Gentle thoughts for January 6th

Gentle thoughts for today:

1. Birds of a feather flock together and crap on your car.
2. There’s always a lot to be thankful for if you take time to look for it. For example I am sitting here thinking how nice it is that wrinkles don’t hurt.
3. The sole purpose of a child’s middle name is so he can tell when he’s really in trouble.
4. If you can’t be kind, at least have the decency to be vague.
5. Don’t assume malice for what stupidity can explain.
6. A penny saved is a government oversight.
7. The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right time, but also to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.
8. If you can smile when things go wrong, you have someone in mind to blame.
9. The easiest way to find something lost around the house is to buy a replacement.
10. He who hesitates is probably right.
11. If you think there is good in everybody, you haven’t met everybody.
12. Did you ever notice: When you put the 2 words “The” and “IRS” together it spells “THEIRS”?


Oh, My Aging Funny Bone

Astronomy Picture of the Day for January 6th

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Discover the cosmos!Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.

2012 January 6
See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download the highest resolution version available.

A Wide Field Image of the Galactic Center
Image Credit & Copyright: Ivan Eder 


Explanation: From Sagittarius to Scorpius, the central Milky Way is a truly beautiful part of planet Earth’s night sky. The gorgeous region is captured in this wide field image spanning about 30 degrees. The impressive cosmic vista, taken in 2010, shows off intricate dust lanes, bright nebulae, and star clusters scattered through our galaxy’s rich central starfields. Starting on the left, look for the Lagoon and Trifid nebulae, the Cat’s Paw, while on the right lies the Pipe dark nebula, and the colorful clouds of Rho Ophiuchi and Antares (right). The actual center of our Galaxy lies about 26,000 light years.

14 Surprising Uses for Vodka

14 Surprising Uses for Vodka

  • Melissa Breyer

Something akin to what we now know as vodka first appeared in Poland in the 11th century. Called gorzalka, the vodka prototypes were used as medicines. By 1534, a treatise on herbs professed that vodka could serve “to increase fertility and awaken lust.” Hot diggity!

Although many still indulge in the “medicinal” benefits of a martini, vodka has a surprising array of alternative uses that can save money and be kinder to the planet than the harsh chemicals it can stand in for. And with so many uses, it makes sense to have one bottle of vodka rather than array of otherwise specific products.

So just what can the versatile vodka do around the house?

1. Febreze without the guilt
If you douse your clothes and home with Febreze to remove odor, you can do the same with vodka…but without the cyclodextrin, and without supporting a company that tests on animals. (I’m talking to you, Proctor & Gamble.) The alcohol in vodka kills bacteria which cause odor, and vodka is basically odorless, as far as booze goes. Spritz your clothes and hang them in a well-ventilated room. (As with any natural remedy, sp0t-test first.)

2. Keep cut flowers fresh
If you’re going to have fresh-cut flowers working hard to brighten up your decor, show some hospitality and give them a little drink. Several drops of vodka and a large pinch of sugar added to the water in your flower vase, changed daily, stunts ethylene production and will extend the vitality of bouquet.

3. Shoo flies, and other pests
I couldn’t harm a fly, or any other living thing. Except…if something is biting and sucking the blood from my children, mamma bear swoops in and goes medieval. DEET is persona non grata in my neck of the woods, and I wouldn’t own a can of Raid if you paid me. But a spray bottle of vodka? Sure. Use it to spray directly at the offenders, it can also be used on your skin as a repellant.

4. Calm the sting of sea creatures
The pain of jellyfish and ray stings is magically dissipated with meat tenderizers (the enzymes that work to break down meat’s proteins also break down the stinging agents in the venom). But if you find yourself at the beach with vodka instead of meat tenderizer (and who doesn’t?)–it can help alleviate the punch those stings can pack. Douse the area with vodka. (And…have a shot while you’re at it?)

5. Give your hair some life
Vodka can make people lush and bouncy, and can do the same for your hair. Add an ounce to your bottle of shampoo and use as you usually do. It helps to break down the oil build-up that can make your hair droll.

6. Remove laundry stains
Treat stubborn stains with a splash of vodka and some elbow grease, then launder as usual.


7. Make lavender ironing water
Forget about scented fabric softener for fragrance, be like a cool French granny and use lavender ironing water instead. Mix 3 ounces of 90-proof vodka and 12 drops of pure lavender essential oil and let sit for 24 hours. Then add 12 ounces of purified water and swirl together. Store in the refrigerator until it loses its scent, around 6 weeks.

8. Get rid of unloved plants
Also known as weeds (poor, misunderstood things)–if you’ve got them and don’t want them, vodka can kill them. Vodka attacks broad-leaf weeds, like dandelions, chickweed, by breaking down their protective coverings which leads to lethal dehydration. Fill a spray bottle with an ounce of vodka, a few drops of liquid dish soap, and two cups of water. Spray on weeds, in the sunlight, and wilt away they will.

9. Quash mold and mildew
Like vinegar, vodka can help combat stubborn mold and mildew stains in the bathroom. Spray it on stained caulk, let it sit for 30 minutes, and scrub with a brush.

10. Wash your mouth out
With homemade mouthwash: Boil 6 ounces of water and 2 ounces of vodka together. Add in 4 teaspoons of liquid glycerin and 1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel. Remove from heat and let cool. When cooled, add 10-15 drops of Spearmint oil and shake the entire mixture together well.

11. Make a tincture
You can make a tincture of botanicals and vodka to use topically for a number of ailments or conditions. Fill a jar with a handful of flowers/roots/leaves and top with vodka.

12. Ease a poison ivy rash
Urushiol oil, the pesky component of poison ivy and poison oak, leads most to an agonizing rash. Before the rash sets in, vodka can be poured directly on the skin where contact occurred to minimize the severity of what’s to come. Rubbing alcohol will work too.

13. Shine your shiny things
Who needs separate chrome-cleaner, glass-cleaner, and porcelain-cleaner when a trip to the liquor cabinet can tackle all three materials at once? Dampen a cloth with vodka, rub, back in the shine.

