A Yule Story for Children ~ The Tiniest Fairy ~

A Yule Story for Children ~ The Tiniest Fairy ~

Author: Lady Abigail

In a time before time had been named, when life danced as a dazzling rainbow upon the mystical Earth, magick lived inside each earthen creature. Some, the big ones, were having a harder time seeing the magick now, than in the past. They were starting to forget that magick is all around you, if only you believed.

Alicia was a small and tiny earthen spirit with sparkling blue eyes and a pinched up nose; even in the fairy world, where all things are small, she was the smallest of them all.

Her home was deep inside the strong and twisting roots of a big Oak. It was safe and none of the winter cold snows could find their way in.

She loved playing around her cozy and warm home with her mom and dad. They would play hide and seek and she could easily hide in the corners or under the furniture. They would read books by the firelight and sing songs that only the fairies knew.

Alicia was frightened of the other earthen creatures, as well as of what might be outside her cozy home under the big Oak. She had never been out before and saw no reason to go into the “outside.”

When company came over Alicia would not come out of her tiny seedpod bed. When the Bunny family who lived next door came to visit, she was frightened that being so small, one of the many bunny babies might accidentally hop on her. She would only peek over the beds edge with her tiny pinched nose when the Gloends, a family of glowworms came to visit, because she wanted to see where the warm yellow glow was coming from.

At dinner one evening, Alicia’s mom and dad told her that soon winter’s hold would be ending. That frightened Alicia since she only knew the winter and could not imagine what might happen if it was to end.

They explained to her that in the entire magickal world, it was her magick that would call in the changing of seasons and the turning of the great wheel. On the eve of the next night Alicia, her mom and her dad would go on a journey into the forest. Here, there would be a great gathering and all the mystical creatures of Earth would see her gift of magick.

But Alicia shivered with fear — what was this wheel and how can she stop this magick and changing? She liked things just as they were and didn’t want anything to change at all. She didn’t want to go to a gathering where so many would be. She didn’t know what this gift was that she was to give. What if she got lost and no one could find her? Or maybe the others would see her. Maybe they would not like her or make fun of her or laugh at her being so small.

Her greatest fear was that maybe she had no magick. She had not seen it. She couldn’t fly like her mom and dad; she kept falling on her elbows. She couldn’t make things like flowers or snowflakes like her mom and dad; all she ended up with some ice that melted. She couldn’t even make light with her wand. How would her parents feel when they found out, what would she do?

Even as frightened as Alicia was of going into the “outside, ” she was more frightened of what others might think of her. She didn’t want to disappoint her mom and dad, so she decided it would be best if she hid. She would go into the “outside;” no one would look for her there. She would not go very far. Just far enough away where she could hide until the gathering was over, and then the change would not happen.

Alicia’s mom was roasting acorns for the great gathering’s feast and her dad was busy polishing up his ice wand. Alicia knew no one would see her leave, or think she would go into the “outside” alone, since she never had before.

With her wand in a small bag tied to her waist, Alicia carefully opened the door of her house and stepped into the “outside.” She closed the door quickly and quietly so her mom and dad would not hear it creak. Then, she turned to see what was here in this “outdoors.” It was white everywhere. She walked along for a little while when all of a sudden “crunch” she sunk into the snow up to her wing tips. It took a bit of work but she wriggled her way up and out of the snow. Now she was really cold and she could see it was getting darker. The bright bluish color of the sky was now turning a purple hue with streaks of red and yellow.

She wasn’t sure, but if night was coming she had to hide quickly. If she could fly just to the edge of the forest she would find a place to stay until the gathering was over and then she could go home again. Then it would be safe because nothing would change. That is what she wanted.

Alicia was frighten and getting colder, but she had made up her mind. She had to do this, or everything she knew was going to change forever. She shook herself off and looked toward the forest edge. With all her will and might she jumped up and began flying forward. Then back a little, then up, then down, then around in some circles and then slower and then faster and then it happened. Bang! She flew right into a tree branch hanging low weighted heavy by the snow.

Alicia did not know what exactly had happened as she rubbed her head, but when she rose up again out of the snow it had gotten very dark. She could see tiny lights twinkling above her now. She looked around trying to figure out what direction to go. By now the gathering must be over and she could go home. Everything would stay the same. But which way was home?

Alicia couldn’t see where to go, so she didn’t want to try to fly. What if she hit another tree, it was dark now and she couldn’t make anything out, plus her head still hurt from before. She had to be very careful deciding what way to go now.

