“Think on These Things”

By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

Others don’t seem to be interested in our excuses – they merely want performances. Alibis for lack of service, for lack of ability to give a full measure of trust make a bad servant. And we are all servants, serving each other in one way or another.

It is an unhappy one who is not depended upon for something. There is great satisfaction in being needed, even to the point of doing more than one is capable of doing.

English divine Sidney Smith once wrote, “Try to make at least one person happy every day, and then in ten years you may have made three thousand, six hundred and fifty persons happy, or brightened a small town by your contribution to the fund of general enjoyment.”

We cannot move a step upon this earth without finding someone to serve. And as we serve each day, we never stop to consider how many we’ve made happy; but it should be very vivid in our minds how many we’ve made unhappy.


Available online! ‘Cherokee Feast of Days’
By Joyce Sequichie Hifler.


Elder’s Meditation of the Day August 20

Elder’s Meditation of the Day August 20

“…remember and think about the closeness of Wanka-Tanka. If they live in this wisdom, it will give them endless strength and hope.”

–Fools Crow, LAKOTA

The value of staying close to the Creator is the immediate help we have available to us whenever we need it. I can listen to the whisper of my heart for this is the place He communicates with me. Staying close helps me remember that we are here to serve Him and to help other people. The Grandfathers are my direct access to wisdom. He who has wisdom has everything. If we have wisdom, then we will see our lives become more effective in the areas of jobs, relationships, family, friends and finances.

My Creator, today grant me the wisdom to seek Your wisdom. Help me to Walk of the Red Road.


August 20 – Daily Feast

August 20 – Daily Feast


We have taken many paths we would not have chosen, and we have done many jobs we did not want to do. We have carried burdens we did not want to carry and dealt with impossible people we did not like. It is strange that the road we did not want to take is the one that brought us more quickly to the place we wanted to be. At times, the way was hostile, but when we needed a hand there was one. When we needed courage, it was there. What we call problems and unjust circumstances have a way of teaching us integrity and how to be peaceful. It makes us wonder how many other rewards we have missed because we resisted something that looked like too much responsibility.

~ I was going around the world with the clouds when God spoke to my thoughts and told me to…..be at peace with all. ~


‘A Cherokee Feast of Days’, by Joyce Sequichie Hifler



Today’s I Ching Hexagram for August 20 is 47:Oppression

47: Oppression

Hexagram 47

General Meaning: The image of oppression conjures up a dried up lake bed with nettlesome crows stalking the shoreline. Hard times can shrivel our spirits, and give rise to a multitude of ‘crows’ in the form of troublesome worries. Times of great loss or personal failure break weaker people; but the strong of heart can bend with fate. To endure hard times — or even grow and benefit from them — it is essential to tap that deepest stratum of personal identity, that which is deeper even than fate, and which is incorruptible by even the harshest realities. It is essential, in other words, to tap the wellspring of human endurance: hope.

In a sense, there is no such thing as failure. There is only sweet and sour reality, and more is learned from the sour, oftentimes, than from the sweet. For failure, hard as it may be to swallow, opens the blinds to the real world, and reawakens the clarity of vision known only to those who have risked, and tasted, disappointment.

When in the throes of hard times, it is wise to be resolute and strong on the inside while remaining quietly cheerful on the outside. Avoid too much talking — except to your closest friends. Your words will have little effect on all others, since your influence will be at a low ebb — and the attempt to get across will only drain you of vital energy. Strong silence is the most skillful posture when facing the public during adversity; it shows that your inner core is strong enough to withstand the current troubles, and suggests that your recovery will be complete. At the same time, talking openly to those you trust is equally important, for in times of calamity, talking is an important part of healing.

Keep in mind that failure — the final taboo in modern society. But this is just one part of the inevitable cycle of life for those who dare to live fully and completely. Never to fail at all is to fail in the biggest way — avoiding risk altogether, you cannot help but fall far short of what might have been.

Today’s Tarot Card for August 20 is Justice


This Tarot Deck: Crow’s Magick

General Meaning: Traditionally, what has been known as the Justice card has to do with moral sensitivity and that which gives rise to empathy, compassion and a sense of fairness. Since the time of Solomon, this image has represented a standard for the humane and fair-minded treatment of other beings.

Often including the image of a fulcrum which helps to balance competing needs against the greater good, and a two-edged sword to symbolize the precision needed to make clear judgments, this card reminds us to be careful to attend to important details. It’s a mistake to overlook or minimize anything where this card is concerned. The law of Karma is represented here — what goes around comes around.

Your Horoscopes for Saturday, August 20

Today’s determined Taurus Moon helps us keep our heads out of the clouds and our feet on the ground, while a trine with enthusiastic Jupiter encourages us to fly. Three planets in radiant Leo and a magical Venus-Uranus quintile infuse us with the desire to try something new. However, taking a risk is not advised. We may need to keep our feelings to ourselves later in the day because Venus forms a stressful semisquare to restrictive Saturn.


Aries Horoscope
Aries Horoscope (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

A bit of sensible self-restraint is wise because you tend to see more of the good news than the bad today. The power of positive thinking may be on your side; however, you can take this strategy too far by ignoring the facts. Remember, it’s helpful to be an optimist, but it’s not useful to remain in denial.

Taurus Horoscope
Taurus Horoscope (Apr 20 – May 20)

You won’t likely veer too far off course today, even if a different route looks better than the one you’re already traveling. Fortunately, you can recognize that there are many ways to reach the same goal and the one that works for someone else isn’t necessarily the best choice for you. Be appreciative and acknowledge each of the ideas that are presented to you now before returning to your path, knowing that it will serve your purpose best.

