The Witches Correspondences for Sunday c. 2015


The Witches Correspondences for Sunday


Magickal Intentions: Growth, Advancements, Enlightenment, Rational Thought, Exorcism, Healing, Prosperity, Hope, Exorcism, Money

Incense: Lemon, Frankincense

Planet: Sun

Sign: Leo

Angel: Michael

Colors: Gold, Yellow, Orange and White

Herbs/Plants: Marigold, Heliotrope, Sunflower, Buttercup, Cedar, Beech, Oak Stones: Carnelian, Citrine, Tiger’s Eye, Amber, Clear Quartz and Red Agate

Oil: (Sun) Cedar, Frankincense, Neroli, Rosemary

The first day of the week is ruled by the Sun. It is an excellent time to work efforts involving business partnerships, work promotions, business ventures, and professional success. Spells where friendships, mental or physical health, or bringing joy back into life are an issue work well on this day, too.

The Witches Correspondences for Sunday, August 23

Fantasy Comments & Graphics

The Witches Correspondences for Sunday, August 23


Magickal Intentions: Growth, Advancements, Enlightenment, Rational Thought, Exorcism, Healing, Prosperity, Hope, Exorcism, Money

Incense: Lemon, Frankincense

Planet: Sun

Sign: Leo

Angel: Michael

Colors: Gold, Yellow, Orange and White

Herbs/Plants: Marigold, Heliotrope, Sunflower, Buttercup, Cedar, Beech, Oak Stones: Carnelian, Citrine, Tiger’s Eye, Amber, Clear Quartz and Red Agate

Oil: (Sun) Cedar, Frankincense, Neroli, Rosemary

The first day of the week is ruled by the Sun. It is an excellent time to work efforts involving business partnerships, work promotions, business ventures, and professional success. Spells where friendships, mental or physical health, or bringing joy back into life are an issue work well on this day, too.

The Witches Correspondences for Sunday, August 9th

Celtic Woman

The Witches Correspondences for Sunday, August 9th


Magickal Intentions: Growth, Advancements, Enlightenment, Rational Thought, Exorcism, Healing, Prosperity, Hope, Exorcism, Money

Incense: Lemon, Frankincense

Planet: Sun

Sign: Leo

Angel: Michael

Colors: Gold, Yellow, Orange and White

Herbs/Plants: Marigold, Heliotrope, Sunflower, Buttercup, Cedar, Beech, Oak Stones: Carnelian, Citrine, Tiger’s Eye, Amber, Clear Quartz and Red Agate

Oil: (Sun) Cedar, Frankincense, Neroli, Rosemary

The first day of the week is ruled by the Sun. It is an excellent time to work efforts involving business partnerships, work promotions, business ventures, and professional success. Spells where friendships, mental or physical health, or bringing joy back into life are an issue work well on this day, too.

The Witches Correspondences for Sunday, May 17th

Halloween WitchesThe Witches Correspondences for Sunday, May 17th

Magickal Intentions: Growth, Advancements, Enlightenment, Rational Thought, Exorcism, Healing, Prosperity, Hope, Exorcism, Money

Incense: Lemon, Frankincense

Planet: Sun

Sign: Leo

Angel: Michael

Colors: Gold, Yellow, Orange and White

Herbs/Plants: Marigold, Heliotrope, Sunflower, Buttercup, Cedar, Beech, Oak Stones: Carnelian, Citrine, Tiger’s Eye, Amber, Clear Quartz and Red Agate

Oil: (Sun) Cedar, Frankincense, Neroli, Rosemary

The first day of the week is ruled by the Sun. It is an excellent time to work efforts involving business partnerships, work promotions, business ventures, and professional success. Spells where friendships, mental or physical health, or bringing joy back into life are an issue work well on this day, too.

Detail Correspondence & Associations With The Element Air

Money and Employment


Meaning- To Keep Silent

Positive Characteristics- Endurance, Reliability, Material World

Negative Characteristics- Materialistic, Nonprogressive, Lazy

Direction- North

Planets- Venus, Saturn

Wind- Boreas

Season- Winter

Time of Day- Midnight

Goddesses- Gaia, Ceres, Demeter, Rhea, Persephone

Gods- Cernunnos, Pan, Dionysus, Tammuz

Spirits- Gnomes, Dwarfs, Trolls who inhabit the interior of the earth and are conscious of precious gems, minerals and Earth herself

Angel- Uriel

Signs- Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Sense- Touch

Herbs/Plants- Earth-smelling

Tree- Oak

Stones- Salt, Granite, Holed stones, Jasper, Emerald, Tourmaline, Quartz, Tiger’s Eye

Colors- Black, Brown, Yellow, Olive, Citrine, Green

Incense- Storax

Oils- Cypress, Mimosa, Oakmoss, Patchouli, Rose, Tonka, Vetiver

Animals- Cow, Bull, Bison, Snakes, Stag, Dogs, Horses, Gophers

Metals- Iron, Lead

Musical Instuments- Drums, All percussion instuments

Places- Caves, Canyons, Chasms, Forests, Groves, Valleys, Fields, Farms, Gardens, Arboretums, Parks, Plant nurseries, Farmer’s markets, kitchens, Baby nurseries, Basements, Mines, Holes

Point in Life- Advanced Age

Natural Symbols- Salt, Clay dish of fresh soil, Rocks, Sheaves of wheat, Acorns

Basic Nature- Fertile, Moist, Nurturing, Stabilizing, Grounding

Type of Energy- Receptive

Influences- Alcoholism, Animals, Apartments, Bills, Business, Success, Earth, Employment, House, Jealousy, Money, Prosperity, Fertility, Stabilizing, Grounding, Riches, Treasures, Surrendering self-will, Touch, Empathy, Incorporation, Material objects, Foundation, Conservation, Ecology

