The Witches Spell for May 11th – A Spell to Send Employment to a Friend

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A Spell to Send Employment to a Friend


For the following spell you will need a piece of paper, a pen, an herb or powder associated with prosperity, a green candle, a fire-proof tin, and some water.

Inscribe upon the paper the name of the person who is in search of employment. Set your tools in your allotted sacred space, be it upon an altar or anyplace in which you perform rituals. Cast a

circle if you wish.

Lightly sprinkle the paper with the water, cleansing and empowering it. Place the paper before you. Hold your hands over it,imagining white light flowing through your hands into the paper.

Visualize the individual attaining the job of their dreams. Do not imagine them at a specific job, but merely see the person in your mind smiling and working happily.

Sprinkle the herb(s) on top of the paper. Fold it so that it acts as a pocket or envelope holding the herb(s) inside.

Holding the paper in your hands, chant the following until you feel you have raised enough energy and that the object is properly charged:

Element of earth, fruits of your bounty
Please bring the right job to (name of person).
Sun and stars, moon and comet
Bring to (name) the best employment.

When the energy has been raised and the object has been charged, use the flame of the green candle to set it on fire, immediately placing it into the fire-proof container. Wait until the embers have cooled. Then release the ash into the wind.

Be sure to have fire extinguishing materials nearby in case of an unexpected accident

Oh, Why Not Another Little Spell – Sweet Prosperity Spell

Book & Candle Comments

Sweet Prosperity Spell

Mix together a teaspoon of cinnamon for prosperity, a teaspoon of allspice to bring money, and a half a cup of sugar to sweeten your life. Mix the ingredients together, the pour into a glass container. Snap or screw the lid into place. Empower the mixture to bring prosperity into your life. Try this charm:

“Sugar and spice and everything nice,

Make up this Witch’s spell,

A pinch of magick, a bit of charm,

And all will turn out well.


You could put a pinch of this mixture into a charm bag, or seal a tablespoon of it inside an envelope and keep it in your bill drawer or the bottom of your purse to promote prosperity. Or just sprinkle a spoonful on your buttered toast in the morning to add prosperity and success to your day.


Cottage Witchery
Natural Magick for Hearth & Home
Ellen Dugan

The Witches Magick for Wednesday, April 9th – Apple Tree Wealth Spell

Book & Candle Comments

The Witches Magick for Wednesday, April 9th – Apple Tree Wealth Spell

April Tree Wealth Spell


Items you will need:

3 slices of bread

A cup of apple cider


The Spell:

You will need to locate a fruiting apple free to do this spell. Place the slices of bread on the tree branches and pour the cider onto the roots. As you do this say:


“Blessed be, fruiting apple tree
Now bring great wealth to me
Hats full! Pockets full!
Bushed by bushel-sacks full!
Thank you, great apple tree
Blessed be! So shall it be!

As the apples grow and ripen, so will your wealth

Spell To Get Your Boss’s Job

Spell To Get Your Boss’s Job


Could you do a better job than your boss? Let magick help you get the promotion you deserve.

Best time to cast:

  • During the Waning Moon
  • When the Sun or Moon is in Leo or Capricorn
  • On Thursdays or Sundays

Items You Will Need:

  • A camera and film
  • A picture of yourself, looking happy and confident
  • A pen
  • One (or more) of your hairs

The Spell:

!.  Photograph your boss’s office or workspace when she/he isn’t there, then paste a picture of yourself on the photo. Or have a trusted friend photograph you seated at your boss’s desk.

2.  On the back of the photo, write your name and new job title.

3.  Focus your attention on the photo first thing every morning and last thing every night for one week minimum.

4.  When the opportunity arises, hide the photo in your boss’s office in a spot where she/he won’t find it.

5.  Tie your hair to the doorknob or sprinkle a few hair clippings in your boss’s desk drawer.

6.  Say aloud:

“This office and job are now mine. (Boss’s name) now take another job for which she/he is better suited. We are both very happy and successful in our new positions.”

7.  Continue visualizing yourself performing your new job until you receive your well deserved promotion.

Success and Prosperity Spell



* a small green or brown talisman bag
* three silver coins
* cinnamon and cedar chips
* a small dish
* your wand
* a pentacle
* cauldron
* ritual knife


This spell is best done during the waxing moon or on the Full Moon. Set your cauldron on the pentacle.  Place a small dish inside the cauldron with a small amount of cinnamon and cedar chips on it.  Beside your cauldron, lay your wand.

