Loosely bind a dark feather with a thin thread to a tree and say the following, (or something similar):
“From stress and heartache free me.
From all the chaos of the day free me.
From stagnant thoughts free me.
From idleness and feelings of helplessness free me Wind, free me.”
Walk away. When the wind tugs the feather from the tree, you will be freed.


Some binding spells can cause physical manifestations.
You feel as if invisible strands of hair or thin strings are wrapped around you.
You can’t see them but you can feel them and nothing you do can make that sensation stop.
Here is a way to dispel a binding.
Cut a bit of your own hair and set it in a small bowl.
Light 3 candles, 1 red, 1 white and 1 green. In a fire safe bowl or incense brazier, light a
piece of charcoal and add some myrrh, patchouli and sandalwood incense (powdered kind
not cone or stick). Take a sterile needle or pin and prick your right index finger.
Squeeze three drops of blood into the smoldering incense.
As you drop the hair onto the lit incense repeat these words:
With blood, candle and scent times three
No longer shall this binding be
Free to live and free to soar
Let me leave the house once more.
As I burn this hair, a part of me
Let my heart and soul be free!
And for those who doth cast despair
Binding me with sightless hair
I send to them this well-earned curse
Let their evil spell reverse!
Teach them mercy and love’s sweet gift
Once learned, this simple spell shall lift.
As is my will, so mote it be!
Let the incense burn out and scatter the ashes outside.
Lifting the binding spell should take care of the problem. Keep an eye on those around you.
Someone who wished you ill will start to experience the torment they put you through.
Once they understand that what they did was wrong, then the sensation will fade
and they will be back to normal.



Small issues can be handed in a magic circle, larger issues may need a full ritual.
Think carefully about which is best for the situation.
Needed : 2 black candles, a long black ribbon, black gloves, scissors,
cauldron containing small amounts of alcohol and a silver bell.
Cleanse and consecrate all the items, and dress the candles
(to send negative energy away from you), then light the candles.
Hold each end of the ribbon and name the ends.
Pass the silver bell over the alter several times until you feel you are in tune with the
Universal energies of love and peace. Anger is not a luxury afforded to you in the situation.
Put the black gloves on and say:
‘I call upon the energies of Universal balance
I call upon the ancient energies of my people
I call upon the living energies of the Morrigan
Underworld and heaven
Land and sea, I awaken these energies unto me.
Witness now that I renounce and sever
Break bonds and connections with ________
By all the powers that are One Power
May the great sisters of Karma now weave anew
and separate me from you
As I will, so mote it be’
Cut the ribbon and say: ‘It is so.’
Light the cauldron, and burn both the pieces of ribbon.



Spell for relationships gone very bad. If someone keeps hassling you and you’re having
trouble getting them out of your life then give this spell a try.
Supplies: 8″ yellow candle 8″ blue candle 8″ gray candle
a cheap knife charcoal heavy-duty safety pin
You will need to find a place where there is green grass and trees growing in one
direction and the other direction needs to be more barren (such as sand or rocks).
Only perform this spell between the hours of twelve midnight and one in the morning.
Start the spell on a Sunday night.
Cut seven notches in each candle.
On the base of the yellow candle engrave your name and birthdate and on the gray candle
engrave the name and birthdate of the person you are trying to get rid of.
Place the blue candle in the middle, the yellow candle on the grassy side and the gray
candle on the barren side. The candles must be placed 24 inches from the blue candle.
In the middle between the blue candle and the gray candle place the knife lying with the
sharp blade facing the gray candle. Surround the gray candle with some charcoal.
Draw a dove with your little finger of the left hand around the
yellow candle. With your left hand light both the yellow candle and the blue candle.
With your right hand light the gray candle. Repeat the following words three times:
“atce atce atce ete el ikaw”.
Let all three candles burn one section.
On the next night repeat the same moving the candles another 24 inches apart.
Continue for seven nights in total until the last night you will have one section of each candle.
Bury the gray candle in the ground with charcoal.
Bury knife with blade facing gray candle. Bury blue candle.
Take the yellow candle home and place in bottom draw of your cupboard on white cloth.

