Flashback 2000 Imbolc

Daylight hours are gradually lengthening, and the Earth is beginning to stir. Although she is still in the middle of her winter’s rest, our planet subtly begins to plan. It’s appropriate that this period is represented by Aquarius, an air sign, since all change begins first in the mind. Every new thought or idea is full of raw potential as the Earth is now,nailing for the touch of fire to ignite her new growth period. Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius, and the planet best known for its jurisdiction over the future. This electric energy only looks forward, never back. It is during Imbolc, in fact, as the Sun is passing through Aquarius, that many ideas are born. As we prepare for the upcoming Equinox, then, it’s important to be sure that we’re looking ahead, as Uranus does, with all the electric enthusiasm and genius of Aquarius. Honor the potential of the coming spring by uncovering your gift of prophecy. Whether you use a crystal ball, a dream journal, or another type of predictive tool, prepare for the Equinox in your heart, by understanding how much is possible now.

©️ By Kim Rogers-Gallagher Llewellyn’s Witches’ Datebook 2000 Page 95

Flashback 2000 Lammas

At Lammas, the Sun is at the very peak of Leo, the sign this planet loves above all others. Our star’s warmth is at its most powerful now in the Northern Hemisphere, as it appears directly overhead. At this time, life too, ia at its peak—as are the crops. The ancients celebrated this festival by giving thanks for their first harvest, most especially the grain harvest, even as they accepted the beginning of the God’s descent into the underworld. The myth of the asteroid-Goddess Ceres (Demeter), giver of the grain, also relates to this season. It was now when she would bid her daughter Farwell, since Persephone was obligated to return to the Underworld to rejoin Hades (Pluto). So bereaved was Ceres to see her daughter leave her, she refused to all the Earth to produce grain until her return. At this time,nothing, modern practitioners should be remind of both astrological principles: the fullness of life the Sun brings, and the necessity for rest, as signified by the coming fall.

©️ By Kim Rogers-Gallagher Llewellyn’s Witches’ Datebook 2000 Page 95

Weekly Horoscope Sunday, July 18 to Saturday, July 24, 2021

All Signs

Every year, the Sun travels through all 12 signs. This week the Sun enters Leo to stay for the next four weeks. This energy shift will increase everyone’s desire to party and socialize! Plan vacations, playful times with kids, and put your creative ideas into action. Expect an increased interest in movies, the theatre and flash mob entertainment. However, Leo energy is paradoxical: It’s flamboyant and loves to party; but Leo is also cautious and security conscious. Plan for a fun month ahead — but budget your pennies so you have money left when the Sun enters Virgo. Of course, Oscar Wilde said, “Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination.”

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Twice a year when the Sun is in one of your fellow Fire Signs, (four months before your birthday and afterwards) — you get this lovely boost of energy! You will find your choices are attractive and you’re more likely able to do whatever you want, both at work or socializing. Your life will hum along more smoothly! Romance will shine! Vacations will appeal! Interactions with children will delight! Without question, you are entering a window of enjoyment and fun stimulation. Many options will appear that give you chances to party and socialize and express your creative talents. This is your chance to be yourself! (Lucky you.)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

For the next four weeks, you might face a crisis of sorts. You might find yourself at cross purposes with others, perhaps not intentionally. Expect to be more involved with a parent and have a stronger focus on home and family. Privately, you want to feel that whatever you’re doing is worthwhile. You might be annoyed with anyone who gets in the way of your ability to do this. You will also welcome a chance to cocoon at home or go off by yourself to enjoy some solitude. Quite likely, something will trigger childhood memories for you, making this a good time to benefit from counselling. (“Just relax. Please tell me about your first bank account.”)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

The next four weeks are a favourable time for you because this shift of the Sun is helpful to Gemini. (It occurs twice a year, two months before and after your birthday.) When it happens, it sparks your interest in daily contacts, friends, neighbours and siblings as well as groups to which you belong. You will want to socialize more than usual! You might also want to take up a new study or learn something new, which is something you adore doing. This new energy will also accelerate your daily tempo because you will be more active and involved with doing things that are new and different. It’s a great time for a vacation. It’s also great time for heart-to-heart discussions.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

