The Witches Magick for January 15th – Breaking a Curse


Breaking a Curse

To do this spell you will need:
1 brown bag
1 black string. You must knot it nine times
1 small square of black cloth about the size of your hand.
1 tablespoon of curry
1 tablespoon of dill
1 tablespoon powdered ginger
1 black candle
A piece of parchment paper and a black ink pen

Once you have collected these things write the full name of the person who you think has cursed you on the parchment paper. Place the paper in the center of the bag. Add the herbs one after another until you have covered the slip of paper.

Now light the candle and drip 10 drops of wax over the paper and herbs.

Concentrate on the person who has cursed you and whisper their name aloud three times as you tie the bag shut with the knotted string.

Now take the bag and bury it on the property of the person who cursed you. Leave the bag buried there until the moon waxes again.

When you dig up the bag burn it completely up.

—Douglas Hensley, A Book Of Magic Spells And Hexes

Lady A’s Specialty of the Day – Kick the Habit Spell – Addiction Spell

MagicKick the Habit Spell

Addiction Spell

You will need:
⦁ Cinnamon
⦁ Ginger
⦁ Chili powder
⦁ Charcoal disk
⦁ A red candle
⦁ A black candle
⦁ Sage
⦁ An empty pack of cigarettes (or whatever bad habit you’re trying to overcome)
⦁ Matches
⦁ A bowl

Prepare your working space however you normally do. If you’re going to cast a circle, go ahead. Likewise, if you call upon deities, now would probably be the time to do so. I did this on the first night after the lunar eclipse, but any time during the waning moon would work.

Light the red candle. Say, “Red is the color of strength, red is the color of power. I have the strength to kick this habit, day by day, hour by hour.”

Light the black candle. Say, “Black is the color that sends things away, and gives me the strength to kick this today.”

Working between the two candles, mix the cinnamon, ginger and chili powder together, grinding them until they are powdery. Place the charcoal disc in your bowl, and sprinkle the cinnamon mixture on top of it. Light the charcoal.

You should have a nice burning pile of ground herbs now. Slowly tear the cigarette package (without the cellophane) into small pieces. As you tear the paper, close your eyes and visualize the nicotine and tar leaving your body(or for drug addiction, the drug). Picture your lungs(drugs – body) changing from black and icky to pink and healthy.

Place the torn pieces in the bowl with the burning charcoal. Light a match, and place it in there so that the torn cigarette pack begins to burn as well. It may not stay lit, but try to get it to burn a little bit. Say, “I burn what has no control over me. The addiction is gone, and I will be free.”

Light the sage, and smudge the area around your work space. You are cleansing yourself of the effects of the bad habit, and freeing your body and soul from the addiction. Particularly smudge the area over the bowl with the burning cigarette pack in it. Say, “Within me is the strength, no doubt, and with sage I cleanse the air without.”

Place your smudging sage in the bowl as well, and take a moment to reflect. This working is not about the habit itself, but about your rejection of the addiction. Realize that you will physically – and psychologically — no longer need the habit.

Allow everything in the bowl to burn out on its own. If possible, allow the candles to burn out on their own as well.

Spell by Patti
Website: Everything Under The Moon

To break a spell that was cast against you

To break a spell that was cast against you


If you believe that a spell has been cast against you, place a large black candle in a cauldron (or a large black bowl). The candle must be tall enough to extend a few inches above the cauldron’s rim. Affix the candle to the bottom of the cauldron with warmed beeswax or the drippings of another black candle so that it will not tip over. Fill the cauldron to the rim with fresh water, without wetting the candle’s wick. An inch or two of the candle should remain above the water. Deep breathe, meditate, clear your mind, and light the candle. Visualize the suspected spell’s power as residing in the candle’s flame. Sit in quiet contemplation of the candle and visualize the power flowing and growing with the candle’s flame (yes, the power Against you). As the candle burns down, its flame will eventually sputter and go out as it contacts the water. As soon as the flame has been extinguished by the water, the spell will be dispersed. Break your visualization of the spell’s power; see it explode into dust, becoming impotent. Pour the water into a hole in the ground, a lake or stream. Bury the candle. It is done. Spell to Divine the Identity of your True Friends Perform during a full moon, preferably while the moon is in Taurus or Libra. Assemble the following: BASIL (against evil)

LEMON and PEA (friendship)

BAY(psychic ability)

CINNAMON (dreams)

HIBISCUS (divination)

DRAGON’S BLOOD (catalyst)