Guardian Dragons

Guardian Dragons

Personal guardian dragons come in various shapes and sizes, and usually (but not always) are quite small, at least much smaller than other dragons. They come in all colors. Often the little guardians are colored in pastel or lighter shades with belly scales of a myriad of hues. This smallness and color variety seem to point to the possibility that these dragons are more or less serving an apprenticeship, that they are younger dragons. The older adult dragons range in dimensions from tiger-size to absolutely huge; their scales are more pronounced and harder, while the little ones have softer scales, sometimes barely discernable.

Dragons age very slowly; therefore the juvenile stage could well last a hundred or more years, a relatively short period of time for long-lived dragons.

Guardian dragons would appear to be serving a type of apprenticeship by working with humans. This is their time of “schooling” of learning about humans, and of strengthening their individual powers. And as with all schools, the little guardian dragons are supervised by one or more adult dragons; you may or may not see these teachers. This supervision is for the safety of the little ones, as well as your protection. Little guardian dragons can get quit exuberant at times.

Although the powers of guardian dragons are not as strong or focused as those of larger dragons, they can help with protection; friendship; love; divination, such as tarot, runes or crystal reading; the development of psychic abilities; dancing; singing; and general rituals.

Having a guardian or guardians from the dragon kingdom has distinct advantages. They become quite protective if you are friends with them. These little dragons are more or less astral watchdogs of both your property and your person. In this period of history with crime rates soaring, a magician, indeed any person, is foolish not to take advantage of any offered help in protection of self, family, and property. With guardian dragons, there is no cleanup; one feeds them on love and created energy. They are invisible and quiet, at least to the senses of most people. However, they can and do make disturbing noises, uncomfortable vibrational feelings and sometimes actual appearances to those they feel might cause their friends distress or harm in any way.

Most of these little guardian dragons are quite playful. They frolic with and often tease household pets. One of our little guardians take delight in startling Finnigan, one of our cats, but he treats the other cat, Callisto, with respect. All of our little guardians love young children, following them about with great interest. In describing dragons, one can use the pronouns he or she interchangeably, since it is difficult to know the sex of dragons unless they tell you.
Nip and Tuck are our knee-high dragons. They are quite heavy through the body and have stubs of wings; I have never seen them fly, but they run at top speed up and down the stairs. They are colored in metallic earth hues with flashes of gold and deep forest green on their scales. I have never been able to tell which one is Nip and which is Tuck; they seem to think this is a great joke. More than one time I have found myself stepping over one of them, only to have a nonbelieving visitor give me a strange look. My dragons are as real to me as my cats, who also have a bad habit of lying down right beside me.
Tinsel, the tiniest of the dragons, is only the length of my hand. She is a shade or spring green, soft as silk,

with transparent wings almost as long as she is. Her belly scales are colored with electric blue, deep rose, gold and silver, like a gem-studded best. Nip and Tuck are likely to be anywhere in the house, while Tinsel can be found nestled in my hair, droped over one of my ears like an exotic ornament, or snoozing on top of the bookcases. After working lone hours in front of a computer, I often need my neck adjusted because of tension. Fortunately, my husband does this for me. One night while doing this, he started to laugh and said, “Listen to Tinsel.” Tinsel was sitting on the dresser watching, while commenting with a constant stream of talk. “I don’t need my neck adjusted. Ouch! Does that hurt? Don’t hurt her now.”

A dragon-loving friend has a guardian named Quicksilver who is black except for silver on his wings, yellow-gold eyes, and a fiery red mouth. Like most guardian dragons, Quicksilver has a delicious sense of humor and a delightful laugh.

Guardian dragons generally love to participate in rituals. Sometimes, instead of primarily defending a house, they will attach themselves to a person. Therefore, it is entirely possible to have several guardian dragons to a family and even several to a person.

Guardian dragons are the most friendly of their species and the most fun-loving. They enjoy simple impromptu rituals that include dancing, singing, and general fun. Simple, very relaxed rituals such as these are an excellent way to introduce children into the field of ritual and getting acquainted with dragons. It is also a very good way for adults to unwind and release stress.

These dragons are attracted to ginger and sweet-smelling and spicy incenses. They are greatly interested in divination and have a tendency to hang over your should while you are reading cards or practicing crystal gazing, for instance. They are interested in stories, especially if the dragon is portrayed as powerful, wily and not defeated by puny mortals.

