
Soft scented stillness that warns of the storm

Whisper of wisdom full living and warm

Breathe into us wonder at all we may know

Welcome, wise wind, from wherever you blow.



Bright spark of courage, blaze of desire

The passion for change is a wild, raging fire

Kindled by will, it burns in our veins

Welcome within us, our hearts are your flames



Power of water, power to feel

Rising within us, ancient and real

Soothed into softness or tossed to extremes

Welcome, wild waves from the depths of our dreams



Mother in waiting, child in the womb

Newly strung thread waits the night on the loom

Earth that we come from, Earth where we go

Welcome, as you welcomed us long ago.

Calendar of the Sun for December 6th

Calendar of the Sun


6 Yulmonath

Day of the North Wind

Colors: White, grey and black
Element: Air
Altar: On cloth of shades between white and black, place four white and grey candles, a vase of flags and banners in the colors of a snowy night, a bell with a clear tone, a knife, a glass of white wine, and incense of cypress and juniper.
Offerings: Blowing curls of paper into the wind. Ringing bells or wind chimes. Study and learning, especially of a field of knowledge that is difficult for you.
Daily Meal: Raw cold food.

Invocation to the North Wind

Breathe in!
Breathe in the wind of the North,
Cold and chill,
Ice-flecked wind that brings
The order for all life to sleep,
Forcing closed our tired eyes,
Wind that sweeps down from the poles,
Wind that sweeps away our resistance,
Wind that invites us to lie down
And embrace the darkness,
Whistling wind that comes in
Through the cracks and chinks
Of our fears and longings,
Breath of winter, wind that strokes the starry skies
Over the dead fields, and calls to us
With sere and weathered voice,
Black wind of night that cuts us
Like the razor-edged knife,
Have mercy on us!
Breathe in
And cleanse your body yet again.


Boreas Boreas Breath of the North
Wind of knives


Wind’s Four Quarters

(Wind chimes and bells are rung. Wine is poured as a libation. All process outside and release messages on small curls of paper into the north wind.)

[Pagan Book of Hours]

Calendar of the Moon for December 4

Calendar of the Moon

4 Ngetal/Maimakterion

Night of Wild Winds

Colors: Black, white, grey
Element: Air
Altar: Upon cloth of swirling white, grey, and black place incense, fans, pens, and small pieces of paper. All windows in the House should be opened throughout the night.
Offering: Give your wishes to the winds.
Daily Meal: Raw, cold food.

Invocation to the Wild Winds

This is the Night of Wild Winds!
We have opened ourselves to the still cold waters,
And tonight we open ourselves to their counterpart,
The ever-flying bitter winds that rush
Through all things! Open all the windows,
Let them run through the House,
Let them tear through our hair and our heads,
Let them flay us clean of all impurities!
For on the winds ride the souls of our ancestors,
And the spirits of the Air itself!
Listen to their songs, their whispers,
And learn the wisdom they speak.
Spirits of the Air, Powers of the Winds,
Be with us tonight!
Be with us in our beds,
Be with us in our dreams,
Be with us until the dawn!
Hail, Night of Wild Winds!
May we breathe in your inspiration
And may it blow us through to a new day!


Spirit of the Wind, carry me,
Spirit of the Wind, carry me home,
Spirit of the Wind, carry me home to myself.

(The incense is carried throughout the house, and all windows are thrown open. They shall stay that way, regardless of cold, until after sunrise the next day.)

[Pagan Book of Hours]

Calendar of the Moon for November 24th

Calendar of the Moon

24 Ngetal/Maimakterion


Color: Grey
Element: Air
Altar: Upon a grey cloth set a chalice of rainwater, five grey candles, incense, large fans, lightning bolts of metal, and a pile of heavy grey cloaks and veils.
Offering: Let grain blow away into the wind.
Daily Meal: Cold raw food.

