A Laugh for Today

Grab a partner or just go yourself out into the moonlight and party like it’s 2999! LOL

Spell for Today – Rainy Day Spell Use Those Showers for Conjuring Powers

There’s an undeniable power that’s carried in on the dark thunderheads of a summer afternoon rain storm. The magick is tangible as foreboding gray seeps across the sky, sultry humidity brings weight to the air, and nature goes quiet in preparation for the downpour that’s about to begin. What starts as a gentle hum in the distance, a low grumble of strength, quickly grows into a wild display of energy, making trees dance at its feet and the sky split open with fiery intensity.

I mean, not that I pay that close of attention. I could take them or leave them.

Wait, thunderstorms are like boys, right? You gotta play it cool to reign them in?

Of course, this spell doesn’t have to be sequestered to summer. It can be used anytime you notice the sky sodden with potential, readied to exhale raw magick and manifestation upon the earth below. Just do me a favor and exercise common sense. A fried witch is useful to no one, so don’t run outside in the middle of violent lightning. Also, don’t play in traffic.


What You’ll Need:
The earth
A finger (preferably yours) or a stick

How to Conjure:
If you notice a storm brewing and it’s safe to be outside, find yourself a nice patch of dirt that will be exposed to the rain. Get creative if needed! A flower pot. A flower bed. Don’t overthink it. We’re working a spell, not redefining nuclear dynamics.

Draw a rune, a sigil, or simply write a one-word intention in the soil using your finger or a stick.

Once your spell is written in the earth, hold your hands over the word/sigil (palms facing the soil) and envision the word/sigil in neon. Now envision the rain that is soon to come pouring upon your spell. Imagine the intention being driven deep into the soil where it will be nourished by the earth, sprouted like a plant, and manifested into reality. Envision your desires brought into reality—use all 5 senses! What will it look like? Smell like? When that bad boy is palpable in your mind, say aloud with conviction:

So Mote it Be!
And you’re all set! Now get your ass inside, you silly hippie, and know that the rain is feeding your intentions.

Also, brew yourself some tea, because tea is always best with rain. And a book. And a cat.

Happy Casting!

From pennilesspagan.com

6 February 2023 Southern Hemisphere’s Planetary Positions

If you need to calculate the planetary positions for a specific use and time, click on this link


To figure out GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) to your local time use this link  

For Your Local Time and Date 

Southeastern Hemisphere

The time for these Custom Planetary Positions is from the local time in Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America

6 February 2023
06:00 pm GMT 3:00 PM BRT
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:17 Aquarius 40
Moon:28 Leo 23
Mercury:23 Capricorn 45
Venus:13 Pisces 14
Mars:11 Gemini 39
Jupiter:07 Aries 10
Saturn:26 Aquarius 32
Uranus:15 Taurus 02
Neptune:23 Pisces 47
Pluto:28 Capricorn 51

True Lunar Node:07 Taurus 31 Rx
Mean Lunar Node:08 Taurus 15 Rx

Lilith (Black Moon):03 Leo 16

Chiron:12 Aries 51
Ceres:06 Libra 57 Rx
Pallas:10 Cancer 58 Rx
Juno:12 Aries 03
Vesta:29 Pisces 22

Eris:23 Aries 59


Southern Hemisphere

The time for these Custom Planetary Positions is from the local time in Cape Town, South Africa

6 February 2023
01:00 pm GMT 3:00 PM SAST
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:17 Aquarius 28
Moon:25 Leo 54
Mercury:23 Capricorn 29
Venus:12 Pisces 58
Mars:11 Gemini 35
Jupiter:07 Aries 07
Saturn:26 Aquarius 31
Uranus:15 Taurus 02
Neptune:23 Pisces 46
Pluto:28 Capricorn 50

True Lunar Node:07 Taurus 34 Rx
Mean Lunar Node:08 Taurus 16 Rx

Lilith (Black Moon):03 Leo 15

Chiron:12 Aries 50
Ceres:06 Libra 57 Rx
Pallas:11 Cancer 00 Rx
Juno:11 Aries 57
Vesta:29 Pisces 17

Eris:23 Aries 59


Southwestern Hemisphere

The time for these Custom Planetary Positions is from the local time in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

6 February 2023
04:00 am GMT 3:00 PM AEDT
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:17 Aquarius 05
Moon:21 Leo 25
Mercury:23 Capricorn 01
Venus:12 Pisces 30
Mars:11 Gemini 30
Jupiter:07 Aries 03
Saturn:26 Aquarius 28
Uranus:15 Taurus 02
Neptune:23 Pisces 45
Pluto:28 Capricorn 50

True Lunar Node:07 Taurus 39 Rx
Mean Lunar Node:08 Taurus 17 Rx

Lilith (Black Moon):03 Leo 12

Chiron:12 Aries 49
Ceres:06 Libra 57 Rx
Pallas:11 Cancer 02 Rx
Juno:11 Aries 45
Vesta:29 Pisces 07

Eris:23 Aries 59


A Thought for Today

Dear sisters, brothers, and honored guests may the Great Mother and Great Father, Lord and Lady, bless you and your family with all things positive!

As We End the Week of Remembering Lady Abyss, I leave You with These Words…

I chose to honor Lady Abyss’ memory this week by reposting some of her wisdom, humor, and the fount of inspiration her posts brought to so many of us. I have decided that she share so much information over the years to dedicate every Sunday to bring some of those posts to light again because of the excellent things we can learn about witchcraft from WOTC’s founder and my muse to continue her work for the Goddess. To that end you will be able to read some of the posts that are from way back in our archives. I hope you have enjoyed this stroll down memory lane with me as much as I have enjoyed bring these posts I choose to you dear WOTC family and guests.

Lady Abyss or Lady A or her full pagan name Lady of the Abyss has been on my mind a lot this month. I would have been on the phone with probably more than once a day asking for help or just venting. So, I decide I am going to honor her memory by reposting Lady A’s original posts for some of our regular daily posts. She was a virtual font of knowledge. As I can afford it, I want to purchase some of the books she used for posts on WOTC.

For those of you who have joined the WOTC family after about the middle of June 2019 did not have the pleasure of knowing her, so I am going to tell you a little about this fantastic lady and witch.

Lady A founded WOTC in 2004 when the world wide web was just opening to individuals to start websites. She once told me that the Goddess had called her to do this work and so she did. She was all alone posting about witchcraft when she started out. Because she came so forcibly out of the broom closet back in the day, she received numerous hate mails and even death threats throughout her 20 some years bring the Goddess’ message to people around the world. She received the last death threat a mere month before she crossed the veil. One of the main groups that kept threatening her was ISIS. Much to her dismay she found out there were members of that group only about 20 miles from where she lived in Kentucky.

She was born as far as I remember her telling in the hills of eastern Kentucky but moved to around the center of the state as a young woman. Her style of witchcraft stemmed from her birthplace and family.

