Old Fashioned Witch Soap

Old Fashioned Witch Soap

4 lbs. lard

13 oz. lye (1 can)

5 cups cold water

1 tbsp. lavender oil

1 tbsp. patchouli oil

1 cup fresh strawberry juice

¼ cup dried soap bark herb (optional)

In a large enamel or iron kettle, melt the lard over very low heat. (Never use metal) In a separate pot, stir together the lye and the water. Heat lard until small bubbles begin to appear – do not boil.

Remove from the heat & slowly pour the lye solution into the lard. With a big wooden spoon, stir in the lavender & patchouli oils, the strawberry juice & soap bark herb. Simmer for about 30 minutes, stirring frequently.
Pour into 2-inch deep greased pan & allow to cool overnight. Cut the soap into squares and leave in the pan for at least 3 days before removing. Place the Soap bars on waxed paper & allow them to age in a draft free area approximately 4-6 weeks before using.

An Ear Ache Home Remedy

An Ear Ache Home Remedy

Earaches are a common occurrence in our lives, especially with our children. Learn what causes them and how you can avoid them in the future.

Earaches can be anything from slightly painful to extremely painful and are usually brought on by a fluid buildup (sometimes resulting from an infection), or a buildup of pressure in the middle ear.

A highly common cause of the earache is due to plugged “˜Eustachian’ tubes (the tube that comes from the back of your throat and connects to your middle ear). If and when your Eustachian tube becomes blocked, fluid will gather resulting in a painful earache, bringing with it the possibility of bacteria buildup or infection.

Causes of earaches:

· infection of the middle ear

· colds

· allergies

· sinus infections

· buildup of ear wax or fluid

· something stuck in the ear

· teeth problems

· ear injuries

· changes in air pressure in a plane (ascending or descending usually brings this on)

How to prevent earaches:

· Refrain from putting things into your ears such as cotton swabs, bobby pins, your fingers, etc. as this can cause damage to your eardrum and increase your chances of something getting stuck in your ear/eardrum.

· When blowing your nose, do it gently and one nostril at a time.

· Avoid smoke as much as possible. Smoking and secondhand smoke can increase your risk of infection.

· When swimming, wear earplugs and refrain from swimming in dirty waters.

If you’re an adult and you happen to have an earache, try applying a warm washcloth or a heating pad next to your ear. You can also try the cold therapy method by applying a cold compress or ice bag next to your ear for 20 minutes. Be sure to take a pain reliever, such as an acetaminophen, aspirin, or Motrin (ibuprofen) to help with the pain and reduce inflammation. If nothing works, seek medical attention.

To help open your Eustachian tubes and keep them drained, try the following:.

· Sleep with your head propped up

· Chew gum– especially when experiencing pressure changes (i.e. during plane travel).

· Stay awake during the ascending/descending of plane travel – this is when eardrums will plug up and cause pain. Try taking a decongestant a few hours before your plane ride as this will help prevent buildup in your nasal passages.

· Try yawning to contract the muscles that open your Eustachian tubes.

· Gently blow through your nose while holding both nostrils closed until you hear a pop. This helps promote ear drainage and can be done several times a day.

· Take a decongestant when you get a cold and continue taking it until the cold is gone. Check with your doctor to see if it is ok for you to take a decongestant.

· Take a hot shower – the steam will help to break up and soften earwax buildup.

In the case of children and earaches, usually they are brought on by an infection in the middle ear. This could be due to the fact that the Eustachian tubes are shorter and smaller in children.

How to tell if your child has contracted an earache:

· If you notice the ear seeping with fluid or excess ear wax.

· If your child begins pulling or rubbing his/her ear often, sometime your child will hold or cup his/her hand over the ear.

· If your child is crying or more fussy than usual.

· If your child complains of any ear pain.

· If your child develops a fever.

· If your child becomes irritable.

· If your child has trouble hearing you.

· If your child suffers a sudden loss of appetite.

