Printable Game Pages – Winter

October 18 Divination Journal


From – For more information about The Hierophant

The Hierophant – Major Arcana

Hierophant Keywords

Upright Keywords Reversed Keywords
tradition, social groups, conventionality, conformity, education, knowledge, beliefs rebellion, unconventionality, non-conformity, new methods, ignorance
Skip to Upright Meaning Skip to Reversed Meaning

The Hierophant Tarot Card Description

The card depicts a religious figure that sits in a rather formal environment characteristic for a church. He is wearing three elaborate vestments which are designated to represent the three different worlds. His right hand is properly raised in an…

Animal Spirit Guide and/or Helper

From – For more information about the Stag Symbolism, Meanings & The Stag Spirit Animal


Stag symbolism and meanings include stamina, virility, grace, instincts, maturity, regeneration, and spiritual enlightenment. The stag – sometimes referred to as hart – is exalted among other deer. He is mature and experienced, having endured life’s challenges, and he has a massive crown of antlers to show for it. Because stags are native to every continent, except Australia and Antarctica, they are subjects in the mythology and folklore of many ancient cultures. In addition, the stag spirit animal appears in the spiritual belief systems of cultures around the world.

Table of Contents

What does the stag symbolize?

Detailed Stag Symbols and Meanings

Stags in Cultural Mythology and Folklore

White Stag Symbolism

Black Stag Symbolism

Red Stag Symbolism

Native American Stag Meanings

Stag Totem

The Stag in Greek Mythology

Celtic Stag Meaning

Stag Symbolism in Norse Mythology

Stag Symbolism in the Bible, Judaism, and Christianity

Stag Spirit Animal

Stag Power Animal

Stag Dream Meaning

Stag Tattoo

Organizations that Protect Stags and Other Deer

Druid Ogham

From A Druid Ogham- For more information about Straif


Resilience through hardship, hardening off, discipline, sacrifice

Tree: Blackthorn/Sloe (Prunus spp.)

Letter: Z

When you get mad or hate something because it goes against your grain, you have choices. You can wallow in your anger and lash out foolishly, which effectively makes you act in sympathy with that which you despise. You can do nothing/go the pacifist route and try to repress your anger, which will cause it to build up and eat at you from the inside in the form of depression. Thirdly, you can use your anger as a starting point or what is called a thrust block from which to make yourself so completely different from what is causing you anger that you end up rising above it and beating it at its game. Strife can either drag you down or raise you up by making you more resilient, but it is all in how you choose to handle it.

When you draw Straif, there is an experience being put in your way that isn’t pleasant. This experience can be transformed into a learning tool if you can work it out. Straif is a battle you must fight and often a disruption in routine. Just as a sword must be subjected to multiple processes to become sharp, sparks are going to have to fly before you can forge your destiny. You may need to sacrifice in order to become a stronger, better human being.

By admitting (not repressing), analyzing, and dealing with your dark emotions instead of allowing them to call the shots, drawing Straif well-dignified points to the real possibility you’ve dodged a nasty bit of strife because you’ve already learned not to be fear’s or anger’s puppet.

Questions when you draw Straif: …


From The Rune Site – Gothic Runes


Sound: “d”
Stands for: Day
Casting meaning: The rune that stands for “day” is one that can be used for the protection of entrances. In a reading you may take this rune to mean a protection from new people or situations that enter your life or your present situation.

Witch’s Rune

From Summer Goddess


The Flight Rune stands for a time when you will finally break free and overcome obstacles that have impeded your progress.

You can look forward to a time when all communications; physical, meta-physical and spiritual are of great importance.

Expect to be given news that will alter your direction. Look to gain sudden insights and crucial revelations.

This rune signifies the kind of communication that changes your course of action, so there may be shake-ups or surprises in events you had already planned.


From Word Numerology – For more information on the number 15


It is loving, forgiving, and extremely tolerant. It is responsible, successful, dynamic, and strong. It is less constraints than other 6s and tends to enjoy travel and adventure. While family-oriented and loyal to a fault, it is also more private and unconventional.

Angel Number

From Angel Numbers – Number 15

Five Hundred Fifty-Five/ 555

Living in this world is an awesome experience, you have to agree. No matter how bad it seems sometimes, there is always the light at the end of the tunnel and beautiful and good things to happen.

Perhaps it all depends on your personal approach to life. Indeed, people who think well about the world in general, usually live more content and harmonious lives than those who are always suspicious and negative. However, we are not the same and our destinies vary greatly.

Humankind is imperfect and prone to those…

I Ching

From IChing.Online – For more information about Hexagram 54

Hexagram Fifty-Four/54

Kuei Mei / A Loveless Marriage

The Thunderstorm inseminates the swelling Lake, then moves on where the Lake cannot follow:
The Superior Person views passing trials in the light of Eternal Truths.
Any action will prove unfortunate.
Nothing furthers.


This is at best a Marriage of Convenience.
You have found yourself in desperate straits, a position of weakness, and you are tempted to pay dearly for a remedy.
A drowning man isn’t picky about who throws him a rope.
The rescue offered to you now is undesirable.
It may pull you out of this sticky situation, but it will cause even greater predicaments down the road.
Don’t obligate yourself in this way.
You are selling your future for a quick fix today.

