Bad Luck Go Away!’ Candle Spell to Remove a Curse

If you’ve been wondering how to make bad luck go away, you should know that the answer is very simple: Bring in the energy of good luck!

How this Spell Works

A great way to do this is by casting a double-intention good luck spell.

The first intention is to remove all bad luck from you, so we will use salt and the power of the green candle. You can also take a cleansing bath to wash away any negativity that is clinging to you.

The rest of the ritual will focus on visualizing and drawing positive energies that will manifest opportunities for growth and success in you life. Cinnamon has purifying properties that eliminate bad energies and attract good luck.

Follow the steps indicated below and banish bad luck from your life with a simple spell break ritual.

For the rest of this spell from Spell

Stone of Luck Spell


You can use the Stone of Luck spell for anything, love, money, health, wealth, spirit awareness, etc. The key to this empowerment is concentration and belief. When you have completed this spell, carry the stone around with you. Eventually you will start to get what you want. 

What you need: 

1 Small stone of your choice (any kind)

1 candle (correct color for what you want) 
Appropriate herbs

Appropriate incense



A cloth 

Oil (either olive, jasmine, or mint)

Some bowls (glass or crystal) 

First you need to meditate on what you want, be it money, love, better health….whatever you want. After you feel you have meditated long enough, you may start the spell. 

Light the candle and incense. (Be sure you have all of the things you need with you.) Hold the rock in your power hand. Concentrate on what you want. Run the rock through the flame 3 times. Then put it into the water. 

Cup your hands over the bowl. Then take the rock out of the water and sprinkle the herbs on it. After you have done that, put the rock into a dry bowl. Visualize yourself getting what you want. Then anoint the rock with the oil and put the rock back into the dry bowl. Sprinkle some salt onto the rock. Concentrate more. Then wrap the rock in the cloth and leave it for at least 24 hours. 

Let the candle and incense burn all the way out. Dispose of the water.

Good Luck Herb Jar

Good Luck Herb Jar


To attract good fortune into your life or to change a streak of bad luck to good, fill a jar with any combination of the following magickal herbs:

Buck thorn Bark
Hucleberry Leaves
Irish Moss
Job’s Tears
High John the Conqueror
Lucky Hand root
Mojo Wish Bean
Nutmeg Peony Root
Queen of the Meadow
Rose Hips
Sacred Bark
Star Anise
Tonka Bean

Seal the jar tightly and keep it in your kitchen on a shelf or on a windowsill. Place your hands upon the jar each morning after you wake up and say:


After citing the magickal incantation, gentle shake the jar a few times and then kiss it before putting it back.


A Little Voodoo for Your Day: Spell For Luck


A Little Voodoo for Your Day

For Luck

Dirt from your footprint
Powdered Cinnamon
Mix the cinnamon with dirt from your footprint, sprinkle it along the path entering your home to attract luck and fortune towards yourself and your home.



Gray’s Pocket Book of Hoodoo Spells for Luck and Success: (Gray’s Pocket Book Series Book 4)
Deran Gray

An Easy Luck Spell Associated with Broken Mirrors

My Darkside

An Easy Luck Spell Associated with Broken Mirrors

Face a mirror and think of all the misfortune that has befallen you since breaking the mirror. Think of how those things could have gone better, and then clasp your hands together and shut your eyes tight.

Beg Fortuna or another luck deity for forgiveness, and tell her that you never meant to break a mirror or cause her any trouble. Kneel on the floor in front of the mirror and beg for her blessing so that your life may return to normal.

When you are finished speaking with Fortuna or your luck deity, thank them for their time, kiss the mirror, stand up, and turn to the right and walk away starting with your right foot.

Try not to break another mirror anytime soon!


Mirror Magic (Scrying, Spells, Curses and Other Witch Crafts)
Viivi James

Stop Bad Luck Charm Bag

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Small Draw-String Bad (About 1-2 inches deep)
  • Angelica root
  • African Ginger
  • Fennel seed
  • Holy thistle
  • Clove
  • Basil
Make or buy a small draw-string bag about 1-2 inches deep. Put in a pinch or two of each of the following:

Angelica root
African Ginger
Fennel seed
Holy thistle

Add a small citrine to the pouch and you have a powerful sachet. During the full moon, put the bag together, then consecrate and charge it. Make certain it is tied tightly. Keep it close to your heart.


Oh, Why Not Another Little Spell – Sweet Prosperity Spell

Book & Candle Comments

Sweet Prosperity Spell

Mix together a teaspoon of cinnamon for prosperity, a teaspoon of allspice to bring money, and a half a cup of sugar to sweeten your life. Mix the ingredients together, the pour into a glass container. Snap or screw the lid into place. Empower the mixture to bring prosperity into your life. Try this charm:

“Sugar and spice and everything nice,

Make up this Witch’s spell,

A pinch of magick, a bit of charm,

And all will turn out well.


