Wiccans Practicing Witchcraft

Wiccans Practicing Witchcraft

Ro Longstreet
BellaOnline’s Wicca Editor

You can walk a Wiccan spiritual path without practicing witchcraft. Wicca is a religion centered upon the natural world that involves worship of God and Goddess. It also requires that you live by certain tenets such as the Wiccan Rede (“An harm it none, do what ye will”).

Meanwhile, witchcraft is a set of learnable methods by which you can influence the flow of energy that surrounds you and permeates the universe. As with skills such as growing herbs or meditating, witchcraft can add a deeper layer to your spiritual life, but you do not have to practice witchcraft to worship the God and Goddess in a Wiccan way. Many Wiccans are interested in witchcraft, some are good at it, and others have no interest whatsoever in picking it up.

Within the broad scope of Wicca, witchcraft is only a small part. If you live your life as a Wiccan without practicing witchcraft, you will still have plenty to keep you occupied. You can focus on ritual rather than spellwork. Daily rituals can include morning and evening prayers to God and Goddess, blessing food and drink, and making everyday choices to live in harmony with the earth.

You can observe ceremonies known as esbats to mark the phases of the moon, and sabbats for the passing of the seasons. Milestones in your life such as marriage, birthdays, birth of a child, passage into adulthood, self-dedication to your spiritual path and more can be celebrated with Wiccan ritual.

Much of Wiccan ritual is similar to witchcraft with a focus on altar, tools, candles, herbs, and other accessories. The difference is that you would not be raising, focusing, and directing energy, as in spellwork. Rather, your ceremony communicates devotion to God and Goddess. If you were to compare an act of witchcraft to a religious ritual, the two would feel very different. Casting a spell involves a rising tension and release whereas a ceremony is more a gentle outpouring of gratitude.

If you did want to practice witchcraft as part of your Wiccan spiritual path, it can deepen your understanding of the natural world that surrounds you. This is similar to how growing your own herbs can put you in touch with the agricultural cycles of life. If you learn to cast spells, it will teach you about the ebb and flow of the energy that fills the universe – and your own place within the tide pool of that vast ocean.


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A Little Humor for Your Day – White Light Coven Application c. 2013

(Not a real coven)

White Light Coven Application

The Mystical Wiccan Coven Grove of the Glittery Butterfly Unicorn of Magical Healing and Holy White Light of Divine Spiritual Spiffiness and Enchanted Smiling Faerie Goddess of the Brilliant Light of Wonderfulness is Currently accepting applications.

Hi!  On behalf of the MWCGGBUMHHWDSSESFGBLW group, I’d just like to say…Hi!  We’re a loving, accepting group of Eclectic Wiccans who worship the LIGHT!  We believe that you can’t hurt anything, because the Rede says so!  So we don’t eat animals, because animals are people TOO!  You know those meanies say that plants are alive too but they’re just huffy because they’re carnivorous and angry and not enlightened like us.  But you look like a really NEAT person!  You just might be PERFECT to join our group!

At MWCGGBUMHHWDSSESFGBLW, we believe that the God and Goddess have always watched over us, since thousands and thousands of years ago when everyone was Wiccan and bisexual and nothing bad happened and everyone lived in peace and harmony eating only fruits and berries and frolicking merrily through the summer fields.  And they watched over us when the Bad Men came and conquered our peaceful ancestors and forced them to do horrible things like worship male deities and eat meat.  And then they watched over us still when MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF WOMEN AND CATS BURNED AT THE STAKE FOR THEIR FREEEEDOM!!!!

Anyway.  Teehee!  So the God and Goddess love each other, and they love you too, even if you don’t think they love you, because they do love you, and we love you, and we love everyone, except the mean people who disagree with us.  But we love them anyway!!  Even though they’re mean!!!

But the God and Goddess know who we really are, and I’ve been Wiccan for all my lives, so I know everything firsthand, you know?  Those sillyheads and their stupid “books” and “facts,” yanno?  What the heck are THEY so riled up about? I would SO think I know better than them, ’cause I was Cleopatra in one life and then this one other time I was this Druid priestess so like I remember all those lives because I’m enlightened.

