Spell for Today – Three Times Three Spell

This is one of the best known binding spells. This three times three spell is to use on people who were corrupt in their ways. It has no negative consequence unless you think ill of the person while casting it.

“Wind in the north, run through the trees
Three times three, let them see, let them see
Sands of the east, rich soils beneath
Three times three, set them free, set them free
Fires in the south, awaken from sleep
Three times three, let them see, let them see
Water of the west, flow to the seas
Three times three, set them free, set them free.”

It works best if you have something representing that person, like a strand of their hair or a fingernail. The spell may not work instantly; you may have to repeat it for the person to see errors in their ways. Please be sure you’re not being hypocritical, because that may cause negative feedback.

Spell for Today – Warning Spell – Printable

Spell for Today – BANISHING OIL



What you will need:

-1/2 oz olive oil
7 drops pepper oil (add cayenne pepper to olive oil if you wish)
-10 drops peppermint oil – or peppermint essence from icing part of a grocers plus olive oil.
-12 drops of rue or rosemary oil. You can add rue or rosemary to olive oil and put in a warm place for 3 days and strain or buy the essential oil.
-Some crushed black peppercorns
-15 drops of pine oil or some pine needles stepped in olive oil for 3 days in warm place and strained.
Or pine essential oil.
One obsidian or black onyx stone or a small black pebble.

Blend together in an eggcup and put In a clean brown or dark medicine bottle. Some of these oils are volatile. Do not anoint yourself with Banishing oil. You could burn yourself. Wash your hands after using. Charge the stone or stones used after adding it and focus on the person and your intent pouring in energy and emotion. As you dress the candles you make them your magical tools. Charge again as you massage away from you massaging in banishing oil from middle to the ends of the candle.

Spell for Today – Cold Fire (to Bring Down a Fever)

A doctor discovered that I could bring fevers down. It takes a little practice, but I’ll bet that most natural witches can do it. Ust the Cornish invocation to St. Brigit:

Three ladies came from the East

One with fire and two with frost

Out with thee, fire, and in with thee frost.*

This can be used in conjunction with laying-on of hands. To remove fever from someone, summon energy like cold fire from your body. I usually do this by invoking the Snow Queen, who was always a goddess to me.

Direct energy into your hands, then lay them on the person’s neck or forehead. Make the cold fire flow into the person until you feel it confront the fever. When you feel the fever, set up a second channel to draw it into your own body. It may be easiest for you to use your receptive hand to draw the fever, the other to deliver the cold fire. Do this until you feel the cold fire has overcome the fever. If the person is shivering with fever, direct the heat out of the body and onto the skin while you fight the fever. It may help to wrap your hands around the subject.

This technique is not a substitute for aspirin or other fever-reducers. It is something you can do while waiting for the medicine to kick in. It can also be used in emergencies, when there is no medication. You may feel a bit flushed for a while afterwards, but you will not actually take on the fever. Fevers are cyclical, so you may need to repeat the spell whenever the fever spikes.

*Robert Graves, The White Goddess, p. 394


Eileen Holland, The Wicca Handbook, p. 91 – 92

(Side Note from Lady Beltane: I have used this spell since I first discovered it many years ago with success. I use it on myself regularly when my fibromyalgia is messing with my body’s natural temperature gage. I sit cross legged on the floor, imagining I have a small fire in my left-hand (my non-power hand) and ice in my right-hand. I than start chanting the spell until I feel it is time to bring my hands together to combine the cold and hot to restore my normal body temperature. It also works great for hot flashes during menopause or anytime anyone may get them.)

Spell for Today – Reversal Spell – Printable

Spell For Today – Saturday and Binding Spells: A Commonsense Guideline

If you don’t like the idea of using poppets and have decided to work a binding, and you have a handle on your emotions, then here are some commonsense guidelines that I suggest you follow:

* Bindings are best performed on a Saturday.

* Work the binding at sunset and you pull into the spell the closing energies of not only the day, but of the entire week.

* Work with black candles; they coordinate with Saturn’s energies and they are the classic magickal color for this type of witchery.

