A Little Humor for Your Day – “Insufficient Funds”

Insufficient Funds

A young college co-ed came running in tears to her father. “Dad, you gave me some terrible financial advice!”

“I did? What did I tell you?” said the dad.

“You told me to put my money in that big bank, and now that big bank is in trouble.”

“What are you talking about? That’s one of the largest banks in the state,” he said. “there must be some mistake.”

“I don’t think so,” she sniffed. “They just returned one of my checks with a note saying, ‘Insufficient Funds’.”

Thank You Goddess For The Many Blessings You Have Given Us!

The most precious gift a person can ever be given is their family. I am very happy to report that my family in Illinois is fine. They have no home left but they did make it to a shelter in time and are fine. The  house they can rebuild but those precious children they cannot replace.

I want to thank you for all your concerns, blessings and prayers. It meant the world to me to see all of them this morning. The people in Brookport need our prayers and support. I cannot begin to tell you what it is like to see a once proud individual walking around just like a little lost pup. No expression, no color, just a blank lost look on his or her face. Everything they had is gone. I have been in two tornadoes myself but nothing like these people have experienced. I never lost any personal belongings or anything I could never replace. I can’t imagine having to start rebuilding my life over. The human spirit will prevail. With the help of the Goddess, they shall rise again like the mighty Phoenix. Humans are very resilient creatures as well as resourceful.

Oh, before I go, I live about three or four miles away from a plant where they use to enrich uranium. On the news last night, they finally said that the tornado had done damage to that plant “BUT”…….there was no radioactivity leaking from the building. That would have been great, seriously, I could have saved like crazy on my light bill. I would glow in the dark! Might as well laugh as cry about it.

Thank you again for being my friends and family.

I hope you have a very blessed day,

Luv & Hugs,

Lady A


A Little Humor for Your Day – Getting old when (for the men in our lives)

Getting old when

You know you’re getting older when…
Everything that works hurts, and what doesn’t hurt doesn’t work.
You feel like the morning after, and you haven’t been anywhere.
Your little black book only contains names ending in M.D.
Your children are beginning to look middle-aged.
Your mind makes contracts your body can’t keep.
You look forward to a dull evening.
Your knees buckle and your belt won’t.
Your back goes out more than you do.
You sink your teeth into a steak, and they stay there.
You know all the answers, but nobody asks the questions.

Your Ancient Symbol Card for November 9th is The Ancestors

Your Ancient Symbol Card for Today


Ancestors represents the ongoing influence and remarkable contributions those who came before us have made to our state of being. Ancestors also reminds us that sometimes old wisdom is the best wisdom–especially when events are moving in ways we do not understand. Ancestors can bring comfort to a shaken spirit. It is a card of warmth in the sense that it reminds us that the spirit of past generations remains with us and can be called upon for guidance at any time.

As a daily card, Ancestors suggests that you may be well served to by exploring your family tree to find solutions to current dilemmas. When searching for solutions to conflicts in your life, you might do well by asking yourself what a grandparent or great grandparent would do in your current situation.

How To Honor the Ancestors at Samhain

How To Honor the Ancestors at Samhain


Many Wiccans and Pagans choose Samhain as a night to honor their ancestors.

For many modern Pagans and Wiccans, there has been a resurgence of interest in our family histories. We want to know where we came from and whose blood runs through our veins. Although ancestor worship has traditionally been found more in Africa and Asia, many Pagans with European heritage are beginning to feel the call of their ancestry. This rite can be performed either by itself, or on the third night of Samhain, following the End of Harvest celebration and the Honoring of the Animals.

Here’s How:

  1. First, decorate your altar table — you may have already gotten it set up during the End of Harvest rite or for the Ritual for Animals. Decorate your altar with family photos and heirlooms. If you have a family tree chart, place that on there as well. Add postcards, flags, and other symbols of the country your ancestors came from. If you’re lucky enough to live near where your family members are buried, make a grave rubbing and add that as well. In this case, a cluttered altar is perfectly acceptable — after all, each of us is a blend of many different people and cultures.
  2. Have a meal standing by to eat with the ritual. Include lots of dark bread, apples, fall vegetables, and a jug of cider or wine. Set your dinner table, with a place for each family member, and one extra plate for the ancestors. You may want to bake some Soul Cakes.

