The Witches Spell-A-Day for Monday, January 9th – Winds of Renewal

wiccan in the woodsThe Witches Spell-A-Day for Monday, January 9th – Winds of Renewal

Start your day with a refreshing blast of winter air. Focus on renewal, even though it may apear bleak outside. The air element brings change and opportunity. Visualize any specific opportunity or change you’re hoping for, or just remain open to whatever comes your way. Try to actually fee the air on your face several times today. Whisper these words to the wind:
Winter wind, what secretsyou must
keep, blowing in the night, howling
while we sleep.
Winter wind, what promises you
make, stirring morning snow as you
whisper us awake.
Though you may be harsh and cold,
on your breath rewards untold.
Repeat throughout the day, if desired, or again at night before bedtime.

—Ember Grant
Llewellyn’s 2017 Witches Spell-A-Day Almanac


Lady A’s Specialty of the Day – Improvement Spell to Gain Wisdom and Knowledge (Runic Spell)

autumn witchcraft
Lady A’s Specialty of the Day

Improvement Spell to Gain Wisdom and Knowledge (Runic Spell)


You Will Need:

3 blue candles

Knowledge of the ruin of Anuz and the ruin of Kenaz.


DIRECTIONS: Sit in a dark, quite room & light the 3 candles. Place them close together & near you but not touching. Sit & meditate on the knowledge you hope to find & the knowledge you already posses. Open your eyes and trace the ruin Ansuz over the candles, then trace the ruin Ansuz on your foreead (third eye)& chant…

‘I conjure the wisdom of the ruin of Ansuz’

Now trace the ruin Kenaz over the candles and you forehead chanting…

‘I conjure the Knowledge of the ruin of Kenaz’

If you have a specific question to ask look up & ask it know. If not return head to bowing position and chant…

‘I conjure the ruin of wisdom, power, occult, revenge & healing. ANSUZ! ‘I conjure the ruin of knowledge, learning, quests & heredity Knowledge. KENAZ!’ ‘enlighten me!’ ‘give me my knowledge!’ ‘Give me my Wisdom!’ ‘Enlighten me’

Meditate on your own knowledge & wisdom. During this or in the near future you will gain the knowledge & wisdom you seek


Waxing Moon Resolution Spell

I love dragons!Waxing Moon Resolution Spell

Sometimes, when we have resolved to do something or stick to a regime, our resolution wavers. This spell will help strengthen it.

You will need:
A purple candle
White thread

Start by winding the cotton three times deosil(clockwise) around the candle, about a third of the way down. As you do so, focus on your breathing, taking deep breaths in and out. On the third breath, take a deep breath and breath into the wrap of cotton and hold it for a count of six. Visualize yourself being surrounded in purple light to give you strength.

When you are ready, light the candle and focus on the flame. As you do so, ask out loud for strength in your resolve and help with keeping your focus on the task. End with the words ‘and harm to none, so mote it be.’

Moon Magic – Pagan Portals
Rachel Patterson

The Witches Magick for the 28th Day of the Wort Moon – Hollyhock Happiness Spell

Egyptian Comments & Graphics

Hollyhock Happiness Spell


Planting hollyhocks in your garden and around your yard draw prosperity and material gain to you and your home. These showy blossoms also attract helpful faeries and good fortune. The tiny leaves that shoot up at the base of the blossoming plant are particularly enticing to flower faeries.

Gather hollyhock blossoms and set them on your altar just before dark. Tie them with a white ribbon, and say three times:

Blossoms bright bring me good fortune

Wealth and happiness tonight.

So mote it be!

Place the tied hollyhocks just outside your front door, to attract more happiness, wealth, and good fortune to you and your home. Leave the bundle there for a moon cycle for best results.

