Magickal Activity for the 19th day of July, the Day of Adonia

Dragon Comments & Graphics

Magickal Activity for the 19th day of July, the Day of Adonia

Candle Love Spell


You will need:

Handwriting or photo of desired one

one red image candle

rose oil

Begin by dressing (rubbing) the candle with the rose oil to empower it with your desire. As you do this chant the following:

Bring unto me

The love that I see

That he (she) shall requite,

All my love from this night.


Light the candle, and place it on top of the handwriting or picture. Allow the candle to burn for one hour, and then extinguish it. Each night for six consecutive nights repeat the spell dressing the candle with the oil each time. On the last night of the spell, allow the candle to burn out. Carry the handwriting or picture with you the next time you plan to see the one you desire.

Powerful Fertility Spell


Patchouli oil
Sandalwood incense
2 pine cones
3 wheat heads
Green Candle
Green marker and paper

Rub the oil on the candle and anoint yourself around the womb area with a drop of oil. Light the candle and incense and place the pine cones and wheat into a cauldron or container. Visualize your magickal goal and use the marker to draw yourself on the right hand side of the paper as you are now – draw yourself as you want to be on the left side (flat belly – pregnant belly will do just fine) visualize your goal while drawing – when you feel you’ve visualized enough tear the paper in half and fold the left side with your goal drawn on it into a small square and place it in your pocket then light the other paper in the candle flame and place it in the cauldron to burn.
Chant or pray for your goal to be realized as you watch the paper burn. Bury the contents of the cauldron in your yard – preferable a garden – leave an offering of a small crumb of cake on a crystal plate for any good spirits or fairies who might happen by. Stay positive so you don’t attract the attention of any jealous or bad fairies!


Keep the paper with your goal drawn on it with you at all times until your wish is granted then you can place it in a safe place for luck.

The Witches Magick for Jan. 15th – CAST A WITCH’S LUCKY CANDLE SPELL

The Witches Magick for Jan. 15th


Take an orange candle anointed with cinnamon oil, clove, or lotus oil.
Light the candle and say 3 times:
“brimstone, moon, and witch’s fire,
candlelight’s bright spell,
good luck shall I now acquire,
work thy magic well.
Midnight twelve, the witching hour,
bring the luck I seek.
By wax and wick now work thy power
as these words I speak.
Harming none, this spell is done.
By law of three, so mote it be!”
Do this spell at midnight.
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