    If your family has household guardians, include statues or masks of them on your altar. Finally, if a relative has died this year, place a candle for them on the altar. Light candles for other relatives, and as you do so, say the person’s name aloud. It’s a good idea to use tealights for this, particularly if you have a lot of relatives to honor.


  3. Once all the candles have been lit, the entire family should circle the altar. The oldest adult present leads the ritual. Say:

    This is the night when the gateway between our world and the spirit world is thinnest. Tonight is a night to call out those who came before us. Tonight we honor our ancestors. Spirits of our ancestors, we call to you, and we welcome you to join us for this night. We know you watch over us always, protecting us and guiding us, and tonight we thank you. We invite you to join us and share our meal.

  4. The oldest family member then serves everyone else a helping of whatever dishes have been prepared, except for the wine or cider. A serving of each food goes on the ancestors’ plate before the other family members recieve it. During the meal, share stories of ancestors who are no longer among the living — this is the time to remember Grandpa’s war stories he told you as a child, tell about  when Aunt Millie used salt instead of sugar in the cake, or reminisce about summers spent at the family homestead in the mountains.
  5. When everyone has finished eating, clear away all the dishes, except for the ancestors’ plate. Pour the cider or wine in a cup, and pass it around the circle (it should end at the ancestor’s place). As each person recieves the cup, they recite their genealogy, like so:

    I am Susan, daughter of Joyce, the daughter of Malcolm, son of Jonathan…

    and so forth. Feel free to add in place names if you like, but be sure to include at least one generation that is deceased. For younger family members, you may wish to have them only recite back to their grandparents, just because otherwise they can get confused.

  6. Go back as many generations as you can, or (in the case of people who have done a lot of genealogy research) as many as you can remember. You may be able to trace your family back to William the Conqueror, but that doesn’t mean you have it memorized. After each person recites their ancestry, they drink from the cider cup and pass it to the next person.
  7. A quick note here — many people are adopted. If you are one them, you are fortunate enough to be able to choose whether you wish to honor your adoptive family, your biological family, or a combination of the two. If you don’t know the names of your birth parents or their ancestry, there’s nothing wrong with saying, “Daughter of a family unknown.” It’s entirely up to you. The spirits of your ancestors know who you are, even if you don’t know them yet.
  8. After the cup has made its way around the table, place it in front of the ancestors’ plate. This time, a younger person in the family takes over, saying:

    This is the cup of remembrance. We remember all of you. You are dead but never forgotten, and you live on within us. 

    Take some time to meditate on the value of family, how fortunate we are to be able to know the connections of kin and clan, and the value of heritage. If your family has a tradition of music or folktales, share those as a way to wrap up the ritual. Otherwise, allow the candles to burn out on their own. Leave the plate and cup on the altar overnight.


  1. If you didn’t do a separate ritual for animals, you can add photos and candles for deceased pets to your family altar.
  2. If you like, you may wish to follow this ritual with a Seance.

What You Need

  • Items to represent your family members
  • A meal to eat
  • A cup of cider or wine to drink
  • Candles

Good Morning! Good Morning! Good Morning, my precious family!

Good Morning, my sweets! How are you doing today? I must say I actually got some sleep and I feel great!!! I haven’t pulled such late  nights in I don’t know how long. Friday night, I was up till 4 in the morning. Saturday, I went to bed a little earlier, 3:15. Yesterday, I slept late and then finally nailed the graphics I wanted to use for the site. I think I got it done and bed by 1:00. Tonight I will pass out and miss my favorite show, “The Black List.” If you haven’t seen it, it is a great show.  Ok, back to the graphics and the message on the front page….Do you approve of the message? Did I get our point across? I haven’t received any feedback so I guess I did. But I won’t know till I actually hear from a few of you. If I left anything out, let me know and I will find a way to put it in.