By nature, you are frugal. You like a bargain and get good value you’re never casual about money. In the next four weeks, your focus on money will be much stronger. You will give more thought to cash flow, earnings and budgeting for the future. While doing so, you will also take a more serious look at your possessions and examine whether or not they serve your needs or whether you are a slave to them! (Let’s face it, you’re a packrat. “I might need this one day.”) The bottom line is this: You want to feel that you are exerting more control over your life through what you own and your assets in general. You’re taking stock.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Ta da! For the next four weeks, the Sun will be in your sign giving you a marvellous boost of energy! Because this is the only time all year this occurs, make the most of it. Naturally, this is the beginning of your new year ahead (your personal year). Therefore, it’s the perfect time to think about what you want to accomplish this year. Ideally, last month you might have defined some goals. If not – do this right now because goals help you achieve things. They give you a sense of purpose. They keep you on track. And they make future decision-making easier. Of course, all Leo knows there are two rules for success: (1) Don’t tell everything you know.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

For the next four weeks, you’re in limbo because your personal year is coming to an end, and yet, your new year is not yet ready to begin. The best way to use this time is to cast a glance back over your shoulder. How well are you doing at the art of living? After you make some important observations (and you are a keen observer), ask yourself how you want your year ahead to be different from last year? Where do you want to make improvements? What do you want to avoid? If you want to evaluate yourself, you have to do so with complete honesty. Anything you refuse to face will continue to be part of your unconscious, hence, your future. What does your report card look like?

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Hands-down, you’re the most social sign in the zodiac. Not only do you enjoy the company of others, you need someone on the other end of your teeter-totter. You will love the four weeks ahead because you can expect to be more involved with friends as well as groups and organizations to which you belong. You might be elected to office or thrust in a leadership position. This is also a good time to see how well you have succeeded in doing what you are doing and also where you have not succeeded. In particular, examine your friends. It’s important to have friends who allow you to be exactly who you are. Do you hang out with quality people? Think about this.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

For the next four weeks, the Sun will travel across the top of your chart. This occurs only once a year and is a marvellous opportunity because it means you are cast in a flattering spotlight that makes you look good to others, especially bosses, parents, VIPs and the police. They’re impressed! Even if you don’t do anything special. (Good lighting is everything.) Admittedly, you will encounter challenges and find yourself at cross purposes with some people, especially bosses and parents. Work with this as skilfully as you can. Think about your career and your standing in the community. Are you going in the direction you want to go? Enjoy the support of a good friend.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You’re entering a delightful four-week window ahead! (This blessing occurs twice a year for you – four months before and four months after your birthday.) It means that life will hum along more easily. Nevertheless, now is the time to firm up affairs and get your ducks in a row. Travel plans will be important. You might be more involved with a foreign country or other cultures. Some of you will also be more involved with higher education, the law and medicine. It’s a good time to take stock and examine what has been working out and what is not working out in order to figure out what it is worth saving for the future. Meanwhile, some will have a romance with a boss.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Two influences are at play in the next month. Travel and a chance to expand your horizons will please you. You will enjoy art exhibits, long pleasurable trips, concerts and anything that is culturally enriching. However, something else will make you more in touch with your personal self. You might notice strong compulsions arising within you. You might be concerned about finances and anything you own jointly with someone else, especially loans and mortgages. A dispute might arise. (Within weeks, this dispute will subside.) Continue to enjoy opportunities to enrich your coffers. Make hay while the Sun shines!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

For the next four weeks, the Sun will be opposite your sign. (This happens only once a year.) If you look at your chart, symbolically, the Sun is now as far away from you as it can get all year, which means you will need more sleep, because the Sun represents your energy. (Go to bed.) However, this polarized position also means that it’s time to bring your affairs to a climax. Admittedly, you might encounter opposition from others, especially superiors or people in authority. It might be tough to fit all the pieces in place. This is the best time all year to examine your closest relationships and more accurately see your role in them.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Ironically, while many signs are gearing up to play and explore vacations and creative outlets, you are getting ready to work hard and get better organized in the next four weeks. Oh yes! You want to feel that you’re working smart – that you’re getting the results for your efforts. This desire to be on top of things will include not only your work, but also embrace your respect for your own health. Basically, you want to strive to make every action count in your personal and your professional life. This is why you might stop some bad habits and encourage healthier ones. (Hey, this never hurts!) Why not be the best version of yourself that you can possibly be?

