c. 2002, Susun S Weed

Calling it stomach ache. The stomach (fortunately) does not ache. Usually when people say their stomach aches, they mean they have a gas pain. Gas pain can be severe pain. My friends who work in emergency rooms say you wouldn’t believe how many people come in for what turns out to be gas pain.
Herbalists, myself included, see heartburn as a lack of HCL (hydrochloric acid) in the stomach, instead of the prevalent opinion, that it is caused by too much acid. So instead of trying to turn off production of HCL (as drugs attempt to do), herbalists seek herbs that increase HCL, such as dandelion (Taraxacum officinale). In my book Healing Wise I devote an entire chapter to dandelion, with lots of recipes and ideas on how to use it.
You can use any part of dandelion: the flowers make dandelion wine, you can cook the greens, or eat them in salad, you can even cook the root, or make a vinegar with it (my favorite), or tincture it. Some people make a coffee substitute from roasted dandelion root. Any way you take it seems to work. (A standard dose would be 10-20 drops of the root tincture taken at the beginning of the meal.) Dandelion, and its friend chicory (Cichorium intybus), which is a fine substitute should you have access to one and not the other, are true tonics. That is, the more you take them, the less you need them. You don’t have to keep taking this remedy forever. After 3-6 weeks you’ll find you need it less and less.
In Europe it is customary to take bitters before a big meal. Most mild bitters, such as yellow dock (Rumex crispus), cronewort/mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris), gentian (Gentiana lutea), barberry (Berberis vulgaris), and Oregon grape are liver tonics and digestives. They aid in digestion, and decrease risk of heartburn, by increasing production of both HCL and bile.
A few more tips for those who suffer from heartburn:
~ Eat less at each meal
~ Stay upright after eating; no lounging around or sleeping
~ Avoid eating late at night
~ Reduce the amount of coffee you drink
~ Don’t overdo it with the orange juice, either
~ Use slippery elm lozenges (available in health food stores) for immediate relief from heartburn
The herbs that increase HCL in the stomach, such as dandelion, also decrease ulcers, which are the result of a bacterial infection. When stomach acid is increased, that bacteria has a harder time of it and is less likely to cause ulcers.
Amusing isn’t it that medical science says “OK, there must be a mind/body connection, because gastrointestinal ulcers are caused by stress”; only to find out what my herbal teachers taught me long ago: bacteria cause ulcers.
Here’s one way to kill that bacteria (besides taking drugs): Get a food grater with a very fine grating side. Grate a large potato as finely as possible. Into another bowl, grate ¼ to ½ of a cabbage. Let them sit for 10-15 minutes, until liquid starts to collect in the bottom of the bowls. Use your hand, or something hard, to press and squeeze the potato until it is dry. Throw away the pulp and keep the liquid. Repeat with the cabbage. Don’t use a juicer. There are plant starches that you don’t get when you use a juicer. A food processor is ok.
Put the liquids in separate jars in the refrigerator, taking 1-3 tablespoonfuls 2-3 times a day. The more severe the symptoms, the larger and more frequent the dose would be. I expect symptomatic relief within 36-48 hours. But this remedy is safe to take for weeks at a time if needed.
If you can’t make the potato liquid, you can buy potato starch and mix it with water. Instead of the cabbage liquid, you could buy coleslaw. It isn’t the same as grating the potato and the cabbage, but it is better than nothing. And even if it doesn’t work as fast, if that is what is available to you, use it.
To me, this means gas pain. Herbs that relieve gas pain are called “carminatives” because they make you “sing” (carmen). Many aromatic herbs are carminatives, especially the seeds of members of the Apiaceae family including dill seed, caraway seeds, fennel seeds, anise seeds, coriander seeds, and cumin seeds. Just put a big spoonful in a cup, cover well with boiling water, steep five minutes, sweeten if you like, and drink.
Ginger is another readily-available carminative. Especially warming to the guts. You can make a tea with powdered ginger, or use up to a tablespoon of fresh ginger per cup of water for a strong brew. Ginger works best sweetened with honey. NASA found it would counter the nausea of space-sickness. You can also buy crystallized or candied ginger to take traveling with you.
The fastest remedy for gas pain is two capsules of acidophilus. I expect pain relief in 5-10 minutes. And I don’t pay much attention to the expiration date on it. I keep mine in the refrigerator, and use them so rarely that I often have a bottle for ten years – and they still work.
Eating yogurt helps prevent gas pain, and can be used as a remedy, but it is not as fast as the acidophilus. A quart of yogurt a week is a good goal. And buy plain yogurt. No need to pay a fancy price for white sugar and poor quality fruit. Add maple syrup or honey and fruit of your choice, fresh or frozen at home. Make your own fantasy yogurt creation.
And the bitter tonic herbs mentioned above are also excellent allies to take long-term if you have frequent gas pains.
When I was in Spain I often had to eat late at night. Then I would take a sip of their very strong coffee, served in tiny cups. It had just the right amount of push to get that food into my digestive tract and still allow me to fall asleep at a reasonable time.
But most people in America drink coffee in the morning on an empty stomach. Might this be one reason so many are in such digestive distress? Instead of coffee, try this:
~ Put one ounce by weight of dried peppermint leaf in a quart jar and fill to the top with boiling water.
~ Cap tightly and allow to steep for 4-8 hours. (OK to let it steep while you sleep.)
~ Strain the plant material out after the allotted time, squeezing it well.
~ Then drink the liquid: hot or cold, salty or sweetened, with milk or whiskey or what have you.
~ Refrigerate what you don’t drink then. This will stay good in the refrigerator for up to three weeks.
Peppermint helps move the intestines and make you feel really awake, just like coffee. I would not use it if someone were feeling nauseated, as it tastes vile on the way back out.
(See above)
With dandelion, you often see results in the first 24 hours.
(See above)
The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that 90% of the health care given on any day is given in the home by the woman of the home. Just by cooking dinner a woman can heal her family and keep them healthy. She can protect her husband’s heart by using lots of garlic. And protect his libido by serving less soy.
Many Americans have food phobias. Think about how many people are frightened of drinking milk. How many won’t eat bread. I go into the health food store to get bread and there are loaves with no flour, and those with no yeast, and those without wheat, and I wonder where all the bread has gone.
We have a national history of food phobias, starting with Graham (inventor of the healthy graham cracker), continuing with Kellogg (of breakfast flake fame), and right into the modern day’s current fads (no fat? no carbs? all protein? all raw?). Not too much has really changed. More and more people are learning about herbal medicine, but I am sure many of them think it is difficult and arcane. They may be unaware that herbal medicine is the medicine for the people, of the people, and by the people.
I specialize in safe, food-like herbs. I prefer them to drug-like herbs. The remedies I have suggested here are as safe as foods, taken in food-like quantities. When herbs are powdered and encapsulated, they can be dangerous. They are more like a drug and you have to be more careful. I use herbs because they aren’t drugs.
Beans! The magical fruit. So good for us, but so hard on the guts. And even worse when they are soy beans. The gas people get from tofu and tempe and soy beverage is outrageous.
From regular beans, try this simple five-step approach – guaranteed to reduce how much you “toot”
(i) Soak your beans overnight in a generous amount of cold water. Add a piece of wakame or kombu if desired.
(ii) Rinse beans thoroughly in cold water (retain seaweed).
(iii) Cover beans with fresh cold water, add retained seaweed, and cook until tender.
(iv) Cool.
(v) Reheat beans to serve.
Yes, I believe all peppers are upsetting to the digestive tract. I suggest avoiding black pepper and cayenne, jalapeno and all others if you are prone to heartburn, have frequent gas pain, or suffer from irritable bowel or even simple diarrhea.
Green Blessings!
Susun Weed

Herbal Gifts from the Kitchen

Herbal Gifts from the Kitchen

Little Cooking Wreaths – can go right into soup pot, or hang in the kitchen to be plucked from and used

Twist chive stalks into a 4-5″ circle, forming a wreath base. Twist in sprigs of thyme, parsley, oregano, marjoram and basil seed heads,to fill out wreath. Add a short sprig of rosemary or sage. Let dry thoroughly –wreath will shrink slightly. Thread 3 or 4 dried chilies on sewing thread and tie around wreath top. If wreath is to hang,
cover thread by embellishing with a bow of kitchen twine or narrow ribbon. Present your gift in a bow-tied plastic bag to preserve flavor and minimize shattering.

Herb & Spice Blends – To present your gift, pack blends into small labeled jars with lids, attached to an herbal cookbook.

For Beef: mix 1 tablespoon coarsely ground black pepper, 1 tablespoon red pepper flakes, 2 1/2 tablespoons garlic powder, 1 tablespoon dried minced onion.

For Fish: mix 2 tablespoons dried dillweed, 2 tablespoons crumbled bay leaves, 2 tablespoons freeze-dried chives.

For Fruit Pies, Spice Cakes & Cookies: mix 2 tablespoons, 1
tablespoon ground nutmeg, 1 tablespoons ground mace, 1 tablespoon ground allspice, 2 teaspoons ground cloves, 2 teaspoons ground cardamon.

For Vegetables: mix 2 tablespoons dried oregano, 2 tablespoons dried basil.

For Poultry: mix 2 tablespoons curry powder, 2 tablespoons paprika, 2 tablespoons dried lemon rind.

For Tomato Sauce: mix 2 tablespoons crumbled basil, 2 tablespoons dried minced onions, 1 tablespoon red pepper flakes, 1 tablespoon crumbled dried oregano.

