Gather a quart (1 liter) of water from a spring or stream. Pour this into a large bowl, or cauldron.
Set it within a darkened chamber; by candlelight, then, take a silver knife and write with its
point upon the water’s surface the name of that which afflicts you. Next soak a small lock of
lamb’s wool first in a sweet-scented oil and second in some red wine. Carry it to the bowl of
water and drop it into the water saying these words:
The dark be lightened
The harsh be softened
The rank be sweetened
By the power of the knife
And by the power of the water.
Leave the wool to soak all night, until sunrise. Remove, wring out and set to dry upon a small
circle of white velvet. Empty contents of bowl into a hole in the earth. Fill the hole.
When the wool is dry, sew up the velvet and wool to form a pouch, pin this beneath clothing
for a month. Thereafter keep it safe in a drawer or other safe place, that its powers may not
be diminished through neglect.



–Red string (embroidery floss)
–Basic altar setup (Salt, Water, Incense, Candle)
The Spell:
Knot or braid the red string into a bracelet while visualizing your need.
You may also want to chant a few words or speak an incantation.
Knot the bracelet seven times. With each knot, say the seven names of the Goddess.
(Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demetere, Kali, Inanna)
Bless the bracelet with Air by passing it through the Incense three times.
Bless it with Fire by passing it over the Candle three times.
Bless it with Water by passing it over the Chalice three times (you may also want to
sprinkle it with water). Bless it with Earth by passing it over the salt bowl three times.
Each time, visualize each Element empowering your spell. Finally, bless it with Life by
blowing across it three times, and tie it around your wrist with a square knot.
With this say, “With this, the Lord and Lady shall shine light on shadows cast and
keep me from harm’s way, let this be done! So mote it be!”



Timing Monday
Here’s what you need: a picture (or item) of the sick person and a golden wish cord
(a thin yellow rope will do just fine) and hold the cord over the picture (or item) and say;
“With knot of one, my spell’s begun
tie the 1st knot
“With knot of two my word is true,
With knot of three, I bring healing to thee,
By knot of four, you’re better than before,
By knot of five you are no longer six,
By knot of six this spell’s alive,
Seventh knot sealed, you are healed”
only half bad: you tie the knots as you say it
only half bad: then you say “So mote it be”



To be given to a person in need of healing.
Can also be used to bring soothing and healing energies into the home.
Items Needed: -Clear glass vase Blue and clear florist marbles
First cleanse the marbles and vase in cold spring water. Dry gently.
Once completely dry, begin placing the marbles in the vase carefully while chanting:
Balls of blue Healing true Balls of clear Cleansing here
Use as a center piece or place in a prominent place.



Apply spider webs to cuts and scrapes for almost instant wound sealing.
This remedy got a trial by fire the first time I used it when I got an extremely deep cut from a
can lid and the bleeding was profuse. I grabbed a few webs from outside the door and applied
them directly to the wound, debris and all. Then I used a butterfly bandage to hold the wound
edges together after the web was applied. This happened on a Friday evening, and by
Monday the cut was sealed tight and no longer needed any bandage.
There was very little soreness and no redness, irritation or swelling.
The finger was completely usable by that Monday.
The web seems to cause clotting immediately and it hardens to form a natural scab protection
that readily peels off when wet. I have, unfortunately, had reason to use this remedy several
times and each time I get the same results. The only side effect I have noticed is that the
wound tends to itch due to the rapid healing.



4 parts Frankincense
3 Parts Gum Arabic
2 parts Myrrh
1 Part Cedar
1 Part Juniper
1 part Calamus
1 part Cinnamon

Burn during Egyptian rituals, or to honor any ancient Egyptian deity, such as Isis, Thoth, etc.



2 parts pine resin or needles
1 part patchouly
1 pinch finely powdered salt
a few drops cypress oil

Burn for invoking the powers of the element of earth for money, stability, etc.



2 Parts Sandalwood
1 Part Rose petals 1 Part Camphor
few drops Tuberose bouquet
few drops Jasmine oil

Burn a bit in the bedroom prior to sleep to produce psychic dreams. Remove the censer from the room before retiring. Use only genuine camphor.



Be sure you have all necessary ingredients. If you lack any, decide on

Each ingredient must be finely ground, preferably to a powder, using either a
mortar and pestle or an electric grinder. Some resins won’t powder easily, but
with practice you’ll find the right touch. When I first worked with herbs I
couldn’t powder frankincense. It kept on gumming to the sides of the mortar and
to the tip of the pestle. After a while I stopped fighting it (and cursing it,
I’ll admit-not a good thing to do with herbs used in incenses) and got into the
flow of the work. The frankincense came out just fine.

When all is ready, fix your mind on the incense’s goal-protection, love, health.
In a large wooden or ceramic bowl, mix the resins and gums together with your
hands. While mingling these fragrant substances, also mix their energies.
Visualize your personal power-vibrating with your magical goal-exiting your
hands and entering the incense. It is this that makes homemade incense more
effective than its commercial counterparts.

Next, mix in all the powdered leaves, barks, flowers and roots. As you mix,
continue to visualize or concentrate on the incense’s goal.