All of a sudden, she heard someone calling her. “Alicia, Alicia.” She felt her body begin to shake so hard that the tiny ice cycles that had formed on the tips of her wings, tinkled like little bells. As she turned around to look behind her, she saw a woman lying on a big pile of fur blankets. She was not a fairy, but she was beautiful, dressed in a green, red and white gown. Hundreds of earthen creatures stood all around her, many Alicia had never seen before, but none were scared or frightened at all. Although Alicia didn’t understand it, she wasn’t frightened either.

There seemed to peace about this woman, it was something calming. “Alicia, I have been waiting for you. I need your help.” the Lady said.
“Waiting for me?” Alicia asked.
“Yes, Alicia, ” she said. “Its dark now and we need your light to light the way, so that we can see what lies before us.”
“My light?” Alicia asked, remembering she had not been able to make her wand light before.
“It’s your magick Alicia, your magick that will call the light from within me.” the Lady said.
Alicia slowly began to walk toward the woman. That’s when she saw that this quiet lady was going to have a baby, and she was going to have it any moment.

All the fears and worries Alicia carried with her were beginning to melt away, just like the ice on her wing tips. As she looked into the meadow green eyes of this lady she wanted more than anything else in her small life to make a light for her.

Alicia, still trembling, took her wand from its little bag, and raised it up. With every magickal hope she had ever had, she put her energy into lighting her wand.

The lady smiled gently at her and in that instance there was a great flash of light, which came from the tip of that tiny wand. It was a brilliant luminous light, which filled every corner of the night.

As Alicia held her wand high she looked over to see that now the lady was holding in her arms a baby; a wonderful little baby boy. Suddenly, she understood it all, everything her mom and dad had been telling her.

This was the magick; this was her special gift. Alicia, the tiniest of all fairies, she was the one who carried the spark, the spark which released the light of the world and the turning of the wheel of life.

In her tiny being she had carried that magick, the magick to unlock the power of love and understanding for the world to share. Standing in that brilliant light, Alicia understood who the Lady was and the importance of this baby. She was a part of the rebirth of the Light. This baby was the Light again reborn of the Goddess. The beautiful Lady was the Goddess of life, and Alicia was that spark of magick which survives all time and through which we find boundless possibilities.

Soon the edge of the forest was filled with earthen creatures and spirits from all over the mystical world. Alicia’s mom and dad watched their fairy child as she beamed with joy. The Lady holding her baby boy blessed all those who shared in this time of magick as the feast was served and great happiness was shared by all.

Alicia didn’t even notice that she was floating on the air. She was no longer weighted down by all her silly worries or fears. She knew that even though she was tiny she had the power to light the world. Now she understood, magick is all around you if you only believe, and trust in yourself.

So each year as you light a candle to call the light, remember the tiniest fairy, for it only takes one tiny spark to give light unto the whole world.

Blessed be our Lady the Mother of Light.

Lady Abigail
High Priestess Ravensgrove Coven
Copyright: Copyright © 11012005

Once Upon A Yule: Celebrating the Sabbat and Honoring Heritage Through Storytelling

Once Upon A Yule: Celebrating the Sabbat and Honoring Heritage Through Storytelling

Author: Araignée

December is a very busy time for my household. Besides my anniversary, my birthday, and Christmas (yes we do celebrate it with our families but let’s save that can of worms for another essay) , there is the Winter Solstice, known to many Pagans and Witches as Yule. It is the Pagan holy night of rebirth, marking the return of light and the sun.

With the time for death and letting go behind us (All Hallows’ Eve) , this is the time to come out of the darkness a little bit and reemerge from the ashes of what was, not completely different but in many ways, changed. So every year, with this in mind, I try to make sure that our Midwinter celebration honors this aspect of the eternal life cycle with a night of great storytelling.

Storytelling is not an uncommon Yuletide tradition but I do believe it to be an undervalued one. A lot of people think that it’s just sitting around telling stories. But there are real differences between simply giving a blow-by-blow account of an event and illustrating the idiosyncratic (yet, often overlooked) details that make life truly interesting. There is a difference between monotonous relaying and deliberate channeling of the power of spoken word.

I am always looking for ways to incorporate pieces of my heritage into my ritual and practice as a Pagan and a Witch. So, during the weeks leading up to my very first Winter Solstice celebration with my companion, *Jewel*, I delved into the art of storytelling in the African-American tradition. And let me tell you it was no easy task.