Gemini Horoscope
Gemini Horoscope (May 21 – Jun 20)

Although you are feeling pretty good today, you may believe that it’s important to keep your optimism under wraps. The Moon’s conjunction with jolly Jupiter in your 12th House of Secrets means that no one will know that you’re smiling on the inside. In the meantime, don’t forget about your obligations. Having fun isn’t just an excuse to get out of work. In fact, you should be able to find a way to combine your responsibilities with a lighthearted attitude that enables you to be productive while still enjoying yourself. Just be careful not to take on more than you can do.

Cancer Horoscope
Cancer Horoscope (June 21 – Jul 22)

Your friends can be a source of joy today as the Moon joins jovial Jupiter in your social 11th House of Community. Nevertheless, you could still have a tough time expressing a secret fear if you are concerned that others may not accept you just the way you are. You might even grow frustrated with your own inhibitions, wishing that you were more easygoing. Don’t waste energy trying to do anything that’s uncomfortable now; just observe your feelings and say what’s on your mind only when you are ready.

Leo Horoscope
Leo Horoscope (Jul 23 – Aug 22)

It’s an absolute relief to let someone else take the lead today. Giving up control can be very exhilarating on its own, but you’re in luck now because your friends or co-workers may have something fun in mind. Processing your own resistance quickly allows you to open up some playtime in your already busy schedule. Go ahead and indulge yourself; your work will still be there when you return.

Virgo Horoscope
Virgo Horoscope (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

You may want to retreat into a more private space because excessive social activity makes you feel nervous today. Unfortunately, you have to incur interactions with others to do your job or to accomplish what is expected of you. If you withdraw, the pressure could build until you fulfill your commitments. Paradoxically, you might have a great time once you stop resisting the inevitable.

Libra Horoscope
Libra Horoscope (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Today could be a wonderful day if you are open to all the potential possibilities that come your way. But as the day unfolds, it appears that you are more attached to an old agenda than you previously thought. Someone may seem quite stubborn and can become a pain in your neck until you realize that you’re being inflexible, too. Adapt to the changing circumstances and enjoy yourself while you can.

Scorpio Horoscope
Scorpio Horoscope (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Something that bothered you recently seems less annoying now. Perhaps you change your attitude when you learn additional information that you were previously missing. Or, maybe you simply have a change of heart. You may see the very same person who was obstinate yesterday as the source of steadfast support today. In any case, your willingness to try new experiences can attract exactly what you are seeking.

Sagittarius Horoscope
Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

You cannot escape from the drudgery of routines now, but someone can take you on a little adventure that leaves you relaxed and reinvigorated. Whether it is a fascinating discussion at a long lunch with friends or a peaceful sunset stroll with your sweetie, getting away for a bit today is exactly what you need to clear your mind.

Capricorn Horoscope
Capricorn Horoscope (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

You’re eager to start on your new project, even if you don’t know where it will take you yet. Your willingness to make a commitment before you have all the details stems from your high level of self-confidence. You are secure in knowing what you stand for now and what you bring to the situation, freeing you to say yes to an intriguing opportunity and save the hard questions for later.

Aquarius Horoscope
Aquarius Horoscope (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

The potential for fun and games continues to grow, making it nearly impossible for you to choose only one path. But you need to limit your activities because you cannot do everything. Still, you may take on more than you can handle today, without realizing that too much of a good thing can tire you out or, at the least, cause indigestion. Practice moderation; a bit of self-restraint now allows you to have a better time in the long run.

Pisces Horoscope
Pisces Horoscope (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Your emotional satisfaction may not be noticeable by most of those around you today. Oddly enough, you can be very happy without your friends or co-workers having any knowledge of your personal world. Meanwhile, a partner or family member comes to the rescue by being able to see a different side of the story. Letting your joy overflow opens other avenues of communication which are easily expressed within a more private and personal venue.

the daily humorscopes for saturday, august 20

the daily humorscope 

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Today you will get one of those pimples that just suddenly appears, and you will only notice it when you glance in the mirror after a very important meeting.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
You will decide that you like the name “Sven” better than your own, and you begin encouraging people to call you that. Eventually, you will have your name legally changed.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
You will be chased through the streets tonight by a group of wild-eyed short people wearing togas and playing kazoos. Be careful — they may have escaped from a birthday party, and should be considered armed and dangerous.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Someone nearby will make disgusting slurping sounds in your favorite restaurant. You’ll retaliate by glaring pointedly, and by eating your linguini with your fingers.
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
You’ve been trying to sell your car, and it just isn’t going anywhere. Sometimes it helps if you have a name for your vehicle, to give it more character. I call mine the “Millenium Falcon.” My passengers often become irritated at being called “Chewie”, though.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Let the golden sun of happiness burn away your inner fog of disgruntlement. Remember: gruntled people are more fun!
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
In one of those amusing mix-ups that happen so frequently in modern life, a friend of yours will have mistaken your reference to “her suit” and thought you said “hirsute”. Still, this may prove a little awkward.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Several people, quite independently, will tell you moose jokes today, or otherwise attempt to discuss moose with you. This is their subtle way of telling you that you’re having a “bad hair day”.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Today you should sit down (someplace comfy), and ask yourself if you even care. You shouldn’t. It’s not your fault, you’ve been trying as hard as you can, so you shouldn’t care. Not if they’re going to act like that.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)
You will walk into a door frame today, and people will smirk. Remember though, they’re smirking with you, not at you.
Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)
Today you will receive a gift horse. Unfortunately, it will have a really horrendous case of gingivitis.
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
You will finally come to understand what Mies Van der Rohe was talking about when he said “Less is more.” He was talking about his brother, Lester Van der Rohe, and was referring to a small weight-gain problem.

Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions  
The most common times to perform sacred devotions are:

Upon rising
Before sleep
Before meals
Before a magickal working
Before a ritual
OR simply, when you feel the time is right

Although for many people it is not possible to spend hours a day on daily devotions, on the other hand they are not a quick kneel, blab a quick verse and then race off. Brief they may be but must include enough time for you to ground, centre, perform the devotion, ground and centre again.