14. Unstick sticky stickers
I bet 9 out of 10 of you save glass jars and reuse them. How many of you cringe at the gummy label adhesive that clings to glass like a manic starfish? (Or is that just me?) Vodka to the rescue. Dab a scouring sponge with some vodka, scrub, rinse with some liquid dish soap, no more sticky ugh.

4 Homeopathic Remedies for Arthritis

4 Homeopathic Remedies for Arthritis

  • Michelle Schoffro Cook

While there are many great natural remedies for arthritis, homeopathy can be quite effective and is typically overlooked. This healing tradition is based on the ancient medical premise that “like cures like.” In other words, a natural substance that potentially causes a particular illness in the body can be used in a significantly diluted form to prompt the body to combat the illness and related symptoms. It sounds crazy but it is the philosophy now adopted by vaccine manufacturers when they develop flu shots and other chemical-based vaccines. Of course, homeopathy relies on only natural substances and avoids the toxic chemicals and additives found in most vaccines, thereby eliminating side-effects.


The most commonly used homeopathic remedies for arthritis include: rhus tox, bryonia, apis, and belladonna.


Rhus tox is best suited for people who experience symptom improvement from moving but tend to get stiff from rest.


Bryonia is best for people whose symptoms worsen from movement.


Apis is suitable for people with hot, burning, stinging pain and swelling.


Belladonna is best suited for people who experience a rapid and violent onset of throbbing arthritic pain and red, hot, and swollen joints.


Homeopathic remedies come in different potencies. The typical dosage is to start with a 6X or 30X remedy, taking three or four pellets and allowing them to dissolve under the tongue every 15 minutes for the first hour or two. After that, a typical dose is three pellets, three times daily. If you don’t see any improvement, a different remedy choice may work better for you.


I believe homeopathy works best when it is taken with direction from an experienced homeopath. A skilled practitioner will take a holistic approach, asking many questions about your symptoms and the conditions that improve or worsen them. This helps the practitioner select homeopathic remedies that address physical, emotional, mental and even spiritual factors that may be affecting you.

Natural Remedies for Lowering Blood Pressure

Natural Remedies for Lowering Blood Pressure

  • Shelley Stonebrook

High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is an incredibly common condition, and millions worldwide take pharmaceutical drugs to treat it. While you should always consult with your health care practitioner before changing any treatment plans, two natural remedies to consider are garlic (or other alliums) and hibiscus.

Various studies reported in the Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics concluded that both onions and garlic in the diet lowered blood cholesterol levels. Studies in Germany and in the United States have produced similar results. Cholesterol builds up in fatty plaques on the artery walls, and so it is believed to be a major factor in the onset of heart disease. Anything that reduces high cholesterol levels helps to keep the heart healthy.

Recent studies show that hibiscus tea can lower blood pressure as effectively as some standard hypertension drugs can. Hibiscus is widely consumed around the world as a ruby-colored, lemony beverage (it’s the main ingredient in Red Zinger tea). Hibiscus is safe and, unlike most blood pressure drugs, rarely causes side effects.

An added bonus about these two remedies? Garlic and hibiscus plants can be grown in much of the United States, so you can actually grow your own blood pressure medicine.

Daily Feng Shui Tip for January 6th

The Christmas season is about to come to a conclusion. Church calendars in both the East and West proclaim today the ‘Feast of the Epiphany’ or ‘Three Kings Day’ when Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar followed a star to Bethlehem, offering gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to the Christ child. So many traditions consider today to be the last day of Christmas, one that has rituals and symbols of its own. Carolers can go from house to house singing out the holidays, and in some cases help to take down Christmas trees that will be part of a big bonfire. Prayers are said on this evening, and dried herbs are blessed and burnt so that both the aroma and the attached blessings could fill the home. Doorways would be sprinkled with holy water and the letters C + M + B (representing the Three Kings) and the year would be written in chalk above the door. Today you can burn some frankincense incense and say this special prayer to Sandalphon, an angel believed to weave the prayers of the faithful into a garland to offer at the feet of the Lord. We can engage in the blessed energies of this day by saying: ‘Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, I will show love. Where there is injury, I will heal. Where there is lack, I will fulfill. Where there is confusion, I see clearly. Where there is no heart, I will be one heart.’

By Ellen Whitehurst for

The Meaning of the Number One

One primarily deasl with strong will, positivity, pure energy. The number One reflects new beginnings, and purity. The symbolic meaning of number One is further clarified when we understand One represents both kinds of action: physical and mental. This combined with Ones urgency for new beginnings, we begin to see Ones recurring in our lives indicates a time to exert our natural forces, take action, and start a new venture. One encourages us our action will be rewarded in kind.


The Spiritual Meaning of Numbers

Your Daily Number for January 6th: 1

It’s a take charge day in which you should rely on yourself. Thanks to your focus and independence, a project may finally reach completion, or you may start on a new challenge. You may have an important introduction to someone new. Material losses are likely, however, so make sure to remember your keys, wallet, etc.

Fast Facts

About the Number 1

Theme: Masculine, Creative, Independent, Aggressive
Astro Association: Mercury
Tarot Association: Magician

Today’s I Ching Hexagram for January 6th is 27: Nourishment

27: Nourishment

Hexagram 27

General Meaning: Nourishment refers to more than a healthy diet. It is the care-giving function. Eating properly implies care for oneself; providing healthy meals in the home is a sign of caring for the family. The writer of a great book or composer of an inspiring piece of music also provides nourishment, by caring deeply about the quality of his or her work and offering it to the world.

We can know others by observing what they choose to nourish in their lives. Do they properly feed and develop their bodies? Do they cultivate their spirits, their intellects, their moral values? Do they nourish and care for those around them? If so, to whom do they devote their energies? The most successful people are temperate in eating and drinking, thinking and dreaming. They strengthen the world by nurturing everyone’s higher nature.

Pay heed to your thoughts and impulses, ignoring those that undermine a healthy and persevering attitude. A wise person is temperate in the consumption of food and drink, because to be otherwise only leads to discomfort; the fact that temporary pleasure may precede the discomfort does not influence the person of mature character. In the same way, be discriminating in your words and actions, lest a desire for temporary advantage lead you to cause pain for yourself or others. Enrich your character and you will naturally nourish everyone around you.

