Some of the Names and Correspondences for a February Full Moon – Printable


Storm Moon (March)

Storm Moon (March)


Also known as: Seed Moon, Moon of Winds, Plow Moon, Worm Moon, Hrethmonath (Hertha’s Month), Lentzinmanoth (Renewal Month), Lenting Moon, Sap Moon, Crow Moon, Moon of the Snowblind
Nature Spirits: Mer-people, Air and Water beings who are connected with spring rains and storms
Herbs: broom, High John root, yellow dock, wood betony, Irish moss
Colors: pale green, red-violet
Flowers: jonquil, daffodil, violet
Scents: honeysuckle, apple blossom
Stones: aquamarine, bloodstone
Trees: alder, dogwood
Animals: cougar, hedgehog, boar
Birds: sea crow, sea eagle
Deities: Black Isis, the Morrigan, Hecate, Cybele, Astarte, Athene, Minerva, Artemis, Luna
Power Flow: energy breaks into the open; growing, prospering, exploring. New beginnings; balance of Light and Dark. Breaking illusions. Seeing the truth in your life however much it may hurt.

The Witches Spell for Saturday, February 2nd: Dream Tending Spell

Imbolc/Candlemas Comments

The Witches Spell for Saturday, February 2nd


Dream Tending Spell

Imbolc – Groundhog Day

Color of the Day: Brown

Incense of the Day: Sandalwood

This is a truly special day for Wiccans and some Witches. It is Imbolc, a high holiday that honors the triple Goddess Brigit and one of the eight Sabbats that mark the turning of the Wheel of the Year. Groundhog Day is also observed today. This holiday incorporates the seasonal divination of the more ancient Imbolc, which uses the movement of a snake rather than the shadow of a groundhog to divine how much longer winter will remain. It is the beginning of the Storm Moon and also the time of the Feast of Oya, the orisha of weather and changes. To the Iroquois people, it is Midwinter Ceremony, a time to bless the fields, tell your dreams, and pay tribute to your Ancestors. Today is also the birthday of Marie Laveau II, New Orleans’ Voodoo Queen and diviner extraordinaire. At bedtime now, light a braid of sweet grass. Extinguish the flame but allow the braid to smolder. Wave the braid lovingly and with great care around your bedroom, motioning with your hand to encourage the smoke to drift in a snake-like stream over your bed and pillow. Dip the braid in springwater, making absolutely sure no flame remains. Then put the braid away. Pour lavender water in a large bowl. Put your favorite seashell inside the bowl of water. As you sleep, the bowl will act as a conduit for messages from the Ancestors, nature spirits, and the great beyond. Place this under your bed or on your bed table. Replenish the water as needed over a period of two weeks. Write down your dreams in a journal. Read over them frequently. Messages revealed in the darkness of winter have special meaning. Work each day to lift the shroud of darkness so you can glimpse new growth and the coming light of spring. Understanding the mysteries of winter is at the heart of Imbolc and its celebration.

by Stephanie Rose Bird



November: The Wheel of the Year begins anew once more.

December The Holly-King dies, and the Oak-King is born.

January: Bid the past farewell, and receive the year that Web of Days has just
been born.

February: Welcome Spring! Now is the time for banishing Winter.

March: Feel the shift of balance from darkness to light growing stronger.

April: The time of fertility and growth is upon us.

May: The time of the Sacred Marriage of the God and Goddess.

June: Here comes the Sun! The Holly-King replaces the Oak-King.

 July: The first harvests begin ; time to give thanks and celebrate.

August: John Barleycorn must die. The harvest begins in earnest.

September: The cycle of growth draws nears its end.

October: The Horned One steps forward bringing darkness, and the end of the year.

November: Snow Moon; the snowy brightness and coolness of Her light is upon us.

December: Cold Moon ; the Sun is at its lowest point, and Lunar Nights the Moon is a little colder.

January: Wolf Moon ; gather close to the hearth, for wolves draw closer now.
February: Ice Moon ; beneath a blanket of snow and ice, Nature rests.
March: Storm Moon ; the boisterous storms of the light half of the year begin.
April: Growing Moon ; seeds are ready to be planted, and growth begins.
May: Hare Moon ; rabbits leap and play in their mating games, and fertility
June: Mead Moon ; as in days of old, honey is gathered for fermentation into
July: Hay Moon ; a potent moon, as tides of psychic energy flow freely.
August: Corn Moon ; a time to contemplate the eternalness of life.
September: Harvest Moon ; time to collect the harvest and seed for new
October: Blood Moon ; spirits of the departed join the sacred dance.