Click here for Georgia Nicols’ Daily Horoscopes

July 19th Daily Correspondence

Daily Horoscope

Monday, July 19, 2021

Moon Alert

Avoid shopping or making important decisions from 12 noon to 5:30 PM EDT today (9 AM to 2:30 PM PDT). After that, the Moon moves from Scorpio into Sagittarius.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You’re determined to get a lot done today despite the fuzzy influence of the Moon Alert. (See above.) Take care of red-tape details related to shared property and finances but wait until the Moon Alert is over to act.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

If you are cooperative with others today, this day will be easier for you. Meanwhile, during the Moon Alert, don’t agree to anything important and don’t volunteer for anything. Do what you can to alleviate home pressures.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Financial matters, cash flow, earnings and purchases have your attention. Be aware of the Moon Alert today and restrict your spending to food and gas. This is a creative day for writers and those who communicate for a living.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You are empowered because the Sun and Mercury are in your sign. In fact, during the Moon Alert today, you will be very creative, sociable and friendly with others. However, for shopping and financial decisions – wait until the Moon Alert is over.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You have high energy because fiery Mars is still in your sign. Fortunately, Venus is in your sign as well and this will soften your aggressiveness. (They won’t even see you coming.) Cocoon at home today, especially during the Moon Alert.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This is a friendly week! Enjoy schmoozing with others, especially younger people. (Some of you are dabbling in a secret romance.) During the Moon Alert today, make no promises to others and don’t agree to anything important, which you will be tempted to do.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Parents, bosses, teachers and authority figures continue to admire you now, which is why this is the time to make your pitch and go after what you want. However, note the Moon Alert today and avoid asking for anything during that time.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

This week begins with the Moon in your sign, which is an indication that you’re primed to go after what you want. Admittedly, there is a Moon Alert today (see above) during which you might feel adrift and indecisive. Restrict spending to food and gas at that time.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

After the Moon Alert is over today (see above) the Moon will move into your sign and this will give you a slight advantage over all the other signs. Of course, it might make you more emotional than usual. Nevertheless, when the Moon is in your sign (for two days every month) always go after what you want.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Remember that you need more sleep this week. This is a fact. (It happens for four weeks once a year.) If you’re negotiating today or later this week, you have the upper hand, which is good news! However, do not negotiate or agree to anything important during today’s Moon Alert. (See above.)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This will be a productive week for you! Today in particular, bosses, parents, teachers and the police notice you more than usual. (Oops. Be aware.) You must also be aware of the limitations of the Moon Alert today (see above) and agree to nothing important during that time. Don’t shop.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

A playful week! Nevertheless, you’re also keen to work and be productive. Today you want to do something different so that you feel stimulated! However, be aware of the limitations of the Moon Alert (see above). During that time, restrict spending to food and gas.

If Your Birthday Is Today

Actor Jared Padaleki (1982) shares your birthday today. Even though you are cautious and guarded, you are proud, persistent and courageous. Many of you have a mysterious allure that is appealing to others. This is a year of building, construction and hard work for you. You will achieve much. You might literally build in a physical sense. You will certainly introduce more structure into your personal world.

Click here for Georgia Nicols’ Daily Horoscopes

Birthday Horoscope Of People Born On July 19 Zodiac Sign Is Cancer

JULY 19 birthday horoscope predicts that you could be tremendously insightful people. It’s hard to fool someone like you as you are experienced and coupled with your intuition, you’re smarter than the average Crab. People assume that you are a simple person, but in reality, it is a different story altogether.

Because of this, people come to you with their problems. Aside from that, the July 19 birthday characteristics show that you have an odd sense of humor. Your take on some issues that might make you a controversial conversationalist. Those of you born on this day under the Cancer zodiac sign are good people but are sometimes temperamental.With this in mind, you are likely to have some mysterious qualities about you especially since you keep to yourself forecasts the July 19 birthday personality.