For Lamb: mix 1 1/2 tablespoons dried marjoram, 1 tablespoon crumbled dried rosemary, 1 tablespoon white pepper, 2 tablespoons garlic powder.

Good Bread Herbs include your favorite white or wheat bread recipe with this blend presented in a decorated muslin bag.

Blend together 2 tablespoons dried crumbled sage, 1 tablespoon dried rosemary, 1 tablespoon dill seed, 4 teaspoons caraway seed. On gift tag: Will flavor 2 average loaves.

Citrus Spice Simmering Potpourri

Layer following ingredients in a gallon jar and add oils to
corresponding ingredients. Shake well and age 1 day before using:
Directions for Use on gift tag: Add 1/2 cup mixture to a small saucepan filled with 3 cups of water and bring to boil. Reduce heat, simmer for 15-20 minutes. Mixture may be reused several times, after adding water to it.

1 cup 1″ cinnamon sticks 1 cup whole allspice
1 cup star anise 1 cup coriander seed
2 cups dried orange peel 1/2 cup cloves
1/2 cup crushed nutmeg 10 drops cinnamon oil
10 drops allspice oil 20 drops sweet orange oil

Lemon-y Footsoak a great treat at day’s end or for pampering someone special! Present gift with instructions for use on gift tag, tied onto a pretty jar or a plastic bag tied with a simple bow…

Crush and place in a jar, or tie in a bouquet and place in plastic bag, for presentation: 5 sprigs of fresh lemon balm or10 sprigs dried lemon balm. (Rosemary may be substituted.)Recommended Instruction Tag to read: Bring 8 cups water to boil,combine with contents in large pan or bowl, and let steep until water is warm and comfortable. Soak feet 10-20 minutes.


The energies of the Moon effect the activities of the subconscious,
the intuition, dream work and the emotions. The plants attributed to
the Moon act principally on the major fluids of the body and on the
stomach (attributed to Cancer, ruled by the Moon). Their fluidic
action is primarily regulatory and eliminative. Much of the
digestive activity seems also to influence the individual’s moods –
the emotional effect of stomach action being well known so this dual
action of several of the herbs makes a great deal of sense.

Several herbs bear marked resemblances to the Moon in her various
phases, both in color and shape of plant, fruit and flower. The
white fruits of fennel grow in pairs of curved oblong shapes that
seem to represent the waxing and waning lunar crescents. The lily,
long an associate of Lunar Goddesses, has round, bell-shaped flowers
that are frequently bright white and it bears oblong to crescent
shaped leaves. The fruit of the almond generally is also pure white
and oblong to crescent shaped.

Those herbs that deal with fluidity generally act upon water and
blood most specifically even as the Moon herself controls the tides
and the flow of blood. Cucumber helps eliminate excess water from
the body and is an anti-constipatory diuretic, particularly
effective in dissolving uric acid accumulations such as kidney
stones. Fennel and lily are eliminatives, laxatives and diuretics
and while the lily acts as a digestive antispasmodic, fennel is
commonly used to stimulate the flow of milk in nursing mothers.
Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) is particularly apt in its lunar
attribution in that in addition to its digestive and purgative
qualities, a decoction can be used quite effectively to regulate the
flow of menstrual blood.

Several Lunar herbs act on other fluids of the body (generally to
eliminate excess) as well as acting as digestives. Camphor, by
reducing fluid accumulation in the lungs and pleural sac, is an
excellent remedy for whooping cough and pleurisy. Bitter almond is
used as a cough remedy while sweet almond is used internally as a
soothing syrup and externally as an emollient. Meanwhile, white
sandalwood is used to reduce inflammation of mucosal tissue as well
as being a diuretic – a decoction of the wood can also be used for

Myrrh and Sandalwood share both astringent and stomachic properties,
but along with jasmin and bitter almond, they share qualities
ascribed to the Moon that surpass the simply medicinal. Bitter
almond and jasmin both have sedative effects, calming the nerves and
allowing a more intuitive, psychic lunar mode of brain function to
manifest. It is probably also this aspect that has earned jasmin its
reputation as an erotogen, the resultant intuitive empathy credited
with aphrodisical properties and the ability to overcome inhibition.
Almond, jasmin, sandalwood and myrrh seem when used in incense to
also possess the ability to trigger olfactorily the subtle, lunar
mode of perception that is so effective in work of intuition,
psychism and pathworking.

Magickally speaking, herbs of the Moon affect the subconscious mind.
They are a very good aid in the development of the intuition and of
psychic abilities as well as in remembering dreams. As they have
such a primary effect on the subconscious, they can be used to
successfully influence it to break old habits and to recall past
lives. Traditional Lunar herbs include anise,cabbage, camphor, cucumber,
iris, jasmine ,lettuce, lily, poppy, violet, willow,lotus, moonwort, mugwort , pumpkin and white


Eleven Things Every Witch Should Know

Eleven Things Every Witch Should Know

1. Magic is what happens when you open yourself to the Divine. All real magic is a manifestation of the Divine – it is how you co-create reality with deity.

2. The Divine is within you and is everywhere present in the natural world. And everything is interconnected by this sacred energy.

3. Wicca is not about information — it’s about transformation, so practice, practice, practice — and do it as much as possible in Nature! Witchcraft enables you to commune with divinity and to manifest your destiny, your desires and your highest and sacred self.

4. The real ethics of how Witches live and practice magic are simple: Witches live in a sacred manner because we live in a sacred world. We therefore treat all of life with reverence and respect.

5. Because all magic flows from our connection to the Sacred, our lives and our magic, must be guided by the sacred nature of the energy with which we work.

6. The energy Witches work with is not neutral — it is divine love.

7. Magic often works in unexpected way because it is not a mechanical process, and the Universe is not a machine. You are living and making magic within a divine, organic, living reality.

8. Witches don’t command and control — they commune and co-create.

9. The real secret of successful spellcasting, as with all of magic, is your connection to the Divine power that dwells within you, and surrounds you. And spells do work so be careful what you ask for!

10. Nature makes the Divine tangible. By working, living, and practicing your magic in harmony with Nature, you are in harmony with the Divine.

11. The ultimate teacher is the God/Goddess inside you and in the world of Nature all around you.

By Phyllis Curott

Kitchen Tips Hints & Other Magical Stuff

Kitchen Tips Hints & Other Magical Stuff
Various Sources

* Please Note: In some of these suggestions it says that you are to simply
throw away what has gone bad. I personally always go bury and give it back to
the Earth and offer up a small prayer of thanks for what the item has done to
help me or my family out.

All purpose sifted flour is excellent for attracting money. Take a little
pinch and spread it somewhere dark…under your kitchen counter, in the back
of a cupboard, or under the sink.

Running out of salt supposedly foretells a loss of health or wealth. Always
keep an extra box of salt that you never use on a high shelf to help ensure
good fortune.

Fill a small jar with alfalfa and deposit it in the food cupboard. As long as
it remains there, the family will never know hunger.

Use buttons, change, safety pins, or toothpicks in a jar to work on abundance
and prosperity spells. Add an item each day to increase your prosperity.

Olive oil is a good substitute for any kind of anointing of candles and great
for mixing with oils and powders to bless and anoint surfaces.

A clove of garlic sitting on the sink board draws illness away from the
family. Don’t eat it; instead throw it away every month and replace it with a
new one.

Braids of garlic, onions, or peppers make a lovely decoration for your kitchen
and also ward off negativity.

An onion on your kitchen windowsill will absorb ill will. When it starts to
decay, replace it and throw it away. Do not eat it under any circumstances!

Leaded-glass crystal sun-catchers hung in a sunny kitchen window are excellent
protective devices.

Chili pepper seeds are wonderful for protective magick and repelling. Wash
them, let them dry out, and then place them in a little glass jar with a
lid. Bless your seeds in any way you wish. You can even make a label for
your jar that reads “Magickal Pepper Seeds” or whatever you like. You can use
the seeds to banish negativity from your home whenever you feel the need.
There are two methods for this:

1. Sprinkle a few seeds around your kitchen or home and then vacuum
or sweep them out the back door.

2. Place some seeds in a mortar and ground them to a powder.
Sprinkle the powder where needed and the proceed to vacuum or
sweep up. Discard out your back door.

When sweeping, remember to do so towards the fireplace, if you have one. If
not, sweep in any direction except towards the front door. If you ignore this
warning, you might remove your house’s luck.

Take two needles, make an equal-armed cross with them and place the cross in a
broom. Stand the broom behind a door and it will guard your home. When
standing a broom in the corner, put its bristles up, handle to the floor.
This not only ensures that the bristles will last longer, it also brings good

All household work–from scrubbing stains in the kitchen sink to swabbing the
floor with a mop to polishing wood furniture–should be done with clockwise
motions. This practice imbues your work, and the object you’re cleaning, with
positive energy.

Next time it rains, hang one of your dishrags outside to receive the liquid
blessings. Or, bury one outdoors by the light of the full moon. Both actions
are thought to be lucky.

Salt water left out in the centre of a room all night will absorb negativity.
Wash it away with flowing water the next morning. If you are on a septic
tank, either pour the water into the woods or into a body of running water.

When cooking any type of food, add magick to your cooking by drawing an
invisible pentagram inside your pots and pans with you finger, a wooden spoon
or another utensil. This guards the pan and the food, ensuring its

For good luck hang a “kitchen witch” doll in your kitchen to oversee and bless
your magickal workings. You can purchase one or make your own.

