Spell for Today – Lucky Pig Spell For Good Fortune In Every Way c. 2012


 A Lucky Pig Spell for Good Fortune in Every Way

Pigs are symbols of good fortune and prosperity in many cultures. Piggie banks, with a slot for coins, are a symbol of accumulated wealth. Some have an opening in the bottom to retrieve the money when the pig is full; others are made of pottery and designed to be broken. A new piggy bank should be started with a coin from the old one to ensure consuming prosperity.

Items You Will Need:

A piggy bank; a gold-colored candle; a gold-colored coin that you have been given the day before the spell (for example as change in making a purchase).

When To Cast:

On a Wednesday, as it gets light.

The Spell:

  1. Light the candle and place the piggy bank where the light will shine on it.
  2. Pass the coin around the candle flame seven times deosil (clockwise) saying for each pass:  “Increased be luck and prosperity.” 
  3. Put the coin in the piggy bank and silently make a wish for whatever good fortune you need in your life.
  4. Blow out the candle.
  5. Each day re-light the candle, past another golden coin (from any source) seven times round the candle, as you do so chanting the words seven times. Put the coin in the piggy bank, repeating the wish silently or making a different one. Again blow out the candle.
  6. Continue these actions and the chant until the candle is burnt through or the pig is full. Then replace the candle or empty the piggy bank (keeping back one coin to start filling the pig again). Spend the rest of the money on a small treat you can share with your family or friends.

Calendar of the Moon for December 12th

Calendar of the Moon

12 Ruis/Poseideion

Day of the Underworld III

Color: Grey
Element: Water
Altar: The altar is the same as the day before, with the chalice replenished, and a pile of coins.
Offering: Whatever the Gods tell you.
Daily Meal: Fasting tonight, until the next morning.

Underworld Invocation III

(The speaker holds up the chalice yet again, and says:)
Elixirs fade and potions fail,
The gold is rusted from the grail,
The wine is changed to water thin,
The blood is wasted from the skin,
And all that from this glass is drunk
May leave us only smaller shrunk.
(The chalice is passed, and each takes a sip.)
Now that we have passed through Earth,
We must pass over the River of the Dead.
Black water laps at our feet,
Faces stare up at us, seeing and unseeing,
From the depths of the River.
Are you ready to pass over the water?
Do you have ready the fare you will pay?
(Each takes two coins from the altar, and states what they will do to pay their fare. The speaker then takes the dried thistles and crushes them into a box, saying:)
Even the King is old and white
When royal noon is turned to night.
Yet better the peace of thistledown
Than power under a thorny crown.
Let him sleep his sleep of grey
Where gold and purple fall away,
And let us lie beside him here,
Past pain or joy, desire or fear.

(All come forward and lie down on the floor, in front of the altar, in a position of death, with the coins laid on their eyes. One who has been chosen to do the work of the ritual comes by with the chalice, and gently bathes the face of every corpse, and collects the coins. After a time, all rise in silence and go.)

[Pagan Book of Hours]

Prosperity and Success Spell


Prosperity and Success Spell

Original Author D.J. Conway


1 small cauldron

1 small green or brown charm bag

3 silver coins


Cedar oil

A small table to use as an altar

Spell:   Place a little dish or cup inside the cauldron with a small amount of cinnamon   and cedar in it. Lay the three coins next to it on your altar. Tap each coin with the forefinger of the hand you write with (your power hand) and chant:

“Glistening silver coin of the Moon,   Shiny and round, bring me a boon.   Draw to my hands many more of your kind.   Multiply, grow, like the image in my mind.

Place the coins in the cauldron with the herbs and three drops of oil.Using your power hand, stir the air clockwise seven times over the cauldron and chant:

“Earth elements, cunning and bright, Share you treasures here on this night.   Share with me riches of silver and gold, Success, prosperity, all I can hold.”

Place the herbs and the coins in the talisman bag. Carry this with   you until the Full Moon goes through her phases and returns to Full.