Maimakteria Invocation

Hail Zeus Maimaktes, Blustering One!
Hail Gods of wind and rain!
The year turns from autumn to winter
And the storms come, with the hail
And the falling thunder! Spare us,
Spare our houses and the last remnant
Of our crops! Spare the trees that shelter us,
Our roofs and walls and chariots,
Our animals that huddle against the cold.
Hail powers of oncoming winter,
Powers of storm and hurricane,
Powers of wind and water that threaten us!
We ask for forgiveness for all that we have done
That could have been done better,
And we ask for mercy, O Winds,
Even though we have not always been merciful ourselves.
Hail Zeus Maimaktes, Blustering One,
May you turn your eyes from us
And lay your seething vision somewhere
That no innocent heart is harmed.

Hail, hail, the wind and the rain,
Hail, hail the tears and the pain,
Hail, hail the force and the form,
Hail, hail the power of the storm.

(Each goes forth to the altar and wraps themselves in heavy grey cloaks and veils. Then all come into a circle and dance, slowly and heavily, chanting. When the chant builds and subsides, the rainwater is poured out as a libation.)



[Pagan Book of Hours]

Today’s I Ching Hexagram for Nov. 15 is 57: Gentle Penetration

57: Gentle Penetration

The general situation here points to subtle penetration. Reeds bend softly in the wind, symbolizing flexibility and endurance, symbolizing quiet, relaxed effectiveness in action. A gentle influence is at work, but just as the wind is ceaseless in its efforts, so too small forces can persist to produce lasting results.

Gentle penetration bodes well for new relationships of all kinds. Just as a summer breeze slowly penetrates the woods to cool the forest, the brilliant ideas of gifted leaders or the sincere feelings of warm-hearted lovers slowly penetrate the minds and hearts of others. In personal relationships, a gentle beginning is often linked to a long-lasting union.

When employing a force that is weak but persistent, careful aim is necessary, for only when a small force continually moves in the same direction can it have much effect. In human affairs, this kind of influence comes more through strength of character than by direct confrontation or seduction. It’s important to have, and stick to, clearly defined goals. Maintaining a strong vision and following a steady course of least resistance often brings good fortune.

Calendar of the Moon for November 2

Calendar of the Moon


4 Ngetal/Maimakterion


Night of Wild Winds

Colors: Black, white, grey
Element: Air
Altar: Upon cloth of swirling white, grey, and black place incense, fans, pens, and small pieces of paper. All windows in the House should be opened throughout the night.
Offering: Give your wishes to the winds.
Daily Meal: Raw, cold food.

Invocation to the Wild Winds

This is the Night of Wild Winds!
We have opened ourselves to the still cold waters,
And tonight we open ourselves to their counterpart,
The ever-flying bitter winds that rush
Through all things! Open all the windows,
Let them run through the House,
Let them tear through our hair and our heads,
Let them flay us clean of all impurities!
For on the winds ride the souls of our ancestors,
And the spirits of the Air itself!
Listen to their songs, their whispers,
And learn the wisdom they speak.
Spirits of the Air, Powers of the Winds,
Be with us tonight!
Be with us in our beds,
Be with us in our dreams,
Be with us until the dawn!
Hail, Night of Wild Winds!
May we breathe in your inspiration
And may it blow us through to a new day!

Chant: Spirit of the Wind, carry me,
Spirit of the Wind, carry me home,
Spirit of the Wind, carry me home to myself.

(The incense is carried throughout the house, and all windows are thrown open. They shall stay that way, regardless of cold, until after sunrise the next day.)

[Pagan Book of Hours]


Daily Motivator for October 4 – Let each moment come

Let each moment come

Allow time to pass and as it does, make good use of it. Allow life to unfold  and as it does, treasure the richness of each moment.

Accept and be thankful for what has been, and for what is now. Fully and lovingly utilize the opportunity of this day you now have.

When the wind is at your back, use the occasion to make rapid progress. When  the wind is in your face, take the opportunity to grow stronger.

Learn from those who share your opinions. And learn even more from those who  disagree with you.

