Lady A’s Spell of the Day for 8/15: A Healing Poppet Spell

A Healing Poppet Spell

this suppose to make the person which is having trouble with his or her health feel better warning: this shouldn’t replace traditional medical treatment

The following ingredients are needed:

*A poppet or doll, preferably self-made.

*Chamomile flowers and vervain sufficient to stuff the poppet.

*Hair or nail clippings from the object of the spell (if you can get them).

*A photo or image of the object (if you can get one).

*A black marker pen.

*A lancing pin.

*A box large enough to contain the poppet or doll.

As a general rule for a healing spell to work properly and before commencing, the object of the spell needs to know and consent to your working it. He or she doesn’t necessarily need to be present while the work is done. This spell should be performed on a full moon into its waning cycle.

Preparation: To construct a poppet take a suitable sized piece of cloth (use natural materials and fibers such as cotton, wool or silk and remember also to consider its colour correspondences for healing, see Colours). Fold it in two and with a pen mark out a rough image of a body. Now cut out the shape so you have two identical pieces then sew the two pieces together around the edges. Leave a hole wide enough to stuff the poppet with the chamomile flowers and vervain, also insert the photo, hair and/or nail clippings if you have them before sewing it closed. Finally with the black maker pen draw a black circle on the poppet where the ailment is concentrated.

The Working Ritual: Form a magick circle and call the Goddess and God to aid you spell. Consecrate the poppet and place it on your altar visualizing the object of the spell and the ailment he/she is suffering. Consecrate the lancing pin and charge it with healing energies. Take up the poppet in your left hand and the pin in your right and pierce the black circle with the pin. Concentrate all your willpower on healing the ailing individual saying or chanting something like:

In the name of the Goddess and God, I lance this disease with the spear of healing. As the Full Moon wanes, let this ailment drain. No more to be, replaced with heath and vitality. So mote it be!

Leave the pin in the poppet and place the poppet in the box on the altar. Visualize the object of the spell regaining good health while building your power and energy and releasing it towards its goal. When the rite has finished, store the box somewhere safe until the person is restored to good health. The poppet can be retrieved and the rite re-worked to accentuate and re-empower the magick over a period if necessary. Use additional lancing pins leaving each in place after each working. Once the healing is complete and success has been achieved, remove the pins and dissemble the poppet. Bury the contents outside in the earth.

Saint of the Day for August 15th is St. Alipius

St. Alipius

Bishop and companion of St. Augustine. He was born in Tagaste, North Africa, and was raised as a friend of St. Augustine. He went to Rome to study law and became a magistrate there. When Augustine arrived in Rome, Alipius resigned his post and accompanied him to Milan. There he was baptized with Augustine in 387 or 394 by St. Ambrose. The two were ordained in Hippo, North Africa, and Alipius became the bishop of Tagaste, serving in that capacity for thirty years. Alipius’ name was placed in the Roman Martyrology by Pope Gregory XIII in 1584. The evidence of Alipius’ sanctity was clearly stated by Augustine’s account of his life.

Deities of the Day for August 15th is The Hooded Spirits

Hooded Spirits

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Hooded Spirits or Genii Cucullati are figures found in religious sculpture across the Romano-Celtic region from Britain to Pannonia, depicted as “cloaked scurrying figures carved in an almost abstract manner” (Henig, 62). They are found with a particular concentration in the Rhineland (Hutton). In Britain they tend to be found in a triple deity form, which seems to be specific to the British representations (De la Bedoyère).

The hooded cape was especially associated with Gauls or Celts during the Roman period. The hooded health god was known as Telesphorus specifically and may have originated as a Greco-Gallic syncretism with the Galatians in Anatolia in the 3rd century BC.

The religious significance of these figures is still somewhat unclear, since no inscriptions have been found with them in this British context (De la Bedoyère). There are, however, indications that they may be fertility spirits of some kind. Ronald Hutton argues that in some cases they are carrying shapes that can be seen as eggs, symbolizing life and rebirth, while Graham Webster has argued that the curved hoods are similar in many ways to contemporary Roman curved phallus stones. However, several of these figures also seem to carry swords or daggers, and Henig discusses them in the context of warrior cults.

Guy de la Bédoyère also warns against reading too much in to size differences or natures in the figures, which have been used to promote theories of different roles for the three figures, arguing that at the skill level of most of the carvings, small differences in size are more likely to be hit-and-miss consequences, and pointing out that experimental archaeology has shown hooded figures one of the easiest sets of figures to carve.

Herb of the Day for August 15th is Rice


Folk Names:  Bras, Dhan, Nirvana, Paddy

Gender:  Masculine

Planet:  Sun

Element:  Air

Powers:  Protection, Rain, Money Fertility

Magickal Uses:  When placed on the roof, rice guards against all misfortunes. Brahmins carried rice as an amulet against evil and a small jar of rice placed near the entrance of the house also guards it. Throwing rice into the air can cause rain. Rice is also added to money spells, and is thrown after wedded couples to increase their fertility.

Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham

Your Daily Influences for August 15th

Your Daily Influences
August 15, 2011

Tarot Influence

Rune Influence

Charm Influence
Four of Swords
A period of rest and restoration of energies. Tensions subside. Good changes are soon to come.
Elhaz represents your power to protect yourself and those around you. It also connotes the thrill and joy of a successful hunt. You are in a very enviable position right now, because you are able to maintain what you have built and reach your current goals. Enjoy.
The Axe Head
As an axe comes to a complete stop when it hits the tree so you have grown motionless. You now must draw back, step away from this quadrant of your life and begin again. Set a new path into motion.
Your Daily Influences represent events and challenges the current day will present for you. They may represent opportunities you should be ready to seize. Or they may forewarn you of problems you may be able to avoid or lessen. Generally it is best to use them as tips to help you manage your day and nothing more.

