‘THINK on THESE THINGS’ for June 5

By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

Everyone is a collector of something. And everyone’s collection looks peculiar to someone else. And yet, who knows why an item may have a certain appeal to one particular person. The shape, the color, the whole idea may have a hidden background, but it is most definitely there!

It may be old books, or magazines. Perhaps it is pill bottles, fishing hooks, or something “I may need someday when….” Who knows the reasons old calendars continue to hang, and scraps of this and that may someday be just what I need.

But more dear than any of these are the happy thoughts we collect to use along the way. We can use them to cheer someone, to pass along a word of courage, a simple prayer, a smile. And when someone has time to share with us an experience that we may profit by the pain they felt – yes, these are collector’s items. These priceless bits of life’s fabric, woven by someone’s cares and offered to us in hopes that it will help.

Whatever it is that we collect, we must never forget the dearest collections are the kindnesses, the thoughtful acts, the smiling faces that can be ours by giving the same.

What could be so priceless as true friendship? Friends for which time and space do not exist! It is written, “What a great blessing is a friend with breast so trusty that thou mayest safely bury all thy secrets in it, whose conscience thou mayest fear less than thy own; who can relieve thy cares by his conversation, thy doubts by his counsels, thy sadness by his good humor, and whose very looks give thee comfort.”

All of us have had many friends, but the special ones remain forever in our memories. The dearest are those who believe in us and are willing to trust us with their friendship.

We cannot force friendship. It is something mutually felt, mutually understood, and silently accepted. It is our opportunity to demonstrate our very best selves – to ask no questions and to pass no criticisms.

“Before us is a future all unknown, a path untrod;
Beside us a friend well loved and known –
That friend is God.”


Available online! ‘Cherokee Feast of Days’
By Joyce Sequichie Hifler.

Visit her web site to purchase the wonderful books by Joyce as gifts for yourself or for loved ones……and also for those who don’t have access to the Internet: http://www.hifler.com
Click Here to Buy her books at Amazon.com

Elder’s Meditation of the Day
By White Bison, Inc., an American Indian-owned nonprofit organization. Order their many products from their web site: http://www.whitebison.org


Elder’s Meditation of the Day June 5

Elder’s Meditation of the Day June 5

“It is not through the great skill of the hunter himself that success is achieved, but through the hunter’s awareness of his place in Creation and his relationship to all things.”

–Thomas Yellowtail, CROW

If only the human being could understand the power of proper relationships, the need for power and control could be abandoned. It’s not what is going on that matters, but how we look at what is going on. It’s our relationship to it that counts. Nothing in the world has any meaning except the meaning we give to it. To be more effective at this, we need to consider our relationship with the Creator. Our relationship to the Great Spirit determines how we will perceive the meanings we put to places, people, institutions and things. We need to let the Creator tell us and guide our thoughts about these relationships. Any relationship that we have that is causing problems means we need to pray for a new point of view.

Creator, let me see the world and the people through your eyes.


June 5 – Daily Feast

June 5 – Daily Feast

Nothing equals the loveliness of a summer morning when the first rays of sunlight sweep a field of wheat ready for harvest. The honey-colored heads bow with the weight of grain and the moisture of dew. Few of us could miss the peace that comes when the first light breaks through the foliage at the far side of the woods. It beams misty shafts of gold into areas untouched at any other time of day. It passes quickly and leaves the need to see it again. A miracle happens with the morning light. Worried thought lightens with the trill of the summer tanager. The wild purple cone flowers make their appearance in the meadow – and so the day begins.

~ Warm as go gi a ga li s gv, the peaceful day begins.
Warm as summer sunshine, the peaceful day a leni s gv. ~

‘A Cherokee Feast of Days’, by Joyce Sequichie Hifler


Daily Motivator for June 5 – Your time to choose

Your time to choose

You can always live the life you choose. Because you can always choose, in each and every moment, how to be.

Sure, life in this world sends all sorts of seemingly random and often disturbing occurrences your way. Yet the choice of how to think and feel about them, and what to do with them, is yours.

It is through the use of that choice that your life is fashioned. From the perspective you select comes the world you experience, in this hour, this month, this decade, this lifetime.

Whatever comes, will come and go. What you choose to do with it, is what makes your life the way it is.

It is never too late, and you are never too far off track to live the way you wish to live. For in this very next moment, no matter what it may contain, you can choose how, and why, to proceed.

