Spell For Tuesday –


Energy Building: Quick Chant to Manifest your Need

Want to help your need manifest faster? The key to helping your spells and intentions manifest faster is to have emotion and energy behind the intent! One of our favorite ways to raise energy, aside from drumming and dancing, is chanting! The elements are used heavily within this charm because they are the building blocks of existence on our plane.

This quick chant will help you find the rhythm of your circle’s energy, harness it, and add it to your spell. Simply:

  1. Begin chanting the following chant plus your spell.
  2. Feel the elemental building blocks of energy inside of your space.
  3. Know that they are aiding in your spell’s manifestation!
  4. When you feel the speed and energy of the chant mounting, dare to be silent and know that the charm has worked.

Quick Chant to Manifest your Need

This chant can be said with visualization or by passing your written spell over and through the elements as you say them. Always follow your heart and intuition.

As always, spells are worked best within a protective circle where energy can be contained and released intentionally.

Air for intellect

Fire to warm

Water for emotion

Earth to form

[Say your spell or intention for manifestation here]

Repeat as necessary.

Spell – War Water Recipe and Two Protection Spells



War Water Recipe


A jar


Iron nails (if possible try to find cut iron nails)

On a Tuesday (the day of Mars) put the iron nails in the jar and fill the jar with water. Leave the nails inside the jar for at least 15 days in a cool place (preferably your refrigerator as you will prevent bacteria to be cultivated in the water). For the first 7 days leave the jar unopened and then open periodically as air will speed up the oxidation process of the nails. The secret for this recipe is oxidation.

Strain the water from the jar and use as needed. You can keep adding water to the original jar with the iron nails indefinitely and you will have an infinite supply of Water of Mars. In addition, you can summon the God Mars to bless your water with his powers.

At this time, other ingredients may be added to the mix. These ingredients might include additional iron, graveyard dirt, thorns, urine, rotting oak leaves, and/or spanish moss.

Spanish Moss is a flowering plant that grows on trees in the South. It has become a common additive in War Water. It rots well in water giving the concoction a putrid or *swampy*smell and also a nice black color, which some prefer.

Protection Against Specific Spells Using War Water

To protect your home or apartment against the type of spell that is cast by placing something in the doorway or on the steps of a house, add two ounces of War Water to a mop bucket of water. Say a cleansing chant over the water to remove all negative influences from your doorway, yours steps and whatever else you intend to mop. Then mop the surfaces, wringing out the mop into another bucket. When you have finished, pour the mop water and the wringings into a street or a roadway.


Protection of Your Home Using War Water

This spell is especially suited to protecting a home from acts of violence whether the violence is psychic or physical. This spell may be done annually if desired. The best day to do this spell is around the 21st of June, the Summer Equinox. But if you can use it anytime especially in emergency.

Add two ounces of War Water to a mop bucket of water. Say a protection chant over the water. If you tradition involves praying to saints, you should pray in the name of St. John the Baptist. Lightly mop the house out, from top to bottom, front to back. Wring your mop into another bucket. Throw out the water and the wringings from the back door of the house if you have a back door. Rinse out the bucket and mop and pour the rinse water down the toilet. If you don’t have a back door, flush the water down the toilet and rinse out the bucket and mop and flush that water, too.

Spell for Today – 5 Pebbles Protection

Spell for Today – Healing Water Enchantment


From teaandrosemary.com

Healing Water Enchantment


  • A glass of water (that’s it!)

I prefer to use a glass, but you can use a plastic bottle if it’s all you have. Water is the perfect liquid to imprint with your intensions, so this spell is super simple but instantly powerful.

Hold the glass of water between your hands and say whatever you most need. For example:

My migraine is gone and I am full of health.

Close your eyes as you say these words and focus on putting all of your energy into the water. Raise as much energy as you can (I raise energy through my feet from the earth and send it out through my hands) and picture the outcome that you want. Do this for at least 2 minutes.

Once you have enchanted the water, drink it within the hour for optimal results.

New Moon Spells and Rituals

The New Moon means that no matter where you’ve been, today you get to start again! Have an auspicious start to this new cycle with a New Moon spell for a fresh beginning. Watch this video to learn about New Moon rituals: see the video for information.

The New Moon is a lunar phase that happens when the Moon is located exactly between the Earth and the Sun. Because its bright side cannot be seen from our planet, some people also call it a “Dark Moon“.

Looking for rituals? Visit Tonight’s Moon Spell Generator for a simple ritual AND a guided meditation based on today’s lunar phase, moon transit, and day of the week!