Make sure that your child finishes, in its entirety; the prescription of antibiotics to make sure that the bacteria has been destroyed. If your child has been seen by the doctor, and has taken medicine (usually antibiotics) for under two days and shows no signs of improvement you should visit your doctor again. Also if there is any swelling behind or around the ear, or if any drainage from the ear continues, you should contact your doctor again.

Basic First Aid: How To Care For Blisters On Hands

Basic First Aid: How To Care For Blisters On Hands

First aid treatment for blistered hands often involves keeping the wound clean and the blister intact.

Blisters tend to form whenever a deeper skin layer is damaged and the surface skin remains intact.As the body sends serum and other fluids to the injury site, a liquid-filled pocket often forms.This pocket is commonly referred to as a blister.Blisters are not the same as callouses, which tend to form over skin abrasions and are not filled with liquid.

The most common causes of blisters are burns, abrasions and foreign objects under the skin.Their formation is usually not the problem in a first aid situation- blisters are a natural reaction to an injury below the skin’s surface. The real problem with blisters is protecting the injured area from further infection or damage.Treating a blister on the hands essentially means keeping it clean and intact until it can heal naturally.


A typical scenario for blistering involves second-degree burns.A victim’s hand contacts a high heat source and the skin becomes very red from the burn.The body’s natural defenses send out white blood cells and serum to the burned area in order to begin the healing process.Meanwhile, some of the damaged skin begins to shed dead or infected cells.Bacteria may also begin to infect the wound and cause the formation of pus. All of these fluids are trapped beneath several layers of skin, and the pressure raises the area over the wound.In this scenario, the good white cells and serum are protecting the damaged skin and attacking the bacteria, but the resulting fluids have nowhere to escape.This is why blisters formed by burns can be so large and painful.

In order to treat any blister on the hands, no matter the cause, you must first clean the area surrounding the wound.Because any excessive scrubbing may be extremely painful or lead to a premature popping, the best way to cleanse a blister is with a gentle bath of hydrogen peroxide or sterile water.Blistered hands should be patted dry, not scrubbed.

Once the area around the wound has been carefully cleaned, the blister itself should be examined.The most troubling development with a blister would be signs of blood.A blood blister should never be opened without proper medical training. The best first aid in the case of a blood blister would be to wrap the blister loosely with a sterile bandage and tape.Blood blisters can lead to blood infections such as septicemia, so victims should be taken to trained medical personnel as quickly as possible.

For blisters with clear liquid, the best treatment is to apply a layer of antibiotic cream or ointment and then wrap the blister loosely with a sterile gauze bandage.If the fluid appears discolored, especially yellow or green, then the victim needs to be seen by a doctor quickly.Discolored blisters may indicate a serious infection, which can enter the bloodstream and cause more serious problems.

If the blister is relatively small and the liquid is clear, then further medical treatment shouldn’t be necessary.Keep the blister clean and dry, changing out the bandages regularly.If the blister should happen to break, wash the area thoroughly with an antiseptic such as hydrogen peroxide or a Bactine-type product.Blisters should remain intact whenever possible, but they will occasionally break from pressure or naturally as they heal.

What Is Bergamot: A Natural Healer

What Is Bergamot: A Natural Healer

What is bergamot? It has been sought after through the ages for its essential oil. It is very essential in promoting the body’s ability to inner heal.

Bergamot can be found in Italy, Morocco and the Ivory Coast, it originated in Asia. Bergamot is a small tree with long, oval green leaves with white flowers. The bergamot bears a small round fruit that is yellow when ripe. Bergamot’s essential oil is extracted by cold expression from the fruit peel. It has a spicy, delicate scent that is light and refreshing.

Bergamot is used as an antidepressant, and is calming and refreshing for the nervous system. It is highly useful as an antiseptic and is used as an insect repellent. When using as an insect repellent use caution and avoid strong sunlight, bergamot contains furocoumarins, which can cause photosensitivity.

