Full Moon Rituals & Spells: 8 Easy Ways to Harness the Magic and Use it to Your Benefit


Source – stylecaster.com

The full moon is always an incredibly potent time for magic, divination and spiritual practices of all kinds. Take advantage of Luna’s culminating energy by performing any of these easy full moon spells and rituals. You don’t need expensive tools or accessories in order to make your ritual a powerful one. In fact, it’s often the simplest rituals that invite the most love and abundance into your life.

Every month, we are influenced by all eight phases of the moon. While new moons are a time to set anintention and embrace a new beginning, full moons mark a time of endings, release and renewal. Taking place around every 28–30 days, a full moon always arrives in the sign sitting opposite from the sun sign (ex: during Pisces season we have a Virgo full moon). When a full moon arrives, we can expect to feel the sensation  of spiritual “shedding” or rather, the clearing-out process that allows you to release old friends, thought patterns, habits, responsibilities, clutter and more. Because full moons are the most illuminated phase of the moon, its celestial glow literally “sheds light” on whatever (or whoever) is no longer aligned with your future, giving you the opportunity to see things more clearly.

Because full moons represent a time of endings, your rituals are best suited to amplify this energy and encourage a sense of surrender, release and letting go with grace. It can sometimes be uncomfortable to sit with the pause that happens on a full moon; as humans we naturally want to fill empty spaces, so it’s best that you use a full moon to get comfortable in the void space by reflecting on all that you have accomplished and moved through over the last lunar cycle. Harness the magic that full moons bring by engaging in the following full moon rituals:

8 Easy Full Moon Rituals

Take a full moon bath

Under the full moon, you’ll want to first prepare by cleansing the mind. It’s also believed that epsom salt soaks in the tub can clear your energy field or aura, so this is a great ritual to add into your day. While you are soaking in the tub, put on binaural beats, frequency sounds, a guided meditation or any audio that helps you to relax. You can also add to your experience by lighting candles or incense and adding some of your favorite essential oils or dried flower petals into the tub!

Clean & organize your home

Full moons ask us to cleanse our internal and external environments of any clutter. When cleaning your home, try to remember certain energy centers like clearing out the space around your front door to allow abundance to travel more effortlessly into your home or deep cleaning the oven to amplify prosperity for the lunar cycle ahead. Washing the bathroom, the floors and windows, cleaning out your closets and junk drawers, reorganizing and everything in between are great ways to use the full moon energy. If you have an altar, this is a beautiful time to clean it up and adorn it with fresh offerings for your spirit guides, deities and/or ancestors.

Perform a releasing ceremony

Under the full moon, spend time alone with your journal to write down all that you are ready to release. Once this list is complete, fold it several times and then find a fire-safe bowl (glass, iron and ceramic) to place your list in. Safely light the edge of your list on fire and watch as all of the things that have been weighing you down start to burn away. After the list has turned to ash, you can bury these ashes outside or flush them down the toilet and (again) say “I release what no longer serves me with love” and allow yourself to leave it behind you.

Place your crystals in the moonlight

Putting out some of your favorite crystals or objects of importance on a window sill or balcony is a great way to savor the full moon’s shedding energy. However, you will want to make sure that the full moon is not happening during eclipse season. In my professional opinion, eclipse energy is much too chaotic and powerful to keep around! Additionally, you can leave a glass jar or spray bottle full of water in the moonlight as well to have moon water that you can use throughout the lunar cycle ahead any time you need an extra dose of shedding, clearing or releasing.

Place your crystals in the moonlight

Putting out some of your favorite crystals or objects of importance on a window sill or balcony is a great way to savor the full moon’s shedding energy. However, you will want to make sure that the full moon is not happening during eclipse season. In my professional opinion, eclipse energy is much too chaotic and powerful to keep around! Additionally, you can leave a glass jar or spray bottle full of water in the moonlight as well to have moon water that you can use throughout the lunar cycle ahead any time you need an extra dose of shedding, clearing or releasing.

Cleanse your home & bring in new energy

Cleansing your energy space and living space with sacred smoke is a great way to celebrate the full moon. Using sustainably harvested sage or palo santo is a great way to do this, but you can also use herbs like cedar, mugwort, lavender, sweetgrass, and more. You can also use resins and incenses. While cleansing, make sure you start from the back of your home or room and then go to each corner of your space with an energy that you would like to bring into your newly cleansed home. Calling forth the energy of love, abundance, health, prosperity, joy, peace or anything else that feels aligned for you is best.

Tie up loose ends & relax

Because full moons are a time of endings, make sure that anything on your to-do list gets done and closed out today. This may look like sending emails, submitting projects, running errands or even making phone calls you’ve been meaning to. Full moons are not a time to start new projects or make reactionary decisions so try to let yourself rest if you have nothing on your agenda for the day.