These are some suggestions for grounding yourself:

A. Place palms of hands flat down on the floor or ground and visualize the energy flowing into the earth.
B. Imagine the energy draining from your body, through your feet and into the earth.
C. Send the excess energy into the Universe for peace, or healing, or to form a reservoir of positive energy for the Good of All.
D. Send the excess energy into your tools or into your altar.
E. Hold a piece of hematite in your hand.
F. Run cold water over your hands.
G. Eat or drink something.

Remember, a devotion should always raise your energy level and leave you feeling refreshed.

This article was published
Daily Devotions



The Power Animal can be consulted in order to obtain advise on problems. This is
commonly called “divination”. To do this, simply journey to the Lowerworld to
see your animal. Your Power Animal is usually quite close by and you won’t have
to journey far before you see it. Quite often it is at the end of the tunnel.

When you see your Power Animal, silently greet it and pose your question. Most
often the Power Animal will provide the answer by moving it’s body in an unusual
way. However, sometimes it may lead you on a journey. The experiences of the
journey will be relevant to your answer.

The first few times you do this, it is best to keep your answers simple so that
they may be answered in a “yes” or “no” form. When you become more experienced
in understanding the animal’s language, the questions can be more complicated.

You should keep some form of diary in which to record your shamanistic
experiences. These you should record as soon as you finish a journey so that the
memory is still clear.

You need not wait until you have a problem before you undertake a journey to see
your animal guardian. It is beneficial to visit without posing a question. You
will find positive things happening in your life around such visits.



There are different names for this exercise in different cultures. It is a way
for a person to get in touch with their animal aspects through dance. Keep in
mind that a Guardian Spirit can appear in animal or human form.

Undertake this exercise in a quiet, half darkened room which is free from
furniture that can hamper your movements. It is helpful if you have the use of
one or two rattles, but these are not necessary.

There are two parts to this exercise, 1- The Starting Dance, and 2- Dancing your
animal. In both dances, you loudly shake a rattle in each hand and dance in time
to the rattle. In all dancing, you keep your eyes half closed. This allows you
to cut down on the light and at the same time enables you to know where you are
in the room.

The Starting Dance
Standing still and erect, face east and shake one rattle very rapidly four
times. This is the signal that you are starting, ending or making an important
transition in serious shamanistic work. Think of the rising Sun and the power it
brings to all living things.

Still standing in place, start shaking one rattle at a steady pace of about 50
beats per second. Do this for about half a minute in each cardinal direction
while thinking of the element or power animals of that direction. For example,
you can think of an Eagle in the East, a Lion in the South, a Serpent or Dolphin
in the West, and a Bull in the North. Move clockwise.

Return to the East and shake the rattle above your head at the same rate for
about half a minute. Think of the sun, moon, starts and the entire universe
above. Now shake the rattle towards the ground and think of the earth, our home
and the gifts she gives to us.

Still facing the East, begin shaking both rattles at the same rate and dancing
along with the beat as if you were jogging in place. In this starting dance, you
are giving proof of your sincerity to the power animals wherever they may be, by
making a sacrifice to them of your own energy in the form of dance. Dancing is a
form of praying and evoking the sympathy of the Guardian Spirit.

Stop dancing and stand still. Shake one rattle four times to signal that you are
about to make an important transition.

Start shaking your tattles loudly, but in a slow tempo of about 60 beats per
minute. Start dancing around the room in time to the rattle. Move slowly and in
a free form. Try to pick up the feeling of some kind of mammal, bird, fish,
reptile or a combination of these. Once you feel the sense of something,
concentrate on it and slowly move your body in accordance with the creature. Be
open to the experience and emotion of the creature.

Don’t hesitate to make noises or cries. By keeping your eyes half closed, you
might be able to see the non-ordinary environment in which the animal is living.
You may even be able to see the animal. Do this for about 5 minutes. Without
pausing, shift to a higher state of rattle shaking and movement. Do this for
about 4 minutes. Another shift to a still faster pace of rattle and body
movements. Do this for about 4 minutes.

Stop dancing and mentally welcome the animal into your body. To do this, shake
the rattle four times and draw it and the animal towards your solar plexes.

Face the East and shake the rattle four times, while standing still. This is the
signal that your work has ended.

Once you have successfully gained your power animal, make it content enough to
say with you. This is done through exercising your animal through dancing and
singing songs of the animal.

Guardian animals usually only stay with a person for a few years, and then
depart. So in the course of a life long shamanistic practice, a person will have
a number of animals.


DO YOU KNOW YOUR ANIMAL TOTEMS?                                             

The following is from Animal Speak by Ted Andrews                           

Begin the process of discovering your animal totems by examining the animals you
have been most interested in & the times of your life that interest was piqued.
Use the following questions to help determine which animals are probably totems
to you in your life.                            
1. Which animal or bird has always fascinated you? (We are drawn to that which
most resonates with us. Those animals which fascinate us have something to teach
2. When you visit the zoo, which animal do you wish to visit the most or first?
(esp. children)                                                      
3. What animal(s) do you see most frequently when you are out in nature? Have
you had encounters with animals in the wild? (The animals we encounter, in their
city environments or in the wild, have significance for us. We can learn from
them, even if only about survival within that environment.)                                                               
4. Of all the animals in the world, which are you most interested in now?  (Our
interests in animals change. Yes, we usually have one or two that are lifetime,
power animals, but others become prominent when there is something importance or
specific to teach us.)                              
5. What animal most frightens you? (That which we fear the most is often
something we must learn to come to terms with. When we do that, it then becomes
a power. Some shamans believe that fears will take the shape of  animals, and
only when we confront them without fear do their powers/medicine work for us
instead of against us. Such an animal become a shadow totem.)                                                              
6. Have you ever been bitten or attacked by an animal? (Historically, if a
shaman survived an attack, it was believed that the animal was the shaman’s
spirit totem and the attack was the totem’s way of testing the shaman’s ability
to handle the power.)                                               
7. Do you have dreams with animals in them or are there animal dreams you have
never forgotten? (This is especially important if the dreams are recurring or if
at least the animal image in the dream is a recurring one. Children often dream
of animals, & attention should be given to these animals. They will often
reflect specific spirit totems of the child.)