Now add any oils or liquids (wine, honey, etc.) that are included in the recipe.
Just a few drops are usually sufficient. On the subject of oils: If there’s a
sufficient amount of dry ingredients in the recipe, you can substitute an oil
for an herb you lack. Simply ensure that the oil an essential oil, for
synthetics smell like burning plastic when smoldered.

Once all has been thoroughly mixed, add any powdered gem-stones or other power
boosters. A few-not many-of the recipes in this book call for a pinch of
powdered stone.

To produce this, simply take a small stone of the required type and pound it in
a metal mortar and pestle (or simply smash it with a hammer against a hard
surface). Grind the resulting pieces into a powder and add no more than the
scantiest pinch to the incense.

One general power-boosting “stone” is amber. A pinch of this fossilized resin
added to any mixture will increase its effectiveness, but this can be rather

The incense is now fully compounded. Empower the incense and it is done. Store
in a tightly capped jar. Label carefully, including the name of the incense and
date of composition. It is ready for use when needed.



Scott Cunningham
Here are some guidelines to follow when compounding combustible incense. These
are for use with the Cone Incense Base #2 recipe above. If they aren’t followed,
the incense won’t properly burn. There’s less room for experimentation here than
with non-combustible incenses.

* First off, never use more than ten percent saltpeter. Ever!

* Also, keep woods (such as sandalwood, wood aloe, cedar, juniper and pine) and
gum resins (frankincense, myrrh, benzoin, copal) in the proper proportions: at
least twice as much powdered wood as resins. If there’s more resinous matter,
the mixture won’t burn.

* Naturally, depending on the type of incense you’re adding to the base, you may
have to juggle some proportions accordingly. Simply ensure that frankincense and
its kin never constitute more than one-third of the final mixture, and all
should be well.

* Though this hasn’t covered all aspects of combustible incense making (that
could be a book in itself), it should provide you with enough guidelines to make
your own. Experiment, but keep these rules in mind.

How to Make and Use Your Own Incense

How to Make and Use Your Own Incense

By Patti Wigington,

Smoke in the Sky:

For thousands of years, people have used fragrant flowers, plants, and herbs as incense. Using smoke to send prayers out to the gods is one of the oldest known forms of ceremony. From the censers of the Catholic church to the Pagan bonfire rituals,

incense is a powerful way to let your intent be known. You can make your own quite easily, using a blend of herbs, flowers, wood bark, resins, and berries. Most of these are items you can grow yourself, find in the woods, or purchase inexpensively.

Why Incense?:

Incense — and other fragrant items, such as oils and perfumes — work on a couple of different levels. The first is the effect on your mood — a certain scent will trigger a particular emotion. Aromatherapists have known for years that smells affect different parts of the senses. Secondly, an aroma may have various associations. You may be walking through a store, catch a whiff of Chantilly, and suddenly be reminded of your grandmother who passed away when you were away at college. The smell of a particular food may evoke memories of the summer you spent at camp.

Finally, we experience scents on a vibrational level. Every living being has energy, and emits its own vibration – plants are no different. When you blend them into incense, these vibrations change in accordance with your intent. This is why, in magic, incense is so popular — in addition to making your ritual space smell nice, you are able to change the vibration in the atmosphere, effecting change in the universe.

Why Make Your Own?:

You can buy commercially produced incense sticks and cones just about anywhere, and they’re not that expensive. However, they’re made with synthetic ingredients, and therefore have little to no magical value. While they’re nice to burn, and certainly smell lovely, they serve little purpose in a ritual setting.

Burning Your Incense:

Loose incense, which is what the recipes on these pages are for, is burned on a charcoal disc or tossed into a fire. The charcoal discs are sold in packages by most Wiccan supply shops, as well as church supply stores (if you have a Hispanic Marketa near you, that’s a good place to look too). Apply a match to the disc, and you’ll know it’s lit when it begins to spark and glow red. After it’s glowing, place a pinch of your loose incense on the top — and make sure you’ve got it on a fireproof surface. If you’re holding your ceremony outside with large fire, simply toss handfuls into the flames.

How to Read the Recipes:

Any good cook knows that the first step is to always gather your goodies together. Collect your ingredients, your mixing and measuring spoons, jars and lids, labels (don’t forget a pen to write with), and your mortar and pestle.

Each incense recipe is presented in “parts.” This means that whatever unit of measurement you’re using — a cup, a tablespoon, a handful — is one part. If a recipe calls for two parts, use two cups. One half part is a half cup, if you’re using a cup to measure, or half a tablespoon if you’re using a tablespoon.

When making your own incense, if you’re using resins or essential oils, combine these first. Use your mortar and pestle to mash these until they get a bit gummy, before you add any bark or berries. Dried herbs, flowers, or powdery items should go in last.

Special Kitty of the Day for March 31

Morris, the Cat of the Day
Name: Morris
Age: Seven years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Domestic Shorthair
Home: West Boylston, Massachusetts, USA
Morris was adopted from an animal shelter in June 2011. Our previous cat had passed away and we decided we were not going to get another cat. But in a few months we were ready for another one. We are both retired and thought it would be nice to adopt an older cat.

