Whispers of Love

Whispers of Love


If you are feeling lonely, imagine that one of your dearest friends is by your side. You feel their hand on your shoulder and hear their voice whispering in your ear. They are telling you how special you are and that you will always have a place in their heart. You feel their lips on your forehead as they kiss you goodbye. You are left with a warm sense of being truly loved for who you are.

A Samhain Meditation for your Ancestors

A Samhain Meditation for your Ancestors

A journey of Memory and what it means to face Death..

We’re going on a journey, that you may find difficult. If at any time, you feel you do not wish to continue, please wait quietly, then turn to the south, and you will see a path leading back to the safety of your grove.

Make yourself comfortable, and breathe slowly from your stomach, and clear your mind of all disturbing thoughts.

Enter your sacred grove and stand in the EAST, for you are beginning a journey of memory. Allow yourself to absorb the peace and tranquillity of your space. You hear a beating of wings and feel the touch of cold air on your face. A Raven flies around you, leading you NORTH-WEST, where it alights on a gate and waits, its coal black eyes watching you. Walk towards the gate and stop. Do not fear the Raven, for it is another aspect of the Cailleach. She comes to you now, to guide you. Put your hand on the gate and open it. As you walk through, cast back in your memory to when you were a baby, a young child and remember something good about that time.

Walk through. There is nothing before you but a black, empty void. Do not be afraid. The Raven flies ahead of you, drawing you on.

As the gate closes behind you, remember when you were at school. As you remember, follow the Raven into the darkness until you come to another gate. Place your hand on this gate, and remember the good times of your school days, and when you were a teenager.

Open the gate, and walk through. There is nothing before you, but a black, empty void. Do not be afraid. Allow the Raven to be your guide.

As the gate closes behind you, remember your first job, your first love. Walk slowly forward into the darkness, remembering the feeling that you had when you left your home for the first time. The Raven circles you and leads you to another gate. Place your hand upon this gate and remember the agony of your first love, the apprehension you felt on your first day at work.

Open the gate and walk through. Before you is dark, a black empty void. Do not be afraid. Let the Raven guide you, for you are not alone.

As the gate closes behind you, remember the first little sparrow that you ever saw; the first notes of a blackbird’s song in the twilight; the first buttercup that you held beneath your chin; the first drop of rain on your face, and the first breath of wind in your hair. Remember the blue sky and the golden sun, the silvery moon and the cotton wool clouds skimming overhead. Walk slowly forward into the darkness, hearing the beat of the Raven’s wings, until you come to another gate.

Place your hand upon this gate and remember the seasons as they changed throughout your life; how each season affected your moods and your emotions; how the snows covered the earth, and the frost killed off the autumn flowers.

The Raven sits on the gate, looking at you. Now you will know and understand that Death is all around us. The death of a bird from the scattered feathers on a lawn, the dying breeze as the clouds move onwards. The Death of the sun as it sinks in the West and its re-birth each morning in the East. Seeds planted to bring new Life, yet they come from the death of the flower or nut. Death is in the seasons, as each gives way to the next. Death is part of Life, as the old gives way to the new.

Open the gate and walk through. Before you is dark, a black empty void. Do not be afraid, for the Raven flies beside you.

In the distance you see a door, of shimmering colours. STOP! Do not touch it. Do not open it. Do not approach it at this time, for this is the final gateway that each of us will pass through, when our time comes. It is not yet.

Now turn around slowly, and gaze back through the gates that you have opened and passed through. You will see a silvery line of footprints that mark your journey through life. And if you look past the very first gate, you will see other silvery lines, footprints that belong to your ancestors. Each gate was a death. An ending of a way of life for you, and each gate was the beginning. Think about Death, not in a morbid way, but as a positive beginning that we must all face. Each has a purpose in Life, and each will have a purpose in Death. Live your Life to its fullest because your Ancestors made it possible. And when your time comes, know that it is not the end, but the beginning of a new existence.