Turn a ladder into steps for success by painting the ladder in bright colours
and adding plants as decorative objects. Paint magickal symbols under the
rungs to help your prosperity (and plants) grow. As the plants grows, so does
your prosperity.

Grow an aloe plant in your kitchen. To soothe burns and scrapes, gently cut
off a mature, fleshy stalk, thanking the plant for its sacrifice, and squeeze
the gel from inside the leaf onto the wounded area. The aloe plant has
magickal properties as well–it also guards the cook against food preparation
accidents that can be very nasty. When using aloe gel in the kitchen, dab
some onto major appliances, windows, doors, and tools to safeguard them as

When you purchase fresh herbs or gather them from your garden, cut the bottoms
off and place the herbs in a nice vase in your kitchen. This not only
brightens up the room, it adds fragrance, keeps the fresh herbs longer, and
has the added benefit of reminding you to use them in your dishes.

If you are having trouble following a recipe or are feeling generally “out of
it,” take a whiff of rosemary. This herb helps to promote mental clarity and
improve memory.

Sew herbs and magickal powders into the lining of your drapes. Place packets
of herbs or powders under throw rugs.

A quartz crystal placed on or near the stove when cooking makes food taste

Copper molds can be hung on the kitchen walls to lend their rich colours.
Since copper is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, these molds also bring
love vibrations into the kitchen.

Wash all the dishes every night if you work with faerie magick. The fairies
don’t like dirt and they won’t let you sleep peacefully until the kitchen is

Bells or wind chimes hung from the doors guard against intruders and stagnant
energy. Hang them where the air currents can ring them. They will set up
movement in the air and clear the psychic energy of your home.

Sieves, sifters, and colanders hung or placed around the kitchen for
protective purposes will keep the kitchen secure.

A kitchen witch bottle can be constructed to protect your food from
contamination. Put three needles, three nails, and three pins into a jar.
Fill the jar with salt, seal it tightly, vigorously shake nine times and drip
red candle wax over the seal. Then place it in the cupboard where it won’t be

If you wish to perfect your execution of a recipe, copy it in red ink. Lay
this on a flat surface in the kitchen. On top, place a red candle in a holder
and light the candle. Let it burn down completely before you try the recipe.
As it burns visualize yourself cooking the dish successfully.

When you burn food, cut yourself, drop pots and pans, or experience a rash of
accidents in your kitchen, this could indicate the need for a cleansing.

Before eating, place your hands on either side of the food and send energy to
the food through visualization. Receive its energy back and then enjoy.

In setting the table, put the salt on first, and take it off last thing after
the meal. The salt will guard the food and the diners. While dining with
others, pass the salt with a smile.

Pass items clockwise around the table to bless them with positive vibrations
and ensure that they are healthy.

Prior to eating any liquid with a spoon (such as soup or porridge), stir the
bowl’s contents clockwise three times, then withdraw the spoon and enjoy.

Turn your beverage glass clockwise three times before drinking to bless the

Whenever you make a toast, be sure that the glasses clink. If not, the toast
won’t be heard by the higher forces.

Always leave a morsel or two on your plate, for tradition says that they who
clean their plates will know only poverty.

The first time you use a new set of silverware, make a wish. Visualize the
wish every time you lift a fork or spoon and the wish may come true.

For unity, have all those sharing the meal drink from the same cup.

Decorate foods and beverages with unique toothpicks, umbrellas, stirrers, and
the like whose colour or imagery represents your goal; the item can then be
carried later as an amulet or charm to keep that energy going.

Choose a bowl, plate, or placemat whose colour or imagery represents your
magickal goal.

Arrange the food on the plate or platter in the form of a symbol to which you
can relate while eating, such as a smile for joy.

Cut food into a symbolic image, such as a toast house that you consume while
looking for a new residence.

Everyone manages to collect plastic grocery bags. Instead of stuffing them in
a crowded drawer, fold and pack them into an empty tissue box covered in
pretty self-stick paper. Then pull out as needed.



ALFALFA- prosperity, attraction of money, burn or place in the kitchen

ANGELICA- Protection, Healing, inreases life energy bringing warmth of Fire element, Exorcism

ANISE, STAR PODS- Protection, Purification, Winter Solstice

ASTRAGALUS- Fortification, Strength

BAY- Healing, Protection, Psychic Powers, Strength

BLACKBERRY LEAF- Healing, Money, Protection

BLACK COHOSH ROOT- Courage, Love, Potency, Protection

BLADDERWRACK- This sea governed plant makes a wonderful water or sea ritual herb, Money, Protection, Psychic Clarity, Wind Rituals

BLESSED THISTLE- Abundance, Flow

BLUE COHOSH ROOT- Courage, Balance, Protection

BURDOCK ROOT- Healing, Protection, Clears space & holds the space safe, spirit of North

CALENDULA- Opening to the 3rd Chakra, helps energy move outward from center of body extending in all directions

CATNIP- Beauty, Happiness, Love

CHAMOMILE- Love, Money, Sleep, Purification, Child’s Annointing

CHAPPARAL- Fire element rituals, Protection, Spirit of South

CEDAR LEAF TIPS- Healing, Protection, Purification of body, aura field, & space

CELANDINE- Escape, Happiness, Legal Matters, Protection

CHICORY ROOT, ROASTED- To inspire Frugality, Invisibility,Removing Obstacles, Favors-annoint body to obtain

CLOVES- Exorcism, Love, Money, Protection

CINNAMON, GROUND- Healing, Love, Personal Empowerment, Protection, Spirituality, Success

COMFREY LEAF- Money, Safe Journeys (Worldly or through Meditation)

COMFREY ROOT- Money, Safe Journeys (Worldy or through Meditation), Winter Solstice

COPAL RESIN- Love, Purification, Earth Element, Sets Sacred Space,Allows Guides and Guidance to come in

CORNSILK- Water Element, Stimulates Flow

DAMIANA- Love, Visions, Opens Door Between Worlds

DANDELION LEAF- Calling Spirits, Divination, Wishes

DANDELION ROOT- Calling Spirits, Divination, Wishes

DONG QUAI, SLICES- Health, Vitality, Fire Element Rituals

DRAGON’S BLOOD RESIN- Exorcism, Love, Protection,
Stimulates action of other herbs in incense blend,
Stimulates movement of energy

ECHINACEA- Strength Wards off negativity or undesireable energies

ELDER BERRIES- Ancient Wisdom, Contact with Elementals, Healing, Invoke Majic, Protection

EUCALYPTUS LEAF- Healing, Air Element Rituals, Protection

EYEBRIGHT- Mental Ability & Clarity, Psychic Ability, Visions

False Unicorn Root- Connection to Majical Realm, Contains Energy & Intention

FENNEL SEED- Healing, Protection, Purification, Stimulates Movement

FENUGREEK- Clearing, Money

FLAX SEED- Beauty, Healing, Initiates Flow, Money, Psychic Openness

FRANKINCENSE TEAR RESIN- Consecration, Exorcism, Protection, Purification, Sets Sacred Space, Sets Safe Space for Guides to come in,Spirit of East or North

Geranium- Abundance, Fertility, Health, Love, Protection

GINGER ROOT POWDER- Fire Element Rituals, Brings into Existance, Bringer of the Manifestation, Love, Money, 3rd Chakra Vitality,Inner Strength, Success, Stimulates flow of Energy, Spirit of South

GINSENG, SIBERIAN- Encourages a long lasting affect, Health, Strength

HAWTHORNE BERRIES- Fertility, 4th Chakra Strength & Vitality, Love, Contentment

HIBISCUS FLOWERS, WHOLE- Divination, Love, 5th Chakra

HOPS- Sleep, Opens the Channel In & Out of the body in
relationship with the Universe

HOREHOUND- Exorcism, Mental Ability, Protection, Opens Air Element within body & in the world, Opens Channel for Clear Communication

IRISH MOSS FLAKES- Luck, Opens Throat, Opens Channel for Clear Communication

JUNIPER BERRIES- Exorcism, Health, Protection, Sets Sacred Space, Spirit of North

KAVA KAVA ROOT- Luck, Visions, Opens one to receiving guidence and guides,Protection

KELP GRANULES- Connection to Divine Source through the Physical & Spiritual, Unity, Life-Force Strengthening Spirit of Center

Lady’s Mantle- Love, Self Control

LAVENDER FLOWERS- Happiness, Love, Sleep, Purification, Peace

LEMON PEEL- Friendship, Love, Purification

LEMON VERBENA- Love, Happiness, Purification, Peace, Mental & Emotional Balance, Summer Solstice

LICORICE ROOT- Fidelity, Love, Meditation, Harmony

MANDRAKE ROOT- Protection, Protection in the Subconscious, Unconscious, & Underworld, Fertility, Money, Health, Love

MARSHMALLOW ROOT- Boundaries, Love, Protection, Strength, Emotional Balance

MEADOWSWEET- Divination, Harmony, Peace, Love, 3rd Chakra

MILK THISTLE- Creativity, Protection, Dispell, Transformation

MOTHERWORT- Balances Within, Self Empowerment, 2nd Chakra

MUGWORT- Purification, Clearing, Sleep, Visions, Opens one to the teachings of the Subconscious & Unconscious Self, Dream Clarity & Rememberance, 6th & 7th Chakras

MULLEIN LEAF- Courage, Health, Opens Life Energy flow through the body

MYRRH GUM POWDER & RESIN TEARS- Protection, Purification,
Sets Sacred Space, Ancient Wisdom

