Herbal First Aid Kit c. 2012

Please note that this is in no way meant to take the place of regular medical advice or treatment.
Please see a doctor if conditions persist or worsen

Contents and Instructions

* Calendula Ointment – Use for minor cuts and grazes, red rashes and any minor skin rash.
* Comfrey Ointment – Suitable for all bruises and minor damage to external blood vessels and veins.
* St. Johns Wort Oil – Beneficial for itchy skin and irritable psoriasis. Also good for sunburn when applied at night.
* Liver Mixture – Has mild laxative properties and helps with the digestion of rich food. Take one teaspoon at night or 30 minutes before your main meal.
* Parasite Mixture – Effective against some common internal parasites. If  infestation is suspected abstain from all food for 24 hours. Then take one tablespoon of the mixture in a little water and repeat this dose after four hours and then once again after another four hours. Your parasites should by then have died. You should be able to recommence eating four hours after the last dose, (Gasp!). May also be used as a skin wash for external parasites.
* Nervine and Sedative Mixture – Take 25 drops 3 x daily on an empty stomach as a general sedative. If you have trouble sleeping at night take one teaspoon in a little water 30 minutes before bed-time.
* Astringent Mix. – Good for internal bleeding and also as an effective remedy for occasional diarrhea. If you are stricken with “the runs” take one teaspoonful in a little water every two hours until symptoms subside. Follow up with Echinacea and Goldenseal tincture.
* Echinacea and Goldenseal – Similar in effect to an anti-biotic. Use only in the event of serious infection etc. Take 25 drops in a little water 4 x daily half an hour before meals. Continue for at least two weeks. May be used externally as an antiseptic and anesthetic lotion.
* Echinacea Tincture – Similar to the previous mixture but more suitable for use over a long period when taken internally. May be taken for up to one month in order to boost the overall effectiveness of the immune system.
Important – These remedies are in no way intended as a substitute for proper medical care and attention. If your symptoms persist please consult with a reputable health care practitioner.

Magickal Herbs Used For Happiness


      * Catnip  
      * Celandine  
      * Cyclamen  
      * Hawthorn  
      * High John the Conqueror  
      * Hyacinth  
      * Lavender  
      * Lily of the Valley  
      * Marjoram  
      * Meadowsweet  
      * Morning Glory  
      * Purslane  
      * Quince  
      * Saffron  
      * St. John’s Wort  
      * Witch Grass  

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WOTC Extra – A Simple Herbal List

Witchy Comments & Graphics
WOTC Extra – A Simple Herbal List

I’ve compiled a short list of some very beneficial herbs to keep in your Witches’ Cupboard if you have one, or if you want to start one.

I’ve also listed “The Witches’ 3 X 3” – a list of nine healing herbs, indicated by an (***) sign.


Pain reliever, heals skin – lips, nose, burns. Sacred to the Godess, used in full moon rituals as an offering to the Goddess, purification, promotes celibacy, heightens physical energy.


treats colds, reduces fever, aids indigestion, curbs flatulence. Strengthens the psychic bond between humans and animals; for courage, true love, lasting happiness.


Very important first aid herb. Does not burn the skin or inner tissues, but feels hot. Helps coagulate blood, internally and externally. Can be sprinkled directly onto a bleeding cut. Good for heart disease.


Soothing to the body & mind, sedative before bed as a tea, mind pain reliever as a compress/ For good luck or changing your luck, prevents lightning strikes to your house or person, prosperity, meditation aid.


Eases toothache pain, calms stomach pain, relieves gas. Banishes hostility or negative energy, increases personal gain, clears a cloudy mind, increases friendship or love.


Pain relief, allergy & cough suppressant. Used in spells for wealth, prosperity & love.


Very nutritious. Sooths the stomach, heals sprains, strains, fractures, sores, arthritis. Used in protection spells and safety when travelling.


Aphrodisiac, improves digestion, relieves cough. Use in sex magick spells, for clairvoyance, divination.


Protection, luck, for a raise or new job; invisibility.


Aids digestion, can be chewed or brewed to tea for weight loss, gas relief, halitosis. Imparts strength & sexual virility. Prevents curses.


Cleanses system internaly. Take at the onset of colds or flu. Doubles money in gambling, use to win in court. Sex magick, hex breaking, aids psychic powers.


Good for hair, skin, digestion, lungs, blood health. Lowers cholesterol & blood pressure. Good for ear infections. Heals colds, flu. Tincture by steeping in olive oil. Use for magickal healing, protection, exorcism.


Relaxing stimulant! Use after large meals to settle stomach, induces perspiration while sweating out a fever, aids the liver. Powerful aphrodisiac when sprinkled in steeping raspberry leaf tea.


Rejuvenates & promotes longevity. Andi-depressant. Use with St. John’s Wort. Equalizes blood pressure & digestion. For use in love spells, beauty & healing spells.


All purpose healing. Gargle with cold brew for a sore throat, use as a poultice for cuts, abrasions, minor contusions. Use in spells for success in gambling.



i-spasmodic. Remedy for itchy-skin or mild hives. Apply fresh brew or tonic to skin. Sweetens breath. Attracts love. Use for dream work or divination.