May she continue to walk by my side and help me bring meaningful things about witchcraft and life to you for however many years I have left to run this website.


Please note that this is in no way meant to take the place of regular medical advice or treatment.
Please see a doctor if conditions persist or worsen



Many herbs contain steroids that can affect the baby’s development during pregnancy and/or nursing. Others may be of a mild toxic type, and others may be strong uterine stimulants. Please read this section carefully and take heed.

Angelica – stimulates suppressed menstruation
Black Cohosh – uterine stimulant – mostly used during labor
Blue Cohosh – a stronger uterine stimulant
Borage oil – a uterine stimulant – use only during the last few days of pregnancy
Comfrey – can cause liver problems in mother and fetus – use only briefly, externally only, for treating sprains and strains –
Dong Quai – may stimulate bleeding
Elder – do not use during pregnancy or lactation
Fenugreek – uterine relaxant
Goldenseal – too powerful an antibiotic for the developing fetus, also should not be used if nursing
Henbane – highly toxic
Horsetail – too high in silica for the developing fetus
Licorice Root – can create water retention and/or elevated blood pressure
Motherwort – stimulates suppressed menstruation
Mugwort – can be a uterine stimulant
Nutmeg – can cause miscarriage in large doses
Pennyroyal Leaf – stimulates uterine contractions (NOTE: Pennyroyal essential oil should not be used by pregnant women at any time!) – do not handle if pregnant or nursing

Rue – strong expellant
Shepherd’s Purse – used only for hemmorhaging during/after childbirth
Uva Ursi – removes too much blood sugar during pregnancy and nursing
Yarrow – uterine stimulant

Medicinal Uses For Common Culinary Spices c. 2012

Medicinal Uses For Common Culinary Spices

by Lord Riekin, © 1999

Please note that this is in no way meant to take the place of regular medical advice or treatment.
Please see a doctor if conditions persist or worsen

Active ingredient is eugenol, same as cloves. Topical pain relief, tea and mouthwash.

Seven tsp. of seed to one quart water, boil down by half, add 4 tbsp. of honey, take two tsp to calm a cough. Drink tea for memory, aid digestion, and a wash for oily skin.

(Lipstick tree)
Lightly crushed seeds added to food is like natural gas-x.

One tbsp in a cup of juice every few hours to relieve diarrhea. Poultice to soothe skin inflammations.

Buy the tincture in Indian shops. They add a drop to many dishes to relieve stomach pains (gas). Insect repellent. Topical use to heal ulcerated sores.

Boil in water and drink the water for kidney problems. Dissolves uric acid deposits and promotes urination.

Add fresh herb or seeds to boiled water to make tea for migraines and bed time restlessness. Douche for yeast infections, eliminates candida, gargle and mouthwash. Pregnant women should avoid medicinal use of basil.

Heat leaves in a little olive oil to make a bay oil salve for arthritis and aches.

Bring 2 cups of water to a boil and add 4 tsp lightly crushed seeds. Simmer for 5 minutes, then steep 15 min. Drink with meals to prevent gas, even for infant colic. Promotes menstruation and relieves uterine cramping.

Digestive aid, eases gluten intolerance (celiac disease). Sprinkle powder on cereal.

Capsicum speeds metabolism. Capsicum cream and oils relieve arthritis and aches, not just by warming and stimulating blood flow, but also by blocking pain transmission by nerves. (blocks substance P) Prevents blood clots, heals ulcers. “Jewish” penicillin, cayenne and garlic in chicken soup really IS as effective as antibiotics after the onset of cold or flu. Cayenne dramatically drops blood sugar levels and should by avoided by hypoglycemics. Cayenne promotes excretion of cholesterol through the intestines. It increases energy levels and aura brilliance.

Sedative. Active ingredient thalide. Seed and stalk, reduces hypertension. Celery seed tea for the kidneys as a cleanser.

Steep in boiled water and apply with an eye cup for a wide range of eye complaints.

Liver cleanser, fat cleanser, dissolves gallstones. Prepare like coffee.

Leafy part of coriander plant. Food poisoning preventative.

Mouthwash, good for upset stomach. Simmer sticks with cloves for 3 min, add 2 tsp lemon juice, 2 tsp honey, 2 tbsp whiskey – as cold medication. Cinnamon is good for yeast infection and athlete’s foot. A 2% solution will kill both of these conditions. Boil 8-10 sticks in 4 cups water, simmer 5 min, steep 45 min, then douche or apply to athlete’s foot. Cinnamon reduces cancer causing tendencies of many food additives.

Use oil for pain relief for sore gums and toothache. Add clove oil to neutral oils for topical pain relief of arthritis. Small amounts of clove in a tea for nausea. 3 cloves in two cups of boiled water, steeped for 20 minutes, as an antiseptic and mouthwash. Former alcoholics can suck on one or two cloves when the craving strikes to curb the desire.

Although not a spice, it is commonly available in the kitchen. The caffeine in coffee can be used to alleviate headaches (particularly those caused by caffeine withdrawal.) Coffee enemas with olive oil are used to cleanse the bowels and are one of the safest and most thoroughly cleansing enemas available. Caution and common sense must be used to avoid dependency. Hot black coffee sipped through a straw helps break up mucus congestion in the lungs.

Coriander tea can be used topically to remove unpleasant odors in the genital area for men and women. The tea can be held in the mouth to relieve the pain of a toothache. Can also be drank to relieve flatulence and indigestion.

Bring one pint of white wine almost to a boil, remove from heat and add 4 tsp of dill seeds, let steep 30 minutes and strain. Drink 1 ½ cups a half hour before retiring to sleep well. To the same directions, but substitute for the 4 tsp of dill, instead add 1 tsp each of anise, caraway, coriander and dill to stimulate the flow of breast milk in nursing mothers. Chewing dill seeds removes bad breath.

Chewing fennel seeds relieves bad breath. Fennel seed tea sweetens breast milk. Fennel tea relieves colic in infants.

Use as a tea as an excellent relief for colic and fever in children. 1 tbsp ground fenugreek seed taken in the diet daily can reduce cholesterol. 8 tsp of seed presoaked in 4 cups cold water for 4 hours, then boil for 2 minutes, strain and drink 1 cup a day to ease hay fever attacks.

Ultimate antibiotic. Useful even for sexually transmitted diseases. Strongly recommended for hypoglycemia, and diabetes. Destroys intestinal parasites. Reduces cholesterol. Repels insects, and reduces sting effects of insects and red ants.

Anti-nausea tea, blood thinner, substitute for coumadin. Boil 2/3 cup of freshly chopped root in 1 gallon water, wrapped in cheesecloth (or old nylon stocking) until the water is yellow. Then soak towel and lay on bruises and sprains while still hot, to ease them. Stimulates a delayed period. Warm ginger tea is good to break up congestion and fever. Ginger is one of the few herbs that easily passes the blood/brain membrane and is used in conjunction with other herbs that are meant to have an effect on the mind. Pregnant women should avoid medicinal concentrations of ginger.