NETTLES- Exorcism, Healing, Protection, Abundance,3rd & 6th Chakra

PAU D\’ARCO- Fertility, Wards off Negativity, Clears

PEPPERMINT- Love, Psychic Ability, Healing, Clears Energy & Space

RASBERRY LEAF- Love, Protection, Spirit of Center, Spring Equinox

RED CLOVER BLOSSEMS- Abundance, Love, Money, Protection, Success, Summer Solstice

RED ROOT- Clears Energy, Dispells

ROSEBUDS- Abundance, Attraction, Healing, Love, Luck, Prosperity

ROSEHIPS- Abundance, Strength, Fall Equinox Ceremony

ROSEMARY- Exorcism, Mental Clarity, Psychic Ability, Healing, Spirit of South, Purification

SAGE, GARDEN- Clears, Healing, Immortality, Inner Guide, Longevity, Protection, Purication, Vision, Wisdom

SAGE, WHITE- Clears, Healing, Immortality, Inner Guide, Longesvity, Protection, Purification, Vision, Wisdom

SARSPARILLA- Inner Strength, Grounding, Purification

SPEARMINT- Clarity, Love, Mental Ability

SWEETGRASS- Bringer of Positive Energy, Clears, Seals In,
burned after White Sage which clears, the sweetgrass is
the Bringer, Spirit of East

TURMERIC- Purification(used with sea salt), Fortification, Strength, Clears Aggression

UVA URSI- Boundaries, Clears blockages, Psychic Workings

VALERIAN ROOT- Protection, Self Esteem, Sleep

WHITE WILLOW- Sacred Earth Connection between human & Earth & Spirit, Healing, Protection, Spirit of East

WILD LETTUCE- Love Divination, Protection, Sleep, Opens to the deeper consciousness, Attunes to Deeper Meanings

WILD YAM- Fortification, Grounding, Release, 1st Chakra

WINTERGREEN- Hex-Breaking, Protection, Good Fortune, Opens Channels

WITCH HAZEL- Healing, Protection

WORMWOOD- Calling Spirits, Psychic Ability, Protection

YARROW- Spirit of South, Courage, Clears, Stimulates Movement

YELLOWDOCK ROOT- Clears stuck energy, Fortification

YERBA SANTA- Clears Channel to Divine Life Force, Healing, Protection, Psychic Ability

Witch’s Rosary

Witch’s Rosary

If these beads sound familiar, it is because they have been borrowed
from The Christian Rosary. And why not? Christians have always
borrowed from Pagans when it comes to spirituality, so why not
borrow back? Remember, all the Gods are One God.

The Rosary was invented in the Middle Ages as a devotion to Mary,
the mother of Jesus. Although the Church is quick to define Mary as
simply “first among the saints,” it is clear the common people from
the first century CE onwards saw Mary as the continuation of the
Queen of Heaven: Astarte in Palestine, or Isis in Egypt. It is
fitting, then, to adapt a Marian devotion for honor to the Goddess,
the Queen of Heaven. These beads honor the Goddess in her three-
fold, or triple, nature as Maiden, Mother, and Crone.

The components of a Witch Rosary are:

1) Moonstone (The Moon)
2) Hematite (Fire)
3) Crystal Quartz (Air)
4) Earth Stone (Earth)
5) Lapis Lazuli (Water)
6) Amber (Sun)
7) Birthstone (Stars)
8) Ankh, as pendant or buckle

Substitutions may be made as follows:

Substitutions may be made as follows:

1) Opal, Mother of Pearl
2) Flame Agate
3) Crystal
4) Emerald
5) Blue Amethyst
6) Chrysolite
7) Gem with a Natural Star
8) No substitute for the Ankh

If worn as a necklace, the stones may be separated by knots in the
cord, or there may be three silver beads between each stone.

If it is worn as a belt, there may be three wooden beads between
each of the leather pouches that holds a stone; these wooden beads
may in turn be separated by knots in the leather cord (usually), if
a cord is used.

You will need:

13 white 8mm beads for the Maiden
13 red 8mm beads for the Mother
13 black mm beads for the Crone
1 silver 10mm bead representing the Full Moon
52 silver spacer beads
(class “E” 6/0) representing the Moonlight.
Nylon thread: white or ecru, or color of choice

You may begin and end stringing anywhere in the loop, but the tie-
off is
less visible in the midst of the black beads.

The silver Moon bead is separated from the White Maiden beads by
four (4) silver spacer beads. Each white Maiden bead is followed by
one silver spacer bead, but the thirteenth bead is followed by four
(4) spacer beads. Then come the red Mother beads, each followed by
one silver spacer, but the 13th bead is followed by four (4)
spacers. Then come the black Crone beads, each followed by one
silver bead, but the 13th is followed by four (4) spacers. And so we
are back at the silver Moon bead. In other words, beads of the same
color are separated by one spacer. The three sets of beads and the
larger Moon bead are separated by four spacers. Thirteen (13) beads
are used in each set to signify the thirteen months of the lunar
year. The silver spacers represent moonlight issuing from the Full
Moon bead throughout the life cycle of Maiden, Mother, Crone.
Prayers are said on each bead, while meditating on the mysteries of
the Triple Goddess, and the experience of the human life cycle. Men
may wish to make a devotion to the Horned God, and honor the life
cycle of Youth, Father, and Sage.

Prayers for your witch’s Rosary

On the silver Moon Bead say:
Blessed Mother, come to me,
and cast your lovely, silver light.
Un-cloud your face that I may see
unveiled, its shining in the night.
Triple Goddess, Blessed Be,
and Merry Meet, my soul’s delight!

On the space say:

I bind unto my self today the
Fertility of the Maiden.

Meditate of the Presence of the Maiden. On each Maiden Bead say:

Maiden daughter, sister, lover,
White-light, Night-light, love’s embrace;
Seeking love, we find each other
By the radiance of your face.

On the space say:

I bind unto myself today the
Power of the Mother.

Meditate on the Presence of the Mother. On each Mother Bead say:

Mother of all, radiant, beaming,
Full and heavy womb with expectation bright;
Be present here, full moonlight gleaming,
And bless your child with truth and light.

On the space say:

I bind unto myself today the
Wisdom of the Crone.

Meditate on the Presence of the Crone. On each Crone Bead say:

Crone now stands in moonlight gleaming,
Starlit night and silver hair;

Peace and wisdom from you streaming,
Goddess, keeper of our care.

On the space say:

I bind unto myself today the
Fertility, Power, and Wisdom of the Goddess.

On the silver Moon Bead conclude:

Blessed Mother, stay by me,
and cast your lovely, silver light.
Un-cloud your face that I may see
unveiled, its shining in the night.
Triple Goddess, Blessed Be,
and Merry Meet, my soul’s delight!
So Mote it be!

The Meanings of the Pentacle

The Meanings of the Pentacle

The Elemental Pentacle

Each point of the star represents an element. Earth,Water,Fire,Air,and Spirit.The circle surrounding represents all these aspects working
together to create the natural cycle of life on Earth.

The Stages of Life Pentacle

Each point of the star represents one stage of life. Birth,
adolescense(Maiden/Son), nurturer (Mother/Father), wisdom(Crone/Sage),and death. The circle surrounding represents these stages creating the cycle of individual life.

The Human Pentacle

If we hold our arms out to either side, while standing or lying with our feet apart, we are a star. The circle surrounding reminds us that we are in perfect balance (or at least strive to be) as the star.

The Inverted Pentacle

The upside down star represents the face of the Horned God, he who is the animal that gives his life so others can eat.The circle is the cycle of the food chain.

from another group.
author unknown

Storing Your Magick Stuff

Storing Your Magick Stuff

If you’re anything like me, over time you have accumulated a mixed collection of herbs, oils and incenses. What do you do with it all? Stuff everything into a shoe-box, still in their original packages? Or display it on an altar? Whatever your storage method, you might want to think about what is best for the items, rather than what is best for you. Herbs can go stale, oils can go rancid and incense can go bland, if left in the wrong conditions for any length of time.

If you are using fresh herbs for tea or ritual, then you should be using them up as quickly as possible. But dried herbs are a more common magickal item. The biggest problem facing dried herbs is exposure to air. Herbs will lose their aroma, texture and potency if left in the open air for even short periods of time. You shouldn’t leave your herbs in those little plastic bags from the herb store. They are prone to leaking, and your herbs will go stale in no time. The best way to store dried herbs is in jars with tight lids, and preferably stored in a dark place.

All oils, whether they are plain essential oils or custom ritual blends, should be kept out of the light. Good quality oils are usually sold in amber or cobalt blue bottles which are perfect to keep the oil at its best. Oils in these bottles can even be stored out on your altar, though I would keep them out of direct sunlight. Any oils that are in plain clear bottles should be either transfered to the darker bottles, or kept under wraps.

I used to store my incense sticks in the long bags I purchase them in, all bundled together in a box. Well, I ended up with a whole bunch of incense sticks that smelled the same. Even with the plastic bags, the scents blended and mingled until every stick had a pleasant but unidentifiable aroma. I have since purchased tall plastic containers designed for holding spaghetti. These work great, but they can get cumbersome if you have a lot of incense.

Overall, your supplies will last longer if you keep them protected and out of sight. If you like to keep your altar decorated with your supplies, you might want to select a few things for display only and not use them for ritual.