Finally, to be crystal clear, a binding is the act of psychically restraining a harmful person or criminal so that their actions cannot harm anyone else. The goddess to call on is Hecate, and she is a mighty magickal force. Consider your words and actions carefully when you call on her. How you choose to work a binding is up to you. At this point, I suggest that you take a moment and draft out your binding spell on paper. Go carefully, and remember to harm none.

You may experience some dramatic special effects when working with Hecate. Don’t be taken aback if the wind picks up….if you candles flicker and snap…..or if you begin to notice barking or howling dogs. The animals sense when Hecate is near. Yes, we have gotten very serious all of a sudden. That’s because a binding is a serious matter. Surprised? Don’t be. Just because I tend to look at things from a humorous perspective doesn’t mean I am not serious when the situation calls for it.

This invocation includes some of the correspondences for Hecate. If you choose, you can add these to your spellwork. (This would also be a fine addition to the opening of poppet magick). A general invocation for Hecate follows.


Book of Witchery
Spells, Charms & Correspondences for Every Day of the Week

Ellen Dugan

Spell for Today – Hecate Justice Spell

Spell – A- Day – Rune Meditation for Clearing Energy Flow c. 2011


Spell – A- Day – Rune Meditation for Clearing Energy Flow
Incense of the day: Peony
We have all felt the frustration of spells that flop. While it’s possible that a failed spell is just an indication that the universe has another agenda for you, it’s also very possible that there is a hidden obstacle in the energy flow. Issues with confidence and empowerment are among the greatest saboteurs that block energy. The runes of Ken (k), Haegl (h), and Gyfu (g) will be used in a guided imagery to open and uncover disruptions and to balance the chakra energy flow. Visualize Ken over the root chakra. Focus on opening the energies flowing from your root to your crown. Reveal any blockages by positioning Haegl over your root chakra. Visualize this rune uncovering disruptions as its energy flows to your crown. Return Haegl’s flow from the crown to the root, uncovering any “manifestation” blockages. Visualize Gyfu flowing from your root to your crown to balance your chakra energy. Focus on and journal any feelings or perceptions that you encountered. Reprogram any obstacles that were uncovered.
By: Karen Follett

, Llewellyn and GrannyMoon’s Morning Feast

Spell for Today – Banishing ritual

This Banishing Ritual is very intense and powerful like many of my other Rituals such as the Full and Dark Moon Rituals. This ritual should be done as close to the Dark Moon as possible. This ritual is for someone(s) who has done you harm by gossip, lies, deceit, etc. Because you are calling on the Goddess Hecate and Her powers to aid you, please make sure that you are completely innocent of the situation.

This ritual is for someone(s) who has done you harm by gossip, lies, deceit, etc. Because you are calling on the Goddess Hecate and Her powers to aid you, please make sure that you are completely innocent of the situation.

If you do not know who the person is, or are not positively sure, do not mention any names. Leave that to the Dark Goddess, as She knows.

This ritual deals with the use of parchment paper (or regular paper, if you do not have it). Gather all your material that you need for this ceremony. If using a lit charcoal in the cauldron of Hecate, make sure that the charcoal is hot enough to burn your parchment paper. If you are going to light the parchment paper from the Goddess candle to put in the cauldron, then there is no need to worry about any charcoal after you cleanse the temple room. You will need piece of parchment paper, patchouli oil or clove oil to sprinkle on the parchment paper. (If you do not have any of these oils, that is fine. But I would suggest perhaps ordering some of these oils from a Witchcraft supply store for future use. ) You will also need Dragon?s Blood ink or your magickal pen. Before ritual, on a small piece of parchment paper, write down what has been done to you either with Dragon?s Blood ink and a feather or your magickal pen which you have only used for magickal workings. Then put a few dabs of Patchouli or Clove oil on the parchment paper. Fold the parchment paper in half and put a banishing pentagram on top and bottom of the folded paper.


After meditating and getting yourself focused and centered, cast and cleanse your circle in the manner you are accustomed to, or you can use the Circle Casting chant either from the Full or Dark Moon Ritual which I prepared. In casting a Circle and calling in the Watchtowers, I go deosil no matter the time of the Moon. When I take the ritual down, I go widdershins in dismissing the Watchtowers and calling back the Circle. To me, when when “closing” a bottle, you go deosil. So, in casting a circle you are closing and making it air tight; when opening a bottle, you go widdershins. So in opening the circle, you are once again letting anything back in. Also, since this is a Dark Moon ritual, and you are working with the Crone and Her energies, there is no need to call in any God. Moon rituals are sacred and for the Goddess only. You call in the Goddess and God at Sabbats, as the Sabbats are the interaction between the Goddess and her Consort…between Earth and Sun. And the Moon……is for the Goddess only!