Full Moon Scrying Ritual

Full Moon Scrying Ritual

The upcoming summer months are the perfect time for Full Moon Scrying and I’d like to pass on an old, time honored scrying ritual originally written by D.J. Conway that I have used many times during the long summer nights:

Items Needed:

1 bright, shiny silver coin

1 small, black cauldron or scrying bowl filled with water

Perform this ritual outside where the rays of the Moon can fall directly onto the water in the cauldron. If you cannot go outside, stay in a darkened room near a window that the Moon shines through. Place the coin in the water and take the cauldron in both hands. Gaze up at the Moon and say:

“Lovely Lady of the night,  
Mysteries old and futures bright,  
Give me a glimpse of that to be  
And as I will so mote it be.”

Look down at the coin shimmering in the cauldrons water. With your eyes half closed, adjust your vision as if you were looking into and through the coin. Don’t try to analuze anything you might see or that might come into your mind. Just accept it. Some people, rathar than seeing actual pictures within the cauldron, will have mental impressions, feelings or pictures. When you have finished, bow to the Moon and say thank you. Pour the water out on the ground. You’re done!

A Prosperity Charm

A Prosperity Charm

To ensure that money will enter the house all year round, take one silver or gold coin for each external door to the house

The coins will almost certainly be gold or silver coloured rather than actually made of the metals concerned.  Then take the same number of circular pieces of paper.  Wash the coin(s) carefully under running water for 10 minutes and then dry them in a new cloth or tissue.  On the paper(s) draw a picture of your family and around it draw pictures to represent all things you need (not want) money for.  Remember to include rent, taxes, light, heat, food, transport, pets, etc.  Wrap each coin in one of the papers and, if you are able, bury one just outside the threshold of each door.  Whilst you are burying the coin(s) say, “I call upon the Old Gods to help us make the most opportunities to bring money into this house.  May those who live here ever have enough for their needs and commitments.  Give each of us the true rewards of our work and may our family be happy and secure in this home.  Blessed Be.” Whilst you are doing this, visualize members of the family with coins in their pockets entering the home.  If it is not possible to actually bury them, then slip them down a crack at the base of the door, or just under the carpet on the inside.  It is important that everyone who enters the house, and all posts, must pass over the coins.

“Never give an empty purse, lest both the giver and taker be likewise coinless.”

January 2- The Real Witches Year by Kate West

The Witches Spell for December 28th: Long Life Spell

Long Life Spell

A Spell used to help ensure a long life.

Items Needed:



To be done in a forest. Go into a woods that contains any combination of oaks, elms, & maples. Find, as near as you can tell, the oldest tree in the center. Bury, deep & as near to the roots of the tree as you can, a penny. Upon the trunk of the tree, trace out, with your finger, & as you say it aloud, the following:

“Ancient tree, I offer thee

This mortal coin as gift & sign

Guard my fate both soon & late.

And let my rust grow green at last”

Place a stone over the burial site, & leave undisturbed for one month & a day. Return to the tree & dig up the coin. If the coin has turned green, the forest’s life span will be your own.

More Winter Comments

Today’s Runes for August 14 is Man

Today’s Runes

Gold Runes are most commonly used for questions about business, career, and property. Man represents Mankind. This rune evokes the image that although we must make much of our way in the world on our own, there is nevertheless an entire populous that shares similar experiences. Thus, this rune represents the relationship of the self with the whole – working together we can produce great results. Additionally, Man speaks to intellect and culture that separate us from the animals.

Prosperity and Success Spell

Prosperity and Success Spell
Original Author D.J. Conway

1 small cauldron
1 small green or brown charm bag
3 silver coins
Cedar oil
A small table to use as an altar

Place a little dish or cup inside the cauldron with a small amount of cinnamon and cedar in it. Lay the three coins next to it on your altar. Tap each coin with the forefinger of the hand you write with (your power hand) and chant:

“Glistening silver coin of the Moon,
Shiny and round, bring me a boon.
Draw to my hands many more of your kind.
Multiply, grow, like the image in my mind.

Place the coins in the cauldron with the herbs and three drops of oil. Using your power hand, stir the air clockwise seven times over the cauldron and chant:

“Earth elements, cunning and bright,
Share you treasures here on this night.
Share with me riches of silver and gold,
Success, prosperity, all I can hold.”

Place the herbs and the coins in the talisman bag. Carry this with you until the Full Moon goes through her phases and returns to Full.