Correspondences of the Elements

Correspondences of the Elements

Earth’s Correspondences:
Direction: North.
Earth Rules: The Body and Nature, manifestation, physicality, fertility, birth, death, healing, rocks, trees, animals, vegetation, mystery, silence, growth, crystals, common sense, empathy, grounding, employment, stability, success, runes, strength, practical wisdom, mystery, metals. Is the element that is most stable and dependable. It represents abundance, prosperity, and wealth, and is creative but in a practical, physical manner. Earth, that which sustains all life and on which the other elements rely.
Time: Midnight.
Season: Winter.
Colors: Deep earth tones, Green, brow, black, gold and white.
Zodiac: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.
Tools: Pentacle, salt, images, stones, cord magick.
Chakra: Root.
Virtues: Being centered, patience, truth, thorough and dependable.
Vices: Dullness, laziness, inconsiderate.
Posture: (Arms extended) Palms down.
Season of Life: Death/rebirth.
Animal: Bull, cow, stag, deer, snakes, bear, bison, dog, horse, gopher, ant, wolf.
Elemental Spirits: Gnomes, dwarfs.
Gems: Rock crystal, emerald, jet, tourmaline, quartz, tourmalated quartz, rutilated quartz, granite, bedrock, salt, peridot, onyx, jasper, azurite, amethyst.
Sense: Touch.
Goddesses: Hathor, Ceres, Gaia, Bo-Ann, Cerridwyn, Demeter, Gaia, Persephone, Epona, Kore and Rhiannon.
Gods:Adonis, Athos, Arawyn, Cernunnos, Dionysus, Herne, Marduk, Pan, Tammuz, Thor.
Types of Magick: Gardening, grounding, magnet, image, stone, tree, knot, binding.
Energy: Receptive, feminine.
Metals: Iron, lead.
Plants: Cedar, cypress, comfrey, honeysuckle, ivy, grains, magnolia, patchouly, primrose, sage, vetivert, nuts, oak.

Air’s Correspondences:
Direction: East.
Air Rules: The mind, clarity, discernment, wisdom, knowledge, abstract thinking, logic, the spoken word, the wind, breath. Intellect and theory. It is creative and is that which causes magickal intentions to become manifest. It is also associated with higher consciousness and wisdom, divination, and purification, mental and psychic work, intuition. Clouds, inspiration, hearing, herbal knowledge, plant growth, freedom, revealing truth, finding lost things, instruction, telepathy, memory, learning the secrets of the dead, Zen meditation, new beginnings and illuminations.
Time: Dawn.
Season: Spring.
Colors: All light hues, colors found at dawn. White, yellow, light blue, lavender, gray.
Zodiac: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.
Tools: Athame, sword, censer and incense.
Chakra: Third Eye.
Virtues: Intelligence, practical, optimistic.
Vices: Impulsive, frivolous, easily fooled.
Posture: (Arms raised) Palms parallel.
Season of Life: Youth.
Elemental Spirits: Sylphs/Fairies.
Gems: Topaz, amber, citron, mica, fluorite, crystals, amethyst, yellow or blue stones.
Sense: Smell.
Goddesses: Arianrhod, Nuit, Iris, Ostara; Goddesses of dawn and spring, Aradia, Athena and Urania.
Gods: Mercury, Hermes, Shu, and Thoth.
Types of Magick: Divination, concentration, karma. Prophecy, visualization and wind magick.
Energy: Projective.
Metals: Tin and copper.
Plants: Acacia, anise, aspen, benzoin, clover, frankincense, lavender, lemongrass, myrrh, pine, vervain and yarrow.

Animals: Birds, Eagle and hawk in particular. Insects and spiders.

Fire’s Correspondences:
Direction: South.
Fire Rules: Energy, will, healing, destruction, courage, strength, physical exercise, self-knowledge, loyalty, vision, illumination, power and passion, authority, transformation, purification, heat, flame, embers, lifeblood. Fire is associated with change and passion. It is both physical and spiritual, being related to sexuality and to divinity. Fire magick is quickly manifested and filled with primal energy.
Time: Noon.
Season: Summer.
Colors: Colors of flame as well as the noonday sun, Red, red-orange; fiery colors, gold and white.
Zodiac: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.
Tools: Censer, athame, wand, candles, dagger, burned herbs or requests on paper.
Chakra: Solar Plexus.
Virtues: Courage, enthusiasm and willpower.
Vices: Anger, jealousy and hatred.
Posture: (Arms over head) Forming triangle.
Season of Life: Maturity.
Animal: Lion, horse, lizards, salamander, snakes, praying mantis, ladybug, bee, scorpion, shark, phoenix, coyote, fox.
Elemental Spirits: Salamanders.
Gems: Fire opal, ruby, carnelian, garnet, red jasper, bloodstone, lava, quartz crystals, tigers eye, rhodochrosite, agates.
Sense: Sight.
Goddesses: Sekhmet, Pele, Vesta, Aradia, Ameratsu, Lucina. Brigit, Freya, Hestia, Pele and Vesta.
Gods: Vulcan, Ra, Agni, Hepaetstus, and Horus.
Types of Magick: Candle, storm, time.
Energy: Projective, masculine.
Metals: Gold, brass.
Plants: Allspice, basil, cinnamon, garlic, hibiscus, juniper, lime, nettle, onion, orange, red peppers, red poppies, thistle.

Water’s Correspondences:
Direction: West.
Water Rules: Emotion, Intuition, psychic abilities, love, deep feelings, the unconscious, the womb, generation, fertility, water of all kinds, tides, the Moon, menstrual blood, amniotic fluid, saliva, the third eye, wisdom, vision quests, self-healing, sorrow, reflection.
Time: Twilight.
Season: Autumn.
Colors: All blue-green-black hues, corresponding to the colors of water, gray, indigo, aquamarine, white.
Zodiac: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.
Tools: Chalice, cauldron and mirrors.
Chakra: Heart.
Virtues: Love, compassion, receptivity, flexibility and forgiveness.
Vices: Indifference, depression and instability.
Posture: (Arms extended) Palms up.
Season of Life: Old Age.
Animal: Sea serpents, leviathan of the deep, dragons, fish, sea lions,
creatures of water all fish, shellfish and sea mammals, sea birds, cat, frog, turtle, swan, bear.
Elemental Spirits: Undines, mermaids.
Gems: Aquamarine, beryl, opal, amethyst, blue tourmaline, pearl, coral, blue topaz, blue fluorite, lapis lazuli, sodalite.
Sense: Taste.
Goddesses: Aphrodite, Tiamat, Mari, Yemaya, Isis, Ran, and Kupala.
Gods: Dylan, Ea, Manannan, Osiris, Neptune, Poseidon, Varuna.
Types of Magick: Magick involving the sea, snow or ice, mirror, magnet, rain, cleansing and purification.
Energy: Receptive, feminine.
Metals: Mercury, silver, copper.
Plants: Aloe, apple, catnip, chamomile, ferns, gardenia, lemon, lettuce, lilac, lily of the valley, lotus, mosses, orris, passion. Flower, rose, seaweeds, thyme, valerian, water lilies, all water plants, willow tree.

Spirit Correspondences:
Goddess, transcendence, immanence, omnipresence, the void, all and nothing, within and without, the center of the universe and the Self.
Location/ Direction: Center; up, down and all around.
Color: Purple or white, rainbow, black.
Season: The cycle itself.
Season of Life: All life, life beyond death, rebirth.
Time: Beyond time, the Lunar and Solar cycles.
Magickal Tool: Cauldron.
Animal: Owl and Sphinx.
Gems: Diamond and amethyst.
Sense: Hearing.
Goddesses: Isis, Cerridwyn, Shekinah, your personal matron deity.

How many members of your sign does it take to change a light bulb?

How many members of your sign does it take to change a light bulb?

Aries: Just one. You want to make something of it?

Taurus: One, but just “try” to convince them that the burned-out bulb is useless and should be thrown away.

Gemini: Two, but the job never gets done — they just keep arguing about who is supposed to do it and how it’s supposed to be done.

Cancer: Just one. But it takes a therapist three years to help them through the grief process.

Leo: Leo’s don’t change light bulbs, although sometimes their agent will get a Virgo in to do the job for them while they’re out.

Virgo: Approximately 1.000000000000000000 with an error of 1 millionth.

Libra: Er, two. Or maybe one. No — on second thought, make that two. Is that okay with you?

Scorpio: That information is strictly secret and shared only with the Enlightened Ones in the Star Chamber of the Ancient Hierarchical Order.

Sagittarius: The sun in shining, the day is young, we’ve got our whole lives ahead of us, and you’re inside worrying about a stupid burned-out light bulb?

Capricorn: I don’t waste my time with these childish jokes.

Aquarius: Well, you have to remember that everything is energy, so…..

Pisces: Light bulb? What light bulb?

The Ultra-Sensitive Person: Staying Centered and Feeling Safe when the World Overwhelms You

The Ultra-Sensitive Person: Staying Centered and Feeling Safe when the World Overwhelms You
by Roger Easterbrooks

Do you experience a heightened sensitivity to certain noises, light, foods, groups of people, other people’s edges or emotions, or does everyday life feel like just too much stimulus? Do you have frequent feelings of overwhelm and panic? If you experience any one (or more) of the preceding or following indicators then you are likely an Ultra-Sensitive Person (USP):

easily tired
panic/anxiety attacks
labeled as to “sensitive” or “thin skinned” or “emotional”
overwhelmed by being “out in the world”
overly attentive to what is going on all around you
urge to hide in a quiet, sometimes dark, room when things are too much
cancel or don’t make plans with others
affected by other people’s moods
highly allergic to foods and environmental conditions
exceptionally intuitive and artistic

Being ultra-sensitive means you pick up on most of the subtleties around you, no matter what they are. This is because you are “deeply tuned-in”. When the stimuli from these many levels begins to feel too much, a state of overwhelm can happen. You start to operate from a “survival” mode. For example, to cope with the situation you may retreat to be alone in a quiet and darkened room. This is a place where you can regroup and calm down an over-activated nervous system.