Today’s Runes for August 15th is Dagez

Today’s Runes

Stone Runes are most commonly used for questions about the natural world and things beyond human control. Dagez means daylight, and represents divine light. This rune generally refers to dawn (the initial sparking of energy) or to midday (the climax of energy). Both dawn and midday are symbolic of change, but unlike the changes in the perpetual circle of the year which are slow and subtle, the changes over a day are much faster and more dramatic. The breaking of a new day is symbolic of the rapid illumination of dismal circumstances, and is suggestive of Satori. Be careful – although this rune generally suggests a positive change, the symbology of a peaking point suggests that there must be a change downward as well. Fortunately for some, this rune is cyclic and irreversible, and so permanence is not promised – the only thing you can be sure of is an exciting ride.

Today’s I Ching Hexagram for August 15th is 4: Youthful Folly

4: Youthful Folly

Hexagram 4

General Meaning: Be on guard for careless or rebellious attitudes characteristic of youthful inexperience. Just as a youth requires instruction, this is a good time to focus on learning your lessons from a patient teacher or life experience. Is there some circumstance in your life that you failed to comprehend, perhaps because you could not appreciate its inherent complexities? Be respectful of anything or anyone who has something to teach you right now.

In order to be prepared for challenges, let education be a part of your life. Continually develop the strong mind and will necessary to carry you through confusing times. The wise realize that experience is a powerful teacher, even though we cannot be forced to learn, even from experience. Be a good student, one who delights in learning, one who nourishes his or her expanding awareness, one who is paying attention!

Examine your attitude for factors that limit your openness. Observe how you deal with the mistakes of others. You must let people live their own lives and learn their own lessons. Offer others your wisdom or advice, but only if the other person is receptive (when in doubt, ask). Otherwise, give up trying to convince him or her that you are right, which is only exhausting and counter-productive. If people are not receptive, let them go their own way — even into difficulty or dangerous circumstances. It is the only way they can learn right now — and without learning, no one can achieve success. This does not mean that you should not care — just that taking care of someone too much can be harmful. Live and let learn

Your Daily Number for August 15th: 5

You may find your interests expanding today, and you’re probably going to be feeling more liberated than you have in a long time. New people, social gatherings, and possibly romance may broaden your horizon. Be careful not to over-indulge or become careless in the midst of so much activity.

Fast Facts

About the Number 5

Theme: Resourceful, Adventure, Speculation, Travel
Astro Association: Taurus
Tarot Association: Hierophant


Today’s Tarot Card for August 15th is The Lovers

The Lovers

This Tarot Deck: African Tarot

General Meaning: Although it has taken on a strictly romantic revision of meaning in some modern decks, traditionally the Lovers card of Tarot reflected the challenges of choosing a partner. At a crossroads, one cannot take both paths. The images on this card in different decks have varied more than most, because we have had so many ways of looking at sex and relationships across cultures and centuries.

Classically, the energy of this card reminded us of the real challenges posed by romantic relationships, with the protagonist often shown in the act of making an either-or choice. To partake of a higher ideal often requires sacrificing the lesser option. The path of pleasure eventually leads to distraction from spiritual growth. The gratification of the personality eventually gives way to a call from spirit as the soul matures.

Modern decks tend to portray the feeling of romantic love with this card, showing Adam and Eve at the gates of Eden when everything was still perfect. This interpretation portrays humanity before the Fall, and can be thought to imply a different sort of choice — the choice of evolution over perfection, or the choice of personal growth through relationship — instead of a fantasy where everything falls into place perfectly and is taken care of without effort.

Your Horoscopes for Monday, August 15th

Today’s psychic Pisces Moon helps break down unnecessary boundaries that exist between all of us. We are culturally trained to place undue significance on whatever separates us from each other, rather than focusing on the common ground that connects us. But it’s not easy to soften our defenses because the Sun and Venus form otherworldly septiles with permissive Jupiter and restrictive Saturn, making us more susceptible now to the whims of fate.


Aries Horoscope
Aries Horoscope (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

You might get into an argument with an overly dramatic friend today if you believe that he or she is keeping something hidden from you. However, you could easily turn an unimportant oversight or a simple misunderstanding into a full-blown crisis because of your concern about being left out of the picture. Remember, there’s no reason to expect everyone to always include you, especially if you are usually quick to be so independent.

Taurus Horoscope
Taurus Horoscope (Apr 20 – May 20)

You might be unsuccessful in your attempts to control the mysterious energies that are turning your day upside down. You’re tempted to blame the instability on your friends, but their lack of follow-through isn’t the real problem. You would be wise to own up to your role in manifesting the chaos you need to heighten your creative expression. Don’t assume that you know how others will act; take responsibility for your part alone.

Gemini Horoscope
Gemini Horoscope (May 21 – Jun 20)

Your conversations are muddled today and to make matters worse, other people can easily misinterpret your actions. Don’t judge anyone harshly if they mess up, for your behavior is probably sending ambiguous signals, even if you think that you’re being straightforward. It’s not worth starting a fight about something that will seem ridiculous later in the week.