Items Needed
Altar Candle
Day Candle (Monday-white, Tuesday-red, Wednesday-purple, Thursday-blue,
Friday-green, Saturday-black, Sunday-yellow)
Offertory Candles – 3 Violet Candles
3 White Candles

Athame to inscribe candles
Crystal ball or clear glass of water

anise, cardamom, and coriander.

jasmine, lemon, rose and sandalwood

Best done during the Mercury hour of the day, although any hour should work.
Any moon phase is appropriate.

Breathe deeply and build a ball of protective light around you. While soaking
in your ritual bath, meditate on the whole ritual: the steps you will take
and what you wish to say to your spirit guide when you make contact.

Enter the circle in the Hour of Mercury. Light the incense. With the oil,
dress the Altar Candle and the Day candle while concentrating on the purpose
of the ritual. Light your Altar Candle and Day Candle and state your intent:

I am here to make contact with my Spirit Guide, and to acknowledge him or

With your Athame, inscribe Violet Candle #1 with the word “Spirit.” Dress it
with oil. Light the Violet Candle #1, direct your energies into it and say:

Here do I light the first Lamp of Spirit.
May its light reach out across the barriers from this world to the next.
May it make contact with that World of Spirit into which we will eventually

Take your censer or incense wand and swing it around, sensing the whole area
around the altar while rhythmically repeating the word “Merge” and building
up energy to focus. Replace the censer and pick up Violet Candle #2.

Inscribe it with the word “Spirit” and dress it with oil. Put it back on the
altar, light it and say:

Here do I light the second Lamp of Spirit.
May its light also reach out across the barriers from this world to the next?
May it make contact with that World of Spirit and help spread the light,
illuminating the passageway between our worlds.

Again take the censer or incense wand and sense the entire area around while
chanting the word “Merge.” Build up your energy to focus. Take Violet Candle
#3, inscribe it with the word “Spirit,” dress it with oil, charge with your
energy, light it and say:

Here do I light the third Lamp of Spirit.
May the light from these three lamps blend and grow, dispelling all darkness
and lighting the way that my Spirit Guide may come to me and speak with me
here today.

Inscribe the three white candles with the word “Truth” and anoint each candle
with oil. Light the three candles in the order of 1, 2, 3, and say:

Here do I build Truth.

As these candles burn throughout this ritual, their power generating nothing
but truth in all that transpires between this world and the next. Through
these candles there is truth in all communications that come to me. Again
cense the altar area while chanting “Merge.” Replace the censer and continue
chanting. Sit comfortably while chanting, and gaze into the crystal ball, or
the clear glass of water. Continue chanting until you feel it is right to let
the chant taper off. Continue to quietly look into the crystal ball or glass,
not trying to picture anything. Keep your mind blank, so whatever comes will
appear and will come in it’s own free will. Gaze into the center of the
crystal, there is no need to try not to blink. Look into the crystal and
blink naturally. Try not to notice anything in your peripheral vision, just
the center of the crystal. Eventually a face or figure will appear. This may
take a long time, or it may appear almost immediately. If it doesn’t come at
all within approximately 20 minutes, abandon this attempt, extinguish the
candles in the order in which they were lit, leave the altar set up, and try
this ritual again in three days.

You should have results within a month at most. When a figure does appear,
ask if he/she is your Spirit Guide. You will hear an answer, you may not hear
it out loud, or even see the figures lips move, but you will be aware of the
answer. This is how most conversations will proceed. You will ask your
questions mentally (or out loud) and the answer will be clear inside your
mind. Ask if you have more than one Spirit Guide. If yes, ask them to appear
also. You may ask anything you wish to know, but it is better to establish a
connection first where your Spirit Guide may appear to you at any time, or at
specific times, so that you can converse with any other spirits through
him/her. When you have finished speaking with your guide, thank him/her, then
sit for a moment with your eyes closed, meditating on all that you have
learned. Extinguish the candles in reverse order to clear the circle.




Witches and Cats

Locust on Trial

The Animals of Salem

The Animals of Finnish Witchtrials

The Trials of Familiars

Familiars of the Chelmesford witches

“The rise of Christianity in Europe heralded a fundamental shift in attitudes to
cats. During the Middle Ages, the cat’s links with the ancient, pagan cult of
the mother goddess inspired a wave of persecution that lasted several hundred
years. Branded as agents of the Devil, and the chosen companions of witches and
necromancers, cats, especially black ones, were enthusiastically tortured and
executed during Christian festivals all over Europe. It was also believed that
witches disguised themselves as cats as a means of traveling around incognito,
so anyone encountering a stray cat at night felt obliged to try and kill or maim
the animal. By teaching people to associate cats with the Devil and bad luck,
it appears that the Church provided the underprivileged and superstitious masses
with a sort of universal scapegoat, something to blame for all of the many
hardships and misfortunes of life. Fortunately for cats, such attitudes began
to disappear gradually during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries with the
dawn of the so-called Age of Enlightenment. However, not until the middle of
the nineteenth century did cats eventually begin to regain the popularity they
once enjoyed in Ancient Egypt.”