Today’s Runes for January 6th is Dagez

Today’s Runes

Spirit Runes are most commonly used for questions about mysticism, spirituality, and religion. Dagez means daylight, and represents divine light. This rune generally refers to dawn (the initial sparking of energy) or to midday (the climax of energy). Both dawn and midday are symbolic of change, but unlike the changes in the perpetual circle of the year which are slow and subtle, the changes over a day are much faster and more dramatic. The breaking of a new day is symbolic of the rapid illumination of dismal circumstances, and is suggestive of Satori. Be careful – although this rune generally suggests a positive change, the symbology of a peaking point suggests that there must be a change downward as well. Fortunately for some, this rune is cyclic and irreversible, and so permanence is not promised – the only thing you can be sure of is an exciting ride.

Today’s Tarot Card for Jan. 6th is The Hierophant

The Hierophant

This Tarot Deck: Esoterico

General Meaning: Traditionally known as the Hierophant, this card refers to a Master and the learning of practical lessons from the study of Natural Law. This energy of this card points to some agent or resource that can reveal the secrets of life, the cycles of the moon and tides, the links between human beings and the heavens.

Because monasteries were the only places a person could learn to read and write in the middle ages, a Hierophant was one to whom a student would petition for entry. He was the one to set the curriculum for the neophyte’s course of study.

Often pictured with the right hand raised in blessing, the Hierophant is linked with the ancient lineage of Melchezidek, initiator of the Hebrew priestly tradition, the one who passes on the teachings. All shamans of any tradition draw upon this archetype.

Your Horoscope Guardian Trees

Your Horoscope Guardian Trees

  • Annie B. Bond

The grounded grace and benign presence of trees have both awed and comforted humans since our earliest beginnings. In both Native American and Celtic tradition, every season has its tree-spirits. In astrology, too, each sun-sign has special trees standing guard over it, sharing their healing energy.

Find out which trees hold a magical healing key for your sun-sign here:

Aries, March 21-April 19: Holly, thorn, chestnut

Taurus, April 20-May 21: Almond, apple, walnut, ash, sycamore, cherry, myrtle

Gemini, May 22-June 20: Elder, filbert

Cancer, June 21-July 22: Willow, sycamore

Leo, July 23- Aug 22: Palm, laurel, pine, oak

Virgo, Aug 23-Sept 22: Hazel, elder

Libra, Sept 23-Oct 22: Almond, walnut, plum, myrtle, apple

Scorpio, Oct 23-Nov 21: Holly, blackthorn

Sagittarius, Nov 22-Dec 21: Mulberry, chestnut

Capricorn, Dec 22-Jan 19: Pine, cypress, yew, spruce, holly

Aquarius, Jan 20-Feb 18: Pine

Pisces, Feb 19-March 20: Willow, elm, linden

Daily Horoscopes for Friday, Jan. 6th

It’s challenging to feel satisfied today because an anxious quincunx between attractive Venus and assertive Mars indicates we could pursue the wrong things. We may be discouraged when we finally realize that we don’t actually want what we have earned. The breezy Gemini Moon prompts us to change our minds often during the day, while late night aspects to the cosmic lovers, Venus and Mars, can stir up an argument, even if we thought all was well.


Aries Horoscope
Aries Horoscope (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

It’s difficult to maintain a steady work pace today if your natural rhythm feels off balance. Your key planet Mars is stressed in your 6th House of Daily Routine, possibly making advanced planning of your day counterproductive. It’s better to be free from too many commitments now because you could be required to respond to changing circumstances. If you feel as if you’re stuck in a rut, making small changes is healthier than turning everything upside down.

Taurus Horoscope
Taurus Horoscope (Apr 20 – May 20)

You typically stick with a decision once you make up your mind, but you might go back and forth several times today before you finally are satisfied with your choice. Your ambivalence could leave you feeling nervous, especially if you’re getting pressured by others to make a commitment. However, it’s not wise to give your final answer before you are comfortable with it. Step back from all the noise so you can listen to your inner voice; your intuition won’t steer you wrong now.

Gemini Horoscope
Gemini Horoscope (May 21 – Jun 20)

It seems as if time is speeding up and your life is moving faster than you prefer. Normally, you like the thrill that comes from a lot of activity, but today you will be ready for some rest by the end of the day. Give yourself time to relax in the evening, since you will need to have your wits about you if relationship issues surface. An emotionally charged conflict that arises now is best handled in the present moment with honesty and kindness.

Cancer Horoscope
Cancer Horoscope (June 21 – Jul 22)

You would love to find a harmonious balance today between your desire to resolve an ongoing disagreement and your tendency to avoid difficult communication by withdrawing into your shell. Although you’re considering every option, you’re fairly comfortable with your own feelings. If you sense emotional tension in the atmosphere, make everyone feel better by confronting the issue directly.

Leo Horoscope
Leo Horoscope (Jul 23 – Aug 22)

You may receive a “Get Out of Jail Free” card from the universe, however, you must use it right away. Although you haven’t solved any long-term issues, you can sidestep the problems for a while as you relax by taking a scenic ride today. Imagine yourself moving through the day as if it is a dream while always keeping one foot on the ground, so you won’t forget what’s real. Remain open to pleasurable experiences now without stressing about how you will integrate them into your life.

Virgo Horoscope
Virgo Horoscope (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

The proverb “the devil is in the details” could be your unraveling today. Everything may appear to be unfolding according to your master plan, but it’s entirely possible you could overlook something very important. Rather than trying to minimize your error, face up to it right away. Avoiding a problem will only make it grow in size. Make the necessary changes so you can put things back on track as quickly as you can.

Libra Horoscope
Libra Horoscope (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Today goes well for you if you can keep your feelings to yourself, since your desires will likely conflict with what others want. Unfortunately, you have something to say and you don’t want to put it off. Once you begin expressing yourself, it’s hard to know when to stop. You could work yourself into a state of anxiety that makes you less effective in communicating your message. Avoid becoming a victim of your own passion now by using as few words as you can to explain your point of view.