Or keep scrolling down and you’ll find a collection of spells for the new moon, including an easy spell that you can cast right now.

In this article, you’ll find:

New Moon Magic! ✨

Before we begin, make sure you know everything about Lunar Magic and what each moon phase represents.

  • There are 8 lunar phases and we can group them into 4 stages: New Moon, Waxing Moon, Full Moon, and Waning Moon.

Spiritually, the New Moon is associated with rebirth and new beginnings so it’s an ideal time to plant the seeds of what you would like to see grow in your life.

Instead of casting a manifestation spell, set an intention for the cycle that begins: Cleanse yourself and …


Click here for more New Moon Spells and Rituals from Spells8.com

Spell for Today – Healing Water Enchantment

From teaandrosemary.com

Healing Water Enchantment


  • A glass of water (that’s it!)

I prefer to use a glass, but you can use a plastic bottle if it’s all you have. Water is the perfect liquid to imprint with your intensions, so this spell is super simple but instantly powerful.

Hold the glass of water between your hands and say whatever you most need. For example:

My migraine is gone and I am full of health.

Close your eyes as you say these words and focus on putting all of your energy into the water. Raise as much energy as you can (I raise energy through my feet from the earth and send it out through my hands) and picture the outcome that you want. Do this for at least 2 minutes.

Once you have enchanted the water, drink it within the hour for optimal results.

Spell for Today – Rainy Day Spell Use Those Showers for Conjuring Powers

There’s an undeniable power that’s carried in on the dark thunderheads of a summer afternoon rain storm. The magick is tangible as foreboding gray seeps across the sky, sultry humidity brings weight to the air, and nature goes quiet in preparation for the downpour that’s about to begin. What starts as a gentle hum in the distance, a low grumble of strength, quickly grows into a wild display of energy, making trees dance at its feet and the sky split open with fiery intensity.

I mean, not that I pay that close of attention. I could take them or leave them.

Wait, thunderstorms are like boys, right? You gotta play it cool to reign them in?

Of course, this spell doesn’t have to be sequestered to summer. It can be used anytime you notice the sky sodden with potential, readied to exhale raw magick and manifestation upon the earth below. Just do me a favor and exercise common sense. A fried witch is useful to no one, so don’t run outside in the middle of violent lightning. Also, don’t play in traffic.


What You’ll Need:
The earth
A finger (preferably yours) or a stick

How to Conjure:
If you notice a storm brewing and it’s safe to be outside, find yourself a nice patch of dirt that will be exposed to the rain. Get creative if needed! A flower pot. A flower bed. Don’t overthink it. We’re working a spell, not redefining nuclear dynamics.

Draw a rune, a sigil, or simply write a one-word intention in the soil using your finger or a stick.

Once your spell is written in the earth, hold your hands over the word/sigil (palms facing the soil) and envision the word/sigil in neon. Now envision the rain that is soon to come pouring upon your spell. Imagine the intention being driven deep into the soil where it will be nourished by the earth, sprouted like a plant, and manifested into reality. Envision your desires brought into reality—use all 5 senses! What will it look like? Smell like? When that bad boy is palpable in your mind, say aloud with conviction:

So Mote it Be!
And you’re all set! Now get your ass inside, you silly hippie, and know that the rain is feeding your intentions.

Also, brew yourself some tea, because tea is always best with rain. And a book. And a cat.

Happy Casting!

From pennilesspagan.com

An Invaluable Herbal Grimoire Reference Guide

By Graphia, The Wordsmith Witch

No matter what your spiritual path looks like, every Witch can benefit from possessing a thorough, comprehensive Herbal Grimoire. Many practitioners include such contents as a guide for the magical correspondences of different herbs, a list of various herbal substitutions for spellcrafting, and last, but not least – a reference section that lists commonly found baneful herbs and their toxicity levels.

Photo by Skitterphoto on Pexels.com

This herb correspondence chart is the culmination of years of research. We hope this reference guide will help you to understand the magical properties of herbs, roots, flowers, barks and resins. It is our goal to provide others with accurate sources of information to enrich their lives and their Craft. What are some ways you can implement the information in the following guide into your own practice?  Click on the link below to view the chart.

Herbal Grimoire

Spell for Today – The “Enchanted Evening” Elemental Spell

Looking to put a little passion back into your love life? How do you feel about working with the four elements and Lilith, our goddess of power and passion? There are times when even the most loving relationship needs a little oomph. So, if you simply want to spice things up with your partner in the bedroom, well, hey, Lilith’s your best bet! But be careful; she has a wicked sense of humor. Calling on Lilith for some extra spark or desire works very well, and you may feel like you have a magickal hangover in the morning. A small price to pay … just don’t say that I didn’t warn you.

