The Witches Magick for the 28th Day of the Wort Moon – Hollyhock Happiness Spell

Egyptian Comments & Graphics

Hollyhock Happiness Spell


Planting hollyhocks in your garden and around your yard draw prosperity and material gain to you and your home. These showy blossoms also attract helpful faeries and good fortune. The tiny leaves that shoot up at the base of the blossoming plant are particularly enticing to flower faeries.

Gather hollyhock blossoms and set them on your altar just before dark. Tie them with a white ribbon, and say three times:

Blossoms bright bring me good fortune

Wealth and happiness tonight.

So mote it be!

Place the tied hollyhocks just outside your front door, to attract more happiness, wealth, and good fortune to you and your home. Leave the bundle there for a moon cycle for best results.

Wiccan Spell A Night: Spells, Charms, And Potions For The Whole Year

Sirona Knight

The Witches Magick for the 15th Day of the Wort Moon – Hollyhock Happiness Spell

Fairy Comments & Graphics


Planting hollyhocks in your garden and around your yard draw prosperity and material gain to you and your home. These showy blossoms also attract helpful faeries and good fortune. The tiny leaves that shoot up at the base of the blossoming plant are particularly enticing to flower faeries.

Gather hollyhock blossoms and set them on your altar just before dark. Tie them with a white ribbon, and say three times:

Blossoms bright

bring me good


Wealth and

happiness tonight.

So mote it be!

Place the tied hollyhocks just outside your front door, to attract more happiness, wealth, and good fortune to you and your home. Leave the bundle there for a moon cycle for best results.

Wiccan Spell A Night: Spells, Charms, And Potions For The Whole Year

Sirona Knight