Scorpio Horoscope
Scorpio Horoscope (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

You may be juggling your responsibilities today because you’re trying to accomplish too much at once. Still, you could complete everything that is required if you stop and prioritize what you need to do. Mapping out your day helps to prevent you from scattering your energy and frittering away your resources. Be realistic in your approach; if necessary, pare back activities instead of waiting until you’re already behind schedule.

Sagittarius Horoscope
Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

You may believe that a new strategy is required now to take a relationship to the next level or to revitalize it with fresh energy. Nevertheless, you still might resist the necessary changes unconsciously if you aren’t certain which way you want to go. Don’t let confusion stand in the way of truth. Rather than tapdancing around the edges of confrontation, be direct and say exactly what’s on your mind. Even if your opinion creates dissension, resolution will be possible once everything is out in the open.

Capricorn Horoscope
Capricorn Horoscope (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

You have lots of thoughts running through your head today, but it’s challenging to put them into words because they are moving so quickly. It’s difficult to gauge the impact of your presentation because one minute it seems as if everyone’s agreeing with you, and then the next minute someone’s belittling your perspective. Paradoxically, you’ll be more successful if you don’t try so hard. Be patient and save your most convincing arguments until tomorrow when the planets are on your side.

Aquarius Horoscope
Aquarius Horoscope (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

You might think that you can sweet talk your way through a tricky situation today, but someone may not be willing to take what you say at face value. There can be powerful feelings just beneath the surface, making it difficult for you to get your way. Normally, your fixed sense of purpose enables you to successfully navigate your way through the obstacles. Although it’s difficult to focus now, you can still win an argument if you remember to keep bringing the discussion back to the point at hand.

Pisces Horoscope
Pisces Horoscope (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Although you may be an incurable dreamer, it’s not helpful to drift off into the clouds now. You won’t be able to complete what you have started if your mind keeps wandering into the future. It’s more important to concentrate on the present moment than to think about what you will need to do next. If necessary, lean on a trusted friend or partner for help. But even if someone’s advice feels more like criticism, listen to what you’re being told and consider incorporating it into your strategy.

Your Lunar Love Horoscope Overview for Jan. 6 – 8

Weekend Love: Lunar Love

by Jeff Jawer

Emotional Eruptions

January 6 – 8

Friday is fun and flirtatious with the Moon hanging out in chatty Gemini, making it easy to start conversations on virtually any subject with just about anyone. Minds are easily stimulated and curiosity about everything tempts us to gossip about others. But the heady side of this Air sign is augmented with physicality and a strong taste for pleasure when lunar connections with romantic Venus and passionate Mars spice up the evening with a lust for life and a hunger for love. Playful and provocative games can entertain those looking for diversion and inspire Eros for people lucky enough to have willing partners.

Emotions become even more powerful on Saturday with the Moon’s shift into watery Cancer. Yet the safety usually sought in this security-oriented sign is shaken by eruptions of unexpected events and volatile feelings. Rebellious Uranus springs surprises and reflects rapidly changing moods that can destabilize evening plans. Flexibility helps to keep the lid on the intensity, which is important with a supersensitive Cancer Full Moon occurring late Sunday night. This emotional lunation opposes powerful Pluto which could push people to extremes, taking relationships to critical points that may bring breakthroughs for some or cause breakdowns for others.

Daily Cosmic Calendar for January 6th

It may seem that the upcoming Full Moon that will happen late on Sunday night is far into the future. Nonetheless, in astrology, the two days prior to a Full Moon represent a 48-hour time-period to prepare for the enlightening vibrations that come through to humanity from divine sources at the Full Moon. The two days after a Full Moon signify a distribution phase of the illuminating energies received. Therefore, a complete five-day process is really at work. Your job today is to stay in clear contact with friends and dear ones – gently guiding them upward and onward to the heights of inspiration that can occur a couple of evenings from now. While a supportive, 60-degree link from Vesta to Pluto (8:24PM PST) and a flowing trine from the Moon in Gemini to Venus in Aquarius (8:41PM PST) can give you a wealth of happy feelings, spurring you to excel in business ventures, and creative and artistic media, the Moon also squares Mars (8:45PM PST) while Venus in Aquarius and Mars in Virgo form an off-kilter, 150-degree link (9:28PM PST). Of these two aspects, the Venus-Mars 150-degree connection is the one to watch and possibly tweak in your favor. The tendency is for love bonds to possibly go awry due to a miscommunication. However, focus and attentiveness on your part may save the day. The bottom line is that you want to keep your distance from battles of the will and foolish arguments that lead to cul-de-sacs of the mind and heart.

Who Were You Before You Were You?

Witchy Comments=

Who Were You Before You Were You?

  • Deepak Chopra

Even though we all identify with a very limited slice of time and space, equating “me” with one body and one mind, in reality you also live outside yourself in the field of awareness.

The Vedic seers say, “The real you cannot be squeezed into the volume of a body or the span of a lifetime.” Just as reality flows from the virtual to the quantum to the material level, so do you. Whether we call this reincarnation or not almost doesn’t matter. The package of body and mind that came before is a stranger to you now, and the one that might arise after your death is equally alien.

On a deeper level, millions of seeds have already been planted. Some are the thoughts you will have tomorrow or the actions you will follow a decade from now.

As we watch those seeds sprouting in the fertile field of time and space, awareness wakes up to itself. This is how a single fertilized cell learns to become a brain – it makes up to itself, not on the chemical level but on the level of awareness.

Imagine that expanded awareness is normal. Time and space could just be convenient concepts that hold true in the material world but dissolve gradually as you approach the quantum level. This is what I believe reincarnation is about.

All of the virtual and quantum levels are open to us all the time. To navigate them completely is impossible; they open up to us according to our own needs and abilities. But no part is intentionally closed off.