Calling in the Dragon Watchtowers. (Dragons are great protectors and are also the ones who pulls Hecate?s Chariot.)

Move to the East – raise your wand and say

Hail, Great Dragon of the East

Whose yellow eyes see all in the Element of Air

I do summon, stir, and call thee up to attend this rite

and call upon your forces to protect and defend me this night!

(Light the candle and draw an evoking pentagram into the air)

Move to the South – raise your wand and say

Hail Great Dragon of the South

Whose red eyes see all in the Element of Fire!

I do summon, stir, and call thee up to attend this rite

and call upon your forces to protect and defend me this night.

(Light the candle and draw an evoking pentagram into the air)

Move to the West – raise your arm and say

Hail, Great Dragon of the West,

Whose blue eyes see all in the Element of Water

I do summon, stir and call thee up to attend this rite

and call upon your forces to protect and defend me this night

(Light the candle and draw an evoking pentagram into the air)

Move to the North – raise your arm and say

Hail, Great Dragon of the North

Whose green eyes see all in the Element of Earth

I do summon, stir, and call thee up to attend this rite

and call upon your forces to protect and defend me this night.

(Light the candle and draw an evoking pentagram into the air)

Go back to the East and make an envoking pentagram and say:

The Circle is sealed and I am

completely cut off from the outside world

in order to perform my magickal workings in

sending back all the evil that has been sent against me

Lighting of the Triple Goddess Candles – (optional)

Three Candles do I light

In Honor of Thee, O Goddess this Dark Moon Night

White for the Maiden pure as snow

Red for the Mother full within

Black for the Crone, old and wise.

(Light each candle as you address each Gddess)

Evoke the Goddess – raise your hands up high

Oh Great Goddess of Darkness, the Sorceress

who will not be ruled, the Weaver of time,

The teacher of Mysteries.

O Hecate, you who slit the throats of the cruel and drink

the blood of the heartless, yet are the shining sword

that protects us from harm.

You are the healer of wounds;

the Warrior who rights all wrongs.

You make the weak strong and the arrogant humble,

and you are Justice tempered with Mercy.

I call upon you Dark Goddess Hecate to attend this rite

and to send back all the evil that has been sent against me.

(Light the Dark Goddess candle)

Prayer to the Dark Goddess Hecate of your plight

Dark Mother, Queen of the Night, there are

those who stand against me.

Let their efforts fail. Let them go down into darkness

Let them stand in your Courts

May their efforts always be lost in the darkness

with no light to guide them.

I am your child Dark Mother, protect me!

Dark Mother, help me to reach my goals, live my life to the fullest,

and walk the path of the Goddess.

Sweep away all barriers built by those who want me to fail.

(Now…..your intent – holding your parchment paper over your cauldron say with total conviction and emotion from deep within your heart. Poor the anger into your words for the injustice done to you. Do not just say the words, but feel the words)

Crush the evil sent against me!

Sweep its evil remains back int the bodies and brains of those who sent it!

The evil is dead…the attackers taste their just rewards!

The mouths are full of ashes, their thoughts of nightmares

their lives of unfulfillment!

Hecate, Dark One, hear my plea,

Bring justice now, I ask of Thee!

Right the wrongs that have been done,

Avenge me now, oh Mighty One

Light your parchment paper by the Goddess candle and then put it in the Cauldron of Hecate and release you requests to Her and watch it burn. As you are watching it burn, envision the darkness/negativity being lifted from you and returning to the sender. If you know how it is, fine. If you do not, then just see the shadow of the person receiving what they had sent out. After the parchment paper is done burning say:

It is finished! (In saying this, you are now allowing the Dark Goddess Hecate to handle the situation. It is in Her hands now!)

Then say:

Oh Great Goddess, wrap me in your dark cloak and

protect me from Dark Moon to Dark Moon.

