Spell for Today – Printable

Air Cleansing Spell

You will need the following items for this spell:


To help not only banish bad smells and toxins but also clear negativity and cleanse it.
Casting Instructions for ‘Air Cleansing Spell Spell’
Set up your altar as you see fit and invoke the gods of your pantheon. Perform first prayers and gift your offerings.Take your wand in hand and say the follwowing”Air and those of the air all around me,
no more will you carry ills and poison.
With a rod of lavender in hand be cleansed.
Air in me and air all around my home.
With this wand in hand now be cleansed.
Lords of the four winds and your maidens help me,
With you own staves of the might wands,
help me and cleanse the air I breathe”

Now start walking about the house and in each room, draw in the air a pentakle 3 times, and say the followings with each pentakle you draw:

“By the powers of air I banish thee,
I cleanse the air and make it clean.”

FROM: http://www.spellsofmagic.com/spells/spiritual_spells/banishing_spells/16641/page.html