Spell – Banishing Candle Dressing


Banishing Candle Dressing

This mixture is best used on a black candle (SIDE NOTE: A white candle turned upside can be used as a black candle), but any color will do in a real pinch. The combination of ingredients in this dressing create a strong odor that may be less than pleasant. Remember, its purpose is to repel unwanted energy, people, or things – not to attract them with lovely aromas! You can use this dressing in conjunction with any banishing spell or on its own. You can also dress a black candle and simply sit near it while it burns when you feel negative vibrations or entities are clinging to you.

For anointing, use 1 drop of rosemary oil and 1 drop of tea tree oil. For dry ingredients, use 1 teaspoon dried garlic, 1 teaspoon sea salt, and 1 teaspoon dried onion flakes.

If you feel an unfriendly presence in your space or the lingering energy of a negative situation, you can dress a black candle, place it in a holder (SIDE NOTE: A container that will catch the drips but is fireproof.), and carefully carry it from room to room. As the candlelight permeates all the nooks and crannies of the house, it wards off all undesirable vibrations.

By Kate Freuler in Llewellyn’s Witches’ Datebook 2023 page 81

Banishment Spell

I personally used this spell once about eight years ago and have not heard anything from the person since. I banishes a person, who lives or at least at the time lived in another state, whom I had been friends with for about 3-4 years because the relationship was toxic for my mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. I first tried the everyday routes refusing her phone calls, returning letters unopen, deleting emails without opening them, etc, after telling her not to contact me again more than once. I do not use dark magic at all or gray magic very often, but this was a time for gray magic to be used if I was to have her out of my life completely. After the ashes cooled I put everything, the metal and stones plus ashes into a plastic bag took it to a woods and buried it all except the plastic bag which I threw away in a garbage can that sits on the main street in town. This way nothing was disposed of near my home.
“This is a fire spell for love gone wrong, for ending personal, family or business relationships that you no longer wish to continue. I wrote it years ago as an anti-stalking spell and have not been troubled by or even laid eyes on the spell’s subject since then. To work the spell you will need:
Herbs of protection
An image of the person (photograph, poppet, etc.); something written in their own hand, a lock of hair, a piece of clothing or personal object will also do. [Their full name, if you know it, written on a piece of paper]
Arrange your altar or working surface in your usual way. Raise power and cast a circle. Put everything into a fire proof container-iron cauldron or marble mortar, for instance- and set fire to it as you perform the spell. Add the photograph or a piece of paper with the person;s name on it if you have trouble getting the fire going. It should make a very saisfactory blaze that reduces everything to ashes. If you have a lot of items from this person to get rid of, you can use a bonfire for the spell and feed them all into it. [I used our fireplace outside when I did it].
By the crimson and the gold
By basilisk and bloodstone
By the garlic in the fields
By the poppies and what they yield
Invisibly I make my shield
To direct thee and deflect thee
And keep harm from me.
By dragon’s blood and salamanders
By horses when the hooves strike sparks
By the dragon breathing flames
From the Book of Life I erase thy names
I cut the cords and unlock the chains
I sever all the ties by which we were bound
And with impenetrable walls myself I surround
Against thy power and its source
Against thy evil and its force
Vesta, Pele, Lillth
KAli KAli KAli
I banish thee forever from me
And any harm from thee to me
Doubles back and tables turned
Thou shalt by thyself be burned
Lillth, Vesta, Pele
KAli MA Kali MA
By the power of three times three
I banish thee, I banish thee, I banish thee
I am set free
So mote it be!
The ashes can be buried or washed down a drain. Flush them down a toilet if very angry. Dispose of all objects that connect you to the person: gifts, letters, photographs, and the like. It is especially important to get rid of jewelry. Move if you have to. [Remember I am quoting from a book I don’t really think or believe you have to move.].
Be careful with this spell. It’s permanent, so don’t use it unless you really mean forever. It’s also powerful. The person I used it against had a pregnant wife, and I learned later their child had heart problems. The last I heard of him, he was having a quadruple bypass operation.”
Copyright 2008 by Eileen Holland in her book The Wicca Handbook Pages 141-142