A friend’s six-year-old daughter was having difficulty seeing her dragons and was quite upset about it. Her father finally gave her a rock crystal and told her to put it against her forehead. Immediately, she saw her dragons. Now it is common for her to keep a piece of crystal handy so she can enjoy this enw way of “seeing” her dragon friends.

If you are having trouble visualizing your dragons, try using a piece of rock crystal. It does not have to be flawless, nor does it have to points. It would appear that this type of crystal acts as a kind of magnifying glass to the psychic through the third eye in the middle of the forehead. When you have mastered the technique with rock crystal, experiment with other kinds of translucent rocks. Remember, dragons have individual tastes in things, just as humans do.


Little dragons, rainbow bright,

Good friends of this family,

Send good wishes to us all.

Join our rituals merrily.

Protect us through each day and night,

While awake or while asleep.

Though your love and vigilance

Do this family safely keep.


Dancing With Dragons

D. J. Conway

Dowsing to Find Dragon Energy

Dowsing to Find Dragon Energy

For dowsing, you can use a pendulum or dowsing rods, neither of which have to be professionally made. A pendulum can be a small weight or crystal suspended on a thread or chain. The pendulum is held suspended by the chain in your power hand while you walk over an area. For some people, the pendulum will swing in a clockwise circle, for others back and forth, when an underground flow of power is crossed. By marking the ground wherever this occurs, you can trace a power line’s underground flow for long distances. Don’t try to walk along over the top of the flow, but rather cross it from the side. Back and forth working will allow you to be aware of any twists and turns the line might take.
Dowsing rods can be made from two coat hangers. Using a pair of wire cutters, cut off the hook and then straighten the remaining wire. Bend this long piece of wire in such a way as to provide short hand-grips and longer right-angle bars. Holding a bend rod loosely in each hand, the dowser walks slowly over an area until the long bars cross. The problem with dowsing in an inhabited area is that you will find every water line there. But it can be productive if you combine dowsing with watching for unusual anomalies in the vegetation growth or lack of plant life altogether. Energy flows have been known to shift position, following underground water or electrical lines.
Discovering such an energy line on your property makes it possible for you to know where to go to access a burst of power when you need it. Other lines may run through city parks or recreation areas, where you will not be trespassing if you go in for a pick-me-up.
“Dancing with Dragons”
D. J. Conway

The Dragon’s Energy Flow

The Dragon’s Energy Flow

The ley lines, which have been mapped in Britain proper, may well be streams of positive dragon energy, while the black streams would be imbalanced energy flows of the same type of force. I suspect that these underground Earth energy streams crisscross the planet and can be found in every country, if a magician is willing to put forth a little effort to discover them. We have always assumed that such lines of energy existed only in Britain with only the occasional power spot to be found elsewhere. I feel certain that magicians around the world could uncover the information that energy lines, ley lines, exist everywhere.
Does this mean that “dragon energy” is merely random flows of Earth electrical energy? No, it means that dragon energy has specific flow lines, rather like streams and rivers. Water flows can be diverted by humans or natural changes in the Earth, and so can dragon energy. The ancient peoples recognized that there were specific, special energy flows within the Earth that were identical in many ways to the energy put forth by actual dragons–identical enough to call these underground streams by the term “dragon breath,” “dragon fire,” “dragon blood,” or “dragon energy.” Therefore, if a magician learns to recognize and to tap into these natural reservoirs of power, she/he can understand and know the feel of real dragon energy, which is stronger and more powerful yet. An added benefit is the power that can be called upon to augment your own energy for rituals and spellworking.
But before you rush out to do this, consider and put into practice all the methods that the magician must learn in order to be effective in her/his magick and life. When you are comfortable with your schedule of self-improvement in these areas, give yourself a relaxing treat by looking for the lines of dragon energy in your own neighborhood.
The best way to find these energy steams is to dowse for them. These lines do not necessarily run in straight lines nor will you find that they are commonly known, unless you live in the British Isles proper where they have been extensively studied and mapped.
“Dancing with Dragons”
D. J. Conway

Light and Dark Dragons

Light and Dark Dragons


The white (light) and black (dark) dragons rule the center of the circle and balance all the elements. Through invocation of these dragons of light and darkness, the magician is able to mix a blend of elements that will bring forth the desired manifestation.