Full Moon Scrying Ritual

Full Moon Scrying Ritual

The upcoming summer months are the perfect time for Full Moon Scrying and I’d like to pass on an old, time honored scrying ritual originally written by D.J. Conway that I have used many times during the long summer nights:

Items Needed:
1 bright, shiny silver coin
1 small, black cauldron or scrying bowl filled with water

Perform this ritual outside where the rays of the Moon can fall directly onto the water in the cauldron. If you cannot go outside, stay in a darkened room near a window that the Moon shines through. Place the coin in the water and take the cauldron in both hands. Gaze up at the Moon and say:

“Lovely Lady of the night,
Mysteries old and futures bright,
Give me a glimpse of that to be
And as I will so mote it be.”

Look down at the coin shimmering in the cauldrons water. With your eyes half closed, adjust your vision as if you were looking into and through the coin. Don’t try to analuze anything you might see or that might come into your mind. Just accept it. Some people, rathar than seeing actual pictures within the cauldron, will have mental impressions, feelings or pictures. When you have finished, bow to the Moon and say thank you. Pour the water out on the ground. You’re done!

Rumanian Money Spell

Place a small bowl or cup in a place you will see it every day. Hold three coins of any denomination in your dominant hand and say:

Trinka five, trinka five
Ancient spirits come alive
Money grow and money thrive.
Spirits of the trinka five.

Toss the coins in the container. Repeat the spell daily, tossing three coins in the dish each day for nine consecutive days. Then continue doing the spell once a week until you have the money you need.



Silver is easily my favorite metal to wear. While Gold is beautiful,
impressive and inspires power, I’ve always enjoyed the calmer, more tolerant
attitude that surrounds me when wearing Silver.

Native Silver, which refers to the pure mineral occurring in nature is quite
rare. Silver crystals are wiry, sometimes coiling and twinning so that
clusters can resemble bizarre bushes or trees. Cubic, octahedral and
dodecahedral crystals are extremely unusual and highly sought after. The
majority of native Silver is found as massive deposits, sheets, flakes or

While native Silver can be rare, there is a wide group of minerals that
include Silver in their composition or as a by-product. These Silver
minerals are usually divided into four categories: Silver Sulfides
(Acanthite, Argentite, Stephanite) which form in deposits caused by lower
temperature hydrothermal (hot water) veins; Silver sulfosalts (Antimony,
Bismuth) which usually form in the primary hydrothermal veins; Silver
halides, these photo-sensitive minerals are used in the chemicals that bring
photographic exposures to life; Silver amalgams – Copper, Gold, Galena, Zinc
and other minerals that produce Silver as a by-product. In all, there are
approximately 150 different species of Silver minerals. The majority of the
Silver used in industry and exchange comes from these secondary sources.

The first Silver mines were in an area call Antolia, which is near modern
Turkey. In 900 BC the Larium mines by Athens Greece began operating – these
mines would produce most of the world’s Silver for 1,000 years. Rome mined
their Silver in Spain, emptying out those mines by the middle ages.

Today the top six producing countries in the world are Mexico, USA, Canada,
Russia, Peru and Australia. Silver is also found in Bolivia, Norway, Czech
Republic, Germany and Austria. The largest piece of native Silver ever is a
massive specimen that weighs 844 pounds that was found near Aspen Colorado.
The Coeur d’Alene mines in Idaho are the largest producers of the mineral in
the world, digging out a total of one billion ounces since it began
operation in 1880.

Modern life has found many practical uses for the versatile physical
properties of this metallic crystal. It is highly malleable and ductile,
meaning it can be stretched and pounded to extreme limits. An ounce of
Silver can be stretched into a 30 mile long wire; it can be pounded into a
thinness of 1/100,000 of an inch. It has the highest optical reflective
qualities of any metal, making it very useful in mirrors and solar energy.
It is resistant to extreme temperatures and exhibits excellent conductivity,
so it is used in switches, batteries, coatings and and endless list of
electronic applications.

Photography, bearings, jewelry, coins, water purification, silverware and
almost anything you turn off and on depend on Silver.