The Cancer, according to the July 19th horoscope profile, is understood to be arrogant Crabs. You like adventure, and you are quite impulsive.

Those of you born on this day are courageous but cautious individuals. Loving your freedom, you tend to keep your guards up as you are wise to life and its quirks.

Your birthday astrology analysis says that you can be somewhat vulnerable, but otherwise you are friendly. History has taught you good lessons. Nevertheless, you tend to judge people by your standards that are usually unrealistic for most humans.

In love, Cancer zodiac birthday July 19 personalities can be swept off their feet by someone who is a big-hearted and an accommodating lover. It’s typical for you to possess romantic ideas about a soul mate who is also a nurturer as you can be one.

However, the lead is yours, and there’s no mistake about that. You are normally the one who shares your goals and dreams. According to the July 19th birthday meanings, the way to your heart is through love and loyalty.

There is much to behold by loving a Cancer personality born on July 19th. You like to do things your way as you are highly receptive, gentle, and most considerate in the areas that mean a lot to a lasting relationship in the bedroom.

To hang on to someone such as yourself, a lover must give you space, and in return, you will secure this partnership with pampering and a lifelong friendship. Someone special will certainly appreciate you and your efforts to maintain the relationship. The only drawback to you, Cancer, is that you can procrastinate.

The July 19th astrology analysis predicts that the Cancer’s partner will have to allow for this behavior effectively or you will have to adjust your way of thinking to avoid arguments. It’s such a small price to pay for an otherwise working union.

Let’s talk about the money. Career options for you mean providing you with a purpose. Job satisfaction is the key to fulfilling dreams that you have and dreams of others. You will work very hard to achieve your goals.

The feeling that you get from seeing encouraging faces after you’ve helped them is payment enough. It’s what drives you out of bed each day. However, we know money is essential to survival and most people’s idea of personal success.

If today July 19th is your birthday, a career in investments or banking would prove interesting and perhaps, profitable. As another choice, you could be of assistance to others working the healthcare field. However, you should watch your spending.

Sometimes, you splurge thinking you are saving by making purchases that are on sale. By the time you add it all up, you have spent more than you thought.

Then you realize that you could have saved that money for more important things like the future. I know, you generally don’t start thinking about retirement early in life, but it’s very time it should be of importance.

Your health, according to the July 19 birthday personality traits, can be tied to your general attitude. When you are happy, you glow and often eat better and laugh more. Opposite of that is when you are sad or angry.

Feeling this way, those born on this day are inclined to be grumpy or depressed. You can set yourself up for illness both mentally and physically.

Normally, Cancer birthday personalities are so busy that you don’t need to exercise or diet, but perhaps you need to get away from all the stress and drama. Sleeping on a memory foam mattress in a bed could be the best idea ever to restoring your body, mind, and soul.

What a July 19 birthday says about you is that you are intelligent but funny chatterboxes. If you are born on this day, you will cherish one who is supportive and loyal. You love helping other people, so naturally, you should seek a career in a field closely related to what gives you gratification.

Famous People And Celebrities Born On July 19

LaMarcus Aldridge, Lizzie Borden, Vikki Carr, Robb Flynn, Jon Jones, Jinder Mahal, Phaedra Parks

See: Famous Celebrities Born On July 19

This Day That Year – July 19 In History

1544 – The Siege of Boulogne, the Italian War of 1542 begins
1553 – After nine days, the Queen of England is removed by a 15-year-old, Lady Jane Grey
1692 – More hangings in Salem, MA accused five people of witchcraft
1866 – The Civil Rights Amendment (the 14th Amendment) effective in Tennessee; first to guarantee rights upheld

July 19 Karka Rashi (Vedic Moon Sign)
July 19 Chinese Zodiac SHEEP

July 19 Birthday Planet

Your ruling planet is Moon that symbolizes how we perceive the world and react to different events in our life.

