A Little Humor for Everybody’s Day: Fashion No-Nos

Fashion No-Nos

As we all get older in the Pagan Community, it is easy to get confused about how we should present ourselves. We’re unsure as we try to be nice and harmonize with the fashions that younger members of our community have adopted.

So I’ve made a sincere study of the situation and here are the results. Despite what you may have seen on the streets or at Pagan gatherings, the following combinations do not go together and thus should be avoided:

  1. A eyebrow piercing and bifocals
  2. Pony tails and bald spots
  3. A pierced tongue and dentures
  4. Ankle bracelets and corn pads
  5. Nipple jewelry and a gall bladder surgery scar
  6. Midriff shirts and a midriff bulge
  7. Tattoos and liver spots or varicose veins
  8. Belly-button piercings and old pregnancy stretch marks
  9. Skyclad and Depends.

Please keep these basic guidelines foremost in your mind when you shop.


Turok’s Cabana

Ran Across This on The Old Farmer’s Almanac, Did you know we have a comet coming the 16th?




Comet 46P/Wirtanen is 2018’s brightest comet and comes closest to Earth on December 15–16, 2018—this weekend! As awesome as they can be, you can’t trust comets. We can always predict where they’ll be, but not how they will react with the Sun’s energy. So, the question is: Will it be an amazing sight or another bust?

For a short background, Comet 46P/Wirtanen is indeed the brightest comet in the night sky, though it’s been too faint to see with the naked eye thus far.  From dark sky sites, however, it could just become naked-eye visible soon as it comes closest to Earth on its 5.4-year-long looping orbit.


  • We’ve had a goodly number of busts, such as comet Ison a few years ago that was touted as “The comet of the Century” but never got bright at all.
  • On the other hand, we’ve had two spectacular comets since the mid-70s—the pre-dawn mind-blower Comet West in March of 1976, and then Hale Bopp, which remained brilliant for almost an entire year, mostly in 1997.
  • We’ve also had a bunch of visible-but-not-brilliant comets in the form of Comet Kohoutek in 1973,  Comet Iras-Iraki-Alcock in 1983, Halley in the autumn of 1985, and Hyakutake in 1996. The new one is comet Wirtanen.


This is a good news / bad news kind of deal.

  • The bad is that it’s an unusually tiny comet whose nucleus is just ½ mile wide.
  • The good news is that on December 15 and 16 it will pay Earth its closest-ever visit. It’ll pass just seven million miles from us.  I’ve been watching it through binoculars the past few nights, and think it will brighten to be visible to the naked eye for those in rural regions. It’s doubtful whether it will become bright enough to appear in the glowing skies over cities, although you never know. It should be large and blobby looking, appearing as a fuzzy glob the size of the full moon.


My suggestion is to look halfway up the southern sky starting around 10 p.m. beginning tonight or the next clear night.

If you can recognize the famous Seven Sisters star cluster, also known as the Pleiades—to the upper right of Orion—look far below it and sweep binoculars there, looking for a big blob.  The comet will be brightest on the nights of Saturday, December 15 and Sunday, December16,  when it will be located just left of the Pleiades.

If you don’t already know the Pleiades,  this is a good time to make their acquaintance.  At 10 p.m. any night, look south and you’ll easily see a small, tightly packed group of stars.  That’s it.  Sweep binoculars over them and you’ll be thrilled, since the six naked-eye stars in the cluster will gloriously multiply to dozens, and their blue-white diamond color will be obvious too.  It’s the very best celestial target for binoculars. And once you’ve located this marvelous sight, you’ll know where to look for the comet on December 15 and 16.



Welcome to “This Week’s Amazing Sky,” the Almanac’s blog on stargazing and astronomy. Bob Berman, longtime and famous astronomer for The Old Farmer’s Almanac, will help bring alive the wonders of our universe. From the beautiful stars and planets to magical auroras and eclipses, he covers everything under the Sun (and Moon)! Bob, the world’s mostly widely read astronomer, also has a new weekly podcast, Astounding Universe!