This family of draconic creatures works with all the other elements, but particularly with those of chaos and destruction. It may seem paradoxical for dragons of light to join forces with those of darkness and chaos, but it makes perfect sense to the knowledgeable magician. Sometimes, in order to create something better, old ideas, old forms, and old ways of living must be broken down and re-created. Most creatures and especially humans, are comfortable with the way things are and do not anticipate with joy any upheavals. We think we would be happiest if there were never any negative occurrences in our lives, if everything always ran smoothly without hitches. But a static life would be very boring indeed. And universal law will not tolerate static conditions. Everything is required to keep growing and changing, or it is recycled into another, more productive form. I do not say this is pleasant. At times it can become overwhelming, unnerving and downright frustrating.

I dislike using the terms “good” and “evil” when discussing light and darkness, because this does not give a true picture of the actual forces. Every element, including light or dark, has a negative side. The element of darkness has a definite place in magick, if properly used. The negative current of power is just as important to life and magick as is light or positive power it is just as important to life and magick as is light or positive power. We are not talking about Satanism; that is totally different type of magick, and never has anything to do with the balance of elements.

I was taught that the most effective magician is one who uses a balanced blend of light and darkness. Certainly no magician worth the salt on his/her altar is going to be a doormat. She/he will protect themselves and their loved ones when necessary, but will not go out of their way to dominate or harm other beings if at all possible. A magician cannot possibly understand and work with the light without acknowledging the existence of the dark. What she/he does with either light or dark comes down to understanding her/himself and practicing self-discipline and good morals.

Since elemental-type dragons of whatever color can be unpredictable, working either for or against the magician, the pentacle disk (a five-pointed star on a wooden disk) and the dragon pentacle are kept on the altar. These keep the elements within the control of the magician. To do this properly, the pentacle disk is used with one point upward, symbolizing that the dragons of light and darkness (or elements of Spirit) always rule over all elemental kingdoms.

Dancing With Dragons

D. J. Conway

Different Types of Dragons You Might Encounter

Different Types of Dragons You Might Encounter

Dragons are much the same as other astral entities, although I have yet to meet an “evil” dragon. Their view of what is vital to your growth and advancement may exceed your present abilities to perform. To dragons, the physical is simply a hindrance that they tend to ignore. After listening to their advice, carefully consider if you can or should make the changes now or at all. Be certain that you are not holding back because of fear of the unknown or simple laziness. And always look at the end results sure to occur from taking action. You, and only you, are responsible for your life, regardless of where you received the advice you decided to follow.
The types of dragons who are attracted to you will be the ones who have the most to offer you at the present time. Before rejecting a dragon find out what she/he has to teach you. Be brutally truthful with yourself. If you find that you need what the dragon offers, but do not feel that you can endure the teaching and results in large doses, do some negotiating. Present your case for a modified lesson plan; be plain-spoken about your emotional and mental inability to withstand the great stresses of immediate and upheaving change. When you do start working with a particular dragon on specific issues in your life, make an honest effort. As long as you are trying, even though you fall short at times, the dragon will be patient.
You can also acquire a personal dragon guardian. The guardian dragon does not automatically come into this life with you as does your spiritual guardian. It is a personal choice by that dragon(or dragons), just as one would choose a close friend. Although you can attract guardian dragons by cultivating certain attitudes and atmospheres, they can show up without any encouragement at all. They are gregarious little creatures, full of curiosity and mischief, who enjoy their own brand of practical jokes and the company of humans and animals.
Although guardian dragons tend to be fun-loving creatures who enjoy a good laugh, they are very serious about protecting you and your property. You might think of them as a spiritual watch-dog with boundless energy, influence and power. Cultivating their friendship helps when dealing with ritual with the other dragons. If you do not develop the friendship of your guardian dragon, the other dragon powers are not likely to be so cooperative.
Not all dragons are the same, no more so than are humans. They each have their own personalities. Their appearances vary according to the subspecies to which they belong, as do their special talents. Even individual dragons within a subspecies have identifying characteristics, markings and bodily appearances. Dragons can be even more individualistic than we are.