Freshly dug root is added to a cold-pressed oil of choice (such as safflower or olive) to make a massage oil for muscle aches and to break up chest congestion. Grate fresh ginger and horseradish together and make a tea to stop post nasal drip.

½ cup dried leaves to 2 pints of water, simmer for 10 minutes, and sip to bring down fevers.

Tranquilizer. Balances nervous system, stimulates liver functions. Long term usage (over 3 months) could cause liver damage.

Steep root for 15 min in a cup of boiled water, drink after every meal to prevent flatulence.

Over 2 dozen related species. Use as a tea to help reduce fevers and break up bronchitis. Drink tea to relieve cramps and irregular menstruation. Eases suffering of childhood diseases like mumps and measles.

(Peppermint and spearmint)
Peppermint tea for migraines, nervousness, stomach disorders, heartburn, and abdominal cramps. Herpes sufferers can take 2 cups of tea a day to ease the symptoms when the virus is active. Mints are used to buffer the action of other herbs that have uncomfortable effects on the stomach and intestines. Can be used in any combination for flavor.

1 ½ cups of dry yellow mustard in a bathtub of water for sprained backs. Make a paste with water and apply to knee and elbow sprains till blisters appear! Mustard and ginger plaster for deep rattling coughs – 1 tsp each mustard and ginger powder mixed with 2 ½ tbsp of olive oil. Rub over chest and back and put on an old T-shirt (or cover with cloth diaper).

Gas, indigestion, nausea, vomiting, and kidney problems – make a paste of powder with cold water and then add to boiled water. 1 tbsp of powdered nutmeg produces a floating euphoria for between 6 and 24 hours. Can cause near constant erections for men during that time. Side effects are bone and muscle aches, burning eyes, sinus drainage, and limited diarrhea.

Egyptians swore their oaths on onions; Grant refused to move his army until he got 3 railroad cars full of onions; interviews with hundreds of people who lived to 100 plus all indicated a heavy intake of onions in the diet. Onion is an excellent dressing for burns. Crush sliced onions with a little bit of salt and apply to burns. Apply sliced onion to bee and wasp stings. For asthma: puree an onion, cover it with brandy and let sit overnight, strain it, filter it through a coffee filter, and refrigerate. Take 2 tbsp 20 minutes before expected onset or before going to bed.

The purifier. Chew for halitosis. A few sprigs provide 2/3 the vitamin C of an orange, lots of vitamin A, and the important amino acid histidine, which is a tumor inhibitor. Parsley tea is good for kidney problems, painful urination, and kidney stones. One cup of parsley to 1 quart of water makes a strong tea. Two cups of parsley to 1 quart of water, steep an hour and drink warm, as an aphrodisiac. In Spain they have found that feeding parsley to sheep will bring them into heat at any time of year!

PEPPER (black)
Pain relief from toothache, brings down a fever.

Flower tea for the breath. Boil water with rosemary in it to make it safe to drink. Diuretic and liver aid, increases bile flow. Two handfuls of flowering tips into 2 cups of good brandy, soak 10 days, strain and seal. Mouthful twice daily. Oil of rosemary is a natural anti-oxidant, and stress reliever; sniff for headaches. Chop a double handful of twigs and put in a pint of olive oil for one week, and use as a muscle liniment.

Chew a fresh leaf and put on insect bite to reduce sting and swelling. Sage tea for the throat. Two cups of sage tea a day for a week will dry up mother’s milk. For the itching of skin problems, steep a handful of freshly crushed leaves in a pint of boiled water for one hour, and bathe the area, then sprinkle with whole wheat flour. Sage tea prevents blood clots.

(the herb of love)
One quart boiled water, 3 ½ tbsp fenugreek seed, and steep for 5 minutes. Remove fenugreek and add 2 handfuls of savory leaves, steep 50 minutes and drink 2 cups, as an aphrodisiac.

1 ½ tsp cut dried herb in 1 ¾ cups boiled water, steep 40 minutes, drink warm for insomnia, hyperactivity, depression, or nervous exhaustion. (or anything “jittery”) For digestion steep a handful of dried leaves in a jar with apple cider vinegar, stand 7 hours, strain and seal. Take 1 tbsp before each meal.

Caffeine relieves migraines. Tea drinkers suffer less hardening of the arteries than coffee drinkers. Black tea kills dental plaque.

Antibiotic. A tsp in ½ cup boiled water to make a gargle or mouthwash, to prevent bad breath, tooth decay, and cold sores. Drink for cold, flu, fever, and allergy symptoms. As a bath for nail fungus and athlete’s foot, and also as a douche. Compress for bumps and bruises. Health liqueur – 6 sprigs of thyme in 1 ½ cups of brandy for 5 days, shaking daily. Take several times daily when you feel a cold coming on. Thyme is good for killing bacteria and for relaxing tense muscles. Relieves migraine headaches and stomach cramps.

Anti-oxidant. Powdered turmeric on any ulcerated skin condition or mix with enough lime juice to make a paste and put on herpes sores, mumps, chicken pox, etc. Dip a cloth in turmeric solution to wash away discharges from conjunctivitis and opthamalia. As an anti-inflammatory, turmeric’s properties are as good as 1 % hydrocortisone and phenylobutazone. Take ½ tsp in juice in the morning and evening to aid in removing fat around the liver. Turmeric, bay leaf, clove, and cinnamon all tripled insulin performance in metabolizing blood glucose in a test tube! Field tests proved to greatly enhance production of insulin by the pancreas. “Spicecaps” from Great American Natural Products have a pinch of cinnamon, 2 cloves, ½ bay leaf, and 1 tsp of turmeric per capsule.

Sexual stimulant. Soak a cotton ball with vanilla extract, squeeze it out, put it under the tongue and it will quickly calm hysteria.

Naturally brewed apple cider vinegar deserves a course all on it’s own. It is one of the finest blood cleansers and arthritis cures known. Take 1 tbsp per day of equal parts vinegar and honey in water to taste to cleanse the blood and reduce inflammation from arthritis. Be sure to use naturally brewed vinegar, as the white cheap stuff in the grocery store is actually acetic acid, a petroleum by-product, and pretty well useless. (except as a window cleaner!)

Although not an herb or a spice, this was sent in by OrichidTigress@aol.com, and is especially recommended for people who are allergic to MSG. Many people will use a meat tenderizer for bee stings, but it contains MSG which can cause some people to swell. Instead, make a paste and apply directly to the insect bite to reduce swelling. You can also mix 1 tsp with water and take for relief of indigestion.