Cancer Horoscope
Cancer Horoscope (June 21 – Jul 22)

Your emotions flow more freely today, allowing something to happen that catches you completely off guard. It’s not that you’re unaccustomed to sudden shifts in your life; it’s just that you weren’t expecting this one at all. Thankfully, there’s nothing to be gained by going back over the past to analyze what you could have done differently. Just react from your heart in real time to handle the current situation the best you can.

Leo Horoscope
Leo Horoscope (Jul 23 – Aug 22)

You may have to confront a difficult dilemma today, but the circumstances are more complicated than they seem. Your loss of perspective adds to the complexity as you try to figure out what to do. Moving away from the center of the storm helps you make more accurate observations about what’s actually happening now, prior to choosing a new course of action.

Virgo Horoscope
Virgo Horoscope (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Your interactions with others are overly complicated today, especially if no one seems to be playing according to the rules. Unfortunately, you might not understand everyone’s behavior until you take the time to listen to what is being said. However, your discussions must move beyond any surface disagreements for them to have any value, so don’t get distracted by the apparent differences of opinion.

Libra Horoscope
Libra Horoscope (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Your energy may be scattered today, making it even more difficult to finish your tasks on the job and your chores at home. You might not be too concerned that you’re less productive now; nevertheless, others could be relying on you. Don’t downplay the role that you have in the lives of friends and acquaintances. Remember, if you promised to do something, make sure you honor your commitment.

Scorpio Horoscope
Scorpio Horoscope (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

There is something very strange going on today with respect to a current relationship being revitalized or a sudden attraction to a new one. Either way, it is time to remove your rose-colored glasses before something crucial happens, rather than after it. Keep in mind that it’s essential to see things as they are now and not how you want them to be.

Sagittarius Horoscope
Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

A family squabble might require some of your mindshare today, but others appear to be more concerned about the outcome than you are. Your lack of involvement can confuse them, especially if they think you don’t care. However, you just may be uncertain about your position so far. Instead of saying nothing and letting everyone draw their own conclusions, express your concern, while still reserving your judgment until you have more facts.

Capricorn Horoscope
Capricorn Horoscope (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

You may be very busy at home, but you might not even realize how packed your workweek is. Avoid scattering your energy; you cannot suddenly finish everything all at once. It’s smarter now to counterbalance the current hectic pace with a calm and methodical approach. Don’t bother trying to figure anything out; just remember that it’s a gift to be simple.

Aquarius Horoscope
Aquarius Horoscope (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

You may face resistance from friends and colleagues who believe that your current strategy is not a very good one. You don’t mind a bit of healthy sparring, even if someone cajoles you into seeing things from a different perspective. But you’re not as easygoing once you realize that your opponent is not giving up. You are able to heed good advice, but aren’t interested in anyone making critical decisions for you or telling you what to do. Graciously accept the constructive feedback, and then follow your heart.

Pisces Horoscope
Pisces Horoscope (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

You cannot hide your feelings easily today because the Moon in your fishy sign brings your moods up to the surface and right out in the open. A close friend might not like what he or she sees now and could unexpectedly morph from an ally into an adversary. Fortunately, you have the strength to handle this tricky situation by acknowledging the criticism without being overly defensive, thereby defusing a possible conflict before it even happens.

Your Love Horoscopes for the Week of August 15th

An alluring conjunction of Venus and the Sun in dramatic Leo can open the gates to romance this week. The urges of the heart are so strong that reason may fly out the window and falling in love comes all too naturally. Enjoy the pleasure of these delicious feelings as long as you don’t take a moment of ecstasy and try to build your whole life around it.


Aries Horoscope
Aries Horoscope (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Your passionate ruling planet Mars may have you playing it safe now with its presence in protective Cancer. But you still might be willing to throw caution to the wind and take an adventurous leap toward love later in the week when lucky Jupiter supercharges sexy Mars. Yet, the bigger your goal, the wiser it is to plan your moves carefully instead of just winging it.

Taurus Horoscope
Taurus Horoscope (Apr 20 – May 20)

Diving into the indulgence of your senses is a perfect way to invite love into your life this weekend. The Moon in your sensual sign joins expansive Jupiter to broaden the spectrum of your tastes and open your heart with generosity. Create a romantic setting by cooking a great meal and listening to your favorite music together. If the mood is right, an after dinner massage will make a perfect dessert.

Gemini Horoscope
Gemini Horoscope (May 21 – Jun 20)

A slower pace and simpler approach will do more for your personal life now than overloading your social calendar or coming on too strong. The sensual Taurus Moon this weekend rewards you when you give your full attention to one person and activity at a time. Seek out the quiet corners where whispers and subtle glances will be more appealing than overly dramatic gestures.

Cancer Horoscope
Cancer Horoscope (June 21 – Jul 22)

Spending time with a group of easygoing people can do wonders for your personal life this weekend. The mood-setting Moon is in cozy Taurus and your 11th House of Friends to provide stimulation and support when you’re among like-minded folks. Working for a cause close to your heart is one good way to meet someone new or deepen the bonds in an ongoing relationship.

Leo Horoscope
Leo Horoscope (Jul 23 – Aug 22)

Vivacious Venus joins the Sun in your outgoing sign this week. This cosmic connection is ideal for showing some style and strutting your stuff. There’s a thin line, though, between arrogance and elegance. When you’re as much into giving love and attention as getting it, your desirability goes up another notch. Even if you feel like a star, don’t act like everyone else is your supporting cast.

