Almost Forgot…….

Also we have a limited supply of one of our hottest sellers back in…..

Maid, Mother, Crone Scrying Bowl

We have only 12 left and there is still time to order and get them for Yule.

Magickal Necessities

The Four Stages Of Magick

The Four Stages Of Magick

Although there are many different kinds of magick, in practice all spells and more formal magical
rituals tend to follow four stages, though informal spells may combine one or more steps.

The Focus
This defines the purpose of the ritual or spell and is generally represented either by a symbol or a
declaration of intent. These could take the form of a candle etched with the name or zodiacal glyph of
a desired lover, a little silver key charm or an actual key in a spell to find a new home, a picture of an
ideal holiday location, and so on.

In a sense, this part of the spell begins before the actual rite and involves verbalising the purpose. As
you define it in a few words or a symbol, you may realise that what you are really seeking lies beyond
the immediate external purpose. Spending time at this stage is quite vital as it is said we tend to get
what we ask for, so we should take care to ask for what would truly fulfil our potential, rather than
what we think we need immediately.

If you are working alone, hold the symbol while speaking words that summarise the purpose of the
magick. You may be surprised to discover that it is your wise psyche speaking, guiding the intention
towards what you truly need or desire – and afterwards you realise it could have been no other way.

If you are working in a group, a declaration of intent, created by the group collectively before the
ritual, is a good way of focusing the energies. After the initial circle is cast, the symbol can be handed
round while the person leading the ritual speaks the intention. Alternatively, each person can add his
or her special interpretation while holding the symbol and so the declaration is worked as part of the
ritual. As others are holding the symbol, visualise it within your own hands; this provides the
transition to the next stage of the ritual.

Concentration is the key to this first stage.

The Action
This is the stage where you use actions to endow the symbol with magical energies. This is part of the
continuous process of translating your magical thoughts and words from the first stage, the inner plan,
to manifestation as the impetus for success or fulfilment in the everyday world. These energies
amplify your own. For example, passing incense, representing the Air element, over the symbol
activates the innate power of rushing winds that cut through inertia and bring welcome change,
harnessing the energies of wide skies in which there are no limits, soaring like eagles, carrying your
wishes to the Sun. You can unite other elemental forces by using the appropriate tools and substances.

Similarly, you might begin a chant, a medley of goddess names or a mantra of power linked with the
theme, or a slow spiral dance around the circle. You could try drumming or tying knots either on
individual cords or in a group, creating a pattern with the longer cords of fellow witches, perhaps
looped around a tree.

The action of the magick is limited only by the environment and your imagination. You may find that
improvisation enters quite spontaneously as the energies unfold and spiral.

Movement is the key to this stage.

Raising The Power
This is the most powerful part of the magick, as the magical energies are amplified and the power of
the ritual carries you along joyously. Ecstasy forms a major part of shamanic ceremony and the old
mystery religions; it is akin to the exhilaration you experience riding on a carousel or running barefoot
along a sandy shore with the wind lifting your hair.

You might repeat a chant of power, dance faster, drum with greater intensity, bind your cords in ever
more intricate patterns or add more knots if working alone, visualising a cone of spiralling, coloured
light, rising and increasing in size and intensity as this stage progresses.

Stretch your arms and hands vertically as high as possible to absorb power from the cosmos. If you
are in a group and have been linking hands, as the power increases to a great intensity, this is the time
to loose them.

As the power builds, you will create what is known as a cone of power. The cone-shaped hats
traditionally associated with witches and bishops’ mitres reflect the concentration of spiritual potency.
The purpose of the cone, like the sacred pyramid, is to concentrate energy in a narrowing shape so that
it reaches a pinnacle of power, which can then be released at the end of the ritual to carry your wishes
or desires into the cosmos. In order to create a cone of power in magick, you can visualise these
energies as coloured light or as gold.

Alternatively, you can visualise different rainbow colours to create a cone of every colour that merges
to brilliant white at the apex. In healing work, some people see this as silver blue light that becomes

Whether working alone or in a group, as you build up the power, breathe in pure white light and
exhale and project your chosen colour, seeing it become ever more vibrant and faster-moving as the
intensity increases. After you have been practising magick for a while, you will notice that the cone of
colour builds up quite spontaneously, with no apparent effort. It has also been described as a cloud of
energy. At the point when the climax is reached, comes the release of power.

Note that for some people the cone concept interferes with their own natural magical abilities – some
of the most skilled witches and healers see circles of light, shimmering golden beams or rainbows
with their psychic eye. Some see nothing at all, but instead feel power pushing their feet almost off the

Growth is the key to this stage.

Release Of Power
When you release the power in the final stage, you may see the cone exploding and cascading as
coloured stars or light beams, which surge away into the cosmos and break into brilliant rainbow

If you wish, you can direct the energy after the final release of power by pointing with your hands, or
a wand or knife, so that the energies cascade horizontally and downwards, for example into herbs on
the altar that you are empowering to make into herb sachets. Or you can direct the cascading energies
in a specific direction, perhaps towards a person who is ill or in need of magical strength.

Release is the key at this stage.

This release may take the form of a final shout, a leap, or words. As you extinguish your candle of
need, you may shout:

It is free, the power is mine!

Or, at the point of release, you may throw your extended hands wide in an arc above your head. If the
ceremony is formal and you are using an athame, you can at this moment bring it in front of you to
mark the invisible cutting of the knot holding the power. Pull your visualised or actual knots tight, cut
them, leap into the air, shouting:

The Power is free! or It is done! Sometimes there is just a sudden stillness, as the power leaves.