Common Kitchen Herbs That Heal c. 2012

Please note that this is in no way meant to take the place of regular medical advice or treatment.
Please see a doctor if conditions persist or worsen

What follows is a short list of herbs commonly found in kitchens, or easily found in most supermarkets. This list is alphabetical by herb.

Anise (Pimpinella ansium)
Anise helps expel gas, relieves nausea and stomach pain caused by gas.
To use: crush anise seeds into a powder. Put 1 teaspoon of the powder into 1 cup of warm water. Drink up to three times a day to relieve symptoms. ——————————————————————————–
Basil (Ocimum basilicum)
Basil is another anti-nauseant that also relieves gas, and promotes normal bowel function.
To use: Make a strong tea using 1 teaspoon of the crushed dried herb in a half- cup of water. Drink as needed, not to exceed three cups a day. ——————————————————————————–
Capsicum or Cayenne (Capsicum frutescens)
Cayenne helps stimulate the appetite and acts as a milk stimulant. It may reduce discomfort from the common cold.
To use: make a tea out of the dried herb, 1 teaspoon per cup of hot water. 2 cups per day only.
Note: Cayenne irritates hemorrhoids and should never be used by people with stomach problems. Do not exceed recommended dosage as high doses can cause stomach and kidney problems. ——————————————————————————–
Caraway (Carum carvi)
Caraway works as an expectorant for coughs due to colds. It also improves the appetite and may increase breast milk in nursing mothers.
To use: Chew some seeds three or four times a day. ——————————————————————————–
Dill (Aniethum graveolens)
Dill eases indigestion and upset stomachs.
To use: make a strong tea by steeping 2 teaspoons of dill seeds in 1 cup of hot water for 10 to 15 minutes. Strain and drink one half-cup 2 to 3 times daily. ——————————————————————————–
Fennel (Foeniculum velgare)
Fennel is a digestive aid and is known to relieve cramps. The oil is used to relieve stiff joints.
To use: 15 drops of extract in warm water with honey, one daily, as digestive aid. Rub oil directly on affected area for pain alleviation. ——————————————————————————–
Fenugreek (Trigonella graceum)
Fenugreek relieves sore throats and is useful for treating irritations and other inflammations.
To use: as a gargle for sore throat – mix 1 tablespoon of pulverized seed in 1 cup hot water. Let steep for 10 minutes and strain. Gargle 3 times a day, every 3-4 hours. As a poultice for skin irritations – pulverize enough seed so that when mixed with 8 ounces of water, it forms a thick paste. Apply paste to affected areas once a day. ——————————————————————————–
Garlic (Allium satvum)
Garlic helps fight infections, lowers blood pressure and may be able to destroy some cancer cells.
To use: stir-fry cloves for a few minutes to cut down garlic-breath. Eat 2 or 3 a day for maximum effectiveness. ——————————————————————————–
Ginger (Zingiber officinalis)
Ginger eases cold symptoms, soothes skin inflammations and minor burns, calms upset stomachs, and is a natural remedy for morning sickness.
To use: for burn and inflammations – mash fresh ginger root, soak cotton ball and then rub juice on the affected area. For all else – add ginger extract to hot water, 10 drops per cup. This can be taken up to three times daily. ——————————————————————————–
Parsley (Petroselinium sativum)
Parsley settles stomachs after meals. If also helps clear congestion due to colds and is soothing for asthma.
To use: make a strong tea using 1 teaspoon dried, ground parsley in 1 cup hot water. Let steep 10-15 minutes. Take once a day. ——————————————————————————–
Peppermint (Mentha piperita)
Mint is an anti-spasmodic and is excellent for relieving cramps and stomach pain. It also relieves gas and aids in digestion. It can help reduce the sick feeling associated with migraines.
To use: drink one cup as a tea. Commercial teas are available. (Make sure it is only mint, not mint flavored.) Drink as needed. ——————————————————————————–
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
Rosemary is used for most head pains.
To use: as tea, to relieve nervous tension, make a strong tea. Rub rosemary essential oil on the temples to relieve headaches. Mix essential oils or leaves with olive oil to make a dandruff treatment. ——————————————————————————–
Sage (Salvia officinalis)
Sage reduces perspiration and can be used to ease sore gums.
To use: to relieve perspiration, medium tea, one time daily. To ease gums, strong infusion, gargled, 3 times daily. ——————————————————————————–
Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)
Thyme is good for chronic respiratory problems, cold flu and sore throat. It is also an anti-fungal.
To use: make a tea of the dried herb, drink daily. As an anti-fungal, rub extract on affected areas. ——————————————————————————–
Turmeric (Curcuma longa)
Turmeric promotes good liver function and helps prevent gallbladder disease. It also may help prevent over-clotting of blood cells, and may help relieve arthritis symptoms.
To use: take 300mg up to 3 times daily. ——————————————————————————–

Herbal First Aid Kit c. 2012

Please note that this is in no way meant to take the place of regular medical advice or treatment.
Please see a doctor if conditions persist or worsen

Contents and Instructions

* Calendula Ointment – Use for minor cuts and grazes, red rashes and any minor skin rash.
* Comfrey Ointment – Suitable for all bruises and minor damage to external blood vessels and veins.
* St. Johns Wort Oil – Beneficial for itchy skin and irritable psoriasis. Also good for sunburn when applied at night.
* Liver Mixture – Has mild laxative properties and helps with the digestion of rich food. Take one teaspoon at night or 30 minutes before your main meal.
* Parasite Mixture – Effective against some common internal parasites. If  infestation is suspected abstain from all food for 24 hours. Then take one tablespoon of the mixture in a little water and repeat this dose after four hours and then once again after another four hours. Your parasites should by then have died. You should be able to recommence eating four hours after the last dose, (Gasp!). May also be used as a skin wash for external parasites.
* Nervine and Sedative Mixture – Take 25 drops 3 x daily on an empty stomach as a general sedative. If you have trouble sleeping at night take one teaspoon in a little water 30 minutes before bed-time.
* Astringent Mix. – Good for internal bleeding and also as an effective remedy for occasional diarrhea. If you are stricken with “the runs” take one teaspoonful in a little water every two hours until symptoms subside. Follow up with Echinacea and Goldenseal tincture.
* Echinacea and Goldenseal – Similar in effect to an anti-biotic. Use only in the event of serious infection etc. Take 25 drops in a little water 4 x daily half an hour before meals. Continue for at least two weeks. May be used externally as an antiseptic and anesthetic lotion.
* Echinacea Tincture – Similar to the previous mixture but more suitable for use over a long period when taken internally. May be taken for up to one month in order to boost the overall effectiveness of the immune system.
Important – These remedies are in no way intended as a substitute for proper medical care and attention. If your symptoms persist please consult with a reputable health care practitioner.

A Little Humor for Your Day – Ineffective Daily Affirmations c. 2019

Ineffective Daily Affirmations

As I let go of my feelings of guilt, I can get in touch with my Inner Sociopath.