Virgo Horoscope
Virgo Horoscope (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

It’s easy to recognize individuals with inflated egos this week, but calling them out isn’t going to win you any affection. Taking a low-key approach and accepting people as they are is a way to tap into the comfort and pleasure of the weekend’s earthy Taurus Moon. Simple activities that feed the senses will invite intimacy that over-analysis is unlikely to provide.

Libra Horoscope
Libra Horoscope (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

The Moon in your 8th House of Intimacy makes getting closer to others much easier this weekend. Don’t overly complicate things by thinking too far ahead. This lunar transit is in earthy Taurus, a sign of simple pleasures of the here and now. Seek the company of accommodating individuals so you can relax and enjoy yourself instead of having to figure out ways to keep everyone happy.

Scorpio Horoscope
Scorpio Horoscope (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Get ready for a delicious weekend with the scrumptious Taurus Moon laying down a bed of delight in your 7th House of Partners. Don’t look for hidden motives or attempt to make long-term plans when living in the present has rarely been so rich with the potential for pleasure. When you can appreciate simplicity and innocence, you’re entering a welcoming world of love and affection.

Sagittarius Horoscope
Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

You don’t have to shoot for the Moon to find heaven on Earth this weekend. A lunar transit through sweet and simple Taurus puts the fun back into fundamental. Avoid the hassles of over-scheduling or trying to create the perfect date. Emotional magic and a profound feeling of comfort can occur even while you’re out shopping or attending to a basic task. Romance can be found in the most usual of places, so shine your love light for all to see.

Capricorn Horoscope
Capricorn Horoscope (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Yum, yum, yum, Capricorn. The Moon is hanging out in sweet and sensual Taurus and your 5th House of Romance this weekend. This lunar placement is a first class ticket to pleasure if you can avoid the complications of elaborate plans and expectations. You’re most desirable now when you relax and enjoy yourself like a kid instead of acting like an ambitious adult.

Aquarius Horoscope
Aquarius Horoscope (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

Turn down your intellect a little this weekend and let your body lead the way. The Moon is in earthy Taurus, offering pleasure without complications. It may sound selfish and simplistic to seek out fun now without considering where that might lead. Yet the reward of not trying to see the big picture is that you are free to indulge your senses without diluting distractions.

Pisces Horoscope
Pisces Horoscope (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

The unpretentious Taurus Moon falls in your 3rd House of Communication this weekend. This lunar alignment can help you break down complicated subjects into some easy-to-manage pieces. Being simple and straightforward without keeping secrets or playing games can earn trust and engender comfort. A more natural approach to sharing with others calms stormy emotional waters with relaxation and romance.

the daily humorscopes for monday, august 15th

the daily humorscope 

Monday, August 15, 2011

Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Flour tortilla day, today. You know what I mean.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
You will find a strangely heavy small gold ring today, embedded in the center of an obviously volcanic rock. There is some writing, in a script unlike any you’ve ever seen, running around the ring, although you can’t really see it unless you heat it up in a fire…
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Today you will lie to yourself. Amusingly, you will be completely taken in, and will be very annoyed later when the truth comes out.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Remember: people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. It’s ok to throw mashed potatoes, however.
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Excellent day to sneak.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
You will accidentally step on someone’s foot, and they will say “Ow!.” That’s when I usually say “No pain, no gain.” Sometimes people don’t like me. I’ve never figured out why.
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
You will make pizza from scratch today (dough and everything), and will beam with pride. As well you should.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
You will spend another full day attempting to shuffle a deck of cards with your toes. Fortunately, nobody will find out.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
You will independently re-discover an old Celtic trick, which will help considerably with an upcoming math test. In particular, you’ll find that painting yourself blue may do little for your own mathematical abilities, but it will be a significant distraction for everyone else.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)
You need to work harder on your friendships. Why, you sometimes don’t even like yourself that much, do you? Be nice to yourself this week – buy yourself some flowers or a nice gift. And stop suspecting yourself of having an ulterior motive!
Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)
Today will be especially trying, and if you’re not careful, you could end up in a pretty grumpy frame of mind. Take precautions! Wear your E.T. underwear.
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
It’s time to take up indoor gardening. It’s quite fun, and you can grow a lot of stuff in a little space. Be considerate though – I can tell you from personal experience that it’s best to run the tractor when your spouse isn’t around.

Astronomy Picture of the Day for August 15th

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Discover the cosmos!Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.

Rover Arrives at Endeavour Crater on Mars
Image Credit: Mars Exploration Rover Mission, Cornell, JPL, NASAExplanation: What can the present-day terrain in and around large Endeavour crater tell us about ancient Mars? Starting three years ago, NASA sent a coffee-table sized robot named Opportunity on a mission rolling across the red planet’s Meridiani Planum to find out. Last week, it finally arrived. Expansive Endeavour crater stretches 22 kilometers from rim to rim, making it the largest crater ever visited by a Mars Exploration Rover (MER). It is hypothesized that the impact that created the crater exposed ancient rock that possibly formed under wet conditions, and if so, this rock may yield unique clues to the watery past of Mars. Pictured above, the west rim of Endeavour looms just ahead of the Opportunity rover. Opportunity may well spend the rest of its operational life exploring Endeavour, taking pictures, spinning its wheels, and boring into intriguing rocks.