Different species of dragons have different abilities and interests. Dragons connected with the element of Fire, or those of fire and volcanoes, for example, are primarily effective in getting thing moving or tearing down impossible barriers. Wind and Air dragons are creatures of creative and mental aspects. Water dragons help stabilize emotions, heal emotional pain and point you in the right direction to discover love and friendship. Earth dragons are interested in the acquiring of material possessions and the accomplishment of goals. These are very general descriptions of dragon interests and abilities, as draconic abilities over lap in many areas. It is best to work with a balance of types of dragons, with one particular dragon-aspect predominating, according to the intent of the ritual.
Above all, a magician must know her/himself, all the good and bad habits, and face them squarely. There cannot be any self-delusion if ritual is to be effective and positive in nature. And why would anyone want their rituals to be negative when there will eventually be such a price to pay?
The magician may choose to begin working dragon magick as an effort to better the physical life, and this is not a bad or wrong procedure. Working on physical needs and desires, and seeing them manifest, gives a budding magician great trust in her/his inner powers. When the physical body and the surrounding are in which the magician must life and work are well and cared for, when there is less struggle and strife in life, then the next logical step for the balanced person is to seek spiritual enlightenment.
After all, when the very foundation of magick and ritual is finally uncovered the magician finds that all ritual and spell working is meant to be a means for spiritual growth and development. Whether or not we choose to follow that upward path is an individual responsibility. We are each responsible for our choices in life, how we react to the choices of others around us, even to our being here in the first place. We have no right to place any blame on others for what is going worn in our lives. If you make a wrong decision, change it and learn from the experience. Dancing with the dragons can make this life-path a little easier and a lot more interesting.
Dancing with Dragons
D. J. Conway

Points of Interests – Salem Witch Museum

Salem (MA) Witch Museum

Photo by Ron Cogswell

Words such as these struck terror into the hearts of Salem townspeople in the early spring of 1692 as hysterical young girls called out names.

By summer, 180 people had been accused and imprisoned – defenseless against accusations of witchcraft in a society driven by superstition and fear. The court, formed to try the victims, acted quickly. Bridget Bishop was tried on June 2 and hanged on June 10 thereby setting the precedent for a summer of executions.

The Salem Witch Museum brings you there, back to Salem 1692. Visitors are given a dramatic history lesson using stage sets with life-size figures, lighting and a narration – an overview of the Witch Trials of 1692.

Our new exhibit, Witches: Evolving Perceptions, examines the stereotypical witch, aspects of witchcraft in the 17th century, modern witchcraft and the phenomenon of witch hunts.

Question: Would you visit this Museum?

What Does My Dog’s Breed Say About Me?

What Does My Dog’s Breed Say About Me?

  • Nicolas, selected from petMD

by Dr. Justine Lee, PetMD

In my book It’s a Dog’s Life … but It’s Your Carpet, I admit, I make some pretty huge generalizations about breeds and pet owners. Granted, they’re my own opinions, but if you really wanted to know what your veterinarian thinks of you when you walk in the door with your breed of dog, read on!

Labrador Retriever

Dedicated, outdoorsy, loyal, and generally a good person to be around. Shops at REI. Drives a Subaru.


May bite. The dog too.


Kind, mild mannered. Has neurotic tendencies. Gentle. Laid back. Drinks bottled water. Often looks like the dog.

Miniature Poodle

Usually owned by a sweet, old, white-haired person.


Potential to be a loyal, family-oriented person. Can be snarky and have an east-coast attitude


Golden Retriever

Family oriented and generally a good person to be around. Has two or three human babies.

Miniature Schnauzer

Family oriented. Owned by older adults. Shops at LL Bean and Lands’ End. Drives a Volvo.

Yorkshire Terrier

Likes to carry a YSL or Gucci purse, often with their pet in it. Enjoys the high life. Drinks wine, not beer.


Bad ass. Loyal. Protective. Doesn’t want to be screwed with.


Either wants to have a child or have grandchildren. Loves to nurture and carry loved ones in arms. Very well dressed. Likes pink bows.


Family oriented. High tolerance level for baying.


What? Don’t believe me? What do you think? Does your breed represent you?

And yes, I purposely skipped stereotyping us American pit bull terrier dog owners. But as a veterinary student once said to me: “Dr. Lee … you look just like your dog.”

Weird Questions You Don’t Want to Ask Your Vet

Weird Questions You Don’t Want to Ask Your Vet

  • Nicolas, selected from petMD


By Dr. Patty Khuly, PetMD

Got a question for your vet but too embarrassed to ask? Dr. Khuly answers some odd, gross and downright silly questions!
1. Why do some dogs have hair in their ears and some don’t?