I have the power to channel my imagination into ever-soaring levels of suspicion and paranoia.

As I learn to trust the universe, I no longer need to carry a gun.

I assume full responsibility for my actions, except the ones that are someone else’s fault.

I no longer need to punish, deceive or compromise myself. Unless, of course, I want to stay employed.

In some cultures, what I do would be considered normal.

Having control over myself is nearly as good as having control over others.

My intuition nearly makes up for my lack of good judgment.

I can change any thought that hurts into a reality that hurts even more.

I honor my personality flaws, for without them I would have no personality at all.

Joan of Arc heard voices, too.

I am grateful that I am not as judgmental as all those censorious, self-righteous people around me.

I need not suffer in silence while I can still moan, whimper and complain.

As I learn the innermost secrets of the people around me, they reward me in many ways to keep me quiet.

When someone hurts me, forgiveness is cheaper than a lawsuit. But not nearly as gratifying.

The first step is to say nice things about myself. The second, to do nice things for myself. The third, to find someone to buy me nice things.

All of me is beautiful and valuable, even the ugly, stupid, and disgusting parts.

I am at one with my duality.

Blessed are the flexible, for they can tie themselves into knots.

Rather than curse the darkness, I could light a candle… with a little luck, I could torch the place.

I will strive to live each day as if it were my 30th birthday.

Only a lack of imagination saves me from immobilizing myself with imaginary fears.

Does my quiet self-pity get to me? Yes? Or should I move up to incessant nagging?

I honor and express all facets of my being, regardless of state and local laws.

Today I will gladly share my experience and advice, for there are no sweeter words than “I told you so.”


Turok’s Cabana

Spell for Today – Full Moon Goddess Blessing Salts c. 2017

Full Moon Goddess Blessing Salts

What You’ll Need: 1/2 cup of salt Desired herbal blend (See conjuring instructions for amount)

Protection Blend Dill Cedar Clove Sage Lavender

Healing Blend Cinnamon Lavender Pine Rosemary Sandalwood

Self-Love Blend Chamomile Lavender Rose Jasmine

How to Conjure: In a glass jar or bowl, mix 1/2 cup salt with desired herbs. While mixing, focus your mind on your intentions (i.e. protection, health, self-love). Picture your intentions manifesting. Feel the safety and peace rippling through you if your salt is for protection. Imagine your body (or your loved one’s) healing if you’re manifesting health. Picture that person up and about, running and jumping and feeling amazing! If your blend is for self-love, imagine yourself standing before a mirror, liking what you see. Smile at yourself. Tell yourself you are loved, that you are human and you are doing your best, that your best is enough. That you are worthy of love, especially your own.

Once you can visualize the outcome in your mind’s eye, place the jar outside or on a windowsill where it will be exposed to the moonlight all night. In Goddess pose (arms above head like the “Y” in the YMCA dance), thank the Goddess Moon for lending her energies to your spell and take a moment to appreciate the beauty that is a full moon.

Leave the jar on the windowsill until the following morning. Cover it, put it on your magic shelf, and you’re done! Now you have a blessing salt you can use to protect your home or vehicle, to circle a table for a healing spell, or to bless a special piece of jewelry or crystal to keep with you to remind yourself that you are worthy of love!

These herbs can be added in any amount. Generally I listen to instinct and see what the herb is saying to me (so to speak. I don’t hear herbal voices, but how cool would that be?!) If you find yourself drawn to one more than another, either by scent or smell or pure instinct, follow your gut! Magick is all about instinct. The best spells you will ever cast are the ones where you followed your intuition.


You Download a PDF file on this material at The Penniless Pagan

Correspondences for Sunday c. 2019


Correspondences for Sunday

Magickal Intentions: Growth, Advancements, Enlightenment, Rational Thought, Exorcism, Healing, Prosperity, Hope, Exorcism, Money

Incense: Lemon, Frankincense

Planet: Sun

Sign: Leo

Angel: Michael

Colors: Gold, Yellow, Orange and White

Herbs/Plants: Marigold, Heliotrope, Sunflower, Buttercup, Cedar, Beech, Oak

Stones: Carnelian, Citrine, Tiger’s Eye, Amber, Clear Quartz and Red Agate

Oil: (Sun) Cedar, Frankincense, Neroli, Rosemary

The first day of the week is ruled by the Sun. It is an excellent time to work efforts involving business partnerships, work promotions, business ventures, and professional success.

Spells where friendships, mental or physical health, or bringing joy back into life are an issue work well on this day, too

Divination Journal – The Witches Divination Digest c. 2018

The Witches Divination Journal

Psychic Tip of the Day


It is time to consider getting active with a group of friends. Your soulmate might be out there in a crowd right now, looking for you. Are you interested in anyone new?


Tarot.com is Part of the Daily Insight Group ©2018

Daily Love Tarot

The Sun












The Sun is an invitation to a supportive relationship in which you can be yourself around your significant other. You feel relaxed and loved, with a sense of peace of heart. You’ve struck gold and entered into a new realm. Keep looking if this is not how you feel because it is how things should be. You can’t expect improvement in a long-term union if you do not take effective steps to create it.


Your Erotic Tarot

The Judgment












The Judgment card represents a sexual awakening, and now that you aren’t afraid to move in a new direction, a whole new world awaits you. What sex positions do you want to try, and which fantasies have you been dying to act out? Being honest with yourself and potential partner(s) about the details of what you desire will help you get what you want faster, and the end result will be much more satisfying. And above all, enjoy your sexual liberation!


Your Daily Rune for


“Man-az” – Literally: “Mankind”

Esoteric: Humankind, awareness

Rune of the Divine structure of intelligence in the human soul or psyche. Rune of the horizons of human existence and collective potential.

Psi: mind & memory (Hugin & Munin), the difference between human and all other life, development of the intellect, rational mind, perfected intelligence

Energy: psychic order of the gods reflected in humankind, projection of Self into time

Mundane: thinking, planning, analysis, the human condition, people at large (contemporary: the masses)

Divinations: Divine structure, sustainability, intelligence, awareness, social order, divine influence in life; or depression, mortality, blindness, self-delusion, collective suicide, bigotry, elitism, intellectual arrogance.


Realization of the divine structure in humankind
Increase in intelligence, memory and mental powers (passing tests)
Unlocking the third-eye hvel, the “mind’s eye”
Activating the dynamics of your own inner Christus, or Higher Self
Awareness of our roles as co-creator with the gods and nature
Mental and spiritual potential’


Your Ogham Reading for Monday, November 5, 2018



The third letter of the Ogham alphabet is Fearn it means alder-tree. Alder-bark has been used by many cultures to treat various health problems and disorders, everything from insect bites to tuberculosis. Alder is a very water resistant hardwood and is often used in foundations where water is present. The key points to remember with alder are confidence, shielding, guidance, and standing up to ones enemies. Just as water stands no chance against alder, your enemies are at a loss when you have the protection of the alder.

