the spell can help to create a safe and secure environment, it is still important to take precautions such as locking your doors at night or avoiding dangerous situations.

By following these tips and avoiding common mistakes, you can ensure that your New Year’s Eve Protection Spell is effective and powerful.


How to Cast a New Year’s Eve Protection Spell

From eclecticwitchcraft.com

New Year’s Eve is a liminal time where the energies around us are more susceptible to change. As we look upon a new year full of possibilities and opportunities, it is important to start off the right way. Protecting ourselves, our family, and our space is something essential to do before we commence into the new year.

A New Year’s Eve Protection Spell can be a powerful tool to keep us safe and supported as we let go of the old year and prepare for the future.

Protection spells are powerful rituals that aim to safeguard oneself or one’s home from danger and harm. It is a fairly universal magical rite, often using symbols such as mirrors or images of guardian angels, to channel protective energies and ward off malicious intentions.

This type of spell often involves the use of charms, talismans and incantations; sacred objects like crystals, herbs and special tools may also be used to assist in the spell’s power.

Spell for Today – Protection from Someone – Printable

Spell for Today – To Dispel Nightmares

What You WIll Need

  • 1 White scarf
  • 4 cloves
  • pinch of basil
  • pinch of ground sage
  • Soothing essential oil such as lavender or vanilla
  • Quill with black ink
  • white ribbon

Lay the scarf out and olace the spices (ground sage, 4 cloves, basil) into the scarf and add 2 drops of oil. Gather the scarf at the top (like a moneybag) and tie it with the ribbon. On the outside of the scarf draw the nightmare that that follow you.

Place the scarf under your pillow and sleep with it there.

Spell for Today – Herbal Protection Bath

From freewitchspells.com

This spell is intended to add extra protection to you personally, not your home like the two spells above. The exact amounts of the herbs are up to you.

You need:

  • Rosemary
  • Rue
  • Lavender
  • Basil (fresh if possible)
  • Mint
  • A handful of coarse salt

Run a hot bath, and toss in all your herbs and the salt. Let the bath steep for a few minutes before getting in. Sit and soak for a while, visualizing that your body is picking up protective energy from all the herbs in the water.

When you’re done, save a bit of the water and herbs in a bowl and toss it outside.

(SIDE NOTE: Unless you want to get out of your bath with herbs sticking all over you, put each herb in its own bag or put all of them in one bag. Then swish the bags around in the water for a while before you get in it. This will infuse the water with the herbs,)

An Invaluable Herbal Grimoire Reference Guide

By Graphia, The Wordsmith Witch

No matter what your spiritual path looks like, every Witch can benefit from possessing a thorough, comprehensive Herbal Grimoire. Many practitioners include such contents as a guide for the magical correspondences of different herbs, a list of various herbal substitutions for spellcrafting, and last, but not least – a reference section that lists commonly found baneful herbs and their toxicity levels.

Photo by Skitterphoto on Pexels.com

This herb correspondence chart is the culmination of years of research. We hope this reference guide will help you to understand the magical properties of herbs, roots, flowers, barks and resins. It is our goal to provide others with accurate sources of information to enrich their lives and their Craft. What are some ways you can implement the information in the following guide into your own practice?  Click on the link below to view the chart.

Herbal Grimoire

Spell for Today – Psychic Protection Spell

Psychic Protection Spell

This is an ancient spell for repelling psychic attacks. If you believe you are under psychic attack, you will need to follow the directions of this spell closely and repeating the magical words and continuing to recite them until the attack subsides.
The Spell:

You will need:

The magic words
A place for quiet concentration
Privacy (initially)

If you believe you are under psychic attack, repeat the following words and continue to recite them until the attack subsides.

Repeat as follows:

Keeper of the keys, eternal spirit of the moon, I summon thee by the authority of the spirits of darkness and light. Come now and hold back this force, which threatens. Thrust out your mighty hand that none may pass but those proved friend not foe. Grant passage not to those who would do harm, nor allow they suffer upon my mind their evil wills. Keeper of the keys, eternal spirit of the moon, stand fast.

Psychic attacks are normally brief due to their very nature. Only the most powerful of attackers would be able to sustain an enduring attack.