To conquer any situation. To win at gambling, in court. For good luck, money, love, health, protection. To find lost items.


Calmes nervous tic, use as a poultice for snakebite. Attracts money & love. For use in divination, charging crystals, moon magick.


Powerful when used as an aphrodisiac. Potion to induce visions, use in astral travel work, for protection in travelling.


ALL PURPOSE. Stomach problems, nausea & vomiting (used as a tonic) healing, inner peace, peace of mind, anti-stress, finding love, money, protection, attracting good spirits & faeries, purification, peaceful sleep, headache relief, menstrual cramp relief (when inhaled).



Anti-spasmodic, anti-convulsive for epileptic seizures or temper tantrums. Calms pain in small doses, muscle spasms, tension headaches, menstrual cramps. Helps to end addictions & sooth withdrawls symptons.


Appetite stimulant, digestive aid. Visions, dreams, clairvoyance, protection, strength in travelling. To consecrate divination tools, to add or boost power in tools of scrying.


Reverses spells, peacefully gets rid of trouble makers. Use in clairvoyance, divination, sex magick. Use to manifest & draw money.



Repels insects, calms skin itch or nervous itch. Treats & soothes nausea, treats colds & flu. Use in consecration rituals, exorcism.


Soothes nausea & upset stomach, heartburn, colds, flu. Calming, good for motion sickness. Promotes peaceful sleep, visionary dreams. Boosts psychic abilities.


Blood detoxifier for treatment of poison ivy, snakebite, bee stings, mosquito bites, etc. Apply juice of crushed leaves to bites & stings. Reapply often, drink brew of leaves made into tea, eat & chew on fresh leaves.


for kidney strength, infections. Diarreah, nausea, colds and flu. Calming to the nerves as a tonic. Promotes peaceful sleep. Use for visionary work, protection, love spells.


Nerve stimulant, digestive aid. Aids memory, soothes headache, eases depression when inhaled. Use for protection, exorcisms, purification, healing, stimulate lust. Powerful fumitory.


Very nutritious, high in Vitamin C. Take for colds or flu, reduces fever. Mild laxative, good for acne. For spells concerning good luck, use to summon good spirits.


Use as an antiperspirant, healing to wounds. Aids digestion, relieves muscle and joint pain. Gargle to heal sores of the mouth & gums. Healing to colds & flu, reduces fever, preservative. For use in spells for wisdom, healing, money, protection, longevity, powerful fumitory for ritual.


Use a poultice for bruises & minor contusions, reduces fever. For use in clairvoyance & protection spells, purification, meditation. Burned in rituals, aids in magickal work, stimulates sexual urges, aids in healing spells.


Tranquilizer & anti-insomniatic. Sedative (mild to moderate) Eases nervous tension, drug & alcohol withdrawl symptoms, eases menstrual symdrome. Use for fidelity, commitment. Relieves anxiety. Promotes relaxation & peaceful feeling.


Wound healing, immune system booster. Anti-insomniatic, headache relief, eases menstrual cramps. Powerful anti-depressant. Use for protection, exorcism, courage, divination rituals.



For guud luck, draws money, attracts material desires. Wish magick.


Calms nerves, sleep aid. Treats nervous conditions. Antispasmodic. Reduces blood pressure. Use in love magick, purification, divination, black magick.


For minor pains and headache, tooth ache, arthritis, other inflammations. For restful sleep, calming nerves. For protection, purification, consecration, potions for love, creativity.


Because so many herbs are potentially poisonous in various amounts, take extreme caution when dealing with a plant or herb you’re unsure of. Consult a physician, pharmacist or horticulturist before ingesting anything you are uncertain of!

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The Wonderful World of Herbs

The Wonderful World of Herbs

Author: Crick

The very first herb that I became aware of was Sassafras (Sassafras officinale) . I was about four years old and even now at the age of fifty three, I still savor the taste and smells of a hot mug of sassafras, which by the way is a mild diuretic. I was always amused by how the root would grow to just one side.

From then until now I can honestly say that I have rarely used a prescription/commercial medicine, preferring to use natural herbs instead, which is in keeping with my pagan upbringing.

And before the billionaires that make up the AMA get their tails in a knot, I am not advocating the use of natural herbs over prescription medicines. I do advocate doing your research to see if perhaps there is a more natural approach to ones individual well being. However this is a personal decision each has to make for him or herself.

At any rate, as the years passed, my interest and study of herbs grew and eventually I became certified as a Master Herbalist, which just means that I like the study of herbs, a lot. As such I am often asked a zillion questions about this ailment or that and what is the best herb to treat it with.

There is a story from Celtic paganism about how DianChect the master physician for the Tuatha De Danann, slew his son, Miach during a fit of jealousy. And from his grave sprang 365 different herbs which Miach’s sister, Airmed, harvested in order to give them to the human race. When their father saw what she was doing, he scattered the herbs all about so that humans did not obtain such knowledge so easily.

And that’s ok, for one thing I am not of the mind to question what decisions the Gods decide to make in relation to humans. And I am of the mind that one should always do their research before engaging in the use of herbs.