Fortune – Drawing this Ogham is a sign to remain true to yourself and resist all temptation!




The Celts often believed the hawthorn to be a portal to the Otherworld. The hawthorn is a hardy plant commonly used for hedges and great firewood. It can even be an invasive species at times. The key points to remember with the letter Huathe are obstacles, walls, and obstructions. Its ability to form a natural wall gives the diviner an idea in what this symbol can mean to them and their lives.

Fortune – To overcome obstacles and walls you must make a personal sacrifice, to gain we must lose something of ourselves!




The beauty of heather flowers is one reason it is associated with the Irish Goddess of love, fertility, and new growth. Be happy when you draw this letter because it denotes love, companionship, and passion. Whether it will be a new love or an old love rekindled, Ura is a powerful symbol and one that may bring great luck in your love life.

Fortune – This Ogham deals in matters of Love. Whether it is new love or rekindling of old love, enjoy the peace and love that comes with Ura!



Your Animal Spirit Guide for

The Black Cat

The Magick of the Black Cat


February 5, 2023 Birthday Horoscope

May the next year of your life be more positive than the past year! 

Click here to read anyone’s birthday horoscope from sunsigns.org 

FEBRUARY 5 birthday horoscope predicts that you are headstrong! As a young child, you had a will of your own. As you have gotten older, you have learned how to deal with your emotions. The star sign for February 5 is Aquarius. You have a mind of your own.

Your need for independence is foremost, however. Aquarius, you are also concerned with equality. This will perhaps take on new meaning, as you are super unique. February 5 horoscope shows that you tend to get bored easily.

When things are quiet, you feel the need to stir things up a bit. You have a captivating personality though you spend a lot of time by yourself. February 5 birthday personality are social butterflies.

Aquarius birthday for February 5 shows discipline, and you base your values on old spiritual beliefs. Although your ideas differ from your parents, you are immovable when it comes to certain moral codes.

You are honest, Aquarius and true to yourself. Your instinct serves you well, but you can be stubborn at times. On the other side, you are always willing to help others. The future of person who born on 5 February can be a blissful one.

Aquarians born today are more artistically inclined. Your vivid imagination turns your attention to the little things. Your muse for this new idea of yours could come from inspiring others! In search of yourself, you can express your inner thoughts with empathy for others.

You have a people’s personality. You are too friendlyAquarius. You will spark up a conversation with almost anyone about anything. Because you can do this, does not mean that you have many close friends. Sometimes, you like to be alone. You are suspect of being arrogant, but you are still a very delightful or entertaining person.

When it comes to your love life, if your expectations are not met with, there will be trouble. Maybe you should talk about that at the beginning of the relationship. February 5 zodiac shows that Aquarians tend to take it too far sometimes indulging in fruitless activities. We have free will, but we cannot forget that home comes first. You need to take care of your obligations.

February 5 birthday personality prefer to work alone as it allows them to be creative while they work. A suitable profession could be one who conducts surveys or researches evidence. You could even become a scientist. You can do a lot of things but handle your own money. Balancing your checkbook is not your best suit.

February 5 horoscope shows that you like to keep your personal life private and your business life on a business level. Concerning Aquarius and your dreams or aspirations, you like to have complete control over every aspect of your life. One of your goals is not to become emotionally attached to someone. You tend to maintain your distance.

But if it should happen, you then commit to a working relationship. Aquarius, you are afraid of opening up old wounds again, I know, but you have to put the past behind you and move forward. No one can be truly safe in the arms of another but you love, and you trust.

You have close family ties. February 5 birthday personality mature at a faster rate than other children do. You probably had an older sibling. You are a good parent yourself. Your modern set of rules merges with your parents values.

It makes you proud of the way things turned out. When you think about it, everything new was old, and everything old is new. History does have a way of repeating itself.

In conclusion, Aquarians with February 5 birthday can be sometimes infuriatingly and fickle people. Your stubborn streak is part of your charm. You are quite interesting to talk to or just to hang out with. Those born on this day value your independence. You cannot stand to be caged. Aquarians make great friends.

See: Famous Celebrities Born On February 5

This Day That Year  – February 5 In History

1783 – 30,000 people killed in an earthquake in Calabria
1850 – Depressible keys are patented on the adding machine
1887 – It snows in San Francisco
1927 – Cutting down on Asian immigration, Congress overrides Wilson’s veto.

February 5 Kumbha Rashi (Vedic Moon Sign)

February 5 Chinese Zodiac TIGER

February 5 Birthday Planet

Your ruling planet is Uranus that symbolizes extensive changes, rebellion, and liberation.

February 5 Birthday Symbols

The Water Bearer Is The Symbol For The Aquarius Zodiac Sign

February 5 Birthday Tarot Card

Your Birthday Tarot Card is The Hierophant. This card symbolizes a need to make sacrifices for gaining knowledge. The Minor Arcana cards are Six of Swords and Knight of Swords.

February 5 Birthday Compatibility

You are most compatible with people born under Aries: A lively and enthusiastic match.

You are not compatible with people born under CapricornThis relationship is not harmonious.

See Also:

February 5 Lucky Numbers

Number 5 – This number stands for variety and the urge to be free.
Number 7 – This is a spiritual number that symbolizes deep thought, intuition, and silence.

Lucky Colors For February 5 Birthday

Green: This is a color that symbolizes rejuvenation, growth, and stability.
Lavender: This is a feminine color that symbolizes affection, grace, and modesty.

Lucky Days For February 5 Birthday

Saturday – This day ruled by Saturn stands for planning, organization, delays, and patience.
Wednesday – This day ruled by Mercury stands for catching up with people and improving communication.

February 5 Birthstone

Amethyst is a healing gemstone that helps you overcome all cravings and become more spiritual.

Ideal Zodiac Birthday Gifts For People Born On February 5

A video game console for the man and a quirky antique jewelry piece for the woman. The February 5 birthday horoscope predicts that you love traditional as well as modern stuff.

Weekly Horoscope Sunday, February 5 to Saturday, February 11, 2023

Click here to read Georgia Nicols Daily Horoscopes

All Signs

As this week begins, Mercury is waltzing with Neptune, which makes us feel dreamy, imaginative and lazy. By midweek, storybook romance is in the air and some will feel swept off their feet! But caution: Although high hopes will lead to delightful escapes; some will encounter disappointment due to unexpressed expectations. By Friday, we have X-ray vision and powerful problem-solving abilities. We will see solutions and grasp deeper understandings. “Watson! Look up! What so you see?” “I see millions of stars.” “Watson, what do you conclude?” “Well, astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets. What does it tell you, Holmes?” “Watson, you idiot. Someone has stolen our tent!”