It is more normal to learn from the past than not to, and people who shut out their former lives are shutting out lessons that give this present lifetime its purpose and meaning. For someone who has absorbed these lessons fully, there is no need to go beyond this lifetime, and yet such visitations are still part of the natural order of things.

Adapted from How To Know God, by Deepak Chopra (Harmony Books, 2000).

Thank Goddess It’s Friday! What A Week!

Days Of The Week Comments  Hello dear friends! I don’t know where my brain is today. I have known all morning today is Friday. Then I went to put the graphic up here, I was going to put up a Thursday graphic. I had to check the little calendar in the corner of my computer to make sure it was Friday! I’m I nuts or what? This is what I get for staying up too late. I have a blog that I use strictly for graphics, so I pulled it up. I started browsing through the templates and found one I loved. Well I put it on the blog. I got all the graphics up and the widgets laid out. Then I decided, “Yes, I am going to change the graphics on the main blog!” Now keep in mind, this is at 3:30 a.m. I come over here and start to change things around. Then in the middle of changing things here, it hit me. This new template has all the characteristics as this one. The only difference is the title is in a small fancy banner but everything else is the same. I played with this new template for about 1 1/2 hours. Now in twenty minutes I found out the two are basically the same and I have wasted the night. If I could have kicked my own butt, I would have. I tried to get Kiki (Pom pup) to bite me with no luck. *Note to self: Get a dog big enough to reach rump and willing to bite in extreme situations of stupidity!*  


Have a great weekend, my luvs!  


Friday Correspondences

  Magickal Intentions: Love, Romance, Marriage, Sexual Matters, Physical Beauty, Friendship and Partnerships, Strangers and Heart 
Incense: Strawberry, Sandalwood, Rose, Saffron and Vanilla  
Planet: Venus  
Sign: Libra and Taurus 
Angel: Ariel 
Colors: Green, Pink, Aqua 
Herbs/Plants: Pink Rose, Ivy, Birch, Heather, Clematis, Sage, Violet and Water Lilly  Stones: Rose Quartz, Moonstone, Pink Tourmaline, Peridot, Emerald and Jade Oil: (Venus) Cardamom, Palmrosa, Rose, Yarrow 
Friday belongs to Venus, and its energies are warm, sensuous, and fulfilling. Efforts that involve any type of pleasure, comfort, and luxury, as well as the arts, music, or aroma (incense and perfume) works well on this day. As Venus lends its sensuous influences to the energies of this day, use it for any magical work that deals with matters of the heart.  

Spellcrafting for Friday



When all your face appears most fair, When the comets and meteors gild your hair,  and in your eyes the moon and sun Contest, surrender, and burn as one, when ivory Venus smoothes your brow, And Mars recurves your lips’ red bow,  make haste to utter this binding verse And hold the stars on their kindest course…
“Figure of fire,
That shifts and changes,
Planets that move
By heaven’s hinge,
Be siged and fixed
Forever here,
And close my image
Within thy sphere”
Measure a yard of golden string Loose from your fingers let it swing,
Then tie it in thirteen sturdy knots, Hide it among your scents and pots.


Magickal Graphics

The Goddess Artemis – Goddess Of The Hunt

The Goddess Artemis – Goddess Of The Hunt

Artemis was one of the most widely venerated of the Ancient Greek deities. Some scholars believe that the name, and indeed the goddess herself, was originally pre-Greek. Homer refers to her as Artemis Agrotera, Potnia Theron “Artemis of the wildland, Mistress of Animals”. In the classical period of Greek mythology, Artemis (Greek: (nominative) Ἄρτεμις, (genitive) Ἀρτέμιδος) was often described as the daughter of Zeus and Leto, and the twin sister of Apollo. She was the Hellenic goddess of the hunt, wild animals, wilderness, childbirth, virginity and young girls, bringing and relieving disease in women; she often was depicted as a huntress carrying a bow and arrows. The deer and the cypress were sacred to her. In later Hellenistic times, she even assumed the ancient role of Eileithyia in aiding childbirth.

Artemis later became identified with Selene, a Titaness who was a Greek moon goddess, sometimes depicted with a crescent moon above her head. She was also identified with the Roman goddess Diana, with the Etruscan goddess Artume, and with the Greek or Carian goddess Hecate.

Artemis in mythology


Various conflicting accounts are given in Classical Greek mythology of the birth of Artemis and her twin brother, Apollo. All accounts agree, however, that she was the daughter of Zeus and Leto and that she was the twin sister of Apollo.

An account by Callimachus has it that Hera forbade Leto to give birth on either terra firma (the mainland) or on an island. Hera was angry with Zeus, her husband, because he had impregnated Leto. But the island of Delos (or Ortygia in the Homeric Hymn to Artemis) disobeyed Hera, and Leto gave birth there.

In ancient Cretan history Leto was worshipped at Phaistos and in Cretan mythology Leto gave birth to Apollo and Artemis at the islands known today as the Paximadia.

A scholium of Servius on Aeneid iii. 72 accounts for the island’s archaic name Ortygia by asserting that Zeus transformed Leto into a quail (ortux) in order to prevent Hera from finding out his infidelity, and Kenneth McLeish suggested further that in quail form Leto would have given birth with as few birth-pains as a mother quail suffers when it lays an egg.

The myths also differ as to whether Artemis was born first, or Apollo. Most stories depict Artemis as born first, becoming her mother’s mid-wife upon the birth of her brother Apollo.



Roman marble Bust of Artemis after Kephisodotos (Musei Capitolini), Rome

The childhood of Artemis is not fully related in any surviving myth. The Iliad reduced the figure of the dread goddess to that of a girl, who, having been thrashed by Hera, climbs weeping into the lap of Zeus. A poem of Callimachus to the goddess “who amuses herself on mountains with archery” imagines some charming vignettes: according to Callimachus, at three years old, Artemis, while sitting on the knee of her father, Zeus, asked him to grant her six wishes: to remain always a virgin; to have many names to set her apart from her brother Apollo; to be the Phaesporia or Light Bringer; to have a bow and arrow and a knee-length tunic so that she could hunt; to have sixty “daughters of Okeanos”, all nine years of age, to be her choir; and for twenty Amnisides Nymphs as handmaidens to watch her dogs and bow while she rested. She wished for no city dedicated to her, but to rule the mountains, and for the ability to help women in the pains of childbirth.