Note: If you find you are under frequent psychic attack, it would behoove you to work several long-lasting protection spells for the warding-off of evil intrusions and for protection of one’s home. The spell for Protection of One’s Mind is an excellent deterrent spell and offers continuous general psychic protection.

Spell for Today – Strengthen Your Psychic Shield


The night before the Full Moon, find a place where your altar will not be disturbed for 24 hours. Put the cauldron in the center with a red candle on the right side, black candle of the left side, and white candle in the back; but do not light them yet.

Sprinkle a mixture of equal parts of elder blossoms, marjoram, mint and rue in an unbroken circle around the cauldron. Into a tiny vial, measure equal drops of clove, frankincense, jasmine, and lavender. Set the sealed bottle in the cauldron and leave until the night of the Full Moon.

On Full Moon night, take a cleansing bathe and robe yourself in white. Carry a good protective or purification incense through every room in the house. Make certain that the smoke drifts into closets.

Return to the altar and light the candles. Take up the dagger or sword. Face the East and raise the sword in salute. To salute in this manner, simply hold the sword point upward in front of you. Say:

By the power of the rising sun, all evil in my life is done.
Turn to the South, salute, say:
By the power of darkening night, my shield is strong, my armor tight.
Turn to the North, salute, say:
By Full Moon in blackening sky, I am not alone. My help is nigh.
The Goddess’s hands around me stay, To keep me safe by night and day.
Begone, foul spirits, unbidden here. I send you back, I do not fear.
For I have won. I am set free. You have no further power over me.

Face the altar and take up the vial of oil. Put a drop of oil on your finger and anoint your forehead, heart, solar plexus, wrists and ankles. As you do this, visualize a shining blue suit of armor slowly descending over your body until you are entirely protected. Cap the bottle and store in a safe place.


Thank the Powers for their help and extinguish the candles.
Apply the oil and repeat the chants whenever you feel the armor is slipping.

Spell for Today – Spell to Strengthen Your Psychic Shield


Spell to Strengthen Your Psychic Shield

The night before the Full Moon, find a place where your altar will not be disturbed for 24 hours. Put the cauldron in the center with a red candle on the right side, black candle of the left side, and white candle in the back; but do not light them yet.

Sprinkle a mixture of equal parts of elder blossoms, marjoram, mint and rue in an unbroken circle around the cauldron. Into a tiny vial, measure equal drops of clove, frankincense, jasmine, and lavender. Set the sealed bottle in the cauldron and leave until the night of the Full Moon.

On Full Moon night, take a cleansing bathe and robe yourself in white. Carry a good protective or purification incense through every room in the house. Make certain that the smoke drifts into closets. Return to the altar and light the candles.

Take up the dagger or sword. Face the East and raise the sword in salute. To salute in this manner, simply hold the sword point upward in front of you. Say:

By the power of the rising sun,
all evil in my life is done.

Turn to the South, salute, say:

By the power of darkening night,
my shield is strong, my armor tight.

Turn to the North, salute, say:

By Full Moon in blackening sky, I am not alone.
My help is nigh. The Goddess’s hands around me stay,
To keep me safe by night and day.
Begone, foul spirits, unbidden here.
I send you back, I do not fear.
For I have won. I am set free.
You have no further power over me.

Face the altar and take up the vial of oil. Put a drop of oil on your finger and anoint your forehead, heart, solar plexus, wrists and ankles. As you do this, visualize a shining blue suit of armor slowly descending over your body until you are entirely protected. Cap the bottle and store in a safe place.

Thank the Powers for their help and extinguish the candles. Apply the oil and repeat the chants whenever you feel the armor is slipping.

Spell – Home Protection Powder: A Simple Spell Recipe


Home Protection Powder: A Simple Spell Recipe

From spells8.com

Whether you just moved into a new home or you’ve been living in your home for a while, it is always a good idea to cast a protection spell over your space. This process doesn’t have to be elaborate or complicated. In fact, it generally involves about two steps: cleansing the space and then protecting it. Any other steps in the process are entirely optional and can add to the potency of your spell. If you are in search of a simple protection spell for your home, be sure to read this post to the very end!

Why bother about the energy of your home?