Ultra-Sensitive People are neither better nor more conscious than anyone else. They do experience things more intensely and are aware of more of the subtleties in the environment than non- USP’s. Some people are ultra-sensitive in only a few areas of their life, like flying in an airplane, or being in a small cramped space. Others are ultra-sensitive in most or all areas of their lives. This is, I believe, based on your birth (karmic as well as physical), developmental growth and life experiences.

Being Ultra-sensitive is actually a gift, although it does not always feel that way. You have probably been criticized and shamed, for the way you have lived or not lived your life. You may have been called too sensitive, emotional, thin-skinned, a complainer, or one who is never satisfied. The story of The Princess and the Pea mirrors an ultra-sensitive’s character (most often related to women). For men, especially, the title may be “cry baby”. These shame-laden labels can tarnish one’s life. Yet the biggest tragedy comes when you hide or suppress your awareness of the information that this gift reveals to you.

So lets spend some time inside such a person, which is rich and bountiful. Remember you need not have all these indicators be true to be ultra-sensitive. There is a heightened sensitivity to the environment. It is challenging to be in the outside world where your input sensors can be easily over stimulated. You are very intuitive, even prophetic. You know what other people are feeling; your interpretations of such messages are not always accurate, but you know when something is up. Other’s moods affect you. You love very deeply and fully. You can be overly conscientious. When you reach the overwhelm stage you usually retreat into a dark room or any place away from the situation that has pushed you over the line. You can be sensitive to light, noise, and foods. If you go to the mall on a busy shopping day, you feel it as a massive input of stimuli where others may only be mildly distracted. When you get overwhelmed you respond as if your survival is at stake. In fact, panic/anxiety attacks are a common response to the overwhelm situation. Then it is “run for cover”, or for some of us it may even be “go, go, go, do, do, do” even more and try to kill the sensations in that manner. Addictions are born from not being able to tolerate these overwhelmed feelings.

How does one get to be this sensitive? Some of us are born this way – we come in with a different neurological perspective. Some of us are traumatized in the early stages of development and become sensitive, example sexual abuse, or later in life such as fighting in a war (Post-Traumatic Stress). Others get these sensitivities from a skip in their central nervous system, such as a physical abnormality (Mitral Valve Prolaspe) or chemical and food allergies. Whether you are ultra sensitive in certain areas of your life or in all areas isn’t the only point, for the area you are ultra sensitive in is the place where overwhelm is possible, unless you learn to put a dimmer switch on your central nervous system and sensory awareness. How is it for an Ultra-Sensitive on the job? It is best to find a work environment where you can have your own space to operate. You will not be the most social one at the company water cooler and will tend to shy away from a lot of contact in large groups. You are very good at what you do the more you are left alone. But this also can bring in the feeling of loneliness. Do you make contact – jump into the game – and risk having to cut out early or have a panic attack? It is hard to make good decisions if you are busy dealing with staying alive from having too much input. Because you tend to be very good at what you do, people will come to you for assistance and in that case you will receive the acknowledgment you want but at the possible high cost of having too much contact. Any job where your co-workers can have free access to you will be very challenging. You may not feel like you can escape if the need arises. Here again is the basic challenge for the Ultra-Sensitive person; which is when things get to be too much and you need to withdraw will you have the ok-ness within yourself to do what you need. Of course your responsibility is to develop skills that will help you tolerate the sensations of overwhelm. It is also helpful to learn how much and what types of information you can take in before overwhelm happens. In that way you will be able to take a break and in that way reduce the possibility of over stimulation.

Your social and intimate relationships provide you with a great opportunity to enjoy the richness of you sensitivities. They also provide you with situations where you can become even more easily over stimulated. Your ability to tune in to what others are feeling and what they need can be a great asset in any relationship. But this gift must be used wisely. The down side is that you can give yourself away or be intrusive on another’s space. Clear communication as to what is happening for us is most helpful. For when you go into overwhelm others may see you as being narcissistic. But what is actually happening is that you have gone into survival mode and that means by its very nature that you can only pay attention to yourself. At these times it may be necessary to take time alone away from as much external stimuli as possible. This needs to be presented as a way of taking care of yourself so that you can come to terms with exactly want your overwhelm is about. Once you are out of overwhelm then you can return to your regular mode of making contact and interacting.

Boundaries are also very different for Ultra-Sensitive People. Even when you are clear as to where the other person is and you know what your stand is, you can usually still feel the other almost like it is yourself anyway. That means you have a very unique opportunity to learn about how to stay with yourself as well as to be deeply connected with another. This line is a thin one, between you and another, and it is easy to cross over and believe that you have lost yourself. Sometimes it is true you do lose yourself and at other times that is not. You are totally with yourself but still acutely aware of the other as well. I feel this may be a slightly different perspective on boundaries that many psychological therapies don’t acknowledge.

There are several basic approaches to the question “How can I turn down my overly sensitive nature?”. I offer consultation on all the levels of attention needed in this experience physical, emotional, and spiritual as well how to find the appropriate practitioners in your area.

Roger Easterbrooks M.B.A., Registered Movement Therapist, is an ultra-sensitive. He is trained in intuitive and traditional techniques of healing. Some of the methods he uses are movement education, breath and emotional release work, and compassionate conversation. He is the creator of the Heart of Intimacy Relationship Intensive. He can be reached at (206) 264-5066, www.ultra-sensitive.com, or blessroger@seanet.com

Article Courtesy of:
(C) groups.yahoo.com/group/Spiritually_Speaking : )
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Aromatherapy in the Kitchen

Aromatherapy in the Kitchen

With so many essential oils having powerful antibacterial and
antiseptic qualities, use in the kitchen seems a very “natural” thing
to do! The scent from these natural cleaners is also a bonus, as we
don’t have to contend with the chemicals wafting around our
environment. We use these oils to wash down countertops after
cooking, chopping boards after cutting up meats, in the wash water
when washing the floor, walls or cupboards, cleaning the fridge or
freezer, its amazing!

When we cook, rising up in the steam are those tiny little molecules
of fat, which carry the scent of the food you are cooking. While this
is appetizing at the time, we don’t really want these smells to
linger by attaching themselves to our curtains, our clothing and our
furniture and carpeting. Blending essential oils of rosemary,
eucalyptus, lime, lavender or lemon (use one or all!) into a spray
bottle with a little alcohol and water makes a wonderfully air
cleansing room spray. The aromatic molecules of the essential oils
actually surround and deodorize those smelly little fat molecules,
rather then just covering them up like so many commercial, chemically
based synthetic sprays do. All the while these essential oils are
also helping to destroy any airborne bacteria that may have been
tracked home from school or the office, and are just waiting for
someone’s immune system to drop down so they can attack!!!

In the final rinse water for the cleaning of the refrigerator, a
drop or 2 of any of the citrus essential oils (orange, lemon,
grapefruit) will help to deodorize without permeating your food.

Washing down the counters and cupboards requires some serious
bacteria fighters, to make sure there are no surprises lingering on
your cooking and preparation surfaces. The following oils can be
dropped directly onto your cloth or combined to make 7-8 drops into
your rinse water (this is our favorite, as you get to enjoy the scent
of the molecules rising on the steam from the hot water!). Again, the
citrus oils are wonderful as well as thyme, pine, lavender and
eucalyptus (these can also calm you down and clear your nose if you
have a cold!).

Even doing dishes can be a little more fun (can we say those two
words in relation to one another?) when you add 10 drops of lemon,
grapefruit or bitter orange to your dish soap. You may not want to
sing and dance upon completion, but at least your psyche will be
suitably calmed and rejuvenated!

With so many essential oils having powerful antibacterial and
antiseptic qualities, use in the kitchen seems a very “natural” thing
to do! The scent from these natural cleaners is also a bonus, as we
don’t have to contend with the chemicals wafting around our
environment. We use these oils to wash down countertops after
cooking, chopping boards after cutting up meats, in the wash water
when washing the floor, walls or cupboards, cleaning the fridge or
freezer, its amazing!

From thymeforherbsandaromatherepy group

Today We Honor The Goddess Danu

The Goddess Danu

As the mother of the gods, Danu has strong parallels with the Welsh literary figure (or goddess) Dôn, who is the mother figure of the medieval tales in the Mabinogion.

Danu was considered as the mythic mother goddess of the Tuatha Dé Danann, the Celtic tribes that first invaded Ireland. The Celts, also on the continent, had several goddesses, also of war. “Apart from these goddesses of war, there were other Amazonian figures who led armies into battle. Often they were also endowed with legendary sexual prowess…” “The Celts included the cult of the mother goddess in their rites, as archeological evidence testifies. Indeed, the Tuatha Dé were the descendants of the goddess Danu, and in some local instances, the ruler of the otherworld was a goddess, rather than a god, just as some folktales represented the otherworld as ‘the Land of Women’. Danu may be connected with Bridget, daughter of Kildare and of learning, culture and skills. She was known as Brigantia in northern England, and survived as St Bride in Christianity”

Test Your Cat Knowledge

Test Your Cat Knowledge

  • Cherise Udell

Feline Muse by Cherise Udell

Since so many people enjoyed my first Cat Quiz in “What Is Your Cat IQ?” I thought I’d put forth round two of quizzing your cat knowledge. So, invite a purring pussy cat onto your lap and take this informative quiz together.