October 12 Divination Journal

Tarot Card

From – Click on hyperlink for more information about CHANGE from the Osho Zen Tarot

Change – 10 Major Arcana

Menu of Contents


I. The commentary of The Change Osho Zen

II. The meaning of The Change Osho Zen

III. More The Wheel of Fortune Cards from Famous Tarot Decks


Anglo-Saxon and Frisian Rune

From The Rune Site – Anglo-Saxon and Frisian Runes – EAR


(This is the last rune from this set)

Sound: “ea” as in “dear”
Stands for: Soil of Earth (actually the dust our bodies become after death)
Casting meaning: Ear symbolizes the grave that we will all return to. However the only way that we can die is because there was life to begin with. “Without life, there is no death and without time there is no life.” More generally Ear signifies the unavoidable end of all things.

Witch’s Rune

From Other Worldly Oracle


Womb and vagina, creativity, birthing, motherhood, femininity, yoni

I read this rune as the Divine Feminine in us and all around us. One’s womb is full, with a baby physically, OR with a creative idea or project.

Druid Ogham

From Druid Ogham- For more information about Ruis


Regret, pride, shame, embarrassment, learning from experience, resolution

Tree: Elder (Sambucus spp.)

Letter: R

Shame isn’t all bad and does not deserve a uniformly awful reputation. Without shame and the fear of being shamed, every human child would be demonically bratty. Shame is a limit that informs us to keep our own ego in check. It is often about considering others. Having shame about one’s own past behavior is motivation to avoid shameful behaviors such as cheating and stealing.

Shame is an emotion that demands confrontation. All too often, people run away from what shames them, attempt to excuse themselves from wrongful or immoral behavior because they’re too cowardly to face what they have done or to admit their responsibility in causing their own misfortunes or the misfortune of others. Ruis indicates a willingness to face one’s own shame and to do with shame what it was meant for, and that is to use shame of the past to build oneself into a better person for the present and future. Ashamed of something you did? How can you make yourself into the type of person who would never even think of doing something like that? Overcome being the type of person who would engage in the shameful behavior and you become the master of it; you won’t have the remotest chance of repeating such a mistake. Did you become embarrassed because you did something you now understand to be greedy? Then learn to balance thriftiness with generosity. Adjust to the circumstance rather than overreacting to it. Are you ashamed about cheating on a boyfriend/girlfriend or spouse? Become a person who would never cheat on your boyfriend/girlfriend or spouse regardless of conditions, which could mean an assortment of outcomes: sticking to a resolution of no cheating and staying together, admitting one’s sexual preferences and going with the flow, changing the person you are with, or being single for a long time.

Because humans tend to remember negative experiences more easily than positive ones, it’s important when you draw Ruis to acknowledge the things you are not ashamed of about yourself. For every bad or shameful thing you’ve done, remember there are a thousand shameful things you avoided. Maybe it is time to appreciate the places you could have gone horribly wrong and did not.

Questions when you draw Ruis: …

I Ching

From – For more information about Hexagram 2

Image result for i ching hexagram 2

K’un / Receptive Force

Earth above and Earth below:
The Earth contains and sustains.
In this situation, the Superior Person should not take the initiative; he should follow the initiative of another.
He should seek receptive allies in the southwest; he should break ties with immovable allies in the northeast.

Responsive devotion.
Receptive influence.
Sublime Success if you keep to your course.


This is a time for dealing with reality as it is, not as you would have it be.
If you realize that in this situation you are the receptor, not the transmitter of the stimulus, you will find yourself reaching goals that seemed unattainable under your own steam.
If you persist in futile efforts to be the Shaper rather than the Shaped, you will completely miss this unique opportunity.


From Numerology Double Digit Numbers – 30

Thirty 30

It is communication and creativity. It is a high octave 3. It has a great sense of humor, is jovial and warm, but also a bit superficial. Easily distracted, lacks staying power.

Angel Number

From Angel Numbers – Number 3

See the source image


Higher powers are listening to your wishes, prayers and affirmations. They are close to you and want to help. Keep your faith, manifestation of your thoughts will come when the time is right.

Animal Spirit Guide and/or Helper

From – For more information about the Owl


Owl symbolism and meaning include wisdom, intuition, supernatural power, independent thinking, and observant listening. This mysterious bird has been a subject in the myths and folklore of cultures around the world for centuries. After all, owl species exist on every continent except Antarctica. In addition, the owl spirit animal is an important totem in the beliefs of many cultures. In this post, you’ll learn about owl symbols, the owl in cultural mythology, owl spiritual meanings, and more.

Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence for Sunday

Magickal Intentions: Growth, Advancements, Enlightenment, Rational Thought, Exorcism, Healing, Prosperity, Hope, Exorcism, Money

Incense: Lemon, Frankincense
Planet: Sun
Sign: Leo
Angel: Michael
Colors: Gold, Yellow, Orange and White
Herbs/Plants: Marigold, Heliotrope, Sunflower, Buttercup, Cedar, Beech, Oak
Stones: Carnelian, Citrine, Tiger’s Eye, Amber, Clear Quartz and Red Agate
Oil: (Sun) Cedar, Frankincense, Neroli, Rosemary

The first day of the week is ruled by the Sun. It is an excellent time to work efforts involving business partnerships, work promotions, business ventures, and professional success. Spells where friendships, mental or physical health, or bringing joy back into life are an issue work well on this day, too.

July 23 Daily Tarot Card, Rune, Witch’s Rune, Ogham Divination Journal


From The Tarot Lady

The Hermit

Keywords: inner wisdom, solitude, withdrawal, quiet, teacher or guru, research, seeker

Attributes: Virgo (Earth)

General meaning:  In order to get the answers you seek, it may be time to turn inward.  Shut out your distractions so that you may discover the wisdom within.  Answers are rarely found in another – everything you need is within yourself.  This card can also indicate a need to withdraw from circumstances in order to get a better perspective.  Sometimes a player needs a break from the grind.