Sing, dance & play

After your mind, body and home space have all been cleared, it’s time to bring joy forward! Putting on your favorite music and dancing it all out is another great way to shake off old, stagnant energy and feel liberated in the here and now. Make this present moment one worth living by allowing yourself to sing, dance and play during a full moon day!

Remember, full moons are beautiful reminders of how cyclical life is. When we align with the natural rhythms of life, we allow ourselves to feel the eternal “oneness”, ground ourselves in the present moment and truly enjoy life’s magic! Happy full moon, celestial babe!

Full Moon Ritual For Kids By Beth Griffin

Moon Cycle Rituals and intention setting with your kids!? YES!

The moon is probably one of my favorite life/homeschool topics. I started practicing moon cycle rituals years ago and this has grown to be something the kids look forward to now too. The Full Moon brings lots of energy- it’s great having a practice to help to process and feel less overwhelmed.

EVERYTHING is cyclical, awareness of and connection to the moon cycle will welcome more ease into daily life.

Take some time and pay attention to the cycle of the moon for a few months, note your feelings/mood/behaviors, and do the same for your kids.

You’ll likely see a spike in high energy around the time of the Full Moon, ask any ER doctor, the old saying that “things are always more wild around a Full Moon”, has real, statistical legs.

So what to do with all of that super charged energy?

Full Moon Ritual For Kids:

Some items to gather that touch all 5 senses:

  • Paper and something to write, draw, or paint with- get as creative as you want! Pouring Full Moon energy into art is a great outlet!

  • If you set goals/intentions on the New Moon, bring those- we usually each set one together and then use this time to reflect and appreciate the journey.

  • A guided meditation- the Calm app or Headspace app are both AWESOME for this! We love the meditations for kids on the Calm app and use them all the time. I tried being the one to guide and apparently that makes the kids giggle and want to ask questions and chat- which is fine, but I also like seeing them just BE and breathe. Another option is calming music. If you have a favorite candle or cleansing fragrance like burning some cedar chips or a smoke cleansing bundle- go for it!

  • Crystals- if you have a crystal collection, this is a great time to enjoy it. Both of my kiddos love rocks, crystals and minerals and have solid collections going at this point, so we like to incorporate our found treasures in this ritual.

  • Epsom salt & herb bath- this has become something we try to do more often, but life is so busy with middle grade kiddos and all the activities- so it’s nice to incorporate a special bath in our Moon Ritual so each kiddo still has at least a couple baths each month.

  • FIRE- The Full Moon is time to let go of what no longer serves us, appreciate the lessons we’ve learned and celebrate what brought us joy and fulfillment. I know that may sound a little sketchy with young kids, but it’s actually a great way to teach fire safety and have some fun.

  • Music- the Full Moon is all about big, bright energy, so it’s a wonderful time to move and shake to your favorite tunes.

  • Food- sharing a meal with family and friends to celebrate the Full Moon is always fun and a great way to connect and share your favorite foods. Since there is usually one Full Moon per month you can totally theme it to the season or to which full moon it is. This can also help you create a habit of doing at least one community or family meal each month, even in the busiest of times.

How to practice:

Set aside 30 minutes the day of the Full Moon – or if that’s not possible any time with in about 48 hours prior or post- I have kids too, I get it.


  • Weather permitting, Incorporate some time outside, if possible, in the moonlight. This can be a little more of a challenge in Summer months. If the moon comes up past bedtime, work the outdoor time in before that, any time outside is good! You can do the entire ritual outdoors, in the yard, at the beach or on a camping trip.


  • Start with a grounding mindfulness/meditation practice- depending on what your kids are up for, this could be 3 deep breaths together, a 5-7 minute guided meditation or something more. Kids love chanting, humming, singing a song together- get creative to help them engage while they feel calm and present.


  • When you’re finished with mindfulness, take 5-20 minutes for “journaling practice”- this obviously varies a bit with various age/ability levels- my 5 year old likes to draw and write a tiny bit, my 8 year old will write the entire time. Alternatively (or as an additional part of the ritual) you can do some lunar art! I have a few ideas saved on Pinterest if you’d like to check em out!

  • Here are some questions you can use as prompts for writing, journaling, discussion or even art inspiration.

    • What is something you have worked on or accomplished in the past few weeks, how does the progress or achievement make you feel?

    • What is one thing you appreciate?

    • What is something that makes you feel FULL & BRIGHT like the moon?


  • The moon in this phase is FULL & BRIGHT so this is a good time to embrace that big energy and celebrate the things that make us feel full of light. We love incorporating fire in this part of the ritual- and usually do so with our back yard fire pit. You can use a candle or even make a pretend fire with tissue paper. Always be safe and mindful when using fire for part of your practice. The Full Moon is time to let go of what is no longer serving us, appreciate the lessons we’ve learned and celebrate what is going well. We like to write down what we are letting go of and burn it in the fire.


  • If you have a crystal collection it’s fun to set them up on a tray and take them out for a little charge-up at night in the light of the Full Moon.

  • You can also make “moon water” by filling a glass jar (or any container with a lid really) with water and letting it bathe all night in the moonlight.