On Becoming a Crone

On Becoming a Crone

Author: Belladonna SilverRayne

Why is it so hard to admit we’re growing older? Why do we fight it tooth and nail? Society and the media as a whole, wants to show aging as something to be fought against, to be put off as long as possible. Why? Look at any sit-com, news broadcast, music video…. it’s all about being young and “beautiful”. Youth is made out to be the epitome of what we all want to be. Who wants to get old, right? Wrong!

I will be 45 on my next birthday. A fact that, when said out loud at first, made me mentally cringe. “Me? 45?? That means only 5 more years till I’m 50!!” After I said it aloud several times, and really thought about it, I could say it with confidence. Yes. Me. 45 going onto 50.

And I love it! I am moving into the Crone stage of my life, and enjoying every minute of it!

I loved the Maiden stage, when I was young, supple, carefree, and self-indulgent. Who among us didn’t? Life seemed so simple, so easy to handle. And it was. My biggest worry was what outfit I’d wear out to the club to dance and make merry with friends.

I sowed my oats, looked out for number one (me, of course) and just basically did my own thing. I moved at the speed of light, never really stopping to appreciate the things around me, never really taking anything in. Just “doing”. As I got a little older, I met the person that would become my husband and the father of my kids and we began our life together.

And I grew.

Then came Mother-hood. My body showed great evidence of the birthing of my children, as did my energy levels, emotional (in) stability, and newfound patience. I now had three other human beings, put on this Earth by me, all looking TO me to provide, nourish, teach, and love. Wow! As they grew, learned, made mistakes, and matured, I did as well. I managed to learn along the way to slow down a bit, to really notice things as they happened around me. I watched and listened a little more carefully now. I loved every moment, good and not so good, watching these amazing people who were once actual, living parts of my own body, turn into individuals, all truly unique within themselves, seeing them overcome hurdle after hurdle. Such a reward in life I will never receive again. Or will I?

I divorced my husband, and watched my kids growing older, going out on their own, and beginning their lives as young adults.

And I grew.

When I first began my Pagan path, I was still in what is considered the Mother stage, my kids were still relatively young and “needed” me in a mommy way. I was still very fertile, and the idea of having another baby sometime was not out of the question. Time passed and that idea faded, along with my monthly menses. (Can’t say I miss them much!)

It took me quite awhile to realize that I was no longer in that stage once the Croning period began. I wanted to fight it, to deny it, all for vain reasons, I’m sorry to say. I wanted to cling to that youth, or at least the image of it. Or so I thought. Now, after having met, gotten to know, and come to love, many admirable women, all in the Crone cycle of life, I am fully aware that I too am at that stage. And come to find out, it’s not so bad after all!

As I move into my Croning time, I don’t look at it as an ending, but a beginning, very akin to giving birth (only this time, I don’t think I’ll need all the medications!) . I will be giving birth to my Self. I can allow my Self to now grow, learn, and experience life, as I once allowed my children to do these things.

I am eager to gain more wisdom as time goes by, as the Great Wheel turns, and as season drifts into season.

I am learning to cherish the lines on my face, as each one stands for some lesson learned, some path walked down, perhaps a hardship suffered and come through stronger because of it.

I have begun to admire my stretch marks as battle scars, won not on the field of some war, but fighting to bring life into this world, one wonderful child at a time.

I now embrace the fullness of my softened body, knowing that even though it may not bring life into this world any longer, or be as taut and supple as it was two decades ago, it can still allow for pleasures, for physical support, and for living life in a healthy, Goddess-filled way!

I am now allowing my mature mind to expand and create in ways that it could not in the past.

I enjoy the younger ones coming to me, asking for my opinion, needing a particular sort of comfort that only someone my age can offer.

I am now ready to walk towards the end of my path in this particular life, knowing that even though it comes towards me quicker than ever, there is still much to gather, much to pass on, but still much MORE to learn and take in.

In Pagan societies (as well as many others) Elders are looked to for advice, comfort, wisdom, and as examples. Who better to follow than a grand Crone or Sage, not past their prime, but fully embracing it, fully aware of themselves as human beings? I so hope to be such an example, to my children, my Pagan brothers and sisters, and non-Pagan friends, alike. I want to show what it is to age gracefully, to accept that life is a never-ending cycle of birth, growth, death, and re-birth, in so many ways. I want everyone to see that while youth has it’s merits and perks, so does growing older and wiser.

Whatever stage of life you may be in as a woman. Maiden, Mother, or Crone, realize the absolute beauty of the moment, embrace it for all it is worth, and live each cycle to the fullest. Know that you have earned all that you are made up of, inside and out. And fear not, for Crone is not the end of the line, it is the goal we, as women, all strive to attain.

Getting My Husband to Accept My Religion

Getting My Husband to Accept My Religion

Author: Scáithshúilóir (Bailey)

I have believed in the Wiccan Way since I was perhaps seven or ten years old. It wasn’t until I was thirteen that I began to more wholeheartedly follow the Old Way. I hadn’t done much research, regrettably, and yet looking back on old writings of rituals and dances, songs, poems, that had, at the time, seemed to have nothing to do with the Craft, really did. It was as though the Goddess and the God had been in my blood from day one (for Christianity had always felt “icky” to me, as though I were living a horrid lie that simply wouldn’t go away no matter how much I told the truth) .

I knew what I was, who I was, and what I wanted to do to show the world my beliefs.