Old Farmer’s Almanac

Your Earth Sky News for December 14: Time to look for Mercury and Jupiter below Venus

Time to look for Mercury and Jupiter below Venus

Now – mid-December 2018 – it’s time to get outside in the early morning and try to spot our sun’s innermost planet, Mercury. Look east, the sunrise direction. You can’t miss super-bright Venus. Mercury is below it, near the sunrise point. If you look extra hard with the unaided eye or binoculars, you might spot bright Jupiter near the horizon, too, on a line with Venus and Mercury.

Mercury shines more brightly than a 1st-magnitude star now; in other words, it’s as bright as the brightest stars in our sky (but not nearly as brilliant as Venus). Bring along binoculars, if you have them, though. With daylight coming up fast, you could easily lose Mercury in the morning twilight.

You’ll need an unobstructed horizon in the direction of sunrise. Depending on where you live worldwide, Mercury might – or might not – be above the horizon some 90 minutes before sunrise. If you don’t see it at first below dazzling Venus, wait a bit. As Earth spins under the sky, as dawn’s light is filling the sky, Mercury will be ascending higher in the east.

Jupiter is climbing upward now, too – day by day – toward Mercury, in the December 2018 morning sky. In mid-December, the bright morning twilight might render Jupiter invisible or nearly so. Fortunately, Jupiter should become easier to see by the time this brilliant world pairs up with Mercury on December 21.

This morning apparition of Mercury favors the Northern Hemisphere. The farther north you live, the more time that Mercury rises before sunrise; the farther south you live, the closer that Mercury rises to sunrise. Assuming a level eastern horizon, we give the approximate amount of time that Mercury rises before the sun at 45 degrees North latitude, the equator (0 degrees latitude) and 45 south latitude:

45 degrees north latitude: Mercury rises approximately 100 minutes before sunrise

Equator (0 degrees latitude): Mercury rises approximately 80 minutes before sunrise

45 degrees south latitude: Mercury rises approximately 60 minutes before sunrise

Click here for a recommended almanac that’ll give you Mercury’s precise rising time in your sky.

Although the sky charts above and below are designed for mid-northern latitudes, you can easily apply them to any part of the world with a few simple considerations:

At latitudes significantly north of the equator: Mercury is found to Venus’ lower left

At latitudes at or near the equator: Mercury is found pretty much directly below Venus

At latitudes significantly south of the equator: Mercury is found to Venus’ lower right

Bottom line: In mid-December 2018, for Mercury – and possibly Jupiter – below Venus in the east at dawn.


Your Earth Sky News for December 13: Geminid meteors peak this week

Geminid meteors peak this week

These next several nights are probably the best nights for watching for meteors in the annual Geminid shower. The peak morning is likely to be December 14, 2018, but the morning of December 13 might offer a good display, too, and meteor watchers have been catching Geminids for some nights now.

Just know that – although this is one shower you can successfully watch in the (late) evening – the best viewing hours are typically around 2 a.m., no matter where you are on Earth.

In 2018, the waxing crescent moon won’t be a hindrance because it’ll set in the evening. That means a dark sky from late evening until dawn for the 2018 Gemini meteor shower. Yay!

So the absolute best time of night to watch for Geminid meteors is around 2 a.m., when the the shower’s radiant point– near the bright star Castor in the constellation Gemini – is high in the sky.

If you’re not one to stay up late, you can watch for meteors during the evening hours. Although the meteors will be few and far between at early-to-mid evening, you might, if you’re lucky, catch an earthgrazer – a slow-moving and long-lasting meteor that travels horizontally across the sky.