Reversed:  Repeating your past mistakes.  Not learning.  This can indicate a lack of wisdom. Doing things without thinking of the consequences.  It can also indicate the extremes of solitude – like being some sort of creepy recluse.  Don’t lock yourself away.  It gets mighty lonely on that mountain top.

Affirmation: “Everything I need is within me.  I don’t need to look outside myself for answers.”

Theme song: 



Sound: “i”, “e”, “j” as in the “y” in “year”
Stands for: Ice
Casting meaning: Ice is unchanging and restricting and like ice this rune embodies the resistant power that tries to prevent change.

Witch’s Rune

Witch’s Runes: A Simple Introduction to Rune Reading


Think: Unbreakable bonds are between these rings.
Remember: Positive. You can’t do it alone, so form the right and lasting alliances. There may be a business partnership, a marriage, or other team formation. Seek out a partnership if none exists in the matter at hand.




Duir or Dair

Pronunciation – Doo-r

Tree Association – oak

Meaning – Strength, security, resilience, endurance, wisdom, sacred spaces, leadership, and kindness. All your hard work and education have paid off. Like the oak, you stand tall and mighty. You are in a beneficial situation (family, work, financially, creative, relationship, etc.), and this circumstance will stay that way for quite a while. Trust yourself! Also, oak represents the intense energy and power of storms and wind. Symbolic of the endurance and stamina you possess that allows you to flourish and thrive.

If reversed – cowardly, uncertain, or frail. You have not been acting kindly or fairly in your leadership role. It’s ok to lack knowledge and facts, but do not make it a common practice.

Inscription and Magical Uses – Inscribe this ogham on an acorn for good luck in job interviews, courage, or pursuing justice. Duir is an excellent ogham inscription to keep at work. Helpful when working when storms, lightning, or the element air. It can also be used in healing or for those who need reminders of their resilience, profound strength, and tenacity.

Folklore – Oak trees are considered sacred guardians. They are an excellent place to meditate beneath or seek strength and assurance. If you catch an oak leaf before it touches the ground, you will have excellent health throughout the cold winter months. Representative of the Oak King, who marks the beginning and climax of the Summer Solstice.

Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence Digest for Tuesday



Tuesday is the third day of the week.  The name is derived from the Nordic sky god in charge of law, order, justice, and war, Tiw (Saxons), also known as Tyr (Scandinavians), Ziu (S. Germans), Tiuz or Tiwaz (N. Germans).  In the Roman calendar the corresponding day was Dies Martis, the day of Mars, god of war and agriculture, originally known as Ares in Greek mythology.  The sacred symbol of all of these deities is the spear.
Latin: Dies Martis, the day of Mars
French: mardi
Italian: martedi
Spanish: martes
German: Dienstag, “Assembly Day”
Netherlands-  dinsdag
Denmark-  tirsdag
Sweden-  tisdagRules: Sexual energy, courage, aggression, war, politics, healing after surgery, physical strength, exorcism, protection and defensive magic
Colors: Red and Autumn Shades
Planet: Mars
Metal: Iron, for Mars’ spear and shield; Steel
Stones: Asbestos, Bloodstone, Flint, Garnet, Jasper (red), Lava, Onyx, Pipestone, Rhodocrosite, Rhodonite, Ruby, Sard, Sardonyx, Tourmaline (red), Tourmaline (watermelon)
Herbs: Allspice, Asafoetida, Basil, Broom, Coriander, Cumin, Deerstongue, Dragon’s Blood, Galangal, Ginger, Nettle, Peppermint, Pine, Tobacco, Woodruff, Wormwood
Zodiac: Aries & Scorpio


May 24 Tarot Card, Rune, Witch’s Rune, Ogham Divination Journal


From the Celtic Dragon tarot card deck and book by D. J. Conway

Pages 110 AND 111

Queen of Swords – Court Card

Learning lessons; manipulation

The Queen of Swords is a mature woman who walks through a pit of fire with confidence. Although the flames flare around her on all sides, her face is calm, her eyes straight ahead. She has learned that life offers both positive and negative learning experiences and that one becomes stronger by refusing to give in to fear an despair. In one hand she carries a raised sword, while the other rests on the head of a Fire dragon who is mostly hidden behind her and from whose mouth issues more flames. The sword represents the Queen’s faith in her ability to fight her way through any adversity, while the huge dragon-companion symbolizes astral and spiritual teachers who are always beside us, not to impede our progress by making life to smooth, but to guide our steps through any “trial” to safety. The Queen wears a crown with a triangular-shaped, red stone in front, symbolic of her connectedness with both the Goddess and her own feminine power. Three little Fire dragons frolic in the flames, encouraging her to continue her path.

Divinatory Meaning: This card indicates a powerful feminine influence. You will be faced with with a period in your life that makes you learns an important lesson you have avoided. Be careful getting your way in something through manipulation, for later this action will come back to haunt you.

Elder Futhark Rune

From The Rune Site


Sound: “l”
Stands for: Water (or Lake)
Color: Black & White (Green)
Casting meaning: Laguz represents the power of water and its easy flowing nature. We must learn to “go with the flow” when this rune shows up in a reading so that we can take full advantage of our powers.

Witches’ Rune

From The Summer Goddess Book of Shadows


The Flight Rune stands for a time when you will finally break free and overcome obstacles that have impeded your progress.

You can look forward to a time when all communications; physical, meta-physical and spiritual are of great importance.

Expect to be given news that will alter your direction. Look to gain sudden insights and crucial revelations.

This rune signifies the kind of communication that changes your course of action, so there may be shake-ups or surprises in events you had already planned.