Arctic vs. non-Arctic breeds, mostly. Dogs who must survive in cold climes are more likely to have hairy ears. That’s an easy one. Next…?

2. Why does my dog like to stare into my eyes and hold eye contact (not when he wants food or something)?

I will have to ask a behaviorist (or twelve) to get a better handle on this one but here’s what I suspect: Dog domestication has evolved patchily over the last eon or so. Greater domestication is accompanied by behavioral traits that include the very human (and much less dog-like) eye contact thing.

Extended eye contact among dogs is verboten unless you want to spar, but domesticated dogs have come to associate eye contact with humans as a way to get things from us. Wilder dogs (like Morgan) would never deign to beg in this way but happy dogs like Maddie fall all over themselves to get your attenshun* any way they can.

3. Did yoga develop from watching dogs? They totally do a downward dog thing.

Yes. Yogis obviously engage in bio-thievery. They totally stole the pose from dogs.

4. Why do dogs’ pads sometimes smell like evergreen meets rosin? And other times like corn chips?

Knowing your dogs I’d say it depends on the season, the hiking terrain and moisture levels. Got moist feet? Then maybe you’ve got yeast growing there; that can kind of smell like corn chips.

Hiking among the evergreens? Voilà.

5. What is the purpose of a dewclaw?

Vestigial; which means it no longer has a purpose. It is in the process of being evolutionarily rejected, which is why so many purebred and sporting dog owners want them lopped off.
6. Why do some dogs poop every morning like clockwork and other dogs is not as regular?

Why does my receptionist constantly complain of constipation in spite of an Activia habit, and my acupuncturist not-so-subtly tut-tut that my elimination habits are more frequent than most?

Get over it! As long as everything that goes in comes out and no impact on health results … who the frick cares?


7. Why do they say dogs can’t go into restaurants for health reasons — what health reasons?

They lie. Or rather … they are ignorant. They excuse the feverish sneezes of a human child in the table at the front of the restaurant as “cute” while a dog’s under-the-table snores are regarded as “the devil’s music.” (I’m making stuff up now.)

Honestly, I think most restaurants are more worried about dog bites and liability insurance than they are about any health risks. That or they truly are as stupid as all get-out.

8. What makes dog saliva so slippery?

I think I’ve also overheard that it’s the world’s best natural lubricant. Truly, however, I have no answer, other than to note that cat saliva is also incredibly viscous. Maybe someone else out there knows…?

9. If a dog’s tail hangs over its anus why doesn’t it ever get really dirty?

I’m not sure which way to go with this one but I think I’ll err on the side of biology:

Dogs have a lot more natural oils on their fur than we do on our human hairs. These oils repel the mucosal exterior of most dog stool. But that’s not universally true. By virtue of their hairy genetics, some dogs have finer, longer, less oily hair (think Maltese). That’s what a groomer’s “sanitary clip” was invented for: clean tails.

Vets Share Worst Things Their Pet Patients Ate

Vets Share Worst Things Their Pet Patients Ate

  • Nicolas, selected from petMD

Every year Veterinary Practice News holds a contest called “They Ate What?” in which veterinarians and clinic staff send in X-rays and case descriptions of the craziest things their patients have swallowed. The contest is a fun way to share offbeat incidents from the trenches of veterinary practice, but the stories do serve as a reminder that our pets need to be protected from the consequences of their dietary indiscretions. Here are a few highlights from the 2011 “They Ate What?” contest. Click through for the runners up and grand prize winner.

Honorable Mentions:

Melissa Seavey, Healthy Paws Veterinary Center, Westborough, MA

Ten baby bottle nipples were removed from the stomach of a 4-month-old golden retriever.

Stephen Crosby, CVT, VTS, New Haven Central Hospital for Veterinary Medicine, New Haven, CT

An owner was feeding peanut butter off a spoon to her Alaskan malamute, who managed to gulp down the treat while it was still attached to the spoon. X-rays showed that the dog had previously also eaten a piece of a collar and a toy.

Caitlin Fickett, Alaska Veterinary Clinic, Anchorage, AK

A dog came in for vomiting and eating grass. X-rays revealed a foreign body in the stomach. The next morning, an additional X-ray better showed the object — a hard plastic dinosaur.