Tap each coin with the wand as you chant:

Glistering silver, coin of the Moon,
Shiny and round, bring me a boon.
Draw to my hands many more of your kind.
Multiply, grow, like the image in my mind.

Place the coins in the cauldron with the herbs.  Stir the air clockwise seven times over the cauldron and chant:

Earth elementals, cunning and bright,
With me share treasures here on this night.
Share with me riches of silver and gold.
Success, prosperity, all I can hold.

Put the coins and the herbs in the talisman bag and lay it overnight in the moonlight.  Either carry the talisman bag with you or keep it near your bed where you will see it every night.

Witches Magick for February 3rd – Five Finger Money Spell

Witchy Comments
Witches Magick for February 3rd

Five Finger Money Spell

The number 5 is associated with abundance and wealth, so this Wiccan money spell focuses on that energy. The last spell did too, I suppose. Anyway, this is what you need for this spell:

A green marker (washable)

A silver coin

Do this spell on a Thursday if you can. Write the number 1 through 5 on the pads of your fingers, starting with 1 on the index finger to 4 on the pinky, then 5 on the thumb. Set the coin on a table or altar, and focus on why you need additional abundance in your life right now. If you don’t actually need money, this spell may not be that successful.

Repeat the following, touching the numbered finger to the coin each time:

By the number 1, the spell’s begun,
By the number 2, let it be true,
By the number 3, so mote it be,
By the number 4, I just need more,
By the number 5, the spell’s alive

Then set your open palm over the coin, and repeat all 5 lines again. Leave the coin where it sits for 5 days, then carry it with you after that.

Free Witchcraft Spells

The Witches Magick for January 24th – Incense Spell to Reach Your Goal

Celtic & British Isles Graphics
Incense Spell to Reach Your Goal

Items needed:

Pen and paper

Fireproof dish


Write your goal on a piece of paper and put it in the dish. Sprinkle with the incense and light the paper. As it burns, concentrate on your goal coming to fruition and say:

Smoke into the Cosmos go
So the Ancients will now know
I need assistance to achieve
This goal that I have set for me.

Repeat this spell every day for a week while working toward your goal.


Everything Under The Moon


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The Witches Magick for Jan. 21st – Master a Skill Mojo Bag

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Master a Skill Mojo Bag

Items You will need:

Yellow flannel bag
Charm or image
7 peppercorns
Handful of dried peppermint
Lock of your hair  

This bag is used to master a skill or increase a talent. It should be carried on the body or kept in a workplace where you specifically work on your skill or talent.

The bag is only good for one thing. Choose what is most important to you if there are several skills you are building and make a new bag for each skill if necessary. The charm or image should be directly related to the talent or skill you are working on.

You may include charms or images for skills you currently have which relate directly to that which you are trying to master, or a petiton paper stating what you wish to master.

To fix the bag, breathe on it a few times.


Feed the bag with Success Oil:

¼ ounce carrier oil
3 drops heliotrope
2 drops lavender
1 drop patchouli
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Sweet Success Moon Potion

Sweet Success Moon Potion

(Wolf Moon)
You will need a vanilla tea bag, three drops of lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey.
Begin by brewing the vanilla tea and letting it steep for a few minutes. Add the three drops of lemon juice while saying  the following:
One drop, two drops, and one more, makes three     May sourness never get the best of me.
Add the teaspoon of honey while saying:
With this spoonful of honey,
I bring sweet success to me.
As you drink the cup of tea, review in your mind all of the successes that you hope to have in the coming year. Envision  each of your magickal patterns as coming to fruition and being highly successful. Taste the sweetness of the honey and let it be a prequel to the sweet  success to come. Repeat to yourself:
Sweet success, come to me
By the Lady, blessed be!
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The Witches Magick for Dec. 12th – Employment Charm

Employment Charm

A Charm to Secure Employment

The following ingredients are needed:

Take a green handkerchief or a piece of green cloth roughly same size,
Next lay it flat with one of the corners facing you.
Place upon it 3 cardamom seeds
1 Bay leaf
1 Cinnamon stick

These herbs surround you in self-confidence and attract energy. Cardamom sweetens your personality and brings out your natural eloquence. Bay leaves are symbols of success and triumph. Cinnamon will draw the magic quick. ie the corners together with a length of green ribbon, so that you have a little bundle of herbs.