From Ogham Symbol Gallery


Ui (sometimes interpreted as Pe) is Uillean, the Honeysuckle. Associated with the manifestation of will, the Honeysuckle starts as a small seed and creeps along, growing and spreading over time. Honeysuckle twists and spirals up and over its surroundings, its soft yellow flowers releasing a sweet scent. It is the flower of unspoken desire, hidden needs, secret wants, but it also represents our goals of finding our true Self.

From a medicinal standpoint, the honeysuckle can be useful as well. Dioscorides says,

“the ripe seed gathered and dried in the shadow and drunk for four days together, doth waste and consume away the hardness of the spleen and removeth wearisomeness, helpeth the shortness and difficulty of breathing, cureth the hicket (hiccough), etc. A syrup made of the flowers is good to be drunk against diseases of the lungs and spleen.”

Uillean Correspondences

Mundane Aspects: When this symbol appears, it means you need to allow yourself the freedom to pursue your desire. If you’ve got hopes or dreams that are unattained, now is your time to start considering whether they’re remain just dreams, or become reality. Denying yourself the chance to enjoy life is unfair.

Magical Aspects: Take the time to experience joy, but make sure you stay true to your values and beliefs as well. In many Wiccan traditions, the Charge of the Goddess is quoted as a reminder of this: All acts of love and pleasure are my rituals. Another aspect of this symbol is that sometimes, mysteries which seem to be hidden may not be as hard to delve into as you think–sometimes, you’ve just been sidetracked by distractions.

Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence Digest for Monday

From Spell 8 – For More Information on Monday’s Correspondences

Magick Candle

Light a white candle for clearing negative energies and have an auspicious start of the week. Meditating with a white candle attracts clarity and goodwill.

Ruling Deities

Wiccan Goddess Artemis Wiccan Goddess Diana Wiccan God Thoth Wiccan Goddess SeleneArtemis, Diana, Selene and Thot symbolize the Moon and are rulers of Mondays.


Aquamarine, Fluorite, Geodes, Selenite, Mother-of-Pearl, Pearl, Clear Quartz

Carrying these gemstones today can bring success and fulfillment of your goals. Wear them as a talisman or simply keep them close to you to harness their energy.

Monday Potion

Drink a cup of Chamomile Tea, a caffeine-free alternative to start the week on a healthy note. Chamomile is considered by many ancient traditions as a purifying and protective herb so it will help prepare your mind and body for magical workings. Furthermore, it boosts immune health and relieves anxiety and depression ¹.

5 Ways Chamomile Tea Benefits Your Health

Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence Digest for Monday

From Ancient Pathway

Magickal Intentions:
Psychic Sensitivity, Women’s Mysteries, Tides, Waters, Emotional Issues, Agriculture, Animals, Female Fertility, Messages, Theft, Reconcilliations, Voyages, Dreams and Merchandise
African Violet
Night Flowers
Willow Root
Orris Root
White Rose
White Iris
Quartz Crystal

Some Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence Digest for Saturday

From Learning Religions

Named for the god Saturn—is a good time to wrap things up.

Colors: black and dark purple,

Metal: lead

This day is connected to: goddess Hecate.

Gemstones: Apache tear, obsidian, and hematite

Plants: such as thyme, mullein, and the cypress tree.

Magical workings: focus on agriculture and creativity, fortune and hope, protection and banishment of negativity. Put up a barrier to keep the unwelcome out, eliminate the things that make you miserable, and wash your hands of anything other than your hopes, dreams, and goals.

Printable – Spell for Today

Some Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondences for Monday


Monday is the second day of the week, named from the Latin Lunae Dies, day of the moon, reflecting the Roman feast days dedicated to the moon and moon goddess, Luna.  The goddess Selene is her Greek counterpart.
Latin: Lunae Dies, day of the Moon
French: lundi
Italian: lunedi
Spanish: lunes [from Luna, “Moon”]
Anglo-Saxon: monandaeg, “the moon’s day”
German: Montag
Dutch: maandagRules: Peace, sleep, prophetic dreams, psychic awareness, spirituality, compassion, love, home, gardening, purification, healing and fertility.
Colors: Silver and White
Planet: Moon
Metal:  Silver
Stones: Aquamarine, Beryl, Chalcedony, Crystal (quartz), Moonstone, Mother-of-pearl, Pearl, Sapphire, Selenite
Herbs: Calamus, Camphor, Coconut, Gardenia, Grape, Jasmine, Lemon, Lemon Balm, Lotus, Myrrh, Poppy seed, Sandalwood, Willow
Zodiac: Cancer


Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence Digest for Wednesday

From A Pagan Mess

Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Colors: Purple, Orange
Keywords: Communication, Wisdom, Travel, Speed, Creative Inspiration, Education

Ruled by Mercury, Wednesdays are best for spell work that has do to with learning, communication, and artistic projects. If you want a little extra luck or speed for something do your spell on a Wednesday!