Can you watch the meteor shower online? Yes. It won’t be the same experience as being out under a dark country sky. But, especially if you’re clouded out and can’t get out of the city, watching online can be a good way to join the fun. So far, we’ve heard from only one organization planning to broadcast the Geminids live. It’s sky-live.tv, which will cover the live event with 3 cameras in Teide Observatory (Canary Islands), Olivenza (Extremadura) and High Energy Observatory HESS (Namibia).

The narration will be in Spanish. Find the live broadcast here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/LHuT5yDtDu0.

English speakers might like sky-live.tv’s Sky Cam for the Geminids, which has no narration: https://www.youtube.com/embed/mFUBpGEjY54.

Can you watch from the Southern Hemisphere? Sure! At temperate latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere, the meteors tend to be fewer. The Geminids do favor the Northern Hemisphere, where the radiant appears higher in the sky. However, this shower is also visible from the tropical and subtropical parts of the Southern Hemisphere.

How many meteors will you see? The Geminids are a consistent and prolific shower, but the numbers of meteors you see also strongly depends on your sky conditions and on how far you are from city lights. Often, in the hours after midnight and under a dark sky, you can see 50 or more meteors per hour. Rates of 120 per hour have been reported at the peak, under optimum sky conditions.

In 2018, the absence of moonlight will provide dark skies from late night until dawn. How many will you see? We don’t know! Just watch, and let us know.

Remember … meteors in annual showers typically come in spurts and lulls, so give yourself at least an hour of observing time. Simply sprawl out on a reclining lawn chair, look upward and enjoy the show.

Where do the meteors come from? Although meteors are sometimes called “shooting stars,” they have nothing to do with stars. Instead, they are strictly a solar system phenomenon. Around this time every year, our planet Earth crosses the orbital path of a mysterious object called 3200 Phaethon, which might be an asteroid or a burnt-out comet orbiting our sun.

Debris from this object burns up in the Earth’s upper atmosphere to give us the annual Geminid meteor shower.

Bottom line: With the moon setting relatively early in the evening, 2018 could be an excellent year for the Geminid shower. Peak morning is probably December 14, but watch December 13, too. And you might catch some Geminids before those dates!

Read more: 10 tips for watching the Geminids

Read more: Find the Geminid meteors’ radiant point

Read more: All you need to know about the Geminid meteor shower


Your Daily Karmic Number for December 13 & December 14

Your Karmic Number for December 13

Your hands may be tingling and feeling hot because you are a natural healer right now, says 7. A course in energy healing, massage, or reflexology may help your personal growth or even lead you toward a new career. Even just researching these online can be greatly beneficial and fun. Go into this as an adventure in self-exploration and kindness toward others. You will find new people who will be supportive of you regardless of how you decide to move forward with this gift. They could become friends for life – maybe even more!

Your Karmic Number for December 14

Something in your life is coming to an end. And 9 suggests that this is a happy ending. You don’t need the experience in question anymore because it has served its purpose. If you aren’t sure what it is, stop and inventory what has been taking up less of your time. Let it go. Be open to a new beginning. There is a chance that the old situation will present itself again, but you have a choice to let it pass you by when it does. This will test your determination to not repeat old habits. You will be grateful for this shift in your life.

Your Ogham Reading for December 13 & December 14

Your Ogham Reading for December 13


The willow tree is often found growing along rivers and in areas of high water concentration. In nature it can protect riverbanks, but in human populated areas it can be a destructive force to drainage systems and walkways. This is why the letter Saille, the willow, is often associated with emotions, dreams, and the subconscious. It is a tree that longs to break up our outer protective world to get into the deep recesses to find more water and nourishment. Drawing this letter is a cause for serious soul searching.

Fortune – When you see this Ogham it is time to take a long look into your subconscious and innermost thoughts! Your soul knows the answer you seek!

Your Ogham Reading for December 14



The Elder tree has often been associated with the Goddess and Mother Earth. Anyone who would cut down an Elder was risking bad fortune and ill luck. This letter of the ogham is most likely to show karma in action. Ideas that come to mind are regret, dealing with bad choices, and the inevitable. Especially if this symbol shows up in any future readings it is wise to take precautions on potential decisions.