You never have to resign yourself to less than the best. For now is always your time to choose.

— Ralph Marston

The Daily Motivator

Daily OM for June 5 – Releasing Guilt

Releasing Guilt
Permission to Forgive Ourselves

by Madisyn Taylor


Dwelling in guilt is like living your life with an anchor tied to your ankles dragging you down.

Learning to accept the things that we perceive as wrong can be a difficult task for many of us. Often we have been brought up to accept that it is normal to feel guilty about our actions and that by doing so we will make everything seem alright within ourselves. Even though we might feel that we have a reason to make up for the choices we have made, it is much more important for us to learn how to deal with them in a healthy and positive way, such as through forgiveness and understanding.

When we can look back at our past and really assess what has happened, we begin to realize that there are many dimensions to our actions. While feeling guilty might assuage our feelings at first, it is really only a short-term solution. It is all too ironic that being hard on ourselves is the easy way out. If we truly are able to gaze upon our lives through the lens of compassion, however, we will be able to see that there is much more to what we do and have done than we realize. Perhaps we were simply trying to protect ourselves or others and did the best we could at the time, or maybe we thought we had no other recourse and chose a solution in the heat of the moment. Once we can understand that dwelling in our negative feelings will only make us feel worse, we will come to recognize that it is really only through forgiving ourselves that we can transform our feelings and truly heal any resentment we have about our past.

Giving ourselves permission to feel at peace with our past actions is one of the most positive steps we can take toward living a life free from regrets, disappointments, and guilt. The more we are able to remind ourselves that the true path to a peaceful mind and heart is through acceptance of every part of our lives and actions, the more harmony and inner joy we will experience in all aspects of our lives.

Daily OM


Lighten Up – Bill Gates’s Book On Wicca

1. The book would be called Windows to the Goddess.

2. Iconology was be a major chapter.

3. A revised edition would be released approximately every 6 months without which your magic would no longer work.

4. Your broom would crash at least once a week.

5. Cauldrons would be called recycle bins.

6. A book of shadows would be called the folder of magic.

7. A free high speed connection spell would come with every book.

8. Ever now and then, your circle would collapse and you would have to perform the reboot ritual to get it working.

9. If you used the more powerful MagicNT rituals, the above would happen to all circles within a 5 mile radius.

10. At least once a month, you would have to reinstall your spells into your folder of magic.

11. You would have to use a start ritual to exit your circle. (And cake and wine would only be available after a sign from the Goddess saying it was safe to do so.)

And Father’s Day This Month – Father’s Day gift ideas for grown-ups

What to give to Dad when you’ve moved beyond the construction paper stage of your life.

By Stephanie Rogers
Thanking Dad for all he’s done for you doesn’t have to stop at a greeting card and a gift-wrapped tie. But coming up with fresh, unique ideas for Father’s Day gifts can be hard, especially when you’ve outgrown homemade construction paper cards. Instead of focusing on expensive material gifts or worrying about how to outdo your siblings, think about fun ways that you can surprise your father or spend time with him, even if you don’t live close enough for a visit. Here are 10 fun Father’s Day activitiesand gift ideas for grown children.