From GypsyWolf

Wednesday, the fourth day of the week,  is named after the Scandinavian Woden (Odin), the “All-Father” of Norse mythology, god of wisdom, poetry and magic .  He sacrificed himself, hanging with a spear thrust in his side by his own hand, on Yggdrasil, the World Tree, to receive the knowledge of the Runes.  His symbols are the wolf, raven, and the valknut, Knot of the Vala.  Wednesday also corresponds to the Roman God, Mercury, also known as Hermes (Greek), messenger of the gods, and god of speed, travel, fortune and communication.
Latin: Dies Mercurii, the day of Mercury.
French: mercredi
Italian: mercoledi
Spanish: miércoles
German: Mittwoch
Dutch: woensdag
Rules: Communication, eloquence, education, travel, mental agility, intelligence, wisdom, self-improvement, divination, breaking  negative habits, overcoming addictions, writing.
Colors: Yellow, Grey, Mixed Hues
Planet: Mercury
Metal: Quicksilver, a liquid mercury that contains amounts of the platinum group metals, has been interpreted as the caduceus of the Greek Hermes (Mercury in Roman myth); Zinc
Stones: Agate, Aventurine, Jasper (mottled), Mica, Pumice
Herbs: Almond, Bergamot Mint, Caraway, Dill, Fennel, Lavender, Lemongrass, Lemon Verbena, Peppermint, Thyme
Zodiac: Gemini & Virgo

From Flying The Hedge

This day of the week gets its name from Woden’s Day, an Old English name. It is a direct translation of the Latin term mercurri dies, “day of Mercury.” When they translated the day, they changed to god Mercury to a local god, Woden, so people would understand. This is a great day to work on communications, thought, wisdom, self-expression, and the arts. Also a good day for divination.
Color: Purple, orange
Planet: Mercury
Deities: Odin, Woden, Hermes, Mercury, Athena, Lugh
Crystals: Adventuine, agate
Herbs: Aspen, lilies, lavender, fern
Associations: Business, communication, debt, the arts, transportation, fortune, chance, creativity


The angel Raphael rules this day. He is considered a healing angel, as well as the protector of pilgrims. Interestingly, Wednesday is governed by the planet Mercury. This planet (and the Roman god) is symbolic of travel (pilgrimage), translations and exchange in all kinds of communication.  Raphael and Mercury combined are a super duo when it comes to exchanging ideas, proposals or feelings to other people. This terrific twosome is a great formula for successful travel.  I’m not talking physical travel exclusively.  We can also travel places in our minds, through contemplation or meditation.  Wednesday is a great day for astral travel, international travel, small day trips – and also auspicious for allowing our words to travel fluidly to our higher power (as in prayer/devotionals) and/or communicating with friends, family, co-workers, etc.  Your thoughts and words are best received on this day.

Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence Digest for Friday


Magick Candle

Light a pink candle to connect with your most sensitive and receptive side, harmonizing bonds of friendship and love. Meditating with a pink candle helps relief depression and promotes self-love.

Ruling Deities

Wiccan Goddess Aphrodite Wiccan God Eros Wiccan Goddess Hathor Wiccan Goddess Isis Wiccan Goddess VenusÁine, Eros, Aphrodite, Freyja, Hathor, Isis and Venus are rulers of Fridays.


Aventurine, Emerald, Jade, Rose Quartz, Pink Tourmaline, Peridot.

Carrying these gemstones today can bring success and fulfillment of your goals. Wear them as a talisman or simply keep them close to you to harness their energy.


Drink Hibiscus Tea to enhance your relationship with yourself and others. Hibiscus is an aphrodisiac flower, so it is closely related to love and sex. It has been used to make love potions and charms, as well as medicine.
Note: Expecting mothers should not take Hibiscus.


Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Colors: Aqua, Pink
Keywords: Love, Beauty, Harmony, Affection, Fertility, Romance, Friendship

Fridays are your day if you want to do a spell around love of any kind be it romantic, friendships, family, or self.


Freya’s day
Planet: Venus.
Colours: Green, Light Blue, Pink and Copper tones.
Metal: Copper.
Crystals: JadeLapis LazuliRose QuartzCoralEmeraldMalachite.


Archangel: Haniel
Angel: Anael 

Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence Digest for Thursday

From A Magickal Path

Planet – Jupiter

Spells/Magic – money, prosperity, holiday, travel, business, luck, growth, self improvement, generosity, health, wealth

Magical aspects: controlled optimism, energetic growth, physical well-being, material success, expansion, money/wealth, prosperity, leadership, and generosity.

Oils – lime, magnolia, strawberry, vanilla

plants and trees – sage, nutmeg,oak tree,meadowsweet, hyssop,borage,butterfly weed,clove,dandelion chestnut,maple tree, anise .

Stones – Amethyst, laptis lazuli, sapphire

Colours – blue, metallic colours, green, turquoise, white, purple.

Metal – Tin

Energy Type – Male

Dieties – dedicated to Thor, god of thunder and agricultural work. his parallels in various European Traditions include Zeus, Taranis, Perun, and Perkunas.

Thursday is the best time to deal with such matters as: Business, Gambling, Logic, Social Matters, Political Power, Material Wealth, Publishing, Collage Education, Long Distance Travel, Foreign Interests, Religion, Philosophy, Forecasting, Broadcasting, Publicity, Expansion, Luck, Growth, Sports, Horses, The Law, Doctors, Guardians, Merchants, Psychologists, Charity, Correspondence Courses, Self-improvement, Researching, Reading and Studying.

Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence Digest for Tuesday


Planet: Mars.
Colours: Red and Autumn Shades.
Metal: Iron.
Crystals: RubyGarnetBloodstone, Flint, RhodoniteHematite.

From Ancient Pathway

Magickal Intentions:
Courage, Physical Strength, Revenge, Military Honors, Surgery and the Breaking of Negative Spells, Matrimony, War, Enemies, Prison, Vitality, Assertiveness
Dragon’s Blood
Red Rose
Cock’s Comb
Pink Tourmaline


Planet Mars

Zodiac signs of both Aries and Scorpio, and although Scorpio is a water sign, this day is assigned the elemental correspondence of Fire.

All of these factors lead to a favorable time for energy work, creativity, justice work, spells for assertion—even to the extent of aggression. This would be a great day for any social justice advocacy spells, or even a baneful working if the need calls for it. Also, summoning courage, strength and passion for yourself or someone else would be favorable on this day.