It didn’t occur to me just how much creativity, improvisation, and passion this style (and any style, really) of storytelling would demand of me. It’s an art. A true craft. And just like any other craft, it takes time to master. So, needless to say by the time the Sabbat arrived I’d nowhere near reached the caliber of the seasoned Black storytellers I was learning from. I didn’t dare make a fool of myself in front of my family and kin by even trying to tell stories that year.

However, I continued to listen and watch the Black storytellers do their thing. And at some point, it occurred to me that the storytellers’ skills might not just be a matter of the “what” and “how” of our oral heritage but the “why”. Why did our ancestors tell stories? Why did they choose to tell the stories they told? And why do we continue to tell these stories?

I began studying African-American folklore on my own. And the more I read the more I understood about the nature of common characters, motifs, dialect, and structure of these tales within the context of my culture and history. Of course, this has everything to do with the collective memory of my people (as, I soon learned, is the case with folklore in ALL cultures) . As Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés explains in Women Who Run With the Wolves, “the nurture for telling stories comes from the might and endowments of my people who have gone before me” (18) . These stories together are a reflection of the past experiences of my people, our relationships with each other, the wider community, and ourselves. They are also an echoing of the present, and I can’t help but feel, a revelatory view of the future as well. Somehow there is a stream of truth running through these tales so constant that it renders the illusions of time and space irrelevant, giving it that cyclic, regenerative quality and energy in which we rejoice at Midwinter.

It wasn’t long before I gained exposure to the storytelling styles of folktales, legends, fairy tales, and fables from other cultures. Native American, German, Russian, Chinese. Anyone familiar with them will tell you that the art of storytelling and/or tale-weaving within those cultures is a complex but beautiful craft as well. And like in the African-American tradition, it’s a craft that rests not just on the principle of “what we do” and “how we do it” but “why we do it”. We do it to honor our past first and foremost (because that is what we stand on, the groundwork our ancestors have already laid, the effort they put in to keep our heritage alive) but our present, and our future too, both individually and as a people.

So, my “wolf pack” and I will continue our tradition of storytelling this Winter Solstice. No, I have not reached the level of “master storyteller” yet but I get better and better every year. I now know that the point is not to strive to be perfect at it but to never lose sight of why I’m doing it.

Each year, I choose a few stories. Some stories that may speak to my own or other’s personal experience, some that might resonate with our experience as a family, and still some that might reflect our experience as a culture, a group, a nation, even a global community. I may even put my own modern spin on the story, adding a few pertinent details here and there to really “make it stick”. But regardless, I tell the story so that, as the Wheel turns and the cycles of life on earth start all over again, we don’t forget where we’ve been, we recognize where we are, and we don’t lose sight of where we’re going. And I invite my Pagan friends of other backgrounds to come and share as well. Mutual appreciation for each other’s stories is a huge part of strengthening our bonds. It encourages us all to move beyond merely “tolerating” each other’s differences and instead, welcome them.

I really encourage other Pagans and Witches who also want to honor their heritage to do the same. There is no better time to share and exchange cultural narratives than at Midwinter/Yule.

At the end of my favorite movie, Eve’s Bayou, the narrator, after having shared the story of her childhood, makes a statement which I think has to be ingrained in the mind and heart of any good storyteller. “Memory is the selection of images; some illusive, others printed indelibly on the brain. Each image is like a thread. Each thread woven together to make a tapestry of intricate texture. And the tapestry tells a story. And the story is our past”.


Eve’s Bayou. Dir. Kasi Lemmons. Perf. Jurnee Smollett, Meagan Good, Samuel L. Jackson, Lynn Whitfield, Debbi Morgan, Diahann Carroll, Vondie Curtis-Hall, Roger Guenveur Smith. Trimark Pictures. 1997. Film.

Estés, Dr. Clarissa Pinkola. Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype. New York: Ballantine Books, 1995. Print.



Like anything else, if one is prepared to meet winter rather than cower at the thought, it is an excellent
time to be happy and alive. When we are warm on the inside and we have no excessive fears, we can lean
into the wind and pace ourselves to breathe the cold air and taste the snow without absorbing it. We were
created to take domination over these things and it is time we proved it. But as long as there is one other
person who is not warm, who does not see beauty, we can’t be too comfortable not immune to winter.
‘A Cherokee Feast of Days, Volume II’ by Joyce Sequichie Hifler

Yule: Fertility and Ghosts

Yule: Fertility and Ghosts

At the winter solstice, Scandinavians worshipped Frey, god of fertility; further south, the Angli celebrated

December 24 as New Year’s Eve, called Modranecht (mother night), a vigil also connected with fertility rites.