Fortune – Take the Ruis seriously to avoid any bad luck! This Ogham is a sign of Karma in the works! Stay positive and mindful of potential pitfalls!

Your Daily Witches Rune for December 13 & December 14

Your Daily Witches Rune for December 13

The Blank Rune

Meaning: This is a rune of difficulty and negative influences will rule your life for a time, but as all difficulties are a learning experience it will lead to improved personal perspective and progress on your life’s path. Always consult the surrounding runes with this stone. If it lies with a positive stone, it indicates that the pain of this experience will lead to a beneficial change in circumstances.

Your Daily Witches Rune for December 14

The Wave

Meaning: This rune symbolizes your friends and family and their influence upon you. Its meaning is usually derived from the other stones closest to it. This rune is also associated with travel. A journey abroad is indicated especially if the Sun rune is nearby, but a journey for someone close to you if the Moon stone is closest. If it is near to the Rings it foretells a holiday or long distance relationship.

Your Daily Rune For December 13 & December 14

Your Daily Rune For December 13



“Per-throw” – Literally: unknown – Esoteric: The Norns, Fate, Lot-Cup


Rune of fate and the unmanifest. Rune of probability and the role of luck in the evolutionary process of the all things. Universe at play.

 co-incidence, living with the unknown, the art and magic of guessing, pattern recognition, prophecy

Energy: evolutionary force, luck, nothingness, the unborn, the unmanifest

Mundane: gambling, random occurrences, guessing

Good omen, knowledge of örlög, fellowship and joy, evolutionary change; or doom*, psychological or emotional addictions, stagnation, loneliness, delusion, fantasy, unknowability.

*Doom is the way in which the uncontrolled aspects of our self conspire in our destiny. It does not necessarily mean death.

Perception of the layers of örlög and wyrd
Manipulation of cause and effect
Placing runic forces in the stream of Nornic law
Alteration of probability and dependence on luck
The creation of favorable circumstances
Chance, gambling, divination and the art of guessing


Your Daily Rune For December 14


“The journey is the destination.”

Raidho – “Ride-ho” – Literally: “Ride” or “Wagon” – Esoteric: Journey

Key Concepts: the journey of Life, stories, heroism, means of transportation, right action, movement, motion, taking charge, being in control, initiative, adventure, decision-making, direction, counsel, the right path, the inner compass, leadership, kingship, nobility held by merit, moral responsibility, integrity, respect for the rights of others, innate knowledge of right and wrong, celestial procession, rituals

Psi: the story ‘form’ in the psyche, freedom from imprisonment, self-mastery

Energy: cosmic cyclical law, rhythm, presence (active)

Mundane: street-smarts, common sense, travel, movement, taking action

Divinations: Rationality, sound advice, action, justice, ordered growth, journey; or crisis, rigidity, stasis, injustice, irrationality, control freak, hypocrisy, wrongful imprisonment, restlessness.

Living in the present
Access to “inner advice” and our inner compass, following the heart
Movement within one’s natural limits
Blending with personal and world rhythms, consciousness of right and natural processes
Mastery of circumstance and control of situations, taking the lead
Establishment of creative rhythm in activities
Protection while traveling
Decision-making followed by immediate action

Your Daily Erotic Tarot Card for December 13 & December 14

Your Daily Erotic Tarot Card for December 13

The Magician

The appearance of The Magician card is great news, because even if your sex life has been a disappearing act lately, he says that you can use your considerable sexual skill and sense of erotic adventure to compel it to come back to you starting today. There’s a creative component here, too, so don’t forget to use your steamy imagination to really get things sizzling. Once you use all of your powers of seduction to their greatest potential, there’s no limit to the carnal magic you can conjure up.






