Poppet Binding Spell

Poppet Binding Spell

The purpose of this spell is to rid yourself of the negative energies of someone who is mentally or emotionally abusing you. If done properly, it will not harm the object of the spell nor will it affect his or her daily life in any way. It will simply make the person powerless to mentally or emotionally harm you.

Preform when Moon is dark


Small cloth doll,(poppet) leave the head unstitched until you are ready to begin the ritual Needle and thread

Some personal item from the person you want to bind (fingernail clippings, hair, handwriting sample)

Black ribbon

Black candle

Cauldron or other fireproof container

Sterilized needle

Piece of parchment paper and pen or quill

One candle at each quarter (optional)



Call the quarters – I like to use candles at each quarter to form a circle of fire for extra protection. Light the black candle Concentrating deeply on the person you are binding, place the personal object inside the head of the doll and sew it shut.Tie the black ribbon around the poppet’s head, signifying the binding of that person.

‘With harm to none, my will be done

I hereby bind you (name of person)

Your words cannot harm me

Your thoughts cannot harm me

You cannot harm me’

Continue chanting this or something like it until you feel power surging through you. Visualize the person helpless to slander or verbally and mentally abuse you while you are chanting.

~ Now, to bind the spell ~

If you have a sigil or a craft name, sign it on the small piece of paper. If not, sign your own full name. If others are working the ritual with you, they too should sign the paper. With the sterilized needle, prick one of your fingers and put a small drop of blood over your signature. Again, if others are working with you, they should place a drop of blood over their signatures. (using a different needle, of course) Fold the paper, light it on fire and drop it into the cauldron (which should be on a heat-proof surface!). Meditate on the flames until the paper completely burns away. If you are working with a group, join hands at this point and feel the power surging around the circle as the spell is bound. Ground and center Release the circle. Thank the Goddess and God for their protection and power Bury the doll as far away from you as possible within the next few days.




This is a Banishment of negativity spell, but a 7 day candle spell can be used for other workings, like prosperity, health, love etc. (on different days of the week)
This should be undertaken on Saturday (Saturn), and if you want to be more precise, the use Saturn’s hour. You can either choose 12-1 (from midnight) 7-8 am or (from noon) 2-3 PM and 8-9 PM. It doesn’t matter what time you finish, just start at the proper time.
Do this spell during the waning Moon towards the last quarter. Banishment spells are done during the Waning Moon because you want to stifle the negativity.
You will need:
1. Two regular white stick alter candles
2. A glass enclosed candle that will burn for approx. one week. If your local occult store carries the reverse candle with black wax on top and white or red at the bottom, this would be great, otherwise a black, brown, blue or purple is good since these are some of Saturn’s  colors.
3. Banishment or Uncrossing oil – or you can make it by taking the herb of rosemary, black cohosh, basil, eucalyptus, Vervain and sage (some or all) and putting them in some vegetable or olive oil and cooking them lightly for 5-10 minutes (don’t burn), strain into a bottle or  jar.
4. Salt and water for sprinkling (consecration)
5. Incense, a good quality
6. Some parchment paper, but nice stationary will do (approx. 3×3 piece)
Before you start your ritual you may want to air out your space with sage.
Make sure you air out the room with open windows and doors so negative
spirits can depart. This is optional, but a good idea. Be bathed and wear some uncrossing oil.
Wear your ritual clothes or clean garments. Your altar and ritual area should be tidy but have your personal touch on it, with the things that represent you.
Begin by lighting your incense and sprinkle water and salt in the 4 directions, move deosil, or clockwise (dispel). Offer a short prayer in your own words to the elements earth air fire and water to come to your space to purify it. You can include your favorite wights or protectors.
Make this as personal as possible. What matters is what ‘you’ identify with, not trying to identify with some entity you’ve never heard of. Just be sincere, and visualize your space being protected. If you want to draw an imaginary circle moving clockwise, that’s fine too, as long as you indicate the purification of your working space.
After the consecration, light the two white alter candles (protectors) and offer an  invocation/prayer to your main deity and in your own words ask him/her for protection and the banishment of all negative entities that are troubling you, ask him/her to send them back to their origin.
They have no place in your life. Ask for all harm to be turned away from you, leaving behind only prosperity, happiness, courage, acceptance of transitions without doubt and fear, and control over your life.
State that your external forces have no power over you. Again, just be sincere, and whether you do this in a poem form or just simply state it doesn’t matter, just say it with  conviction.
After your invocation, take some banishment oil and “charge” the top of your glass  encased candle with your finger tips, moving deosil, and offer a few words to remove and expel all the negativity around you. Now light the candle.
The parchment paper is your seal. It serves as an amulet, talisman and charm, it will do the work for you. There are many kinds of seals, but it can simply be something you create.
Write your intent or wish on the paper, in this case the banishment of ill-forces and your protection. Then put a few dabs of banishment oil on it and put it under your candle and leave it there until it burns out.
When you’ve finished with your seal, thank your deity and helpful spirits and ask them to depart and do your bidding.
Close the ritual by extinguishing your two main alter candles (never blow on the fire element). Your 7 day candle will stay lit until it burns out, so you may want to have it in an extra glass or metal bowl for safety’s sake, and out of reach for anyone to touch (including Freyja).
This is the end of you ritual. Now evening until the candle burns out, pick a certain time and stick to it, to sit down with your candle anywhere from 15 -30 minutes and seriously and intently focus or meditate on your wish or expectation. It’s always good to start with a prayer or chant, this depends on you particular spiritual practice and whatever suits you.
Never miss a single day. If more than one of you is doing this ritual, you must all sit together each evening for the candle visualization and stick to it.
When the candle finally burns out (7 days, sooner or later), take the seal and burn it, and sprinkle the ashes outside your front door and forget about it

The Witches Magick for Nov. 12th – To Rid Yourself of a Threat


To Rid Yourself of a Threat


4 tablespoons Frankincense or myrrh

4 tablespoons Black powdered iron

4 tablespoons Sea salt

4 tablespoons Orris Root powder

1 White candle

1 Bottle with cork or lid

1 Mortar and pestle

Parchment paper

Black pen

Black thread

Mix sea salt, Orris Root and iron in a bowl. Then cut a piece of parchment to fit inside the bottle. Write on it:

“I neutralize the power of (Name) to do me any harm. So Mote It Be.”

Roll up the parchment tie it with black thread and place in the bottle. Fill the bottle with dry ingredients. Take the white candle, turning the bottle counter clockwise, and drip wax over the cork to seal. Secretly bury the bottle where no person or animal will dig it up.

Compelling a Liar To Confess

Compelling a Liar To Confess


Items You Will Need:

Purple Candle

Compelling Oil

Parchment Paper



The Spell:

If you suspect someone is a liar but are not sure, get a purple candle and dress it with Compelling oil. Write the person’s name on a piece of parchment paper nine times and cross and cover that name with your name nine times.  Place the paper under the candle and burn it for seven days while the moon is waxing. Each night you light it, call the person’s name and say:

“I compel you to tell me the truth!”

On the seventh night wrap the left-over candle wax in the paper and throw it in running water or at a crossroads. He will be compelled to tell the truth then and may confess to many lies.

(Compelling Oil is made with a variety of herbs, among them Calamus Root.)