In general, the traditional Yule (from the Norse Iul, meaning wheel) was a feast devoted to fertility and the

ancestors, which passed on to Christmas fecund and ghostly traditions. The Christmas roast pig is kissing cousin
to julgalti, the pig offered to Frey for fertility in the coming year, according to Funk and Wagnall’s. Hence the apple

in its mouth. Similarly, Yule was a time to charm grain and fruit to grow thick. Traditional Scots kept the

Corn Maiden from harvest till Yule and then distributed her to the cattle, according to the Farrars. The Germans

scattered the ashes of the Yule log on the fields for fertility, or kept its last charred pieces to bind in the last

sheaf of the coming harvest. The French retained apiece of Yule log through the year to protect the house

against fire and lightning, to ensure bountiful crops and the easy birth of calves. The solstice was also a weather

predictor, according to Funk and Wagnall’s. In more recent tradition, a white Christmas is said to mean a prosperous
New Year, while a green, cloudy or hot Christmas fills the churchyard.


Yule is a time for spirits. European tradition, transferred to the Christian holiday, held that each house should

be clean and prepared for Christmas before the household went to church, so the spirits could inspect it.

Spirits likewise stayed for Christmas dinner. In Sweden, householders set a special table for them. European

folk beliefs say that someone who sits under a pine tree on Christmas Eve can hear the sound of angels —

but death will soon follow. Death also awaits one who hears farm animals converse in the barn that night.

A person born on Christmas can see spirits. Dreams on the Northern Modranecht were believed to foretell
the coming year, according to Nigel Pennick in The Pagan Book of Days.



 Excerpted From Reclaiming the Winter Solstice by Melanie Fire Salamander

Daily Aromatherapy Tip ~ Lavender-Orange Refresher Spray


Daily Aromatherapy Tip ~ Lavender-Orange Refresher Spray

This floral-fruity mist is a great way to refresh tired senses on plane trips, long car rides or anytime

you need a fragrant boost; Add 9 drops of lavender and 7 drops of orange essential oil to 1 2/3
ounces of distilled water. Place in a spray bottle or atomizer. Shake the bottle vigorously, then close

your eyes and lightly mist your face or personal space.

Brought to you by AromaThyme.com

Today Is Tuesday, December 20

Today Is Tuesday

  • Tuesday, the day of Mars, also Tiwaz and Tiw (for whom it was named)
  • Today’s Magick ~ A day of spellwork based on justified wrath, money, enemies, courage, energy, while wearing red and using iron or amethyst. Wear white for peace, purity, spirituality, higher self, The Goddess. Wear a ruby, star sapphire, or emerald. Use topaz for amulets.
  • Today’s Moon Magick ~ Waxing Moon: (from the new moon to the full) ~ From seven to fourteen days after the new moon. The waxing moon is for constructive magick, such as love, wealth, success, courage, friendship, luck or health. The Waxing Moon is the ideal time for magic to draw things towards you.
  • Goddess Month of Astrea – runs from 11/28 – 12/25
  • Moon Phase: Waxing Moon
  • Color: White
  • Moon Sign: Taurus
  • Moon enters Gemini 8:43 AM
  • Incense: Gardenia
  • Day of Ancient Briton
  • Saturnalia begins
  • Feast of the Fairy Godmothers (Fairy)
  • International Shareware Day
  • Oman Independence Day
  • National Maple Syrup Day
  • Bhutan National Day
  • Pan American Aviation Day
  • Wright Brothers Day
  • Acatl Day – Aztec
  • St. Lazarus’ Day (patron of housewives, lepers, sextons)
  • Sow Day – In Orkney, a sow was killed on this day. The pig has long been a significant animal at this time of year, a symbol of abundance, especially in the north (see Christmas Eve, Dec 23, and New Years Eve, Dec 31).

The Best Gift of All

The Best Gift of All

  • Selected from Owning Pink

During one of her shows a few years back, Oprah Winfrey made a profound and beautiful statement that I appreciated very much. She said, “We do shows about lots of ‘stuff’ and my ‘favorite things,’ but what people want more than anything else is to know that they’re appreciated. . . that’s the best gift of all.”

At this time of year it’s easy for us to get caught up in the stress of getting everything on our list crossed off, preparing for parties and events, and rushing around to buy last minute gifts. And, if money is tight, there can added stress when thinking about what gifts to get for family members, friends, co-workers, and others.