Embrace life as it comes to you. In the grand occasions and in the small  moments, delight in the beauty and live the possibilities.

Let each moment come in a steady, empowering procession. And add your special  joy to every one.

— Ralph Marston

The Daily Motivator

An Air Ritual for Calling the Wind

An Air Ritual for Calling the Wind

The first step to working with the Elements is remembering what it felt like in the past when you encountered that Element. Remember and focus on as many details as you can. What did the wind feel like on your skin? Was your hair tousled? What smell was in the air? Did the wind whistle or howl? As much as you can, relive the experience in your mind. This puts out to the Cosmos that you are ready for this experience. You are open.

Practice going through your day noticing what the wind and the air around you feel like. In the evening, try to recall as much of the experience as you can. This is like an ongoing meditation. The more you do this, the easier it will become to call up the wind. You are focused.

The first few times you call up the wind, do it alone. Company can distract you from your magick. Also, these things take practice, and your first few attempts might not put you in the wizard’s hall of fame; it’s between you and the wind.

Go to an open place outdoors. Higher ground is better. Use an athame, if you have one–or your extended arms, if you don’t–and draw a magick circle around yourself to make your sacred space. Open to the experience of the wind moving around you. Focus your mind and bring up images of more wind blowing all around you.

Try to incorporate as many sense as possible when you remember wind and visualize wind. Now reach down and pick up a handful of dust or grass. Holding your arm out to your side and slightly above eye level, slowly let your hand’s contents filter through your fingers. Watch the air between your hand and he earth catch the offering. You may want to quietly chant, “I call the wind. I call the air. I call the mother’s breath.” Concentrate hard on experiencing wind. Focus as hard as you can. Hold the feeling for several minutes, and then stop. Clear your mind of your wind images completely. Wait for the breeze to pick up and the wind to answer your call. Be confident.

Spirits of the Air

Spirits of the Air

The Elemental spirits associated with Air are called “sylphs,” and their ruler is name Peralda. The word “sylph” comes from the Greek word “sylpha,” which means “butterfly.” When you see butterflies fluttering on the wind, sylphs are inevitably nearby. Sylphs may be the easiest entities to invite to a ritual because air exists as easily in a tenth-floor apartment as it does in an outdoor circle. Sylphs especially tend to gravitate to creative endeavors, so they are most easily called by artists, writers, poets, and musicians. They inspire the creative spirit, much like muses, and aid in shaping clear communication. It isn’t unusual to feel a sylph touch your hand or toss your hair while you’re busy creating. Don’t be alarmed, they are just giving you some creative encouragement.

Sylphs stimulate mental balance, freedom and curiosity. They assist us in coordinating our perceptions and in verbalizing them. They enhance the power of speech, music and the written word, especially poetry. They teach us about the relationships between all things, which allow us to see and know the great web that connects all of life. This, in turn, brings about a desire for greater harmony. Sylphs stimulate creativity, intuitiveness, and inventiveness, and they awaken the intellect. They can open us to the realm of ideas and help us with mystical experiences and world views.

Like the wind, they dance on, sylphs are changeable, volatile, and occasionally flighty.

If you’ve ever experienced writer’s block, you know what it means to have the sylphs disappear and take their creative energy with them. But it’s easy to call them back.

Calendar of the Sun for Monday, June 4th

4 Lithemonath

Iris’s Day

Colors: All the spectrum of the rainbow.
Element: Air
Altar: Upon a cloth of rainbows set a vase of irises, several flags of rainbow colors, and colored pinwheels.
Offerings: Sing into the wind.
Daily Meal: Brightly colored vegetarian food.

Invocation to Iris

Hail the Many-Colored Messenger!
Hail the Maiden that follows the rain!
Hail the goddess on bright wings
Whose appearance is hope in the future.
All hail lightness of heart
And a smile flung into the oncoming wind.
Winged one,
Rainbow’s child,
Spreading your colors
Across the sky,
Bring us hope
Bring us joy
Carry our wishes
Far onto the winds.
Winged one,
Smile upon us
With your many-colored eyes.