Calendar of the Moon for Friday, April 27th

Calendar of the Moon

Willow Tree Month

Colors: Yellow, silver, and pale willow-green
Element: Water
Altar: Upon cloth of yellow, silver, and pale willow-green place three white candles, wreaths of willow-branches, a large clay bowl of water, flowers if they are available, and a silver moon.
Offerings: Contemplate an emotion, and how you use it, and how it uses you.
Daily Meal: Vegetarian, preferably cold food. Fruits. Only spring water to drink.

Saille Invocation

Call: Now is the time of the Willow Goddess.
Response: Now is the time of the Green Man’s courting.
Call: Now is the time when leaves are full.
Response: Now is the time when gold gives way to silver.
Call: Now is the time when Sun gives way to Moon.
Response: Now is the time when Lord gives way to Lady.
Call: Now is the time of the search and the quest.
Response: Now is the time of magic dew on the fields.
Call: Now is the time of the phallus rising.
Response: He seeks the doorway that is wet with spring rains.
Call: He seeks the moon in the river.
Response: He seeks the fishes in the winnowing basket.
Call: He seeks the fruit of Persephone.
Response: He seeks the mountain of the Muses.
Call: We crown his head with flowers….
Response: That he may reach the sky.
Call: We crown his head with ribbons….
Response: That he may touch the earth.
Call: We bring forth the pole from earth to sky.
Response: We lay the line from earth to sky.
Call: We blow like the wind from earth to sky.
Response: We fall like the rain from sky to earth.
Call: We descend like the sunlight from sky to earth.
Response: We climb like the trees from sky to earth.
Call: We are the children of earth and sky.
Response: We are beloved of sky and earth.

We all come from the Goddess, and to Her we shall return,
Like a drop of rain, flowing to the ocean.

[Pagan Book of Hours]

Calendar of the Moon for Thursday, April 26th

Calendar of the Moon

Willow Tree Month

Colors: Yellow, silver, and pale willow-green
Element: Water
Altar: Upon cloth of yellow, silver, and pale willow-green place three white candles, wreaths of willow-branches, a large clay bowl of water, flowers if they are available, and a silver moon.
Offerings: Contemplate an emotion, and how you use it, and how it uses you.
Daily Meal: Vegetarian, preferably cold food. Fruits. Only spring water to drink.

Saille Invocation

Call: Now is the time of the Willow Goddess.
Response: Now is the time of the Green Man’s courting.
Call: Now is the time when leaves are full.
Response: Now is the time when gold gives way to silver.
Call: Now is the time when Sun gives way to Moon.
Response: Now is the time when Lord gives way to Lady.
Call: Now is the time of the search and the quest.
Response: Now is the time of magic dew on the fields.
Call: Now is the time of the phallus rising.
Response: He seeks the doorway that is wet with spring rains.
Call: He seeks the moon in the river.
Response: He seeks the fishes in the winnowing basket.
Call: He seeks the fruit of Persephone.
Response: He seeks the mountain of the Muses.
Call: We crown his head with flowers….
Response: That he may reach the sky.
Call: We crown his head with ribbons….
Response: That he may touch the earth.
Call: We bring forth the pole from earth to sky.
Response: We lay the line from earth to sky.
Call: We blow like the wind from earth to sky.
Response: We fall like the rain from sky to earth.
Call: We descend like the sunlight from sky to earth.
Response: We climb like the trees from sky to earth.
Call: We are the children of earth and sky.
Response: We are beloved of sky and earth.

We all come from the Goddess, and to Her we shall return,
Like a drop of rain, flowing to the ocean.

[Pagan Book of Hours]

Calendar of the Moon for April 19th

Calendar of the Moon
4 Fearn/Elaphebolion

Alder Tree Month

Color: Crimson
Element: Fire
Altar: Upon cloth of crimson set a flaming brazier filled with charcoal and incense.
Offerings: Purification. Write what has been dragging your down, and place it in the fire.
Daily Meal: Hot, nourishing food.

