Spell for Today – Spell for Removing Negative Energy from the Body


Spell for Removing Negative Energy from the Body

The tools needed to perform this spell
1 black candle to symbolize negative energy; 1 white candle to symbolize positive energy; and 1 green candle to symbolize healing.

Once you have cleared your mind, you may then light the white candle and say the following:

“Mother Earth, Fire, Wind, Water and Spirit,
I ask thee to cleanse my body
of all negative energies.”

After saying this incantation, you may proceed by lighting the black candle and repeating the same words. Then, light the green candle and state the following:

“Mother Earth, Fire, Wind, Water and Spirit,
I ask thee to free and heal my body from all negative forces.
Blessed be!”

Then, keep your mind clear while sitting back for at least fifteen minutes. This spell is intended to achieve the feeling of being fresh and renewed.

Witchcraft: A Beginner’s Guide To Wiccan Ways: Symbols, Witch Craft, Love Potions Magick, Spell, Rituals, Power, Wicca, Witchcraft, Simple, Belief, Secrets,The … For Beginners To Learn Witchcraft Book 2)
Sebastian Collins


Spell for Today – For A Good Night’s Sleep


For a Good Night’s Sleep

Wynken, Blynken and Nod sail away,
Bringing me rest at the end of the day.
I close my eyes, then sweet dreams will come.
Sleep through the night, to slumber I succumb.


–The Power of Positive Witchcraft: Daily Incantations & Enchantments: A Spell a Day for 30 Days
Garden Summerland

Cold Fire (Spell to Decrease a Fever) – For Advanced Witchcraft Practitioners

“A doctor discovered that I could bring fevers down. It takes a little practice, but I’ll bet most natural witches can do it. Use the Cornish invocation to St. Brigt:

Three ladies came from the East

One with fire and two with frost

Out with thee, fire, and in with thee, frost

This can be used in conjunction with a laying-on of hands. To remove a fever from someone, summon energy like cold fire from your body. I usually do this by invoking the Snow Queen, who was always a goddess to me.

Direct energy into your hands, then lay them on the person’s neck or forehead. Make cold fire flow into the person until you feel it confront the fever. When you feel the fever, set up a second channel to draw it into your own body. It maybe easiest for you to use your receptive hand to draw the fever, the other to deliver the cold fire. Do this until you feel the cold fire has overcome the fever. If the person is shivering with the fever, direct heat out of the body and onto the skin while you fight the fever. It may help to wrap your arms around the subject.

This technique is not a substitute for aspirin or other fever-reducers. It is something you can do while waiting for the medication to kick in. It can also be used in an emergency when there is no medication. You may feel a bit flushed for a while afterward, but you will not actually take on the fever. Fevers are cyclical, so you may need to repeat the spell whenever the fever spikes.”

This spell is from The Wicca Handbook2000, 2008

by Eileen Holland Pages 91 and 92.

Review of this spell by Lady Beltane: I have even used this spell on myself. I sit in the Lotus position with my right hand on my neck and my left hand on the floor, sending tendrils down into Mother Earth to take the energy and heat from my fever. I have used this on almost all of my 9 grandchildren while waiting for a fever-reducer to start working. I was amazed each time their fever lower or disappeared! I am also able to use pictures to do hands on healing through, but this spell does its best work if the person is there with you.

Printable Healing Potion

A Way to Get Energized

Sometimes we do not need a speel or full ritual to connect with and use magick. As the following will show.

I have a very busy life with working with the carnvil in the summer, running our online coven, mentoring witches, besides taking care of home, hubby, my familiar and our two other dogs. So there are many times my physical energy levels is almost at zero. I have found that calling upon Ra, the Ancients Egyptian Sun God, to fill me with his energy is a way to go to make it through a day.

When the Sun is out and I can see it, in others words a clear or partily cloudy day, I just stand outside and face Ra. I then ask him to please fill me with his warmth and energy. After I see red through my eyelids I know he has done his best for me at that time. I thank him for his gift and continue on with my day feeling filled with energy.

When I cannot see the Sun outdoors it gets a little more complicated. To fix this, I have a picture I took of the Sun on a cloudless day on my cell phone. I bring the picture up and ask Ra for his warmth and energy to come from his picture into me. This way does take longer about seven to ten minutes as opposed to only about three to five minutes when I can see Ra directly. When I feel myself full of his energy I thank him for his gift and go on with my day.

This is a simple thing to do and good for us too as we each need a lot of Vitamin D daily. I have read a couple of studies that stated spending twenty minutes a day with no sunblock on your face or a hat covering it up will give you all the Vitamin D you need that day. The reason to do it daily is our bodies does not store this vitamin. This is just a suggestion and not meant in any way as medical advice. Check with your personal health care giver before letting Ra bless you for the twenty minutes.