Next, if you will notice I added a third item to the raffle this month. Since there is more wholesalers, there is more to play with, lol! Personally, I would love to have that crystal ball. I will probably end up buying one before it is over with. I have to say, you are getting the better deal than I will. But, I need your input. What kind of items are you interested in being raffled off? Let me know what you would like to bid on and I will do my best to get it. The pendulum is pretty nice too (just thought I would throw that in).

So I need some help from you. I need to hear from you. HELP!

Since I know I will be hearing from you soon and my mind is now at ease…..I am off to work.

Have a very super day and a very Blessed Week,

Luv & Hugs,

Lady A

Wishing My Precious Family A Very Blessed Day!

Good afternoon dear family! I hope everyone is having a fantastic day. I am sorry we didn’t get around to updating the site last night. I actually felt like a human and I just went home and enjoyed it. It is great to feel human!!! It also hit me that I put up the poll at the end of yesterday. So I might need to leave it up long enough for the majority to vote on it. As it stands right now, we will be having another raffle for October. I am going to leave the poll up to the end of today’s postings. If you haven’t voted yet, please do so. Now off to work I go.

Have a beautiful day, my precious family!

Luv & Hugs,

Lady A

A Little Humor for Your Day – 'Naming The Twins'

A man was taking his wife, who was pregnant with twins, to the hospital when his car went out of control and crashed.

Regaining consciousness, he saw his brother, a relentless practical joker, sitting at his bed side.

He asked his brother how his wife was doing and his brother said, “Don’t worry, everybody is fine and you have a son and a daughter.

But the hospital was in a real hurry to
get the birth certificates filed and since both you and your wife were unconscious, I named them for you.”

The husband was thinking to himself, “Oh no, what has he done now?” and asked with some trepidation, “Well, bro, what did you name them?”

Whereupon, his brother replied, “I named the little girl Denise.”

The husband, relieved, said, “That’s a lovely name! And what did you come up with for my son?”

The brother winked and replied, “Denephew.”

We Are Currently Accepting Donations For Our Animals……


You know what we hear every time we get around this bunch of little piglets…..

Feed me! Feed me! *snort**snort*

We are still accepting donations for helping assist with all the new baby animals we took in over the weekend. As you saw yesterday, these little cuties are just the tip of the iceberg. We still have other babies to care for. Your donation, no matter the amount, will help so much. We are over ran with adult animals that can’t be returned to the wild just yet and babies that would not stand a chance without us. We need baby bottles, formula, feed, straw, cat food and much more.

Please take a moment today and make a donation. You don’t know how deeply it will be appreciated and how far it will go in helping these critters.

Thank you so much!

Lady A

Our Hearts & Prayers Go Out To Willow and Her Family

Sympathy Comments

I just learned a little bit ago that a family member has lost one of their own. Willow and her family have lost their beloved friend, companion and family member, Bela. Bela was only fourteen years old when he passed. I am sure Bela had a good life with Willow and her family. But still that does not take away the pain or the sorrow.
I would like express not only my condolence but also the WOTC’s to Willow and her family at this time. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
May the Goddess Wrap You in Her Arms and Grant You Comfort and Peace.


Do not stand at my grave and weep

Do not stand at my grave and weep
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning’s hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet  circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there. I did not die.


“In Remembrance of Bela”




“Do Not Stand At My Grave and Weep”
by Mary Elizabeth Frye

Good Sunday Morning Dear Friends & Family! May The Goddess Bless Your Day!

Good Morning, my dears! How are you doing this morning? Me, I have been relaxing by watching the fish swim around in the aquarium. I have a 50 gallon aquarium and I love to sit and just watch the fish swim. It is so relaxing and soothing. I feel like a new person after watching them swim for a bit. The only problem is Razzy has learned what I am watching. I expect to hear her screaming one day because she has decided to go fishing. Then she realizes all cats hate water, lol! It is like the funny farm around here at times. If it ain’t the critters, it’s the people.