Place a potted PLANT on the altar (if you are doing this spell after having been betrayed in friendship, use an ALOE plant for healing). If you wish to divine the identity of your friends in a scry or other divination method such as tarot, also have an OBSIDIAN stone on the altar; if you prefer dream divination, use FLUORITE instead. Cast the circle and raise the power. Light a BLUE (truth and friendship) candle. Grind the herbs together; as you do so, imagine their power flowing through your arm into your body. Release the power into the stone you are using. Once you have charged the stone, sacrifice the herbs to the elements by throwing some into the wind, smudging (burning) some in your cauldron, mixing some with water and pouring it away, and finally burying the rest in your potted plant. Then if you used the obsidian, scry in its surface or have it with you as you perform some other divination. If you used the fluorine, wear it to bed that night and you will dream about your friends. Remember to record your dream so you can contemplate it more fully! Once your magickal workings are complete, bind the spell, earth the power and uncast the circle…


Scott Cunningham




Reverse any negativity or hex being sent your way. Annoint a purple candle with Rosemary oil. On a piece of white paper write the following in black ink…

“All blocks are now removed.”

Fold the paper three times. Light the candle and burn the paper in a bowl, ashtray or any fireproof dish. Invoke the power of fire and it’s elemental spirits. Repeat three times:


“Firedrakes and Salamanders,
Aid me in my quest,
Protect me from all evil forms,
Turn back the negativity being sent.


After repeating it three times, say:

“So mote it be.”


A Defensive Spell To Break The Powers of a Spell



If you believe that a spell has been cast against you, place a large black candle in a cauldron (or a large black bowl). The candle must be tall enough to extend a few inched above the cauldron’s rim. Affix the candle to the bottom of the cauldron with warmed beeswax or the drippings of another black candle so that it will not tip over.

Fill the cauldron to the rim with fresh water,without wetting the candle’s wick. An inch or two of the candle should remain above the water. Deep breathe, meditate, clear your mind, and light the candle. Visualize the suspected spell’s power as residing within the candle’s flame. Sit in quiet contemplation of the candle and visualize the power flowing and growing with the candle’s flame (yes the power against you). As the candle burns down, its flame will eventually sputter and go out as it contacts the water. As soon as the flame has been xtinguished by the water, the spell will be dispersed.

Break your visualization of the spell’s power; see it explode into dust, becoming impotent. Pour the water into a hole in the ground, a lake or stream.

Bury the candle. It is done.





Needs: White candle Scissors Small knitted clothing article

Inscribe the candle with your problem, then draw a question mark beneath the inscription. Light the candle and say:

“Problem, problem, melt away.
Solutions come to me today.”

Snip a thread at the edge of the knitted piece and pull the yarn to unravel it. Say:

“Knitted thread, as you unwind,
Problems can no longer bind.”
Wind the yarn into a ball saying:
“As I smooth you to a ball,
Solutions rise-come one and all.”

Alternate unraveling and winding with the appropriate chants. The solution
will come by the time all the yarn is wound.

The Witch’s Magick for March 29th – Reflection/Deflection Spell

Witchy Cat Graphics & Comments
Reflection/Deflection Spell


Items You Will Need:

–1 black candle Bowl of salt
–Your favorite ‘protective’ incense, chalice or bowl of water (whichever your preference)
–A picture of the person from whom the energy is coming from
–A mirror (this mirror shouldn’t be like a scrying mirror. It should have a reflective surface, and should only be used for magical purposes and should be magically cleansed before and after each use to get rid of any magical ‘residue’ and it’s best if it’s small and can stand up).

Cast your circle as you normally would (invoking Elements, the Goddess, the God, etc.) At this point, I would normally cleanse the mirror of anything, physically AND magically. Next, light the black candle. The picture of the person should be face up in front of you. Pick up the picture and look at it. Say the person’s name three times to get their image firmly in your mind. Take the picture and run it through the incense smoke, saying:

“What ye send forth comes back to thee,
By Air and the Law of Three!”

Next run it through the flame of the candle (not enough to catch it on fire) and say:

“What ye send forth comes back to thee,
By Fire and the Law of Three!”

Sprinkle water on the picture (only needs to be a little… unless you caught it on fire, LOL):

“What ye send forth comes back to thee,
By Water and the Law of Three!”
Sprinkle a little salt on it:
“What ye send forth comes back to thee,
By Earth and the Law of Three!”

Next, place the picture facing the mirror; the black candle should be behind the mirror,but still able to cast light upon the picture of the person. Visualize a mirror-like surface surrounding you, reflecting energies back towards the person.