MWCGGBUMHHWDSSESFGBLW has this Book of Shadows that was passed down from my mother’s mother’s mother’s mother’s mother’s mother’s mother’s mother’s mother’s mother’s mother’s mother’s mother’s mother’s mother’s mother’s mother’s mother’s mother’s mother’s mother’s mother’s mother’s mother’s mother’s mother’s mother’s mother’s mother’s mother’s mother’s mother’s mother’s mother.  And it was first written by my first incarnation in that one ancient place thingy in that cool swirly language.  Yea.  It’s really cool.

I’d tell you more but um you have to be one of us to know so just fill out these few questions so we can make you one of us and then we’ll tell you the secrets of the universe and give you a neat bumper sticker.  If you answer no to any of these questions, maybe we’re not right for you, but that’s okay…when you stop being a regular human and maybe get reborn as a Witch like us (’cause see we were all born with all these powers because we were chosen and that’s why we’re all together because only special Natural Witches like us can have covens) we’ll let you try again.  Because we love you.

1. Do you watch The Craft religiously?

2. Do you only eat plants?

3. Do you swear to worship ONLY the Light????

4. Isn’t George Clooney hot?

5. No really, I’m sooo totally serious, don’t you think he’s like maybe the reincarnation of Adonis or something?

6. Aren’t bunnies cute?

7. Aren’t Xtians just sooo totally sucky?

8. Can you proof it, hnu?

Thank you for applying, we hope to hear from you SOOOON!!!

Love and light and fluffy truffled lollipop ice cream cuddly snuggly wuggly huggles!!!

High Priestess Lady Moondrip Snowdancer Cloud Cover Cold Front With a 50% Chance Of Rain Treewalker Silver Daydream Sunshine Fluff

—-Sgaileach Sidhe

Solo Ritual for Mabon

Autumn Comments & Graphics
Solo Ritual for Mabon

Spend some part of the day in meditation on the meaning of the seasons and the ritual. Before the ritual have a bath in salt water to purify the body and as the water drains out of the bath, imagine all your negativity leaving with it. Dress in clean clothes or your robes.

You should have a candle placed in your cauldron.
Cast your circle.
Call the God and Goddess.
Call the Quarters.
Light the candle in the cauldron and then meditate on the season.

Next say:

The season turns and light and darkness stand once more in balance, but now the dark is gaining.
The time of light and growth is over. The leaves whither on the trees and the birds prepare to fly away for the winter. The grass stands brown in the meadows and the flowers are faded. The bountiful Harvest Mother becomes the Crone who cuts down the Corn King in his prime. He is laid in his tomb, but will return to us when the wheel of the year spins around. His dark tomb shall become the womb from which he is reborn; an eternal riddle. So it is with us all. We are and grow with the light, but there comes a time when the Goddess calls us home.

Hold up your glass of wine and say;

Let the wine be blessed which is the blood of the Earth pressed smooth (drink).

Take up the cakes and say;

Let the cakes be blessed in the name of the God, our Lord. Without his sacrifice we would not eat (eat).

Thank and release the God and Goddess.
Thank and release the Quarters.
Release the circle.

An Online Shop for Pagan Supplies and Crystals

Let’s Talk Witch – Concept of Deity

Autumn Comments & GraphicsConcept of Deity

I think it is always interesting to hear people’s thoughts on deity. Depending on your point of view, your thoughts on deity can be quite varies. I once read a quote that said “If you ask 10 Wiccans about their religion you will get 15 different answers”, I have found this to be very true. Just as we all are individuals and very different, so are our views. There are monotheistic Wiccans, who believe in a supreme being; and consider the Goddess and God the feminine and masculine aspect of a single deity. And there are duo theistic Wiccans, who worship the God and Goddess as separate beings. Then there are polytheistic Wiccans, who recognize the existence of many Gods and Goddess.

There are some that take the stance that all gods are one god. The One is the all encompassing unity of all things which exist; the divine creator of all life and existence. The One is infinite to a point that the human mind simply cannot comprehend its vastness. The One goes by many names and many faces, but is essentially the same Supreme Being; called by whatever name.

Along those same lines, some believe that there is one Supreme Being, but because there is much difficulty in relating to it, they link with that force through their deities. And in accordance with the principles of nature, the Supreme Being is personified into two beings; the Goddess and the God. There is a balance in nature, so it is natural that their also be the same balance in deity. They believe that every deity that receives worship exists within the God and Goddess; and that the different pantheons of deities are simply aspects of the two.