July 19 Birthday Symbols

The Crab Is The Symbol For The Cancer Sun Sign

July 19 Birthday Tarot Card

Your Birthday Tarot Card is The Sun. This card symbolizes positivity and success in all your ventures and relationships. The Minor Arcana cards are Four of Cups and Knight of Wands

July 19 Birthday Zodiac Compatibility

You are most compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign Cancer: This is a heavenly and understanding love match.
You are not compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign LibraThis love relationship will be dull, boring and will not survive without any common interests.

See Also:

July 19 Lucky Numbers

Number 1 – This number signifies inspiration, happiness, instinct, and magnetism.
Number 8 – This number signifies ego, practicality, authority, responsibility, and organization.

Read about: Birthday Numerology

Lucky Colors For July 19 Birthday

Orange: This color stands for flamboyance, joy, brightness, and success.
Yellow: This is a cheerful color that stands for love, warmth, optimism, hope, and concentration.

Lucky Days For July 19th Birthday

Monday – This is the day of Moon that helps you analyze your past and make meaningful decisions based on your instincts.
Sunday – This is the day of Sun that helps you understand your purpose in life and be motivated to achieve your goals.

July 19 Birthstone Pearl

Pearl gemstone boosts your strength, concentration, and mental clarity.

Ideal Zodiac Birthday Gifts For People Born On July 19th

A potted plant for the man and soft cotton blankets for the woman. The July 19 birthday horoscope predicts that you believe in doing a lot of charity-related work.

Click here to read anyone’s birthday horoscope

Moon Goddess’ Current Phase

The Moon’s current phase for today and tonight is a Waxing Gibbous phase. This phase is when the moon is more than 50% illuminated but not yet a Full Moon. The phase lasts about 7 days with the moon becoming more illuminated each day until the Full Moon. During a Waxing Gibbous the moon rises in the east in mid-afternoon and is high in the eastern sky at sunset. The moon is then visible through most of the night sky setting a few hours before sunrise. The word Gibbous first appeared in the 14th century and has its roots in the Latin word “gibbosus” meaning humpbacked.

Visit the July 2021 Moon Phases Calendar to see all the daily moon phase for this month.

Today’s Waxing Gibbous Phase

The Waxing Gibbous on July 19 has an illumination of 73%. This is the percentage of the Moon illuminated by the Sun. The illumination is constantly changing and can vary up to 10% a day. On July 19 the Moon is 9.63 days old. This refers to how many days it has been since the last New Moon. It takes 29.53 days for the Moon to orbit the Earth and go through the lunar cycle of all 8 Moon phases.

The 8 Lunar Phases

There are 8 lunar phases the Moon goes through in its 29.53 days lunar cycle. The 4 major Moon phases are Full Moon, New Moon, First Quarter and Last Quarter. Between these major phases, there are 4 minor ones: the Waxing Crescent, Waxing Gibbous, Waning Gibbous and Waning Crescent. For more info on the Moon Cycle and on each phase check out Wikipedia Lunar Phase page.

From Moongiant.com  You can use this link to go forward or backward in time for Moon phase information. If you are curious you can even find out what phase the Moon was in when you or anyone else, you know was on the date the person was born.

Custom Planetary Positions


Northern Hemisphere

The time for the Custom Planetary Positions is from the local time in Chicago, Illinois, United States of America 

July 19, 2021
01:00 pm GMT 8:00 AM AEST
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)Sun:27 Cancer 05
Moon:25 Scorpio 07
Mercury:12 Cancer 47
Venus:27 Leo 01
Mars:23 Leo 33
Jupiter:00 Pisces 53 Rx
Saturn:11 Aquarius 11 Rx
Uranus:14 Taurus 23
Neptune:23 Pisces 03 Rx
Pluto:25 Capricorn 31 Rx
True Lunar Node:09 Gemini 48
Mean Lunar Node:08 Gemini 18 Rx
Lilith (Black Moon):00 Gemini 08
Chiron:12 Aries 55 Rx
Ceres:26 Taurus 21
Pallas:27 Pisces 39 Rx
Juno:08 Sagittarius 55 Rx
Vesta:00 Libra 07
Eris:24 Aries 47