You could put a pinch of this mixture into a charm bag, or seal a tablespoon of it inside an envelope and keep it in your bill drawer or the bottom of your purse to promote prosperity. Or just sprinkle a spoonful on your buttered toast in the morning to add prosperity and success to your day.


Cottage Witchery
Natural Magick for Hearth & Home
Ellen Dugan

The Witches Magick for Wednesday, April 9th – Apple Tree Wealth Spell

Book & Candle Comments

The Witches Magick for Wednesday, April 9th – Apple Tree Wealth Spell

April Tree Wealth Spell


Items you will need:

3 slices of bread

A cup of apple cider


The Spell:

You will need to locate a fruiting apple free to do this spell. Place the slices of bread on the tree branches and pour the cider onto the roots. As you do this say:


“Blessed be, fruiting apple tree
Now bring great wealth to me
Hats full! Pockets full!
Bushed by bushel-sacks full!
Thank you, great apple tree
Blessed be! So shall it be!

As the apples grow and ripen, so will your wealth



-Two small equal pieces of red cloth
-red woolen thread
-a crumb of bread
– A pinch of salt
-A teaspoon of rue

Sew 3 sides of the 4 sides of red cloth together with the red woolen thread.
Turn the bag outside in because it should have been inside out when you were sewing it. Put the crumb of bread, the pinch of salt, and the teaspoon of rue in it and sew it up. Say this Chant for good fortune:

“This bag I sew for luck for me, and also for my family,
That it may keep by night and day, troubles and illness far away”.

Hang the bag over your bed, your window, or keep it in your purse.

Rich Witch Spell

Rich Witch Spell

This spell should be cast on the evening of a new moon.

Find a flat surface or use your altar. Light a green candle and place a bowl and a spoon on the surface before you. Mix a teaspoon of nutmeg and a teaspoon of cinnamon in the bowl. As you mix the ingredients, think of an amount of money you would like to see in your bank account. (Don’t go overboard though, or you will scatter the spell’s energy.)

Continue to focus on that amount of money as you take three coins of low denomination and toss them repeatedly until you get one tail and two heads.

Place the coins and the powder together in an old wallet or purse and shake it up as you chant:


Place the purse in the same place as you keep all your financial documents.

Success and Prosperity Spell



* a small green or brown talisman bag
* three silver coins
* cinnamon and cedar chips
* a small dish
* your wand
* a pentacle
* cauldron
* ritual knife


This spell is best done during the waxing moon or on the Full Moon. Set your cauldron on the pentacle.  Place a small dish inside the cauldron with a small amount of cinnamon and cedar chips on it.  Beside your cauldron, lay your wand.

Tap each coin with the wand as you chant:

Glistering silver, coin of the Moon,
Shiny and round, bring me a boon.
Draw to my hands many more of your kind.
Multiply, grow, like the image in my mind.

Place the coins in the cauldron with the herbs.  Stir the air clockwise seven times over the cauldron and chant:

Earth elementals, cunning and bright,
With me share treasures here on this night.
Share with me riches of silver and gold.
Success, prosperity, all I can hold.

Put the coins and the herbs in the talisman bag and lay it overnight in the moonlight.  Either carry the talisman bag with you or keep it near your bed where you will see it every night.

Kind Brownie Spell

Kind Brownie Spell

Brownies live in England and Scotland (Urisks), and are solitary faeries. They are one to two feet tall, with brown, wizened faces and hair that grows all over their body like teddy bears. They usually go naked but occasionally wear hooded brown cloaks. Brownies come out at night to do the chores when everyone is asleep and are gone by the first cock call. They take care of the household pets, do unfinished jobs such as mowing; threshing; milking; shearing; tending the pets; livestock and farm animals; shoe making; sewing and cleaning. Brownies can bring good fortune to your family provided you treat them well. GIve them food and drink such as milk and cookies to win their favors, but never give them gifts or wages. To encourage a helpful brownie to come to your home, cast this spell tonight.

You will need a broom, a glass of milk and a plate of cookies.

Before you go to sleep, sweep your front doorway and back doorway clean. Also sweep your fireplace or woodstove hearth clean if you have one. Put the glass of milk and cookeis on the counter or table in your kitchen. Say:

I offer this milk and these cookies to the kind and helpful brownies who may grace my home tonight.

As you drift to sleep, repeat over and over:

May the kind and helpful brownies grace my dreams and my home tonight.

In the morning, write everything you recall from your dreams in your journal. Return any remaining milk and cookies to the earth as an offering to the brownines. As you do, say:

Thank you, kind brownies. May you always be blessed!