Believe it or not, the energy of your home can have an effect on your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. This energy usually accumulates over time, but certain factors can play a role in how quickly unpleasant energy settles into your spaces. For example, if you spend a lot of time in emotionally charged situations during the day, you may end up bringing some unpleasant energy home with you. This energy may accumulate faster than if you spent your days in more pleasant or neutral situations. Surrounding yourself with unpleasant energies could lead you to feeling drained, grouchy, and generally not spiritually well in your own home.

Energy can also accumulate due to other people in your life. This includes people you let into your home such as family, friends, and even employees, and people that don’t come into your home but still send their energy in your direction. Putting up a magical protective barrier around your home can help to protect against physical damage such as break-ins, storms, or similar. It can also help protect your home against magical or psychic attacks from others or keep a wandering spirit from making itself too comfortable.

Clearing your home of unpleasant energies and protecting it from external energetic forces is very simple. Keep reading for some tips to get you started.

Make a Connection

Whether you are an animist or not, spend some time in your space. Light some incense if you want, play some nice music, and meditate in the heart of your home. Close your eyes and focus on your surroundings. Your home knows what it needs. If you listen well enough, it will tell you.

Clearing it Out

Once you’ve made the decision to clear out the energy from your home, it’s time to get to work. But what does clearing a space even mean? Well, you are going to be removing all energy from the space. This process clears out the energy, both good, bad, and otherwise, to leave room to call in what you want. If it makes it easier, you can think of this as an energetic cleaning rather than a physical one, though the two may look similar and utilize similar tools. This is step one of a good home protection spell.

One of the easiest methods of clearing a space is to clear it as you clean it. Charge your cleaning supplies with your magickal intention. You can do this by holding them firmly or holding your hands over them and speaking your words of intention over them. This could sound something like, “As I physically clean my space, so too do my cleaning supplies clear my home of unwanted energies and entities.” Then you use them to physically clean your space. At the same time, the energy you put forward to charge your supplies will also magickally clear the space.

Another method of clearing your space would be through the use of smoke or sound. You can burn special incense or herbs that have cleansing properties. One popular herb to burn for cleansing is rosemary, but any that you find clearing will work just as well. If you can’t use smoke you can cleanse with sound through clapping or bells. You can also use homemade cleansing sprays, too.

Calling it In

Once you’ve cleared your space, you will want to call something in to fill it. This step is optional, but keep in mind that nature doesn’t like a vacuum and nothing is truly empty for long. Use this step to call in the energy you want in your home. This can be done by playing some calming music, burning some relaxing or joyful incense, or decorating your home with pleasant flowers. Again, this can all be customized to suit your needs and desires for your space.

Choose Your Ingredients

Once your space is cleared and you have called in the energy you want, now it’s time to protect that energy. We are going to be making a salt powder to be used at the thresholds of our home. For this step, be sure to have some salt on hand. Salt is a wonderful protective ingredient to use in your powders, and for this recipe, it is the base ingredient. Salt is good for repelling and absorbing negative energy, keeping the energy that crosses your threshold in line with your intentions.

Along with salt, here are some more ideas of protective herbs you can include in your recipe.



Bay Leaf


Black Salt

Simple Home Protection Spell

Recipe by Francisco Huanaco

This powder is designed to protect your home with good energy and keep it free from problems. Support the magickal maintenance of your home with this protection powder.


  • Salt – absorbs and repels negative energy

  • Rosemary – for protection (can substitute other protective herbs)

  • Jar or Bowl – for mixing the ingredients together


  • Get your Salt

    Salt is protective and also repels negative energy. It is a good foundational ingredient for any witch to have and makes a simple base for our spell.
  • Get your Rosemary

    Rosemary is an herb that is commonly used for protection. In this case, you can use dried rosemary, fresh rosemary, or even substitute with an essential oil or other protective herb.
  • Mix it Together

    In your bowl, mix the salt and your protective herbs together. As you mix them, you can call on your guides, Gods, or other spirit allies to help you if you want. Stir in a clockwise motion to combine the ingredients as you say the following.
  • Sprinkle it Around

    With your mantra or affirmation in mind, sprinkle the salt mixture along every threshold and entry into your home. Include all doors, windows, and walkways. You can even repeat the above incantation if you’d like, drawing on the energy of the salt mixture as you do so.