Southern Hemisphere

The time for the Custom Planetary Positions is from the local time in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 

20 July (19) 2021
10:00 pm GMT 8:00 AM AEST
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)Sun:27 Cancer 26
Moon:00 Sagittarius 32
Mercury:13 Cancer 29
Venus:27 Leo 28
Mars:23 Leo 47
Jupiter:00 Pisces 51 Rx
Saturn:11 Aquarius 10 Rx
Uranus:14 Taurus 24
Neptune:23 Pisces 03 Rx
Pluto:25 Capricorn 31 Rx
True Lunar Node:09 Gemini 48
Mean Lunar Node:08 Gemini 16 Rx
Lilith (Black Moon):00 Gemini 10
Chiron:12 Aries 55 Rx
Ceres:26 Taurus 28
Pallas:27 Pisces 39 Rx
Juno:08 Sagittarius 54 Rx
Vesta:00 Libra 16
Eris:24 Aries 47

f you need to calculate the planetary positions for a specific use and time, click on this link Currentplanetarypositions.com  To figure out GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) to your local time use this link  For Your Local Time and Date

Days of the Week Correspondences


Monday is the day of the moon itself, and it’s a day that’s connected to lunar colors like silver, white, or even a pale blue. Metals and gemstones like silver, pearl, opal, and moonstone all come into play today.

There are plenty of deities associated with the moon—Thoth and Diana for instance—and herbal correspondences include many members of the mint family. Utilize wintergreen or peppermint, as well as catnip, comfrey, sage, and chamomile in your workings.

When it comes to Monday magic, because of that lunar connection, it’s a good time to focus on workings related to childbearing and family life, purity and virginity, healing, wisdom, and intuition. Do a little bit of self-exploration and work on developing your intuition—learn to trust your gut. Celebrate birth and life, and make some magic to fix what is broken.

From Learn Religion


July 18th Daily Correspondence Digest

Daily Horoscope
Sunday, July 18, 2021

Moon Alert

There are no restrictions to shopping or important decisions today. The Moon is in Scorpio.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Keep an eye on banking issues and anything to do with shared property because something unexpected might impact these areas today. The thing to know is what’s happening with your money and your assets so that you are prepared for the unexpected.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Today you are emotionally excitable and impulsive. Or perhaps you will encounter someone who is like this? You might have to go out of your way to appease someone even if they seem to be unreasonable. What you want to achieve is peace and cooperation.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Something might disrupt your work today. Equipment failure is possible or a glitch with a computer. Pet owners should also be extra mindful because something unexpected could happen. You might also have surprising news that is health-related.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Parents should be vigilant because this is an accident-prone day for their kids. Social plans might also suddenly change today. Planned events might be cancelled or delayed or conversely, you might receive an unexpected invitation to go somewhere?

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Your home routine will be interrupted today. A small appliance might break down or a minor breakage could occur. Perhaps someone unexpected will knock on your door? Meanwhile, be patient with family members so that you can keep the peace. (You might buy unusual art for your home.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Pay attention to everything you say and do because this is an accident-prone day for your sign. However, this same influence can suddenly trigger new and unusual events. You might meet new people, see new faces, go to new places and have clever, new ideas?

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Keep an eye on your money. For example, you might find money or you might lose money today. Check restaurant bills and protect your possessions today. Guard what you own against loss, theft or damage. (Relax; if you are proactive and protect your things – all is well.)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Because you seek excitement and stimulation, you might attract people who are quite different from your usual crowd today. You might also trigger an event with someone just because you want to “poke the bear” to see what happens. Be careful what you wish for.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This is a restless day for you. You have that feeling that you’re waiting for the other shoe to drop. Fortunately, this is a fleeting influence related to the Moon, which is very fast moving. This restless quality will be gone by tomorrow. Relax and take it easy.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

A friend might surprise you today or you might meet someone who is a real character. Or perhaps you are surprised by the activities of a group or your interactions with a group? This will not be a boring day because your interactions with others are unpredictable. Steady as she goes.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Be patient with parents, bosses and the police because they might do something that catches you off guard today. Obviously, whatever happens, you have to think about the appropriate response so that you get the results that you want. Guard against “knee-jerk” reactions because they very rarely bring good results.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Travel plans will suddenly change today. This means that scheduled plans might be cancelled or changed or alternatively, you might suddenly have to travel when you did not expect to do so. Likewise, you might meet someone unusual from another culture. You might also have a chance to take a course or learn something new.