Sweet Success Moon Potion

Sweet Success Moon Potion

(Wolf Moon)
You will need a vanilla tea bag, three drops of lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey.
Begin by brewing the vanilla tea and letting it steep for a few minutes. Add the three drops of lemon juice while saying  the following:
One drop, two drops, and one more, makes three     May sourness never get the best of me.
Add the teaspoon of honey while saying:
With this spoonful of honey,
I bring sweet success to me.
As you drink the cup of tea, review in your mind all of the successes that you hope to have in the coming year. Envision  each of your magickal patterns as coming to fruition and being highly successful. Taste the sweetness of the honey and let it be a prequel to the sweet  success to come. Repeat to yourself:
Sweet success, come to me
By the Lady, blessed be!
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The Witches Magick for Jan. 15th – CAST A WITCH’S LUCKY CANDLE SPELL

The Witches Magick for Jan. 15th


Take an orange candle anointed with cinnamon oil, clove, or lotus oil.
Light the candle and say 3 times:
“brimstone, moon, and witch’s fire,
candlelight’s bright spell,
good luck shall I now acquire,
work thy magic well.
Midnight twelve, the witching hour,
bring the luck I seek.
By wax and wick now work thy power
as these words I speak.
Harming none, this spell is done.
By law of three, so mote it be!”
Do this spell at midnight.
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The Witches’ Magick for Nov. 3 – Job-Hunting Charm


Job-Hunting Charm

This charm will only work if you are seriously and intensively looking for a job, sending out resumes and scheduling interviews.

You Will Need:

A cinnamon stick

A High John the Conqueror Root

Green or gold thread

Three Kings Oil (made of frankincense oil, oil of myrrh, and spikenard)

Red flannel drawstring bag

Tie the cinnamon stick and the High John the Conqueror Root together with the thread. Anoint them with the Three Kings Oil, and place them in the bag.

Every morning before you go out job-hunting, anoint the charm with a bit more oil. Keep it in your pocket or bag as you go out to look for a job.

If your situation is the same after nine days, you may want to look at different alternatives or change your game plan. It could be a signal that the field you are looking it is not right for you for that you, or that you may find opportunities elsewhere.

Aid In Financial Difficulty

Aid In Financial Difficulty


Green Candle
Purple Candle
Sage Oil
Scribing tool such as a crafters exacto knife, athame or kitchen knife

On a Thursday (you can do it on any day but Thursday is associated with Power, Success, Fame, Wealth etc.)

Begin by meditating as you normally do, in addition I always use white light as a protection around my circle before I cast any spells. Inscribe on your candles money symbols, Success, Wealth.  Begin inscribing at the bottom of the candle, rotating it to the left in a spiral method. So your inscriptions will rotate up to the right and around. While you inscribe your candles, visualize your goals; see yourself succeeding be clear on what you want. Rub your candle with the Sage oil from the bottom up while asking for what you want.

Ask the Earth (As an element) to grant your spell use words that are meaningful for you. I face North and light the candles:

By the power of the Earth and the Grace of her body
I ask for Success in obtaining wealth
I ask that I be given focus and ability
To earn with love and light on this
Thursday Night I thank thee spiritually,
Emotionally, mentally and physically
As it harm none
So Mote it Be

You may also burn incense alone or in combination Honeysuckle, pine, musk, cedar, patchouli or jasmine in honor of earth. While the Candles burn, continue to meditate and or visualize your specific goals or you may visualize the earth guiding you to success.

The Witches Spell for February 5th: Relief of Bad Luck & Problems

Voodoo Comments & Graphics

The Witches Magick for February 5th

For Relief of Bad Luck & Problems

(safe Hoodoo magick)

In black ink make a list of all of your problems you wish to be relieved of. Each day for 13 days in a row burn one black 6’ ritual candle with “Go Away Now” carved on each. Dress (rubbed on the candle pointing away from you) each candle with Hot Foot or Get Gone Oil and burn on top of your problem list. Each day as the candle burns for 13 minutes in a row read Psalms 7 over and over again and pray that your bad luck be sent away from you. On the 13th day after the candle has burned wrap the paper with all the candle wax upon it in a black cloth and leave it in a cemetary. Be sure to leave a handful of change to pay the cemetary spirits for keeping your problems for you. For seven days there after bath in a cleansing bath. Do not towel dry off. Let yourself draw naturally.

The Witches Spell for January 3: 7 Day Luck Spell

The 7 Day Luck Spell

Items You Will Need:

Black 7 day candle






The Spell:

Fill your saucer slightly with some water. On a piece of paper write the things you most desire, (like love, money, a job..) Fold that up and put it on the saucer (in the water). Now put your 7 day candle on top of the paper and light it. Each night before you go to sleep visualize your desires being obtained. On the seventh day, snuff out the candle and dispose of it by getting it away from your property. This spell can be customized by using different colored candles, pink or red for love, purple for spirituality and so on. The black candle is used for “breaking through” those obstacles that are preventing you from your desires.


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