Afterwards, you need to ground the energies by sitting or lying on the ground and letting excess
energies fade away into the Earth as you press down with your hands and feet


A Practical Guide to Witchcraft and Magic Spells
By Cassandra Eason

The Purposes Of White Magick

The Purposes Of White Magick

There are three distinct and yet related types of magick, all of which can be used informally, in spells,
or formally, in ceremonial rituals.

Personal Magick
As I have already said, it is quite permissible to use magick to empower your personal needs, though
this does not bring lottery wins or the object of your romantic fantasies delivered gift-wrapped to your
door. Magick has traditionally encompassed material needs, and spirituality is very difficult to achieve
at a time when there is a crisis of physical need or emotional shortfall in your life. For example, in
days when having sufficient food and heating was an ongoing concern, abundance for the coming
winter months was a prime focus of Mabon, the harvest festival at the autumn equinox. Many kitchen
witches would carry out private spells using the equinox energies, to empower talismans and cast
spells to ensure their own family would survive the inhospitable months of winter.

In the modern world, concerns are different, but no less urgent, and for many of us still centre on the
home, family and employment. We need money to fulfil obligations, help for a child who is studying
for exams or perhaps suffering bullying, a partner to share joys and sorrows, better health for
ourselves and our loved ones. There are subjects for spells for yourself, your partner or lover, your
children, close relatives and friends. They are usually the strongest in terms of emotion and so can be
very simply carried out at home, in the garden or on the balcony, often with everyday items.

Magick For Others
You may, however, wish to carry out rituals for people or groups with whom you are less intimately
involved, who are vulnerable or to whom you relate in a caring, social or a professional capacity.
These might include the people in your workplace, a sick neighbour, or a colleague you know is
unhappy or worried; or perhaps it could be an animal park or environmental project that is under
threat or needs help financially, legally or practically or even a local disaster.

As you send out loving or healing energies, so you will receive them in return, often in unexpected
ways or perhaps at some future time when you yourself are vulnerable. This is part of the cosmic
banking system and in practice there is considerable overlap between this and personal spells.

Magick To Increase Positivity
These are the least focused kind of spells. They are used to send out energies to whoever needs them,
for example of love, happiness, health or abundance. They may be for an endangered species, a wartorn
land, a country in need of water or the planet itself. If a large number of people do send positive
energies either to a large-scale project or into the cosmos, followed where possible by practical help
or support, then this can really make a difference. Again, by sending out healing you will receive in
return threefold healing in indirect but powerful ways.


 A Practical Guide to Witchcraft and Magic Spells
By Cassandra Eason

Different Kinds Of Magick

Different Kinds Of Magick

What is certain is that whether folk customs or more formal ceremonies are used, the underlying
principles of all types of white magick are the same throughout the world, and can be categorised
under the following headings.

Sympathetic Magick
This involves performing a ritual that imitates what you would desire in the outer world, so bringing
on to the material plane a desire or need or wish from the inner or thought plane. This is done using
appropriate tools and symbols. So in a spell for the gradual increase of money, for example, you might
grow a pot of basil seedlings (a herb of prosperity) and light a green candle.

Contagious Magick
This involves transferring and absorbing power directly from a creature or an object, such as an
animal, a bird, a crystal, a metal, the wax of an empowered candle or even the Earth itself. This
principle is central to the potency of talismans and amulets; for example, traditionally, hunters might
wear the pelt of a lion to bring them the beast’s courage and ferocity. So, by the same token, if you
wished to become pregnant, you might make love in a newly ripening cornfield (near the edge so as
not to damage the crops); alternatively, you might try one of the ancient power sites of Earth, close to
the phallus of the chalk Cerne Abbas fertility giant that is carved in the hillside at Cerne in Dorset.

Attracting Magick
This type of magick embraces both sympathetic and contagious magick to bring you something you
desire. For example, you could scatter pins across a map between the places you and a lover live and
with a magnet collect them, while reciting:

Come love, come to me, love to me come, if it is right to be.

You would then place your pins in a silk, heart-shaped pincushion or a piece of pink silk, also in the
shape of a heart, and leave it on the window ledge on the night of the full moon, surrounded by a
circle of rose petals.

Banishing And Protective Magick
This involves driving away negative feelings, fears and influences by casting away or burying a focus
of the negativity. For example, you might scratch on a stone a word or symbol representing some bad
memories you wished to shed, and cast the stone into fast-flowing water. Alternatively, you could
bury it, together with quick-growing seeds or seedlings to transform the redundant into new life.

Binding Magick
Binding magick has two functions, one to bind a person in love or fidelity and the other to bind
another from doing harm. This may be done in various ways, using knots in a symbolic thread, or by
creating an image of the object or person and wrapping it tightly. But all binding can be problematic
in terms of white magick, for whatever method you use, you are very definitely interfering with the
person’s karma, or path of fate.

However, it is tempting to think that if someone is hurting animals, children, the sick or elderly, you
may be justified in binding them. And what if your partner has deserted you on the whim of passion,
taking all the money and leaving you and your children penniless? These are very real dilemmas; in
dealing with them, I have always performed such rituals adding the proviso”… if it is right to do so.

I believe that it is essential to include that phrase in all binding magic rituals.

My friend Lilian, a white witch and healer, used to wrap the perpetrators of crimes in a mantle of pink
and visualise them in a sea of tranquillity so that they might be diverted from a destructive course of
action. However, I usually cast a protective barrier around the victims and I think this is the best
answer to a very difficult problem. We must harm none, not even the evil, hard though it is, and we
should leave the punishment to natural justice.