Instead of just giving “stuff” for the holidays this year, what if we gave the people in our life the most meaningful gift of all; our appreciation? Let the people around you know what you appreciate about them and why.

What do you value most about your best friend? What is it about your kids that you really appreciate? What do you love best about your spouse? How does your co-worker or your boss make your job and life easier and more fun?

Expressing our heartfelt and genuine appreciation for the important people in our life is magical and it’s essential to our ability to create happiness, fulfillment, loving relationships, healthy families, successful teams, and productive communities. Appreciation is also an important element of effectively dealing with the stress of challenges and uncertainty that so many of us are facing these days.

This year, our holiday gifts can be expressions of true appreciation which will have real impact on our relationships and make our holiday season one to remember. Here are three simple suggestions to make your holiday gifts and your holiday season special and meaningful:

  1. Write cards of gratitude. In addition to (or instead of) giving actual presents, take time to write heartfelt thank you cards letting the people around you know what you appreciate about them and how they have impacted your life this year in a positive way. Express your appreciation genuinely, specifically, and personally – in a heartfelt way.
  2. Ask people what they really want. Giving something specific that someone really wants will have them feel appreciated and valued. It doesn’t have to be expensive, as long as it’s personal to them. And, if you ask them directly you may find out that what they really want is something simple that can’t be bought or doesn’t cost money.
  3. Give the gift of your time or service. Make a list of a few important people in your life and instead of buying them something, call and ask each them if there is some project they’ve been putting off or procrastinating that you might be able to help them with. Schedule time to come over to their house or support them specifically in getting that task or project accomplished.

Remember what most people want, more than almost anything else, is to know that they are loved, valued, and appreciated. Appreciation truly is the best gift we can give to the people in our lives (for the holidays and at any time of the year).

Daily Feng Shui Tip for December 20

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

According to most traditional or customary holiday calendars, this is the day that we are advised to start burning the Yule log. This log represents the ancient energies of rebirth while also symbolizing the return of another solstice and, of course, the Sun. According to ages old customs, we are encouraged to start that fire at dusk in order to welcome shining light into our own lives that will last the whole of the coming year. If burning a log isn’t feasible for you, then at least light the way for a fortune-filled year with a red, orange or yellow candle. Use a sharp object to carve an image of the Sun into the side of the candle and get clear on your wishes for the coming year. Create an intention about what areas of your life you’d like to see more enlightened, or where you would like to experience a rebirth, and then, burn, baby, burn!

By Ellen Whitehurst for Astrology.com

Your Daily Number for December 20: 5

Passion, romance, and unexpected changes color your world today. An unforeseen trip may be necessary, or a last minute invitation could be extended. You’re longing for excitement, which is fine, as long as you exercise a bit of discipline and don’t let self-indulgent tendencies get the better of you.

Fast Facts

About the Number 5

Theme: Resourceful, Adventure, Speculation, Travel
Astro Association: Taurus
Tarot Association: Hierophant

Today’s I Ching Hexagram for December 20 is 7:Discipline

7: Discipline

Hexagram 7

General Meaning: The most successful general is not the one that triumphs in battle, but the one who is able, through strength of a resolute discipline and the personal power that results from that, to achieve victory without spilling blood. This is why for the effective leadership of any organization the key virtues are clarity, decisiveness and conscientiousness. The most effective team or partnership marches with a single purpose — a dedication to a common goal that is held dear by all. Otherwise, even with an excess of external discipline, unpopular wars are seldom winnable.

Let power be held in check by the acceptance of a common discipline, and submission to a higher authority. Look to the common good. When life is in balance, evil impulses are checked by human decency; parents die before their children; leaders lead and followers follow. If you hold or aspire to a position of leadership, remember that the true leader speaks to and captures the hearts of the people and articulates a clear, simple vision that unites them as a team.

In the realm of government, the relationship between the army and state is critical. Only when the state is economically prosperous can the army be strong. Only when the army is disciplined can the state be protected from disruptive outside forces. For this balance to be preserved, government must be steady, and mild toward its own people. When balancing strong complementary forces, modesty and generosity at the center can be a magnetic force that keeps relationships intact. Coordination of all elements is essential for success at this time.

Today’s Runes for December 20 is Algiz

Today’s Runes

Stone Runes are most commonly used for questions about the natural world and things beyond human control. Algiz can be easily recognized as the antlers of the elk that it represents. The elk can represent victory, but is much more appropriately associated with the thrill of the hunt itself. This rune therefore can portend vigor and success in active endeavors. Also, this rune seems symbolic of a hand with outstretched fingers – a protective hand. This hand may suggest that you will be shielded from things negative – the problems still exist, you are spared the brunt of their force.