However, in my eighth grade year, I was pulled into a weird cult group at my school and while the path we followed as akin to Wicca it was not all the same time. The gods and goddesses we followed were more or less made up, and when I met my current husband at the end of ninth grade after Hurricane Katrina and his friend whom wanted to practice Wicca and turned to me for information, I gave my husband’s friend the information of my cult from middle school versus the true information of the Craft.

My husband went online to verify the information and when it didn’t match up, he went rather nuts. So to this day, I’m still living up to that “lie.” I’m tainted and as are my beliefs.

Now, though he lets me keep my altar up (rather ignorant I’m guessing of what it stands for) and lets me wear my Goddess pendant and pentacle medallion, I know he fights me on practicing my beliefs openly. He seems unable to understand that when one says Wiccans believe in magick, it isn’t necessarily that we believe we can make the wind blow, or flowers grow, or move things with our minds, but rather that we take negative energy morph it into positive energy and through Circles and rituals and spells and the like we channel that positive energy to influence our world and through our positive thoughts and the like change how we do things and how our world is around us.

Yet… I don’t know. It’s hard because every time I bring up Wicca, he tells me “you’re not Wiccan” but I think it’s more because he’s in denial. Like, I saved something from a website that had a good Mabon ritual that I wanted to use come next month and he said, “So you’re looking up Wiccan things to buy online.”

I said, “No, I saved the site because it had a good ritual.”

He didn’t seem mad and didn’t argue with me. So, I guess it’s more of a gradual transition. My friend from years ago, Cael, did a tarot reading for me and said that there are two paths before me and only one reaches home. I’m torn between which path is the right one to take but I’m too stubborn to give up the fight.

I’m not sure exactly what to do.

I’ve prayed consistently to the Goddess and the God to guide me, to allow my husband, whom I would give my life for, who I believe the Goddess and the God gave to me personally, to accept my beliefs. I don’t want him to practice with me. I understand and accept fully that he doesn’t believe what I do, yet… I wish he’d extend the same kindness to me.

I guess I’d be more truthful if I said that there are some aspects of Wicca that I follow. I believe that faeries are lesser, almost demi-gods that are more or less spirits of the Earth manifested in plants, flowers, etc. I’ve already stated my thoughts/beliefs on magick.

I’m an eclectic Witch, but more or less I guess I’d be traditional in the sense that I worship the Goddess and the God, I only call upon Them in my rituals. Though I acknowledge all the other gods and goddesses of the various pantheons, I feel as though it more respectful to speak directly to the “head honchos” of the Way. That may just be me. I don’t believe in love potions, healing spells on myself, or things like that.

I think it is horribly against the Rede to do anything that might be considered “personal gain.” I believe in working for the things in my life, not use the magick given to me in ways to make it a faster process, just to give me a hop in my step.

I’m beautiful the way I am, the Goddess wouldn’t have made me such if I wasn’t truly beautiful. I love women and men equally; I don’t think one sex is better than the other. The Goddess and the God manifest in each of us, so no one is more perfect than the other.

I accept others beliefs, for the Rede bids us “Abide the Wiccan Law ye must/ in perfect love and perfect trust.” I follow the Rede as best I can, but like all humans I mess up.

But I’ve digressed from my general point. I only want to be accepted. I wish I could reach a mutual understanding with my husband. I love my faith and I love the Goddess and the God, and to not worship them every night by opening a circle and simply meditating with Their presence beside me, it’s almost painful.

Goddess and God willing my husband will accept my religion as I have undoubtedly accepted his. But as I’ve mentioned before in above paragraphs, it’s still a debated issue. I hope the gradual transition works out in the end. And I hope it comes to a close soon. I can’t take much more of this. It’s killing me.

High Magic, Low Magic: Designations Help Define Our Styles

High Magic, Low Magic: Designations Help Define Our Styles

Author: Treasach

I personally find designations handy. They express no limit, only a specialization. It certainly helps you anticipate how easily you can work with another and how your styles and knowledge will mesh. I know, for example, that I don’t usually get on well with high magicians, or Iron John style wizards. That’s darn handy to know when someone tells me that he is a necromancer and a cabbalist.

As I label myself a ReClaimist, matriarchal, bardic green witch, most of you will have an idea of what I am currently working on, where my knowledge areas lie, what my focus is, and how I express my spirituality. That doesn’t mean I’ll stay like that forever, or that I’m not interested in other forms of worship, but it certainly makes it easier for us to find others of the same style. Rather like nametags at a convention.

I not only see no harm in it, I encourage folks to find a useful label for their personal style practice. Makes them feel more validated, too, especially when they are first starting out.

High magic is usually the term for what the wizards do. It’s rather like a Catholic mass, with all the ritual words in a sacred language, pomp and finery, ordained divine conduits, and strict adherence to detail. The power in high magic comes from without… the great universal energy that is harnessed by the correct performance of the ritual itself, with some measure from the performer (s) , but not much. They are mostly lending energy for the conduction of the spell to take place, which is why there is such an emphasis on hierarchy in high magic. It is vital that the ceremony be followed exactly with the correct people taking care of their assigned functions. The more powerful as spell, the less room for error.

The big draw for this kind of magic is that it offers a great deal of power in a relatively short period of time, but with a corresponding danger level as you ascend. The goal is to eventually control and submit the entire Universe. Nearly all wizards are male, white, and have terrible ego issues. They are usually still at the age where they feel invulnerable, since it’s required that you eventually wrestle with demons, for example, and incur the wrath of extra dimensional entities by enslaving them or their friends. It is often spelt with a ‘k’ to delineate it from low magic. Wizards find that sort of window dressing appealing.