The discussion so far has put me in mind of a terrific book I once read on
European animal trials, which were conducted up until I think the 17th century.
One example especially pertinent to the topic at hand: if a plague of
caterpillars or locusts or whatever infested an area, the local legal community
would put the swarm on trial. A locust would be captured and taken to the
courthouse. It would become the “defendant” , and would in effect stand-in for
the whole swarm. The trial would be conducted with all pomp and circumstance,
with a lawyer appointed to represent the swarm and etc. There were a number of
standard defensive strategies, and sometimes the swarm was even judged innocent
if their lawyer was especially able. If judged guilty, however, the locusts
were ordered to get out of town. If the infestation abated, the trial was given
credit. If the infestation continued, this does not appear to have been seen as
an argument against conducting animal trials in the future. I trust the
resemblance to the raindance ceremony is fairly clear here.

The author of the book (I cannot recall the title or author; I remember that it
was published in the early 1900s and the cover shows a reproduction of an old
print, portraying the public execution of a pig by hanging) argues that such
trials are an attempt by the human community to intervene in the natural order,
to exert its will over the world. I think this is a pretty insightful comment.

“Exerting human will over the world” could serve as a definition of the goal
of science. Bacon sometimes describes science as the human “conquest” of
nature, and certainly many modern critiques of science (feminist, for example)
have taken this to be the self-defined goal of scientific inquiry. I’m not
arguing for the ultimate truth of this particular position, but on the other
hand if you look at things along these lines than certain aspects of religious
and scientific thought seem to be closely related, at least in their purpose.
Bacon’s studies of heat are supposed to yield a (universal) process for making
heat, the shaman leading a raindance is trying to make it rain, the animal trial
is an attempt to bring the plague to an end etc.

Note that the various rituals used for bringing about these interventions don’t
have to work very well in each case for the ritual to be accepted within the
community. The community may simply accept that human powers are limited in
what they can accomplish. I believe that within alchemical studies this was a
common view; even if all the processes were carried out correctly, you might
still not create gold from lead or whatever, and in fact usually would not.
Note also that the ritual might have multiple functions within the community.
The rain-dance both be used for bringing rain and bringing about group
solidarity. These are not mutually exclusive. Again, I have read something
similar with respect to alchemical procedures; that the alchemist “purifying”
metals with his various tools is also going through a process of spiritual
purification. And certainly the animal trial, even if it does not drive out the
infestation, makes the community feel better. The community is “doing
something” about its situation, even if its acts are ineffective.

I also like the animal trial example because it muddies the waters here in
interesting ways. The conversation to date has concerned itself with
comparing/contrasting religious/scientific thought. Yet here we see legal
institutions using their procedures in a way that suggests a religious ritual.
Conversations on the distinctions/similarities between legal and religious
thought, and legal and scientific thought, would also be good to have.


Salem Story: Reading the Witch Trials of 1692 by Bernard Rosenthal Cambridge
University Press 1993

p.18 John Hughes, while testifying about seeing beast transform into Sarah
Good, Sarah Osborne, and Tituba, also mentions that on March 2 “a great white
dog followed him and then disappeared, and then that night in bed he saw a great
light and a cat at the foot of his bed.” (from Narratives of the WC Cases 1648-
1706 ed. G. LO. Burr)

p.21 Tituba’s testimony included many animals…black dog/hog/man/yellow bird
told her to serve him; yellow bird was accompanying Sarah Good (who had already
given accusers legitimacy); also said she saw a cat with Good on other occasions

p.22 T. saw 2 cats, black and red. “What did the cats do? Tituba did not
know. Had the cats hurt or threatened her? They had scratched her. What had
they wanted of her? They had wanted her to hurt the children. They had forced
her to pinch the children. Did the cats suck Tituba? No, she would not let

p.82 Bridget Bishop (owner of shuffle-board and cider teenage hangout) was
testified against by Wonn, slave of John Ingerson. He “told a story of
frightened horses, the vanishing shape of B.B. (at the time B. Oliver), the
appearance of an unknown cat, and mysterious pinchings and pain.”

p.124 Martha Carrier: 7 yr. old daughter Sarah was induced to confess that “a
cat, identifying itself as M. C., had carried Sarah along to afflict people when
her mother was in prison.”



I have studied over 1200 finish witch trials 1520-1700 (with PD Marko Nenonen)
and there is a certain role of animals. “Para” was a small “cat-like” animal,
used to steal milk and a butter called cow lucky especially in swedish
speaking west coast in Finland. The “Para” was not found out by judges, but it
had a long folk tradition. There are many examples where a neighboug was
accusing another by stealing “butter lucky” with “para”.

“Para” is just the same “trollcat” as it was in Sweden and Norway. You can
find “Para” in court protocolls in western part (Swedish speaking part) in
Finland (1520-1600), but not in finnish speaking parts on the country. So
“Para” can’t be shamanistic (Lappland) phenomenom, but it surely is known all
parts of Scandinavia.

As time goes, You could find “Para” in finnish speaking areas too, but in in
1500-1700. So we have learned it from swedish speaking people.

But, as we are dealing with animals, you can find other animals than “trollcat”
too. We have cases with “trolldog” which I mean the Devil with a shape of a
dog. Some of our accused had meet the devil with a shape of a dog (and a coat).

We have at least one case with a “metapmorphose”, where people have been accused
of being “werewolves”. In Estonia the tradition of those being wolves in night
time was strong. There were many cases like that.

I think, the idea of “trollcats” is not shamanistic, it is surely

There is quite a lot of articles abou “Para” (Trollcat) but only few of them
would be available in english.

But, there is one point we have to keep in mind. People were ACCUSED of having
“Para” and they were CONVICTED to using witchcraft, but they were never
CONVICTED TO HAVING PARA! The matter of trial was not, is there really
animal shaped “butter stealing” para, but it was a question of practicing
witchcraft or superstition!