In my own experience, few who find happiness at the expense of others achieve more than temporary,
superficial pleasure, and in time they do seem to end badly. We should never use magick in order to
act as judge and jury. After all, some who do act badly do so only out of unhappiness or ignorance.

A Practical Guide to Witchcraft and Magic Spells
By Cassandra Eason

Folk Magick And Ritual Magick

Folk Magick And Ritual Magick

Whether you are casting a simple spell, using items from your kitchen cupboard, or performing a
complicated group ceremony, the source of the power behind it is the same. Every spell or ritual
involves channelling the life force that runs through all forms of existence and transforming it into
higher spiritual energies. These spiritual powers include our own evolved self, which some say is
formed through many lifetimes, and the higher divine cosmic energies, such as a supreme god or
goddess, or, more abstractly, some sort of divine light, spirit and goodness.

Magick for healing, it must be said, is not so far removed from the prayers of conventional religions,
whose positive influence is well documented. The same effect can be created whatever the focus or
faith, and I know from personal experience that positive results can be achieved when a Wiccan coven
sends healing light to a sick member or a friend.

For hundreds of years, angels have been invoked in magick, just as in religion, both for protection and
to act as vehicles for healing or positive energies. Practitioners of white magick may focus on
particular aspects of a god or goddess figure, or benign power, personified through different deities
from many age and cultures.

When I began practising magick ten years ago, I found it very artificial to invoke a goddess who
belonged to another time and culture. However, I have since found that such symbols do hold a great
deal of power and therefore can concentrate specific energies. I have listed in Chapter 4 a number of
deities that seem to be especially potent in ritual or as a focus for meditation. But if you do not find
them helpful, there is no need to use them.

In past time, the well-being of the planet was considered to be the responsibility of peasant as well as
king through paying tributes and enacting age-old ceremonies to invoke the necessary energies for the
Wheel of the Year to turn. So individual prosperity or fertility was attained both through private spells
and charms and by sending positive energies to the Earth and the cosmos and, in a sense, receiving
bounty as those beams were amplified and returned to the sender.

Folk or domestic magick was an important part of people’s everyday lives right up until the nineteenth
century. In rural areas, the implements used in and around the home and garden could be easily
adapted for use in magick; and for town-dwellers, flowers and herbs could be gathered on a day in the
country or grown on allotments or in urban back gardens.

In the days before central heating systems, the focus of the home was the family hearth. Focus is Latin
for ‘hearth’ and from Ancient Rome to China, the household deities have always had their place, being
offered morsels of food, nectar and flowers and consulted on family happenings.

It was believed that the ancestors as well as the living gathered around the family hearth, and so it
became a natural focus for magick. The witches’ cauldron started off as the iron cooking pot that hung
over the fire (such pots are still used in country regions of Europe – I saw one for sale quite recently in
the market in Rouen in France).

Herbal brews were not only created to cure coughs and colds but also, with magical words spoken
over them, transformed into potions to bring a desired lover, employment or an unexpected helping
hand in times of sorrow. A grandmother would put any small coins she could spare into a money pot
and warm it near the fire to ‘incubate’ the money into sufficient to mend the roof or buy new coats for
the winter.

A young wife eager to be pregnant would secretly prick a fertilised hen’s egg with a needle on the
night of the full moon immediately before making love. Such actions were quite a normal part of life,
a way of tapping into the same energies that made the cattle fertile and the corn set seed.

Farmers would leave milk for the faeries that they might bring good fortune, young girls recited love
charms while planting herbs in soil embedded with a would-be lover’s footprint. On Hallowe’en,
housewives opened their windows and placed garlic on the window ledge so that only the good family
dead might enter and take shelter from the cold.

This simple folk magick, rather than ceremonial magick, forms the basis for the majority of spells. As
above, so below’, the words of the semi-divine father of magick, Hermes Trismegistos, may originally
have evolved from popular magick that is practised in many different cultures around the world to this
day. They are certainly as applicable today as they ever were.

Whatever the aim of your magick may be, if you look around your home, garden, workshop or even
office, you have the necessary tools for the spells you require. What is more, rooted as they are in
domesticity and the daily world, these implements could not be safer: fruit, vegetables, salt, sand,
seeds, flowers, coins, pots and jars, together with your crystals, candles, incense and oils, and perhaps
a few coloured scarves or ribbons to tie knots. Whether your spell is small and personal, or vast and
universal, whether you are working to attract love, harmony in the home, prosperity or fertility for
yourself or loved ones, for people in the wider environment or the planet, these are all you need.

A Practical Guide to Witchcraft and Magic Spells
By Cassandra Eason

N.H. and S.H. Divination Runes and Ogham Readings for July 11th through July 14th

Your Daily Ogham Reading for July 11th through July 13th

Your Daily Ogham Reading for July 11th



The “World Tree” in Norse mythology was an ash tree; many cultures have looked to the ash tree as a source of power and order. Ash is a hardwood known for its use for weapons, sports, and musical instruments. This hardiness of ash denotes its symbolism for order, harmony, balance, and the status quo. Drawing the Nuin symbol can take on a variety of meanings, however it is most often associated with a life of peace and symmetry.

Fortune -When you find this Ogham, a great fate is at work. Take action now and let destiny carry you to the finish line.