May your Dragons guard me from Dark Moon to Dark Moon.

If you have prepared for Cakes and Wine/Juice (which is in your chalice), bless them both by saying:

I bless thee of Creature of Wine and Cakes

knowing that as I drink and eat of thee

I partake in the power of the mysteries of You,

Great Goddess Hecate, the three and the one.

Libation: (Take the chalice of wine/juice in both hands and hold it up and say:)

In Honor of Thee O Great Goddess Hecate,

Do I pour this Libation and drinketh this Toast.

All life is your Own

All fruits of the Earth, your power, your wisdom

your liberation

I thank you for your blessings, strength and protection.

(Remember eating of the cakes and wine help to ground you. So it is important to eat and drink.)

If you wish to do any sort of divination and/or meditation, now is the time.

Thanking the Triple Goddess –

Wise Crone, who face is hidden from the starlit night,

Thank you for attending and witnessing my rite

on this most my sacred night.

(Put out the Crone Candle)

Mother, nurturer and giver of life

Thank you for attending and witnessing my rite

on this most sacred night.

(Put out the Mother Candle)

Maiden, bringer of new ideas and inspiration

Than you for attending and witnessing my rite

on this most sacred night

(Put out the Maiden Candle)

Thanking the Dark Goddess – Hecate

O Hecate, My Queen, My Goddess

You who awaits for me at the end of Life.

I thank you for thy blessings and of your spirit

from Your cauldron of the sacred fire this night of the Dark Moon

I bid thee farewell.

(The Goddess Candle is put out)

Releasing of the Dragons

Dragon of the East of gentle breezes and of winds

Who protected this Circle and witnessed my quests

of magick performed and all blessings poured out

Thank you for attending this rite

I release you back to your windy realm

I bid thee hair and farewell

(Put out candle and draw a banishing pentagram in the air)

Dragons of the West, of Oceans, streams and rainstorms

Who protected this Circle and witnessed my quests

of magick performed and all blessings poured out

Thank you for attending this rite

I release you back to your watery realm

I bid thee farewell

(Put out candle and draw a banishing pentagram in the air)

Dragon of the South of bright dancing flames

Who protected this Circle and witnessed my quests

of magick performed and all blessings poured out

Thank you for attending this rite

I release you back to your fiery realm

I bid thee farewell

(Put out candle and draw a banishing pentagram in the air)

Dragon of the North of forests, mountains, and land

Who protected this Circle and witnessed my quests

of magick performed and all blessings poured out

Thank you for attending this rite

I release you back to your fertile realm

I bid the farewell

(Put out candle and draw a banishing pentagram in the air)

Go back to the East and once again draw an banishing pentagram to break the seal.

Calling back the Circle – (I go widdershins to open circle, since I went deosil to create my sacred circle)

Power cast and then forgotten is power wasted

Wherefore do I call ye back O circle of Power

into my holy staff (or whatever you use)

By the holy flame, this circle disappears and becomes no more

Everything is as it was since the beginning of time.

Circle is now opened once again.

Spell for Today – Anxiety Be Gone: Purple Candle Spell

From Spells8.com

Try this easy ‘Anxiety Be Gone!’ Spell to quickly banish anxiety and boost your confidence. All you need is a purple candle and your intentions!


  • Purple Candle


  • Light your candle.
  • Take 3 deep cleansing breaths. Inhale peace, calm and positivity. Exhale stress, anxiety and negativity.
  • Look into the candle flame as you recite:Racing Mind and anxious thoughts,
    I set this intention for you to stop.
    Swirling feelings and doubts abound,
    Positivity shuts you down.
    Head held high, Pride within
    With this spell, Anxiety does not win.
    Clear mind and Grateful me
    So it is spoken, so mote it be.
    Blessed Be!
  • Repeat as many times as you feel you need to, taking 3 deep cleansing breaths between each recitation.
  • When you finish your spell either allow the candle to burn down or snuff it out. Dispose of the remains saying:
    ‘Thank you.’

Spell for Today – January Fire Spell

From spells8.com

This month is ideal for spells of initiating new beginnings, new jobs, new relationships, new lovers, new ventures, and new ideas.