(Each takes up a flag or a pinwheel, and a procession is formed to the outside of the house, in the yard or garden. As each hangs their flag or plants their pinwheel, they say to the sky, “Hear me, Iris; I sing my message to you. Take it where it needs to go.” Then they sing a series of notes, or a short song, which contains the message they would like to go to the Powers That Be. Then one member who has the skill should play a tune on pipes or flute, and all should join hands and dance in a circle to honor the Rainbow Maiden. For the rest of the day until Hesperis at least, all should dress in brightly colored clothing, if possible.)

[Pagan Book of Hours]

Calendar of the Sun for Monday, May 21st

Calendar of the Sun
21 Thrimilchimonath

Day of the Twins: Beginning of Gemini

Colors: Light blue, pale yellow, white, and silver.
Element: Air
Altar: Lay with cloths of the day’s colors, and deck the altar with flags, wind chimes, bells, kites, incense of many kinds, pens, and small sharp blades. Let there be two of many things.
Offerings: Leave the windows open, to let the wind in to play. Write letters and mail them. Sponde should start with a long session of yogic breathing, the room divided into two groups who breath in unison.
Daily Meal: Poultry. The rest of the food should be light, and preferably raw and cold. Serve nothing hot this day. Have two choices for every dish.

Invocation to Gemini

Light twin of daytime
Dark twin of night
Speaker, writer, storyteller,
Riders of the wind,
Quicksilver child of Mercury
Whose gift is Thought,
Bless us with the ability
To think sharply as a razor,
And to separate the True from the False.
By the power of all that is spoken,
You challenge us
Not to underestimate
The power of Mind.
May we all go forth in clarity.

I am word
I am wind
I am breath
I am spinning
On the edge
Of the blade.

(All shall be given paper and pens, and all shall write down some secret thing to be whispered only into the ear of the Gods, and all shall tear the paper into tiny pieces and fling it into the wind, to be taken to Their ears.)

[Pagan Book of Hours]

A Book Binding Ritual

In natural magic, knots and binding are ruled by the element of Earth.    A
knot or binding represent both intangible goals (such as the return of
loaned property) and they also absorb personal power.  This ritual isn’t
intended to force or coerce another to return the book, it affects the book,
not the person the book is being loaned to.

Take the book, and hold it between your palms, sending personal energy into

By hill and wind,
By flame and brook,
By shining moon and sea;
I place a bind
Upon this book
That it will return to me.
Wrap one foot of plain white cotton string around the book, securing it with
a knot.  Make sure the knot is tight, but not so tight that you cannot slip
the string from the book.  As you make the knot, visualize the book
returning to you, again chanting:

By hill and wind,
By flame and brook,
By shining moon and sea;
I place a bind
Upon this book
That it will return to me.

Slip off the knotted cord, and put it in a secret place or spell box.  As
you actually loan the book, again repeat the chant (silently) while
visualizing its return.  Once the book has been returned, untie the cord.
It is done.

Calendar of the Moon for Wednesday, March 21

Calendar of the Moon

Ash Tree Month

Color: Pale Blue
Elements: Water and air
Altar: On a cloth of pale blue set a great bowl of salt water in which are set many shells and stones, a shell full of salt, incense, and the figures of sea-birds and fishes.
Offerings: Wash something clean, or air it out.
Daily Meal: Either fish or seafood, or poultry.