Your Daily Ogham Reading for July 12th



The Celts believed that hazelnuts gave inspiration and wisdom, even in many other cultures the hazel tree and it’s branches and nuts are used for protection. In Celtic mythology one of the greatest leaders named Fionn Mac Cumhail magically gained wisdom after eating salmon that sustained themselves upon hazelnuts. The ogham letter coll denotes wisdom, divination, and inspiration. Drawing this letter will give you a deeper look into you questions and concerns.

Fortune – Look inward to your own wisdom to gain the answer you seek. Be creative, be perceptive, this Ogham shows you already have the answer!

Your Ogham Reading for July 13th



The Elder tree has often been associated with the Goddess and Mother Earth. Anyone who would cut down an Elder was risking bad fortune and ill luck. This letter of the ogham is most likely to show karma in action. Ideas that come to mind are regret, dealing with bad choices, and the inevitable. Especially if this symbol shows up in any future readings it is wise to take precautions on potential decisions.

Fortune – Take the Ruis seriously to avoid any bad luck! This Ogham is a sign of Karma in the works! Stay positive and mindful of potential pitfalls!


Your Ogham Reading for July 14th


While it also may have thorns, Gorse is known for a vibrant yellow flower that can last almost year round. For this reason this plant has become a symbol of vitality. It may be hardy and have some thorns but it protects wildlife and shines bright for everyone to see. When you draw this letter keep in mind optimism, positivity, and vigor. With Onn you will prevail as long as you keep your flower in bloom!

Fortune – This Ogham tells you that you will prevail! Stay happy and optimistic and everything you seek will turn out great!

Daily Witches Runes for July 11th is The Rings



The Rings

Keywords: Love, relationships.

Meanings: The Rings is the rune of love and when it is the leading stone, it is a positive answer to your question. It is very much a rune of relationship and can indicate engagement, marriage or a new/renewed relationship. It can also indicate the need for a fresh approach to an existing relationship.

Your Daily Rune for July 11th


“The most obvious Truth is hidden deep within, and only you will ever know it.”

Berkano – “Burr-can-oh” – Literally: “Birch Goddess” – Esoteric: Birth, Sanctuary

Rune of continued growth and continual rebirth or renewal in all things. The rune of becoming.

Psi: secrecy, silence, safety, mature wisdom, dependence

Energy: container/releaser, female fertility, trees and plantlife

Mundane: motherhood, healing, gardening, child raising, the womb

Divinations: Birth, becoming, life changes, shelter, liberation, sanctuary, secrets; or blurring of consciousness, deceit, sterility, stagnation, conspiracy, insecurity

Rebirth in the spirit
Strengthens the power of secrecy
Works of concealment and protection
To contain and hold other powers together
Realization of stillness, the Now-ness of all things
Bringing ideas to fruition in the creative process


Your Daily Rune for July 12th


What is higher than the self is the Self become Higher.”

Tiwaz – “Tea-waz” – Literally: “The god, Tyr” – Esoteric: Justice, Sacrifice

Rune of the balance and justice ruled from a higher rationality. The rune of sacrifice of the individual (self) for well-being of the whole (society).

Psi: spiritual warrior, honour, righteousness

Energy: sovereign order, sacrifice, right decision making

Mundane: the rule of law, fairness, peace keeping

Divinations: faith, loyalty, justice, rationality, self-sacrifice, analysis, victory, honesty, even-handedness; or mental paralysis, over analysis, over-sacrifice, injustice, imbalance, defeat, tyranny.

Obtaining just victory and success in battle, litigation or legal matters
Building spiritual will and development of sound judgement
Develops the power of positive self-sacrifice
Develops the “force of faith” in magic and religion


Your Daily Witches Rune for July 12th

The Blank Rune

Meaning: This is a rune of difficulty and negative influences will rule your life for a time, but as all difficulties are a learning experience it will lead to improved personal perspective and progress on your life’s path. Always consult the surrounding runes with this stone. If it lies with a positive stone, it indicates that the pain of this experience will lead to a beneficial change in circumstances.

Your Daily Rune for July 13th


What is higher than the self is the Self become Higher.”

Tiwaz – “Tea-waz” – Literally: “The god, Tyr” – Esoteric: Justice, Sacrifice

Rune of the balance and justice ruled from a higher rationality. The rune of sacrifice of the individual (self) for well-being of the whole (society).

Psi: spiritual warrior, honour, righteousness

Energy: sovereign order, sacrifice, right decision making

Mundane: the rule of law, fairness, peace keeping

Divinations: faith, loyalty, justice, rationality, self-sacrifice, analysis, victory, honesty, even-handedness; or mental paralysis, over analysis, over-sacrifice, injustice, imbalance, defeat, tyranny.

Obtaining just victory and success in battle, litigation or legal matters
Building spiritual will and development of sound judgement
Develops the power of positive self-sacrifice
Develops the “force of faith” in magic and religion


Your Daily Witches Rune for July 13th

The Blank Rune

Meaning: This is a rune of difficulty and negative influences will rule your life for a time, but as all difficulties are a learning experience it will lead to improved personal perspective and progress on your life’s path. Always consult the surrounding runes with this stone. If it lies with a positive stone, it indicates that the pain of this experience will lead to a beneficial change in circumstances.

Your Daily Rune for July 14th


“Log-uhz” – Literally: “Water” or Ocean – Esoteric: Unconscious, Collective Memory

Rune of the unconscious context of becoming or the evolutionary process. Rune of Life’s longing for itself.