Bergamot received its name from the city where it was first cultivated, which was Bergamot, Italy. It is said that Christopher Columbus brought the tree from the Canary Islands to Spain and Italy. Bergamot oil was very valued oil during the 15th to 16th century; it was used in teas and perfumes. In voodoo it is thought to ward off evil and danger.

In today’s society bergamot is also very valued oil, it is used to aid in the digestion process, in treating urinary tract infections, and also with colic. The essential oil of Bergamot is great with acne, eczema, varicose ulcers and seborrhea of the skin and scalp.

For people with sensitive skin it is advised to use in moderation because if used in excess may irritate the skin.

Natural Remedies: How To Remove Callouses On Hands

Natural Remedies: How To Remove Callouses On Hands

A callus is a thickening or hardening of the skin.They form as a result of friction or pressure against the skin.In general, calluses are normal and natural. They are part of the body’s defense system.For example, Since they have never walked, infants have very tender feet. They have no calluses.But adults often have hard, even horny calluses.People that are frequently barefoot may develop calluses on their feet that are asthick and hard as leather.

Calluses on the hands form as a result of pressure or friction, just like calluses on the feet.Guitar players, manual laborers and gardeners all know about calluses on the hands.Archers sometimes develop thick calluses on the first three fingers of their dominant hand.That’s the hand that pulls the bow back and looses the string.Gymnasts, especially male gymnasts, often form thick calluses on their hands from the vaulting horse, the rings etc.In other words, friction against their hands causes the skin to toughen to protect the hands.


Of course, like any other natural process, it can go farther than we’d like.When calluses get too thick they can interfere with sensitivity and dexterity.It can be like wearing a thick pair of leather gloves at all times.Just the way thick calluses make hands look can motivate some people to remove their calluses. And no one wants to touch a loved one’s sensitive skin with rough, hard hands.

Never try to remove calluses by cutting or slicing without medical supervision. The risk of infection is too great.Besides, there are easier, less painful ways to remove a callus.

The first step in removing a callus is to soften it.You can do this as simply as soaking in the bath for a while, or by rubbing moisturizing cream into your hands.If your are not allergic to wool, many people find pure lanolin to be among the very best moisturizers available.Of course, your local pharmacist has many, many moisturizers on his shelves.

If your callus is relatively thin, moisturizing may be all that’s needed.Simply keep it moist, rub it a little and in a few days it will be gone.For thicker and harder calluses, you may have to use a pumice stone or sandpaper to sand it down.Under no circumstances should you cut or shave a callus. If your callus is so thick and hard that sandpaper and moisturizers will not soften it, you should see a medical professional.

The best way to remove a callus on the hand is to avoid it.Since calluses on the hands are simply the result of friction or pressure, they can be easily avoided by wearing gloves, or by avoiding work!

When you work with hand tools like shovels, rakes, hoes, etc. a good pair of work gloves is your best defense against calluses. Proper fit is important, since an ill-fitting glove may rub and cause more calluses than it avoids. Of course, a daily moisturizer couldn’t hurt!

Cold Symptom Relief & Remedies

Cold Symptom Relief & Remedies

There are basic steps you can do to find relief from common cold symptoms. The key is choosing the right remedies for your individual symptoms.


The most common cold symptoms include: headache, nasal congestion, sore throat, runny nose, chest congestion, cough, and fatigue. To begin to feel better, you must decide what symptoms you have. The next step is deciding what to do to bring yourself relief.

1. Begin eating to relieve your symptoms. Avoid stressing your digestive tract with heavy or fried foods. Eat chicken noodle soup and other soups with a broth base. Fruits which are rich in vitamin C would be a healthier alternative to a piece of cake or a doughnut if you crave something sweet. Yogurt is also a healthy dessert option.

Also, taking a multi-vitamin everyday is very important. At the onset of cold symptoms, you can add a zinc supplement with vitamin C to help your body battle the virus more quickly. Drink warm teas. If you have a sore throat, relieve pain by mixing honey and lemon juice. Warm the mixture and sip slowly.