Before each interview, hold this bundle and visualize yourself walking into the interview room, radiating confidence imagine yourself being in a position to pick and chose jobs at will. Carry this to your job interviews. And accept that any rejection is a sign from the universe that the job was not right for you

The Witch’s Magick Spell for Nov. 21 – Long Term Career Spell


Long Term Career Spell

On a piece of paper, write down all the obstacles you can think of that you are blocking your success. Include everything: the economy, specific people like your nasty boss, every circumstance, and every situation that opposes your success. Try to be as specific as possible.

Now for each obstacle on your list, get a black candle. And for each candle, carve one of the obstacles on your list onto the candle.

It’s best if you have an odd number of candles.

Anoint each candle with cinnamon oil.

Burn one candle each night, and scorch the edges of the paper a little bit each night. Do not burn your list completely until the final night and the final candle.

After you have burned your last black candle, take a gold or green candle. Gold and green are the colors of success. Choose a green candle if your main goal is to make more money, a gold one if it is to find a more satisfying career.

On a new piece of paper, list everything that you want in a job. Your dream job, if you will. Be specific as possible. As your green or gold success candle burns, burn this paper as well.

Focus and concentrate on manifesting your dream job. Now that you have eliminated all obstacles in your path with the black candles, it’s time to start focusing on attracting success.

Be patient, the answers will come to you and new opportunities will make themselves available.

Don’t be afraid of these opportunities. Recognize them for what they are—and go for it!


The Witches’ Magick for Nov. 3 – Job-Hunting Charm


Job-Hunting Charm

This charm will only work if you are seriously and intensively looking for a job, sending out resumes and scheduling interviews.

You Will Need:

A cinnamon stick

A High John the Conqueror Root

Green or gold thread

Three Kings Oil (made of frankincense oil, oil of myrrh, and spikenard)

Red flannel drawstring bag

Tie the cinnamon stick and the High John the Conqueror Root together with the thread. Anoint them with the Three Kings Oil, and place them in the bag.

Every morning before you go out job-hunting, anoint the charm with a bit more oil. Keep it in your pocket or bag as you go out to look for a job.

If your situation is the same after nine days, you may want to look at different alternatives or change your game plan. It could be a signal that the field you are looking it is not right for you for that you, or that you may find opportunities elsewhere.

To Attract Customers to a Business or Visitors to a Home

To Attract Customers to a Business or Visitors to a Home

Make a fine powder out of some basil leaves and sprinkle them around the main entrance to the home or place of business. It is believed that only good and friendly people will enter, since it supposedly repels those who intend harm toward the workers of a business or the occupants of a home.

Aid In Financial Difficulty

Aid In Financial Difficulty


Green Candle
Purple Candle
Sage Oil
Scribing tool such as a crafters exacto knife, athame or kitchen knife

On a Thursday (you can do it on any day but Thursday is associated with Power, Success, Fame, Wealth etc.)

Begin by meditating as you normally do, in addition I always use white light as a protection around my circle before I cast any spells. Inscribe on your candles money symbols, Success, Wealth.  Begin inscribing at the bottom of the candle, rotating it to the left in a spiral method. So your inscriptions will rotate up to the right and around. While you inscribe your candles, visualize your goals; see yourself succeeding be clear on what you want. Rub your candle with the Sage oil from the bottom up while asking for what you want.

Ask the Earth (As an element) to grant your spell use words that are meaningful for you. I face North and light the candles:

By the power of the Earth and the Grace of her body
I ask for Success in obtaining wealth
I ask that I be given focus and ability
To earn with love and light on this
Thursday Night I thank thee spiritually,
Emotionally, mentally and physically
As it harm none
So Mote it Be

You may also burn incense alone or in combination Honeysuckle, pine, musk, cedar, patchouli or jasmine in honor of earth. While the Candles burn, continue to meditate and or visualize your specific goals or you may visualize the earth guiding you to success.

Prosperity and Success Spell


Prosperity and Success Spell

Original Author D.J. Conway


1 small cauldron

1 small green or brown charm bag

3 silver coins


Cedar oil

A small table to use as an altar

Spell:   Place a little dish or cup inside the cauldron with a small amount of cinnamon   and cedar in it. Lay the three coins next to it on your altar. Tap each coin with the forefinger of the hand you write with (your power hand) and chant:

“Glistening silver coin of the Moon,   Shiny and round, bring me a boon.   Draw to my hands many more of your kind.   Multiply, grow, like the image in my mind.