While Gold and Bronze may have made an earlier introduction in Human
history, Silver’s impact is no less significant. Very early in that history
it was noticed that liquids kept in Silver containers remained fresh and
pure longer. In fact a Persian king, Cyrus the Great took an unusual
approach to his subjects’ physical health. During his reign, between 550-529
BC, he set up one of the first boards of health and established a medical
dispensary. Plus, drinking water was drawn from a special stream, boiled and
then stored in massive Silver containers.

Numerous legends, traditions and myths have grown up around this bright
reflective mineral. In the Greek and Roman myths, the second age of the
Olympians is the Silver Age, when man began to civilize and develop his
environment. The doors to Apollo’s palace on Mount Olympus were Silver and
his sister, Artemis was fond of using arrowheads dipped in the mineral.
Dian Cecht, the Irish God of Healing replaced the warrior Nuada’s hand with
one made of Silver when his was lost in a great battle. The home of the
Norse Gods, Asgard, is filled with palaces constructed of Silver and Gold.
Ulysses’ leather bag that held the Winds was tied with a Silver string.
Chinese children were often given lockets made of Silver to protect them
from harm.

Certain purification rites practiced by the Egyptians called for special
basins made of Silver. Such practices even find their way into contemporary
rituals. Catholic, Anglican and Lutheran chalices for their masses must be
constructed of Gold, Silver or Vermeil.

As a magical tool Silver has been used to reflect and capture Lunar
energies. It also provided protection against evil intent, reflecting spells
and harm back to the sender.

You can also use it to enhance your psychic skills. Wearing or sleeping with
the metal can both be effective. You can use a piece with the Moon for
psychic trancing. Take a small polished Silver object and catch the
reflection of the Moon’s light. Focus your gaze on this point until you
begin to feel your psychic energies awakening. Keep a journal of your
experiences, making note of your progress and improvements in your skill.

If you want to wear gemstones or crystals that you are working with, Silver
is the perfect metal to set them in. It has almost no vibrational impact on
stones. On the contrary, it can help enhance the connection between the
wearer and the gem, allowing for a gentle flow of energy between the two.
Over time, the Silver will absorb and reflect the same energy as the stone
set in it, much like Grandmother Moon absorbs and reflects the Sun’s light.
Place a piece of this mineral on your forehead to activate and open your
Third Eye Chakra. A Silver bracelet worn around the wrist of your receptive
hand will aid you in receiving channeled information and drawing certain
energy forms.

Use the Lunar qualities of your Silver to balance your life; growing what is
good and necessary while voiding whatever causes you harm or prevents your
evolution. Let it perform like a psychic mirror, allowing you to see your
life from the outside. View this new perspective without judgment, but with
a purer knowledge of what is best for your highest good.

Practitioners of astral travel may like using Silver as an anchor as they
move from one reality to another. It provides a kind of energy beam or
signal trace that allows you to always “see” where your physical body is. So
you aren’t distracted by the fear of not being able to return.

There is a long history and tradition of healing associated with Silver. It
is believed Silver (Colloidal Silver) is antibacterial, a sort of
disinfectant for the Human body that boosts your immunity. Several resources
suggest that this metal, when ingested, kills anaerobic (nitrogen breathing)
bacteria – which are very bad. It lets aerobic (oxygen breathing) bacteria
survive, which are very good, especially for digestion.

Silver was used in many ancient cultures to purify water and prevent
festering in wounds. In 1884, a Dr. F. Crede discovered Silver could cure a
disease that had been responsible for causing blindness in thousands of

Energy workers will find this metal a wonderful conduit for sending energy
to a patient. It can also be used to help channel the energies of stones in
healing. Turquoise, Carnelian, Moonstone, Amethyst and Quartz are excellent
healing stones to channel with Silver.

This mineral should also be beneficial in treating some infectious diseases,
like hepatitis or the flu. Silver may help cleanse your blood and correct
chemical and hormonal imbalances. In more traditional medicine it is used
for dental fillings and fittings, plus surgical implants.

By Stephanie Pflumm

Cottage Witchery for Thursday, May 12th


Increase prosperity on this day; work toward expansion and

moving up in the world

Planetary influence:  Jupiter

Household symbols:  a dollar bill, coins, a paycheck stub, a picture of your home

Colors:  Green and Royal Blue

Kitchen spice:  Sage and nutmeg.

Cottage Witchery
Natural Magick For Hearth and Hom
Ellen Dugan