Copyright 2015 Lady Beltane

Monday’s Spells (Printable)

Ritual for Seeing Where You and Loved Ones Will be After COVID-19 is D0ne

I got the idea for this ritual from Gregg Braden on his show “Missing Links,, Season 1 Episode 7.” He tells a story of a Native American asking him to go with him to “pray for rain”, they live in northern New Mexico where there has not been any rain in quite some time. When they reach his friend’s Medicine Wheel his friend steps inside of it for a few minutes and then comes out asking if Mr. Braden is ready to go to lunch. Mt. Braden is a little confused and asks his friend “David”, “I thought we were coming here to pray for rain.” To which “David” replies, “I was taught to see things are they would be when the rain fell. I could feel the mud squish between my toes coming out of my pleubo, to smell the cleaner air, to see things turning green and the crops in the fields growing. If we pray for something that is happening right now we get nothing but if we can see and ask for what it will be like after it rains than the rains will come.”

We are living in very uncertain times for all parts of our lives except the spiritual one. This is a time when we need to step up and use our spirituality and magickal abilities to help ourselves and others.  The intention for the ritual in this Esbat gathering is to ask for healing mind, body, and spirit for everyone including yourselves anywhere upon Mother Earth and for Mother Earth Herself. Please try to keep your mind focused not on what is happening now but how we see things at the end of this COVID-19 virus. Yes, some things are hard to picture on a grand scale so keep it simple and see how you, your loved, and friends came through this virus strong and healthy. See you and/or your loved ones, and/or friends back to work. See all of you gathered together having a party of some kind to celebrate – remember in this age of being able to connect with people anywhere in the whole you could even do a Skype conference call party (Skype allows 50 people to be connected to each other at the same time).

So, for a little while at least set your worries and stress aside and join us in this Esbat celebration of how each of our personal lives will be at the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. The song I picked May The Circle Be Open is to remind us we may not be in a circle together all the time but there are ties that still bind us together so we are never truly all alone. We are going to do a healing drumming circle than at the end we will meditate for 2 minutes. Then anyone that wants to will have a chance to share their fears or stresses or where they see themselves and family at the end of the pandemic. There will possibly be a time limit set for each person sharing time depending on how many people join us in this gathering.

What You Need:

1 large white candle (that you can burn for 1 hour every day for 1 week. If you feel you want to keep lighting the candle after the first week then that is what you should do just make sure your candle is large enough for the duration you want to keep lighting it.)

Correct size holder for your candle

Your favorite Essential Oil for dressing the candle after engraving it

A device you can listen to the song (watch the video if you want to)

Something sharp to engrave you candle (a knife, your Atheme, a toothpick or a pin of some kind)

Fireproof Container to put the burning paper in

Lighter or Matches


I call to Archangel Raphael to reside in the Watchtower of the East to help protect those in this circle and when we leave it from any type of negativity.

I call to Archangel Michael to reside in the Watchtower of the South to help protect those in this circle and when we leave it from any type of negativity.

I call to Archangel Gabriel to reside in the Watchtower of the West to help protect those in this circle and when we leave it from any type of negativity.

I call to Archangel Uriel to reside in the Watchtower of the North to help protect those in this circle and when we leave it from any type of negativity.

I invoke Goddess Sirona (1 of the healing Goddess of the Celts) and God the Dagda (Celtic God of fertility, agriculture, life, and death.) to walk this circle with me three times three. To take us to a place that is not a place and an out of time as we know it. I bid you reside in our circle to help give strength and power to our work here.

Please click on this link to start the song setting your intention(s) of where you and those you care about will be feeling and doing after the COVID-19 pandemic has passed while listening to the song.

Healing Chant

Now take approximately 5 minutes to write your intention(s) down on the piece of paper – How and Where you see yourself and those you care about feeling and doing once the danger of the virus is gone.

Next, inscribe the names or initials of the people on the paper you are doing this ritual for. When you are done with that take a small drop as needed of your favorite essential oil start at the bottom of the candle in one motion smear the oil to the top of the candle. Turn the candle clockwise and again apply the essential oil, repeat these steps until you come to where you put your first line of essential oil overlap the first and last applications.

Now light your candle. Burn the paper with the candle while visualizing how everyone included on the candle lives will be at the end of the COVID-19 pandemic in whatever country or state you all live in. Repeat this spell/prayer three times while the paper is burning: (If you feel a word or some words need to be changed to fit how you would say this spell or prayer you can do that as this is your plea and thanksgiving to your deity)

Sirona we ask for the health for those we have written here is strong and unaffected by COVID_19. Sirona we thank you that none we asked you to watch over became sick

the Dagda we ask that you keep us working from home or where we are employed or go to school. the Dagda we thank you for taking us through this time with being employed and/or in school that none of us lost anything we needed for home and hearth.

I see those on my candle as still being healthy, employed, and now able to go on with our daily lives. As we mourn with those far and wide who lost someone to this pandemic.