Nion/Anthesterion Invocation

Call: Now is the time of wind and water.
Response: Now is the time of sea and sky.
Call: Now is the time of the Gods of weather.
Response: Now is the time of the great waves.
Call: Now is the time of terrible flooding.
Response: Now is the time of needed rain.
Call: Now is the time of battering gales.
Response: Now is the time of winds of change.
Call: Now is the time of fear of change.
Response: Now, and always, change will win.
Call: The wild winds disturb our dreams.
Response: The wild winds awake our minds.
Call: The heavy rains flood our hearts.
Response: The heavy rains water our future.
Call: The sea will sweep us away.
Response: The sea will bear us up.
Call: The sea is cold and unending.
Response: The sea is the source of life.
Call: We are ships on the lost expanse of the ocean.
Response: We are winds that call to one another.
Call: We will brave the wind and water.
Response: We will bring together mind and heart.
Call: We will come home safely after wandering.
Response: We will anchor safely after our journeys.
Call: We will come through wind and water!
Response: We will come through wind and water!
(Repeat last two lines twice more.)

We will come through wind and water
We will come through sea and sky


Pagan Book of Hours



East Wind, the wind of intelligence: Lavender
South Wind, the wind of passion and change: Musk
West Wind, the wind of love and emotions: Rose
North Wind, the wind of riches: Honeysuckle
Wear the appropriate oil when desiring a change in that area of your life.
Also wear to boost spells you may also be working.
South Wind is the catch-all; if your wish doesn’t fall into any of the other
categories, use South Wind.

Calendar of the Moon for Friday, March 9th

Calendar of the Moon

Ash Tree Month

Color: Pale Blue
Elements: Water and air
Altar: On a cloth of pale blue set a great bowl of salt water in which are set many shells and stones, a shell full of salt, incense, and the figures of sea-birds and fishes.
Offerings: Wash something clean, or air it out.
Daily Meal: Either fish or seafood, or poultry.

Nion/Anthesterion Invocation

Call: Now is the time of wind and water.
Response: Now is the time of sea and sky.
Call: Now is the time of the Gods of weather.
Response: Now is the time of the great waves.
Call: Now is the time of terrible flooding.
Response: Now is the time of needed rain.
Call: Now is the time of battering gales.
Response: Now is the time of winds of change.
Call: Now is the time of fear of change.
Response: Now, and always, change will win.
Call: The wild winds disturb our dreams.
Response: The wild winds awake our minds.
Call: The heavy rains flood our hearts.
Response: The heavy rains water our future.
Call: The sea will sweep us away.
Response: The sea will bear us up.
Call: The sea is cold and unending.
Response: The sea is the source of life.
Call: We are ships on the lost expanse of the ocean.
Response: We are winds that call to one another.
Call: We will brave the wind and water.
Response: We will bring together mind and heart.
Call: We will come home safely after wandering.
Response: We will anchor safely after our journeys.
Call: We will come through wind and water!
Response: We will come through wind and water!
(Repeat last two lines twice more.)

We will come through wind and water
We will come through sea and sky

Dragon of Air Chant

The following call or brief ritual are meant to be included in your other rituals, within a cast and sealed circle. They are used to add greater power to any spell working because they specifically call the elemental dragons of Spirit. This taps into a vast reservoir of power current which can amplify any other power raised within the magical circle.

Dragons of Air

Choose music that represents to you either storms or light, breezy conditions, depending upon the atmosphere you wish to create. Your dancing and singing should make you think of wind blowing across the land, stirring the plants, whistling over the mountain tops, pushing the clouds through the sky.

Note: Use candles or other objects of a pure yellow color. Choose herbs and oils that are listed as of the element of Air.
Repeat this chant three times:

Dragon Ruler of Wind and Cloud,

I call your secret Name aloud.

Sairys (sair-iss)! (Ring gong once)

Quicken my mind, renew my Life.

Grant me joy free from strife.

Sairys! (Ring gong once)

Calendar of the Moon for Wednesday, March 7th

Calendar of the Moon

Ash Tree Month

Color: Pale Blue
Elements: Water and air
Altar: On a cloth of pale blue set a great bowl of salt water in which are set many shells and stones, a shell full of salt, incense, and the figures of sea-birds and fishes.
Offerings: Wash something clean, or air it out.
Daily Meal: Either fish or seafood, or poultry.