When envisioning the Goddess and God, may Wiccans see them as well-known deities from ancient religions. Many of these deities, with their corresponding histories, rites and mythic information, furnish the concept of deity for Wiccans. Some feel comfortable associating such names and forms with the Goddess and God, feeling that they can’t possibly revere nameless divine beings. Others find a lack of names and costume a comforting lack of limitations. They have been given so many names they have been called the Nameless Ones. In appearance they look exactly as we wish them to, for they’re all the deities that ever were.

Sometimes a particular deity or even a small group of deities will make themselves known to an individual or even a group. Sometimes they will make themselves known through dreams, divinatory tools or in other ways in our daily life. Other times they find themselves pulled towards a particular deity, and give them preference over the other deities.

To know your deity you must make contact with them. Talk to them and be sure to listen to their answers. Talk to others about them, and look for the deity’s signature in everything around you. If you watch carefully you will see them in all things around you. As you begin to tune into their voices, you will realize that they were speaking to you all along; you just didn’t stop and notice.

The Magical Circle Newsletter: Mabon
Collen Criswell


A Tarot Spell to Increase Psychic Visions

A Tarot Spell to Increase Psychic Visions

  (you need 3 tarot cards. The Star, The High Priestess, and The Hermit)

“I call upon the Source of All things to send me power.I call upon the

God to send strength to my spell. I call upon the Goddess to give life

to my spell. I call upon the elemental forces to draw the desire of my


I call upon the astral forces to receive the image of my spell.

So mote it be!”

(Holding the tarot cards in your hands)

“I bring forth these symbols for my spell to be cast. Here shall be

woven, chance, fortune, and fate, so that my wish be quickly attained!”

(lay out the cards in the following order. Meditate and visualize)

                           card 2

card 1              card 3

Card 1 is The Star for inspiration, guidance, and creativity.

Card 2 is The High Priestess for focusing of the mind and intuition.

Card 3 is The Hermit for interpreting the knowledge you receive.

(Place a candle just above The High Priestess card)

“I am open and receptive to higher levels of conciousness. Spirits of

guidance are here for me and I channel the knowledge they offer. I am

open and receptive. My psychic centers are quickened. I open my eyes and

ears to all impressions that are coming to me.  I spread the veil of

being that I may look beyond.  I open the windows of ‘where’ and ‘when’

and I see beyond.

(hold your hands over the cards)

“Into these cards I direct the power from within me and the power called

upon from the spiritual forces around me.

Mark well what I have done here! Bring to me my wish! I place this

petition before the God and Goddess. May it be done for the greater good

of all!

By the power of the God and Goddess and by the forces of the planes…I

declare my spell to manifest!”

“I release now the forces of the astral plane. I release all of the

elemental forces. I release the God and Goddess. I release the power of

the Source of All. Farewell and I bid you thanks!”

A Very Happy & Blessed Tuesday To All Our Precious Family & Friends!


God and Goddess

Help us to quiet our mind

And calm our spirit

Let us seek our calm

And grounded center

And connect with the earth

Let us be as one with the elements

In their calmest forms —

The still pool

The soothing wind in the leaves

The crackle of the home fire burning

And let us be at peace

Quiet the voices that haunt us

And cease our circular thoughts

So we might think, and rest, and be

God and Goddess

Help us to quiet our mind

And calm our spirit.


So Mote It Be


Lady A’s Spell of the Day – Tarot Spell to Increase Psychic Visions


A Tarot Spell to Increase Psychic Visions


(you need 3 tarot cards. The Star, The High Priestess, and The Hermit)


“I call upon the Source of All things to send me power.

I call upon the God to send strength to my spell.

I call upon the Goddess to give life to my spell.

I call upon the elemental forces to draw the

desire of my spell. I call upon the astral forces

to receive the image of my spell. So mote it be!”


(Holding the tarot cards in your hands)


“I bring forth these symbols for my spell to be cast.

Here shall be woven, chance, fortune, and fate,

so that my wish be quickly attained!”


(lay out the cards in the following order. Meditate and visualize) card 2 card 1 card 3

card 1 is The Star for inspiration, guidance, and creativity.

card 2 is The High Priestess for focusing of the mind and intuition.

card 3 is The Hermit for interpreting the knowledge you receive.