2. If you have chest congestion, nasal congestion, cough, or headache, begin by finding some eucalyptus oil. This is sold at most nutrition stores. You can also buy a small sprig of real or dried eucalyptus from a craft or artificial flower store.

Hang the eucalyptus sprig somewhere in your shower stall as you take a hot shower. The eucaylptus has theraputic effects on sinuses and nasal congestion. Not to mention, the hot water will help loosen any chest congestion.

The eucalyptus oil can be used in one of two ways. The first way you can simply wave the bottle or vial under your nose and inhale deeply a couple of times. Do this two to three times a day.

The second way is to pour a few drops into a small pot of water and bring to boil. Take the pot off the stove, place it in a comfortable location, make a tent with a towel, and hold head over the vapors. Breathe in and exhale deeply. This will ease nasal and chest congestion.

3. Get a cold mist humidifier. They are relatively inexpensive and easy to use. A cold mist humidifier does not dry out the bronchioles the way a steam vaporizer does. Follow manufacturer’s instructions for use and cleaning. If not properly cleaned, a cold mist humidifier can create the perfect condition for mold growth.

4. Get plenty of rest. If you are having trouble falling asleep, prepare yourself before bed. Take a long hot bath and place a warm washcloth over your face. Inhale and exhale through the moistened cloth. It wil help loosen congestion. It will also help relax you before bed.

After a hot bath, apply some vapor rub to your chest and neck. You can also apply a small amount to the underside of your nostrils to help clear breathing passages. Do not put the vapor rub inside the nose because the nose may be come irritated.

Drink a cup of warm tea but sip it slowly. Slow, calm movements will ease your body into a mood for restful slumber. Set up the cold mist humidifier in a sturdy place in your bedroom. Keep the door open you do not want too much moisture in your room either.

5. Avoid over the counter treatments unless absolutely necessary. They only mask the symptoms they usually do not treat them. Allow your body to build up its natural immunities to the cold germ. If you are exhausted from not sleeping all night, by all means get a night time cold remedy to help you sleep. Try not to rely on medication to get you through your days if you can help it.

The length of the common cold varies. It depends on how effectively it is treated. Once you relieve your body of the symptoms of the virus, recovery follows quickly.

Natural Remedy To Cure Hay Fever

Natural Remedy To Cure Hay Fever

Hay fever affects approximately 15-20% of the population every summer. Itchy, watering eyes, runny nose, sore throat and sometimes an unpleasant headache, are difficult to cope with, whatever your circumstances. Summer-time exams, particularly, are a nightmare for those who suffer from severe symptoms.

As well as conventional remedies for hay fever, there are also some very effective nutritional and homeopathic alternatives that have proved extremely successful in controlling hay fever.

The nutritional approach:

Nutritionists take the approach that hay fever is an indication that the immune system is not working properly and that the digestive system is failing to absorb nutrients effectively. Nutritional suggestions that can make quite a difference include:

1. Cut out caffeine, refined sugar and if you can manage, dairy products from your diet for one month.

2. Some hay fever sufferers have also benefited from cutting back on wheat products.

3. Step up your intake of calcium rich foods such as dark green leafy vegetables, live organic yoghurt and soy milk.

4. Add extra garlic to your food or take a daily garlic capsule.

5. Vitamin C has antihistamine properties, so increase your intake to at least 500-1000mg per day.

6. Eating one teaspoonful of honey a day, before the hay fever season starts, is effective in reducing those unpleasant symptoms.

The homeopathic approach:

Homeopathic treatment for hay fever is most effective if you start in winter when no symptoms are in evidence. You can buy remedies, over the counter, such as:


Nux Vomica

Allium Cepa



All the above help to reduce or eliminate hay fever symptoms. However, research has shown that they can achieve only a 25% success rate compared with a 75% success rate if the sufferer consults a homeopathic practitioner. A homeopath will treat the whole person and work out what makes an individual particularly hypersensitive to pollen.