Also as a pagan I firmly believe in the old adage that rather then learning a little about a lot of herbs, one should learn a lot about just a few herbs.

Herbs are a natural form of medicine, so as with anything, do your research. For those who seek to incorporate herbs into their regimen but whom also take prescription drugs, you should be very aware of any possible contraindications between the herbs and the man-made medicines that you are taking.

You can complement your research into herbs by reading classics such as Culpepper’s Herbal, Shennong Emperor’s Classic of Materia Medica (Shennong Bencao Jing) , Compendium of Materia Medica (Bencao Gangmu) and the Treatise on the Nature of Medicinal Herbs (Yao Xing Lun) .

The Doctrine of Signatures is also interesting even if you don’t necessarily agree with it.
Of course every herbalist worth their roots have a few favorite herbs that they relate to. A few of mine are Hawthorn (Crataegus oxycantha) , an herb that is dedicated to Hymen, the God of marriage. Hawthorn is effective for curing insomnia and is used to prevent miscarriage and for treating nervousness. Hawthorn has been used for centuries in treating heart disease, as regular use strengthens the heart muscles, and to prevent arteriosclerosis, angina, and poor heart action. Hawthorn normalizes blood pressure by regulating heart action; extended use will usually lower blood pressure.

But again and I can’t stress this enough, Do Your Research!

I also employ Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) as a remedy for liver problems. It is used for varicose veins, menstrual difficulty, and congestion in the liver, spleen and kidneys. And the poisons most dangerous to the liver, those contained in the Deathcap mushroom, can be effectively detoxified with Milk Thistle extract. Shitake mushrooms are known for their anti-tumor properties and have been used as a dietary supplement for thousands of years in the Orient.

Moving on, I cannot say enough about White Willow bark (Salix alba) . The White willow contains salicin, the active constituent from which commercial aspirin was first synthesized. White willow bark is used for rheumatic complaints, arthritis, headaches as well as diarrhea, dysentery and a number of other complaints. I suggest the White Willow because though a number of other Willows also contain salicin, the tannin levels may be too high for other types of Willow to be of use.

St. Johns Wort (Hypericum perforatum) has a long and interesting history. The first century Greek physicians Galen and Dioscorides recommended it as a diuretic, wound healing herb, and as a treatment for menstrual disorders. In the sixteenth century Paracelsus, who ushered in the era of mineral medicines, used St. John’s Wort externally for treating wounds and for allaying the pain of contusions. St. John’s Wort, flowers at the time of the summer solstice, and in medieval Europe it was considered to have powerful magical properties that enabled it to repel evil.

Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) is considered to be one of nature’s most effective herbal tranquilizers. It is a powerful root for the nerves, and as such, valerian should not be taken for longer than a few weeks, as it can become addictive. It helps cure depression when taken once or twice. It is also a good sedative for such conditions as neuralgia, hypochondria, insomnia, and nervous tension. It also appears to have real benefits in cases of sciatica, multiple sclerosis, shingles, and peripheral neuropathy, including numbness, tingling, muscle weakness, and pain in the extremities. A very good herb when used properly.

And last but certainly not least is Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) . Red Clover is used as a nerve tonic and as a sedative for exhaustion. It is used to strengthen those children with weak systems, and is used with children for coughs, bronchitis, wheezing, as it is mild to their systems. Red Clover contains some of the best mucus clearing properties found in nature.
For over 100 years Red Clover has been used to treat and prevent cancer. It is often used in combination with many other drugs in the treatment of cancer and is known to be one of the best herbs for treating all varieties of cancer anywhere in the body.

If you make a personal decision to use herbs in your daily life and you decide to harvest such herbs yourself, please show some respect for Mother Nature. Please don’t harvest endangered or declining species. And when you do harvest, only take a little and leave a lot. This will contribute to a continuing harvest, as the herbs will have a chance to populate.

Some of the herbs listed in this article may not grow in your area, but there may be equivalent herbs that grow within your local area. And for the last time, please do your research. And when harvesting wild herbs be wary of nearby pollutants such as heavily traveled roads, polluted streams and such. Also think of the needs of the wildlife and insects in your area. Far too often as humans, we only think of our own needs. But as pagans we have a greater responsibility then just ourselves…

Herbs for Every Sign


Herbs can be mixed and combined to produce a “recipe” that’s just right for each of us.  Since the Sun sign you were born under has such an amazing influence on your health and well-being, using the herbs that correspond with that sign alone can be a tremendous help in times of stress or illness. Here’s a short list of herbs that seem to be tailor-made for each of the signs, due to their associations with both the planetary ruler and the positive qualities of that sign.

Aries – Mars
Allspice, basil, cayenne, garlic, ginger, mustard, onion, pepper.
It’s no secret that Aries is the astrological equivalent of a bullet.
It’s a red-hot burst of energy that’s capable of overcoming any
obstacle by charging straight for it. The ruler of Aries is Mars, the “red”
planet, the ancient god of war who was known for his equally fiery
temperament. No wonder, then, the herbs that correspond with your sign
are also a bit “hot” to the taste. Use them in cooking to raise your
endorphins, the substance Mars loves best.