Psi: emotion, psychic powers, unconscious mental processes, love, dreaming

Energy: life energy, ocean spirit, origins of life, collective unconscious, the astral plane, love as unity, evolution

Mundane: water, imagination, occultism, dreams

Divinations: Life, passing a test, sea of vitality and of the unconscious growth, memory, dreams; or fear, circular motion, avoidance, withering, depression, manipulations, emotional blackmail, lack of moral fiber, fantasy, poison, toxicity


Transpersonal powers
Mastery of emotion in order to shape wyrd
Guidance through difficult initiatory tests, ie. initiation into life
Increase in vitality and life force
Communication between your conscious mind to another’s unconscious mind
Development of ‘second sight’ or prophetic wisdom
All powers of dreaming (lucid dreams, astral projection)


Daily Witches Runes for July 14th is The Rings

The Rings

Keywords: Love, relationships.

Meanings: The Rings is the rune of love and when it is the leading stone, it is a positive answer to your question. It is very much a rune of relationship and can indicate engagement, marriage or a new/renewed relationship. It can also indicate the need for a fresh approach to an existing relationship.










A Little Humor for Everybody’s Day: Top Ten Reasons Why Beer Is Better Than Religion

Top Ten Reasons Why
Beer Is Better Than Religion

  1. If you have a beer, you don’t go around door to door trying to give it to someone else.
  2. You can prove that you have a beer.
  3. It is against the law to offer beer to little children who are not old enough to think for themselves.
  4. Nobody has ever been hanged, tortured, or burned at the stake over his particular brand of beer.
  5. If you have a beer, you don’t have to wait over 2000 years for another one.
  6. There are many federal laws that make them print the truth on beer labels.
  7. No one will kill you for not drinking beer.
  8. Beer does not tell you when or how to have sex.
  9. There have been virtually no major wars fought over beer.
  10. If you have devoted your entire life to beer, there are groups you can join to help you stop!


–Turok’s Cabana

A Little Extra for Everybody: 7 Ways to Reverse Bad Karma

7 Ways to Reverse Bad Karma

Fixing your karma is easier than it sounds

All human beings are subject to karmic law, but we don’t have to be imprisoned by it. Many people think of themselves as victims of bad karma, powerless to change it. Not true.

No matter what kind of karma you’ve brought to this lifetime, you can change it. The literal meaning of karma — “action” — implies the potential for change.

So how do we change our karma? Lots of ways! Here are just a few…

Read your daily horoscope

Daily horoscopes offer terrific clues for creating good karma every day. They highlight potential obstacles you’ll face during the day and give you wise advice on the best way to cope with them.


Do a good deed

This is the easiest way to reverse your karma. If you put positive energy out there, you’ll receive that same positive energy back. So help that elderly woman cross the street, drop some change in the charity box, buy a homeless person a cheeseburger … give and you will receive.


Listen to the universe

Are you someone who habitually gets stuck in traffic or long lines? Instead of tapping your foot and honking your horn, think about what the cosmos may be trying to tell you. (Hint: patience.) The lessons you need to learn are out there — you just need to know how to hear the messages.


Do a Tarot or I-Ching reading

These readings are a great way to take the karmic pulse of a day. Like an “early warning system,” daily I-Ching readings are an excellent tool for helping you see which actions and attitudes will pave you a smoother path. There are even special Tarot readings that will help you connect with your karma.


Change your routine

If you go to the same places every day, see the same people, and do the same things, and you notice you’re having “bad luck,” mix it up. The universe may be trying to tell you that there’s either something you should stop, or that there’s something else out there that you should start.

Learn about your past lives

Finding out what choices you made in your past life or lives can give you insight into the patterns you see in this one. Once you figure out what lessons you still need to learn, you can change your behavior accordingly.


Practice Feng Shui

The ancient art of placement and karma have a symbiotic relationship. Good karma leads to better energy, and Feng Shui releases negativity in your spaces, opening up space for positive energy to flow through your home, and also within yourself, helping your karma to improve. Learn how to put the ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui to work in your life.


Learn how to forgive

Practicing forgiveness is a double whammy on the karma front! You don’t just create good karma from yourself, you also help to release the other person from negative karma.

When you understand what your karmic energies are — what experiences or people you are attracting into your life in order to receive the lessons they offer — you are ready to change your karma.

Your thoughts and emotions, no matter how aware or unaware of them you are, affect others and are mirrored in your world. All thoughts are energy and every thought sends a vibration that affects everything in the environment, from your own physical body to every aspect of the external world … all the people, animals, plants and the cosmos itself. is Part of the Daily Insight Group ©2018

Your Planetary Tracker for December 10 & December 11

Daily Planet Tracker for Dec. 10 -Mercury in Scorpio

(Northern Hemisphere)

Sharp, Inquisitive, Mysterious

Now – December 12, 2018

Mercury plunges into the depths when it enters passionate and private Scorpio. Mercury is the planet that influences how we think and communicate, but while it moves through this watery sign, our thoughts mix with our feelings and inspire us to ask questions and get to the bottom of what’s happening in our lives…

Ideas, conversations, and people who are shallow or superficial have no power during Mercury in Scorpio. Instead, this is a time of depth and intimacy, and can be a very effective period to talk about difficult issues regarding relationships, money, and mortality.

When Mercury is in Scorpio

Scorpio thrives in the dark — the realm of secrets and lies, questions and answers, death and transformation. It is an extremely inquisitive sign that is never satisfied with what is simply lying on the surface. Scorpio knows that the real treasures are found when you dig a little deeper, so while mental Mercury moves through the sign of the Scorpion, we all start asking more questions and searching for hidden meanings … but we may not be happy with what we discover…

When Mercury travels through Scorpio, it’s like Mercury is shining a light on all the darkest parts of ourselves. We become more aware of our fears and desires, and the ways that others’ lives impact our own. We can bond in much more intimate ways because we’re able to discuss topics that are normally off-limits.