I felt so relaxed this morning that I looked at some graphics then when over to the Pinterest page. You know at first Pinterest made no sense to me whatsoever. I first heard about it on our local News Station. But now that I have got use to doing it, I have become an addict. I have found it is much easier to get your message across in photos than in words. But I truly enjoying doing it. I hope some of you have been over there to check it out. I love the photos I have uploaded of the animals we have took in here at the refuge. There is a picture of little baby barn owls. They are so ugly when they are first born and for about 4 weeks later. They have a face only a mother could love. But I have learned something from them. No matter how ugly the situation or person, there is beauty just waiting to blossom. All you have to do is have patience and nurture it, the beauty will eventually emerge.

Thinking about those little owls and the lesson I have learned from them. It gives me hope for tomorrow. I know no matter how ugly the world might get, there is still beauty left in it. All we have to do is look for it. When we find it, nurture it and care for it, then let others see it. Let the beauty in the world become a chain reaction, let it shine on the world. Let us take time today to see the Goddess’ beauty and love and then let it shine on the world. Spreading peace and love throughout.

I will leave you this Celtic blessing. Good day, my family!


If there is righteousness in the heart,
there will be beauty in the character.
If there is beauty in the character,
there will be harmony in the home.
If there is harmony in the home,
there will be order in the nation.
If there is order in the nation,
there will be peace in the world.
So let it be

May The Goddess’ Blessings Rain Down On You Today, dear Farmily & Friends!

I will try my best not to be too long winded this morning. HA! I just wanted to announce to the world that my son and his wife had their third child. It is a boy. He weighed 8 lbs. and 2 oz. and was 21 inches long. He has a thick head of brown hair and he is so adorable. I am going to run and squeeze him some more in just a little bit. Mommy had to have a C-section so they are going to be in the hospital a few more days. There was nothing wrong Mom had already had two children by C-section and the Doctor said it was just customary to do the rest by C-section too.  I had been after my son for weeks now what they were going to name the baby. He wouldn’t tell me for nothing. Finally Thursday night  he told me the baby’s first name and I asked him about the second. He would say anything. I got after him and told him he would tell me because they were going to name the kid after her daddy. Which by the way, my son would never have lived that down. These people don’t like me because I am a Witch. Back to the story, he told me yesterday what the baby’s middle name was. And I like to have went through the roof with joy, the baby’s middle name is the name of my hubby’s father. I was tickled to death and my husband was crying. It was great!

So if I cut things short today, hopefully not as short as yesterday. Yesterday the winds were up and the power lines were swinging. Which meant power and cable comin’ and a’goin’! I finally shut down the computer because I didn’t want to burn it up. We have surge protectors but I feel much safer turning them off than being sorry later.

Well I am going to be good to my word today. Short, well so of short, but short for me, lol! Ya’ll have a very happy Sunday and a very Blessed week ahead……..

Luv & Hugs,
Lady A



P. S.

I should mention, I am not that old. I just had children young. The reason being is because when they left home, I would still be young enough to enough life. My plan worked for a change! And my son’s wife heard me say that and she thought that was a marvelous idea. So that is what they are doing! Who knows we might start a trend here, lol!


More Sunday Comments

Daily OM for January 4th – Allowing Our Children to Be

Allowing Our Children to Be

Practicing Nonattachment

by Madisyn Taylor

One of the hardest things to do as a parent is to allow our children to be who they want to be.


Parenting asks us to rise to some of the most difficult challenges this world has to offer, and one of its greatest paradoxes arises around the issue of attachment. On the one hand, successful parenting requires that we love our children, and most of us love in a very attached way. On the other hand, it also requires that we let go of our children at the appropriate times, which means we must practice some level of nonattachment. Many parents find this difficult because we love our children fiercely, more than we will ever love anyone, and this can cause us to overstep our bounds with them as their independence grows. Yet truly loving them requires that we set them free.