Low magic is usually what witches do. Its goal is to make you one with the Universe, and therefore blissful, content, wise, with all your needs provided for. To unleash and accept your Goddess within, which is the same as the Goddess without, by giving full release to your Goddess self. This means that much attention is paid to your own instinct and the answers that are right for you, as your Goddess cannot ever be wrong, you just have to get better at hearing her. So our spells are more like mediation, sometimes with helpful symbols or foci like incense, statues, herbs, and other paraphernalia.

Most experienced witches don’t bother with it, however, unless they are trying to working on something much harder than usual. To effect change in the Universe, we try to use the Butterfly effect, to tug on the string of the Great Weave that will most affect the change we want. In trying to find the string, we learn how the Universe works and so increase our wisdom. And the Universe is vast, so She often can’t get to something as quick as She’d like.

It is therefore our job as Her representatives to draw her attention to inequities by blessing those who need it, to injustices by cursing those who deserve it, and other maintenance of the Continuum, thereby increasing our understanding and interaction with it.

Wicca is like high magic for witches. It calls upon the spirits and entities in a very ritualized format with specific assignments to the members, but primarily uses the inner energies of the group or individual to do the prescribed task. There is therefore no backlash if done incorrectly. But they do seem very fond of their accoutrements…

Most women choose the style of Low magic because it is more like their usual style of being: persuading and joining, rather than controlling. The sex of the practitioner doesn’t enter into it, other than gender training in their culture helping them have certain inclinations… That explains the overwhelming majority of practitioners in the Middle Ages being clergy. They often went into the priesthood for reasons OTHER than piety, like power and wealth, they were learned, and they had access to all sorts of magical formula, arcane materials, etc. So High magic, or ceremonial magic, was almost entirely Christian and clerical in the Middle Ages.

It is indeed all the same power. However, I can cure myself, clean my house, or get rid of my weeds and insects in my garden through chemicals created in a lab, or I can use chemicals in herbs and natural liquids. Some are just as dangerous to the environment, and myself but most aren’t.

Chemicals, like magic, are all made of the same components essentially but how they inter-react and perform is completely variable depending on how they were generated and used. They can be naturally gentle and persuading, or they can be artificially harsh, brutal, and destructive.

I’m sure most of you have heard of the phrase “As above, so below”. Only one interpretation is rendered as “As in Heaven, so it happens down here.” Another, more widely used and helpful meaning is “Change or events Outside affect the Internal, and vise versa.” ‘High’ in the case of magic means ‘external’, ‘low’ means ‘internal’. ONLY when hierarchy becomes so predominate in this culture, and High implies more powerful, and consequently more male, does High and Low magic take on some connotations that some people today take umbrage with. It’s not a personal insult to our style.

Now. When was the last time any of you enslaved a demon, deity, or angel to unwillingly do your bidding? How about binding your local ghosts, fairies, and spirits as your personal gophers? I don’t remember when it was that I forced the dead to come back in an unquiet rest to speak about the secrets of the Universe… High magic involves the use of formula and ritual to achieve just such dog collars on the Powers of the Universe. It isn’t the end in and of itself. The spell is usually to DO something, but it is the elemental being that figures out how to achieve the goal.

This kind of style offers much to recommend it to those that want a lot of power fast. Sure, High magicians have to keep their will focused on the spell for it to work, but only for the ritual itself. For the results of the spell to be efficacious, it doesn’t have to be PERSONAL, internal power that is bringing it about. That’s what the Harnesses of the Universe are for, like Jewish magic squares, Keys of Solomon, which can energize, activate, and execute many different kinds of spells simply by being performed correctly. However, the perils increase correspondingly.

I’ve seen a young wizard tell me that Hunters from the sprit world are stalking him, and we did a little complex ritual around a lamppost to confuse them so they can’t follow. I mean, I never saw them, but that doesn’t mean they weren’t there, so I won’t doubt his word. Much. But I’ll tell you. I’ve never done anything in my magic work to invoke their wrath in the first place.

I am not comparing levels of power here. A very experienced or instinctive witch who is close to the Warp and Weft of the Universe can indeed stop a storm with a thought. Unfortunately, that takes a great deal of Enlightenment to reach that point, so most of us don’t get there in a hurry, if ever. Now, it takes a wizard of far less experience, personal power, and self-mastery to achieve the same ends by going through the rigmarole to capture the power of the Storm God and just fire away or let Him do the work. It’s not easy, but it’s a hellova lot easier than becoming one with the Forces of a Hurricane and personally knowing on an unconscious level what strings to pull.

With these kind of benefits attached to High magic, including the hierarchy, the feeling of mastery and the practice of invincibility, it’s no wonder that most wizards are men. But there is no such thing as a free lunch. Most powers that are so bound in High magic are not only interested in becoming Unbound as soon as possible, they would also like to wreak revenge on the mortals who dared to commit such an atrocity.

Which is why my little wizard friend was almost PROUD at the Things following him. The quality of a wizard is told by the quality of his enemies, after all… I don’t know of many women who have the same disregard for personal safety as many men do, either, btw…

Now, the next time any of you try to harness the Angel of Life and Death to cure yourself of cancer by invoking the Necronomacon and creating a doorway to Hell in your closet, rather than simply lighting a candle and envisioning the cancer going away, then you can tell me that High magic and Low magic are the same.