Fearn Invocation

Call: Now is the time of the warming of Earth.
Response: Now is the time of the Sun’s first warmth.
Call: Now is the time when the waters of Spring are banished.
Response: Now is the time when fire dries the flood.
Call: Now is the time when the heat rises within us.
Response: Now is the time when our tears are dried.
Call: Now is the time when our inner floods give way.
Response: Now is the time when our inner fields are greening.
Call: Like the birds who build their nests in the Spring….
Response: Like the creatures of the woods who brave the open fields…
Call: As they brave the world….
Response: So we now brave the world.
Call: As they seek sustenance of the body….
Response: So we seek sustenance of the soul.
Call: As they are driven forth by need and the cycle of life…..
Response: So we are driven forth by need and the cycle of life.
Call: No house can contain our souls….
Response: As no house contains the foundation on which it is built.
Call: We will be the piles that lift the house from the water….
Response: And we will lift our spirits from the winter’s flood.
Call: We will be the island in the river….
Response: The islands where the future is told…
Call: And we will see that future running like the current….
Response: Knowing not where it will lead….
Call: Save by the grace of the gods.
Response: Save by the grace of the Gods.

We gather at the river
We bring fire to the water
Our fire burns within us
The river parts before us

[Pagan Book of Hours]

Calendar of the Moon for April 3rd

Calendar of the Moon
3 Fearn/Elaphebolion

Day of Bran

Colors: Black and crimson
Element: Fire
Altar: On a cloth of crimson and green set a vase with alder twigs, and the figures of many crows and ravens, or at least black feathers, one black candle, incense of rue, and a black stone.
Offerings: On this day, divination shall be done by those with the skill for any who ask.
Daily Meal: Poultry.

Invocation to Bran

God of the Alder-Tree
Whose roots go deep underground,
Whose path goes deep underground,
We call upon you today.
Lord of the Western Ocean,
Lord of healing and curer of wounds,
Lord of the setting sun,
We call upon you today.
Crimson-stained hero,
Beheaded god who lived on
As the skull of oracles,
Lord of crows and ravens
That eat all that dies and rots,
Lord of the black-feathered wings
Of destiny and nemesis,
Show us our fate,
Or what fate you deem it wise to show us.
And if it is our fate
Not to know what that fate shall be,
Give us at least a signpost,
A light along the path,
That we may not stumble foolishly
And lose the last few crumbs
Of the wisdom you have gained
From the dark places where your roots entwine.
As the crow flies, So the truth lies
As the flame burns, So our fate turns

(Let all sit in a circle, and let divination be done by one who has the skill, for any who ask. And let no one speak on the message given to anyone else. Put out the candle and leave the room.)

[Pagan Book of Hours]

Calendar of the Moon for Monday, March 19th

Calendar of the Moon

Ash Tree Month

Color: Pale Blue
Elements: Water and air
Altar: On a cloth of pale blue set a great bowl of salt water in which are set many shells and stones, a shell full of salt, incense, and the figures of sea-birds and fishes.
Offerings: Wash something clean, or air it out.
Daily Meal: Either fish or seafood, or poultry.

Nion/Anthesterion Invocation

Call: Now is the time of wind and water.
Response: Now is the time of sea and sky.
Call: Now is the time of the Gods of weather.
Response: Now is the time of the great waves.
Call: Now is the time of terrible flooding.
Response: Now is the time of needed rain.
Call: Now is the time of battering gales.
Response: Now is the time of winds of change.
Call: Now is the time of fear of change.
Response: Now, and always, change will win.
Call: The wild winds disturb our dreams.
Response: The wild winds awake our minds.
Call: The heavy rains flood our hearts.
Response: The heavy rains water our future.
Call: The sea will sweep us away.
Response: The sea will bear us up.
Call: The sea is cold and unending.
Response: The sea is the source of life.
Call: We are ships on the lost expanse of the ocean.
Response: We are winds that call to one another.
Call: We will brave the wind and water.
Response: We will bring together mind and heart.
Call: We will come home safely after wandering.
Response: We will anchor safely after our journeys.
Call: We will come through wind and water!
Response: We will come through wind and water!
(Repeat last two lines twice more.)

We will come through wind and water
We will come through sea and sky

The Pagan Book of Hours

Calendar of the Moon for March 10th

Calendar of the Moon

Ash Tree Month

Color: Pale Blue
Elements: Water and air
Altar: On a cloth of pale blue set a great bowl of salt water in which are set many shells and stones, a shell full of salt, incense, and the figures of sea-birds and fishes.
Offerings: Wash something clean, or air it out.
Daily Meal: Either fish or seafood, or poultry.