1. Treat him to his favorite things. If you live near your Dad and can spend the day with him, taking him out to enjoy his favorite activity is hands-down the best way to spend Father’s Day. Whether you just tag along on a fishing trip or organize an all-day outing of picnics and paintball, having you there with him will make it more special.
2. Give him a new experience. Maybe your father has always wanted to go to a music festival or a wine-tasting tour. Perhaps he’s been harboring a secret desire to learn how to paint or to visit a nearby town. Talk to him before Father’s Day arrives and try to glean some inside info that will help you craft a plan of action. We tend to focus on childhood memories when we think of our parents, but we should never stop making new ones.
3. Take a spa day. A gift certificate to a spa is traditionally more of a Mother’s Day gift, but who says men don’t want to be pampered? There’s nothing quite like a massage for sore muscles, or a nice soak in a mineral tub. He could even get an old-fashioned professional shave. Group relaxation time is great for bonding, too.
4. Do all of his chores. If your father is too busy to take the day off and spend time with you or to relax at home, help him eliminate some of his chores. Arrange to have the lawn mowed, or to have somebody else take care of his errands. Swing by and do all of the things around the house that take up the most of his time. At the very least, he’ll be able to kick back for a day — and that can be priceless.
5. Send him a video card. Live too far away to visit? Record a video greeting. This is especially fun if you can get together with your siblings, or if you have children who’d like to participate. Recount a funny story from your childhood, or just send a sincere message of love and gratitude.
6. Organize a video chat. If you can’t get home and a telephone call just isn’t enough, plan to meet via Apple FaceTime, Skype or video conferencing software. Few Father’s Day activities are as rewarding as a simple chat, and it’s nice to see each other’s faces.
7. Create a custom photo album. If you’ve got the time, going through old photographs to choose your favorite memories of your father and put them in a special album can be very rewarding. If you want to keep the originals, scan them and them use an online photo service like Shutterfly.com to design and print a custom photo book.
8. Create a montage of home videos. Many of us have drawers full of old VHS tapes or even film reels taken when we were kids. Among all of the long, boring clips of dance recitals and Christmas mornings are bound to be some funny and touching gems. If you’re tech-literate, you can likely learn how to transfer these moments onto a DVD or digital medium, or you can take it all to a video editing company.
9. Put together a personalized basket of goodies. Does Dad really need another generic gift basket full of stale crackers and salted meats? Give the standard Father’s Day gift basket a little more thought. Purchase an empty basket and fill it with things your Dad likes — specific foods, wine, movies, gift cards and small objects that will make him smile.
10. Try your hand at something creative. So maybe you’re not an artist, and you’re long beyond the age when a clay handprint is an acceptable Father’s Day gift. But something made with your own hands is just as meaningful now as it was when you were 10. Doodle, paint, sculpt or sew. If it results in a horrific mess, all the better — it will get a laugh.


Also In The News – An Introduction to Earthships

By Kevin Stevens, Networx

Imagine a home that heats and cools itself without the need of a furnace or AC unit: one that produces its own zero-emissions supply of electricity, and is not dependent on a municipal source for water. This kind of home also processes all of its wastewater locally, and can even grow a quantity of its occupant’s food. Additionally, the home is built with local and recycled waste products, and it can be built with basic low-tech labor. Does this sound like the ideal home of a space age future? Believe it or not, these homes exist today (many have been built by builders in New Mexico) and have been in existence for over 30 years. This type of home is called an “Earthship” and it exhibits all of these features and more.

Heat and Cooling Naturally

Earthships are homes built with passive solar design principles. During the cool winter months, low angled sunlight enters the home and warms the floors and walls. Exterior and load bearing walls are constructed from a “core” of up-cycled tires and rammed earth. This high thermal mass core is covered with concrete or earthen-based plasters for a smooth and cosmetically appealing surface. The mass of the walls and structure “absorb” the sun’s heat, this heat is stored in the mass walls and is then released back into the living space after the sun sets. In summer, the cool base temperature of the earth around the home provides natural cooling. This is supplemented with convective air flow and skylight vents.

Power and Water

Earthships by their nature are off-grid. This means they are self-sufficient in terms of electricity and traditional service utilities. Solar panels and/or wind turbines generate electric power. The home’s roof surface acts as a “collector” for rain and snow harvesting. Water consumption is further enhanced by re-use. An Earthship’s water stores are “processed” by filtration and purification means for initial use. Grey water from sinks and showers is processed through a biological/planter bed before being used to flush conventional toilets. These planter beds can also be used as gardens (some people grow food in grey water-irrigated gardens; some do not). The waste water from the toilets is then processed in an exterior system that can be used for exterior landscape needs. With this system the water is actually used four times… which is a great savings in its own right. Hot water for domestic use is produced using thermal solar power.

Recycled Building Materials

One of the greatest advantages of Earthship construction is the use of reclaimed materials. The fundamental “building blocks” of an Earthship include tires, bottles and cans. Earthship “foundations” begin with old tires that are filled with simple dirt. This local material is compressed into the “form” of the tire and provides a strong solid and dense “brick”. These tire walls are built on three sides of the structure and provide both thermal mass and support for the home roofing system. Interior and decorative walls are often built using bottles and cans as the “core” materials. This integrated “matrix” of concrete and containers reduces the total amount of mortar that is needed and can provide a great decorative element.
Earthships are gaining popularity and can be found in nearly every climate type. One of the best known examples of this type of architecture and sustainable building style can be found near Taos, New Mexico. Here an entire community of Earthships make up the “Greater World Community.” This “subdivision” has been in existence for nearly 20 years.