Color orange for any candle magick.

Gods/Goddesses: Mars, the God of War, gives this day that added confrontational vibe. He is a god who takes no crap from anyone. Channeling him to help you tap into the assertive aspect of yourself will be helpful, especially if you are a person who struggles with implementing boundaries.

Angel: Raphael

From – Tuesday’s Angel

Archangel Chamuel is the resonant Angel of Tuesdays.

Known as the angel of love, peace and omniscient vision, she sees the connections between everything and everyone.

She is known for her gift of higher perspective, so if you are stuck in a situation you see no way out of, especially if it involves a relationship, she is your go-to Angel.

She is peaceful, reassuring and incredibly loving. One of her chief functions is assisting us to lead lives of peace and acceptance, especially within loving relationships through the practice of unconditional love.

Archangel Chamuel is often depicted with a heart, the symbol of love, which she uses to remind us of this underlying force of nature which connects us all.  She is here to teach you that with love as your guiding light, you’re capable of breaking through any difficulties, and her presence will help you to resolve any conflict you face.

Invoke her presence and she’ll remind you of your place of belonging – at the heart of your personal world.  She will re-connect you to those you love and bring peace and balance. Archangel Chamual can also be asked for help in reuniting you with people and things you have lost.

Archangel Chamuel resonates with the color pink, with the planet Venus and the number 9.

Chinese Horoscope 2022 – The Year Of The Black Water Tiger

SunSigns.Org presents the Chinese Horoscope 2022 for the year of the Black Water Tiger. A brief idea of the expected events likely to happen in the lives of the 12 Chinese Zodiacs in the lunar year is given below.

The Chinese New Year 2022 of the Water Tiger will begin on February 1st, 2022, and end on January 21st, 2023. The forecast for the 12 animal signs, namely, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Rat, Pig, Dog, Ox, Tiger, and Rabbit, are indicated.

The Chinese astrology 2022 forecast covers the different aspects of life, such as profession, finance, relationships, education, travel, and well-being. In addition to the Chinese Horoscope for 2022, you will also find Feng Shui 2022 predictions for the different Chinese zodiac signs.

2022 Chinese Horoscope: Preview

Rat Horoscope 2022

The Chinese Rat can look forward to the Year 2022 with a lot of transformations. You can also expect some happy news. Professionals should avoid relocation to a new job or place. Business trips will yield handsome profits in August, leading to some losses in September and October 2022. You can improve finances by limiting expenses and by having a strict budget.

Relation with your spouse will be delightful in 2022. Single persons can look forward to new relationships with the probability of marriage. Health will be fragile due to professional stress.

Earth Rat Birth Year: 1948, 2008, Metal Rat Birth Year: 1960, 2020, Water Rat Birth Year: 1972, Wood Rat Birth Year: 1984, Fire Rat Birth Year: 1996

Read Full Rat Horoscope

Ox Horoscope 2022

The year 2022 threatens to be a stressful period for the Ox. You have to make quick decisions on various challenging matters and wait out for the rewards to come. The year is not promising for radical changes as you will face a lot of hostility. Control your anger, and do not poke your nose into other’s affairs.

You can enhance career prospects by improving skills and advanced training in 2022. You can expect a promotion to a senior position. Life for business people will be full of turbulence and turmoil. They have to be patient and allow the confusion to subside. Speculation has no place this year, and you should make savings after due deliberation.

Chinese horoscope 2022 predicts singles will get into promising relationships. Those in confirmed partnerships can expect to get married. Married couples may face some hiccups in their relationships. Health will be fabulous but prone to mishaps. Avoid challenging activities like trekking.

Earth Bull Birth Year: 1949, 2009, Metal Ox Birth Year: 1961, 2021, Water Oxen Birth Year: 1973, Wood Ox Birth Year: 1985, Fire Oxen Birth Year: 1937, 1997

Read Full Ox Horoscope

Tiger Horoscope 2022

The Year of the Black Water Tiger 2022 promises to be a year of transformations. This year is good for making plans for the next twenty years. Professional Tigers looking for improving their prospects by a change of job or self-employment can do so in the first half of the year. Others will support your prompt actions.

Expenses will soar, and saving money might become difficult. Business people should be wary of their staff who can damage the venture. A relationship with your spouse will be volatile, and you must control your anger and avoid quarrels. Singles will be able to get into relationships but should be careful in committing themselves. Health will not pose any problems. If you want to enjoy the year, be modest and diplomatic. Do not get into unnecessary fights over small matters.

Earth Tigers Birth Years: 1938, 1998, Metal Tiger Birth Year: 1950, 2010, Water Tiger Birth Year: 1962, 2022, Wood Tiger Birth Year: 1974, Fire Tiger Birth Year: 1986

Read Full Tiger Horoscope

Rabbit Horoscope 2022

The year 2022 brings different destinies for male and female Chinese zodiac Rabbits. Male Rabbits can look forward to improving their professional prospects through advanced studies or by changing their present jobs. Female Rabbits may face financial losses and are advised to avoid taking risks.

Rabbits will have an enjoyable year with their love partners. They should keep their spouses happy to prevent them from straying. Rabbits can undertake a pleasure trip with their partners at the end of the year of the tiger.

Business people should avoid speculative ventures and unnecessary expenses. They might face a tough time in their workplace and will face a lot of opposition. You should scrutinize investments thoroughly. Chinese horoscope for 2022 foretells that money flow is erratic and irregular. Proper diet and relaxation will be necessary if Rabbits have to maintain their good health.