  • Take a bath- this is a great way to wrangle some of that wild Full Moon energy after your ritual. We like adding 1/4 cup Epsom salt and some calming herbs/oils like lavender.

From homeschoolnaturally.com

Full Flower Moon Coloring Page for Your BOS/Grimoire/Witchcraft Book of KNowledge


This page has correspondences for the May Flower Moon and pretty flowers along the edge. I am adding it to my grimoire after I color it.


How to Celebrate the Worm Moon: Ideas and Rituals

From spells8.com

As we enter March, the month of the Spring Equinox, we experience massive energy shifts, and the world around us is changing. We are adjusting to the seasonal tides, just as the worms are transforming the soil.

March is a time to be mindful and stay alert, yet also to let our guards down and embrace the unpredictable energy of the season with optimism and courage. We must reaffirm our foundations and adjust our footing until we feel centered, balanced, and grounded.

Worm Moon Protection Spell

March is an excellent time to work magic and strengthen our protections, fortifying our courage as we open ourselves to the positive and fortunate unexpected possibilities that the quickening and invigorating energies of spring can bring.

Full Worm Moon Protection Spell

Recipe by Francisco Huanaco

Cast a spell on the Full Worm Moon of March. All you need is a white candle, a small bowl of salt, a piece of paper and pen, and a handful of soil. May the powerful energy of the full worm moon bring you the protection and peace you seek.



Sit in a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. Light the white candle and place it in front of you.

Sprinkle some salt around the candle, forming a circle of protection.

Take the piece of paper and write down any fears or worries you have. Then cross them out as if cancelling these thoughts.

Break the paper inside the bowl of soil, and mix it around with your fingers.

Hold the bowl in your hands, visualizing a white light surrounding you and protecting you from harm.

Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, feeling the energy of the spell surrounding you and protecting you.

When you’re ready, blow out the candle and bury the soil outside. Alternatively, you can burn the paper and bury the ashes instead. Be careful if working with fire.

Print this Spell for the Worm Moon

This PDF version comes with a transparent background so you can print it on any kind of paper you want and add it to your own Book of Shadows. Find more printable grimoire pages and more Moon Journaling Ideas.

The Lunar Witch’s Guide To Moon Spells: Rituals, Manifestation, and More

In witchcraft, moon magic is really popular for a reason. Using the power of the moon to cast all types of spells, including moon spells, is extremely effective!

After all, one of the reasons we live cyclically is because of the moon. Even if you aren’t into moon phases or don’t actually notice when there’s a new moon versus a full moon, your body and your emotions definitely know.

I typically work as an eclectic witch, pulling from both folk magic and traditional magic, but I do consider myself a lunar witch or moon witch too, because I work so closely with the energy of the moon. I find that the moon is incredibly powerful and comforting at the same time, making it the perfect energetic force for both beginner and advanced witches!

Today, I’m sharing everything I know about moon spells and being a moon witch. This post will be about more than just manifestation. Specifically, I’ll go into the various spells, rituals, and manifestation techniques that I use during each moon phase, as well as how to work with the moon and …

click here to read the rest of this article from teaandrosemary.com

Can Full Moon Rituals Be Done Inside?

Can Full Moon Rituals Be Done Inside?

Question: Can Full Moon Rituals Be Done Inside

A reader writes in asking, “I want to do a full moon ritual this month, but it’s getting really cold. Will the ritual still be effective if I do it inside?

Another reader asks, “If I’m doing a full moon rite outside and the clouds cover the moon, should I start over again?


The short answers to those are yes and no. Yes, your ritual will still be effective if you do it inside.

No, you don’t have to start over if the moon goes behind a cloud. Here’s why:

Just because you can’t see the moon doesn’t mean it’s not there, or that it’s no longer full. You’re basing your working or ritual on the energy of the full moon, and that never changes — whether you can see it or not.


Looking for seasonal full moon rituals? Try one of these to get you started, depending on the time of the year!

  • Autumn Full Moon Ceremony

  • This ritual can be held during any of the Autumn full moon cycles. Celebrate the Corn Moon in September, the Harvest Moon in October, and November’s Blood Moon. Although this ceremony is designed for a group, it could easily be adapted for a solitary practitioner.
  • Winter Full Moon Ceremony

  • Instead of a regular Esbat rite, some Wiccan and Pagan groups tailor their full moon celebrations to the season. This ceremony is designed for a group of at least four people, and can be held during any of the chilly winter months.
  • Spring Full Moon Ceremony

  • Celebrate the arrival of spring with a seasonal full moon. Welcome spring with a water-themed ritual adaptable for either groups or solitaries.
  • Summer Full Moon Ceremony

  • Instead of a regular Esbat rite, some Wiccan and Pagan groups tailor their full moon celebrations to the season. This ceremony is designed for a group of at least four people, and can be held during any of the sunny summer months.


Source: Paganism/Wicca Expert