Your Daily Erotic Tarot Card for December 14


The Strength card shows that something you’ve been trying hard to obtain keeps slipping out of your grasp. Romantic partners are generally attracted to you because of your strong sense of self-confidence and sheer determination, but if that isn’t working right now you could understandably become exasperated. Crossing the line into aggression may only result in frustration, so resist the urge to keep going even after your admirably bold attempt at seduction gets rejected.

Your Daily Tarot Love Card for December 13 & December 14

Daily Tarot Love Card for December 13


Justice is a love card. Justice selected you today because you need to know that you can advance dreams when you balance your needs with another’s. Both people need to feel loved, because feeling loved is what it is all about. Today, promise to be there for each other and deliver on that promise. If single, do you need to return a favor with a favor? Does someone owe you an apology, or you owe one?






Daily Tarot Love Card for December 14

The Wheel of Fortune

No, this is not the Wheel of Misfortune, but it reminds you that even good happens in a difficult situation. Loss is not a bad thing. It can be an opportunity to find out, for example, why you chose the person you did. In addition, it brings home messages about whether we do too much mistaking of dysfunctional relationships for love. Thank the Wheel for today’s advice.

Your Daily Tarot Card for December 13 & December 14

Your Daily Tarot Card for Thursday, December 13

The Lovers

Keywords: choice, decision, love, communication, inspiration (ideas from above)!

Astrological Correspondence: Gemini

The Lovers card is representative not only of crucial life choices, but also of lovers, couples, and other partnerships, like business partners, siblings, and friends. The angel between a woman and a man, depicted on this card, symbolizes the struggle of deciding to follow one’s heart versus one’s temptation or obligation. The Lovers card symbolizes the choices that must be made to progress toward higher self-awareness; choices also reflect emotional values, indecisiveness, hesitation, and our fears about making wrong choices. This applies not only to love relationships – it is applicable to any relationship in which people are drawn together, even a casual one. It’s the card of uncertainty!



Your Daily Tarot Card for Friday, December 14

The Devil

Keywords: materialism (sex and money), lies, grounding, slavery, bondage!

Astrological Correspondence: Capricorn

The card of the Devil represents the darker side of humankind, all that is shameful, base, and that we avoid to confront. Its imagery connects to sexuality, irrationality, obsession, and addiction. Being enslaved by our fears and desires, we find it hard to let go of unhealthy relationships, addictive behavior, excessive attachment to material things, and obsession with power. Accepting the shadow side in us can help channel the energetic powers that this card also represents. Understand that confronting our dark side can indeed lift the chains that tie us down, and by not letting self-hatred and shame take over we are empowered to be free. Qualities of this card in a negative situation include excessive ambition, rigidity, and abuse of power in the emotional as well as the material realm.

When Astrological Opposites Attract: Can It Work?

When Astrological Opposites Attract: Can It Work?

Reveal how to fan the flames of desire with an opposing sign

Content authored by April Elliott Kent

Ah, romantic chemistry: So thrilling, so unpredictable … and yet, so exhausting. Any two zodiac signs can get along if both are willing to work out their differences. Opposite signs, however, share a special attraction right from the start — and also face the special challenges that come with having very different personalities.

Just as a battery creates an energizing spark when opposite polarities are brought together, Sun signs that are polar opposites on the horoscopic wheel generate sparks that can ignite passionate relationships. But spending time with someone whose approach to life is completely opposite your own can be draining, too, and eventually your relationship battery will need to be recharged. How can you and your opposite sign revive the spark that brought you together — and maintain your relationship’s sizzle?

Aries (March 21 – April 19) +
Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)

When Aries meets Libra, a spark of passion is ignited by a primal clash between Aries’ raw energy and unbridled sexuality and Libra’s smooth charm and refinement. But over time, the spark can trigger flames of irritation as Aries tires of Libra’s delicate manners and Libra despairs of ever-civilizing Aries. To keep your relationship pulsating with passion rather than pique, declare a truce in the battle of the sexes and work together to create something tangible: start a business, build a house, or just cook dinner together. The complementary skills you bring to the task at hand will remind you why you’re such an excellent match.