Earth Rabbits Birth Year: 1939, 1999, Metal Rabbit Birth Year: 1951, 2011, Water Rabbit Birth Year: 1963, 2023, Wood Rabbits Birth Year: 1975, Fire Rabbit Birth Year: 1987

Read Full Rabbit Horoscope

Dragon Horoscope 2022

The Year 2022 will be highly active for the Dragon, and there will be both fortunate and unfortunate events. Their career requires more attention and meticulousness. Initially, there will be hardships, but in the end, you will have a rewarding year. If you want to change your job or start a new business project, the year is promising. Be clear about your goals in a career.

You should maintain cordial relationships with all, and ego has no place in dealing with others. You should solve problems with diplomacy and patience. Finances require deft handling. Expenses will overshoot income, and you have to be careful about financial disasters.

Singles in committed relationships may tie the knot this year. Marital life will be full of ups and downs, and there will be constant bickering. A continuous dialogue will keep the marriage alive. Tragedy in the form of the death of a member may upset family happiness. Health will be disturbed by frequent problems. Relaxation and the right diet will put you on the right track.

Earth Dragon Birth Year: 1988, Metal Dragon Birth Years: 1940, 2000, Water Dragon Birth Year: 1952, 2012, Wood Dragon Birth Year: 1964, 2024, Fire Dragon Birth Year: 1976

Read Full Dragon Horoscope

Snake Horoscope 2022

Destiny will play an essential role in the lives of the Snake during the Year of Tiger 2022. It will be full of strange happenings and minor misfortunes which might stress you unnecessarily. You have to kick your sluggishness and actively involve yourself in starting a new venture. Planning and execution will keep you busy. Female Snakes will do well financially if they have their own business. Professionals will advance in their careers with promotions and salary increases.

Male Snake will be less fortunate. You have to focus on your work and be diplomatic in your dealings with colleagues. Avoid confrontations and be pleased with all. Life will become tolerable if you control your anger and seek the support of others.

Female Snake will have plenty of opportunities to get into short-term romantic alliances. Male Snake will be highly unpredictable in relationships. Married life might be a little turbulent, and frequent communication with your partner will help continue the alliance. Health will be excellent with proper relaxation.

Earth Snake Birth Year: 1989, Metal Snake Birth Year: 1941, 2001, Water Snake Birth Year: 1953, 2013, Wood Snake Birth Year: 1965, 2025, Fire Snake Birth Year: 1977

Read Full Snake Horoscope

Horse Horoscope 2022

The Horse will have to face turbulence and turmoil during 2022. Hence progress in life will be steady and slow. Despite the conflicts, the year will be somewhat pleasant. The first half of the year will be full of obstacles and setbacks. Concentrating on your objectives and overcoming opposition from others will yield results in the second half.

Chinese zodiac 2022 predicts that your career will give small returns despite a lot of hard work. You can make money by investing money. The year is promising for investments. Do not indulge in speculative projects and savings. New romantic partnerships are in the offing. Extramarital affairs will spoil the harmony in married life. You have to be careful in preserving your marital relations. Social life will be stressful with quarrels and loss of trusted friends. Health will be good with minor problems.

Earth Horse Birth Year: 1978, Metal Horse Birth Year: 1990, Water Horses Birth Year: 1942, 2002, Wood Horses Birth Year: 1954, 2014, Fire Horse Birth Year: 1966, 2026

Read Full Horse Horoscope

Sheep Horoscope 2022

Predictions for the Ram for the Tiger Year 2022 suggest riches and recognition. Career people will prosper with the support of friends and with high rewards. You can go abroad to improve your prospects in life. Sheep employees will find new ways to make additional money but should be wary of office politics. Having cordial relationships with all will help you to further your career. Hard work will bring recognition and contentment with financial gains.

Finances will be fabulous during the first half of 2022 for the Chinese goat. Relations may create a few problems in your family atmosphere. Singles will get into love relationships and may end up tying the knot. Married couples tend to experiment. Health will be excellent with minor issues.

Earth Ram Birth Year: 1979, Metal Sheep Birth Year: 1991, Water Goat Birth Year: 1943, 2003, Wood Sheep – Birth Year 1955, 2015, Fire Sheep – Birth Year: 1967, 2027

Read Full Sheep Horoscope

Monkey Horoscope 2022

Chinese forecasts for the Monkey for 2022 indicate that this will be an essential and delightful year. You have to shed your sluggishness and be watchful about attacks from others. Take support from your friends for achieving success in your projects. Do not take any risks and be tolerant in all circumstances.

Finances will show a decline due to large procurements, and money flow should be regulated by having a financial plan. If you are getting into new ventures, go through the provisions of the agreement thoroughly.

Monkey is highly emotional and will disagree over small issues. This will affect your love relationships. Marriages may end up in separation if you are not patient and unnecessarily fight with your partner. Try to develop good relations with your spouse and make efforts to save your marriage. Planning for a child should be done after some thought. Health will be reasonable if you control your depression and excitement.

Earth Monkey Birth Year: 1968, 2028, Metal Monkey Birth Year: 1980, Water Monkey Birth Year: 1992, Wood Monkey Birth Year: 1944, 2004, Fire Monkeys Birth Year: 1956, 2016

Read Full Monkey Horoscope

Rooster Horoscope 2022

The Chinese Horoscope 2022 for Rooster foretells a lively, stimulating, and extremely profitable year. Professionals and business people will have a great year. The year is auspicious for changing jobs for better prospects. People in business can start new ventures. You will achieve your ambitions if you can take care of the opposition in your stride.

Fortunes will fluctuate as money flow will be erratic in the second half of the year. You can overcome these problems with tact and flexibility. Singles will have excellent opportunities for marriage. Married people should desist from extramarital flings. Otherwise, their life will become wretched. Tension will result in health problems, and hence, sufficient relaxation is necessary.