But Mercury in Scorpio brings out the skeptic in all of us. While it may feel like we’re searching for something wrong in every situation, it’s really about emphasizing our negative thinking to get positive results. By eliminating information and ideas that don’t serve our needs, we make room for those that will.

Our minds are also more suspicious when Mercury is in Scorpio. Because it’s a time that emphasizes secrecy and privacy, we’re quick to assume there are things going on that we don’t know about. But if we push too hard to try to get to the truth — which is very likely under Scorpio’s persistent influence — we risk creating long-term issues of intimacy and mistrust. That said, Mercury in Scorpio does have the potential to foster greater intimacy as well. Because we’re more willing to ask the really hard questions, we might finally get the answers we need to grow closer in the process.

Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio

When Mercury retrogrades through the sign of Scorpio, issues of honesty and intimacy arise. Secrets and lies we’ve been trying to hide are exposed, or we may experience yet another fallout from a previous deceit or betrayal.

A key quality of any Mercury Retrograde is that it offers us a second chance to correct errors, reconnect with people, and absorb information that we didn’t get the first time around. Doing this in dense, dark Scorpio, however, requires us to stay calm in what can feel like threatening situations. This is a time to learn that thoughts and reality are not the same thing. We can and should question facts and conclusions that come from the things we see and hear. is Part of the Daily Insight Group ©2018


Your Planetary Tracker for December 11 – Venus In Scorpio

(Southern Hemisphere)

Intense, Passionate, Committed

Now – January 7, 2019

The black widow. The mistress. Skeletons in your romantic closet. Secretive about money and love. A sexy, magnetic, deliciously irresistible intimate encounter. A healing and transforming bonding experience. Venus in Scorpio has the power to elicit all of this … and more.

Astrology considers Scorpio to be a tough placement for beautiful and sweet Venus. Scorpio isn’t concerned with superficiality, and prefers chasing after a transcendental kind of love. The Scorpion likes to get below the surface to examine issues of power, fear, sex, and desire. When Venus is in Scorpio, Venus trades in social niceties for digging deeply and sparking needed change.

When Venus is in Scorpio

Venus is about relationships, and is sociable, friendly, and affectionate. Scorpio is about passion, and likes to dive headfirst into love. This means we’ll crave meaningful and intense experiences when Venus is in Scorpio. Depth and intimacy become more important, urging us to trade in frivolous flings for long-lasting romance. Love can border on obsessive when Venus is in this sign, compelling us to go all-in when it comes to matters of the heart.

Venus in Scorpio is a time when we’ll want to shine a light on the shadows of our relationships. Those nagging thoughts that we’ve been pushing aside to make peace? Well, they become impossible to ignore when Venus and Scorpio get together. It’s a time to go beneath the surface, find the truth, and hold it up to the light of day. We’ll try to figure out what we can do to make it work — or if it’s time to let go. This transit gives our relationships a major reality check, whether we want one or not!

Venus in Scorpio can also bring power struggles and money concerns out into the open. Subtle issues become more obvious than they were before. How money is spent becomes a focus in partnerships where financial resources are shared. This could also be a time when we have a stronger interest in making financial investments or decisions about loans, insurance, or other areas of our lives having to do with money.

Yes, Venus in Scorpio can be pretty heavy, but it can also be truly amazing. All of this intensity leads to a stronger bond, so if you’re up for the challenge both emotionally and physically, this could end up being a transformative and sexy time that ends up bringing you and your partner much closer together. is Part of the Daily Insight Group ©2018

Your Karmic Number for December 10 & December 11

Your Karmic Number for December 10 is 8

Wealth, or even a few extra dollars, can be manifested soon after getting an 8. Thinking about money 24/7 means that you are not open to the signs that are helping you know where to look. You have a poverty consciousness because it was instilled in you at an early age. You are still holding on to those messages that you are poor in at least one way. If you need money to pay bills then ask the Universe for a project that will do exactly that. Also, work through your foot and root chakra issues. Those old messages about money are closing you off to whatever wealth is truly yours.

Should you hold on or move on?

Your Daily Karmic Number for December 11 is Two

The number 2 vibrates positively for you today. This is a time to embrace group projects and ask others for help. There’s a hidden opportunity waiting for you in working this way, versus trying to go it alone in self-sufficiency. The benefit may not be enormous, but it is significant enough to cause a shift a key area of your life. Pay close attention to those who reach out to help you voluntarily. They hold the key to your advancement. You can also ask those who aren’t outwardly offering their assistance – maybe they just assume you’re good on your own.

Your Daily Witches Rune for December 10 & December 11

Your Daily Witches Rune for December 10 is The Wave

The Wave

Meaning: This rune symbolizes your friends and family and their influence upon you. Its meaning is usually derived from the other stones closest to it. This rune is also associated with travel. A journey abroad is indicated especially if the Sun rune is nearby, but a journey for someone close to you if the Moon stone is closest. If it is near to the Rings it foretells a holiday or long distance relationship.

Your Daily Witches Rune for December 11 is The Rings

The Rings

Keywords: Love, relationships.

Meanings: The Rings is the rune of love and when it is the leading stone, it is a positive answer to your question. It is very much a rune of relationship and can indicate engagement, marriage or a new/renewed relationship. It can also indicate the need for a fresh approach to an existing relationship.