(Place a candle just above The High Priestess card)

“I am open and receptive to higher levels of conciousness.

Spirits of guidance are here for me and I channel the

knowledge they offer. I am open and receptive.

My psychic centers are quickened. I open my eyes and

ears to all impressions that are coming to me.

I spread the veil of being that I may look beyond.

I open the windows of ‘where’ and ‘when’ and I see beyond.


(hold your hands over the cards)


“Into these cards I direct the power from within me and

the power called upon from the spiritual forces around me.

Mark well what I have done here! Bring to me my wish!

I place this petition before the God and Goddess.

May it be done for the greater good of all!

By the power of the God and Goddess and

by the forces of the planes…I declare my spell to manifest!”


End the spell by saying:


“I release now the forces of the astral plane.

I release all of the elemental forces.

I release the God and Goddess.

I release the power of the Source of All.

Farewell and I bid you thanks!”

Information on The Great Rite

The Great Rite

Understanding The Rite
The Great Rite IS NOT for everyone and like all rituals it can be used as positive act just as easily as it can be used to abuse. While modern attitudes about sex are puritan in many circles, within the pagan world, it is simply part of nature. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t used without accountability. This energy of the union between partners is part of the miracle of love between two people. It’s energy is more than just physical gratification, it can become a prayer, a method of worship, and in honoring the Great Spirits in the form of the God and Goddess joining to form the God Head (Spirit).
In addition, the Great Rite is not always a physical act. While it may have started out that way in ancient cultures, societies and understandings evolve. So too do spiritual rites and ceremonies. Whither conducted as a physical act, or a symbolic act, the Great Rite can be a very beautiful and powerful event when conducted with the utmost respect and reverence.
But as with ANY ritual, it can be misused as well. And all practitioners MUST understand the rights they hold within a group and within any ritual. Sexual harassment is a misuse of power, regardless of how it’s invoked. Demanding sexual favors in return for something badly needed, or desired is abuse and criminal, both in a spiritual sense as well as a physical accountability. Demanding a coupling for an initiation when the initiant is not comfortable with the union, is intimidation and rape. The causing of pain, terror and humiliation is a criminal act and is more than a misuse of power, it is a spiritual sin even within the pagan world. It is the desecration of the first grail, the womb of a woman and a disrespect to the spiritual path of any religion.
In ancient times, the GreatRite dealt with the union of the Goddess to the God to win favor or blessings from the Divine Universe. It was a ritual of survival that promoted fertility of fields, flocks and family.
Today the Great Rite deals with the essence of feminine and masculine energy as it relates to the God and Goddess. The idea is that in order to establish true Divinity within oneself, you need to accept and join your two natures together. We are all part masculine and part feminine within our being. Only when we learn to accept the nature of both can we discover the true divinity within.
Sex and Magik
Sex and magik have long gone hand in hand. This is nothing new and contrary to ‘moral’ attitudes, it’s not something that’s done just to get laid. Linking the sexual act with divine forces was an easy leap for early humans. Not understanding the medical process of copulation and conceiving. Prehistoric tribes documented their divine rituals through cave paintings which depict this idea fairly well.
These early paintings, carvings and figurines such as the ‘Venus of Willendor’ are perfect examples of the early reverence for fertility of a woman and her ability to give new life. This miracle of life was seen just as that, a miracle given to a woman by a deity, typically a Goddess. A woman who was extremely fertile was considered to be favored by the God/Goddess and elevated within her tribal structure. Some cultures viewed such a woman as the embodiment of the tribal Goddess who granted favor over the tribe. If this great Mother was fertile and brought new life to the tribe, that favor was also granted to the growing, harvest and hunting seasons of the tribe as well. In ancient times, all these events were strongly linked and each affected the other.
When early humans realized it took two to create life, the pendulum slowly switched from focusing on the matriarch to the patriarch. As long as a woman could bear children, she still held great power within her tribe. When she grew older and less fertile, she often chose her successor. But her singular power as ‘Mother Goddess’ shifted and was soon to be shared with a deserving male of the tribe.
In these ancient times, the fertility of a woman was seen as a blessing or as the Goddess living through the woman. The strength and ability of a man to provide food and housing for the tribe was seen as the God blessing or working through the physical hunter. Some suggest this is the early concept of the Horned God seen throughout legend and myth.
It is clear however, that the Goddess and Mother of the tribe was just as important as the God and the Hunter. Without both, the tribe will suffer and die. There cannot be abundance and sustenance for the whole society without the work of both the Goddess and God to provide fertility of the fields, the herds and even the tribe itself. From this early concept of survival, the reverence of ritual celebration and the union of male and female was born.
A Little History
From the beginnings of recorded history, we know that in Mesopotamia and Chaldea, Prostitution was a sacred profession, unlike today. Sacred Prostitution was seen as holy and practitioners were providing a service of the Goddess to the cultures of their society. A man would go to the temple and with an offering, he would request service of a Priestess within. His purpose was to gain favor of the Goddess for more children back at home with his wife, or an extra bit of fertility for his fields, or herds of sheep, cattle or camels. In lying with the Priestess he might feel blessed or honored, and go home full of confidence. He might dig extra irrigation ditches for his fields, or be more encouraged to lay with his wife.
The myths of the Greeks, to a greater or lesser extent are concerned with sex and the union of Deities with the lowly humans they rule over. The Greek pantheons constantly sought out human partners who’s conceived children often became revered demi-gods. These myths had both a good and bad side of their tale. On one hand, divine unions were seen as gifts from the Gods and often became ritualized. They became honored experiences even if they didn’t yield a child, but still gained abundance in the fields or herds.
On the other hand some tribes such as the Samothraki, involved the sacrifice of young men at one point in their history. Some Priestess would lay with a young man and to ensure she would become pregnant, she carried a very sharp, leaf-shaped knife which she used to take the life of the man she lay with. Sacrificing his life would ensure his essence was transferred to her womb.
There is even evidence of Sex and the Goddess in Biblical Times. It is held by some historians that the Hebrew God Yaweh was originally a phallic deity. In fact it is an accepted historical belief that the Hebrews were not always a monotheistic society. Phallic pillars were set up for worship in many of those early Hebrew villages, along with images of the Goddess Anat or Anath. Even today, the lineage of the faith is passed through the feminine side of the family. If a Jewish woman marries outside the faith, her children can be counted as Jewish, but if a man marries outside the faith it’s not so straight forward.