When you are able to accept this, then the Cailleach will be able to give you her wisdom and help you through Life. When you can face Death with a free will, then you will be able to live Life to its fullest, for you will be free of Death’s burden.

Look around for the Raven, it is flying SOUTH, where you see a sunlit path leading back to your grove. If you have stopped along the way at any point, do not worry, for you will now see a sunlit path leading SOUTH back to the safety of your Sacred Grove.

When you are comfortably back in your Grove, relax, become aware of your surroundings. As you return to the present time, think about your memories, and consider whether there is anything you should have done. Something that needs finished; perhaps a quarrel that needs to be mended; or saying thank you to someone who has done a kindness. Life is there to be lived, but remember, none of us knows how many gates we will be allowed to open, before we reach the Door beyond. Only the Cailleach knows these things.

by Ailim, 2003
This article comes from Raven Moonlight Book of Shadows

Inner Smile Meditation

Inner Smile Meditation


Whenever you find yourself in a touch situation, this meditation will give you an instant boost of positive feeling. Imagine that you are looking at your face in a mirror. Watch yourself smile and your eyes light up with joy. Notice how beautiful you look when you smile and appreciate how positive smiling makes you feel. Breathe deeply, bringing that positive feeling to life within you in the present moment.

5-Minute Meditation: Light-Song

5-Minute Meditation: Light-Song – By Avalon De Witt


Sit quietly in a comfortable place with your eyes closed. Take a few deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Listening to the rhythm of your breath, feel your body relaxing from the top of your head, all the way down to the tips of your toes…

Begin to form a vivid picture in your mind. See before you a large golden chalice, spilling over with a pale green light. The soft glow of this light is calming to look at and seems to emanate a sound like a thousand angels singing…

Let this light-born music become clearer and more vibrant. Notice how the light-song harmonizes with your heart beat. You can sense a healing power in the lilting melody that is already making you feel lighter…

Visualize yourself reaching out with your hands cupped together and dipping into the green light as though it were a pool of cool water…

Now ease your hands toward your your heart center and let the green light gently penetrate you there. Allow this gentle green light to expand in your heart and throughout your body filling you with immense joy, bringing a smile to your face…

Feel the song of this light dancing within you, moving through your bloodstream, washing away all your stresses and worries. Observe the way your body responds to the comforting, harmonious music freeing your mind, balancing you…

Spend as long as you like reveling in the relaxation of this tender light-song. Hear it flowing through you, cleansing you completely. Enjoy the feelings of peace and contentment, and remember that you can take in this beautiful light song any time you wish…

Gradually deepen your breath and return to the moment. Bring your attention back to the room. Gently move your fingers and toes and slowly open your eyes. This is a wonderful way to release anxiety and lift your spirits any time of day.

Meditate on the Waxing Moon

Meditate on the Waxing Moon

According to Celtic tradition, the waxing of the moon (when it passes from new to full) is a time of inner transformation that gives us a heightened awareness of the voice of the soul. At some point during this period, spend five minutes meditating on the moon. At the start of the meditation, imagine Olwen, the lady of the moon, assisting you in allowing your soul to speak.

Overcoming Fear Meditation

Overcoming Fear Meditation

(A Meditation Thought)
As the Russian novelist Dostoyevsky wrote, “Taking a new step, uttering a new word, is what people fear most.” If you find yourself in this position, quailing on the threshold of something new, take heart, for you are not alone in your fear. Be inspired by the knowledge that others have conquered fears before you. Venture bravely into the unknown.

Life’s Obstacles Meditation

Life’s Obstacles Meditation

(A Meditation Thought)
“For a long time it seemed to me that life was about to begin. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to get through first, some unfinished business. Only after that would life get under way. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were life.