“What you send at me goes back!
Three times light, three times black!
What you reap, so shall you sew!
From above and from below!
No harm will come, unless you send.
No loss will come, if ye be friend.
No harm to me, by mirror’s shine,
For I reflect, by what is mine!
Earth and Air, Water, Fire, Help reflect,
by my desire! I invoke the Law of Three!
This is my Will, and it shall be!”

Allow the candle to burn down, and close the circle as you normally would, allowing the candle to burn itself out. After the candle has burned itself out, be sure to cleanse or dispose of the other materials used. For example I would ritually cleanse the mirror and burn or bury the picture, depending upon the circumstance.




If you know who has put a crossed condition on you and you want to reverse the jinx onto them, burn a black candle on their name (putting their name on a paper beneath an overturned saucer under the candle) or carve their name on the candle.

If you don’t know the name of the person who did this trick to you, carve the words “My Enemy” on the candle. Any black candle will do, but if you use a black candle in the figure of the Devil, carve their name on it, and dress it with Cast Off Evil Oil, things will go harder with them.

Burn the black candle on the toilet tank, a little bit each night, pinching it out between burnings. Burn it while the moon is growing smaller — then, on the dark of the moon, the darkest night of the month, turn the burning black candle upside down and extinguish it in the toilet bowl, saying

“Thus will you, [name of enemy], meet your fate!”

Throw the remaining black candle stub and wax into a crossroads — or into the yard of the person who had put the roots on you or jinxed you.

The Witches Magick for Feb. 19th – Break Another Witches Spell

Break Another Witches Spell

This spell will help to undo a hex or spell that has been put on you by another witch.

The following ingredients are needed:

A Length Of Silver Cord Or String
Your Boline (Magickal Knife Used For Cutting) Or A Pair Of Scissors .

Tie one knot in each end of the silver cord, as you do this visualize one knot representing you and the other person who has cast the spell or hex.

Cut the cord in the centre, chant the following, and see the spell breaking:

“From you to me this spell I break,
This was not right for you to make.
It’s path I will abruptly end,
And back to you the spell I send”
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The Witches Magick for Feb. 11th – Overcoming your Shadows

Overcoming your Shadows

Items You Will Need:

Cedar or sage smudging stick or cleansing incense
Bell Athame or ritual knife
White candle
Cakes and wine or juice


This spell, which signifies letting go the hurts of the past in a way that allows you to move forward with fresh energy into the future, can be performed at the time of the New Moon. By carrying it out every New Moon you are gradually able to cleanse yourself of the detritus of the past, often as far back as childhood

The Spell:

Cast your circle using the smudge stick or -incense to sweep the space as you move -around the circle clockwise.

Think of your space as being dome-shaped -over your head and cleanse that space too.

Ring the bell.

With your arms raised and your palms facing -upwards, acknowledge the Goddess and say:

Great Goddess, Queen of the Underworld, Protector of all believers in you, It is my will on this night of the new moon

To overcome my shadows and bring about change.

I invite you to this my circle to assist and protect

me in my rite.

Hold your athame or knife in your hands in -acknowledgement of the God and say:

Great God, Lord of the Upper realms, Friend of all who work with you, It is my will on this night of the new moon To overcome my shadows to bring about change. I invite you to my circle to assist me and protect me in my rite.

Light the candle and say:

Behind me the darkness, in front of me the light As the wheel turns, I know that every end is a beginning. I see birth, death and regeneration.

Spend a little time in quiet thought. If you can -remember a time either in the last month or-previously when times have not been good-for you, concentrate on that.

While the candle begins to burn properly -remember what that time felt like.

Now concentrate on the candle flame and -allow yourself to feel the positivity of the-light. Pick up the candle and hold it high-above your head.

Feel the energy of the light shower down -around you, the negativity drain away.

Now draw the power of the light into you -and feel the energy flowing through you.

Pass the candle around you and visualize the -energy building up.

If you wish, say: “Let the light cast out darkness.”

Now ground yourself by partaking of the -food and drink. Thank the God and Goddess -for their presence.

Withdraw the circle.

This is a very personal way for you to acknowledge the God and Goddess in your everyday life. While on first acquaintance it appears to be a protection technique, it is actually one to enhance your energies and to allow you to be healthy and happy in all levels of existence.

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The Witches Magick for January 20th – Jinx Removal Mojo Bag

Witchy Comments & Graphics
The Witches Magick for January 20th

Jinx Removal Mojo Bag

Red flannel bag
Broken chain
Skull charm or image
Bone charm or image
Cat’s Eye shell
Pinch of Five Finger Grass

This jinx removal bag is to be carried on your body to remove jinxes or crossed conditions and to prevent any new ones.