Useful Tips You Can Use – 25 Awesome Uses for Old Newspaper

by Aidan Koch

As receiving your news from the internet quickly becomes the norm, getting the ‘paper’ in the morning is becoming a rare and special thing. Even if you just get it on Sundays, as soon as the day is done, that news is mostly obsolete. Instead of recycling your paper right away, maybe using one of these great ideas will save you some time and effort you didn’t even realize.

  • Roll into a megaphone
  • Fold into a sailor’s hat
  • Paste it up as wallpaper
  • Fold into a protective book cover
  • Make papier-mâché sculpture
  • Read it
  • Use as birdcage lining
  • Use to block windows
  • Use to protect floors when painting
  • Use to fill in holes and cracks
  • Make paper chains
  • Cut apart for scrapbooking or collage
  • Shred and reuse to make your own paper
  • Use as a dustpan
  • Use as kindling
  • Cover ground off season to prevent weeds
  • Accordion fold into a fan
  • Line your cabinets
  • Use as a rag
  • Wrap items when moving
  • Protect items when mailing
  • Use in shoes to maintain the shape
  • Wrap presents
  • Use as a tablecloth
  • Line your trash or compost

In The News – Venus Transit Tonight

Transit of Venus

On June 5, 2012 at sunset on the East Coast of North America and earlier for other parts of the U.S., the planet Venus will make its final trek across the face of the sun as seen from Earth until the year 2117. The last time this event occurred was on June 8, 2004 when it was watched by millions of people across the world. Get prepared for this once in a lifetime event!

For over 100 years the main quest of astronomers was to pin down the distance between Earth and Sun (the Astronomical Unit), which would give them a key to the size of the solar system. Careful studies of the transit of Venus became the gold mine they would harvest to reveal this measure.

Live Web Cast

Live Webcast from Mauna Kea, Hawaii

On June 5, 2012, we will air a live ‘remote’ webcast from a mountainside Visitors Station site near the observatories in Hilo, Hawaii. This location will give a wonderful view of the entire transit with little chance of cloud cover to a worldwide audience.


Safe Solar Viewing

Safe Viewing Techniques

You can experience the transit of Venus safely, but it is vital that you protect your eyes at all times with the proper solar filters.


Sun-Earth Day Videos

Transit of Venus Videos

Let Sun-Earth Day help you prepare for the Transit of Venus through a new series of videos hosted on our YouTube Channel.

Daily Feng Shui Tip for June t

This ‘World Environment Day’ offers an opportunity to improve our external environments as a way of making the world a better place. Clearing the clutter is a big part of this, as is cleansing previous occupant energies by using incense smoke. According to Feng Shui, making your environment especially welcoming and supportive starts with cleaning dirt and grime. Look around your immediate space today, and with intention and conscious focus, cleanse something so it sparkles. Soon enough, so will your life. And when you add a twinkle to your life you’ll brighten up everyone else’s as well!

By Ellen Whitehurst for Astrology.com

Today’s I Ching Hexagram for June 5 is 11: Harmony

11: Harmony

Hexagram 11

General Meaning: The trigram earth is above that of heaven, and heaven seems to be on earth. The gravity of matter merges with the upward radiation of light to merge in deep harmony. This juxtaposition denotes a time of peace and blessings for all living things. In the affairs of humans, tranquility comes when the good, strong and powerful show favor to those of lower status, and those of more modes means are well disposed towards those who are currently blessed. This condition marks an end to feuding. In such a state, it is best to let the energy ride high. The way is cleared, and the prospects for great success are outstanding.

Chaotic forces still abide in nature, but man, by carefully responding to the rhythms and cycles of the world around him, can find peace in the natural world. By planting the right crop in the right place in the right season, the farmer brings harmony to the cultivation of plants, and prosperity to his family. Similarly, any business must adjust to the natural cycles of the season; only through flexibility and adaptation can order and growth be maintained. Peaceful times produce a time of flowering and prosperity; the wise person channels positive energy to all quarters, to each in proper proportion, just as a farmer waters his field. But be vigilant. Otherwise, peaceful conditions will foster the growth of weeds as well as flowers

Today’s Runes for June 5 is Ansuz

Today’s Runes

Ice Runes are most commonly used for questions about struggle, conflict, and achievement. Ansuz refers to a god or the spoken word of God. It is the voice of reason, law, prophecy and truth. It is the truth heard in the wind. This rune represents wisdom obtained or knowledge delivered. It is the rune of absolute good advice and true council – the message we all must strive to hear.