Nion/Anthesterion Invocation

Call: Now is the time of wind and water.
Response: Now is the time of sea and sky.
Call: Now is the time of the Gods of weather.
Response: Now is the time of the great waves.
Call: Now is the time of terrible flooding.
Response: Now is the time of needed rain.
Call: Now is the time of battering gales.
Response: Now is the time of winds of change.
Call: Now is the time of fear of change.
Response: Now, and always, change will win.
Call: The wild winds disturb our dreams.
Response: The wild winds awake our minds.
Call: The heavy rains flood our hearts.
Response: The heavy rains water our future.
Call: The sea will sweep us away.
Response: The sea will bear us up.
Call: The sea is cold and unending.
Response: The sea is the source of life.
Call: We are ships on the lost expanse of the ocean.
Response: We are winds that call to one another.
Call: We will brave the wind and water.
Response: We will bring together mind and heart.
Call: We will come home safely after wandering.
Response: We will anchor safely after our journeys.
Call: We will come through wind and water!
Response: We will come through wind and water!
(Repeat last two lines twice more.)

We will come through wind and water
We will come through sea and sky

Calendar of the Moon for Friday, March 9th

Calendar of the Moon

Ash Tree Month

Color: Pale Blue
Elements: Water and air
Altar: On a cloth of pale blue set a great bowl of salt water in which are set many shells and stones, a shell full of salt, incense, and the figures of sea-birds and fishes.
Offerings: Wash something clean, or air it out.
Daily Meal: Either fish or seafood, or poultry.

Nion/Anthesterion Invocation

Call: Now is the time of wind and water.
Response: Now is the time of sea and sky.
Call: Now is the time of the Gods of weather.
Response: Now is the time of the great waves.
Call: Now is the time of terrible flooding.
Response: Now is the time of needed rain.
Call: Now is the time of battering gales.
Response: Now is the time of winds of change.
Call: Now is the time of fear of change.
Response: Now, and always, change will win.
Call: The wild winds disturb our dreams.
Response: The wild winds awake our minds.
Call: The heavy rains flood our hearts.
Response: The heavy rains water our future.
Call: The sea will sweep us away.
Response: The sea will bear us up.
Call: The sea is cold and unending.
Response: The sea is the source of life.
Call: We are ships on the lost expanse of the ocean.
Response: We are winds that call to one another.
Call: We will brave the wind and water.
Response: We will bring together mind and heart.
Call: We will come home safely after wandering.
Response: We will anchor safely after our journeys.
Call: We will come through wind and water!
Response: We will come through wind and water!
(Repeat last two lines twice more.)

We will come through wind and water
We will come through sea and sky

Calendar of the Moon for March 8th

Calendar of the Moon

Ash Tree Month

Color: Pale Blue
Elements: Water and air
Altar: On a cloth of pale blue set a great bowl of salt water in which are set many shells and stones, a shell full of salt, incense, and the figures of sea-birds and fishes.
Offerings: Wash something clean, or air it out.
Daily Meal: Either fish or seafood, or poultry.

Nion/Anthesterion Invocation

Call: Now is the time of wind and water.
Response: Now is the time of sea and sky.
Call: Now is the time of the Gods of weather.
Response: Now is the time of the great waves.
Call: Now is the time of terrible flooding.
Response: Now is the time of needed rain.
Call: Now is the time of battering gales.
Response: Now is the time of winds of change.
Call: Now is the time of fear of change.
Response: Now, and always, change will win.
Call: The wild winds disturb our dreams.
Response: The wild winds awake our minds.
Call: The heavy rains flood our hearts.
Response: The heavy rains water our future.
Call: The sea will sweep us away.
Response: The sea will bear us up.
Call: The sea is cold and unending.
Response: The sea is the source of life.
Call: We are ships on the lost expanse of the ocean.
Response: We are winds that call to one another.
Call: We will brave the wind and water.
Response: We will bring together mind and heart.
Call: We will come home safely after wandering.
Response: We will anchor safely after our journeys.
Call: We will come through wind and water!
Response: We will come through wind and water!
(Repeat last two lines twice more.)