You must admit, the first one, if done correctly, has a much greater probability of curing you quickly and permanently, but so much can go wrong. The latter requires a deeply Enlightened, experienced, or otherwise powerful witch, and you might not be able to find one before you croak, but at least you don’t have to worry about your relatives falling through to the Second Circle when they put their coats away at your wake.

The Work Ethics of Magic

The Work Ethics of Magic

Author: Crick

Every once in awhile I will take a look at what is being offered on the Internet in relation to paganism and as usual I come away slightly amused. Not that the information that is offered is of no consequence, in a basic way it serves its purpose. But then I begin to wonder if folks have taken such information and have enhanced and/or built upon their natural abilities. For the greatest magic in the world comes from within first.

Each of us is born with latent energies and the ability to tap into a source of energy/power that is much greater than any one individual. I personally like the term, “Mannuz” when describing such energy. This term is from the Hindu Vedas, and basically refers to the Self as part of the universal energy.

As a Traditional witch I resonate with such an ancient concept in that I endorse both, the concept of Animism and the ability of the individual to become as one with the universal energy. It is this union of the human psyche with such energy that creates the energy that what we know as magic. The developing of such abilities is not something that can be done instantaneously.

As an analogy, one does not learn to walk all at once. And Mannuz is an ancient primordial energy that takes a consistent effort and desire to learn. And in this time and age of instant gratification, extra effort and concentration may be required from those who wish to achieve their utmost abilities as such. This is in part because the work ethic of society has undergone some serious downward revisions that are not exactly beneficial to the honing of one’s magical skills.

And so what steps does one take you may ask, in order to step beyond the plethora of basic information that is out there? Obviously I don’t have all of the answers, for each of us are students for the duration of our lives here on earth. And each of us has our own unique goals and spiritual lessons to absorb. But as an old witch I do have some general suggestions.

The first and foremost suggestion is to be absolutely honest with one self and examine the goals and expectations one seeks from being aligned with paganism and the mystical arts. This sense of honest assessment will determine the amount of effort you will need to put forth. Many folks are ok with just wearing a title without any real substance.

This is not intended to be a sarcastic comment but rather a pragmatic acceptance of our pagan community as it is today. If you decide that you are one of those who desire to advance spiritually in a meaningful way, then the next step may be determining just which path provides the means necessary for you to advance in your journey. There are many, many choices in this respect due to the advent of the Internet. As you make this decision, you may want to keep in mind that whatever path that you choose should be seen as a supplemental tool to your spiritual and mystical growth.

As an individual, your goals and spiritual experiences should take precedence over anything else. For each of us is going to grow more or less according to our individual needs in life. The mystical arts and one’s individual spiritual goals should never be defined by the needs of the mass, though each individual can and does add substance to the group setting as a whole. This is what separates the mystical arts from the tenets of organized religion. Even when within a group such as a coven, we are still individuals.

Having made the aforementioned assessments, the next step may be to actually hone one’s abilities through daily — yes, I said daily — practice. The mystic arts in general and magic in particular should be a part of our every thought. And not just something that is half-heartedly engaged in on certain days of the year.

Mannuz is a consistent and ethereal part of our lives. We are constantly though not always consciously connected to the energy that forms the basis of our latent abilities. And this brings us to the next consideration when embarking on the path of the mystic arts. Our level of personal responsibility will over the course of our lives, define our spiritual growth and our ability to utilize that energy which we manifest into magic.

For instance, something as mundane as the spoken word carries power. Do you consciously think about what you say to others before releasing such energy at your fellow travelers? When was the last time that you stepped outside and felt the energy that emanates from the stars above?

When was the last time that you looked up at the clouds and saw familiar shapes forming? When was the last time that you felt a gust of wind touch your cheek and felt the energy of those that that gust of wind touched before it came to you?

These examples may seem benign, but it is such a sense of awareness that one develops when one consciously seeks to expand their latent talents. Magic is not just about manifesting energy into tangible results. Nor is it about making requests from Deity, for Deity has provided us with a plethora of tools to be utilized in our spiritual and mystical goals.

We as practitioners have to but put forth a bit of effort that will in turn open up other avenues of advancement. For each time we experiment and arrive at the answer to a mystery of life, there is always yet another mystical mystery waiting to be experienced. Each of us as individuals has the power to determine just how many such experiences we are willing to confront. And it is that will and desire that determines how far each of us will spiritually grow.

Simply reading books and paying lip service will reap only the results that they have sowed.

It is a well-known practice of folks who engage in the mystical arts these days to want to supplement their latent abilities with external tools. And that is all good. Instead of purchasing your crystals or wands from a store, where your selected tools have been handled and infused, with who knows what or whose energies. Perhaps you may want to consider putting forth a bit of personal effort and taking a walk into the woods and/or mountains and actually harvesting your tools directly from Mother Earth?

Yes, it is easy to come up with a thousand excuses as to why you would not want to do this, but then we get back to the question of work ethic and how sincere you are in your efforts to improve yourself spiritually and to enhance your magical talents. As an individual, only you can provide an honest answer to yourself. You have no requirement to answer to anyone else.

But at the end of the day, you may want to keep this in mind: Anything that affects ones spiritual growth and the development of their magical abilities always starts from within oneself.

Each of us has an inner voice, listen to it, it is there as a guide. Some will realize great strides in their mystical abilities, others not as much. But then it is what is. Magic and the mystical arts is not an equal opportunity for all. It requires discipline and a true inner desire and just as importantly a strong work ethic in order to truly succeed.