Our daughter had stopped in at a nearby animal shelter and saw a friendly yellow cat named Morris. (When our children were young we had a very nice yellow cat, so of course he caught her eye.) Anyway, we just had to go see Morris and, of course, ended up bringing him home with us. It is the best thing we ever did.

Morris is a very social, affectionate, handsome boy and enjoys any attention he can get. He loves to play with his catnip birds, batting them around and chasing them. He also loves to play laser, running after the light and getting his exercise. (which he needs as he could lose a few pounds) He enjoys his scratching lounger and after he has scratched a while will snuggle up in it and sleep there. Morris also spends a lot of time looking out the glass doors to the outside deck watching the birds and chipmunks.

Morris was a great choice for us and we really enjoy him. We hope other people consider adopting older cats.

Doggie of the Day for March 31

Callie, the Dog of the Day
Name: Callie
Age: Four months old
Gender: Female Breed: Boxer
Home: Canada
This is Callie, she is my pride and joy. This little boxer baby was born on October 23rd 2011 in Marystown, Newfoundland. Now, let me explain to you where she came from, and why I love her! During my search for my new puppy, I posted an advertisement on the internet explaining that I was looking for a boxer pup. The reason for this, is because I had a boxer before Callie. He meant the world to me, unfortunately I lost him. When I found myself ready to move on and “fill the void” so to speak, I was determined to find the perfect one.

One cold night, in the middle of November, my cell phone rang. I didn’t recognize the number, but I answered it anyway. I was greeted by the cheerful voice of a young woman. She went on to explain that she saw my ad, and she is the proud owner of two pure bred boxer’s, Jerzi and Jax. She told me that Jerzi had recently given birth to eight boxer puppies who were only a few days old. She continued telling me about the puppies, what they looked like, how many were male and female, etc. Personally, I was in search of a brindle, male boxer pup, just like my old one. Unfortunately the only brindle puppies available were all females. I’d never owned a female dog before so I was a bit skeptical. After our long and informative phone conversation, the lady sent me some pictures of each pup. I browsed through them a few times but only one caught my eye. There she was, a days old, feeble, wrinkly, brindle, beautiful. I had never been more in love with a photograph in all my life. I called the lady back the next day and told her I had chosen the puppy I wanted. The biggest, the first born, the most beautiful. She was thrilled with my decision and so was I. I soon after paid the $300.00 deposit, and picked out her name. All there was left to do was wait.

On December 18th 2011, I drove to meet with the lady’s husband to finally own my perfect puppy. I was overwhelmed with excitement I nearly jumped out of the car while I was still driving to my destination! When I finally arrived to the rendezvous, I paid him the rest of the cash, and held her in my arms for the first time. It was cold, windy and snowy, she was cold so I wrapped her in the blanket I bought especially for her. She snuggled into me the whole way home, on my lap. I’d never been so happy to own something in my life. I brought her into my home to show my sister and family and of course, they fell in love.

Callie is the most brilliant puppy I have ever seen. She was easily house trained, she knows quite a few tricks, and gets along famously with my mother’s dog, Max. I know boxers have a ton of energy but Callie is something else! She’ll run laps around the house, prancing and tripping up in her legs at the same time, front flip into her bed and kick and squirm and whine for her own entertainment. well, ours too, its quite the scene. She gets too excited sometimes but can calm down as soon as I say so. Her gorgeous chestnut brown eyes sparkle at me every morning and it just lights up my day! She’s so silly, so cuddly and so beautiful! I would do anything for this little girl, she’s my whole world! The thing I love most about dogs, any dog, is that they will never judge you. They will always love you. You are all they know. They depend on you. It feels good to know you’re the one they look up to. I wouldn’t trade her for the world. ❤

Calendar of the Sun for March 31

Calendar of the Sun
31 Wolfmonath

Imbolc Eve: Day of the Bean Sidhe

Color: Black
Element: Air
Altar: Upon cloth of black place a cup of blood, kept from the last slaughtering. Before it lay bloodstained rags and a flute, and many small unlit votive candles. Block the windows and shut out all sunlight.
Offering: Give aid to a child who has lost their mother.
Daily Meal: Red meat and milk.

Imbolc Eve Invocation

Go, my children, to the riverbank,
In the dark of the night when the wind is howling,
And you shall hear the wails of one who mourns,
And you shall see her kneeling by the water,
Washing the bloody clothes of those
Who did not survive the giving forth of life.
She weeps for the mothers lost,
She weeps for the children lost,
She weeps for the life cut short,
What should have been a joyous day
Become a night of mourning.
She weeps above all for those
Who have no one else to weep for them.
So we shall light a candle, on this night
Before the morn of Candlemas,
For all those who have no one to weep for them,
And we shall shed the tears
And we shall be the voice,
And we shall do the work
Of the lonely Bean Sidhe.

(The cup of blood is poured as a libation. Each comes forward and lights a small votive candle, and then all wail in a great torrent of sound together, with one playing the flute wildly over the cacophony. Those who can shed tears should do so. This should go on until all are exhausted from wailing, and then all should go quietly to their other tasks in silence until Hesperis.

[Pagan Book of Hours]