Today’s Tarot Card for June 5 is The Sun

The Sun

This Tarot Deck: Gummy Bear Tarot

General Meaning: What has traditionally been known as the Sun card is about the self — who you are and how you cultivate your personality and character. The earth revolves around the sun to make up one year of a person’s life, a fact we celebrate on our birthday.

The Sun card could also be titled “Back to Eden.” The Sun’s radiance is where one’s original nature or unconditioned Being can be encountered in health and safety. The limitations of time and space are stripped away; the soul is refreshed and temporarily protected from the chaos outside the garden walls.

Under the light of the Sun, Life reclaims its primordial goodness, truth and beauty. If one person is shown on this card, it is usually signifying a human incarnation of the Divine. When two humans are shown, the image is portraying a resolution of the tension between opposites at all levels. It’s as if this card is saying “You can do no wrong — it’s all to the good!”

Your Daily General Horoscopes for June 5


In almost every aspect of your life all your cards are on the table and it’s more a matter of how to play that hand you’ve been dealt. This is where hindsight and the use of your imagination comes in, for if you’re able to not only learn from the past but appreciate that perception is a cloudy filter at best, then you’re able to look at things from a different perspective. Take some trial and error approaches to see how a different take on the past works for you.


With powerful lunar eclipse energy in your financial sector still in effect money matters are likely to loom large today, but it’s important that you put equal weight on all the currencies in your life. With Jupiter, planet of luck and expansion leaving your sign in just 7 days time and not due to return until 2023, look past financial matters or barriers to what you really want and need from the future.


With lunar eclipse energy still in the air and the Moon only just beginning to ease back from its Full Moon status, there is still a lot of strong relationship energy in the air and some truths that can be tapped into. A Full Moon will also come with some pressure for it sees the Moon put direct pressure on the Sun and today that pressure extends to Venus, planet of love, just a day before a very rare Venus eclipse is destined to bring matters of the heart to a head.


With the Moon staying on in your work sector after yesterday’s solar eclipse, you have a chance to work with slowly defusing emotional responses and over the top messages or wake up calls, to better understand the forces driving things on the work front. Yet as much as this may have delivered the answers or insight you need right now, it’s important to remember that the road to success is always under construction.


Having a lunar eclipse in a romantic and creative part of your chart is good news, but can create complications for Jupiter, who is spending his last full week in your career sector. As much as you need to be on the ball professionally, by lightening up and buying into the playful lunar vibes still in play today, you’ll have a chance to touch base with your creative passions and to bring some fun into your professional game. If you’re following your heart, success will always find you.


During the Sun’s month long visit to your career sector he will always be challenged at some point by a Full Moon in your home and family sector, creating some work/life balance tensions but also the tools and resources to create the right balance. With Full Moon energy still in play after yesterday’s lunar eclipse and especially as this professional wave won’t die down anytime soon, heed any wake up calls being delivered.


Just days before Mercury is due to return to your career sector, kicking off a new round of professional activity and opening new doors, Neptune turns retrograde in your work sector. This gives you a chance to pull back and through your imagination, to look back at where you’ve been. While Neptune will remain in retrograde motion for several months and an intuitive sense of hindsight will remain, there will soon be distractions.


While the Moon is still in your income sector after yesterday’s lunar eclipse, hold onto the nose for money and the chance this is giving you to bring things up to speed on the income front. You’re about to move into some extraordinary days on the financial front and despite any recent financial pressure or intensity, things are falling into place. Before the focus shifts back to your financial game as a whole, make income matters a priority today.


Yesterday’s lunar eclipse not only brought you to a rather dramatic turning point in your solar year, creating a clear line in the sand at the halfway mark, it provided some clear wake up calls and a call for both personal and relationship authenticity. As the Sun and Moon move out off opposition, but the Sun remains in your relationship sector and the Moon remains in your sign, there is a chance to look behind any messages or strong reactions.


Your biggest challenge now is holding onto a balance between work and play, for if you can’t pull it off now you’re going to have a lot more trouble in the coming weeks and months. Jupiter, planet of luck and expansion is just a week away from leaving a romantic and playful part of your chart and not only leaving it empty, but joining the work forces that he’s now battling against. Do what you can now to follow your heart, creating habits that will future proof your life.