If you are a hay fever sufferer, why spend the summer months hiding indoors? Try some of the above alternatives. They are harmless and in many cases, extremely successful.

Remedy For A Sore Throat

Remedy For A Sore Throat

Ease your sore throat during the dry, winter months with these home remedies.


During cold and flu season, sore throats can be a real annoyance. During the winter months, breathing through the mouth can cause drying and irritation in the throat. Taking care of a sore throat at home, however, is pretty simple and easy. You just have to know what to do.

Sore throat viruses can’t be treated with antibiotics. They just have to run their course, like the common cold. If the sore throat is especially painful, use a pain reliever such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen (Tylenol). Cold liquids may also relieve the pain of a viral sore throat.

Older children or adolescents may develop a viral sore throat called infectous mononucleosis or “mono.” If the sore throat lasts longer than a week, mononucleosis may be the reason. Along with the sore throat, the patient will feel much weaker and more tired than usual. Like other viral sore throats, there is no antibiotic cure of mononucleosis.

The most common sore throat condition caused by bacteria is strep throat, caused by streptococcal bacteria. A strep throat should be treated with antibiotics because complications could occur if it remains untreated. Complications of strep throat include an absess in the throat (though this is extremely rare) and acute glomerulonephritis, which causes an inflammation in the kidneys.

The most concerning complication of strep throat is rheumatic fever, which causes painful swollen joints, unusual skin rashes, and heart damage. Strep throat is much less common in adults than in children, and rheumatic fever is rare in adults.

Using antibiotics for strep throat will also prevent the spreading of the condition to other family members and friends. Strep throat is unlikely if the sore throat is a minor part of a typical cold (runny nose, stuffy ears, cough, etc.). If common cold symptoms are not apparent along with your sore throat, make an appointment with your doctor for a strep test. You’ll likely need antibiotics. Only your doctor will be able to differentiate bacterial from viral sore throat using a “rapid strep” test.

To ease a viral sore throat at home, treat the other symptoms of your cold as well. Your sore throat may be caused by drainage from your sinuses. In this case, blow your nose often so the drainage doesn’t drip down your throat. Also, sleep with your head elevated. Run a humidifier or vaporizer near your bed so your throat doesn’t dry out in the night, especially if your stuffy nose causes you to breathe through your mouth.

Remember the old saltwater treatment your mother prescribed? It’s still one of the most effective home treatments for easing sore throats. Pour yourself a glass of warm water and dissolve a couple of teaspoons of salt in it. Then buck up and gargle the stuff. Initially it will make you cringe, but your throat will feel better almost immediately.

If you simply can’t stand the thought of gargling saltwater, you can find throat lozenges at the drugstore. Lozenges containing Vitamin C and Zinc may help you get over your cold faster, but only if you begin taking them as soon as you notice symptoms.

With a little extra care and some saltwater, you should be able to make it through sore throat season with little discomfort.

Fennel Tea As A Natural Healer

Fennel Tea As A Natural Healer

Fennel Tea has many natural healing attributes. This article gives several different mixtures and how they can be used to promote the body’s natural healing ability.


Fennel tea is used to promote a healthy appetite and good digestion. Fennel tea is so gentle it can be used for infants and children. To prepare fennel tea, take one-cup boiling water and pour over one to two teaspoons crushed fennel seeds. Let stand for ten minutes and then drain. Drink this mixture three times per day, to relieve abdominal cramps, upset stomach, colic or bloating. You can add other herbs such as caraway seeds and anise seeds to this mixture.

Fennel tea is also used to help alleviate symptoms of whooping cough, asthma, bronchitis and other upper- respiratory infections. To prepare fennel tea to aid in alleviating these symptoms, you will need one-ounce fennel seeds, one-ounce anise seeds, and two-third ounce marsh-mallow root and two-third ounce thyme. Take all the herbs and mix together. Then use one teaspoon of herb mixture per one cup of boiling water. Let mixture stand in water for ten minutes and then strain to remove undiluted herbs. Drink this mixture three times per day.