Place the coins in the cauldron with the herbs and three drops of oil.Using your power hand, stir the air clockwise seven times over the cauldron and chant:

“Earth elements, cunning and bright, Share you treasures here on this night.   Share with me riches of silver and gold, Success, prosperity, all I can hold.”

Place the herbs and the coins in the talisman bag. Carry this with   you until the Full Moon goes through her phases and returns to Full.

Poppet for Gaining Financial Success

Poppet for Gaining Financial Success


satin, green or gold or silver

Herbs: clover, chamomile, ginger, cinnamon

Gemstones: snowflake obsidian or sodalite


Create a poppet that represents yourself. As you make it, focus on the positive attributes that you possess which will make you appealing to a potential employer. Another option is to create the poppet in the image of the employer (include business cards or letterhead inside, if you can get them) and tell the employer poppet why you’re the best person for the job.

The Witches Spell for January 7th – Mary Caliendo’s Potato Chip Hex

Mary Caliendo’s Potato Chip Hex

This is so easy, you can perform it right at the office. Don’t let its simplicity fool you though. It’s powerful enough to get rid of even the nastiest boss or co-worker.


You will need:

2 bags potato chips (get them from the vending machine in your building if possible)

3 packets black pepper

1 sticky note

Black pen



The Spell:

Open both bags to let the air out. Write your enemy’s name on the sticky note in black ink, place it in one of the bags, and add the pepper. Sit on one bag to crush the chips. (Move around a little to make sure all the chips are in small little crumbs). Retrieve the bag, fold the top three times, and staple several times to secure. Place the bag in your purse, and toss it in a public garbage receptacle after work.

Now, eat the other bag of chips. You certainly wouldn’t want to appear to be doing anything suspicious at work, now would you?


Curses, Hexes & Other Unsavory Notions
By Dorothy Morrison
WillowTree Press

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The Witches Spell for December 23rd: Spell For A Job Promotion

Spell For A Job Promotion

Items needed:

Red or Gold Candle


Use a red or gold candle and do this spell on a Sunday. Repeat these words aloud eight times while the candle continues to burn:

“Like a giant balloon,
To the heavens I soar.
Climbing three steps at a time,
I now make the touchdown score
To claim the job that is mine.
That is waiting for me
What others envy, I now

More Winter Comments

The Witches Spell of the Day – A Charm To Secure Employment


Take a green handkerchief or a piece of green cloth roughly that size, lay it flat with one of the corners facing you. Place upon it 3 cardamom seed, a bay leaf and a sprig rosemary (or 1 tsp. of dried herb). These herbs surround you in self-confidence and attract energy.
Cardamom sweetens your personality and brings out your natural eloquence.
Bay leaves are symbols of success and triumph.
Rosemary is a herb of achievement and mental alertness.

Tie the corners together with a length of string, so that you have a little bundle of herbs.

Before each interview, hold this bundle and visualize yourself walking into the interview room, radiating confidence imagine yourself being in a position to pick and chose jobs at will.

Carry this to your job interviews. And accept that any rejection is a sign from the universe that the job was not right for you.

Magickal Spell for July 12th – Yellow Crystal Sun Spell To Get Your Talents Noticed



A Yellow Crystal Sun Spell To Get Your Talents Recognized

The sun is associated with success and the flowering of talent, as well as financial rewards. If you work hard and get results but are passed over for promotion, or you are labeled so reliable but unexciting, a sun spell will make sure you shine.

You will need:

Any small sparkling yellow crystal, such as a topaz, citrine or spinel, or a clear quartz crystal.

When to cast:

In early morning sunlight or natural light on a Monday.

The Spell:

  1. Hold the crystal up to the light in your power hand and say: “Sun enter and empower me that I may likewise shine.”
  2. Lift the stone to your mouth and blow slowly three times on the crystal to endow it with your essence.
  3. Wear or carry the crystal. When you get to work, set it where the light will continue to fall on it right through until 3 p.m., (you may have to use artificial light on a dark day or in a dark workplace).
  4. Repeat the first two steps at 9 a.m., 12 p.m., and 3 p.m., (or as close to these times as you can), each time returning the crystal to where it can absorb light.
  5. Take the crystal home with you after work and repeat the ritual each day, right through your working week.