Just as Mars is moving into his final month in your financial sector, Neptune turns retrograde in your income sector and with Chiron turning retrograde here in a week from today; this spells the end of any danger of the financial pressures of the past returning. Mars and his financial agenda is now playing a completely separate game to forces here on the income front. As a sense of hindsight kicks in it will reveal a trail of breadcrumbs.


With the Moon still in your career sector after coming to a head as a lunar eclipse, your professional instincts are able to pick up on the strong professional forces this unleased, but also on any work/life balance issues this created. You’ve moved into a powerful and important week on the home and family front and with new doors opening on the work front in just a few weeks time, this gives you a chance to address and resolve any balance issues now.

Daily Love & Romance Horoscopes for June 5


Until now the only planet to directly support Saturn, in his final weeks in retrograde motion in your relationship sector, has been Venus, planet of love, also in retrograde motion and also focused on the past. But with Mercury involved you’re starting to feel the first signs that it’s time to get ready to move on.


While the Moon put a lot of focus on your relationships over the last few days Mars, planet of passion is more than ready to draw it back to your romantic situation. Now just under a month away from leaving your romantic sector Mars, warrior planet of the cosmos is challenging your excuses and daring you to leave no room for regrets.


While yesterday’s lunar eclipse in your relationship sector may have taken you off guard, with the Moon only returning on the same day, he’s staying on to help with the aftermath. It’s where things came to a head that you’re now able to make sense of what lies behind strong emotional actions or any strong messages this delivered.


An important few days on the work front may see your personal life put on hold, but as this is temporary you can afford to issue some rainchecks. What you won’t get away with is permanently ignoring your relationships or your personal life, with a chance now to learn from past mistakes.


Because the Moon only returned to your romantic sector yesterday, giving very little lead in time ahead of yesterday’s lunar eclipse, this has bought you extra time on the other side. The Moon is staying on in your romantic sector and as the intensity drops back you’re able to get a better read on what your heart and any emotional responses are telling you.


As Neptune turns retrograde in your relationship sector today he turns his attention and your imagination back onto the past and the road behind. Unlike his short visit last year when this same retrograde turn took him back out, this time he’ll finish what he started. This gives you a chance to take a trip down memory lane and to revisit some old ghosts.


Even in ordinary times having the communication lines open on the relationship front is a must, but these are not ordinary times and neither is the support you have in order to connect. Where yesterday’s lunar eclipse in your communication sector got the ball rolling you have a chance today to continue, keeping all your communications honest, real and authentic.


Just a week before Jupiter is due to leave your relationship sector Neptune turns retrograde in your romantic sector, pulling back in order to let your relationships go first. This is not a concession but simply Neptune realising that you have months to tap into the romantic nostalgia he’s evoking, but just 7 days to get your relationships up to speed.


Where yesterday’s lunar eclipse in your sign put direct pressure on the Sun in your relationship sector, today it’s Venus, planet of love that the Moon is providing with some wake up calls. This comes just as you’re about to move into some super important days on the relationship front, when you can least afford to be asleep at the wheel.


Just a week to the day before Jupiter not only leaves your romantic sector and wraps up his own 12 month visit but all the planetary activity for the year, dreamy Neptune turns retrograde in your communication sector. This gives you a chance to look back through rose coloured glasses and to give unsaid words a voice.


In the lead up to a very rare Venus eclipse in your romantic sector today the Moon is putting pressure on the planet of love, yet despite any buttons this might push this is simply a much needed wake up call, when it’s most needed. With some stunning developments on the romantic front, some timely reality checks won’t go astray.


You’ve reached a pivotal point on the relationship front where you can either look back at the challenges of the past and wallow in them or you can move on, learning from the past but refusing to be defined or held back from the past. A lot of water has passed under the bridge, leaving you with a clear sense of what you’re fighting for or against.

Daily Chinese Horoscopes for June 5


Money makes the world go around, but right now it has your head spinning. Someone has made a weird investment or is suggesting a strange way of making a few quick bucks, but make sure that you check into the details before you throw any of your own coin down a bottomless well.


If you want to overcome a feeling of rejection today, focus on your self, your image, your own personal needs. Don’t be afraid to be prudently selfish today. That is exactly what you need to do if you are to understand and heal yourself today.


You could stumble across an old childhood hurt that is buried in your subconscious today. If you find yourself acting oddly and you don’t know why, stop for a moment and ask yourself “What is this all really about?” The answer could be healing.