This mixture of milk also helps relieve stomach cramps and abdominal pain, mix one cup warm milk with one tablespoon crushed fennel seeds, let stand for two to three minutes, strain and slowly drink warm milk.

If breastfeeding, an old folk remedy to relieve sore nipples or relieve an infection, is to soak a cloth in warm tea and apply to the infected area of the skin. Apply this compress up to three times per day.

Fennel tea is also good for eye inflammations, to prepare this mixture take one-half cup water and add two teaspoons crushed fennel seeds and bring mixture to a boil. Let cool for ten minutes, then soak a cotton cloth in mixture and place on eye for fifteen to twenty minutes. It is best to do this is a dim lighted room.

Natural Sinus Remedy

Natural Sinus Remedy

There are other ways to deal with your sinus problems–naturally.

Millions of people in the United States suffer from sinusitis or sinus problems. The typical reaction to sinus problems is to treat them with antihistimines and decongestants. Pills can be avoided, and so can expensesif sinusitis is treated naturally.

Boxes of pills may cost anywhere from $2.99-$4.00. And if you repeatedly have sinus congestion and have to keep taking pills, you’re obviously going to be purchasing a box every couple of weeks (even though you are told not to on the box–you’re supposed to consult your physician after two weeks of persistent problems). But, do most of us do this?

If you have acute sinusitis, and have been to the doctor for it, and no other remedies have worked for you, try treating the symptoms naturally next time. If you fear having surgery, or and don’t want to be on antibiotics, take a look at these suggestions. There’s a potpourri of ways to deal with sinusitus and its symptoms:


Vaporizers may be purchased in almost any department store or pharmacy. Typically, you have to use remedies such as menthol and eucalyptus with the vaporizers (in the water). Solutions may be bought where the vaporizers are sold.

Cool Air Mister

Cool Air Misters add water and moisture to the air; you usually fill them with water. These are good for very dry areas of the house or basements. Cool air misters must be constantly filled with fresh water, and the filters must be changed for maximum benefits.

Air Conditioner

In the summer, when it’s hot and stuffy, try using the air conditioner for your sinuses. You’d be surprised at how it not only cools you off, but improves your breathing immensely. Also, if you can avoid it, stay indoors in the springtime, away from the blooming trees and flowers and get into the house with your air conditioner turned on low.

Medicated Vapor Rub

Medicated vapor rubs may be purchased at almost any store carrying medications. They may be used alone or with vaporizers. Sometimes, it’s effective to use them on and around your nose and sinus areas before bed; never use them inside of your nose or mouth.

Saline/Ocean Nasal Spray

Saline or ocean nasal spray may be purchased at any cosmetic store in the medication isle. Look for the ones that are all natural (containing no medicine). These are very effective if used often enough. Sometimes, they’re a bit unpleasant smelling and tasting, but work almost immediately.

Plenty of Water Before Bed

Water is essential at all times, but drinking water throughout the day and mostly before bed seems to keep your sinuses in check and clear throughout the night into the early morning.

Other Sinus Remedies

Some alternative sinus remedies include the following: eucalyptus oil, rosemary, and lemongrass (natural essenses/oils). These may be purchased at any holistic heath shoppe or vitamin store.

Soups, Spices and Hot Stuff

Anything that you can slurp that is hot and spicy (or contains garlic, pepper, or horseradish root, etc.) is usually very effective in the draining of sinuses. Try it sometime. You’ll be surprised at how fast you have to run and get some tissues!

Natural Cures For Headaches

Natural Cures For Headaches

Painful headaches or migraines can lead to a lot of distress but there are natural ways to cure these headaches.