Taurus (April 20 – May 20) +
Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)

This is a flaming hot combination right from the start. When easygoing, sensual Taurus collides with Scorpio’s smoldering passion, they erupt in a blaze of desire. Over time, though, Taurus can tire of Scorpio’s intensity, while Scorpio may find Taurus a bit too laid back. Ironically, you can keep the sparks flying in your relationship by occasionally getting out of the bedroom. An afternoon with friends or an evening at a concert will help you see each other through fresh eyes — and give you the chance to yearn for each other from afar.


Gemini (May 21 – June 20) +
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

From the moment that sparkling, intellectual Gemini meets sage, philosophical Sagittarius, your mutual love of ideas sparks immediate fascination. Your opposite approaches to the world of the mind can, however, drive you to frustration, with Gemini growing annoyed by Sagittarius’ know-it-all attitude and Sagittarius irritated by Gemini’s love of chatter and gossip. Transform the tension into sizzling sensuality with forays into the realms of nature and imagination. Take a swim, hike in the mountains, go on a safari, or spend an afternoon losing yourselves in music, film, or art. Simply getting out of your heads for a while can refuel your passion — and give you new and exciting ideas to talk about.


Cancer (June 21 – July 22) +
Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

When sensitive, security-seeking Cancer meets strong, silent Capricorn, the classic match between supportive nurturer and worldly provider excites instantaneous attraction. Over time, though, Cancer can feel ignored by Capricorn, while Capricorn sometimes sees Cancer as too clingy. To keep your relationship from cooling, you need to remember that you’re not just partners, but lovers. Follow the example of every couple in the history of television sitcoms and get out of the house, stash the kids with their grandparents, and have yourselves a real, old-fashioned date. Head to a trendy restaurant with flowers, champagne, and romantic gifts in tow … and when you get home, slip into your most provocative lingerie.


Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) +
Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)

Attraction explodes when Leo, the king or queen of the kingdom, encounters irreverent Aquarius. Aquarius, who refuses to bow before royalty, fascinates Leo; Aquarius admires Leo’s ability to warm up any room with sheer charisma. Over time, though, Aquarius can become weary of Leo’s need for attention, and Leo grows cranky as Aquarius continually defies social conventions. When you’re ready to wash your hands of each other, drag each other off to bed instead. Spending time away from crowds and indulging the purely physical side of your relationship is the surest way to find common ground and reenergize your attraction.


Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) +
Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20)

Virgo is, above all, orderly and practical; Pisces swims through life deftly avoiding the stifling confines of boring routines. When you come together, each is titillated by the prospect of giving the other a makeover, with Virgo organizing Pisces’ affairs and Pisces helping Virgo unwind and live a little. Over time, though, Virgo becomes exasperated by Pisces’ unreliability, while Pisces resents Virgo’s tendency to criticize and control. A regular change of scenery is the key to keeping your relationship passionate. Travel to new lands, study a language together, or just visit a new restaurant across town. Virgo will benefit from the change in routine, while Pisces will appreciate Virgo’s ability to plan an efficient itinerary, remember to make reservations, or conjugate unwieldy verbs in a foreign tongue.

Tarot.com is Part of the Daily Insight Group ©2018

Your Daily Horoscope for Friday, December 14

Your Daily Horoscope for Friday, December 14

By Kelli Fox


March 21- April 19

Slow down today. Pushing ahead at your usual hectic pace will only lead to confusion and running around in circles. But if you take it easy, things will roll along at their own pace. And truthfully, isn’t it nice to get a little break? Life can be so demanding. Today is perfect for relaxing with a good book. Or get absorbed in music or an engaging film. Let your mind wander.