Wiccan Spell A Night: Spells, Charms, And Potions For The Whole Year

Sirona Knight

Lady A’s Special of the Day – Herb Jar to Enhance Your Powers Physically and Mentally

Wiccan Magic

Herb Jar to Enhance Your Powers Physically and Mentally


Fill one jar with the following:

Cinnamon [for dream Magick]

Nutmeg [for good luck]

Allspice [healing]

Ginger [lunar Magick]

Basil [protection]

Fennel seeds [spiritual healing]

Garlic [spiritual purification]

Marjoram [protection]

Sage [spiritual purification]

Cloves [protection]

Mustard seed [protection]


Before you do any scrying or any kind or psychic work, inhale the scent deeply and shake the jar gently.


Lady A’s Spell of the Day – Banishing Grief Spell

Banishing Grief Spell

This spell is said to help one let go of painful feelings of grief. It is for those times in life when it seems impossible to feel joy again, such as after losing someone close to you.

Items Needed:
A smoky quartz gemstone
Bowl of water
Three tablespoons of sea salt

The Spell:
Begin by holding the stone in your power hand. See your grief in your mind’s eye. Visualize the grief moving from within yourself and through your hand to the stone. As you do this, say:

Banishing stone,
Fill yourself with my grief,
so that I may feel joy again,
So be it, blessed be!

Stirring counterclockwise, mix the sea salt into the bowl of water, then add the smoky quartz stone. Swish the stone around three times in a counterclockwise motion. Leave the stone in the water for a few minutes, then take the stone outside and safely throw it as far as you can away from yourself.

Sweet Dreams Spell

To help you sleep peacefully and have pleasant dreams, create a tranquil and calming environment for your bedroom. The windows should have either curtains or walls that are light coloured or pastel tones and make sure the bed head is well away from the door.  Cleanse the atmosphere of your room by holding a sprig of lavender and walking through the room with a peaceful mind and heart.  At bedtime turn off everything in the room that could be distracting or disturbing, like television and loud music or radios.  Put a lavender sachet under your pillow and before go to sleep say to yourself,

“Feather light on starry night, cosy warm and tired, pleasant dreams and sweetest thoughts as little angels smile.”



A Moon Magick Ritual For Calm

A Moon Magick Ritual For Calm


* Wait until the Moon is moving towards full, and is quite bright in the sky.


* Find somewhere as dark as possible so the light is undiluted and slowly ‘inhale’ the light through your nose, looking at the Moon and drawing its light towards you.


* Hold your Moon breath for a count of ‘One and two and three’. Remember to say the ‘ands’ to stop yourself rushing – this is relaxing, not a race.


* Close your eyes and exhale the darkness of your panic, frustration or unhappiness.


* Continue alternately inhaling with your eyes open and exhaling with your eyes closed until you feel that you are filled with silver light.


* Now gently exhale a little of that light in a single breath, this time with your eyes open, directing it in your vision towards someone you know who is also feeling stressed or anxious.


* Inhale more moonlight and continue to exhale, still with your eyes open, continuing to direct the healing light.


* Let the Moon shine into a silver or crystal bowl of water. Before bedtime, tip the water into your

bath so you can absorb the Moon energies through your pores.


Whenever you feel stressed, visualise the Moon, close your eyes and gently inhale; peace will come to you because you gave it out to others.


Witches Magick for Tuesday, April 8th – Charm for Courage

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Witches Magick for Tuesday, April 8th – Charm for Courage

Items You Will Need:

Jewelry Items

Musk or Cedar Oil

Obtain a piece of jewelry. Any sort will do as long as it is something that you like enough to wear frequently. Rub a bit of oil into the piece and chant:

“I imbue you with courage, and bravery, and nerve.
I empower you with self-confidence, so you may serve
My needs when anxieties attempt to emerge
Eradicate them; let new confidence surge.”

Wear the jewelry as needed.


Everyday Magick
Author: Dorothy Morrison


Self Assurance Spell

Self Assurance Spell

Gathe​r a piece​ of paper​,​ one grey crayo​n,​ one brigh​t crayo​n (​orang​e-​yello​w is good)​,​ match​es,​ and a small​ item to repre​sent yours​elf (​perha​ps a pebbl​e)​.​

On the left side of the paper​ write​ in grey the word “​doubt​,​”​ and draw a cloud​ over the word.​
On the right​ side,​ use the brigh​t crayo​n to draw a sun with the word “​assur​ance”​ under​neath​ it.

