The Witches Almanac for *Thursday, January 31st

Blessed Be Comments

The Witches Almanac for *Thursday, January 31st

*Thursday (Jupiter): Expansion, money, prosperity and generosity.


Independence Day (Nauru)


*Waning Moon

*The Waning Moon (from the Full Moon to the New) is a time for study, meditation and little magickal work (except magick designed to banish harmful energies).

Moon Sign: *Virgo

*Virgo: Favors accomplishment of details and commands from higher up. Focuses on health, hygiene and daily schedules.

Moon enters *Libra 1:36 am

*Libra: Favor cooperation, social activities, beautification of surroundings, balance, and partnership.

Moon Phase: Third Quarter

Incense: Clove

Color: Green

The Witches Almanac for *Friday, January 4

Winter Comments & Graphics
The Witches Almanac for *Friday, January 4

*Friday (Venus): Love, friendship, reconciliation and beauty.

Frost Fairs on the Thames

Moon Sign: *Libra

*Libra: Favors cooperation, social activities, beautification of surroundings, balance and partnership.

*Waning Moon

*The Waning Moon is the ideal time for magick to draw things toward you.

Incense: Thyme

Moon Phase: Fourth Quarter 10:58 pm

Color: White

The Witches Almanac for *Thursday, January 3rd

The Witches Almanac for *Thursday, January 3rd

*Thursday (Jupiter): Expansion, money, prosperity and generosity.


St. Genevieve’s Day


Moon Sign:  *Virgo

*Virgo: Favors accomplishment of details and commands from higher up. Focuses on health, hygiene, and daily schedule.

*Waning Moon

*The Waning Moon is a time for study, meditation, and little magickal work (except magick designed to banish harmful energies).

Moon enters *Libra 8:11 pm

*Libra: Favors cooperation, social activities, beautification of surroundings, balance and partnership.

Moon Phase:  Third Quarter

Incense:  Balsam

Color: Purple


More Dream Catcher Comments

The Witches Almanac for *Friday, December 7th

Witchy Comments

The Witches Almanac for *Friday, December 7th

*Friday (Venus): Love, friendship, reconciliation and beauty.

Burning the Devil ( Guatemalan)

Moon Sign: *Virgo

*Virgo: Favors accomplishment of details and commands from higher up. Focuses on health, hygiene and daily schedules.

*Waning Moon

*The Waning Moon is a time for study, meditation and little magickal work (except magick designed to banish harmful energies).

Moon enters *Libra 1:35 pm

*Libra: Favors cooperation, social activities, beautification of surroundings, balance, and partnership.

Moon Phase: Fourth Quarter

Incense: Vanilla

Color: Pink

~Magickal Graphics~

Daily Chinese Horoscopes for June 5


Money makes the world go around, but right now it has your head spinning. Someone has made a weird investment or is suggesting a strange way of making a few quick bucks, but make sure that you check into the details before you throw any of your own coin down a bottomless well.


If you want to overcome a feeling of rejection today, focus on your self, your image, your own personal needs. Don’t be afraid to be prudently selfish today. That is exactly what you need to do if you are to understand and heal yourself today.


You could stumble across an old childhood hurt that is buried in your subconscious today. If you find yourself acting oddly and you don’t know why, stop for a moment and ask yourself “What is this all really about?” The answer could be healing.


Arguments or disagreements with friends could be a good thing today. All the cards will be on the table, in full view, and the two of you can decide as mature adults whether the problems can be overcome, or whether or not it might be time to agree to part the ways.


Don’t try to push yourself today. If you have a shot at a self-indulgent day off, take it and run. Trying to run about to get shores, shopping, or work done will only make you frustrated and anxious. Don’t feel guilty about taking a well-deserved break.


You may find yourself exploring a new educational opportunity or challenge today. You will be drawn to paper, books, and online knowledge that can increase your sense of well being or self-esteem. Focus on the wilder, newer and more innovative ideas that catch your eye.


If you are looking for investing opportunities, homes, real estate and home improvements are all good bets – but don’t go overboard with trendy decorations. You may find that those hot colours aren’t going to be in style too long. If you go shopping, look for bargains.


Your love life flip-flops from fabulous to frustrating, sometimes within a few moments passion turns to pressure. You are not communicating well, and you are not terribly realistic about your responsibilities and expectations in relationships.


If you work with a business partner, or have a friendly coworker you confide in regularly, pay them special attention today. They may be a little tense right now but they are going to have ideas that could make you both a lot more prosperous.


You may decide to take up some kind of structured sporting activity in order to get more exercise. This could be something of a challenge at first. Make sure that you stretch, get proper food and hydration, and check with your doctor before doing anything too intense.


Family members are both a source of joy and frustration right now. One is busy flipping wildly from one side of the “manic-depressive” spectrum to the other, while another is offering to help out and may even come bearing a gift of money, or news of a possible job offer.


You seem to have a hard time putting your thoughts into words today. There are times when your head says one thing and your mouth seems to want to say something else. Take long breaks if you are working on any important presentation or paperwork today.