Today’s Tarot Card for December 20 is Temperance


This Tarot Deck: Golden Tarot

General Meaning: What is traditionally known as the Temperance card is a reference to the Soul. Classically female, she is mixing up a blend of subtle energies for the evolution of the personality. One key to interpreting this card can be found in its title, a play on the process of tempering metals in a forge.

Metals must undergo extremes of temperature, folding and pounding, but the end product is infinitely superior to impure ore mined from the earth. In this image, the soul volunteers the ego for a cleansing and healing experience which may turn the personality inside-out, but which brings out the gold hidden within the heart. (This card is entitled “Art” in the Crowley deck.)

Your Horoscope Story

Your Horoscope Story

  • Annie B. Bond

Most of us know the image associated with our astrological sign: the crab for Cancer, the archer for Sagittarius, the scales for Libra.

But do you know the story behind those images? What does Scorpio have to do with the hunter Orion? Who is the Virgin in Virgo? Why does the goat in Capricorn often have a fish tail? Find out the answer to these questions and more: behind each horoscope sign there is a fascinating myth.

Find out the story behind your sun sign, and what it reveals about your inner nature, here.

Aries, March 21-April 19: One ancient Greek story about the constellation of the ram says that the wine god Dionysus and his retinue were wandering in arid Libya, and found themselves without food or drink. The god caused a miraculous ram to appear alongside a spring and the beast was later placed in the vault of the heavens, near watery Pisces. The ram was also the disguise of the god Pan when he courted the moon goddess Selene. Lively, enthusiastic, fearless, stubborn. Confidence, forward movement.

Taurus, April 20-May 21: The god Zeus took on the form of a bull in order to seduce and abduct the Phoenician princess Europa. Ancient Egyptians revered the bull for bearing the body of Osiris. Faithful, thoughtful, loving, persevering. Determined, loyal, practical.

Gemini, May 22-June 20: When Leda, the Queen of Sparta, was seduced by Zeus in the form of a swan, she laid two eggs. In one were the twins Castor and Polydeuces. These boys amazed everyone with their goodness and valor. One was born immortal, the other mortal: they preferred ultimately to be united together in death rather than be separated so they were placed together in the heavens as stars. Talent, intelligence, humor, eloquence. Strength, bravery, flair.

Cancer, June 21-July 22: The goddess-queen Hera sent a crab to harass the hero Hercules as he was struggling with a monster. The little creature was crushed to death in the struggle, but the queen of the gods set the crab, in appreciation, among the stars of the heavens. Home-loving, emotional, private, creative, complicated. Sensitive, intuitive.

Leo, July 23- Aug 22: This lion–the Nemean Lion–was the miraculous offspring of the Moon Goddess, Selene, and Zeus. It fell to the earth from the moon, and was so tough that no weapon could pierce its pelt. After defeating it with main force, the hero Hercules ever after wore its skin. Grandeur, ambition, pride, power, generosity, expansive, dignified, successful.

Virgo, Aug 23-Sept 22: This sign is related to the divine star maiden, Astrea, who bestowed her blessings on humankind. The gods rewarded her sweetness by placing her in the night sky as Virgo. Exacting, intelligent, honorable.

Libra, Sept 23-Oct 22: Libra is the night house of Venus. It is related to the constellation of the Scales, which represent divine justice, particularly in the person of Themis, who was a Titaness and aunt of the Olympians. Interestingly, though, the earliest Greeks called this constellation “the claws.” Equilibrium and balance. Fair mindedness, balance, optimism, kindness.

Scorpio, Oct 23-Nov 21: The goddess Artemis sent a scorpion to sting the hunter Orion in punishment for importuning her. Both hunter and scorpion were placed in opposite sides of the night sky; thus Orion fades when Scorpio shines. In ancient Egypt, the constellation was associated with the benign scorpion goddess Selket, who presided over the important mysteries of marriage for the living, and over the embalming of the dead. Confidence, intensity, sensuality, forcefulness, secretiveness, deep thinking.

Sagittarius, Nov 22-Dec 21: Sagittarius is a centaur, half-horse, half-man. The centaur Chiron was the wisest and noblest of creatures, who taught many great heroes. A poisoned arrow accidentally wounded him, and his memory was honored by the gods by placing him among the stars. Forthrightness, vigor, prudence, wisdom, courtesy.