The Witches Magick for Sunday, March 24 – HOME PROTECTION WARD


A ward is something that protects or defends, and when placed around a home it works like a barrier, preventing negativity from entering. However, you have to check on this regularly, just like a wall used to defend a city. How often you need to refresh your ward is completely dependant on your neighborhood and the sort of things following you home. I live in a nice little neighborhood, but right down the street is a not so nice one. Last December my car was stolen from our driveway while I was home by some kids that lived down the road. That being said, my ward needs refreshing rather often. Two to four times a year is usually good, but just remember to keep an eye on it. If you notice it needs refreshing, take down the old ward and reconstruct it.

My favorite ward ritual also comes from The Way of the Hedgewitch by Arin Murphy-Hiscock. Like her threshold protection spell, its easy, quick, and informal.

Candle with holder
Dish of water
Dish of earth or salt (you will be sprinkling this outside)
Incense of your choice
Matches or lighter

Light the candle and, beginning at your threshold or where ever you deem fit (I started in my back yard at the fence since it was easiest for me), walk clockwise around the outside of your home. As you do say:

“I build this boundary with fire.”

Repeat this over and over until you have walked completely around your home.

Next pick up the dish of earth. Again, walk around your home sprinkling dirt as you go.


“I build this boundary with earth.”

Pick up the incense and light it. Walk around your house for the last time repeating:

“I build this boundary with air.”

Standing at your threshold (or starting place), reach out your hands and visualize a shield of energy forming a bubble around your home and property. As you visualize say:

“Fire, water, earth, and air,
Guard this home against all ill will and danger.
Keep this house and those who live in it safe.
I declare this ward to be raised and active.”

And there you have it, a home protection ward! Now sometimes a ward needs to be dissolved. These times would be to refresh a ward, if you move, or if there are major changes that occur in your life or the life of the house, i.e. career change and remodeling.

To disolve a ward, walk counter-clockwise beginning at the same starting point you did to construct the ward. As you do so hold out your hand and visualize it slicing through your ward. As you walk say:

“I dissolve this ward.
You have my thanks for your protection in the past.
I release you with my blessing.”

A little word of warning about wards and protection barriers. If you are keeping something out you are also keeping something in. It is in your best interest to dissolve your barriers once in a while to let out any trapped energy.


–Flying the Hedge

The Witches Spell for November 19th: The Bottle Spell

The Witches Spell for November 19th: The Bottle Spell

(Variation of the Traditional Witch’s Bottle)

This spell can be used to neutralize the power of those who intend to hurt your reputation, in any way pose a threat to your security, or who want to do you physical harm.

Items You Will Need:
–black thread black ink or black ballpoint pin parchment paper
–1 bottle with a cork or mortar and pestle 1 white candle
–4 tablespoons orris-root (or oak moss) 4 tablespoons sea salt
–4 tablespoons black powdered iron (available at pottery shops where ironstone is made)
–4 tablespoons frankincense or myrrh

Mix the sea salt, orris-root powder, and iron in a bowl. Then cut a piece of parchment to fit inside your bottle and write on it in black ink:

“I neutralize the power of [name of your adversary] to do me any harm.
I ask that this be correct and for the good of all. So mote it be.”

Roll up the parchment, tie it with black thread to bind it, and place it in the bottle. Fill the bottle with the dry ingredients. Then take the white candle and, while turning the bottle counter clockwise, drip wax over the cork to seal it.

Last, secretly bury the bottle in a place where it will not be disturbed and no animal or person will dig it up. It should never be opened or the power of the spell is lost.

The Witches Magick for Monday, July 27 – Protection from Negative Energies


The Witches Magick for Monday, July 27 – Protection from Negative Energies

You will need:
1 black candle
Small mirror


Cast a circle and light the candle. Sprinkle the caraway on the candle’s flame (be careful!) and on the mirror. Close your eyes and imagine yourself surrounded by a magic shield… imagine the negative energies bouncing off your shield and returning to where they came from.
Open your eyes and stand facing North. Hold the mirror out in front of you, the reflective side pointing outward. Say these words:


“Mirror of Protection,
Stop the flow of negative energy in my direction!
May the energy be sent back to its source,
Let it harm none along its course!”


Now turn East and repeat the words for Air.

Repeat for Fire and Water. Close the Circle.