In Scandinavia we have very old “lore”, written by one historian about
1200-1300, were a man was killed by “Mara” (bad dream animal?) because he had
not kept his promise to his Finnish wife.

Another instance of using “para”, other than trying have luck in stealing
butter, was a “Finnish way” to use a bear as a helper for killing someone’s
cattle. People believed that some (almost always a man) people had ability to
force bears to kill enemy’s horse or cattle. But I have no idea, if the
bear wanted some price of it’s doings (nourishment or protection).

Even in the oldest witch trials (before people had any idea about satanistic
pact with devil) witches were believed to use some animals as a helper of their
maleficium. So, this belief must be older than the christian theory of pact.

The bear cases seems to be common way to do harm among finnish speaking
people. In some rare cases the helper was a wolf. In some cases (1670s) the
helper was a dog, but it seems that the dog was not really an animal, but it was
a Devil with a shape of a dog.

Some ladies used cows (or even a pig) to ride to “Bl=E5kulla” (the Sabbath),
but those animals were usually “borrowed” for some neighbour and they
were not acting like a helper – they were forced to do so.

Lapplanders who had long shaman traditions used to use “animal spirit
helpers” to do things, but they were not accused of forcing real animals to do
any harm, as far as I know.

There is one big difference between using a “Para” and a bear. “Para” was
supernatural familiar, but bears were really acting animals whom could be
seen. Damage made by para was a loss of butter or milk lucky, but a damage made
by bear was real. Anyone could see the damage.

In some cases there was so called “tonttu” (tomptegubben or rgubbe in
swedish). They were not used as helpers, but You should give them some
presents for getting rid of harms they could do. People believed, that
“tonttu” was living in particular place and people living in same area were
disturbing the tonttu. So You had to do something to keep tonttu in good
mood. Tonttu was spiritual, because no one had never catch one. Tonttu was
not an animal, but small human kind of creature.

Then there was “Nekki” or “Nacken”. It was a creature living in lakes and
killing people by taking them under the water. Nekki was not a real animal and
it did not acted like a helper for anyone – it did what it wanted to do.

First little more about “para”. The belief of “para” helping to steal cows
must be very old, because in one finnish church there is a painting of para.
The painting is older than the belief that a Witch have a pact with the devil,
the devil then giving a “spiritum” to a helper for the witch (This belief
was not known in Finland until 1660s.)

Secondly, I think too, that a witch-hare (para)is common in Sweden. Probably
Finnish speaking people have borrowed in from Sweden, because there are
no witch-hares in our oldest mythology as far as I know. The witch-hare (para)
was mentioned in trials some times in the Swedish speaking area of Finland
(west coast), but not in Finnish speaking Karelia, suggesting it is borrowed.

Thirdly, I have to check my papers to find out is there any “pet
connection” in finnish witch trials, but without doing so I can’t remember
any cases where pet animals had some part of being helpers and neither did PhD
Marko Nenonen as we discussed today.

But I could find at least one case where a man was killed by his own dog. The
victim, Antti Yrjonpoika Paivikainen, was a customer of famous witch Antti
Lieroinen who did all kinds of maleficium for salary. After their contact
Paivikainen was found dead and the cause for that was his own dog. So
Lieroinen was thought to cause the death by using victim’s own dog to kill
him. This was not proved, but Lieroinen was executed for other witchcraft
he had done. This happend in 1643.

Fourthly, 27.3.1641 witch Erkki Juhonpoika Puujumala (“Treegod”) was convicted
in Turku Supreme Court. He was sentenced to death for many reasons – for
killing people with witchcraft etc. He has had an arguement with other
people and he had said that he was going change those people into wolves with
his maleficium. This was not proved to happen, but it was one prosecution among
many. By the way, Treegod said that he was 120 years old.

Fifthly, we have some cases where a witch has used a snake to do some crime.
One witch argued with his wife and then separated. Later that ex-wife get
pregnant from a snake, and later gave birth to some snakes. In one another
case the snake had gone inside of a woman (and they used a lappish healer to
try to get it out).

Snakes had also a strong part of shamanism, but I don’t know what really was
the function of shamans snake-shape belongings(??instruments??). Finnish
folkloristics seem to believe that the snake was for the shamans protection.

We had few cases where a snake’s head was used by magical meanings.

Sixthly, in 1732 court was dealing with a case, where Lauri
Heikinpoika Tervo accused his neighbor “of sending a bird with fire on its
head (nose)” to burn his house, which burned. Due to losses of protocols, we
don’t know how the case was handled, but I’m sure the court did not find
neighbor guilty. Birds have been known to used to carry fire in saami
tradition (says finnish folklorist Aune Nystrom).

Seventhly, we have found one case where a woman gave birth to some frogs, and
one case where a frog was put in a box and buried inside of a church. The box
was just like those boxes they used with human bodies.

Eigth, we have a case where they used a fish to heal sick person. The idea was
that the “Grande mal” (falling sickness) would be moved from people to fish.
So they did it, but unfortunately one innocent person touched the fish and
got himself sick. And of course the sickness was grande mal.

Ninth, I have a strong feeling, that finnish courts did not tried to found out
if the accused had animal helper or not. The law mentioned nothing about
animal imps or spirituals, so they were not needed as evidence. Maleficium
was maleficium and it could be proofed without any animal helpers or spirits.

10th According the old folk tradition the bear will not harm the cattle if
one takes a blind puppy dog and buries it with some rites in the land on area,
where the bear lives. But I have no evidence that this has ever been done.

11th In Finland was believed, that milking others cow, would steal not only
the milk but the further milk lucky too. I think this believe is common in
whole Scandinavia.

12th A bear could be sent to harm neighbour’s cattle. But at least in one
case (1746) shows, that it could also to sent back to harm the original witch.