Fire is the perfect element for transforming a bad habit or pattern into a good one.

1. Write whatever you wish to purge on a piece of paper.

2. Fold the paper as small as you can while visualizing this unwanted presence in your life being crushed, growing smaller.

3. Feel the power of courage within you that allows you to make whatever change you need in your life and turn negative to positive.

4. Chant the following five times as you burn the paper safely in a heat-proof container:

“Transforming Fire
Bane to desire.”

5. Allow the paper to burn completely and bury the ashes.

Get Lost and Far Away

Get Lost and Far Away

Lost and Away powder has various uses, in addition to banishment. It’s also used to establish personal and psychic boundaries, as well as to prevent someone else from encroaching on those boundaries.

  1. Write your target’s name thirteen times on a square of paper.

  2. Sprinkle Lost and Away Powder on this paper.

  3. Fold the paper up, always folding away from you.

  4. Seal it with sealing wax, preferably red.

  5. Bury this paper but mark the spot

  6. Leave it buried for thirteen days, watering daily with War water

  7. On the fourteenth day dig it up and burn it .


From flyingthehedge.com

It is quite simple and can be used for any type of sadness but you need to make sure you are very specific. Please refer to my post on primal language to ensure you do not end up making things worse.

  1. Hold a white candle in both hands while you think of all your sorrows and the causes of them.
  2. Write these sorrows onto a piece of white paper, preferably in red ink but any will do.
  3. Anoint the page with honey and fold it up.
  4. Light the candle and use the flame to burn the note while chanting:
    “I give my sadness to the flames,
      The fire eats my grief and pain.”
  5. Bury the ashes when you are done.

Again, make sure you are very specific. Because my sadness is connected to my husband and I don’t want to dispel him, I made sure to not say he was the cause of the pain. Instead I said it was his actions and his hurtful words. Magic can work as much for you as it can against you if you aren’t careful.

I hope this will help clear some of the sadness in our home and that has been smothering me. We can’t move forward together if we can’t move past our pain.
What do you do to help manage your emotions?

An Invaluable Herbal Grimoire Reference Guide

By Graphia, The Wordsmith Witch

No matter what your spiritual path looks like, every Witch can benefit from possessing a thorough, comprehensive Herbal Grimoire. Many practitioners include such contents as a guide for the magical correspondences of different herbs, a list of various herbal substitutions for spellcrafting, and last, but not least – a reference section that lists commonly found baneful herbs and their toxicity levels.

Photo by Skitterphoto on Pexels.com

This herb correspondence chart is the culmination of years of research. We hope this reference guide will help you to understand the magical properties of herbs, roots, flowers, barks and resins. It is our goal to provide others with accurate sources of information to enrich their lives and their Craft. What are some ways you can implement the information in the following guide into your own practice?  Click on the link below to view the chart.

Herbal Grimoire

Spell for Today – Stop Procrastinating: Banish Procrastination NOW

One of the biggest obstacles to moving forward in life is the habit of postponing tasks, in other words, procrastinating. This is especially true when it comes to learning how to become a Witch. We all find ourselves postponing our daily meditations or find reasons not to cast spells other do our witches’ homework. 🔮

A spell to stop procrastinating should be quick and easy to do, otherwise we will postpone the casting of this very spell! That’s why this simple technique works. If the habit of procrastinating has become your number one enemy, try this easy Wiccan spell:

Spell to Stop Procrastinating

Recipe by Francisco Huanaco

Simple spell for ending procrastination without ingredients. Stop procrastinating once and for all doing this easy ritual and get stuff done once and for all!


  • Focus


  • Think about the task you want to do, avoiding the words “I have to…” or “I should…”. These type of phrases imply that you have no choice, that you won’t do it unless you must. For example, never say to yourself: “I have to study”.
  • Say to yourself something like “I choose to study now”, or “I am ready to study” (replace with the task you are about to do). This way of thinking implies that you have control and it helps you avoid procrastination.
  • When you’re ready, count down in your head: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 — and do it!
  • Quit whatever it is you are doing and get to work on the task.