Your Daily Rune for December 10 & December 11

Your Daily Rune For December 10


“Iss-ah” – Literally: “Ice” – Esoteric: Stasis, Stillness


Rune of concentration of things in a static or frozen state. Rune of stillness and the Ego-Self.

mental faculties, focus, ego, self-image/self-identity

 stillness, contraction, stasis

Mundane: cold, self-preservation, harsh reality

Divinations: Concentrated self, ego-consciousness, self-control, unity of being; or egomania, dullness, blindness, dissipation, immobility, self-centeredness, lack of change, psychopathy.


Development of concentration, will and focus
Halting of unwanted dynamic forces as an act of self-defense (ard against demonic influences)
Basic ego integration within a balanced multiversal system
Power of control and constraint over other wights (entities), emotional outbursts
Focus of the will into single-minded action


Your Daily Rune for Tuesday, December 11



“Log-uhz” – Literally: “Water” or Ocean – Esoteric: Unconscious, Collective Memory


Rune of the unconscious context of becoming or the evolutionary process. Rune of Life’s longing for itself.

Psi: emotion, psychic powers, unconscious mental processes, love, dreaming

Energy: life energy, ocean spirit, origins of life, collective unconscious, the astral plane, love as unity, evolution

Mundane: water, imagination, occultism, dreams

Divinations: Life, passing a test, sea of vitality and of the unconscious growth, memory, dreams; or fear, circular motion, avoidance, withering, depression, manipulations, emotional blackmail, lack of moral fiber, fantasy, poison, toxicity


Transpersonal powers
Mastery of emotion in order to shape wyrd
Guidance through difficult initiatory tests, ie. initiation into life
Increase in vitality and life force
Communication between your conscious mind to another’s unconscious mind
Development of ‘second sight’ or prophetic wisdom
All powers of dreaming (lucid dreams, astral projection)

Your Power Tarot Card for December 10 & December 11

Your Tarot Power Card for December 10 is Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune

Change is hard, but sometimes resisting change brings about even more low points in our lives. For example, if resisting the end of a relationship or situation, you may be just banging your head against the wall. Not only can life never go back to the way it was, but refusing to let go can keep you from starting a new cycle that could be even better than the one that you’re having such a difficult time giving up now.






Your Daily Tarot Power Card for Tuesday, December 11

The Magician

Sometimes the best laid plans seem to just be dead in the water. A project seems to not have the power behind it that you hoped, even though it seems like a legitimate and smart course of action. There’s a reason for this. The Universe is telling you that this is not your divine purpose. Even if your brain is behind it, your will is not. Tough though it may be, switch gears and you’ll find yourself rewarded with progress!

Your Daily Love Tarot Card for December 10 & December 11

Your Daily Love Tarot Card for December 10


Strength can sometimes indicate weakness, and that is the case today. It is time to deal with someone or something that appears, disappears, and reappears just when you are optimistically ready to embrace the new. It is a mind game. They want to reassure themselves that they still have ‘it’ or you at the snap of their fingers. Be strong. Say “no thank you” this time. Besides, what are the odds that this gamer can grow up?





Your Daily Love Tarot Card for December 11 is The Sun

The Sun

Has someone promised too much and delivered little lately? If so, that someone lacks integrity. Promises that aren’t kept erode trust and trust is critical. You can’t ignore the fact that their actions do not match their words. The first caveat is to avoid being seduced by what someone is saying as they talk their way into your emotions. The second, and the advice now, is to step back and analyze the situation.

Your Daily Tarot Card for December 10 & December 11

Your Daily Tarot Card for December 10th is The Tower

The Tower

Keywords: sudden change, pride, houses and buildings, liberation!

Astrological Correspondence: Mars

The Tower card first and foremost illustrates that neither physical nor emotional structures that we build are permanent and stable; instead, they can be destroyed suddenly, thereby initiating change that we have tried to avoid. The sudden change resembled by the crumbling tower reminds us of letting go of outgrown beliefs and values, of releasing an illusion, an unhealthy relationship, an old way of life. The sudden change frees us to face the unknown, frees us to move forward instead of stagnate, frees us from social conventions and enlightens us on our path so that we reach a new level of understanding about our purpose in life. Not embracing the inevitable change brings out the negative elements that the Tower also depicts: being struck down by one’s own doing, by vanity and the inability to change so that one remains stagnant.

Your Daily Tarot Card for Tuesday, December 11 is The Magician

The Magician

Keywords: work, new beginnings, activity, overwork!

Astrological Correspondence: Mercury

As the archetype of the masculine principle, the Magician represents someone who is able to achieve goals through his creative abilities and his skills in using the tools available to him. The Magician symbolizes the beginning of something new, when everything is possible. It can be a start of a new relationship, the birth of a new idea or creative project, or a financial strategy. The Magician is a confident person realizing his full potential by taking positive action and focusing his attention and energies on the task at hand. This includes employing magic. On the negative side, the Magician represents egotism, treachery, and overconfidence, thereby misleading others into making wrong choices.


Read Your Zodiac Sign’s Tarotscope: Week of December 10

Read Your Zodiac Sign’s Tarotscope: Week of December 10

Read what’s in the cards for your sign this week!

Welcome to the week of December 10! Each week a card will be pulled for your zodiac sign, offering the guidance and insight needed to maximize your opportunities and avoid any obstacles headed your way. Reveal the message the Tarot has for YOU now!