Taurus – Venus
Apple, apricot, blackberry, cherry, heather, hibiscus, raspberry, rose.
Taurus is the sign that’s fondest of the pleasures that life inside
these bodies can provide. Whether it’s a blazing sunset, a symphony by
Mozart, or a delicious meal, you folks are experts at enjoying the
physical delights of the senses. It’s no surprise that the herbs you’ll
enjoy most are the sweet ones, since your planet, Venus, is the
purveyor of sweetness. Use each of them to satisfy that sweet tooth.

Gemini – Mercury
Clover, eyebright, fennel, lemongrass, lemon verbena, marjoram, parsley.
Your quick-witted, fleet-footed energy just loves variety – in fact, the
expression “variety is the spice of life” was written with you in mind.
Each of these herbs provide a different type of taste, and most can be
combined in a light, aromatic tea you can sip on the run. Use clove or
slippery elm to protect against gossip and to keep your thoughts and
actions grounded.

Cancer – Moon
Aloe, lemon balm, chamomile, mimosa, lavender, lilac.
Nurturing is your business, Cancer, and you distribute your soothing
touch to one and all. There’s nothing you like better than a home that
smells good, too, whether it’s because there’s something wonderful
simmering on the stove, a vase of fresh flowers on the dining room
table, or a warm, fragrant bubble bath waiting for you upstairs. Each
of the herbs listed above are known for their ability to calm, heal, or
bring a wonderful aroma to the environment. Use aloe to soothe burns
and scrapes and chamomile for a wonderful bedtime tea.

Leo – Sun
Chicory, cinnamon, goldenseal, rosemary, St. John’s Wort, sandalwood.
Your planet is the Sun, Leo, the source of life and warmth that keeps
us all alive and provides us with the energy we need to keep pursuing our
life’s quest. It makes perfect sense, then, that the bright, cheerful
sunflower would be the perfect representation of your equally bright
and happy sign. Herbs like goldenseal and St. John’s Wort are tailor-made
for you, too, since their ability to keep the body resistant to illness
and depression are well known. Mix a bit of chicory with your morning
coffee to help remove any obstacles that come up.

Virgo – Mercury
Caraway, dill, eyebright, horehound, lily of the valley, marjoram, savory.
Your quick-thinking meticulous sign likes nothing better than a mental
challenge, Virgo, whether it’s organizing a pile of papers at the
office, solving a puzzle, or learning a new skill. The herbs listed
above are all well known for their subtle abilities to strengthen the
mind, and many can be mixed together in teas to give you a boost you
often need at the end of a long day. The lily of the valley seems
perfect for you, too, with its subtle, “clean” scent and delicate flowers.

Libra – Venus
Catnip, passion flower, persimmon, rose, sugar cane, violet.
There’s no sign as fond of pleasing others as yours, Libra, whether it’s
by saying just the right thing to bring warring factions together, or by
using your polite charm to draw the object of your desires closer. Of
course, catnip is famous for its effects on our feline friends, but its
also traditionally used in conjunction with rose petals to bring loving
relationships that last forever. Since you’re ruled by Venus, you’re
capable of being every bit as sweet as the sugar cane – but if you need
a bit of help to attract a beloved, use this potent plant (sugar cane)
that’s long been used to conjure love – sweetly.

Scorpio – Pluto/Mars
Ginseng, dill, patchouli, pomegranate, saffron, vanilla.
As fond as you are of intensity and intimacy, Scorpio, it’s no wonder
the herbs you’ll love best are famous for their use in stirring up
passion. Drink ginseng tea (or offer some to your beloved) to induce a
magnetic physical attraction. Wear patchouli to arouse lust and silently
conjure the magic of the Beltane rituals. Present the object of your
desire with a pomegranate, the fruit traditionally associated with
seductive Pluto, your ruling planet.

Sagittarius – Jupiter
Anise, clove, fig, hyssop, mugwort, myrtle, nutmeg, rosemary, sage.
There’s no sign that hangs on to youth with more fervency and
determination than yours Sagittarius. To keep that youthful appearance
and disposition going as you travel the world in search of yet another
experience, drink a tea made of anise, rosemary, and Vervain. To aid in
making your dreams more prophetic than they already are, use mugwort.
Burn clove incense to attract the wealth you’ll need to pay for your travels.

Capricorn – Saturn
Comfrey, horsetail, mint, poppy, sassafras, woodruff.
You’ve always been described as a very “focused” sign, Capricorn, intent
on self-sufficiency and material success. The influence of your planet,
Saturn, gives you the ambition and self-discipline to attain those
goals, and to ensure success and prosperity in business matters, too.
Each of the herbs mentioned above are known for their ability to attract
that success, and most can be mixed together in a tea.

Aquarius – Uranus/Saturn
Anise, bittersweet, citron, dandelion, lemon verbena, rosemary, sage.
Your sign is a cerebral one, Aquarius, and your ability to turn “odd” or
eccentric ideas into strokes of genius is well known. Since
communication (and mass communication in particular) is your specialty,
the herbs above are all associated with the air principle, which rules
the intellectual side of life. To increase your already powerful
intuition, use citron, clover, or rosemary. Above all else, listen to
that intuition. It will seldom prove to be wrong.