If Your Birthday Is Today

Actress Kristen Bell (1980) shares your birthday today. You are energetic and forceful. You are also compassionate and caring; nevertheless, you’re not afraid to make a first move. Issues matter for you! This year the pace will be faster. It’s a happier year for you; and it’s also a year of a major choice. You will be candid with others because you’ve decided it’s time to speak your truth.

Click here for Georgia Nicols’ Daily Horoscopes

Birthday Horoscope Of People Born On July 18

Zodiac Sign Is Cancer

JULY 18 birthday horoscope predicts that your zodiac sign is Cancer who are cheerful, energetic and independent people. Usually, you are determined and focused on how to make a success of your life. You live life on your terms and have a clear and sharp mind.

The 18th birthday personality traits show you to be friendly, loyal and sensitive. Mainly, you are tactful but tend to be moody.
When it comes to your freedom, you protect it with all measures. The emotions of a Crab can be easily hurt as you love genuinely. Most of you are optimistic yet practical.According to the July 18th horoscope analysis, you can be cooperative and sympathetic to friends. They come to you because you have an open mind and are truth-seeking. Often, your intuitive skills are on point, and you know just what to say.
Let’s talk about romance. Your zodiac love compatibility analysis predicts for those born under this zodiac sign, love is important. You are inclined to have lots of love to give someone who is romantically involved with you.

A lasting relationship will be one that is loving, equal and private! As a Crab, you seem to take an idealistic approach to romance and are typically disappointed when a relationship doesn’t work out. This makes you a bit cautious the next time, but before long, you are on to another love interest.
If today July 18 is your birthday, all you want is to have somebody that will share your dreams and be caring. It’s not a lot to ask a person who will commit to you, but you are likely to have a healthy sex drive.

However, sex is not something that you take lightly. It’s the art of making love, showing your love and being loved that you find enjoyable.
As the July 18 birthday astrology predicts you can be powerful, but you will surely have some mood swings. Usually, you will keep your feelings to yourself. This is not healthy for you or the relationship.
You’re so independent that you feel that if you talk about your imperfections, people will see you as being weak. Not so! Everybody has their “things,” and so do you. It’s only human. Nobody is born perfect in this world.

You will need to honest with those who care about you, warns the July 18 birthday analysis. Although you may be moody, you are a nature lover and have a pleasant attitude. You love being in love and want the relationship to grow and to last.
The July 18th horoscope meanings predict that if you were born on this date, you like competing and being mentally challenged. You love it when you have accomplished something that others could not. Most people think that you are an opportunist, but this can be a good thing.

Who doesn’t want to change their lives for the better? You dream of the happy family, white picket fence, and a dog it’s the American dream. And since you are dreaming, why not make it enjoyable. It just may come true, but you have to work toward it!
Generally, your career choice is based on your need to feel valuable and helpful. Nonetheless, you are better suited to positions that offer continuous stimulation and freedom. You prefer to use your creative skills and set your own pace.

According to the July 18 birthday personality, you are not a gambler, but you will take a risk on something that could prove to be profitable but with very little to lose. Normally though, you stick to your budget and savings plan.
The health of a Cancer birthday personality is naturally good. You have to be careful though because you carry a lot of burdens and it could weigh you down. This could affect your health.
As the July 18 birthday characteristics suggest, it would be beneficial to Cancerians to say no sometimes. You don’t need to burn valuable energy getting upset over things beyond your control.

Anger can find its way to harm your body, and although you eat right, it still could have adverse effects. So take deep breaths, count and relax! (For advice on keeping your mind fit, see these mental fitness exercises for help.)
The July 18 zodiac says that you are friendly, dependable and fair people. You maintain a certain degree of focus and determination. All you want is to be loved and to be successful.
Sometimes, you take on too much being as active and caring as you are. However, everyone can’t have superhero strength. Take a mental break by relaxing on a beach and enjoy a sweet, cool beverage. Take care of yourself, Cancer you deserve the best.