How Does The Spell Work?…

Click here to read the rest of this article

Spell for Today – Bind a Backstabber


She spreads damaging gossip about you at work. He steals your ideas and claims they’re his. It’s time to bring out the big guns – magick-wise, that is. This spell ties the backstabber’s hands and prevents him/ her from doing further harm.


A small figurine (poppet) made of clay, wax, cloth, wood, or another material

A black marker

Black cord long enough to wrap around the figurine several times

A shovel

A large stone


During the waning moon, preferably on Saturday

Collect the ingredients needed for this spell. If possible, make the figurine (known magickally as a poppet) yourself, but if you aren’t handy you can purchase an ordinary doll (the plainer the better, unless you can find one that resembles the backstabber). Cast a circle around the area where you will cast your spell.

With the marker write the troublemaker’s full name on the poppet. Say aloud: “Figure of [whatever material the poppet is made of], I name you [the backstabber’s name] and command you to cease your attacks on me now. I bind your ill will and render you powerless against me.” Wrap the black cord around the figurine several times and tie it, making eight knots. Each time you tie a knot, repeat the last sentence of the affirmation: “I bind your ill will and render you powerless against me.” When you’ve finished, open the circle.

Take the poppet and shovel to a place near your workplace and dig a hole in the ground. If that’s not feasible, go to a remote area away from trees or water (and not on your own property). Place the poppet in the hole and cover it with dirt, then put the stone on top of it for good measure.

Skye Alexander, The Modern Guide to Witchcraft: Your Complete Guide to Witches, Covens, and Spells


Item needed:

1 Quartz crystal

Find a nice quiet place where you can lay down, place the quartz crystal on you third eye and say:
“I call upon Gula, great goddess of Healing,
Guide the help to direct any bad feelings,
See this dark specters reeling.
By the grace of your power I ask you to heal them.
Teach each to feel what the other feels,
By the power of three, I wish it to be.”
If you focus on one person the spell will affect that person a little better than just doing in general.

Spell for Today – Banish Procrastination – Printable

Spell for Today – Energy Binding


This spell is meant to bind the energies around a person to stop them from effectively using magic.

WARNING: Use this with caution, there are currently no counter-spells to stop this. Secondly, there is a possibility your target can breach the barrier if she/he is physically touching a powerful energy source which has greater energy than the barrier itself.

You will need:

Full/New Moon/Sunlight
An energy source or an object of which energy can be drawn
Bowl of water – optional


First, take out a glass bowl, and fill it with water. This is used to gather energy for the spell, but if you don’t want to use the water, choose another energy source. Then, have the water reflect the sun or moon, and say:


Solar flare, Lunar mist
I call on thee this day
Bring forth your light,
strength and power,
so cast this spell I may.


(Imagine the sun/moon energy flowing into the water)


Like I stated above, this is completely optional. Now, to form the barrier. Draw upon your energy source, and send it towards your target. Once you have reached them, attempt to have your energy surround them in a bubble. Then, say:


Light, Earth, Spirits strong
Leave ‘s presence forever long
Let their powers cripple, and fail with dismay
I hereby banish your magic on this very day!
So mote/might/may it be.


Imagine the bubble drawing the energy from your target and all around him, draining him of magical resources. Continue feeding the bubble/shield/wall with energy until you feel you can release them.


You will need:

raw steak
cocoa butter
white dish towel
brown paper bag
four pennies

This spell is very effective for removing envy and jealousy.

This spell is used to protect yourself from those who have nots who would seek to destroy your good fortune by placing the evil eye on you. The spell must be performed on a Thursday night. A Thursday that falls on or shortly after the new moon is best.

This spell is used to ask for the blessing and protection of Obatala. S/he is considered the highest and purest of all the Yoruban deities. Obtala’s day is Thursday,and all ingredients in this spell are sacred to Obatala.

Take a raw piece of meat and rub completely with cocoa butter and crushed eggshells. Light a cigar and carefully place the lit end in your mouth. Blow smoke over the entire steak. Roll up the meat in white fabric and pass across your whole body from top to bottom.This should be done skyclad. Dress yourself afterward and place the cloth with meat in a paper bag.Place four pennies in the bag. Fold up the bag and throw out in the trash outside of your house.

In the olden days the meat was thrown in the street where an old stray dog might eat it. The dog would then take your troubles away.