1. All cats have retractable claws. True or False?

False. Cheetahs do not retract their claws.


2. Myth, legend, and folklore surround the Maine Coon Cat. One legend claims these cats are the descendants of a cat belonging to Marie Antoinette. True or False?

True. According to legend, a ship captain named Samuel Clough attempted to help Marie Antoinette escape France, but was only able to save her cats. He sailed to America and left the kitties in Maine.


3. One cat can give birth to over 400 kittens in her lifetime. True of False?

True. A tabby named Dusty delivered 420 documented kittens in her lifetime. Hopefully, Dusty didn’t have to name them all!


4. Ailurophobia means “fear of cats.” True or False?


5. Genghis Khan, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Napoleon Bonaparte, Benito Mussolini and Adolph Hilter all hated cats. True or False?

True All of these men, who sought to dominate the world, did share a hatred of felines. Hmmmmm….


6. Feeding dog food to a cat on a regular basis can cause blindness in the cat. True or False?

True. Dog food typically lacks taurine, a nutrient essential for cat eye and heart health.


7. Carrots are toxic to cats. True or false?

False. But onions, green tomatoes, raw egg yolk, raw potatoes, grapes, raisins, poinsettias, philodendrons, dental floss, and aspirin can all cause havoc on a cat’s digestive system and health.

8. A group of kittens is called a litter. True or False?

False. Everyone I know refers to a group of kittens as a “litter,” however the proper term is “kindle.”

9. The world’s largest feral cat population is in Egypt. True or False?

False. The largest feral cat population is in Rome. Over 300,000 feral cats call famous Roman landmarks such as the Coliseum and Vatican City, home.

10. An ancient Chinese legend maintains that the cat is the result of a romantic tryst between a lioness and a monkey. True or False?

True. The legend suggests that the lioness endowed her offspring with dignity, while the monkey passed on curiosity and playfulness. I would have never thought that one up myself, but now that the Chinese mention it, it makes lots of sense!


How did you do? Did any of these answers surprise you? Have you ever heard the term “kindle” used to refer to a group of kittens? I am sure with a little creativity, we all could come up with a significantly more descriptive and endearing term to describe such cuteness!

Can You Have Too Many Cats?

Can You Have Too Many Cats?

  • Nicolas, selected from petMD

By Dr. Justine Lee, PetMD

Do I really need to answer this question? (And yes, I realize this blog will piss off people who own more than 6 cats!)

Unfortunately, I do.

Years ago, I had two women who brought their cat into the emergency room at the University of Pennsylvania. Both women reeked so badly of cat urine, I couldn’t even close the exam door due to my eyes burning from the ammonia smell. When I asked these women some questions about the cat’s environment, they couldn’t answer how many cats they had. I asked, “10? 20? 60? 100?” Their reply? “Over 100.”

These two women, who were cat hoarders, didn’t notice that their cat was ill until it was on death’s door, since they had so many in their “environment.” This cat was severely dehydrated, emaciated, and had a body condition score of 1 out of 9. This cat weighed just under five pounds (instead of nine), and was so lethargic it couldn’t even lift its head. (It ultimately died despite several days of hospitalization and life-saving care.)

So, can you imagine having so many cats that it prevents you from adequately being able to care for your pets?


You may hear of the occasional crazy “hoarder” revealed on the news — people with underlying mental disorders who live with a hundred cats hidden in their house (hopefully nowhere near your neighborhood). Sadly for the cats, the m.o. of your cat lovin’, urine-smelling, disheveled animal hoarder is quite sad. Most hoarders are unmarried and live alone (and you thought it was hard to find a date with just two cats…). Hoarders also come from all different socioeconomic backgrounds and typically are over sixty years of age. To top it off, over three-fourths of hoarders are females, once again giving the single white female a bad rap. Some more scary numbers?

  • In 69% percent of hoarding cases, animal urine and feces was found accumulated in living areas.
  • More than one in four (> 25%) of hoarders’ beds are soiled with animal feces.
  • 80% of reported cases had dead or sick animals present in the house.
  • 60% of hoarders didn’t acknowledge that they had dead or sick animals in the house.
  • Over 65% of hoarding cases involve cats (although some also hoard small dogs and rabbits).

While most hoarders don’t read my blog, my general advice to any cat owner is this: I usually recommend no more than four to five cats total. Sometimes I offend my fellow veterinarians, veterinary technicians, and friends when I tell them my cut-off for crazy is six cats. After that, I think it’s medically unhealthy.

If this pisses you off, I’m sorry, but I’m looking out for the welfare of the cats and dogs here. Try finding a veterinarian who has that many. It’s rare — we know that having this many cats can result in severe behavioral problems. Of course, if you ask ten different vets, you may get ten different answers. That said, until those nine other vets write an opinionated blog about it, I still recommend no more than four or five cats per household.

So what’s the problem with having so many cats? Animal behavior specialists often see more problems in multicat households. Having too many cats may result in urination problems (i.e., not in the litter box!), intercat fighting and attacking, and difficulty in monitoring general health. For example, checking the litter box to see if one cat has a urinary tract infection is more difficult when you have six cats.

So how many cats should you get? I have to say that I initially enjoyed having a one cat household. That is, until I experienced a two-cat household. Now I’m a firm believer in having two cats together. Seamus, my 13-year old, grey and white tabby, was more friendly and affectionate to humans (more to the point — me!) as an only child. When I adopted Echo (who sadly, passed away in April from severe heart disease), I got less “loving” from Seamus. He wanted to spend all his time playing with Echo instead. Echo and Seamus played together (constantly), slept together, wrestled together, and loved each other up. Once Seamus and Echo befriended each other, I was officially demoted to the source of food and to litter box duty. Seamus’ quality of life, social skills, and exercise level definitely improved while he had Echo in his life. After seeing this, I do firmly believe that cats do benefit from having a companion to play with. *Note, a companion or two — not six or one hundred.

I’ve been fortunate to have cats that get along (despite the first few tumultuous days of hissing and cat introductions). For that reason, yes, I support having afew feline friends together.

What is Really in Your Pet’s Commercial Food?

What is Really in Your Pet’s Commercial Food?

  • Eden, selected from AllThingsHealing.com

Love ‘Em Like Family, Feed ‘Em Like Family: What is Really in Your Pet’s Commercial Food?
by Jonathan Reynolds, Contributor to Animals & Pets on All Things Healing

If dogs and cats were capable of visiting the places where commercial pet food comes from, would they still want to eat it? It’s perhaps an interesting question, but realistically, most dogs and cats will never visit a factory farm over the course of their lives. They rely entirely on their human caretakers to research, understand, and decide what’s best for them.

Ingredients on pet food containers are listed in decreasing order according to weight. Meats which tend to sponge up water, such as chicken, are usually higher on the list when it comes to canned foods, even though the actual amount of meat may be less. Wet foods are especially beneficial to cats for this reason, as they have a tendency to not realize when they become dehydrated. Dry food generally has less water, more plant material, and more calories for energy. Wet food tends to have more protein, but it is also usually more expensive and must be refrigerated after opening.

One ingredient typically found in commercial pet food for both dogs and cats, known as “meat by-products”, consists of dead animal pieces mostly deemed unfit for human consumption. According to bornfree.org, “about 50% of every food animal does not get used in human foods. Whatever remains of the carcass — heads, feet, bones, blood, intestines, lungs, spleens, livers, ligaments, fat trimmings, unborn babies, and other parts not generally consumed by humans — is used in pet food, animal feed, fertilizer, industrial lubricants, soap, rubber, and other products.”

Meat meals, poultry meals, by-product meals, and meat-and-bone meal are also common ingredients in dry pet foods. Meals go through a “rendering” process which requires the dead carcasses to be boiled for several hours to separate fat and proteins. Because rendering must be gentle enough to remove the valuable nutrients intact, there is the possibility that the end-product might carry biological pathogens.

Some preservatives used in dry pet food are worth avoiding, such as butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), propyl gallate, propylene glycol, and ethoxyquin (pdf), all of which are used frequently.

Animals living on factory farms are regularly injected with antibiotics. The FDA estimates that in 2009, around 29 million pounds of antibiotics were pumped into farm animals by the meat industry.

Pet food is frequently the target of recalls (pdf). Between 2006 and 2007, 60 million containers of 180 different brands of pet food and treats, produced by 12 different manufacturers, were recalled due to the intentional contamination of wheat gluten and rice protein imported from two Chinese companies. This recall is considered to be the largest in US history.

Taking all of this into consideration, combined with our knowledge of what regularly goes on in factory farms, what options do vegetarians and vegans have if they want happiness and health for their non-human companions, but also want to avoid supporting the meat industry? Meatless alternatives exist for both cats and dogs, but both animals and their specific dietary requirements differ greatly.

Dogs are technically classified as carnivores; however, they do exceedingly well as omnivores too, and there are many examples of dogs living long, healthy lives as vegetarians.

An adult dog needs fats (energy and vitamins), carbohydrates (energy), vitamins, and proteins, all of which should be found in any quality vegetarian pet food. Protein is made up of amino acids, of which there are 23 different kinds (pdf), 13 that a dog can create, 10 which the dog needs added to his/her diet. Milk, fish, soy, eggs, beans, legumes, and nut butters are all adequate sources for many of these proteins.