13th I have no reason to believe that the animal (exept the bear or wolf
sended to do harm) were real ones. If it was so that the helpers were
real pets, why they did not execute the pets too?

I think that the judges has sent the animals to death as they did with cases
where humans had sexual intercourse with animal. They executed both! One
reason to not to do so could be, that the animal was not “guilty” for anything
because it could not differ the right and the wrong from each other. But so
did the raped animal neither.

14th The worms. At least in one case the witch used worms to destroy a pig. He
used some magical technique and the victims pig get “full of worms” as they
found out when they slaughtered the sick pig. Worms could be sent to a human
being too.

15th The lycanthropy. Werewolves had no part of finnish trials, but they had
one in Estonia. Why? The Finnish people have common roots with Estonian
people and our languages are still guite similar. Our oldest pre-christian
religion is common, and there is no werewolves in that tradition, as
far as I know. So, where the estonians got the idea about werewolves? I
think that they have adopted it from germans. Estonia has been under
strong german influence, but Finland hasn’t. So, I believe, that they must
have copied the idea from German “Werewolffe”.

According Maia Madar (Estonia I: Werewolves and poisoners, in Early Modern
European Witchcraft ed. Bengt Ankarloo and Gustav Henningsen,
Clarendon Press, Oxford 1990).

“Belief in werewolves was widespread. At eighteen trials, eighteen women and
thirteen men were accused of causing damage while werewolves. At Meremoisa
1623, the defendant Ann testified that she had been a werewolf for four
years, and had killed a horse as well as some smaller animals. She had later
hidden the wolf skin under a stone in the fields.” (page 270)

Maia Madar tells other examples, too. And in one case where 18-year old Hans
had confessed that he had hunted as a werewolf for two years, “when asked
by the judges if his body took part in the hunt, or if only his soul was
transmuted, Hans confirmed that he had found a dog’s teeth-marks on his own
leg, which he had received while a werewolf. Further asked wether he felt
himself to be a man or a beast while transmuted, he told that he felt
himself to be beast.” (page 271)

Madar writes: “It was acknowledged that people could be transmuted not only
into werewolves, but also into bears.”

So as a lawyer I must ask why they were confessing that they were hunting as
werewolves in Estonia. The answer must be torture. Torture was widely
used in Estonia ecen it was under the Swedish jurisdiction, where torture was

16th The devil in a shape of a dog. All over the Scandinavia we had trials
where the accused said, that the devil they’ve met had a shape of a dog. Why
the dog? Danish witchhistorian Jens Christian V. Johanssen writes (in book
mentioned above), that the popular culture (peoples believes) borrowed ideas
for wall-paintings in the church.

“In Ejsing church, Christ is tempted in the desert by the devil – in the shape
of a ferocious-looking dog! Popular imagination was so vivid that on given
occasions the devil came to take his form”. (Johansen: Denmark: The
Sociology of Accusations in Early Modern European Witchcraft.. page 363-364).

Well, so and so. But surely the popular culture appointed ideas from elite’s

17th The shamanism. I have not specialised about shamanism, so I’ll now follow
the ideas that finnish shamanism expert Anna-Leena Siikala writes in her
book “Suomalainen samanismi” (Finnis Shamanism), Hameenlinna 1992.

Siikala writes about moving the demon from someone to another. In finnish
folklore it is usuall to remove a disease from patient to an animal or some
idol, like wooden puppet. This is common between Middle- and East-Siperia
shaman too. She remind, that even Jesus removed demon from a man to some
pigs. (page 187)

There is information about this kind of “removing” in German and Estonia
too. In Finland this was usually done by soothsaying, but this was not
common in Middle-Europe or Scandinavia.

Siikala guesses, that this habit has very old shamanistic roots and that the
churhes middle-age tradition has forced this old religion. (pages 188-189)

In these cases animals are shamans helpers and they carry the evil demon
away. Shamans (spiritual) animal helpers are also spyes, Shaman can send
them far away to collect information what is happening. Helpres also
carry the information from here to the “heaven”. “Because shamans helper
animal do not only to take the disease to themselves, but carry it to
“heaven” (or “to the other side” as shamans say), they are=20 not usuall
(real) animals” (page 191).

Siikkala says, that middle age church adopted these old ideas and they used
the idea to their rituals (to carry out demons).

Shamans used to call their helpers for instance by singing (and using the drum).
In my opinion it is surely understandable that shaman was all the time
demonstrating to the audience, that he has very important helpers.

The shaman uses his helpers to fight agains other shamans helpers, too. So
when shaman is healing a patent, he first find’s out where the disease has
become, and then force it to go back. If the disease is caused by demon, you
have to fight against demon. If it is caused by other shaman with his helpers,
so the helpers must fight together. (as Carlo Ginzburg’s “benandati” did).

The idea about shamans fighting together is old and it is common in Northern-
Asia, too. In Siperia tradition the fighning shamans could take a shape of

But I could not find any reason to believe that the helper animals were real
animals in Siikalas book either.

According to Joan’s Witch Pages they executed a dog in Salem Witch trials.
This is something I had not pointed out earlier. If they really executed the
dog, so I’ll have to reuse my argument: why they did not executed other
suspected “pets” too (if the “pet theory” is right)?