Attachment to outcome is perhaps the greatest obstacle on the parenting path, and the one that teaches us the most about the importance of practicing nonattachment. We commonly perceive our children to be extensions of ourselves, imagining that we know what’s best for them, but our children are people in their own right with their own paths to follow in this world. They may be called to move in directions we fear, don’t respect, or don’t understand, yet we must let them go. This letting go happens gradually throughout our lives with our children until we finally honor them as fully grown adults who no longer require our guidance. At this point, it is important that we treat them as peers who may or may not seek our input into their lives. This allows them, and us, to fully realize the greatest gift parents can offer their offspring —independence.

Letting go in any area of life requires a deep trust in the universe, in the overall meaning and purpose of existence. Remembering that there is more to us and our children than meets the eye can help us practice nonattachment, even when we feel overwhelmed by concern and the desire to interfere. We are all souls making our way in the world and making our way, ultimately, back to the same source. This can be our mantra as we let our children go in peace and confidence.

Wishing You A Very Blessed & Prosperous 2013, Dear Family & Friends!

Good Morning & Happy New Year, family & friends! it is totally unreal how times flies, isn’t it?  Go to bed one night, it is 2012. Wake up the next day, it’s 2013? Makes you wonder how many other lives have you woke up and done the same thing? I was thinking about when all the other Religions were calling for the end of the world. I had lots of humorous thoughts about it. Of course, the mainstream Religious leaders wouldn’t have thought it funny. Go ahead, let the end of the world come. When it is all said and done, “The Pagans shall inherit the Land.” I know you are scratching you head but we reincarnate, see, lol! We would all reincarnate and come back and the world would be ours! Good grief, I sound like a crazy ass witch, sorry about that. My husband got to watching one of preachers on TV (just to make fun of him), he would sit and argue with the man. Then the preacher got on the end of the world. He blew that up so big. And of course, for only $2500 he would send you a survival generator. They were going to need one. Then they would need protection from all us heathens. He recommended all the men learn how to shoot and the women do the same, also take a self defense course. Heathens must be bad folk 🙂 ! But my husband said the man was going to retreat to his underground bunker on the day of the 20th.  Hubby tuned in and sure enough the nut case was gone. And they were telling everybody where Brother what’s-his=face went! Can you imagine that? If I was that man I would never show my face in public again, NEV ER!

You might be wondering why I brought that up. Well our local TV station was asking for what we thought was the best story of the year. I thought that would make the cut but it didn’t. Just goes to show our local station has no taste, lol! Anyway, today is going to be a very laid back day. No, I am not hung over, I don’t touch the stuff. I just stayed up late last night changing the graphics here. I also had to do some shopping for new books of 2013. So I slept in the morning.

I noticed the population button today. I guess the biggest part of our bunch had to work today. Ahhhh, but the world must continue to turn. Remember it is a very laid back day so no telling what might happen, lol!

Wishing You & Yours a Very Prosperous & Blessed 2013,


Lady A




More Happy New Year Comments

How About A Little Humor – Women Compared To Men :)

Women Compared To Men


Women have strengths that amaze men. They carry children, they carry hardships, they carry burdens, but they hold happiness, love and joy.

They smile when they want to scream. They sing when they want to cry.

They cry when they are happy and laugh when they are nervous.

Women wait by the phone for a “safe at home call” from a friend after a              snowy drive home.

They are child care workers, executives, attorneys, stay-at-home moms,              biker babes, and your neighbors.

They wear suits, jeans, and they wear uniforms.

They fight for what they believe in. They stand up for injustice.

They walk and talk the mile to get their children in the right schools and for getting their family the right health care.

They go to the doctor with a frightened friend.

Women are honest, loyal, and forgiving.

They are smart, knowing that knowledge is power. But they still know how              to use their softer side to make a point.

Women want to be the best for their family, their friends, and themselves.

Their hearts break when a friend dies.

They have sorrow at the loss of a family member, yet they are strong when they think there is no strength left.

A woman can make a romantic evening unforgettable.