Artemis believed that she had been chosen by the Fates to be a midwife, particularly since she had assisted her mother in the delivery of her twin brother, Apollo. All of her companions remained virgins and Artemis guarded her own chastity closely. Her symbols included the golden bow and arrow, the hunting dog, the stag, and the moon. Callimachus tells how Artemis spent her girlhood seeking out the things that she would need to be a huntress, how she obtained her bow and arrows from the isle of Lipara, where Hephaestus and the Cyclops worked. Okeanus’ daughters were filled with fear, but the young Artemis bravely approached and asked for bow and arrows. Callimachus then tells how Artemis visited Pan, the god of forest and he gave her seven bitches and six dogs. She then captured six golden-horned deer to pull her chariot. Artemis practiced with her bow first by shooting at trees and then at wild beasts.

Wooing the Goddess

As a young virgin, Artemis had interested many gods and men, but none of them successfully won her heart, except her hunting companion Orion, who was then accidentally killed either by the goddess herself or by Gaia.

Alpheus, a river god, was in love with Artemis, but he realized that nothing he could do would win her heart. So he decided to capture her. Artemis who was with her companions at Letrenoi, went to Alpheus, but suspicious of his motives, she covered her face with mud so the river god would not recognize her. Another story involving the god is the story where he tried to rape Artemis’ attendant Arethusa. The goddess felt pity for her and saved her by transforming Arethusa into a spring in Artemis’ temple, Artemis Alphaea in Letrini, where the goddess and her attendant drink.

Bouphagos, the son of the Titan Iapetos, saw Artemis and had a thought of raping her. Detecting his sinful thoughts Artemis struck him at Mount Pholoe.

Sipriotes was a boy who, either because he accidentally saw Artemis bathing or attempted to rape her, was turned into a girl by the goddess.


Artemis was once bathing in a vale on Mount Cithaeron, when the Theban hunter Actaeon stumbled across her. Enraged, Artemis turned him into a stag and, not knowing their own owner, Actaeon’s own dogs killed him.


In some versions of the story of Adonis, who was a late addition to Greek mythology during the Hellenistic period, Artemis sent a wild boar to kill Adonis as punishment for his hubristic boast that he was a better hunter than she.

In other versions, Artemis killed Adonis for revenge. In later myths, Adonis had been related as a favorite of Aphrodite, and Aphrodite was responsible for the death of Hippolytus, who had been a favorite of Artemis. Therefore, Artemis killed Adonis to avenge Hippolytus’s death.

In yet another version, Adonis was not killed by Artemis, but by Ares, as punishment for being with Aphrodite.


Orion was a hunting companion of the goddess Artemis. In some versions of his story he was killed by Artemis, while in others he was killed by a scorpion sent by Gaia. In some versions, Orion tried to seduce Opis, one of her followers, and she killed him. In a version by Aratus, Orion took hold of Artemis’ robe and she killed him in self-defense. In yet another version, Apollo sent the scorpion. According to Hyginus Artemis once loved Orion (in spite of the late source, this version appears to be a rare remnant of her as the pre-Olympian goddess, who took consorts, as Eos did), but was tricked into killing him by her brother Apollo, who was “protective” of his sister’s maidenhood.

The Aloadae

These twin sons of Iphidemia and Poseidon, Otos and Ephialtes, grew enormously at a young age. They were aggressive, great hunters, and could not be killed unless they killed each other. The growth of the Aloadae never stopped, and they boasted that as soon as they could reach heaven, they would kidnap Artemis and Hera and take them as wives. The gods were afraid of them, except for Artemis who captured a fine deer (or in another version of the story, she changed herself into a doe) and jumped out between them. The Aloadae threw their spears and so mistakenly killed each other.


Callisto was the daughter of Lycaon, King of Arcadia and also was one of Artemis’s hunting attendants. As a companion of Artemis, she took a vow of chastity. Zeus appeared to her disguised as Artemis, or in some stories Apollo, gained her confidence, then took advantage of her (or raped her, according to Ovid). As a result of this encounter she conceived a son, Arcas. Enraged, Hera or Artemis (some accounts say both) changed her into a bear. Arcas almost killed the bear, but Zeus stopped him just in time. Out of pity, Zeus placed Callisto the bear into the heavens, thus the origin of Callisto the Bear as a constellation. Some stories say that he placed both Arcas and Callisto into the heavens as bears, forming the Ursa Minor and Ursa Major constellations.

Iphigenia and the Taurian Artemis

Artemis punished Agamemnon after he killed a sacred stag in a sacred grove and boasted that he was a better hunter than the goddess. When the Greek fleet was preparing at Aulis to depart for Troy to begin the Trojan War, Artemis becalmed the winds. The seer Calchas advised Agamemnon that the only way to appease Artemis was to sacrifice his daughter Iphigenia. Artemis then snatched Iphigenia from the altar and substituted a deer. Various myths have been told around what happened after Artemis took her. Either she was brought to Tauros and led the priests there, or became Artemis’ immortal companion.


A Queen of Thebes and wife of Amphion, Niobe boasted of her superiority to Leto because while she had fourteen children (Niobids), seven boys and seven girls, Leto had only one of each. When Artemis and Apollo heard this impiety, Apollo killed her sons as they practiced athletics, and Artemis shot her daughters, who died instantly without a sound. Apollo and Artemis used poisoned arrows to kill them, though according to some versions two of the Niobids were spared, one boy and one girl. Amphion, at the sight of his dead sons, killed himself. A devastated Niobe and her remaining children were turned to stone by Artemis as they wept. The gods themselves entombed them.


Chione was a princess of Pokis. She was beloved by two gods, Hermes and Apollo, and boasted that she was prettier than Artemis because she made two gods fall in love with her at once. Artemis was furious and killed Chione with her arrow or struck her dumb by shooting off her tongue. However, some versions of this myth say Apollo and Hermes protected her from Artemis’ wrath.