So Mote It Be (OR However you end your spell or prayer

Written by Lady Beltane

Mental & Physical Health Spell

Mental & Physical Health Spell
by James Kambos

Tools Needed:
Your altar or any sacred space of your choice
White Candle
Yellow Candle
Orange Candle

Place the white candle in the center of your altar. Light it and say:
“I light this candle to renew my spirit”

To the left, light the yellow candle and say:
“This flame fires my imagination”

To the right, light the orange candle and say:
“My body is healthy and strong”

Thank the candles and extinguish them. Now you’re ready for the season of light to return!

Health and Vitality Spell

Health and Vitality Spell

Cut a circle from a white or yellow piece of paper. Write on the paper the words Health and Vitality. Add any specific health issues you wish to deal with, and in the center of the paper place a bay leaf, a small amount of cinnamon, and three grains of rice. Fold the paper into a packet to hold the ingredients. Take the packet in hand for a moment and concentrate on your healing intentions, sending that energy into the package. Place the paper in a fireproof container and light it on fire. As it burns, say;
“Sacred fire,
I pray to thee,
Release all bonds
And set this free-
That health and vitality
might come to me.”

The Witches Magick for Tuesday, July 5 (One We Can All Appreciate) – Focus Your Caffeine

you make me smile

Focus Your Caffeine

Tools: Coffee, tea, soda, caffeine pills, anything with caffeine in it.

In order to focus your caffeine consumption, and thus your extra energy, on a specific goal, do the following:

Take your caffeine pill, coffee, soda, tea, or whatever else and set it in front of you. Hover both of your hands around it, like parentheses:

( item )

Then close your eyes and say a prayer or chant your desire, something like:

I point this energy towards (desire)!

Repeat the prayer, getting louder each time, and then down your source of caffeine.


Harnessing Elemental Magic (A Witch’s Guide to Elemental Magic)
Viivi James

Health Protection

Health Protection

An excellent bath spell for the protection of one’s general health.

You will need:

A beeswax candle
A sprig of fresh Rosemary
A sprig of fresh Rue
A small saucepan or pot
Spring water

Place the Rosemary and Rue in the pan or pot and add the spring water.

Bring the water to a boil and then remove the pot or pan from the heat. Remove the Rosemary and Rue from the water and discard.

Draw a warm bath.

Light the candle. Place it near the bath.

Pour the water from the pot or pan into bath and stir in a clockwise motion with your right hand.

Repeat the following words as you enter the water:

Spirits of health, spirits of the Earth, water and sky.

Bring to me your strength. Give me health and watch over me.

Grant me refreshment when I tire and rejuvenation in my weariness.



You will need:


Wine -red or white wine with valerian root or leaves infused for a month and drained

2 handful valerian roots

1 clove

1 Orange rind

1 rosemary twig

1 liter of dry white wine
Cut valerian root into small pieces, and place them in a large clear glass container. Add the clove, the grated orange rind, and rosemary twig. Pour the dry white wine over the dry mixture.
Seal the container tightly and allow to steep for one moon cycle (28 days). Then strain through gauze cloth, store in a bottle and seal tightly.
Drink 1 liqueur glass three times daily. Also recommended for faintness



Make or buy a small cotton draw-string bag about 1-2 inches deep.
Put in equal parts of each of the following:





During the Full Moon, put the bag together, then consecrate and charge it.
Inhale the scents when you feel stressed or overwhelmed. These herbs will act to soothe you if you are feeling stressed or frazzled and will help you focus your mind to deal with the problem at hand.

Moon Spell 1

Moon Spell 1

This spell is used for gaining the favor of the powers of the Moon. It is an excellent spell for adding vitality to your life.

On the eve of a full moon, close to midnight, dip the tip of your right index finger into either Moon Oil or natural vegetable oil and trace a pentacle on a flat surface, such as a tabletop or counter top. Light five candles and place one at each point of the pentacle. In the center of the pentacle, place a small glass of your favorite beverage.

Recite the following incantation:

I call to the Moon
That her powers cast upon this night
Be caught and kept
Consumed in faith
Revered and praised
Used for the good intent
That no evil shall pass
Lest all be undone
And this spell be for naught
Bright moon
May your blessings and energy
Live within me

Quickly, drink the beverage and starting at any point, extinguish the candles in a clockwise rotation.

The spell is done.




Spells – Magic – Symbols


Lady A’s Special of the Day – Herb Jar to Enhance Your Powers Physically and Mentally

Wiccan Magic

Herb Jar to Enhance Your Powers Physically and Mentally


Fill one jar with the following:

Cinnamon [for dream Magick]

Nutmeg [for good luck]

Allspice [healing]

Ginger [lunar Magick]

Basil [protection]

Fennel seeds [spiritual healing]

Garlic [spiritual purification]

Marjoram [protection]

Sage [spiritual purification]

Cloves [protection]

Mustard seed [protection]


Before you do any scrying or any kind or psychic work, inhale the scent deeply and shake the jar gently.