Women come in all sizes, in all colors and shapes.

They live in homes, apartments and cabins.

They drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you to show how much they care about              you.

The heart of a woman is what makes the world spin!

Women do more than just give birth. They bring joy and hope. They give              compassion and ideals.

They give moral support to their family and friends. And all they want              back is a hug, a smile and for you to do the same to people you come in contact with.


Men are good at lifting heavy stuff.

“Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater.  Give her sperm she will make a baby.  Give her a house she will give you a home.  Give her groceries she will give you a meal.  Give her a smile she will give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what she is given. So if you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton of shit.”


Turok’s Cabana

Elder’s Meditation of the Day – December 5

Elder’s Meditation of the Day – December 5

“I’ve had a long regard for generational things: pottery, cultural things, participation in dancing, extended family. Only in that way does culture survive; only in that way is culture active.


Culture teaches us how to live and it ensures that knowledge about life is handed down from generation to generation. Culture gives us the feeling of belonging. It helps us raise our family in a good way. It teaches us how to treat one another. Culture sets boundaries for societies. We need to develop our culture. If we have left our culture, then we need to come back to it. Culture leads us back to the Great Spirit. Sometimes in our lives, we leave what we know works and experiment with something else. Then we get into trouble. So we need to come back home. Indian people are lucky to have a culture to return to.

Creator, thank you for the culture. Let me live it today.

How Do We Include Kids in Ritual Without Making Adults Run Screaming?

How Do We Include Kids in Ritual Without Making Adults Run Screaming?


by L. Lisa Harris

Ask a group of ritual facilitators what their philosophy on children in ritual is, and at best you’ll get as many different opinions as there are people in the room. At worst, you will have pushed a hot button that operates an opener attached to a huge can of worms. This topic is near the top of my “ways to start an argument at a pagan gathering” list. I’ve seen this issue turn a harmless candle-making party and ritual planning session into a virtual war zone, and don’t even get me started on what it can do to an e-mail list.

Groups that put on large public rituals, those who work in small family coven structures and every sized group in between all eventually face this issue. Public ritual comes to most people’s minds first when they think about controversy over kids in circle. But even in small covens, where all of the members consider themselves a family and parents or “aunties and uncles” to the children of other circle members, disagreements as to if and when children should be in circle do crop up.

One of the many issues that parents who want to include their children in ritual can run into is what circle members wear (or don’t wear). Bob, a member of a “medium-sized traditional coven” is concerned about the legal ramifications involved in having children present in a group that works skyclad.

“There are certain considerations when allowing children in ritual,” he said. “For instance, being skyclad in front of a child can get a person charged with sexual abuse in many states.” Just because a child is taught that nudity is perfectly normal and not necessarily sexual, it doesn’t mean that society as a whole and the judicial system will see it that way. If a small child casually mentions seeing “Uncle John’s wee-wee” to a teacher or member of the medical profession, the parents are likely to receive a visit from Child Protective Services.

A greater danger arises when the parents of a child are separated or divorced. Even if there is no ritual nudity, a parent who wants full custody can claim that what goes on in ritual is damaging to the child. Seeing someone hold a blade to Mommy’s throat and issue a challenge to her when she enters a circle, or even witnessing a light ritual scourging, can not only be frightening to a child, these things are also not going to look good if a complaint is filed by an ex-spouse with an axe to grind.

Some small groups prefer that ritual be a place for adults only. “Circle is a place for women to relax and take a break from their daily parenting responsibilities and nurture themselves,” said Luna, who facilitates a women’s circle. She doesn’t want new mothers to be left out of circle but has very clear rules regarding the presence of children. “Babies at the breast are welcome in our women’s circle, but once a child is old enough to be left with family or a sitter, we expect that mothers will come alone. They need to be able to bond with other women and to have time that is theirs alone.”