Earth Rooster Birth Year: 1969, 2029, Metal Roosters Birth Year: 1981, Water Rooster Birth Year: 1993, Wood Rooster Birth Year: 1945, 2005, Fire Rooster Birth Year: 1957, 2017

Read Full Rooster Horoscope

Dog Horoscope 2022

Fortunes for the Dog in the Black Water Tiger Year 2022 will be fluctuating, and disaster is waiting to happen. Professionals will face a harsh working environment, and the year is not hopeful for a job change. Financial prospects are not encouraging, and you have to cut expenses to stay afloat.

This will be a good year for students, and advanced studies overseas will be rewarding. Business people can think of putting money into projects abroad. Dogs in the entertainment industry will prosper with new contacts and relationships. Married persons will have a better life, while the family atmosphere may be worrisome with members’ health problems.

Avoid conflict with your spouse and relations, and be strict in yielding to their unreasonable requirements. Health will usually be excellent except for some occasional fluctuations in mood.

Earth Dog Birth Year: 1958, 2018, Metal Dog Birth Year: 1970, 2030, Water Dog Birth Year: 1982, Wood Dog Birth Year: 1994, Fire Dog Birth Year: 1946, 2006

Read Full Dog Horoscope

Pig Horoscope 2022

Life for the Pig can be perilous and ambiguous during the year 2022. You may not be able to control the situation. Be straightforward in dealings and avoid greed. Execute your plans after proper study and analysis. Legal hassles will follow if you are not meticulous before getting into business deals.

The Boar should be prepared for unforeseen financial expenditure in their business activities. It would help if you avoided lending or borrowing money. Be wary of treacherous colleagues. Some of you can expect a sudden windfall from unknown sources. Tone down your targets and be old-fashioned in your ideas.

Life with your spouse will be a little tricky, says the 2022 Chinese horoscope. Singles might not be successful in getting into successful love relationships. Health will be full of minor illnesses and mishaps. Still, with strong determination, persistence, and hard work, you can turn the year 2022 into a gratifying year.

Earth Pig Birth Year: 1959, 2019, Metal Pig Birth Year: 1971, 2031, Water Pig Birth Year: 1983, Wood Boar Birth Year: 1995, Fire Pig Birth Year: 1947, 2007

Read Full Pig Horoscope


January 22 Today in History

Today’s Important Historical Events

1689 Prince William of Orange (future King William III of Britain), summons Convention Parliament to discuss ruling jointly with his wife Mary (daughter of exiled King James II)

1879 Battle of Rorke’s Drift: British garrison of 150 holds off 3,000-4,000 Zulu warriors. Eleven Victoria Crosses and a number of other decorations were awarded to the defenders.

1905 In St Petersburg, Russia, a large demonstration of workers led by Father Gapon, march to the Winter Palace with a petition to the Tsar; troops fire on protesters in what becomes known as ‘Bloody Sunday’

1973 Roe vs Wade: US Supreme Court legalizes most abortions

Today’s Historical Events

Today’s Historical Events in Film and TV

Today’s Historical Events in Music

Today’s Historical Events in Sports

Flashback 2004 Lammas

(This is written for the Northern Hemisphere in 2004. The date of August 7th is wrong for 2022 the Southern or Northern Hemisphere)


Lammas is the first of the harvest festivals, a celebration of ripening grains and grapes. If you celebrate traditionally on the second, the planetary energies offer a for great creative energy, drama, and joy. If you celebrate on the astrologically on August 7 at 15 degrees of Leo, the Moon will aid a ceremony with great magic and mystery.

The Sun is wanning, but still holding sway in the sky. A day of circle dances and foot races will honor the Sun; be certain the music encourages exuberant joy. If you planted wheat in a pot or plot, this is the day to ritually harvest it. Use some to make a Brigid’s cross; save a few stalks to return to the earth as compost next spring and lend continuity from harvest to sowing to harvest.

If corn is your grain of choice, bring ripe ears to the altar and use the husks to make corn dollies for use at Imbolc. Indian corn can be dried, ground, and used in corn bread. Make a fiery incense with dragon’s blood and hot herbs like ginger or galangal. Do a ritual at a sacred spot — a well or tree or sacred hill. Use the colors of green and gold and orange for your altar, and encourage everyone to wear them. The harvest has just begun.

Copyright By K. D. Spitzer in Llewellyn’s Witches’ Datebook 2004 Page 89

Flashback 2004 Imbolc


Celebrate this festival by draping the altar in white and silver. Kepp the entire altar white — white candlesticks, white incense bowls, etc. Represent the Goddess with a figure of a horned cow. If you wear robes in ritual, honor Brigid in her guise as the goddess of the dairy by wearing white. With Neptune lending the glamour to your robes to the Sun this time, as glitter to your robes with sliver and “diamonds.” Let your imagination run wild.

Save snow from the last storm, or use crushed ice, and put it out in bowls on the altar. Scrub clean an old milke bottle or cream jar and fill it with fresh milk; freshly made mozzarella cheese will round out your cakes and ale. Nestle all bowls in the snow.

The planetary energies are particularly favorable this sabbat for working magic for world peace. Place all the candles you’ll be using this year on the altar and start this ritual in the dark — this is, without lights. Add your magic to the returning Sun. Dedicate and consecrate all your candles during this festival of lights, and consecrate your agricultural tools for use in the coming cycle of growth. This is the festival of new beginnings.

Copyright By K. D. Spitzer in Llewellyn’s Witches’ Datebook 2004 Page 39