Looking Both Ways Meditation

Looking Both Ways Meditation

Janu, the Roman God of thresholds, provides an appropriate focus for reflection when you are embarking upon a new phase in your life. He is often depicted with two faces — one of a child looking forward into the future and one of a bearded old man looking back into the past. Visualize yourself standing in a doorway, on the threshold of your new venture. Standing beside you is Janus. Looking behind you, survey your past and ask the old face of Janus to recount the most important lessons you have gathered from your previous experiences. Then look forward and ask the young face of Janus for some positive energy for the future. Encouraged by his hopefulness, set out on your journey.


Welcoming The Dawn Meditation

Welcoming The Dawn Meditation

In many spiritual traditions dawn–when the world is at its most peaceful–is regarded as an ideal time for meditation. Just before dawn go outside and find a place to sit and watch the sunrise. As the sun emerges above the horizon, fill your awareness with brightening hues of the sky and rejoice in the beauty of the new day. Feel the golden rays of the sun warm your face and allow hope to fill your heart and refresh your spirit. You have started the day well.
If the weather is poor or you are unable to get a clear view of the sunrise, visualize the dawn instead.




Lady Moon has spread her fingers of night over my patch of reality,
And she watches me as I stand beneath her encompassing gaze
Away fromthose who would cloud my vision.
Her sister stars glitter through the sky and sing for the night.
Mother, please fill me with your beauty and reveal to me the mysteries of your silent domain.
My heart holds naught but love for you,
My soul wishes to sing in harmony with its sisters within your embrace.
In love and respect I come before you
And I ask to be blessed with the power of Lady Moon.




Time: best done on a full moon.
Cast a circle your normal way, but with an altar facing to your corresponding direction.
(i.e. October birth=east watchtower) have at hand dragon’s blood, sandalwood and rain mist incense.
Burn them as you call upon the Goddess and the God. Explain to them your situation and ask
for wisdom, courage, strength, and knowledge to be bestowed upon yourself.
Once you have done this, do a chant of thanks. Thank the Goddess and God
for their assistance then close the circle thanking all deities that assisted in your endeavors
by making it easier to speak to the Goddess and God. Ensure that you close your circle well.
Sit there and meditate on your request a little longer whilst allowing the incense to burn out naturally.
Once this is done thank yourself and the area that was bestowed upon you to allow you to perform
such a nurturing ritual.




Materials: A bright red or orange candle, a spicy incense, a glass of clear pure
cold water, and a bowl of sea salt.
If is sunny out youmay want to start the spell by going outside for a few minutes and breathing in some fresh air. Sit in front of the candle and say:

 “Give me energy to happily complete the task I have been given to do.
I will feel better for having done it. The completion of the task will be my reward.”

Sprinkle the sea salt around the candle and say,

“Give me strength, O sacred Earth.”

Pass your hand near the candle and say

 “Give me strength O sacred Fire.”

Pass your hand through the smoke of the incense and say

 “Give me strength, O sacred Air.”

Drink the water down and say

 “Give me strength O sacred water.”

 Now immediately get up and go do your task.

Air and Fire Energy Spell

Air and Fire Energy Spell

Try this air and fire spell to boost both your mental and physical energy. Place a few drops of rosemary oil in a diffuser or on a cotton ball, and inhale, facing east, while saying:

Winds of intellect, attend me.
My mind is strong and alert.
I retain all I learn.
I remember all that is important.
Winds of intellect, attend me!

Repeat whenever needed, preferably outside on a windy day. Now place black pepper oil or crushed peppercorns in a diffuser or on a cotton ball and (carefully!) inhale. Facing south, say:

Fire of strength, attend me.
I am physically fit and strong.
I perform my work energetically.
I am free of fatigue and lassitude.
Fire of strength, attend me!

Repeat whenever necessary, preferably in front of a bonfire or blazing fireplace.