Pisces – Neptune/Jupiter
Aloe, bay, cotton, eucalyptus, lavender, Norfolk Island pine, rue.
As the most sensitive and psychic of all signs, Pisces, yours is the one
that requires help to ward off the adverse thoughts and intentions of
others. Since you have no boundaries to keep you separate from others,
you also need protection against negative influences. To that end, use
rue, a powerful herb known to ward off ills of every kind. To stay
positive and healthy keep a lavender plant growing either outside or inside your home.

Herbs Listed by Medical Symptom

Herbs Listed by Medical Symptom

by AmberSkyfire

Please refer to the herbs in the list for dosages and instructions
before attempting to take the herb. Some herbs are poisonous!

Aches: rosemary
Acne: rosemary, thyme, witch-hazel
Allergies: nettle
chaste tree berry
Antibacterial: lemon, thyme
Antibiotic: calendula, comfrey, garlic, marigold, mullein, raspberry, sweet woodruff, thyme, tumeric
Antiseptic: lavender, lemon, marigold, mint, pine, sweet woodruff, thyme
Antiviral: thyme
Anxiety: valerian
Aphrodisiac: coriander, damiana, hibiscus, lavender
Arthritis: ash leaves, bladderwrack, buckbean, nettles, parsley, rosemary, yarrow
Asthma: coltsfoot, ephedra, ginseng, lobelia, mint, mullein, nettle, sage, wild yam
Astringent: raspberry, rosemary, yarrow
Back Pain: yarrow
Baldness: wild cherry
Bed Wetting: St. Johnswort
Bile: balmony
Bladder: basil, broom, buchu, cornsilk, elder, parsley, saw palmetto, sheep sorrel, shepherd’s purse
Blood: bee balm, burdock, cayenne, chervil, chives, garlic, ginger, ginseng, nettle, plantain, red clover, sheep sorrel, strawberry, valerian, yarrow
Bones: boneset
Breath: lemon
bay, borage, fenugreek, ginseng, horehound, prickly lettuce, lobelia, peppermint, sage, wild yam
Bruises: burdock
Burns: aloe vera, burdock, lavender, marigold
Cancer: garlic, ginseng, parsley, sheep sorrel, violet
Catarrh: blackcurrant leaves, goldenseal, prickly lettuce, mullein, peppermint, sage
Cellulite: lemon, rosemary
Chapping: marigold
Chest: bay, borage, calendula, cayenne, coltsfoot, ephedra, hollyhock, Irish moss, prickly lettuce, lobelia, lungwort, mullein, pansy, peppermint, sage, solomon’s seal, thyme
Chills: cayenne, lavender, lemon
Circulation: mint
Cold: basil, bay, black pepper, blue mallow, cayenne, coltsfoot, elder, hollyhock, Irish moss, lavender, mint, mullein, oregano, pansy, peppermint, pine, sage, slippery elm, thyme, yarrow
Colic: anise, dill, spearmint
Cough: agrimony, bee balm, blackcurrant leaves, blue mallow, boneset, ginseng, horehound, lungwort, mullein, rosemary, slippery elm, thyme
Cramps: basil, bee balm, birch, blackberry, black cohosh, black haw, chaste tree berry, cramp bark, ginger, parsley, pennyroyal, raspberry leaves
Dandruff: sage
Depression: borage, catclaw, cayenne, ginseng, lavender, rosemary, St. Johnswort
Detergent: balmony
Diabetes: ginseng, rosemary
Diarrhea: blackberry, cinnamon
Digestion: agrimony, allspice, anise, aven’s herb, balmony, caraway, cardamom, chervil, cloves, coriander, fennel, ginger, ground ivy, lemon, mint, oregano, rosemary, sage, senna leaves, spearmint, thyme, tumeric
Diuretic: thyme
Dysentery: cinnamon
Earache: garlic
Eczema: marigold
Eliminate Toxins: apple, coltsfoot, shepherd’s purse
Exhaustion: catclaw, St. Johnswort, thyme, vitamin B12
Expectorant: bugloss, pine
External Bleeding: cayenne
Eyes: eyebright, greater celandine
Face: brewer’s yeast flower
Fatigue: ginseng, mint, nettle, rosemary
Female Problems: blackberry
Fever: balm, birch, blackcurrant leaves, boneset, borage, calendula, cleavers, elder, ginseng, lemon balm, lemon verbena, marigold, plantain, sage, thyme