April 20-May 20

Kindness and creativity are your keywords for today. The gentle side of your personality comes to the fore now. You have a smile and a kind word for everyone you meet. You’re famous for holding grudges, but now it’s much easier than usual to forgive and forget. Thus, it’s a wonderful day for bridging gaps in your relationships. You can make a heartfelt connection with someone from who you previously felt estranged.


May 21-June 21

You’re feeling creative today. At least, you would be if you could make any sense at all of the impressions and feelings currently swamping your consciousness. The best you might be able to manage is just letting these emotions come, and sitting with them as they pass through. If you’re lucky, some thought or image will make sense to you. If so, write it down so you can revisit it later.


June 22-July 22

Your intuitions are extra strong today. You can read people quite clearly, even if they’re bottling up their true feelings. It’s especially easy to read your friends and loved ones, and to make them feel well cared for. The best kind of love you can offer, after all, is your compassion. When someone feels truly understood, it’s as good as a hug. This is the gift you can give others today.


July 23-August 22

Life could feel a little rough today. But really, it’s just that you’re more emotionally sensitive than usual. Of course, you’ve always been a softie. You might fool people with your bold, courageous personality, but you can actually feel quite insecure. Today, that comes out in vague worries or a general sense of discouragement. Reality seems harsh. But remember, it’s all a matter of perspective. Soon, you’ll feel strong again.


August 23-September 22

Life’s edges get a little fuzzy today. For many, this softening is a pleasant experience. But for you, it can be nerve-racking! It feels as if everything is just slightly out of your control. And you do enjoy feeling as if you have a firm handle on things. But maybe this is a good opportunity to experience a different perspective. Don’t judge or even process your emotions. Just feel them.


September 23-October 22

Today you’re extra sensitive to other people’s needs and feelings. This can be both a good thing and a challenging one. For example, if there’s tension in one of your relationships, you’re more likely now to take a passive role in deference to the other person. But sometimes, it’s better to take a stand — even if doing so is difficult. Try to judge each situation on its own merits.


October 23 – November 22

Today, let all pre tenses and manipulations fall away. Whatever personal agenda you may have seems unimportant in the face of your urge to connect with others in a simple, heartfelt way. It’s also easier to resolve tensions. If someone has hurt you, you can forgive them now, once and for all. This clears not only the air between you, but your own mind and heart. That’s how true healing and growth begin.


November 23-December 20

At the end of the day, you may feel as if you lost time to wishy-washy feelings and perceptions. But let yourself off the hook. You may not get a lot accomplished today, at least not on the outside. But inside, your emotions are developing. Give yourself time to make sense of the images and feelings that come to you now. Soon, they may provide more inspiration than you expected.


December 21-January 19

Matters of the heart seem more important today than anything external like work, recognition or accomplishment. Your only duty now is to connect with the people you love. And reaching out to them isn’t just for their sake. It’s for yours, too. Take this opportunity to reaffirm the bonds that keep you close with family and friends. Days like this are what carry your relationships through rough spots and emotionally lean times.


January 20-February 18

You may find yourself drawn to meditation or yoga today, or some other practice that helps you get in touch with a higher state of being. A good, simple way to do this is just to take a few quiet moments to get in touch with your feelings. Of course, exploring a spiritual or transcendental philosophy can be quite liberating. But sometimes, just checking in with your own emotions is all you really need.


February 19-March 20

You’re drawn today to acts of selflessness, or even self-sacrifice. It’s wonderfully fulfilling to help people or animals in need. But your energy may be a bit low now. Don’t hold it against yourself if you simply can’t do as much as you’d like to do to help someone. As long as your heart is in the right place, that’s all that matters. Do what you can, and let that be enough.

The Sydney Morning Herald 

Your Daily Horoscopes for Thursday, December 13th

Your Daily Horoscope for Thursday, December 13

By Kelli Fox


March 21- April 19

Be kind to yourself and others today. Kindness toward yourself might mean taking a nap when you’re feeling tired, instead of pushing yourself to keep going. It’s definitely a good day to take it easy. Kindness toward others might mean lending an ear to a friend, or nurturing your family with a home-cooked meal. This kind of activity is personally fulfilling, and will help you regain your energy.