Through many passages of the Bible we can see evidence of Goddess worship. In Judges V, the Song of Deborah is a clear example. The story of Susanna and the elders is another example. If you can find an early version of the bible, you can see the ritualistic venues and importance of women such as Queen Esther who is another ‘goddess’ symbol. If read with a perspective of the Great Rite, it becomes clear that this queen was also a priestess of the Goddess. Through his reign, her husband the king had to prove his virility and therefore his right to lay with her. This is a very clear connection between the earliest Great Rite rituals and the bible. And don’t forget the Songs of Solomon, which have been considered one of the most glorious love poems ever written.
Other Biblical considerations revolve around the use of language of the time. The use of rock or stone, didn’t refer to the stability of God in ones life, but rather phallic symbology of the God. From early historical times, even up to the middle ages, ‘rocks’ or ‘stones’ often referred to the male testicles, and of course, pillars to the penis. “Of the rock that begat thee thou are unmindful” Deuteronomy 32:18. “For who is God save the Lord? And who is a rock save our God” Samuel 2:32. In this case God’s rock provided mankind with a son, the Lord Jesus.
The bible also provides one of the biggest examples of the reverence between the Divine and human coupling through the conception of Jesus. Early variations of the bible come right out and say “God lay with Mary and she conceived a son”. That translation has changed over the years thanks to the French and the first use of the term “immaculate conception” (meaning without sin or blemish) in 1497.
During the middle ages, oaths, promises and sworn statements were made ‘with a hand laid upon the sacred stone’. When taking the oath of office and loyalty, the right hand of the official was placed beneath the testicles of the king. In parts of the Middle East, this is still practiced today.
All this began to change after the fall of Rome and with the rise of Christianity. Sex began to be denied both as a source of magikal power and of pleasure between partners. Where as sex was seen as a gift from the gods, it was now becoming a sin and to find pleasure in the act of sexual copulation, was to accept the influence of the Devil. By this time, women were seen as the temptress who could drag a man down into the pits of hell and the only way to keep her from having that control, she must be subservient to her husband, brother, or even her son. Her sole value became her ability to bear children which quickly became a bargaining point as a bride or as a prize of war.
Items such as a Chastity belt became common place, but were deadly for the women who wore them. After years of being forced in such contraptions, a woman would develop various diseases, including blood poisoning. During this time, a woman’s life expectancy was no more than 30 years. Her entire value, power and favored desires were forgotten and tossed aside. She was property and her only value was the ability to provide a male heir to her husband and his family line. What a sad turn of events that diminished both the value of women and the sanctity of the physical pleasure and spiritual connection of the sexual union.
The Great Rite – Physical vs. Symbolic
The Great Rite is probably the most well known or heard about pagan rituals. Today it is a rite of sexual intercourse that pays homage to the polarity of male/female; god/goddess, priest/priestess. The rite can be performed “in-true” form, meaning the actual physical act of intercourse. Or “in-token” form, meaning a symbolic act of the union between God and Goddess.
This polarity exists in all things in and around the universe. The Great Rite therefore expresses the physical, mental, spiritual aspects of the Divine through the astral union between a man and woman as representations of the God and Goddess. Ok..say what? In other words, the energy created between a man and woman during the physical act of intercourse is an expression of spiritual energy from the God and Goddess.
To many the Great Rite is the Hieros Gamos, The Sacred Marriage or the Holy Matrimony, which results in the creation of the God Head (spirit). It’s the top of the spiritual trinity, whose base is the God and Goddess. This concept is nothing new and dates back to neolithic periods. Ancient kings required Hieros Gamos, which was a union with a priestess representing the Goddess, in order to rule. The King represented the God, the priestess the Goddess and through their Union his reign was both approved and blessed by the Divine Spirit. From this perspective it takes both the God and the Goddess to create the greater Divine Spirit and attain favor of that Spirit.
Depending on the tradition, the Great Rite was performed within a Magik Circle between the High Priest and Priestess. It is sometimes also performed for seasonal festivals, and especially handfastings between the newly married couple.
At times it has been used as an Initiation into a coven (such as 3rd degree initiations in the Gardnerian and Alexandrian traditions). Representing the inner marriage of the soul and spirit, ego and self. It is the gateway to becoming a whole being. In these type of initiations, the Rite is performed between the initiant and the High Priest, or High Priestess. This is done either “In token”, which is symbolically using ritual tools, such as an athame inserted into a chalice. Or “in true”, which is the physical sexual act.
When the rite is performed as a celebration of the season, it is often conducted “in true” form by a couple who are already intimate partners. The public display of the union varies between traditions. For instance, a portion of the rite maybe performed within the ritual circle in front of the coven, and the intimate union is performed in private.
Gerald Gardner established an open and public display of the Great Rite with the coven watching. The Coven members would form the circle edges and the couple would copulate in the center. He also favored ritual scourging as part of the rite, a practice which has fallen greatly out of favor.
Other covens perform a portion of the ritual with everyone watching and then those forming the circle would turn their back on the couple in the center. Others Covens instruct the circle members to walk backwards out of the sacred ritual space, then turn and file out clockwise leaving the couple in private. And still other groups form a closed circle, and then open a doorway allowing the couple to exit the ritual circle and enter their own private space, which is typically a circle that was earlier prepared by the couple.
Because of the puritanical influence over sexual encounters, many modern groups practice the Great Rite “In-Token”. What’s important about any ritual is the energy it pulls in and creates. There’s no denying that many people are uncomfortable with the physical display of sexual unions. Making everyone feel at ease creates a calm peaceful energy for the spiritual gathering. So In-Token rituals are becoming more popular. The main point to the Great Rite is the creation of energy between the male(physical being) and female(spiritual being) to form the whole(the Divine Creation). That can be just as easily done through symbolic means as it can through a physical act.
There are several items that can be used to represent the Goddess in these forms of the Great Rite. A ritual cup is the most common, but a ritual bowl, a cauldron or even a fire bowl can be used. The corresponding item to represent the God can be a ritual athame, a wand, a sword or a staff. I have seen a carved tree (about 3ft in length) used as the God, and a fire bowl as the Goddess. The log was placed in the bowl and set on fire to represent the union. The gathering than danced by the light of the fire, honoring the spirit that moved within and through everyone present.
There are many variations that can be conducted for this ritual. There is no single or right way.
The Great Rite – The Ritual
The Rite maybe performed in many methods or formats. There are several rituals performed with the Great Rite for varying purposes, here are just a few.