Flu: basil, black pepper, boneset, calendula, cayenne, elder, lavender, marigold, mint, rosemary, sage
Gall Stones: broom, cleavers
Gas: bay, cinnamon, dill, ginseng, mint
Gastrointestinal Problems: chamomile
Gout: ash leaves, burdock, burr marigold, strawberry
Gravel: cleavers
Gums: myrrh
Hair: lemon, nettle, rosemary, sage, wild cherry
Headache: birch, cayenne, chamomile, ginger, lavender, lemon, lemon verbena, mint, rosemary, sage, skullcap, thyme, valerian
Heart: cayenne, ginseng, pansy
Heartburn: ginseng
Hemorrhage: shepherd’s purse
Hemorrhoids: witch hazel
Hiccoughs (hiccups): mint
Hot Flashes: black cohosh
Hypertension: lemon
Hysteria: chamomile, tansy
Immune System: ginseng, lavender
Impotence: ginseng
Induce Perspiration: angelica, balm, calendula, lemon balm
Infection: garlic, thyme, yarrow
Inflammation: bugloss, marigold, mint, tumeric
Insect Bites: lavender, lemon, parsley, plantain, witch hazel
Insect Repellent: chamomile, lavender flowers, myrrh, pennyroyal, thyme
Insomnia: lavender, valerian
Internal Bleeding: cayenne
Jaundice: balmony, greater celandine, marigold
Joints: garlic, St. Johnswort, yarrow
Kidneys: angelica, corn silk, elder, ground ivy, parsley, purslane, sheep sorrel, shepherd’s purse
Kidney Stones: birch
Lactation: blessed thistle,caraway, fennel
Laxative: boneset. garlic
Liver: bee balm, buckbean, costmary, goldenrod
Lungs: mint,shepherd’s purse
Menopause: black cohosh, black haw, chaste tree berry, licorice, wild yam
Menstruation: basil, bee balm, birch, blackberry, chaste tree berry, ginger, marigold, pennyroyal, raspberry leaves,tumeric, valerian
Memory: ginko bilboa, rosemary
Miscarriage: black haw
Morning Sickness: tansy
Mouth: blackberry, sage, thyme, witch hazel
Muscles: arnica, pine, rosemary, sage, St. Johnswort, witch hazel, yarrow
Mucus: coltsfoot, comfrey, fennel, fenugreek, prickly lettuce, mullein, pansy, peppermint, sage
Nausea: bee balm, cloves, ginger, rose
Nervousness: valerian
Nettle Rash: nettles
Nosebleed: lemon, nettle
Ovulation: chaste tree berry
Pain Reliever: capsaicin, ginger, ginseng, valerian, willow, yarrow
Parasites: garlic
Piles: lesser celandine, pilewort, witch hazel
PMS: chaste tree berry, valerian
Prolonged Life: ginseng
Prostate: saw palmetto
Rheumatism: birch, bladderwrack, ground ivy, marigold, mint, rosemary, thyme
Scours: purslane
Sedative: anise, black cohosh, celery, chamomile, chicory, lavender, lemon verbena, prickly lettuce, sage, skullcap, valerian, violet
Skin: buckbean, chicory, Irish moss, lemon, marigold, mint, red clover, rosemary, sage, slippery elm, witch hazel
Spleen: bee balm
Sprains: marigold, parsley, rosemary
Stiffness: ginger
Stimulant: angelica, ginseng, rosemary
Stomach: fennel, goldenrod, lemon verbena, mint, pennyroyal, shepherd’s purse
Strength: garlic
Stress: garlic, ginseng
Styptic: aven’s herb
Sunburn: comfrey
Swelling: burdock, pine, yarrow
Teeth: cloves, garlic
Throat: bee balm, blackberry, blackcurrant leaves, horehound, lemon, rose, sage, thyme
Tonics: agrimony, aven’s herb, balmony, black pepper, buckbean, bugloss, cleavers, dandelion, ginseng, rosemary, violet, yarrow
Toothache: cloves, mint
Uterus: basil, bee balm, birch, blackberry, black cohosh, black haw, chaste tree berry, cramp bark, ginger, pennyroyal, raspberry leaves, shepherd’s purse
Varicose Veins: marigold, mint
Vitamins: burdock, strawberry, violet
Warts: bananna peel, dandelion, garlic, lemon, thyme
Weakness: ginseng
Weight Loss: ephedra
Whooping Cough: mouse ear, thyme
Worms: balmony, pumpkin seed, tansy, thyme, wormwood
Wounds: aloe vera, calendula, comfrey, ginseng, Irish moss, lavender, rosemary, witch hazel
Wrinkles: lemon

