Today’s I Ching Hexagram

Today’s I Ching Hexagram:

45: Coming Together

Hexagram 45
General Meaning: The power of gathering together is represented by a rally, where each individual’s strength is magnified by the power of their community. History has shown that mass movements can bring about stable, ordered and durable conditions for the better. This hexagram may be pointing to an auspicious time for large undertakings. But the guiding force of your shared vision is essential to hold the forces of unity together, and keep them advancing toward a common goals and values.

Another image for this situation is that of a lake filling with water. Just as the fullness of the lake can bring good fortune to all in its sphere, it can also overflow, leading to calamity. Thus in a time of gathering together it is essential that precautions against excesses be considered along with efforts to advance along a clearly-charted course. Much of human misfortune comes from unexpected events for which we are ill prepared; when gathered together with others, we are both more powerful and, in some ways, also more vulnerable.

Any time of unified coming together is a time of great potential. But the potential can be both positive and negative. Everything is magnified when people unite around a central shared purpose. When many people unite behind a single goal or strong vision, it is wise to take personal precautions to protect your own reasonable self-interests, because these can easily be lost in the crowd.

September 2nd Divination

Your Personal Daily Tarot Card

The Star


The Star represents a strong connection to the Cosmos, an open gateway to understanding “the big picture.” It is an optimistic card that promises peace, harmony, and hope realized. For the full power of the forces behind The Star to be realized one must have faith and accept that in cosmic terms all things balance out; that disturbances are sometimes necessary to ensure overall harmony. The reward for such faith is vision on a Cosmic scale, and sense of well-being that may well radiate to those around you through your warm, untroubled heart.

Your Lucky Cards

This reading represents elements that favor you.


First and foremost Death does not specifically pertain to our physical death. The Death card marks ends and beginnings. Although most illustrations of the Death card tend to be morbid, the forces behind the Death card are actually quite exciting. Yes Death does mark the end of something. But ends are often brought about by completion and not loss. Most endings are actually good, and make room for us to begin new adventures.

When The Tower is among your personal cards, the influence of Death may be increased. Having The Fool or The Empress in your personal cards may diminish the influence of Death.

The Emperor

The Emperor is gifted with the skills to successfully lead others. He can turn chaos into order, provide structure to that which is unbound. He is quick of mind and confident in his power and right to rule, and does so in a just manner. Although stern by nature, he truly is the ultimate father figure. He will provide as needed, teach those with unanswered questions, protect the vulnerable, set and maintain boundaries. His perfect world runs on schedule and is free of any disturbances. What the Emperor must be wary of is setting boundaries and rules where none are needed. If he isn’t he may well become a tyrant.

When The Hierophant or Justice are among your personal cards, the influence of The Emperor may be increased. Having The Empress in your personal cards may diminish the influence of The Emperor.

Your Ogham Reading



The Celts often believed the hawthorn to be a portal to the Otherworld. The hawthorn is a hardy plant commonly used for hedges and great firewood. It can even be an invasive species at times. The key points to remember with the letter Huathe are obstacles, walls, and obstructions. Its ability to form a natural wall gives the diviner an idea in what this symbol can mean to them and their lives.

Fortune – To overcome obstacles and walls you must make a personal sacrifice, to gain we must lose something of ourselves!





In many religious traditions the apple is a mystical or forbidden fruit. Yet to the Celts it was the food of the Gods. Despite it’s often bad reputation it is clear that the apple is a source of nutrition, health, and sustenance. That is why we read this ogham letter has having to do with life, health, and healing… a Quert a day keeps the bad vibes away!

Fortune – Take a good look at your mental and physical health. This Ogham is a warning to be mindful of nutrition and healing, take care of yourself!





The ivy is a sneaky plant that will first use another tree for growth, but overtime it will potentially take away vital nutrients and water from the tree itself. Ivy can be a symbiotic helper bringing birds and wildlife or it can destroy the one it is with, drawing this letter is a sign of warning to pay attention to those in life with potential ill intentions. Ideas associated with Gort are restrictions, warnings, bindings, and potential deceit.

Fortune – Be wary of those in life who like the Ivy may be draining you of life energy. Be sure they are helpful to your soul and not harmful!



Your Daily I Ching Hexagram for July 26th is 11:Peace

Your Daily I Ching Hexagram

11: Peace


July 26th, 2016







How to interpret “Peace”

This powerful hexagram which in its most literal sense means “heaven” supporting the “earth” is an indication of peace and favorable times. This is a sign of prosperity, plenty and success. Heaven and the Earth are in spiritual contact at this time, and a harmony exists between them. Positive energy overwhelms and it is the responsibility of all to use and channel that energy wisely and for good.

Changes in Line 1

“When Grass is Uprooted, Other Plants Follow”

A change in this line at the base of the hexagram of Peace reminds us that forces that affect one person, also affect surrounding people. Another way of saying this is: “A rising tide lifts all ships”. In times of prosperity, there are many paths to success.

Changes in Line 2

“Tolerate the Uncultured”

In times of prosperity it is important to show tolerance both to those who have not shared in success, or to those who use their success in uncultured ways. The message in this changing line is that rubbing shoulders with all types while demeaning no one, is a path to even greater success and enlightenment.

Changes in Line 3

“All Plains are Followed by Slopes”

This changing line near the middle of the hexagram is a reminder that even in times of prosperity, one must remember to be conscious of change. All good things come to an end. What is in one’s nature is far more important than the trappings of success, for one’s nature goes with one at all times.

Changes in Line 4

“Not Boasting of Wealth”

This changing line offers a stern warning to those who would advertise their own success. Those who boast may be reminded harshly that it was luck which made them successful. At this time immodesty is fraught with peril. The wise person treats all people equally. Such actions lead to greater successes at this time.

Changes in Line 5

“The King’s Daughter is Married”

All happiness, success and celebrations are laced with complimentary issues of loss, sadness and heartbreak. It is important to remember that all that is celebrated is a matter of good fortune, and not something to be expected or deserved. One who treats success as if it “should” happen will be reminded that sometimes it does not.

Changes in Line 6

“The Castle Wall Tumbles to the Moat”

This changing line at the top of the hexagram suggests that a time of peace and prosperity may be coming to an end. That which was depended upon, is now leaving rapidly. As peace and prosperity disappear, make note of who and what is truly important. A time of unfortunate changes is at hand. Security is threatened and that which seemed stable is now imbalanced.

A note on iFate’s I Ching translation: This is not a direct translation of the original “Book of Changes” from 1000 BC. While multiple translations of the original text are available, they include many archaic references and can be difficult to understand for 21st century readers. iFate uses our own modern rewritings (two different editions) of the “Book of Changes” which makes interpreting I Ching readings far simpler. For iFate’s additional contemporary re-writing of the original text, see our “Love I Ching” translation.

all content copyright /futuremedia :: all rights reserved


Your Daily I Ching Reading for July 19th is 36: Brightness Wounded

Your Daily I Ching Reading

Tuesday, July 19th, 2016


36: Brightness Wounded







Remain optimistic. Things will get better.
Line One of Your Hexagram is a 9:
Do not allow troubles to bring down your spirit. Maintain your principles.
Line Two of Your Hexagram is a 6:
Allow allies to help you through troubled times.
Line Three of Your Hexagram is a 9:
Do not face troubling situations passively. Act!
Line Four of Your Hexagram is a 6:
Leave bad situations behind you.
Line Five of Your Hexagram is a 6:
Be patient.
Line Six of Your Hexagram is a 6:
Be cautious and avoid bad management.