Sage, a father of two, feels strongly that children should be included in circle. “It is vital that we teach our traditions to our children, or they will be left open to conversion by more aggressive religions and there will be no one to carry on after us.” His partner Oana agrees: “We have a responsibility to provide for the spiritual education of our children. Christian churches have Sunday school, so why is it wrong for us to teach our religion to our kids?”

When it comes to public ritual, not everyone has or understands children, and many people have very different ideas as to what is appropriate behavior and how much parental discipline is called for. Stardancer, a mother of three, feels “watching children joyfully play in a circle is a beautiful sight. We don’t want to suppress their natural energy, it can be quite infectious.” Kim, who is married and “childless by choice” does not agree. “Poorly supervised kids in ritual distract everyone else, and they don’t learn or experience anything. Don’t get me wrong, I like kids, but ritual should be a sacred space that is not filled with running around and yelling.” She doesn’t place the blame for disruptive behavior on the kids. “It’s ludicrous to expect a 3-year-old to stand quietly in a circle or to understand what’s going on.”

Some groups don’t allow anyone under the age of 18 at any event. “Our circles can get a little wild and crazy sometimes, and the owner of the place where we meet doesn’t want to worry about having minors around,” said Wolfehawk, a member of a small group that hosts open events. Other groups restrict the age of the children to middle-school-age or older and specify which events are appropriate for kids. Freya, a Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans member, said, “We let older kids par-ticipate in most of our rituals, with the excep-tion of Samhain, as it tends to be a bit too intense. Although middle school seems to be a good cut-off point, it’s not always that easy. Reaching a chronological age or grade in school is not always a good indicator as to how a child will behave in circle. I’ve seen very young children pay attention and be respectful, while older kids in middle school have behaved atrociously. It’s really all about the individual level of maturity and how the child has been allowed to behave in public by their parents.”

A few groups have experimented with various forms of paid and shared childcare. “The problem with the concept of co-op child care is that one or two parents get stuck with all the kids all the time while the parents that tend to have the most badly behaved kids just dump them off and go have fun,” advised Morgan, a solitary witch and mother of two. “Sooner or later, you get tired of doing all the work and missing out on the festivities and ritual workings.”

Some groups that have considered hiring a babysitter to provide paid childcare have run into liability concerns. They are afraid that if a child gets hurt when childcare is being paid for at an event they sponsor that the group members will get sued. Anne, an attorney, advised, “The fear of lawsuits for an injury or allegation of abuse is very real, particularly if someone is providing care without a license. People will sue over anything, and you never know what a jury will do. Liability releases aren’t worth the paper they’re written on.” Another problem with paid childcare is the policy that most pagan groups have of not turning anyone away due to inability to pay. Either you give some people free childcare and not others, or you allow some parents to bypass childcare. Either way, someone is going to feel that it’s unfair.

Yet another possible solution is making all kids under a certain age check into childcare and requiring all parents to work a shift. This concept did not go over well with me at all when one local group suggested it about a year and a half ago. My daughter, 11 years old at the time, was still in elementary school and would have been required to check in as a kid. I have trained her as a witch, taught her circle etiquette and even given her small roles in ritual at the Unitarian Universalist Association of Tacoma (UUAT). She generally behaves better than many adults in circle, and I most certainly was not going to “reward” her hard work and good behavior by allowing her to be labeled and treated as a “child.” My rule is that if a young person has continually behaved like a responsible adult in circle, then he or she deserves to be treated as such. In addition to my objection to what I considered an insult to the maturity of my daughter, an older, well-behaved young woman, I didn’t feel that I should be required to baby-sit the children of parents who couldn’t be bothered to teach their children manners or to supervise them.

Several local groups have had great success with separate rituals specially designed for kids. I was at a Mabon event earlier this year where just such a ritual was put on. The quarters were marked with colorful balloons, and the adult leaders led the children in a merry dance to lively music. I overheard several adults say, “I wish I was a kid, so that I could be in that ritual.” In this case, the children’s ritual, along with other kid’s activities, was held before the adult ritual, which still left the issue of what to do with the kids during the adult ritual.