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Be careful. At the beginning of the week, you will idealize a parent, teacher, boss or someone in authority. You might develop a crush on this person. You will have a bias toward them and will believe whatever they say. But do they really know what they’re talking about? By the end of the week, you will know. In fact, not only will you know, you will have an intense, realization that strips away illusion and gets to the bottom of things. This makes sense because once again, like back in 1994, you are entering a two-year window when you will let go of beliefs, attitudes, belongings and relationships that are no longer relevant. To quote Groucho Marx, “Go! And never darken my towels again!”

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You’re sitting pretty this week because the Sun is still high in your chart casting you in a flattering spotlight. People respect and admire you! Meanwhile, you might get carried away with philosophical discussions. You might have dreamy aspirations to travel somewhere exotic. Romance with someone “different” might blossom, which could put a new spin on travel plans. However, by the end of the week, your ability to grasp the essence of political, religious and philosophical issues is so profound, you might have an epiphany. Or an argument with someone? Or you will teach your ideas? So much to learn. So much to share.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Many of you will develop a crush or fall in love with your boss or an authority figure this week. This could be a fleeting feeling or the beginning of something long-lasting? You might also have fantasies and daydreams about how to spend money you don’t have. Perhaps these ideas include money from an inheritance or shared income or someone else’s wealth? (One can always dream, can’t they?) Travel and exciting escapes will also appeal. By the end of the week, you will see solutions and ways to strip things down to the bare essentials in order to build them up into something better. You want results!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

It’s been a slog since early 2020. Many of you have had to get along with less. This year with Jupiter at the top of your chart, you look good to others, even successful! It appears your fortune is changing! Perhaps this is why this week you feel affectionate or in love with someone close to you. You admire them. This might also be why, at the end of the week, you have an intense discussion with them. This exchange will be no holds barred. The truth will be exposed. You want to get to the bottom of something. This discussion will have a strong impact on them or you or both. Perhaps you want to convince them of something or they want to convince you? Be wise, and listen.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You need more sleep. Acknowledge this need. As this week begins, you are idealistic about your work. Perhaps you hope you can make a meaningful change in your life or the lives of others. Meanwhile, your Spidey Sense is tuned in, especially with respect to coworkers. You might be astonished at the insight you have about others, that you never realized before. This could lead to a crush or a work-related romance. By the end of the week, you are ambitious! You want to strip things down to the bare bones so that you can identify a problem and then fix it. You might also take this approach to a health issue. Nothing wrong with finding our what’s going on!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This is an eventful time for you. In many ways, it has some of the same qualities that life brought to you back in 1994. Certainly, you are entering a testing time for partnerships and close relationships. (Just as you did back then.) This could be brought on by a crush or falling in love with another person? Certainly, at the beginning of the week, your relations with kids as well as romantic partners is idealized, almost in a fairytale way. By contrast, by the end of the week, an intense discussion might reveal what is really at play. The emperor has no clothes! One thing is certain, romance will be magnetic and mesmerizing this week. Nevertheless, you will still be productive.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This is another week when you want to get out and schmooze! You’re visiting restaurants, theatres and enjoying social times with others because it feels good! At the beginning of the week, relations with a family member will be sweet and mutually affectionate. You might make travel plans. You will also make a lovely impression on coworkers, which could lead to a crush or an affectionate bond. At the end of the week, intense family discussions might take place. You might also tackle home repairs. The upshot of this energy at the end of the week will be that you want to make something better. You want improvements and solutions.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

This year will be a huge improvement over the last three years because Saturn will be in your fellow Water Sign, which will support you. Your energy to work will dovetail with what’s happening in your life. This means you will accomplish as much as possible. It will also be a time of preparation so that you can make your world stronger against future difficulties. As such, you can also build up your physical strength. Meanwhile, enjoy idealistic, impossible romance this week! Likewise, enjoy playful times with kids, sports events and social outings. At the end of the week, lighten up! You don’t have to convince everyone to agree with you. Or do you?

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You’re entering a window, similar back to 1994-95, when you want to secure your home base to feel reassured about where you live and what you can provide for your family. Caution about spending money on luxurious items at the beginning of the week. Save your receipts. This is great week to entertain at home. You will enjoy short trips and discussions with daily contacts. At the end of the week, you might decide to adopt a budget. Or you might make plans to attack your belongings and keep what you want and recycle or turf what you don’t need. This is all part of the bigger plan of creating a home base that works for you. “I want curtains! I’m not living in a fishbowl.”

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Your idealism is aroused at the beginning of the week, which is why you might daydream “what if” scenarios for the future. Daydreams are good. They allow us to try on different possibilities for our future. What size fits best? Because you are entering a two to three-year window when you might have a residential move or a job change (or both), you’re thinking about a lot of options and possibilities for your future. By the end of the week, you might have an intense discussion with someone. Or you might flip this intense energy and direct it toward yourself by taking a realistic look in the mirror to see how you can improve your image. After all, appearances are everything.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

More than any other sign, you will feel a huge relief this year beginning next month. Saturn has challenged you since March 2020. Small wonder that your optimism will return in a big way! “I have a future!” As this new optimism builds within you, this week, you will think of ways to make more money as well as spend it. “Shops must be visited! Money must be spent!” You might buy a beautiful gift for someone midweek. Meanwhile, by the end of the week, your mental acuity will be off the charts. Research will be productive. A profound epiphany might occur. You will see that the past is now the past and the future is whatever you make it.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This year and next are a dramatic change for you. And a welcome one! It means you will have finished your journey through the Dark Night of the Soul. You gave up many things in the last few years – places, possessions, people, relationships and perhaps even countries. This year marks the beginning of a new 30-year cycle for you where you will reinvent yourself. Not only that, this year you will get richer! Romance will be affectionate and friendly this week. (A friend might become a lover.) At the end of the week, a powerful discussion might prompt you to change your future goals. Keep an open mind.

February 5, 2023 Daily Horoscopes

Click here to read Georgia Nicols Daily Horoscopes

Moon Alert

There are no restrictions to shopping or important decisions today. The Full Moon peaks in Leo at 1:29 PM EST (10:29 AM PST).