Dogs can eat a variety of vegetables. However, because of their small digestive tracts, steaming vegetables to soften them, or putting them into a liquid form, makes digestion easier. One study (pdf) showed that textured vegetable protein (“soy meat”) is only slightly less digestible in dogs than beef. Veggies that dogs can eat include: broccoli, carrots, cabbage, cucumber, celery, green beans, kale, squash, and spinach. As for fruits, apples, bananas, and watermelon are a good place to start.

Canned vegetarian dog food can be found at most pet stores. Perhaps surprising, it’s not much more expensive than regular food (I purchased a 13 oz. can for only $2 in NY). Some brands of canned vegetarian dog food may be sufficient on their own for maintaining a dog’s health. Try researching different brands via the internet to find the best product for your dog.

There is perhaps more research into homemade and non-commercial vegetarian/vegan dog food than there is of the commercially-produced kind. For example, CNN reported the story of 4-year-old Cleo, who switched to a vegan diet after her caretaker’s vet recommended it to fight an ear infection. Cleo was fed beans, rice, and sweet potatoes for five months. Afterwards, not only was her ear infection gone, but so was her dandruff and bad breath. She also had a shiner coat. Caretakers of vegetarian dogs shared their experiences in James Peden’s 1999 book, “Vegetarian Cats & Dogs”. The health benefits they reported include decreased ectoparasites (fleas, ticks, lice and mites), improved coat condition, allergy control, weight control, decreased arthritis, improved vitality, improved stool odor, and cataract resolution. A two-year study (pdf) conducted by university researchers in 2002 placed young and aging Beagles on a diet of regular dog food, or a fortified diet consisting of d,l-alpha-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E), l-carnitine, d,l-alpha-lipoic acid, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), and 1% inclusions of spinach flakes, tomato pomace, grape pomace, carrot granules, and citrus pulp. The study concluded that such a fortified diet has the potential to drastically reduce cognitive decline in aging animals.

Donna Spector, a veterinary internal medicine specialist who runs SpectorDVM (an animal nutrition consultancy), and six other pet experts who spoke with CNN conceded — some more reluctantly than others — that “most dogs could biologically live on a vegan diet. But doing so requires substantial attention to creating a balanced diet that makes up for the loss of animal protein with substitutions of beans, soy and, to a lesser extent, vegetables and grains.”

Even if one chooses to not make such a dietary change for their companion, at least incorporating more vegetables into meals along with meat and fish can substantially alter their health for the better.

But what about cats?

Cats are obligate carnivores. Because of this, they rely on nutrients typically found in animals: high protein, moderate fat, and minimal carbohydrates. Animal-based proteins also contain taurine, arginine, cysteine, and methionine, all of which are key ingredients for cat nutrition. Lack of taurine can lead a cat to experience heart or respiratory problems, blindness, and even death.

Armaiti May, a certified veterinarian, elaborates on veganhealth.org in further detail where research currently stands on cats and vegetarian/vegan food:

“Cats on a vegan diet can develop abnormally alkaline (high pH) urine due to the more alkaline pH of plant based proteins in comparison to the acidic pH of meat-based foods which cats have evolved to eat. When the urine pH becomes too alkaline, there is an increased risk of formation of struvite (also known as magnesium ammonium phosphate) bladder crystals and/or stones. Calcium oxalate stones can also occur, but these do not occur if the urine is too alkaline, but rather if it is too acidic. Such stones can create irritation and infection of the urinary tract and require veterinary treatment. In male cats who form such crystals or stones, they can suffer more severe consequences than simply irritation or infection of the urinary tract because the stones can actually cause an obstruction of the urethra so the cat cannot urinate. This is a life-threatening emergency requiring immediate veterinary care; this involves passing a urinary catheter to relieve the obstruction, placing an indwelling urinary catheter, and starting supportive intravenous fluid therapy, along with appropriate pain management and antibiotics if indicated. These “blocked” cats frequently need to be hospitalized and monitored closely for several days before they can go home and the associated veterinary fees can easily be between $1000-$1200. The sooner a problem is identified and the cat is treated, the better the prognosis for recovery. Some cats who get blocked repeatedly require a highly specialized (and expensive, ~$2000) surgery called a perineal urethrostomy (PU).

Cat guardians who put their cat on a vegan diet should have their veterinarian check the cat’s urine pH 1-2 weeks after switching them to a vegan diet and then once a month for the first several months to ensure the pH remains stable. If the pH is too high, urinary acidifiers may help the urine pH to become more acidic. Urinary acidifiers that may be used include methionine, vitamin C, and sodium bisulfate. James Peden, author of Vegetarian Cats and Dogs states there are natural urinary acidifiers, including asparagus, peas, brown rice, oats, lentils, garbanzos, corn, Brussels sprouts, lamb’s quarters (the herb Chenopodium album, also known as pigweed), most nuts (except almonds and coconut), grains (not millet), and wheat gluten (used in kibble recipes). Once the pH is regulated, the urine pH should be checked at least twice a year. If a cat shows signs of pain or straining while using the litter box, immediate veterinary attention should be sought. It is important to not supplement the cat’s diet with urinary acidifiers unless it is actually needed because a too acidic pH can cause a different kind of stone to form (calcium oxalate stones). While many cats appear to thrive on a vegan diet, there are also anecdotal reports of cats with recurring urinary tract problems, including infections associated with previous urethral obstructions caused by urinary crystals.

For cat guardians who find it too tedious to monitor their cat’s urine pH, they should perhaps consider feeding a non-vegetarian cat food or not keeping a cat as a companion. […]

Many cats are very picky eaters. Although adding vegan mock meats and nutritional yeast to flavor vegan cat food will encourage many cats to eat it, there may be many cats who still refuse to eat, especially if they are sick. Cats who are anorectic for a prolonged period are at high risk for developing hepatic lipidosis (fatty liver syndrome), a serious condition that requires extensive veterinary care. Some cats may require more patience and a gradual transition from a meat-based diet to a vegan diet if they are accustomed to eating a meat-based diet. Most commercial pet foods contain “digest” which consists of partially digested chicken entrails, that makes the food more palatable.”

Caring for a cat through a vegetarian/vegan diet requires a lot of time and work. The possible health implications could also be fatal if carried out improperly.

In an article posted on the ABC News website in 2009, Eric Weisman, CEO of Evolution Diet Pet Food Corp., a manufacturer of vegan cat and dog food, said in an interview that his company has been in business more than 20 years. “We have dogs over 19 years old in good health. We have cats over 22 years in good health. Our food is 100 percent complete according to state requirements. We have all the proteins and all the fatty acids found in meat-based [foods] but without the cruelty and destruction of the environment.”

If you’re skeptical of a vegetarian/vegan diet for your cat, yet remain concerned about the health effects of commercial pet food, there are still options. If you buy canned meat for your cat, try looking for brands without “meat by-products” added. This may be a bit more expensive (depending), but the long-term health benefits should be worth the investment. Cats also like fish, which is good (in moderation) because it contains beneficial fatty acids.

Take note of your companion’s health before any new diet is introduced, and after a few weeks of the new food, check it again to determine the nutritional impact. Make sure to gradually phase out the old food instead of making a sudden change. Both of the former points apply to cat and dog diet modifications.

Vegetarian/vegan diets cannot be considered healthy without exercise. Always have a dish of fresh water available for dogs and cats. Adequate hydration is critical for the maintenance of good overall health.

Some vegetarian dog and cat food companies also produce canned meat pet food, so if your objective has anything to do with a desire to economically starve the meat industry, keep this in mind. Some pet food companies also test their products on animals, another point worth consideration.

Always consult a veterinarian if you are even the slightest bit unsure of anything regarding your companion’s diet. If possible, ask multiple vets to get a more varied opinion.

And lastly, be sure to do your own research. Vegetarian/vegan pet food is relatively new in the market, at least in a commercial sense. But its presence is a sign that a demand exists, which is definitely a good sign. Hopefully, research will continue and more effective brands will be created and released in the future.

New Moon Report for Jan. 24th – Mars Retrograde

New Moon Report for January 24th

By Jeff Jawer

Mars Retrograde

Monday, January 23

Aggressive Mars, already restrained by its presence in refined Virgo, goes into hibernation during this retrograde period that ends on April 13. Yet tying up loose ends, perfecting skills and streamlining systems are constructive ways to use this transit. Re-establishing healthier routines of diet and exercise makes this an excellent time to get in shape. Delays and complications in completing projects can produce irritation and increase criticism, yet focusing on one task at a time enhances efficiency.

Cosmic Calendar for Tuesday, January 24th

It may be difficult to get your bearings on the first day after Mars has turned retrograde. The fact is that Mars isn’t truly retrograding at all; it is virtually motionless and on the verge of reversing direction. The great reality is that when any celestial body is retrograde, it is moving in counterpoint to the motion of the Sun and Moon – which, from our vantage point, always appear to be moving forward in the zodiac. Therefore, Mars becomes somewhat of a maverick, outlaw, rebel or rabble-rouser when viewed from the solar, lunar and earthly perspectives now that it is no longer direct in motion. Thus, acting in an unruly fashion and calling undue attention to yourself are out-of-bounds – unless you are deliberately looking for trouble. Intensity and shock waves are still on center stage because the Sun parallels distant Pluto (1:22AM PST) while Ceres unites with Uranus in Aries (3:08AM PST). The unknown may temporarily be in the catbird seat and circumstances beyond your control are running the show. Hope that you can somehow be an expert problem-solver and strategist when the Moon in Aquarius unites with Pallas (2:03PM PST). Strive for a loving and peaceful interaction with a significant other this evening during the Moon-Venus parallel (8:31PM PST).