Nion/Anthesterion Invocation

Call: Now is the time of wind and water.
Response: Now is the time of sea and sky.
Call: Now is the time of the Gods of weather.
Response: Now is the time of the great waves.
Call: Now is the time of terrible flooding.
Response: Now is the time of needed rain.
Call: Now is the time of battering gales.
Response: Now is the time of winds of change.
Call: Now is the time of fear of change.
Response: Now, and always, change will win.
Call: The wild winds disturb our dreams.
Response: The wild winds awake our minds.
Call: The heavy rains flood our hearts.
Response: The heavy rains water our future.
Call: The sea will sweep us away.
Response: The sea will bear us up.
Call: The sea is cold and unending.
Response: The sea is the source of life.
Call: We are ships on the lost expanse of the ocean.
Response: We are winds that call to one another.
Call: We will brave the wind and water.
Response: We will bring together mind and heart.
Call: We will come home safely after wandering.
Response: We will anchor safely after our journeys.
Call: We will come through wind and water!
Response: We will come through wind and water!
(Repeat last two lines twice more.)

We will come through wind and water
We will come through sea and sky

Calendar of the Sun for Tuesday, March 6th

Calendar of the Sun
6 Hrethemonath

Day of the East Wind

Colors: White, ivory, and pale yellow
Element: Air
Altar: On cloth of shades between white and yellow, place four white and yellow candles, a vase of flags and banners in the colors of dawn, a bell with a clear tone, a knife, a glass of white wine, and apple blossom incense.
Offerings: Blowing curls of paper into the wind. Ringing bells or wind chimes. Study and learning, especially giving more depth to a field of knowledge you are already familiar with.
Daily Meal: Raw cold food.

Invocation to the East Wind

Breathe in!
Breathe in the wind of the East,
Piercing and clear,
Eye-opening breeze that comes
With the light of the rising sun,
Wind of voices that sing and chant,
Wind of voices that speak to our souls,
Talking wind that carries our words
To far corners of the world,
Wind of spring, wind that lifts the scent
Of the opening earth out of the chill snow,
Playful wind that teases the edge
Of our consciousness,
Sing to us!
Breathe in
And clear your mind.

Eurus Eurus Breath of the East
Clarity Clarity

Song: Wind’s Four Quarters

(Wind chimes and bells are rung. Wine is poured as a libation. All process outside and release messages on small curls of paper into the east wind.)

An Air Ritual For Calling the Wind

An Air Ritual For Calling the Wind

The first step to working with the Elements is remembering what it felt like in the past when you encountered that Element. Remember and focus on as many details as you can. What did the wind feel like on your skin? Was your hair tousled? What smell was in the air? Did the wind whistle or howl? As much as you can, relive the experience in your mind. This puts out to the Cosmos that you are ready for this experience. You are open.

Practice going through your day noticing what the wind and the air around you feel like. In the evening, try to recall as much of the experience as you can. This is like an ongoing meditation. The more you do this, the easier it will become to call up the Wind. You are focused.

The first few times you call up the Wind, do it alone. Company can distract you from your magick. Also, these things take practice and your first few attempts might not put you in the Witches’ Hall of Fame, it’s between you and the Wind.

Go to an open place outdoors. Higher ground is better. Use an athame, if you have one – or your extended arm, if you don’t – and draw a magick circle around yourself to mark you sacred space. Open to the experience of the Wind moving around you. Focus your mind and bring up images of more Wind blowing all around you.

Try to incorporate as many senses as possible when you remember wind and visualize Wind. Now reach down and pick up a handful of dust or grass. Holding your arm out to your side and slightly above eye level, slowly let your hand’s contents filter through your fingers. Watch the air between your hand and the earth catch the offering. You may want to quietly chant, “I call the wind. I call the air. I call the mother’s breath.”  Now concentrate hard on experiencing wind. Focus as hard as you can. Hold the feeling for several minutes, and then stop. Clear your mind of your wind images completely. Wait for the breeze to pick up and the wind to answer your call. Be confident.