Ritual Forms- Burying, Planting, Making in images in soil or sand

Ritual Types- Gardening, Magnetic, Image, Stone, Tree, Knotbinding

Ritual Tools- Pentacle, Salt, Bowl, Stones, Gems, Images, Trees, Cords

The Witches Correspondence for Thursday, March 6th

The Witches Correspondence for Thursday, March 6th


Magickal Intentions: Luck, Happiness, Health, Legal Matters, Male Fertility, Treasure and Wealth, Honor, Riches, Clothing Desires, Leadership, Public Activity, Power and Success Incense: Cinnamon, Must, Nutmeg and Sage
Planet: Jupiter
Sign: Sagittarius and Pisces
Angel: Sachiel
Colors: Purple, Royal Blue and Indigot
Herbs/Plants: Cinnamon, Beech, Buttercup, Coltsfoot, Oak
Stones: Sugilite, Amethyst, Turquoise, Lapis Lazuli and Sapphire
Oil: (Jupiter) Clove, Lemon Balm, Oakmoss, Star Anise

Jupiter presides over Thursday. The vibrations of this day attune well to all matters involving material gain. Use them for working rituals that entail general success, accomplishment, honors and awards, or legal issues. These energies are also helpful in matters of luck, gambling, and prosperity.

The Witches Correspondence for Thursday, January 16th

Witchy Comments

The Witches Correspondence for Thursday, January 16th


Magickal Intentions: Luck, Happiness, Health, Legal Matters, Male Fertility, Treasure and Wealth, Honor, Riches, Clothing Desires, Leadership, Public Activity, Power and Success Incense: Cinnamon, Must, Nutmeg and Sage
Planet: Jupiter
Sign: Sagittarius and Pisces
Angel: Sachiel
Colors: Purple, Royal Blue and Indigo
Herbs/Plants: Cinnamon, Beech, Buttercup, Coltsfoot, Oak
Stones: Sugilite, Amethyst, Turquoise, Lapis Lazuli and Sapphire
Oil: (Jupiter) Clove, Lemon Balm, Oakmoss, Star Anise

Jupiter presides over Thursday. The vibrations of this day attune well to all matters involving material gain. Use them for working rituals that entail general success, accomplishment, honors and awards, or legal issues. These energies are also helpful in matters of luck, gambling, and prosperity.

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The Witches Correspondences for Thursday, January 9th

Witchy Comments & Graphics
The Witches Correspondences for Thursday, January 9th


Magickal Intentions: Luck, Happiness, Health, Legal Matters, Male Fertility, Treasure and Wealth, Honor, Riches, Clothing Desires, Leadership, Public Activity, Power and Success Incense: Cinnamon, Must, Nutmeg and Sage
Planet: Jupiter
Sign: Sagittarius and Pisces
Angel: Sachiel
Colors: Purple, Royal Blue and Indigot
Herbs/Plants: Cinnamon, Beech, Buttercup, Coltsfoot, Oak
Stones: Sugilite, Amethyst, Turquoise, Lapis Lazuli and Sapphire
Oil: (Jupiter) Clove, Lemon Balm, Oakmoss, Star Anise

Jupiter presides over Thursday. The vibrations of this day attune well to all matters involving material gain. Use them for working rituals that entail general success, accomplishment, honors and awards, or legal issues. These energies are also helpful in matters of luck, gambling, and prosperity.

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The Witches Correspondence for Sunday, November 10th

Witchy Cat Graphics & Comments

The Witches Correspondence for Sunday, November 10th

Magickal Intentions: Growth, Advancements, Enlightenment, Rational Thought, Exorcism, Healing, Prosperity, Hope, Exorcism, Money
Incense: Lemon, Frankincense
Planet: Sun
Sign: Leo
Angel: Michael
Colors: Gold, Yellow, Orange and White
Herbs/Plants: Marigold, Heliotrope, Sunflower, Buttercup, Cedar, Beech, Oak
Stones: Carnelian, Citrine, Tiger’s Eye, Amber, Clear Quartz and Red Agate
Oil: (Sun) Cedar, Frankincense, Neroli, Rosemary

The first day of the week is ruled by the Sun. It is an excellent time to work efforts involving business partnerships, work promotions, business ventures, and professional success. Spells where friendships, mental or physical health, or bringing joy back into life are an issue work well on this day, too.


The Witches Magickal Correspondence for October 27th


The Witches Magickal Correspondence for October 27th

Magickal Intentions: Growth, Advancements, Enlightenment, Rational Thought, Exorcism, Healing, Prosperity, Hope, Exorcism, Money
Incense: Lemon, Frankincense
Planet: Sun
Sign: Leo
Angel: Michael
Colors: Gold, Yellow, Orange and White
Herbs/Plants: Marigold, Heliotrope, Sunflower, Buttercup, Cedar, Beech, Oak
Stones: Carnelian, Citrine, Tiger’s Eye, Amber, Clear Quartz and Red Agate
Oil: (Sun) Cedar, Frankincense, Neroli, Rosemary

The first day of the week is ruled by the Sun. It is an excellent time to work efforts involving business partnerships, work promotions, business ventures, and professional success. Spells where friendships, mental or physical health, or bringing joy back into life are an issue work well on this day, too.