Then lay the paper​ befor​e you, placi​ng the symbo​l of self on the left side.​ Slowl​y,​ while​ repea​ting the phras​e,​

“​From doubt​ to certa​inty,​ light​ to mark my way. Misgi​vings​ be gone,​ I’m seizi​ng the day,​”​ move the stone​ acros​s the page until​ it sets firml​y on the word “​assur​ance.​”

Next,​ take a deep breat​h and tear away the left side of the paper​,​ relea​sing your breat​h as you finis​h teari​ng.​ Burn that side to liter​ally destr​oy your doubt​.​

Wrap the remai​ning paper​ aroun​d the stone​ or objec​t and carry​ it to encou​rage confi​dence​ every​ day.        

The Witches Magick for March 24th – Ashes to Riddance

The Witches Magick for March 24th

Ashes to Riddance


There are times in our lives when we become burdened with worrying. We spend so much time worrying that we never come to solving the problem. Sometimes we have past hang-ups that prevent us from moving towards more positive lifestyles. This little spell is to help us put an end to these ruts in our lives.

Needed: Ashes from burned wood Jar or bowl to hold the ashes

Moon Phase: Waning Moon

Locations: Outdoors in a clearing

Gather wood ashes the day of the spell and place in a glass jar or open bowl.During the day, hold the jar or bowl and visualize all your worries and/or hang-ups pouring from your3rd eye and heart and into the ashes. When the night falls, take the ashes to a clearing in a field, wood, or parking lot. Hold the jar or bowl in your hands and do one last pouring out of
your worries and hang-ups. Now say:

“You are ashes, And to ashes you shall return.”

Pour the ashes out of the jar or bowl and walk away without looking back.
When you’ve returned home be sure to wash out the jar or bowl.Burn some incense, take a bath, or light a candle, and refocus. It is done.

Witches Spell for Sunday, March 2 – Spell for Stress and Depression

Witches Spell for Sunday, March 2 – Spell for Stress and Depression

Items needed:
White candle (non-dripless variety)
Kunzite or blue agate
Black marker with wide felt tip
Lemon Balm
Lemon oil (the kind used for furniture polish is fine)
Cloth pouch

Begin by completely coloring the candle black with the marker to symbolize the
depression that presently encases you. Light the candle and say:

Flame cut through depression deep,
Melt it down and make it weep.
Grant me power to re-emerge,
From its grip, I leap and surge.

Watch the candle burn until white wax appears at the flame.
Rub a bit of lemon oil into the flame and say:

Kunzite/agate, stone of mellow hue,
Dissolve this depression, I beg of you.
Take its power and transform its strength
Into positive energy I can use at length.

Lightly rub the stone against your temples and your heart, then place it in front of the candle and sprinkle it with lemon balm. Let the candle burn completely.
Place the stone and herb in the cloth pouch and carry it with you.

When your spirits need a lift, re-anoint the stone and repeat its empowerment chant.

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The Witches Magick for Feb. 17th – The Memory Rite


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This rite is good for anyone, even those who assume they have had perfect childhoods. You don’t always realize the past is dragging you down until it’s too late and you would be amazed by what you can find out about yourself.

You will need:

Yellow candles

Kamea of sol

A box of any shape or size

A solar incense

And music of a childlike nature to enhance the atmosphere


The box should have a lid. Paint the inside glossy black, or line it with an irregular reflective surface such as aluminum foil. The outside should be decorated with any drawing, pictures or whatever one may want to help evoke a childlike state of mind and help trigger childhood memories.

Start with an opening of any sort you feel comfortable with. Light candles and incense as desired.

State the intent “It is my will to greet my past and accept it for what it is”.

Recite the invocation:

I call the past to meet the present,

That the future may be bright.

I bring myself forth from the dark,

And hold me to the light.

Let not the past control my present,

Let not my future be dark as night.

I meet and greet my with open arms,

And move back into the light.