One of the most common health problems in today’s fast paced society is the headache and the fact that they vary considerably with each individual makes it difficult for medical professionals to find a cure. A headache can appear suddenly and last all day. Several factors may lead to the start of a headache or migraine(such as: your lifestyle, diet, amount of stress in your life and most importantly the way you deal with it) it may be difficult to pinpoint the exact cause. However, headaches in most people occur in patterns and so one can usually tell when a headache is coming on. This is an important first step in treating the pain before it reaches excruciating levels that require you to take a painkiller. Headaches can be a symptom of a deadly condition. Check with your doctor!

One of the major causes of a migraine is stress. Therefore, any form of relaxation therapy will help relieve and prevent migraines. While, manipulation therapies may improve blood flow to the brain; thus supplying it with greater amounts of oxygen that is usually depleted due to postural or musculoskeletal problems. When a headache occurs it is not the brain (no pain nerve endings present) that is sore but the membranes surrounding the brain that are being stretched and the tightening of blood vessels, nerves and muscles of the scalp, neck and upper back, which are depleted of oxygen. This increase in the heads oxygen level will help prevent headaches from starting. It is believed that a monthly de-stressing session, concentrating on the neck and shoulders helps those with chronic migraine problems.

Bad posture may also be the predecessor to headaches due to a decrease in blood flow to the head or a trapped nerve. Rolfing attempts to improve the body’s posture by working on the whole body. Concentrating on the connective tissue that links the muscles to the body, which Rolfer believes becomes shorter and thicker under tension. By using firm pressure through the elbows, fingers and knuckles, the connective tissue is separated and thus lengthened. This procedure should help improve one’s posture and thus eventually help eliminate headaches.

In Eastern countries, it is believed that headaches result due to a block in energy (or chi). Therefore, the following natural therapies can be used to help alleviate headaches and migraines. Their aimsare to try and restore a smooth flow of energy to the body and mind.

Chiropractors manipulate the spine in order to realign any deformities in the vertebral column, since bends in the backbone of your body will also result in the bending of the central nervous system. Thus, it is believed that the flow of nervous energy from the body to the brain is also disturbed resulting in frequent headaches or even worse migraines.

Cranial osteopaths believe that they can sense the flow of the nourishing CSF(cerebrospinal fluid) and protective membranes that surround the brain, by placing their hands on the clients head. An imbalance in this protective fluid reveals tension or trauma to the cranial bones or parts of the body, resulting from emotional or physical stress. It is believed that these stresses then manifest themselves in the form of a headache. Thus, relieving these imbalances will help cure ones headaches. The treatment involves manipulating the cranial and spinal nerves.

Reflexology may also be used to help treat headaches. Based on the Chinese concept of energy every part of the body is reelected on the specific points on the hand or foot. Pressing on these areas it is believed that one can relieve tension in the corresponding area of the body. This theory is also used with acupuncture and acupressure techniques. A technique you can try yourself is to press firmly down on the web space between your forefinger and thumb.

Calendar of the Moon for February 28th

Calendar of the Moon

Ash Tree Month

Color: Pale Blue
Elements: Water and air
Altar: On a cloth of pale blue set a great bowl of salt water in which are set many shells and stones, a shell full of salt, incense, and the figures of sea-birds and fishes.
Offerings: Wash something clean, or air it out.
Daily Meal: Either fish or seafood, or poultry.

Nion/Anthesterion Invocation

Call: Now is the time of wind and water.
Response: Now is the time of sea and sky.
Call: Now is the time of the Gods of weather.
Response: Now is the time of the great waves.
Call: Now is the time of terrible flooding.
Response: Now is the time of needed rain.
Call: Now is the time of battering gales.
Response: Now is the time of winds of change.
Call: Now is the time of fear of change.
Response: Now, and always, change will win.
Call: The wild winds disturb our dreams.
Response: The wild winds awake our minds.
Call: The heavy rains flood our hearts.
Response: The heavy rains water our future.
Call: The sea will sweep us away.
Response: The sea will bear us up.
Call: The sea is cold and unending.
Response: The sea is the source of life.
Call: We are ships on the lost expanse of the ocean.
Response: We are winds that call to one another.
Call: We will brave the wind and water.
Response: We will bring together mind and heart.
Call: We will come home safely after wandering.
Response: We will anchor safely after our journeys.
Call: We will come through wind and water!
Response: We will come through wind and water!
(Repeat last two lines twice more.)