Arguments or disagreements with friends could be a good thing today. All the cards will be on the table, in full view, and the two of you can decide as mature adults whether the problems can be overcome, or whether or not it might be time to agree to part the ways.


Don’t try to push yourself today. If you have a shot at a self-indulgent day off, take it and run. Trying to run about to get shores, shopping, or work done will only make you frustrated and anxious. Don’t feel guilty about taking a well-deserved break.


You may find yourself exploring a new educational opportunity or challenge today. You will be drawn to paper, books, and online knowledge that can increase your sense of well being or self-esteem. Focus on the wilder, newer and more innovative ideas that catch your eye.


If you are looking for investing opportunities, homes, real estate and home improvements are all good bets – but don’t go overboard with trendy decorations. You may find that those hot colours aren’t going to be in style too long. If you go shopping, look for bargains.


Your love life flip-flops from fabulous to frustrating, sometimes within a few moments passion turns to pressure. You are not communicating well, and you are not terribly realistic about your responsibilities and expectations in relationships.


If you work with a business partner, or have a friendly coworker you confide in regularly, pay them special attention today. They may be a little tense right now but they are going to have ideas that could make you both a lot more prosperous.


You may decide to take up some kind of structured sporting activity in order to get more exercise. This could be something of a challenge at first. Make sure that you stretch, get proper food and hydration, and check with your doctor before doing anything too intense.


Family members are both a source of joy and frustration right now. One is busy flipping wildly from one side of the “manic-depressive” spectrum to the other, while another is offering to help out and may even come bearing a gift of money, or news of a possible job offer.


You seem to have a hard time putting your thoughts into words today. There are times when your head says one thing and your mouth seems to want to say something else. Take long breaks if you are working on any important presentation or paperwork today.

Calendar of the Moon for June 5

4 Huath/Thargelion

Arianrhod’s Day

Color: Silver
Elements: Air and water
Altar: Upon a white and silver cloth lay several silver moons, in order from new crescent to full to old moon, four white candles, and incense of myrrh.
Offerings: Clean something white.
Daily Meal: Cool white food.

Invocation to Arianrhod

Silver Wheel that spins in the sky,
Keeper of the Spiral Tower,
Keeper of deep mysteries,
Unforgiving moon that stares down
Upon our hapless dreams,
Lover of the ocean and its spirits,
Lover of the sky and its spirits,
Lady of the night horizon,
The point where starry sky touches starry sea,
We call you forth upon this day
To ask for your blessing on us,
As you blessed your son Llew Llaw Gyffes.
And even as that blessing was not easy
In forthcoming, we know that you will not
Give out your benedictions at our will.
So this we say, Lady: We have worked,
And willed, and created a dream
And made it reality, and here we stand together,
And if that is not worth something to the world,
Then nothing is. Arm us well, Lady of the Silver Wheel,
With weapons sharp and keen,
Tongue and mind of steel that yet yields
To the spear of Truth that strikes.
Bless each name that we have taken,
As you gave your son his name,
And bless us with divine inspiration
That we might bring more beauty
To the world and all its beings.

Light up the night
Light up the night
Bring your dreams into the circle

[Pagan Book of Hours]

Calendar of the Sun for June 5

Media Ver

Color: Green
Element: Earth
Altar: Upon a green cloth set growing herbs and flowers in pots, a pitcher of rainwater, small dishes of late-sowed seeds such as lettuce (as many as there are people), a flower wreath, and a single green candle.
Offerings: Seeds to be planted in the garden.
Daily Meal: Vegetarian

Media Ver Invocation

Earth, you have awakened to our touch!
The winds have stirred you,
The rain has nourished you,
The sun has opened your eyes.
Your million mouths open
On the unfolded leaves of every tree.
We glory in your abundance,
In the dance of your youth,
And we dance for your brilliant life
And your new season.
Yet now is the time when the real work begins.
If we would keep what we have sown,
We must not stop here,
But we must labor for the sustenance
Of our creation, as it has always been.
For the first growth is a miracle from the Gods,
But the second growth is the miracle unseen,
From the labor of our hands,
Which is also sacred.

Green growing
Green Man knowing
Path of striving
Way of opening

(Each takes a pot of seeds and goes to the garden, and hoes or otherwise prepares a space for planting, and then plants their seeds, chanting while doing so. The pitcher of rainwater is carried out and ritually poured onto the seeds. Weeding should also be done at this time, and the care for plants that have already broken the surface.)

[Pagan Book of Hours]