  • The Rite of Pan
  • The Rite of the Horned God
  • The Rite of the Moon Cup
  • The Dance of Love
  • The Ritual of the Hawthorn Tower
  • The Raising of Osiris
  • The Two of Swords
  • The Grail of Grace
  • The of Crystal
  • The Calling of a Soul
  • The House of the goddess
  • The Adoration of the Pillar
  • The Rite that is Left Undone
Each of these empowers the rite with the energy of the union for specific purpose, but can be for different meanings. The Rite of the Horned God honors the great hunter and provider of a Tribe for instance.
In the Rite of Pan, the male force is the hunter and the female force the prey. Through out the ritual the struggle between male and female is established, but before the rite is realized, an understanding is gained that while the male is strong on the earth/physical sphere, the female is equally strong on the above/spiritual sphere.
In the Rite of the Moon Cup, the woman is the summoner, and the man her target. She is the daughter of the Moon, her representation on earth. He is Lord of the Forest who pays homage to the Goddess (the moon) for his domain.
The Dance of Love is often a ritual performed by a committed couple in private. The idea is to generate Divine energy for a specific purpose, such as to favor the couple with fertility or abundance of their individual family. In this ritual, the couple spends time in meditation prior to their union to connect with the Divine Universe. This act raises their energy to a higher level of reverence to distinguish this moment as something more special and important than other acts of love making. This also helps empower the partners to express their energy as the representations of the God and Goddess during physical contact. All of which culminates in the creation of energy for their specified intent, and it’s release into the ethereal world for manifestation.
The Great Rite – Straight or Gay
The concept of straight or gay is not an issue in Pagan communities in general. Same sex encounters are common in nature and being that humans are part of nature, it is seen as a common practice there as well. The Great Rite is not about the ‘physical’ aspects of a man and woman, but rather their expression of energy as the God and Goddess. This can be easily accomplished between same sex couples just as it can be expressed through heterosexual couples.
Feminine energy is not something that only women have. Men have too. By the same token, masculine energy is not specific to men. Women have it too. The Great Rite can be expressed through same sex couples simply by choosing which side of the polarity coin (masculine vs. feminine) is going to be represented by which partner.
Further Reading
This posting is ONLY an introduction into the concept behind the Great Rite and a few of the rituals which use it’s energy. Further reading prior to anyone practicing this rite is required. I have purposely made this post a high level explanation and have intentionally left out how the ritual is invoked. Primarily because of the ease to misuse this rite.
For further reading, I recommend the following:

  • Vivianne Crowley “Wicca: The Old Religion in the New Millennium”
  • Janet and Stewart Farrar “A Witches Bible- Complete”
  • Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki “The Tree of Ecstasy”

Protection Chant


Protection Chant

God and Goddess of the skies,
Please respond to my cries.
Lift me up in your strong arms,
Away from those who seek to harm.
Shield me from the awful rage,
That shall face me day to day.
Help me be strong in what I do,
And help my heart remain true.
Give me strength to face each day,
And the hardships before me lain.
Let those who I love me in return,
And everyday let me learn.
I bid you both my spirit keep,
While I’m awake and asleep.
So mote it be!


Your Divine Light Shine Down Upon Us, Your Children

Witchy Cat Graphics & Comments

God and Goddess, hear our pleas
Shine your Divine Light and Love on us
Turn all of our burdens into air
Letting go of fear and care
Ground our bodies to the Earth
Give our Spirits joy and mirth
Wash away our tears in Water
With your love of son and daughter
Burn away the gloom with fire
And grant the lightness we all desire.

So Mote It Be.

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The Brightest of Blessing To All Our Brothers & Sisters of the Craft! TGIF!

Blessed Be Comments

God and Goddess

Grant me strength of will

And firmness of intent

Help me to set reasonable goals

And stick to them despite all temptations

Let my self-discipline be a tree

Rooted and mighty

Growing stronger every day

So I might enjoy my passions

But not be controlled by them

God and Goddess

Help me to be unyielding in my resolve

So I might attain my goals.

So Mote It Be

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