In addition to the items listed you may add a few strands of your hair, a few strands of your mother’s hair (for a mother’s protection) or a pinch of dirt from your front yard. Use the dirt from your yard only if you own or a family member owns the home where you live.

To fix the bag, breathe onto it several times, you may add a personal prayer for protection and safety.

Feed the bag with Cleanse Negativity Oil:

¼  ounce Carrier oil
3 drops Orange
2 drops Lemongrass
2 drops Lemon
2 drops Lime
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The Witches Magick for December 30th – Lemon Uncrossing Spell

Lemon Uncrossing Spell

Purpose: To get rid of negative energy.

Items You Will Need:

A cup of salt
A fresh lemon

Light white candles and protection incense. Anoint brow, heart and throat with oil. Put the lemon in the center of your altar and cut it into 4 slices (round).

“All spells against me congregate in this lemon, that’s your fate.
Sour spell to sour fruit, you must go there cause it’s your suit.
Bound to this lemon evermore. Each spell against me that’s your store.
All in this lemon, now I see, and as my will so mote it be!”

When you feel that the chant has captured the negative thought forms in the lemon, begin to sprinkle the salt on the lemon.

“Uncrossed! Uncrossed!
This salt for me breaks up the attacking energy.
As lemon dries in salt and air,
I’m freed from harm and all despair.
Uncrossed and happy now, you see!
And as my will so mote it be!!!”

Use lots of salt and when you are finished, thank all the elements.
Leave the lemon near your altar where you can watch it.
If it dries out, your work is done. If it should mildew, repeat the ritual.

The Witches Spell for Nov. 15th – Breaeaking an Unwanted (Love) Spell


Breaking an Unwanted (Love) Spell

This can be altered to fit any type of unwanted spell, or to zero in on one specific spell.

Perform this only if you are certain you are under a spell that is not in your best interests. It is wise to perform divination beforehand to see whether you are and whether that is the right course of action to take.

Incense: Frankincense, Sage or any appropriate cleansing/purifying incense or one that is personally empowering.

Timing: As needed, during the Waning Moon, at or just prior to Midnight.

Items Needed:

A candle (black for banishing or white for purity, cleansing & freedom)

Appropriate anointing oil

Unshelled pistachios

9 in number (or any number that is great significant to you personally).


Anoint your candle if desired, light it and the incense, set them in appropriate burners, visualizing yourself being freed.

Take one pistachio. Forcibly break it open, visualizing the unwanted spell breaking as the shell breaks. The more emotion you can put into the breaking of the shell, the better.

As you do this chant: “So may it broken be/ Any (love) spell cast on me/ That was cast not by my hand/ As I will, free and clear I stand!”

Continue this fashion until all 9 pistachios have been shelled. Eat the pistachios, knowing that you are now free.

The Witches Magick for Nov. 12th – To Rid Yourself of a Threat


To Rid Yourself of a Threat


4 tablespoons Frankincense or myrrh

4 tablespoons Black powdered iron

4 tablespoons Sea salt

4 tablespoons Orris Root powder

1 White candle

1 Bottle with cork or lid

1 Mortar and pestle

Parchment paper

Black pen

Black thread

Mix sea salt, Orris Root and iron in a bowl. Then cut a piece of parchment to fit inside the bottle. Write on it:

“I neutralize the power of (Name) to do me any harm. So Mote It Be.”

Roll up the parchment tie it with black thread and place in the bottle. Fill the bottle with dry ingredients. Take the white candle, turning the bottle counter clockwise, and drip wax over the cork to seal. Secretly bury the bottle where no person or animal will dig it up.

The Witches Magick for October 25th – Kiss It Goodbye Spell


Kiss It Goodbye Spell

To let go of baggage.

Items You Will Need:

Black candle
Empty paper bag

Write down your baggage on a piece of paper, and put it in the bag/envelope. After you say the spell, bury the bag or burn it in a bonfire or fireplace. As you write the words and say the spell, concentrate on your willingness to let go. You can even visualize a little creature packing bags and walking out the door and down the road.

Baggage can be anything that is weighing down your life: old memories, bad habits, etc. But keep in mind that if you are doing this spell to get rid of a person, they will probably get gone and stay gone. Be absolutely sure that this is what you want before casting.

Best to do this spell on the New Moon.

“Pack your bags and get you gone
Your time with me is finished now
Once you worked but now you’re wrong
And you can’t stay–no way, no how.”
“Without your baggage I’ll move on
I’ll get myself out of this rut
So pack your bags and get you gone
Don’t let the door hit ya in the butt.”
So Mote It Be!