Capricorn, Dec 22-Jan 19: The goat-footed god Pan took the goat as his symbol and turned himself into a goat-fish to escape the monster Typhon. Capricorn was also the female goat Amalthea, who nourished the infant Zeus. Determined, distinguished, serious, headstrong. Ambition, practicality, reserve.

Aquarius, Jan 20-Feb 18: This sign is associated by the ancient Greeks with the young Trojan prince, Ganymede, who was kidnapped by the king of the gods and became a sort of servant, pouring water at the gods’ feasts. Innovation, spontaneity, creativity, scientific curiosity, altruism, idealism. Open mind and open heart.

Pisces, Feb 19-March 20: The image for Pisces often shows two fish connected by a cord. These are Aphrodite and her son Eros, who changed into fish in order to swim away from an attack by the monster Typhon. Sensitive, emotional, fluid, and relaxed, intelligent and intuitive.

New Moon Report for December 20th – Venus in Aquarius

New Moon Report

By Jeff Jawer


Venus in Aquarius

Tuesday, December 20, 10:26 am PST, 1:26 pm EST

The love planet’s entry into cool but friendly Aquarius is ideal for those who need freedom and are easily bored with social convention. Venus’ presence in this independent air sign indicates that relationships will blossom when there is more room for individual expression and romantic experimentation. Cooperation within groups, especially those with idealistic intentions, should be enhanced by this transit. Fresh approaches to appearance, pleasure and partnerships will make life more enjoyable than sticking to outmoded traditions.

Daily Cosmic Calendar for December 20

Following a short void lunar cycle in Libra – stretching from 1:50AM PST to 2:34AM PST (when the Moon enters Scorpio) — the universe goes on the offensive as a large number of alignments energize the rest of the morning, afternoon and evening. With the lunar Scorpio backdrop of tuning into secrets and mysteries via your detective skills, you can also widen your circle of friends and become more involved in global causes close to your heart as Venus enters Aquarius (10:27AM PST) until January 13. Open the gates to your enhanced psychic abilities and creative imaginative prowess as the Sun forms a supportive, 60-degree alliance with far-out Neptune (12:47PM PST) while Ceres also makes a parallel to Neptune (3:37PM PST). Explore your talents in photography, film and video work, music, art, poetry, calligraphy and dance. Over-optimism can land you in hot water when Venus squares Jupiter (6:20PM PST). Don’t let these two traditional beneficial planets rain on your parade. Better news will arrive at the tail end of the evening when Vesta makes a supportive, 60-degree tie to Jupiter (11:17PM PST) a little before Venus makes a similar contact with surprise-bringer Uranus (11:58PM PST). These two aspects toward the end of this 24-hour time-period are tremendous catalysts that can pad your bank account and help you increase the value of your assets. Start gearing up for the shift by giant Jupiter from retrograde to direct motion in Taurus on Sunday December 25.

the daily humorscopes for tuesday, december 20

the daily humorscope 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Today the universe will stop expanding, and start contracting. You will be the only one who notices. Also, you will develop a strange desire to wear golf shoes.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Good day to put a few kumquats, some of those teensy little ears of corn, and a few brussels sprouts in a tiny little bowl, and leave it on someone’s doorstep with a tiny little note reading “Dear Big People….”
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
If you aren’t careful, you may accidentally insult someone by a poor choice of words, and hurt their feelings. In particular, the expression “hideously deformed” may not be as neutral as you believe.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Good day to make Mexican food. Just don’t drink the water.
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
While attempting to stifle a yawn today, you will accidentally make a loud “smooching” sound. Try bringing out your pager, and saying “these new models sure have some interesting sound options, don’t they?” I find that works well with several other forms of involuntary noises, as well.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
You will combine a therapeutic technique based on rapid eye movement with yoga postures, creating something that looks so silly, passers by will actually fall over laughing.
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
You will join the ranks of the hipster cognoscienti. It’ll be fun at first, but later you’ll start secretly craving casseroles, and it will eventually become such an intolerable pressure that you’ll abandon your pale, pierced friends with the clever haircuts and move to Minnesota.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Today you’ll develop a rare mental disorder, causing you to mix metaphors. But don’t you worry — you can’t make an omelet without a silver lining, and in this case, you’ll discover that everyone will confuse mixed metaphors with management potential. BIG promotion in store.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Today you will be overcome with a sudden strong urge to learn to play a wooden flute while cavorting around in the forest. I recommend you treat those separately at first. You’ll find what you need under “Music, Instruction” and under “Cavorting, Instruction”. Don’t get talked into buying any cavorting supplies, though — they’re really only needed by professionals.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)
You’ll go out to dinner with a new person, soon. Remember the advice of my old Uncle Stonebender, though: “It’s fine if someone eats like a bird, as long as they don’t have kids.”
Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)
You’re fussing with your hair too much. Perhaps you should temporarily cut back on shampoo. Or at least demand real poo.
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
This may be a little late, but heck, late is better than never. You know when they said to shop naked? They meant shopping on-line…

