Happy Birthday, Pisces! February 19 – March 19

Happy Birthday, Pisces!

Splish splash birthday bash! Celebrating the zodiac’s dreamy Fishes

Maria DeSimone  Maria DeSimone on the topics of pisces, birthdays, astrology

Are you ready to dream your most fantastic dream yet, Pisces? It’s your birthday and if there’s any sign who stores pixie dust in his or her soul … it’s you. When it’s your special day there is, indeed, a certain kind of magic in the air and you know how to tap into it like no one else. That’s because you’re a sign famous for being connected to everything that we cannot see, taste, touch, feel or smell, but know to be true in our hearts. It’s called faith, and you’ve got it in spades.

A whimsical birthday

Imagination is also one of your strengths. You’re probably quite talented in some type of creative pursuit and you’re also one of the most intuitive signs of the zodiac. In fact, you’re known as the psychic sponge. This is because you have a high degree of empathy — a capacity to literally feel someone else’s pain and suffering. You also have a deep yearning to help others heal from this pain. Your compassion runs deep. But don’t forget to take time for yourself on your special day. A few hours in solitude to meditate on your intentions for the year ahead will do wonders for your sense of well-being.

You can be so charitable that at times, you forget to draw healthy boundaries. Occasionally this can lead to others taking advantage of your kindness, mistaking it for weakness. But once you get a handle on this boundary situation, you’re typically the model for the rest of us when it comes to unconditional love. If a loved one forgets your birthday, you’re more likely than others to extend instant forgiveness. After all, this person has so much on their plate … you understand.

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