One reason why they may not have executed pets is because the law assumed
that these creatures were supernatural beings – by definition. If the animals
had been captured, brought to court, examined by authorities, etc., it
would have been difficult to avoid the conclusion that the witch’s cat or dog
was, in fact, no different from any other cat or dog. In addition, according
to folklore, these animals could not be killed by ordinary means because they
were spirits. We have found one account, for example, of a suspected familiar (a
poodle dog called Boye, belonging to Prince Rupert) being killed by a silver
bullet fired by a ‘soldier skilled in necromancy’ at the battle of Marston
Moor in 1642. Also, perhaps it was assumed that the familiars would perish as
soon as the witch was executed, since they were assumed to depend on
her/him for nourishment (coincidently, of course, the animals probably didn’t
survive for long once their owners were incarcerated and executed). However,
I agree with you that the fate of these animals is somewhat mysterious. My
guess would be that the witch’s neighbours dealt with them swiftly and
discretely, but I have no evidence either way. I wasn’t aware of the Salem dog
execution but will now look into this. In the bestiality trials, the animals
were not generally executed as criminals. Rather they seem to have been
regarded as polluted creatures which might have a corrupting influence on public
morality if allowed to remain alive. Thus, there was a particular incentive to
identify these (real) animals and kill them.


Meet Your Spirit Guides

Meet Your Spirit Guides

Before retiring, or going to bed, spend a few minutes in bed relaxing. Just
focus on being relaxed. Be relaxed…
While relaxed, imagine a Veil in front of your eyes. A curtain, or a wall.
Imagine the Veil, or the wall, as being void, black. Accept the Veil, or the
wall. Do not be threatened by the Veil, because you are relaxed, and because
you know the Veil is an illusion, and serves purpose. You are still relaxed.
Then, you visualize the Veil (or wall) slowly lifting. You see the Veil lifting,
and you see stars, you see lights. You know you can see things you haven’t seen
before. You are still relaxed. When you are ready, you ask for Spirit to join
you. You ask Spirit to touch you, and to embrace you, because you are ready to
embrace Spirit. You know that Spirit is Divine Love, you know you are safe, you
know you are loved. You know you are ready to meet Spirit. Hold your hands out.
Let your fingertips feel the touch of Spirit. Know that when you are ready, you
can ask Spirit to embrace your arms; ask for Spirit to give you a huge hug. You
will feel it. Accept the love that is given to you, and know that you have
earned it, that the love is yours. You may feel many things. Electricity, and an
urge to cry, is what I felt, and great joy. There are many methods regarding
meeting your spirit guides. I met my guides in delayed stages. I had two human
guides and three critter guides. This is not “common” but is also not unheard-
of. What is common is for people to have two human guides. For those who study
critter-paths, I believe that they also have two human guides, but that they are
working more consciously with critter-wisdom, and therefore it is likely that
they have “critter-medicine”, and may actually have critter guides, as I do.
Names? Gender? These are generally the first two issues we would like to
distinguish within our guides. What I would recommend, as a matter of deduction,
is that you ask your inner voice, if your entity is Male or Female. You WILL
receive a definite impression. Lesson number one – learn to trust yourself. (I
like to ask the gender question first, as it’s an easy one-two, this or that
approach, and helps to distinguish our own emotional responses.) When it comes
to names, let your mind be open to receive impressions. When I first met Elmo,
my bear, I had a hard time believing that was his name, because I am a “serious”
person, I associated “Elmo” as being playful, and therefore antithetical to what
I thought his name should be. (Yet, I’ve learned a lot from Elmo, including “not
being so uptight” I also learned more about not judging a person – or entity –
by their name.) When I first met Garulf, as a spirit, I thought he had a
fascinating name. Weird name, dynamic personality. This was the label I hanged
on him. How was I to know Garulf was a fairly common, respectable name several
hundreds of years ago, in Denmark? How was I to know Garulf was actually a Soul
name, befitting him perfectly as a spirit, and as a person? So, in other words,
whatever name you get in meditation, or whatever, really is their name?
Sometimes, the names of your spirits will help you bust up your own
preconceptions of what names mean – or what roles people should play in your
lives. What it all really comes down to is trusting your impressions. If you can
do that (we salute you!), but more, you are already on a healthy journey of
rediscovery. Your spirits will help you find the way.

How to Discover Your Guide:

How to Discover Your Guide:

One way of starting to discover your animal guides by examining the animals you
have been most interested in and the times of your life that interest was
piqued. Also examine the animals that have appeared in your dreams or in your
everyday life, especially the ones that have appeared over and over and at odd
times. The following questions can help you determine which animals might be
guides in your life. Has a specific creature or specific creatures, be it
animal, bird, reptile, Amphibian, insect or mythological beast, always
fascinated you? We are drawn to that which most resonates with us. Those
animals, which fascinate us or the ones that we fear the most, have something to
teach us. Animal guides are not always those that we have the most similarities
with. Often they are in our lives to help us learn what we are lacking. When you
visit the zoo, which animal do you wish to visit first? This is especially true
with children and this question is easy for them to answer since they are often
more receptive than teens or adults. What animal or animals do you see most
frequently when you are out in nature? The animals we encounter in their city or
wild environments have significance for us. We can learn from them about
survival within their environment and often much more. Of all the creatures,
which are you most interested in now? Our interests in animals change. Yes, we
usually have one or two that are lifetime power animals, but others become
prominent in our lives when there is something of importance to learn from them.
Do any animals frighten you? That which we fear is often something we must learn
to come to terms with. When we do that, the fears then become power. Some
Shamans believe that fears will take the shape of animals, and only when we
confront them without fear do their powers/medicine work for us instead of
against us. Such an animal then becomes a shadow totem. Have you ever been
attacked or badly wounded by an animal? Historically, if a Shaman survived
an attack, it was believed that the animal was the Shaman’s spirit totem and the
attack was the totem’s way of testing the Shaman’s ability to understand and
handle its power. Do you have dreams with animals in them or are there animal
dreams you have never forgotten? This is especially important if the dreams are
recurring or if a specific animal image keeps popping up in your dreams.
Children often dream of animals and attention should be given to these animals.
They will often reflect specific animal guides of the child or areas of weakness
where the parents can help in their child’s growth.