Let’s get all of your senses involved. This spell is a sensual and sensory experience. To represent the four elements in this spell, light a few black or red candles to represent sent the element of fire. Burn dragon’s blood incense to represent the element of air. To symbolize water, open a bottle of red wine and drink from the same cup as your partner. Finally, sprinkle the sheets with some crimson-colored rose petals to represent the element of earth.

And at the risk of sounding like a mom, while you’re setting this stage for loving seduction, don’t forget to practice safe sex! Ask for Lilith’s blessings by using the following lowing invocation:

Lilith, dark goddess, teach me to love, laugh and be wise
Aid me in my witchery as you sail through the skies
By the natural magick of air, water, earth, and fire
I manifest the gifts of love, seduction, and desire
By the elements four, this spell is now begun
As I will, so shall it be, and let it harm none.

—Book of Witchery: Spells, Charms & Correspondences for Every Day of the Week
Ellen Dugan


Spell for Today – Juno’s Prosperity Elemental Ritual


Juno’s Prosperity Elemental Ritual


calls for some natural magick supplies. Try working with affordable tumbled malachite stones. As for the wheat stalks, look at the dried flowers and fillers in the arts and crafts shops. Ditto for the feather, or peruse a fly-tying store; you can usually pick up a package of feathers for a few bucks. As to the green seven-day candle, if you look around, you can find green jar candles. I actually found some at the grocery store for a dollar apiece. They were in the ethnic food aisle and were called novena candles. I simply peeled the saint sticker off of it, and abracadabra! An instant seven-day candle for my witchery.

As mentioned before, all of these magickal supplies listed below correspond with the goddess Juno in two of her prosperity-drawing aspects, Juno Augusta (the harvest mother) and Juno Moneta (patron of the Roman mint).

1 malachite stone (to represent the earth element)

A few peacock feathers (to represent the element of air)

3 small stalks dried wheat

1 green seven-day jar candle for prosperity

3 drops honeysuckle, peppermint, or clove oil (all of these oils encourage prosperity)

A clean dropper (to add the oil to the candle)

A long, thin screwdriver (to put holes in the candle)

A dollar bill or coin

Matches or a lighter

A safe, flat surface on which to set up the spell

Carefully and slowly push the screwdriver straight down into the wax. Now pull it straight back up. Add two more holes for the essential oil. Now set the screwdriver aside; using the dropper, squirt a few drops of honeysuckle oil down into those channel that you just created.

Next, hold the green jar candle in your hands and transfer a little of your personal power and desire for prosperity into the candle. Then place the candle on your work area on top of the currency. Arrange the stone, wheat stalks, and feathers to your liking. Make your work area pretty, and enjoy the process. While you are doing so, you may chant the following (the chanting will help you raise some energy too):

By the power of three times three
Bring prosperity now to me!

When you feel that you are ready, light the candle and repeat the following verse three times:

Juno Moneta, Roman goddess of prosperity
Lend your power to this elemental spell that I weave
Juno Augusta, mother of the harvest, hear my plea
These three golden stalks of wheat are a gift to you from me
A peacock feather for air, and a malachite for earth
Lady, bless me with success, abundance, and rebirth
For the good of all, with harm to none
In Juno’s name, this spell has begun!

Allow the candle to burn until it goes out on its own. It will probably take five to seven days for the jar candle to burn out. When I burn seven-day candles, I tuck them inside of my large cast-iron cauldron, then I place the spell components around the outside of the jar. That way, the candle can continue to safely burn, and even if it gets knocked over, everything stays contained inside of the fireproof cauldron.

Once the jar candle is finished, pocket the malachite stone and the bill or coin. Keep the money with you, tucked in your wallet or in your pocket. Tie up the feathers somewhere where prominent where you will see them every day, like the rearview mirror of your car, your dresser mirror, or a chest of drawers’ handle. Every time you see the feather, tell Juno thank you. Take the dried wheat and crumble the pieces apart. Sprinkle the seeds outside as an offering for Juno. Abundance and prosperity will find their way to you soon.

Please note: If you cannot leave the ritual candle safely burning then snuff it out when you leave and relight it as soon as you are home. It may take a few days longer, but the magick will still turn out, especially since you are taking the time and energy to tend the ritual candle so carefully. As you relight the candle, say:
As this ritual candle relights, so does my magick one more ignite.

Enjoy your ritual work, and may prosperity come to you in the best possible way!



Book of Witchery: Spells, Charms & Correspondences for Every Day of the Week
Ellen Dugan