Patti Klein Manke, DVM, Woodstock Veterinary Clinic, Woodstock, NY

Prince Edward, a 9-year-old bulldog, ate his owner’s false teeth after finding them in a bowl of ice cream. The teeth were returned to the owner. (Hopefully they were cleaned well before being put back into duty!)


Runners Up:

Lisa Anne Attanasi, DVM, Eaglewood Cliffs Veterinary, Eaglewood Cliffs, NJ

Wailen, a 12-year-old beagle, presumably was brought into the clinic with symptoms of gastrointestinal distress. His veterinarian ordered abdominal X-rays, which revealed a hodgepodge of foreign “stuff” in his stomach. During surgery, the doctor removed shoe laces, mulch, a knee high stocking, a plastic plant, plastic ties, and the bristles of a car snow-cleaning brush.

Jenny Yanson, practice manager, Suburbia North Animal Hospital

Tinkerbell, a 6-month-old bulldog, ate a metal slip collar, became ill, and was brought into her veterinarian’s office. X-rays revealed that this was not her first offense. Two slip collars were surgically removed from her stomach.


Grand Prize Winner:

Vanessa Hawksin, DVM, Bayshore Animal Hospital, Warrenton, OR

A dog came into the clinic because of hind leg lameness. The doctor ordered radiographs to look for musculoskeletal abnormalities, and found nine handballs in the dog’s stomach instead. (I assume these were unrelated to the dog’s lameness.)


Cosmic Calendar for Sunday, Feb. 11th

Early birds are likely to fly high and soar above the static of the lower realms since the Moon in Libra makes harmonious trines of 120-degrees to the Sun in Aquarius (2:29AM PST) and Mercury in Aquarius (10:00AM PST). When you have the Sun, Moon and Mercury on a silver platter, rejoice in what the celestial hosts are offering to you. If some important communication channels have been recently blocked, now they have a chance to reopen. This is magnified as the Moon parallels Mercury (10:50AM PST). It also makes good sense to re-vitalize any literary, educational and publishing projects. However, make sure that Saturn is on your side – and not undermining your position due to excess fear moving through your emotions and thoughts – since the Moon unites with beautiful, ringed Saturn in Libra (1:10PM PST). Learn valuable lessons from mentors and teachers in your main fields of expertise. The Moon’s monthly union with Saturn also begins a short void cycle that lasts until 2:02PM PST when the lunar orb activates intense, passionate and driven Scorpio. By 5:23PM PST, psychic storm warnings are posted due to an abrasive, 45-degree link from the Sun to Pluto. Being too pushy, willful and headstrong won’t win you admirers. Opportunity can knock several hours later when a revelatory Pallas-Neptune union happens at the first degree of Pisces (10:39PM PST). Welcome insights pouring in from the higher planes of consciousness. Over the next 48 hours, Mercury will join forces with both Pallas and Neptune to create a triple conjunction right at the beginning of psychic, imagination and empathic Pisces. Your ability to solve key problems and be a savvy strategist helping friends, colleagues and loved ones will depend on tuning into soul-spiritual attributes as well as unlocking logical and common-sense clues from the three-dimensional world.

Calendar of the Moon for Sunday, Feb. 12th

Calendar of the Moon
12 Luis/Gamelion

Lenaia Day I

Colors: Purple and green
Element: Water
Altar: A large post is set up behind the altar, draped in robes of purple and green, with a mask of Dionysus upon it, and arms raised upwards made of grapevine and fruit tree branches. The altar is draped in purple and green, and upon it set two purple candles, a wreath of grapevines, two jugs of wine (one white and one red), and a chalice.
Offerings: Dancing. Drumming. Music. Transforming dreams into reality.
Daily Meal: Wine. Goat or lamb. Lentils. Grape leaves. Greek food if possible.

Lenaia Invocation I

Son of Semele! Iakkhos, Giver of Wealth!
Not wealth from below the Earth,
But wealth from above it!
Fruit like jewels, wealth of tree and vine!
Tonight your living coffers sleep
In stasis through the winter’s cold.
Yet their roots are anchored firmly
In the frozen soil of life,
And soon they will awake
To draw upon its nourishment.
We sing fertility into your roots!
Our dances prepare the soil
That you may in turn be fed.
From our heads down through our feet,
From our feet into the Earth,
From the Earth into your body,
We give you our life force
That you may one day return it.