We will come through wind and water
We will come through sea and sky

Storm Moon Winter Mist

Storm Moon Winter Mist

Use this mist to encourage the blessings of the Goddess as you sleep and dream. Make this magickal mist at midnight.
You will need a misting bottle, one-half cup of spring or well water, six drops of lavender essential oil, and six drops of pure vanilla extract.
Hold the bottle and pour the water in. Add the drops of lavender. Count out the drops of lavender oil and vanilla as you add them to the mist by saying:
One, two, three,
four, five, six
Add get added,
To this magickal mix.
Put the cap on the misting bottle and shake it eighteen times while chanting:
Goddess of the Storm Moon,
Bless this winter mist.
To bring the blessings of the Storm Moon Goddess into your dreams, close your eyes and spray the mist on the top of your head several times, as well as your body and bed linens before you go to sleep. As you breathe in the mist, say:
Goddess of the Storm Moon
Please bless my dreams tonight.
In the morning, write everything you recall from your dreams in your journal.

New Moon Vitality Potion (Storm Moon)

New Moon Vitality Potion

(Storm Moon)
Drink this potion to bring new vitality to your body, mind, and spirit.
You will need a blender, one cup of apple juice, one banana, one tablespoon of honey, three tablespoons of vanilla protein powder, four tablespoons of vanilla yogurt, four ice cubes and a straw.
Blend this apple juice, banana and honey together. As you do, chant:
“Fruit and flower nectar of the divine,
Please strengthen my spirit, body and mind.”
Add the protein powder and yogurt, and continue to chant:
“Fruit and flower nectar of the divine,
Please strengthen my spirit, body and mind.
Add the ice cubes and blend thoroughly. Pour the Wellness Potion into the glass and sip slowly with the straw. Before you take each sip, repeat:
“Every drop of this potion vitalizes my every cell
And keep my spirit, body and mind well.”

Making A Dream Wand (Storm Moon)

Making A Dream Wand

(Storm Moon)
Using wands is a way of focusing your energy and pointing your magickal energy toward something in particular. Make this wand to focus your magickal power.
You will need a stick the length of your elbow to the end of your middle finger when outstretched. Youwill also need superglue, a pointed stone or crystal point and your favorite color of ribbon. As in Harry Potter, wands can be made from many things and are a reflection of their owner. Choose a wood and stone that reflect who you are as a creative and magick person.
Strip the wood of its bark, then glue the stone onto what you want to be the tip end of the wand. After the glue has dried, drape the ribbon around the wand, starting from the tip and moving to the base. You can also glue and tie things on your wand that help it to become uniquely yours. Be creative!
After you have finished making your wand, draw a magick circle of light and call in the elements. Standing in the middle of the circle, hold your wand with your power hand and raise it high up in the air. Say:
“Come almighty powers of Oneness,
Inbibe this dream wand with your powers,
So that it may have a direct connection to the divine.
To always guide and protect me well.
Ayea! Ayea! Ayea! So be it! Blessed Be!”
When you are done, bid farewell to the elements and close the circle. Keep your wand to your altar and use it to make magick night and day.

Full Moon Love Boon (Storm Moon)

Full Moon Love Boon

(Storm Moon)
You will need your journal, a green candle, three drops of rose oil, and a green stone. This spell taps into the fertile power of the moon, ruled by the beautiful Greek Goddess Selene. She influences the reproductive energies of plants, animals and people.
Begin by writing on a blank page of your journal what you want to focus the energy of this full moon love spell. It could be anything from a new love relationship to strengthening your love with your beloved. Be clear as to your desires, and make sure your spell is truly for the greater good–everyone’s greater good, not just your own.
Dress the candle with the three drops of rose oil. As you rub the oil over the surface of the candle, focus your mind on your desire. Wipe the oil from your hands, and place the candle in a candleholder. Light the candle, and imagine the candlelight fueling your magickal pattern. Imagine the magickal fire energizing every aspect of your being and then direct it toward your specific love desire. Say three times:
I am the light that shine bright
Within this magickal moonlight night.
Put the green stone on an altar tile or plate on your altar. Then carefully pick up the candle and hold it over the stone. Angle the candle so that three drops of wax spill onto the stone. After you do this, say:
Maid, Crone, and Mother
Your light shines like no other
On this bright night of the full moon
Please grant me this true love boon.
{State what you desire.}
So be it! Blessed be!
Allow the candle to burn safely down, and set the stone in the windowsill to absorb the energy of the full moon. Afterward put the stone one your altar for twenty-eight nights(a moon cycle) to draw the love you desire into your life.