At this point, one person sits in the center of the group with their box, keeping it closed. She focuses on the box while the rest of the participants circle around, teasing, insulting, degrading her. At this point, the teasing should not be too personal. When she reaches gnosis, she opens the box and gazes inside, seeing whatever she sees. Now the taunting should reach a more personal and vicious attitude. This continues until they close their box again.

The box then is dealt with in whatever manner she sees fit. It can be destroyed, left open in a spot of sunlight, or kept for future uses as it may be a good idea to do this more then once.

When the first person is finished, another takes her place until the entire group has a turn.

Banish with laughter and embraces

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The Witches Magick for January 9th – A Spell to Turn Up the Heat

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The Witches Magick for January 9th – A Spell to Turn Up the Heat

Has the spark gone out of your relationship? This spell uses spices to add spice to your love life, along with fire to heat up things between you and your partner.

Tools You Will Need:

A fireplace, balefire pit, barbecue grill, hibachi, or other place where you can light a fire safely

Matches or a lighter

A piece of paper

A pen that writes red ink

Cayenne pepper

Mustard seeds




Bay Leaves

Do this spell during the Waxing Moon, preferably on a Tuesday

Safely build a small fire. On the paper, write what you find enticing about your partner and what you desire from him or her. Be as descriptive and explicit as you like—no one but you will read what you’ve written. When you’ve finished draw the runes Gebo, which looks like an “X” and Teiwaz, which looks like an arrow pointing up, around the edges of the paper. These two symbols represent love and passion, respectively.

Place the spices on the piece of paper and fold it to make a packet that contains them. Visualize you and your love in a passionate embrace. As you hold  this image in your mind, toss the packet of spices into the fire. As it burns, your intention is released into the universe.

Witches’ Spell for Nov. 22nd is Spell to Calm Overreacting


Spell to Calm Overreacting

To reduce a tendency to overreact to situations

Items You Will Need:

White Candle

Lavender essential oil or incense

This can be said on the new moon or whenever needed. It is actually more of an affirmation than a spell, so you might want to memorize it and say it whenever you feel yourself starting to overreact to something. (You only need the candle the first time you do the spell.)

Anoint the candle with lavender essential oil or burn some lavender incense. (Lavender is an easy scent to find and you can use it later to remind yourself not to overreact. If necessary, you can dab a bit of essential oil on a tissue and tuck it in your pocket.) Light the candle and focus for a while on the light and the calming smell. Then say the spell as slowly and calmly as possible.

“I am calm and in control

Rooted in Earth

Soothed by Water

Brought clarity by the Air

The Fire within has burned to embers

I am calm and in control.”


The Witches Spell for October 23 – ‘White Light Ritual’




Best time to do this spell:

In the early morning-to make the spell even stronger – do it as the sunshine’s on you!

As the sun rises in the morning – get somewhere it can shine on you (even laying in bed is okay for this one!) as you feel the warmth of the sun shining on you – see in your mind’s eye a bright light – pure and white surrounding you and outlining your body -leaving NO openings = completely surrounding you in light and warmth (you will FEEL it too) as you surround yourself in this warm and wonderful light say to yourself out loud or merely in your head

“May the white light surround me

and protect me from all harm

this is my WILL so MOTE it be.”


Then simply go about your day – you can also send white light to others by simply surrounding them with white light in your mind’s eye and substituting the person’s name for me in the incantation above. you will notice immediately a change – as you walk past – people will try to catch your eye and smile – try it – it works!  You may do this as often as you like !

The Witches Magick for October 21st – Letting Go Of The Past


Letting Go Of The Past

Items You Will Need:

White or black candle

Bowl of water


Sometimes our pasts can hold us back from moving forward into our futures or keep us from enjoying our present. This spell is intended to help you let go of yesterday so you can move on.

Light the candle, then wash your hands (a symbol of washing way the past) and dry them on the towel. Then say the spell:

“I pledge this day to do my best
To put the past behind me
Walking straight with head held high
So fortune’s favor finds me.”
“Yesterday is gone and done
Tomorrow lies before me
I will not let myself be found
By history’s faded story.”
“No longer looking toward the past
Except for lessons learned
I’m moving toward the future now
And all that I have earned.”

So Mote It Be.