Herbs For Every Sign

Herbs can be mixed and allbined to produce a “recipe” that’s just right for each of us. Since the Sun sign you were born under has such an amazing influence on your health and
well-being, using the herbs that correspond with that sign alone can be a tremendous help in
times of stress or illness. Here’s a short list of herbs that seem to be tailor-made for each of the
signs, due to their associations with both the planetary ruler and the positive qualities of that sign.
Aries – Mars
Allspice, basil, cayenne, garlic, ginger, mustard, onion, pepper.
It’s no secret that Aries is the astrological equivalent of a bullet.
It’s a red-hot burst of energy that’s capable of ove alling any
obstacle by charging straight for it. The ruler of Aries is Mars, the “red”
planet, the ancient god of war who was known for his equally fiery
temperament. No wonder, then, the herbs that correspond with your sign
are also a bit “hot” to the taste. Use them in cooking to raise your
endorphins, the substance Mars loves best.
Taurus – Venus
Apple, apricot, blackberry, cherry, heather, hibiscus, raspberry, rose.
Taurus is the sign that’s fondest of the pleasures that life inside
these bodies can provide. Whether it’s a blazing sunset, a symphony by
Mozart, or a delicious meal, you folks are experts at enjoying the
physical delights of the senses. It’s no surprise that the herbs you’ll
enjoy most are the sweet ones, since your planet, Venus, is the
purveyor of sweetness. Use each of them to satisfy that sweet tooth.
Gemini – Mercury
Clover, eyebright, fennel, lemongrass, lemon verbena, marjoram, parsley.
Your quick-witted, fleet-footed energy just loves variety – in fact, the
expression “variety is the spice of life” was written with you in mind.
Each of these herbs provide a different type of taste, and most can be
allbined in a light, aromatic tea you can sip on the run. Use clove or
slippery elm to protect against gossip and to keep your thoughts and
actions grounded.
Cancer – Moon
Aloe, lemon balm, chamomile, mimosa, lavender, lilac.
Nurturing is your business, Cancer, and you distribute your soothing
touch to one and all. There’s nothing you like better than a home that
smells good, too, whether it’s because there’s something wonderful
simmering on the stove, a vase of fresh flowers on the dining room
table, or a warm, fragrant bubble bath waiting for you upstairs. Each
of the herbs listed above are known for their ability to calm, heal, or
bring a wonderful aroma to the environment. Use aloe to soothe burns
and scrapes and chamomile for a wonderful bedtime tea.
Leo – Sun
Chicory, cinnamon, goldenseal, rosemary, St. John’s Wort, sandalwood.
Your planet is the Sun, Leo, the source of life and warmth that keeps
us all alive and provides us with the energy we need to keep pursuing our
life’s quest. It makes perfect sense, then, that the bright, cheerful
sunflower would be the perfect representation of your equally bright
and happy sign. Herbs like goldenseal and St. John’s Wort are tailor-made
for you, too, since their ability to keep the body resistant to illness
and depression are well known. Mix a bit of chicory with your morning
coffee to help remove any obstacles that up.
Virgo – Mercury
Caraway, dill, eyebright, horehound, lily of the valley, marjoram, savory.
Your quick-thinking meticulous sign likes nothing better than a mental
challenge, Virgo, whether it’s_mysticmagicspells.organizing a pile of papers at the
office, solving a puzzle, or learning a new skill. The herbs listed
above are all well known for their subtle abilities to strengthen the
mind, and many can be mixed together in teas to give you a boost you
often need at the end of a long day. The lily of the valley seems
perfect for you, too, with its subtle, “clean” scent and delicate flowers.
Libra – Venus
Catnip, passion flower, persimmon, rose, sugar cane, violet.
There’s no sign as fond of pleasing others as yours, Libra, whether it’s
by saying just the right thing to bring warring factions together, or by
using your polite charm to draw the object of your desires closer. Of
course, catnip is famous for its effects on our feline friends, but its
also traditionally used in conjunction with rose petals to bring loving
relationships that last forever. Since you’re ruled by Venus, you’re
capable of being every bit as sweet as the sugar cane – but if you need
a bit of help to attract a beloved, use this potent plant (sugar cane)
that’s long been used to conjure love – sweetly.
Scorpio – Pluto/Mars
Ginseng, dill, patchouli, pomegranate, saffron, vanilla.
As fond as you are of intensity and intimacy, Scorpio, it’s no wonder
the herbs you’ll love best are famous for their use in stirring up
passion. Drink ginseng tea (or offer some to your beloved) to induce a
magnetic physical attraction. Wear patchouli to arouse lust and silently
conjure the magic of the Beltane rituals. Present the object of your
desire with a pomegranate, the fruit traditionally associated with
seductive Pluto, your ruling planet.
Sagittarius – Jupiter
Anise, clove, fig, hyssop, mugwort, myrtle, nutmeg, rosemary, sage.
There’s no sign that hangs on to youth with more fervency and
determination than yours Sagittarius. To keep that youthful appearance
and disposition going as you travel the world in search of yet another
experience, drink a tea made of anise, rosemary, and Vervain. To aid in
making your dreams more prophetic than they already are, use mugwort.
Burn clove incense to attract the wealth you’ll need to pay for your travels.
Capricorn – Saturn
allfrey, horsetail, mint, poppy, sassafras, woodruff.
You’ve always been described as a very “focused” sign, Capricorn, intent
on self-sufficiency and material success. The influence of your planet,
Saturn, gives you the ambition and self-discipline to attain those
goals, and to ensure success and prosperity in business matters, too.
Each of the herbs mentioned above are known for their ability to attract
that success, and most can be mixed together in a tea.
Aquarius – Uranus/Saturn
Anise, bittersweet, citron, dandelion, lemon verbena, rosemary, sage.
Your sign is a cerebral one, Aquarius, and your ability to turn “odd” or
eccentric ideas into strokes of genius is well known. Since
allmunication (and mass allmunication in particular) is your specialty,
the herbs above are all associated with the air principle, which rules
the intellectual side of life. To increase your already powerful
intuition, use citron, clover, or rosemary. Above all else, listen to
that intuition. It will seldom prove to be wrong.
Pisces – Neptune/Jupiter
Aloe, bay, cotton, eucalyptus, lavender, Norfolk Island pine, rue.
As the most sensitive and psychic of all signs, Pisces, yours is the one
that requires help to ward off the adverse thoughts and intentions of
others. Since you have no boundaries to keep you separate from others,
you also need protection against negative influences. To that end, use
rue, a powerful herb known to ward off ills of every kind. To stay
positive and healthy keep a lavender plant growing either outside or
inside your home.