Twas the Night Before Yule

Yule Comments & Graphics

Twas the Night Before Yule


Posted byPatrick McCleary


This is a delightful poem by Richard De Angelis, that I found again after hearing it years ago in ritual. Hope you all like it as much as I did.

‘Twas the night before Yule, when all ‘cross the heath,
not a being was stirring; Pagan, faerie, or beast.
Wassail was left out & the alter adorned,
to rejoice that the Sun King would soon be reborn.

The children lay sleeping by the warmth of the hearth,
their dreams filled with visions of belov’d Mother Earth.
M’lady & I beneath blankets piled deep,
had just settled down to our own Solstice sleep.

Then a noise in the night that would leave us no peace,
Awakened us both to the honking of geese.
Eager to see such a boisterous flock,
When we raced to the window, our mouths dropped in shock!

On the west wind flew a gaggle of geese white & gray,
With Frau Holda behind them in her giftladen dray.
The figure on her broomstick in the north sky made it clear,
La Befana was approaching to bestow Yuletide cheer.

From the south came a comet more bright than the moon,
And we knew that Lucia would be with us soon.
As these spirits sailed earthward o’er hilltops & trees,
Frau Holda serenaded her feathery steeds:

“Fly Isolde! Fly Tristan! Fly Odin & Freya!
Fly Morgaine! Fly Merlin! Fly Uranus & Gaea!
“May the God & the Goddess inside you soar,
From the clouds in the heavens to yon cottage door.”

As soft & silent as snowflakes they fell:
Their arrival announced by a faint chiming bell.
They landed like angels, their bodies aglow.
Their feet left no marks in the new fallen snow.

Before we could ponder what next lay in store,
There came a slow creaking from our threshold door.
We crept from our bedroom & were spellbound to see
…There in our parlor stood the Yule Trinity!

Lucia, the Maiden, with her head wreathed in flame,
Shown with the radiance for which she was named.
The Lightbringer’ s eyes held the joy of a child,
And she spoke with a voice that was gentle, yet wild:

“May the warmth of this household ne’er fade away.”
Then she lit our Yule log which still burns to this day.
Frau Holda in her down cloak stood regal & tall;
The Matron of Solstice, the Mother of all.

Under her gaze we felt safe & secure.
Her voice was commanding, yet almost demure:
“May the love of this family enrich young & old.”
And from the folds of her cloak showered coins of pure gold.

Le Befana wore a kerchief on her silvery hair;
The veil of the Crone who has secrets to share.
In her eyes gleamed a wisdom only gained by spent youth.
Her voice was a whisper but her words rung with truth:

“May health, glad tidings, and peace fill these rooms.”
And she banished misfortune with a sweep of her broom.
They then left a gift by each sleeping child’s head,
Took a drink of our wassail, and away they sped.

While we watched them fly off through the night sky we laughed,
At the wondrous magick we had found in the Craft
As they departed, the spirits decreed
Merry Yule To You All & May All Blessed Be! 

 Pagan Dad  

~Magickal Graphics~ 

We Three Crones

We Three Crones

by Heartsong

Tune: “We Three Kings


We three crones of magic-past are,
Bearing gifts, we traverse afar,
Fields & fountain, moor & mountain,
Following each our star.


Oh, star of wonder, star of might,
Star of radiant beauty bright,
Inward leading, still proceeding,
Guide us with thy magick light.

Gold I bring, the Earth’s hidden gleam,
Guards our Mem’ry, draws forth our dream;
Weary-curing, strong enduring,
Holding time’s circling stream.


Frankincense I carry with me.
Incense aids the spirit to see;
Analyzing, wize, up-rising,
Sense of the Earth, flow free!


Myrrh is mine, it’s bitter perfume
Lifts new life, a magical broom;
Praying, flying, purifying,
Away with old lingering gloom.


Glorious gifts of magic (wimmin) we praise,
Maiden, Mother, Ancient of Days;
Strength, and sense, and energy; whence
Return to our sacred ways.