One of the major obstacles to successfully including children in ritual with adults is the lack of a standard of behavior. What one adult interprets as children freely expressing themselves is often viewed by other adults as a lack of parenting. “I have to ask myself, do these parents let their children behave like this in school, restaurants or in other peoples’ homes?” said Laura, a mother of a 7-year-old daughter whom she is raising in a goddess tradition.

David, whose children are grown, has had negative experiences at public festivals where children were not supervised by their parents. He said, “I was at one outdoor festival where a very expensive drum was ruined by kids whose parents were nowhere in sight. There was a band of unsupervised kids running around all over the place banging on the drums and playing with things on the altars. It was like their parents just walked off and figured that the community would take care of their kids for them.”

I am one who feels very strongly that we should include our children in our rituals when possible. I tried for almost three years to bill events at the UUAT as child-friendly and trust that parents would ensure reasonable behavior from their children. It became increasing apparent to me that this was not going to work. After several complaints from adults who felt that ritual was disrupted and after having to clean up several messes left by unsupervised kids, the Gaia’s Grove earth-spirituality group had to implement a set of rules for at UUAT events. The following statement is available at the check-in table, is posted on our Web site under the heading “parents please read” and is also addressed in pre-ritual discussion:

We love our children.

We want them to be part of our community and events.

We design our rituals to be child/family friendly.

Due to past damage to chairs, carpet and other UUAT property, and to ensure that all ritual guests get the most out of their experience, we must now abide by the following rules.

  • Children must physically be with a parent or adult guardian at all times.
  • Children must respect altars, drums and personal item as hands-off.
  • Children must not climb on stacked chairs.
  • Children must not walk on the furniture.
  • Children may not run nor roughhouse in the building.
  • Children in circle should participate in the circle, not play with other children and/or disrupt the person/people who are speaking.
  • Children may play in the nursery downstairs WITH ADULT SUPERVISION. The nursery must be picked up afterward.
  • The circle guardian will gladly cut parents with fussy kids in and out of the circle as necessary.

Even with the new rules in place, it seems that some parents are just not sure exactly where the line of “disrupting the ritual” gets crossed. I found that often the parents with the most disruptive children were oblivious and did not think their kids were a problem, while the parents with well-behaved kids, who weren’t quite perfect, stressed out trying to make them behave well. We decided to enlist the help of a circle guardian who gently and discreetly offers assistance to parents whose kids are pushing the limits of being disruptive. After Gaia’s Grove implemented the rule, a handful of people decided not to bring their kids anymore, which is too bad. The ones that still bring their kids are making a concerted effort to help them to respect the ritual and others in the circle.

The challenge to groups of any size is to balance the needs and desires of parents and communities to involve children in ritual with the needs of adults who don’t want their ritual experience disrupted. It is ultimately up to parents to decide if their children’s behavior is appropriate for the circle they are bringing them to, but it is also vital that ritual facilitators address this issue and make expectations and behavioral standards clear in a supportive, yet firm, manner.

Elder’s Meditation of the Day – November 29

Elder’s Meditation of the Day – November 29

“Life, the circle, a measurement with no beginning and no end.”

–Phillip Deere, MUSKOGEE-CREEK

The circle teaches us how the Creator made things and how to live. It teaches us how we should look at creation. Life travels in a circle. In the East is the baby, to the South is the youth, in the West is the adult and in the North is the Elder. Then we return to the Earth Mother to start the cycle again. We observe what is `around us’ from the center of the circle. This develops our point of view. We must be careful not to become self-centered.

Great Spirit, let me observe life from the circle’s point of view.

Elder’s Meditation of the Day – November 26

Elder’s Meditation of the Day – November 26

“In our traditional ways, the woman is the foundation of the family.”

–Haida Gwaii Traditional Circle of Elders

We must pay attention to the role of the woman in the family. She is the heartbeat of the family. She should be respected and treated in a sacred manner. We should listen to her guidance. We should help make her role easier by helping with chores or just telling her how much we appreciate her.

Great Spirit, I ask you to bless all the moms.