Herb of the Day for March 29th – St. Johnswort

St. Johnswort

Hypericum perforatum
MEDICINAL:St. Johnswort is useful for bronchitis, internal bleeding, healing wounds, and for dirty, septic wounds. It is used to ease depression, headaches, hysteria, neuralgia, shingles, as well as symptoms that occur during menopause. It is useful in swellings, abcesses, and bad insect stings. Studies are showing that it may be effective in combatting AIDS by increasing the immune functions of the body. DO NOT GO INTO THE SUN if using this herb, as it causes blistering sunburns, especially in fair-skinned people.

RELIGIOUS:St. Johnswort is hung around the neck to prevent fevers. Wearing the herb aids you in war and other battles, including those of the will and indecision. Burnt it will banish evil and negativity. Hung in the home or carried, it will prevent spells of others from entering, and it is used in exorcisms. If you pick the plant on the night of St. John and hang it on your bedroom wall, you will dream of your future husband. The red juice of the stems was associated with the blood of John the Baptist, hence the plant’s name.

GROWING: St. Johnswort is a perennial reaching 32 inches tall. It is grown throughout much of North America. It prefers rich to moderately rich soils, and full sun. It is not long-lived, so replant every few years. Harvest the leaves and flower tops as they bloom and store in air-tight containers.



St. John’s Wort Salve

St. John’s Wort Salve

Great all purpose salve. Use for insect bites, itching, wounds, burns ,and on fungal infections.
1 part St. John’s Wort
1 part Calendula flowers
1 part Comfrey leaf
1 400IU Vitamin E oil capsule (optional)
Make an infused oil using the above herbs. Proceed as directed above, adding the vitamin E oil, if used, after removing from heat. To do this, poke the capsule with a sterile needle and squeeze the oil out.



This spell is to cause you to dream of the face of the man (or woman) you will spend your life with.
You may or may not know this person currently.
Do not be surprised if it is not the person you expected.
If your romantic notions happen to blossom in midsummer, you might consider the following:
On July 22, St. Magdalene’s Eve, prepare a bath.
In the water sprinkle lavender and rose petals and as in the Self-Blessing, you must envision
yourself cleansing not only your body, but also your spirit.
After you bathe, prepare for bed and say these words:
Mother of All, Habondia, look favorably upon my quest,
Bring to me a vision true, my lover’s face at your behest.
After you have said the incantation, place a sachet under your pillow with lavender and
hypericum (St. John’s Wort). Before you go to sleep pour a small glass of wine and just as
you do in the full moon rite, say these words:
To You Mother, I pour this libation (pour a few drops on the floor), and drink this toast.
Drink the rest of the wine.
Use your consecrated chalice or consecrate a new cup just for this purpose.
Lay your head down and dream of your true love–it may not be who you thought!

The Herbal First Aid Kit

The Herbal First Aid Kit

Remember when dealing with serious injuries, first aid is a temporary solution to proper medical attention can be obtained. Serious injuries need to be treated by a doctor.


Break off an aloe leaf and scrape the gel to soothe minor burns, scalds and sunburns. Aloe has tissue regenerative properties and will help heal all wounds.


Arnica cream or oil can be used on bruises or sprains where the skin is not broken. Caution should be used with Arnica since it can become toxic in high doses.

Calendula Cream

Homemade or store-bought, this is antiseptic and antifungal. If you make it, try adding comfrey to the cream; it will help speed the healing process.

Clove Oil

Clove oil is an excellent antiseptic for cuts and is also useful for treating toothaches. It should be cut with a carrier oil when used on the skin since irritation can occur.


Keep squares of gauze or cheesecloth on hand to make compresses. Use comfrey, witch hazel, or arnica for sprains; St. John’s Wort for deep cuts; comfrey or witch hazel for burns.

Crystallized Ginger

Chew for motion sickness or morning sickness.

Eucalyptus Oil

This is a good inhalant for colds, coughs, and respiratory infections.

Rescue Remedy

This combination of 5 of the Bach Flower Remedies is effective for shocks and emotional upsets, especially in children.

St. John’s Wort Infused Oil

Excellent for minor burns and sunburns.

Slippery Elm

Slippery elm powder is used to make poultices for drawing out splinters and bringing boils to a head.

Tea Tree Oil

Use as an antiseptic and antifungal. It is useful for cleansing wounds.

Witch Hazel Extract

Use it to treat minor burns, sunburn, and insect bites. Apply to nasal passages to stop nosebleeds. Wash cuts with it to help cleanse them.

Crone’s Corner – Chamomile Shampoo


Crone’s Corner – Chamomile Shampoo

You will need:
2 tsp… dried chamomile
1/4 cup boiling water
1/4 cup baby shampoo (or another mild variety)

Pour the boiling water over the chamomile and steep for 30 minutes, strain, then mix into the shampoo and use as usual.

Courtesy of Brenda Hyde of OldFashionedLiving.com