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You want to socialize today and explore sports events and fun activities with kids. If so, do be aware that the desires of the group will overpower your individual wants. This means you have to be prepared to follow the Pied Piper wherever he goes.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You might feel a clash between home and family versus your career and public reputation. Greater powers than you might hold sway today. Accept this and graciously watch from the sidelines. Today the power of the many override the power of the few. That’s what’s happening.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Pay attention to everything you say and do today because this is an accident-prone day for you. Don’t waste your breath arguing with groups or the multitude because they will win today. The pushy majority will hold sway. Keep your mind on what you’re doing.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Money disputes might come to a head today. If you’re at odds with a group, keep a low profile because their desires will probably prevail because today, the rights of the individual will likely cave to the collective. You have to know when to hold and when to fold.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Today is the only Full Moon in Leo all year. Naturally, you will feel this buildup of energy within you, which might put you at odds with partners, spouses and close friends. The voice of authority might throw a wrench in things for you. Don’t stick your neck out.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Today’s Full Moon might wreak havoc with your work, your health, even your pet. (None of these things might happen but they could.) Travel plans are daunting today. If you don’t agree with someone, and especially, if you don’t agree with a group – step down. Not today. Stay cool.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Today’s Full Moon creates an accident-prone situation for your kids. Therefore, if you are a parent, be vigilant. Meanwhile, social events might be interrupted, cancelled or changed. An argument with a friend might suddenly occur, especially about money or joint funding. Tread carefully.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Today you’re pulled between the demands of home and family versus the demands of your career and public reputation. You can’t keep everyone happy. Very likely, the group (whatever the group is) will win out if you are in dispute with them. Best to know this ahead of time.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Be careful. This is an accident-prone day for you. Pay attention to everything you say and do. Watch your step, walking, jogging, cycling or driving. Be careful not to blurt something out that you later regret. Keep a low profile to get through this day unscathed.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Money disputes about the education or care of children, or the cost of a social event might arise today. These will be difficult to resolve. In fact, if you are up against group pressure – step aside. You have to know when to pick your fights.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Today the only Full Moon opposite your sign all year has arrived. This will promote disputes, especially with partners, close friends and spouses. Family upsets will be likely; and if the majority disagrees with you – you will have to cave in or walk away. That’s because today, the collective wins.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This is a difficult day because the energy of the Full Moon will create disruptions at work, difficulty with pets, and perhaps stress to your health. Furthermore, this is an accident-prone day for you. Verbally and physically. Therefore, caution!

If Your Birthday Is Today

Footballer Cristiano Rinaldo (1985) shares your birthday today. You are intelligent, organized and a great communicator. You like to be busy; and you like to help others. You also love to learn. Keep your options open this year and be ready to change directions if opportunities present themselves to you. It’s time to explore something new.

February 5, 2023 Moon Goddess Current Phase

You can use this link to go forward or backward in time for Moon phase information. If you are curious, you can even find out what phase the Moon was in when you or anyone else was born.

From MoonGiant.com

The Moon’s current phase for today and tonight is a Full Moon phase. The Moon will be visible throughout the night sky rising at sunset in the east and setting with the sunrise the next morning in the west. During a Full Moon the moon is 100% illuminated as seen from Earth and is on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun. The point at which a Full Moon occurs can be measured down to a fraction of a second. The time it takes between full moons is known as a Synodic month and is 29.530587981 days long. Keep track of all the Full Moons throughout the year on the Full Moon Calendar >

Visit the February 2023 Moon Phases Calendar to see all the daily moon phase for this month.

Today’s Full Moon Phase

The Full Moon on February 5 has an illumination of 100%. This is the percentage of the Moon illuminated by the Sun. The illumination is constantly changing and can vary up to 10% a day. On February 5 the Moon is 14.52 days old. This refers to how many days it has been since the last New Moon. It takes 29.53 days for the Moon to orbit the Earth and go through the lunar cycle of all 8 Moon phases.

Phase Details

Phase: Full Moon
Illumination: 100%
Moon Age: 14.52 days
Moon Angle: 0.49
Moon Distance: 405,143.98 km
Sun Angle: 0.54
Sun Distance: 147,508,548.79 km

The 8 Lunar Phases

There are 8 lunar phases the Moon goes through in its 29.53 days lunar cycle. The 4 major Moon phases are Full Moon, New Moon, First Quarter and Last Quarter. Between these major phases, there are 4 minor ones: the Waxing Crescent, Waxing Gibbous, Waning Gibbous and Waning Crescent. For more info on the Moon Cycle and on each phase check out Wikipedia Lunar Phase page.

Useful Moon Resources

Some of the Names and Correspondences for a February Full Moon – Printable


February 5, 2023 Northern Hemisphere’s Planetary Positions

If you need to calculate the planetary positions for a specific use and time, click on this link


To figure out GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) to your local time use this link  

For Your Local Time and Date 

Northwestern Hemisphere

The time for these Custom Planetary Positions is from the local time in Los Angeles, California, USA

February 05, 2023
11:00 pm GMT 3:00 PM PST
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:16 Aquarius 52
Moon:18 Leo 56
Mercury:22 Capricorn 46
Venus:12 Pisces 15
Mars:11 Gemini 26
Jupiter:07 Aries 00
Saturn:26 Aquarius 27
Uranus:15 Taurus 02
Neptune:23 Pisces 45
Pluto:28 Capricorn 49

True Lunar Node:07 Taurus 42 Rx
Mean Lunar Node:08 Taurus 18 Rx

Lilith (Black Moon):03 Leo 11

Chiron:12 Aries 49
Ceres:06 Libra 57 Rx
Pallas:11 Cancer 04 Rx
Juno:11 Aries 39
Vesta:29 Pisces 01

Eris:23 Aries 59


Northern Hemisphere

The time for these Custom Planetary Positions is from the local time in Chicago, Illinois, USA

February 05, 2023
09:00 pm GMT 3:00 PM CST
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:16 Aquarius 47
Moon:17 Leo 56
Mercury:22 Capricorn 39
Venus:12 Pisces 08
Mars:11 Gemini 25
Jupiter:06 Aries 59
Saturn:26 Aquarius 26
Uranus:15 Taurus 02
Neptune:23 Pisces 45
Pluto:28 Capricorn 49

True Lunar Node:07 Taurus 43 Rx
Mean Lunar Node:08 Taurus 18 Rx

Lilith (Black Moon):03 Leo 10

Chiron:12 Aries 49
Ceres:06 Libra 58 Rx
Pallas:11 Cancer 04 Rx
Juno:11 Aries 36
Vesta:28 Pisces 59

Eris:23 Aries 59


Northeastern Hemisphere

The time for these Custom Planetary Positions is from the local time in Frankfurt, Germany, Europe

5 February 2023
02:00 pm GMT 3:00 PM CET
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:16 Aquarius 29
Moon:14 Leo 28
Mercury:22 Capricorn 18
Venus:11 Pisces 47
Mars:11 Gemini 21
Jupiter:06 Aries 56
Saturn:26 Aquarius 24
Uranus:15 Taurus 01
Neptune:23 Pisces 44
Pluto:28 Capricorn 49

True Lunar Node:07 Taurus 48 Rx
Mean Lunar Node:08 Taurus 19 Rx

Lilith (Black Moon):03 Leo 08

Chiron:12 Aries 48
Ceres:06 Libra 58 Rx
Pallas:11 Cancer 06 Rx
Juno:11 Aries 27
Vesta:28 Pisces 51

Eris:23 Aries 59


(A Thought for Today) The Goddess Speaks……The Witch Said What? c. 2019