Atalanta, Oeneus and the Meleagrids

Artemis saved the infant Atalanta from dying of exposure after her father abandoned her. She sent a female bear to suckle the baby, who was then raised by hunters. But she later sent a bear to hurt Atalanta because people said Atalanta was a better hunter. This is in some stories.

Among other adventures, Atalanta participated in the hunt for the Calydonian Boar, which Artemis had sent to destroy Calydon because King Oeneus had forgotten her at the harvest sacrifices. In the hunt, Atalanta drew the first blood, and was awarded the prize of the skin. She hung it in a sacred grove at Tegea as a dedication to Artemis.

Meleager was a hero of Aetolia. King Oeneus had him gather heroes from all over Greece to hunt the Calydonian Boar. After the death of Meleager, Artemis turned his grieving sisters, the Meleagrids into guineafowl that Artemis loved very much.


In Nonnus’ Dionysiaca, Aura was Greek goddess of breezes and cool air, daughter of Lelantos and Periboia. She was a virgin huntress, just like Artemis, and proud of her maidenhood. One day, she claimed that Artemis’ body was too womanly and she doubted her virginity. Artemis asked for Nemesis’ help to avenge her dignity and caused the rape of Aura by Dionysus. Aura became a mad and dangerous killer. When she bore twin sons, she ate one of them while the other one, Iakhos, was saved by Artemis. Iakhos later became an attendant of Demeter and the leader of Eleusinian Mysteries.

Trojan War

Artemis may have been represented as a supporter of Troy because her brother Apollo was the patron god of the city and she herself was widely worshipped in western Anatolia in historical times. In the Iliad she came to blows with Hera, when the divine allies of the Greeks and Trojans engaged each other in conflict. Hera struck Artemis on the ears with her own quiver, causing the arrows to fall out. As Artemis fled crying to Zeus, Leto gathered up the bow and arrows.

Artemis played quite a large part in this war. Like her mother and brother, who was widely worshiped at Troy, Artemis took the side of the Trojans. At the Greek’s journey to Troy, Artemis becalmed the sea and stopped the journey until an oracle came and said they could win the goddess’ heart by sacrificing Iphigenia, Agamemnon’s daughter. Agamemnon once promised the goddess he would sacrifice the dearest thing to him, which was Iphigenia, but broke the promise. Other sources said he boasted about his hunting ability and provoked the goddess’ anger. Artemis saved Iphigenia because of her bravery. In some versions of the myth, Artemis made Iphigenia her attendant or turned her into Hecate, goddess of night, witchcraft, and the underworld.

Aeneas was helped by Artemis, Leto, and Apollo. Apollo found him wounded by Diomedes and lifted him to heaven. There, the three of them secretly healed him in a great chamber.

Worship of Artemis

Artemis, the goddess of forests and hills, was worshipped throughout ancient Greece. Her best known cults were on the island of Delos (her birthplace); in Attica at Brauron and Mounikhia (near Piraeus); in Sparta. She was often depicted in paintings and statues in a forest setting, carrying a bow and arrows, and accompanied by a deer.

The ancient Spartans used to sacrifice to her as one of their patron goddesses before starting a new military campaign.

Athenian festivals in honor of Artemis included Elaphebolia, Mounikhia, Kharisteria, and Brauronia. The festival of Artemis Orthia was observed in Sparta.

Pre-pubescent Athenian girls and young Athenian girls approaching marriageable age were sent to the sanctuary of Artemis at Brauron to serve the Goddess for one year. During this time the girls were known as arktoi, or little she-bears. A myth explaining this servitude relates that a bear had formed the habit of regularly visiting the town of Brauron, and the people there fed it, so that over time the bear became tame. A young girl teased the bear, and, in some versions of the myth it killed her, while in other versions it clawed her eyes out. Either way, the girl’s brothers killed the bear, and Artemis was enraged. She demanded that young girls “act the bear” at her sanctuary in atonement for the bear’s death.

Virginal Artemis was worshipped as a fertility/childbirth goddess in some places, assimilating Ilithyia, since, according to some myths, she assisted her mother in the delivery of her twin. During the Classical period in Athens, she was identified with Hecate. Artemis also assimilated Caryatis (Carya).


As Aeginaea, she was worshiped in Sparta; the name means either huntress of chamois, or the wielder of the javelin (αιγανέα). She was worshipped at Naupactus as Aetole; in her temple in that town there was a statue of white marble representing her throwing a javelin. This “Aetolian Artemis” would not have been introduced at Naupactus, anciently a place of Ozolian Locris, until it was awarded to the Aetolians by Philip II of Macedon. Strabo records another precinct of “Aetolian Artemos” at the head of the Adriatic. As Agoraea she was the protector of the agora. As Agrotera, she was especially associated as the patron goddess of hunters. In Elis she was worshiped as Alphaea. In Athens Artemis was often associated with the local Aeginian goddess, Aphaea. As Potnia Theron, she was the patron of wild animals; Homer used this title. As Kourotrophos, she was the nurse of youths. As Locheia, she was the goddess of childbirth and midwives. She was sometimes known as Cynthia, from her birthplace on Mount Cynthus on Delos, or Amarynthia from a festival in her honor originally held at Amarynthus in Euboea. She was sometimes identified by the name Phoebe, the feminine form of her brother Apollo’s solar epithet Phoebus.