We will come through wind and water
We will come through sea and sky

Calendar of the Sun for February 28th

Calendar of the Sun
28 Solmonath

Matronalia – Day of Juno Lucina

Colors: White and purple
Element: Air
Altar: On a cloth of white and purple set ten white candles in a row, a silver chalice of white wine, and incense of flowers.
Offerings: Candles, placed around the altar.
Daily Meal: White breads. Pasta with white sauce.

Invocation to Juno Lucina

Hail, Queen of Light!
Within each of us,
Buried deep beneath
The everyday layers of Life,
The sweat and toil and cries,
Lies the spark of genius
That of old was called Juno.
You speak to us, O radiant queen,
From that small point of light
Deep in our souls
When all seems most grey.
May that light shine ever
Within us, and let us
Never fail to find that voice
Like a single jewel
In the palm of our hands.

Chant: Lucina Lucina Lumen Lumen

(All light votive candles and place them on the floor around the altar as they chant, and then the wine is poured out as a libation to Juno Lucina.)

Correspondences for Tuesday, February 28th

Tuesday Pictures, Comments, Graphics, Cards
Correspondences for Tuesday, February 28th

Magickal Intentions: Courage, Physical Strength, Revenge, Military Honors, Surgery and the Breaking of Negative Spells, Matrimony, War, Enemies, Prison, Vitality and Assertiveness
Incense: Dragon’s Blood, Patchouli
Planet: Mars
Sign: Aries and Scorpio
Angel: Samuel
Colors: Red and Orange
Herbs/Plants:Red Rose, Cock’s Comb, Pine, Daisy, Thyme and Pepper
Stones: Carnelian, Bloodstone, Ruby, Garnet and Pink Tourmaline
Oil: (Mars) Basil, Coriander, Ginger
Mars rules Tuesday. The energies of this day best harmonize with efforts of masculine vibration, such as conflict, physical endurance and strength, lust, hunting, sports, and all types of competition. Use them, too, for rituals involving surgical procedures or political ventures.

The Wicca Book of Days for February 28th – Celebrating Kalevala

The Wicca Book of Days for February 28th

Celebrating Kalevala

In many preliterate cultures, the ancient myths that tried to make sense of how the world came into being, and how societies subsequently took shape, were passed down orally, which means that many of them were either lost completely or distorted beyond recognition. Those that have survived are therefore to be celebrated, as is done in Finland on the day, which is known as Kalevala Day. The Kalevala (whose subtitle is An Old Poem from Karelia Telling the Ancient History of the Finnish People), the Finnish epic saga as related to him by his compatriots, was set down by Elias Lonnrot (1802 – 84), and was first published on this day in 1835

A Waning Influence

On this day honor the Goddess Zamyad (the animating spirit of the earth in the Near East). Offerings were made to her on the twenty-eighth day of the lunar month, or the thirteenth day of the waning moon, in ancient Persia.

Tuesday, February 28th Affirmation, Thought & Meditation

Tuesday Pictures, Comments, Graphics, Cards
Today’s Affirmation

I rejoice in the spirit, which is changeless. I am happy in my loving independence of the material world.


Today’s Thought

Pain creates new territory for the spirit. We are all pioneers of pain. Our lives on the frontier are the history of our people.


Today’s Meditation

Your Inner Sanctuary

This is a place inside where you can go to reconnect with your spirit. Closed your eyes and visualize a tranquil landscape. In this place, imagine building a sanctuary that reflects the beauty of your spirit. The materials you require appear as if by magick. Once you have built, decorated and finished your sanctuary, sit for a few moments inside. Feel peace descend as you connect peace descend as you connect with yourself once more.