By: Denise Dumars

Before a Performance Spell

Before a Performance Spell

In the tarot, the Moon card represents the powers of the unconscious. Before you go onstage for a public presentation, take a moment. Stand straight, close your eyes, and relax your shoulders. Place your heels close together, but not touching, with your feet at about a right angle. Envision the Full Moon, overhead and slightly in front of you, glowing blue-white and clear. All that you have studied and practiced is within your unconscious. The light of the Moon will free this, and let it flow through your performance. Open your eyes very slowly, and feel this light continuing to flow. Take a slow breath, and let it flow easily out of you as you step on stage.

By: Therese Francis




The black opal is widely known as the “Witches Stone” and is prized for its magick enhancing properties. To increase your magickal power, charge the stone with the following chant and place it on your altar.
“Opal black, of burning fire
Add the power that’s required
To make my magick hit its mark,
By light of day, or night so dark.”

Brain Power Spell

Brain Power Spell

For this spell you need a yellow candle, some rosemary oil, and a carving instrument. Carve the word “clarity” lengthwise on one side of the candle, and on the other side carve the word “logic.” Repeat with the words “memory” and “concentration.” Anoint the candle with rosemary oil. Hold the candle to your mouth and whisper:

I set your task
To bring forth what I ask:
Improved memory,
And perfect clarity.
I concentrate longer,
My logic is stronger,
With goodwill to all
And harm to none.
As I speak it
So it is done!

Repeat the chant nine times. Allow the candle to burn out. Save some of the hardened wax drippings for use in sachets.

By: Tammy Sullivan

Bringing Adventure into Your Life Spell

Bringing Adventure into Your Life Spell

Sometimes we get caught walking a treadmill in life. We go through our routines and our schedules, and we start to get bogged down. If this is the case with you now, the Sagittarius Moon can help lift you up and remind you to be playful and a little more spontaneous and adventuresome. To prepare for this spell, you will need a space to dance, a stereo, and a good CD. A few red candles are helpful too. On the night of the New Moon, go to the space and put on some music that helps you to get up and get moving. Turn off any artificial light, and light the red candles around the room. As the music begins to pulse with rhythm, allow your body to flow naturally and spontaneously. Call the fire spirits into your room, and ask for their help to feel invigorated and charged in spirit. Let your arms and legs shake off any old ways of being that are holding you down. Close your eyes and search for an inner spark that will help you to explore life more creatively and spontaneously. Let the music take you!

By: Jonathan Keyes



Here is a handy spell to end a relationship. You will need to know your astrology symbols.
Get a black piece of paper.
On this black paper at the top of it you want to put the signs for Pluto, the Moon,
and Saturn, on the paper, in black ink, at the top.
At the bottom put a pentagram (five pointed star) upside down, also in black ink.
On one side of the star put your birthday, on the other you put your partner’s birthday,
also in black ink.
Burn the paper. As you do so shout “NAI-KAM-MO”
Mail the ashes to the person. (Only do this spell once a week until that person leaves.)


Cut out a heart shaped piece of paper and write your name and the name of your
ex-lover that you want to break up from on it. Tear the heart in half, place the heart
under a lit black candle and say the following:
As I burn this candle and tear this heart
(names of you and your ex -lover) will forever part.
(Say a name of any person you like now (if you like anyone) or name of a
person that he might like…) will forever see
that he/she is the one for me.
Let the spell do it’s work and send a new love interest and let the hurt
and pain of parting from_come to an end.

Make Someone Leave You Alone.

Make Someone Leave You Alone.

This is a variation on a popular spell used to stop someone from harming or bothering you. This must be performed during a waning moon.

On a piece of parchment or recycled paper, write the name that and birthdate of the person you are wishing “away”. Now fill an airtight container (like a baby food jar or tupperware container) with water. Add a pinch of one or more of these magical herbs: ash tree leaves, clover, lovage, lilac, garlic clove. Take the paper with the name on it and fold it three times. Tie a black string or thread around it and drop it in the water. Seal the container up and place it in a safe spot in your freezer. Once the person has left you alone or no longer poses a problem to you, take the container outside and empty it to the earth. Keep the container instead of leaving it to Mother Earth.