The Magick Sex Pentacle (Storm Moon)

The Magick Sex Pentacle

(Storm Moon)
You will need romantic music, a sheet of clean paper, a red felt pen, ten drops of your favorite scented oil or perfume, your lover, five white tea candles, your magick want and a soft warm bed.
First, turn on the romantic music before you make this pentacle with five sexy steps you can enjoy with your lover. Do this by drawing a large five-pointed star on the sheet of paper with the red felt pen. In the head, arms, and legs of the pentacle, write in the five sexy steps you would like to explore with your beloved, one per area. Set the sheet in front of you.
Put a drop of the oil on each of your lover’s ankles, each of your lover’s wrists and lastly a drop on your lover’s forehead. Using the other five drops of oil, have your lover anoint you with the oil in the same way.
Create a space where you can safely place the five tea candles around the drawn pentacles in front of you: two at the bottom, two at the sides and one on top, representing the ankles, wrists and forehead. Light each candle, and dedicate it to the Goddess of lust and love by saying:
“Oh wondrous Lady of lust and love,
Empower this pentacle with your magick.”
Holding your lover close to you, use your wand to connect the five points of light in a clockwise motion into a pentacle of love. Merge with the pentacle and imagine your wildest sexual fantasies. Use the soft warm bed to realize these fantasies with your beloved and make your dreams come true. You can also do this pentacle solo.

Opening the Star (Storm Moon)

Opening the Star

(Storm Moon)
Use this spell to become one with the stars.
Take a hot bath, anoint yourself with your favorite scented oil, put on relaxing music, and lie on our bed with your arms and legs extended. Imagine yourself as a star glistening in the night sky. The light pours in and out of your legs, arms, and head in a clockwise motion. Sense the light moving in, then sense it moving outward. Your being becomes pure light as you shine with the light of the divine. Perfect love and perfect peace flow in and out of you, connecting you with the whole of Oneness.
Sense your being opening up like a flower whose petals are pure light. From the inside out, you glow with a brilliant white light that emanates from every part of your being. Feel yourself becoming the essence of fluorescence, filled with ardor of life.
As you drift off to sleep, take this sensation of being filled and emanating with an aura of perfect love and perfect peace within your inner being. Continue to sense the star inside of you opening like a flower and glowing with your inner beauty. Repeat the following affirmation three times:
“Tonight and every night
My star spirit is shining bright.”

Scrying Board Divination (Storm Moon)

Scrying Board Divination

(Storm Moon)

Scrying boards, such as the popular Quija board, date back at least to the time of the fourth-century Roman emperor Valens. In its first year of full production by Parker Brothers. Quija boards outsold their other favorite game Monopoly.

To perform this ritual, you will need a large piece of construction paper, a magic marker, a small wine glass and at least one other person.

At midnight, draw a small circle the size of the top of the wine glass in the middle of the piece of paper. Draw a line up from the circle to the top of the paper, down from the circle to the bottom of the paper, from the right-side to the edge, and from the left-side to the edge. The paper is now divided into four sections with a circle in the middle. Label the section in the upper right “Yes” the section in the upper left “No,” lower left “Yes,” and lower right “No.”

Place the wine glass upside down in the middle of the paper, covering the circle. With two people on opposite sides or four people on all four sides, each person put one finger on what is now the top of the glass. One of you needs to ask a “yes or no” question out loud. Wait for the glass to move on its own, free from deliberate help. You will know this because its movements will be fluid rather than jerky.

When you perfect this divination board, you can improve upon it by writing a circle of letters on the paper. Do this by writing the letter “A” at the top of the page and then making a circle around the page with the other twenty-five letters. This configuration of the board gives you the option of moving beyond yes and no questions.

Winter Night’s Blessing (Storm Moon)

Winter Night’s Blessing

(Storm Moon)

While preparing for bed, read this blessing aloud as part of your nightly prayers:

When the nights are dark and stormy,
And things become hard to see,
Dear God and Goddess
Help to keep the light within me glowing.
So that no matter which way the wind’s blowing,
I am on the Path I should be;
I am one of the blessed,
Who seek complete union with the Divine,
I am one of the shining ones,
Whose light continues to brighten the night.
In the name of the Lord and Lady, Blessed Be!

As you drift to sleep, imagine that you are the candle that the Goddess has lit. Imagine your light burning bright and shining like a star in the night sky. Every night, your light grows brighter and brighter and your life becomes filled with the joy of Divine Love.