Aries Tarotscope (March 21 – April 19)

Your card for the week: Page of Swords

If you’ve been waiting for a sign to get started on an idea you’ve had, this is it! The Page of Swords indicates you’re filled with energy and excitement about a new project or venture. The question is, can you sustain this boundless enthusiasm once you get going? No matter which direction you choose in life, there are always going to be hurdles you’re going to have to overcome — but don’t let that deter you. Know that by following your passions, you will be able to keep up this momentum.


Taurus Tarotscope (April 20 – May 20)

Your card for the week: 5 of Cups

The 5 of Cups indicates you’ve been allowing yourself to wade in a sea of regret and disappointment. While the pain you’re feeling is very real and shouldn’t be minimized, it isn’t a free pass to stay stuck in this mode forever. By choosing to focus on your perceived failures or mistakes, you can’t see the positive things right in front of you, nor can you move on toward greener pastures. There’s still hope, and it’s important this week that you find where that hope is and shift your attention to that.


Gemini Tarotscope (May 21 – June 20)

Your card for the week: 4 of Cups

The 4 of Cups signals that you have been feeling unfulfilled and craving some kind of change in your life. Perhaps you are looking around and seeing what others have, longing for those things that aren’t a part of your own life. It might also be that you feel unmotivated in your present circumstances. While it’s nice to aspire, it’s easy to get caught up in an unhealthy cycle of desire. This week try to address the root cause of these feelings. Is the grass really greener on the other side, or do you just need to spend time watering your own grass?


Cancer Tarotscope (June 21 – July 22)

Your card for the week: Page of Pentacles

The Page of Pentacles represents enthusiasm for new beginnings and new ventures. This week, you are being encouraged to express your creative talents in some way. Have you been thinking about starting something but haven’t taken the first steps to get it off the ground? This card wants you to take those imaginative ideas you’ve been toying with and start working toward manifesting them. By remaining focused and applying a strong work ethic, you give yourself the ability to turn your dreams into a reality.


Leo Tarotscope (July 23 – Aug. 22)

Your card for the week: The Lovers

You could be facing a major decision this week! This situation may be presenting a moral dilemma for you, and The Lovers card represents needing to becoming clearer on what your values and beliefs are before determining how to proceed. Do you feel compelled to go a certain direction based on fears or feelings of guilt? Don’t let those things become motivating factors. Instead, try to understand that every action has a reaction and decisions such as these are never easy. Stay true to yourself — you can’t go wrong.


Virgo Tarotscope (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)

Your card for the week: The Star

You can breathe a little bit easier, because relief has arrived this week! The Star is signaling a reprieve after a period of great change or difficulty. While this turmoil has not been easy for you to go through, you have been able to endure whatever challenges life has thrown your way. What lessons have you learned? What were you able to let go of that was holding you back? How will you move forward differently? Now is the time to shed the old you, so you can emerge as the person you were meant to be.


Libra Tarotscope (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)

Your card for the week: The Sun

The Sun is truly shining down on you this week! This card represents abundance, optimism, success, and the warmth of a happy time in your life. It may be that you’ve been going through a tumultuous time in your life, feeling as though there wasn’t an end in sight. Well, it’s always darkest before the dawn — and dawn has arrived! Through these obstacles you’ve learned a lot about yourself and have gained confidence from knowing that you can weather any storm. Enjoy this period of positivity, because you’ve earned it.


Scorpio Tarotscope (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)

Your card for the week: Queen of Wands

Aren’t you quite the social butterfly? The Queen of Wands indicates that you a charming and enthusiastic energy is overflowing from within you this week, and others won’t be able to help but take notice. In fact, you could find yourself smack dab in the center of the attention! This is the perfect time to put yourself out there, connecting with others and integrating yourself into a group of like-minded individuals. Don’t hold back — your enthusiasm could end up being contagious.


Sagittarius Tarotscope (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

Your card for the week: 9 of Cups

Receiving the 9 of Cups could signal that this is the week when your stars will finally begin to align. When this card appears in a reading, it is a signal from the universe that everything in your life is as it should be. This dose of fortunate energy could mean feeling perfectly content in your job, your relationship, your friendships — your emotional cup could truly runneth over! Take the time to stop and appreciate the abundance of blessings life is offering you right now.


Capricorn Tarotscope (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

Your card for the week: Queen of Cups

The Queen of Cups indicates emotional maturity, compassion, and a nurturing spirit. This week you are being called to express this energy in some way. Perhaps a friend approaches you with relationship troubles, or it could be that a colleague is coming to you for support with a problem they’re facing. When this happens, listen from the heart as they speak but remain emotionally separated from the issue. While it may be tempting to dive head-first into the situation with them, understand that only they can work themselves out of their predicament.


Aquarius Tarotscope (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)

Your card for the week: The Emperor

The Emperor is encouraging you to have total ownership of your true power! Your life experiences have helped you gain incredibly valuable wisdom and insight. How can you use this to help yourself? How can you use this to help others? This week you might be asked for guidance or advice from someone close to you — don’t shy away. Alternately, you may be faced with a difficult personal decision. Don’t worry, you now have the kind of knowledge and perspective that will help you navigate either of these scenarios with positive results.


Pisces Tarotscope (Feb. 19 – March 20)

Your card for the week: 7 of Wands

The 7 of Wands is urging you to stand your ground this week. Receiving this card indicates you’re experiencing some kind of opposition or roadblock in your life right now. Your initial instinct may be to retreat, giving into whatever challenge is standing in your way. However, it’s important to stand up for what you believe in. Setbacks are inevitable but giving up is not. Put on your emotional armor and draw upon your courage and inner strength as you tackle this obstacle, so you can eventually overcome it. is Part of the Daily Insight Group ©2018