(Instead of a particular chant, a drum circle is formed and all dance for at least an hour. Any appropriate chant may be used. After the drum circle is closed, the red wine is passed around and shared, with the worker saying, “Behold the blood of Iakkhos.” The remainder is poured out as a libation. Then the white wine is passed around and shared, with the worker saying, “Behold the dreams of Iakkhos.” The remainder is poured out as a libation.)

Calendar of the Sun for Sunday, Feb. 12th

Calendar of the Sun
12 Solmonath

Day of Diana as Lady of the Animals

Colors: Brown and green
Element: Earth
Altar: Lay with cloth of earth colors and set with representations of many animals, as well as a crescent moon for Diana. Burn cypress incense.
Offerings: Animal figures. Kindliness towards the other creatures of the earth.
Daily Meal: Serve both vegetarian food (for the prey animals) and wild game (for the predators).

Invocation to the Lady of the Animals

Goddess who runs with the rabbit,
Fleet of foot, silver of tail;
Goddess who runs with the wolf
Who follows on its path,
Lady who runs with the cycle,
From Life to Death to Life again,
Who is with fish and frog,
Bird and butterfly,
And all that runs on four legs
Or crawls upon the ground,
Lady of our sisters and brothers,
Those who became one with
Our ancestors,
Those who gave their lives
That we might live,
Let us never forget, Diana
Of the deep forest, that this world
Is a shared one
And not ours alone.

Chant: Diana Diana Brother Wolf and Sister Bear
Diana Diana Brother Mouse and Sister Hare
Diana Diana Brother Stallion, Sister Mare.

(All go outside, where treats of seed and peanut butter are hung on branches for the forest spirits, and any livestock are given special treats.)

The Wicca Book of Days for Feb. 12 – Sunny Sowelu

The Wicca Book of Days for February 12th

Sunny Sowelu

Today marks the start of the runic half-month of Sowelu (which may also be spelled Sowilo or Sowulo, and is sometimes called Sigil), whose last day will fall on February 26. This rune represents the sun, which has been growing ever brighter since December’s winter solstice, and has been shining a little longer each day, too. Scholars of the runes generally link Sowelu with Baldur, the “Shining One,” or the “good God” of Norse myth, who was murdered through the trickery of Loki, Odin’s foster brother . Symbolically, Sowelu can be interpreted as denoting such positive, dynamic concepts as enlightenment, strength of will, soar energy and victory.

“Here Comes The Sun!”

If you have been feeling a little down turn to clary sage to lift your spirits. Either take it in the form of an herbal supplement or tea, or heat 5 to 10 drops of the aromatherapy oil in a vaporizer.

Wishing You & Your A Very Blessed & Relaxed Sunday!

Have a Great Day Pictures, Images, Comments, Graphics
Today’s Affirmation for Sunday, February 12th

“I close my eyes and look within. At the centre of my being I see a still point of light – radiant and pure. It is my spirit, the alpha and omega of my life.”


Today’s Thought for Sunday, February 12th

Beautiful music is a cleansing rush of water through the pipework of the spirit. It leaves you fresh and wide awake. Your energies flow freely and lovingly.


Today’s Meditation for Sunday, February 12th

Spirit Singing

The life-force (known as prana in the Vedic Tradition) is often associated with the breath. Improvised singing can therefore be a powerful way to contact and express you spirit – the life-force within you. Find a place where you can make noise without being disturbed. Stand with your arms by your sides and your feet apart. Take a deep breath and push air through your mouth to create a sound. Do not try to form words or a tune. The aim is not to make beautiful sounds but to express your spirit through your voice. Be aware of your feelings, giving them full vocal expression in all their rawness and power.

In Loving Memory, Whitney Houston 1963 – 2012

In Loving Memory of Whitney Houston

(1963 -2012)

The world has lost a great Lady and a great talent. Her angelic voice and music touched millions, including myself. Her song, “I Will Always Love You,” holds such happy memories for me. I relive the deepest love that I have ever known on this plane. I thank Whitney for that song and giving me a chance to hold those memories in my heart.

I never met Ms. Houston but she was a great Lady. She had a kind and loving spirit. She gave so much of herself to the world. Through all her trials and tribulations, she proved one thing. She was truly a Lady.

Rest In Peace, Whitney.