Artemis was born at the sixth day, the reason why it was sacred for her.
  • Festival of Artemis in Brauron, where girls aged not more than 10 and not less than 5 dressed in saffron robes played the bear to appease the goddess after the plagued she sent when her bear was killed.
  • Festival of Amarysia is a celebration to worship Artemis Amarysia in Attica. In 2007, a team of Swiss and Greek archaeologists found the ruin of Artemis Amarysia Temple, at Euboea, Greece.
  • Festival of Artemis Saronia, a festival to celebrate Artemis in Trozeinos, a town in Argolis. A king named Saron built a sanctuary for the goddess after the goddess saved his life when he went on hunting and swept by the wave and held a festival for her.
  • At the 16 of Metageitnio (second month on Athenian calendar), people sacrifice to Artemis and Hecate at deme of Erchia.
  • Kharisteria Festival on 6 of Boidromion (third month) to celebrate the victory of Marathon and also known as the Athenian “Thanksgiving”.
  • Day six of Elaphobolia (ninth month) festival of Artemis the Deer Huntress where she was offered cakes shaped like stags, made from dough, honey and sesame-seeds.
  • Day 6 of 16 of Mounikhion (tenth month) a celebration of her as the goddess of nature and animal. A goat was being sacrificed to her.
  • Day 6 of Thargelion (eleventh month) the ‘birthday’ of the goddess, while the seventh was Apollo’s.
  • A festival for Artemis Diktynna (of the net) in Hypsous.
  • Laphria, a festival for Artemis in Patrai. The procession started by setting the logs of wood around the altar, each of them sixteen cubits long. On the altar, within the circle, is placed the driest of their wood. Just before the time of the festival, they construct a smooth ascent to the altar, piling earth upon the altar steps. The festival begins with a most splendid procession in honor of Artemis, and the maiden officiating as priestess rides last in the procession upon a car yoked to deer. It is, however, not until the next day that the sacrifice is offered.
  • In Orchomenus, a sanctuary was built for Artemis Hymnia where her festival was celebrated every year.


  • Bow and arrow
According to the Homeric Hymn to Artemis, she had golden bow and arrows, as her epithet was Khryselakatos, “of the Golden Shaft”, and Iokheira (Showered by Arrows). The arrows of Artemis could also to bring sudden death and disease to girls and women. Artemis got her bow and arrow for the first time from The Kyklopes, as the one she asked from her father. The bow of Artemis also became the witness of Callisto’s oath of her virginity. In later cult, the bow became the symbol of waxing moon.[42]
  • Chariots

Artemis’ chariot was made of gold and was pulled by four golden horned deer (Elaphoi Khrysokeroi). The bridles of her chariot were also made of gold.

  • Spears, nets, and lyre

Although quite seldom, Artemis is sometimes portrayed with a hunting spear. Her cult in Aetolia, the Artemis Aetolian, showed her with a hunting spear. The description about Artemis’ spear can be found in Ovid’s Metamorphosis, while Artemis with a fishing connected with her cult as a patron goddess of fishing.

As a goddess of maiden dances and songs, Artemis is often portrayed with a lyre.


  • Deer

Deer were the only animals held sacred to Artemis herself. On seeing a deer larger than a bull with horns shining, she fell in love with these creatures and held them sacred. Deer were also the first animals she captured. She caught five golden horned deer called Elaphoi Khrysokeroi and harnessed them to her chariot. The third labour of Heracles, commanded by Eurystheus, consisted in catching the Cerynitian Hind alive. Heracles begged Artemis for forgiveness and promised to return it alive. Artemis forgave him but targeted Eurystheus for her wrath.

  • Hunting dog

Artemis got her hunting dogs from Pan in the forest of Arcadia. Pan gave Artemis two black-and-white dogs, three reddish ones, and one spotted one – these dogs were able to hunt even lions. Pan also gave Atemis seven bitches of the finest Arcadian race. However, Artemis only ever brought seven dogs hunting with her at any one time.

  • Boar

The boar is one of the favorite animals of the hunters, and also hard to tame. In honor of Artemis’ skill, they sacrificed it to her. Oineus and Adonis were both killed by Artemis’ boar.

  • Bear

The sacrifice of a bear for Artemis started from the Brauron cult. Every year, a little girl age not more than ten and less than five sent to Artemis’ temple at Brauron. Arktos e Brauroniois, a text by, Suidas, a Byzantine writer, told a legend about a bear that was tamed by Artemis, and introduced to people of Athens. They touched it and played with it, until one day a group of young girls poked the bear which became furious and attacked the girls. One of the girls’ brother found out what had happened and killed the bear so Artemis sent a plague in revenge. The Athenians consulted an oracle to understand how to end the plague. The oracle suggested that, in payment for the bear’s blood, every young Athenian virgin should not be allowed to marry until she had served Artemis in her temple (‘played the bear for the goddess’).

  • Guinea fowl

Artemis felt pity for the Meleagrids as they mourned for their lost brother, Meleagor, so she transformed them into Guinea Fowl to be her favorite animals.

  • Buzzard hawk

Hawks were the favored birds of many of the gods, Artemis included.


Palm and Cypress were issued to be her birth place. Other plants sacred to Artemis are Amaranth and Asphodel.

Artemis as the Lady of Ephesus

At Ephesus in Ionia, Turkey, her temple became one of the Seven Wonders of the World. It was probably the best known center of her worship except for Delos. There the Lady whom the Ionians associated with Artemis through interpretatio graeca was worshiped primarily as a mother goddess, akin to the Phrygian goddess Cybele, in an ancient sanctuary where her cult image depicted the “Lady of Ephesus” adorned with multiple rounded breast like protuberances on her chest. They had been traditionally interpreted as multiple accessory breasts, or as sacrificed bull testes, as some newer scholars claimed, until excavation at the site of the Artemision in 1987-88 identified the multitude of tear-shaped amber beads that had adorned her ancient wooden xoanon. In Acts of the Apostles, Ephesian metalsmiths who felt threatened by Saint Paul’s preaching of Christianity, jealously rioted in her defense, shouting “Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!” Only one of 121 columns still stand in Ephesus. The rest were used for making churches, roads, and forts.

Artemis, light-footed maiden, child of great Zeus
and blessed Leto, sharp-eyed one whose aim never fails.
Luminous Artemis, sure-stepping huntress,
graceful one who takes joy in dance and in contests,
ruthless protector of children and young women,
kind one to whom mothers turn in their travail.
Artemis, deer-slayer, guardian of untamed life,
I pray to you. Dark-eyed mistress of animals,
in thick-grown woods and sun-soaked fields we know you,
in the maddening chase, in the fire in our lungs,
in skill and precision, in the body’s memory;
grant me understanding of such chaste passion.