The Witches Magick for Oct. 15th – To Break The Powers of a Spell (against you)


To Break The Powers of a Spell (against you)

Items you will need:

1 Large black candle

Cauldron or large black bowl

Place the candle in the cauldron or bowl, use candle wax from another black candle to cement the original black candle to the cauldron/bowl. Do this by dripping wax from the second candle. The candle should be tall enough to extend a few inches above the rim.

Fill the cauldron to the rim with fresh water, without wetting the candle’s wick. Deep breathe meditate, clear your mind and light the candle. Visualize the suspected spell’s power as residing within the candles flame. Sit in quiet and concentrate on the candle and then visualize the power flowing and growing within the candle’s flame. As the candle burns down, its flame will eventually sputter and go out as it contacts the water. As soon as the water has extinguished the flame, the spell will be dispersed. See the spell’s power explode into dust. Pour the water in the hole in the ground and bury the candle

Seven Day Desire Spell

Seven Day Desire Spell

You need:

Black seven day candle

Fill your saucer slightly with some water. On a piece of paper write the things you most desire, (like love, money, a job). Fold that up and put it on the saucer (yes, in the water) Now put your seven day candle on top of the paper and light it.

Each night before you go to sleep visualize your desires being obtained.

On the seventh day, snuff out the candle and dispose of it by getting it away from your property.

This spell can be customized by using different colored candles, pink or red for love, purple for spirituality, and so on. The black candle is used for “breaking through” those obstacles that are preventing you from your desires.

The Witches Spell for July 23rd – Reverse and Send Back A Spell or Curse

Book & Candle Comments

The Witches Spell for July 23rd:

Reverse and Send Back A Spell or Curse


Ingredients You Will Need:

Pine Needles

If you feel someone has been performing Magick on you against your will, you do have the option of stopping their effort. You should burn pine needles while concentrating on stopping and sending back the Magickal Act. This will also aid in blocking future attempts at Magickal intrusion.

The easiest way to perform this spell indoors is to crush a small amount of needles and to place them atop a round charcoal tablet. This spell can just as easily be preformed outdoors by placing pine needles on the campfire. All people present should participate in the visualization of sending the Magick back to its owner.

Spell Of The Day for February 10th – Curse Uraveling Ritual



 Curse Unraveling Ritual



1 black/white reversible candle (if you can’t find one of these, substitute a white candle which you’ve colored completely with a black permanent marker.)

1 yellow candle

Uncrossing Incense

Charcoal block

Fire-proof dish

Cauldron or fire pit




Light the reversible candle and visualize the magick reversing itself. Light the yellow candle and see the effort meeting with success. Then light the charcoal block and sprinkle the incense on top.

Now sit in a comfortable position in front of the cauldron or fire pit. Using the scissors, cut the neck and cuff ribbing away from the sweater and toss them into the receptacle. Locate a yarn end on the garment and begin to unravel the fabric, saying something like:

“The magick cast now falls away
As I unravel it today,
(Name of person)’s life is now returned
As magick in the cauldron’s burned.
By all the power of Moon and Sun
I remove all harm; so be it done.”

Continue to repeat the chant as you unravel the sweater, stopping occasionally to snip off the loosened yarn and set it aflame in the cauldron. Continue the process until the sweater is completely unraveled, burned, and reduced to ash. Either discard the ashes in running water or scatter them to the winds

Breaking A Curse

Breaking A Curse



Square of black cloth

Tablespoon of Curry

Tablespoon of Dill

Tablespoon of Vervain

Tablespoon of Powdered Ginger

Consecrated Black Candle


Black Ink

Black string, knotted nine times


On the first night of the waxing moon, gather the following ingredients:

A square of black cloth a little larger than your hand

1 tablespoon of curry

1 tablespoon of dill

1 tablespoon of vervain

1 tablespoon powdered ginger

1 consecrated black candle

Paper and black ink pen

1 black string, knotted nine times

On paper, write the full name and birthdate (if known) of the person who has cursed you. Place the paper in the center of the bag. One at a time, add the herbs, covering the slip of paper. Next, take the lit candle and drip 5 – 10 drops of wax over the paper and herbs.

Visualize the person who has cursed you and say their name aloud three times while tying the bag shut with the knotted string. The final step is to bury the bag someplace on the property of the person who cursed you. The bag must remain there undisturbed until the next Waxing Moon. At that time, dig up the bag and burn the contents. This will weaken that person’s power (usually until the night of the Full Moon) and the curse.