April 20-May 20

You just don’t have it in you to be aggressive today. A passive mood has crept in and replaced your usual, opinionated self. You want to get along with others in gentle harmony, so you’ll defer to your coworker’s approach to a project or your spouse’s choice of movie or restaurant. The truth is, you don’t mind what you do now, as long as you can enjoy being together.


May 21-June 21

Vague emotional impressions make you uneasy today. You can sense undercurrents of — something — and not being able to name it drives you crazy! But why not just go with it? You’re flexible by nature. So stop thinking and start feeling. What moves you? Turn on your favourite music and dance, or give yourself permission to daydream or take a midday nap. These activities are sure to make you feel more centred.


June 22-July 22

The world is in a highly emotional space today. For some, this is a vulnerable state to be in, but not you. You actually gain strength from being so in touch with your feelings, and with others’ emotions as well. It’s easy to read people now, because you’re connecting at the heart level instead of just with your mind. You’re in a great position to give someone kind, loving advice or strong support.


July 23-August 22

Though you’re used to being active, today is more a day for passive reflection. It’s a good time to get some extra sleep or to plan low-key, home-based activities. Naps are especially nice now! Let your mind wander as emotional impressions come and go. If you push yourself to do anything more strenuous, you’ll only wear yourself out. It’s time to take a day off from your usual high-energy approach to life.


August 23-September 22

You’re a problem-solver, and you rely heavily on reason to help you solve any day-to-day issues that come up. But today, a vague sense of confusion makes it difficult to focus on the problem itself, much less a logical solution. Perhaps logic isn’t the best approach. Tune in to your instincts instead. This may go against how you normally operate. But it will inform you more truly than mere judgment or reason.


September 23-October 22

You may not feel particularly strong today, and that’s why it’s especially important to protect yourself in relationships and negotiations. It’s all too easy now to give up too much. You may not even know what you want. Your own needs are tangled up with your awareness of the other person’s feelings. How can you honour both equally? That’s your challenge for today. Be forewarned that it may be difficult, but aim towards it anyway.


October 23 – November 22

You may be more emotional today than usual — and that’s saying something, since you’re a feeling person by nature. But this should be a grounded state, not a moody one. You’re in touch with your inner self, and that helps you relate to others in a kinder, more genuine way. Hug your loved ones close and extend a hand to someone in need. Selfless acts of kindness expand your soul.


November 23-December 20

Your innate idealism could go overboard today. You’re operating on dreams and fantasies, and you believe in them wholeheartedly. And blind faith can be a powerful force. But if a friend or coworker advises you against a certain path or decision, take their word for it. They probably have a more realistic sense of things than you do at the moment. It’s best to temper your idealism with common sense.


December 21-January 19

Your head and heart are working beautifully in tandem today. You’re as grounded and practical as ever, but you’re also in touch with your softer, compassionate side. This balance creates a centred feeling. What a great foundation for performing good deeds and other acts of service! It’s good to help others now. Being unselfish increases your sense of self-respect. And there are so many people who could use your assistance.


January 20-February 18

Don’t fault yourself if you want to spend the day relaxing or daydreaming. It’s hard right now to concentrate on mundane tasks. But if you’re working on a project that involves creativity, it could go very well. You’re in a highly imaginative frame of mind. Otherwise, allow your mind to wander. It’s a good day for napping, reading or listening to music. All of these will feed your creative muse.


February 19-March 20

Let your mind wander today, and pay attention to the places that it visits. Your imagination is an important tool in mapping out the next several weeks of your life. And today brings you the perfect opportunity to make some plans. This is the start of a new personal cycle for you, so seek a deep level of concentration. In that inwardly focused state, you’ll uncover your own dreams. Then, you can pursue them.


The Sydney Morning Herald