Famous People And Celebrities Born On July 18

Kristen Bell, James Brolin, Vin Diesel, John Glenn, Nelson Mandela, Ricky Skaggs, Wendy Williams
See: Famous Celebrities Born On July 18

This Day That Year – July 18 In History

1536 – England affirms pope’s authority in England
1716 – Jews excluded from Brussels
1872 – Secret voting is official in Britain
1913 – After many efforts, Christy Mathewson walks after 68 straight innings.
July 18 Karka Rashi (Vedic Moon Sign)
July 18 Chinese Zodiac SHEEP

July 18 Birthday Planet

Your ruling planet is Moon that symbolizes your sentiments and how they are responsible for your daily activities.

July 18 Birthday Symbols

The Crab Is The Symbol For The Cancer Sun Sign

July 18 Birthday Tarot Card

Your Birthday Tarot Card is The Moon. This card symbolizes risks, misunderstandings, chaos, and confusion. The Minor Arcana cards are Four of Cups and Knight of Wands

July 18 Birthday Zodiac Compatibility

You are most compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign Pisces: This can be a happy, idealistic and satisfying relationship that will last a lifetime.
You are not compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign Taurus: This relationship will be an obstinate, arrogant and dominating match.
See Also:

Cancer Zodiac Compatibility

Cancer And Pisces

Cancer And Taurus

July 18 Lucky Numbers

Number 9 – This number represents freedom, broad vision, compassion, loyalty, universal protection.
Number 7 – This number signifies wisdom, intelligence, ambition, confidence, and patience.
Read about: Birthday Numerology

Lucky Colors For July 18 Birthday

Red: This color stands for intensity, excitement, vibrancy, passion and high energy.
White: This is a calming color that represents simplicity, new beginnings, cleanliness, and perfection.

Lucky Days For July 18th Birthday

Monday – This is the day of Moon that signifies your response to situations in life and how your emotions affect your decision-making skills.
Tuesday – The day of planet Mars that stands for passion, forcefulness, rashness, and rivalry.

July 18 Birthstone Pearl

Your lucky gemstone is Pearl which symbolizes healing powers, promotes happiness and said to keep you youthful.

Ideal Zodiac Birthday Gifts For People Born On July 18th

A hassle-free blender for the man and stone therapy sessions for the woman. The July 18 birthday horoscope predicts that jokes and puzzles make you happy.

Click here to read anyone’s birthday horoscope

Moon Goddess’ Current Phase

The Moon’s current phase for today and tonight is a Waxing Gibbous phase. This phase is when the moon is more than 50% illuminated but not yet a Full Moon. The phase lasts about 7 days with the moon becoming more illuminated each day until the Full Moon. During a Waxing Gibbous the moon rises in the east in mid-afternoon and is high in the eastern sky at sunset. The moon is then visible through most of the night sky setting a few hours before sunrise. The word Gibbous first appeared in the 14th century and has its roots in the Latin word “gibbosus” meaning humpbacked.
Visit the July 2021 Moon Phases Calendar to see all the daily moon phase for this month.

Today’s Waxing Gibbous Phase

The Waxing Gibbous on July 18 has an illumination of 62%. This is the percentage of the Moon illuminated by the Sun. The illumination is constantly changing and can vary up to 10% a day. On July 18 the Moon is 8.53 days old. This refers to how many days it has been since the last New Moon. It takes 29.53 days for the Moon to orbit the Earth and go through the lunar cycle of all 8 Moon phases.

The 8 Lunar Phases

There are 8 lunar phases the Moon goes through in its 29.53 days lunar cycle. The 4 major Moon phases are Full Moon, New Moon, First Quarter and Last Quarter. Between these major phases, there are 4 minor ones: the Waxing Crescent, Waxing Gibbous, Waning Gibbous and Waning Crescent. For more info on the Moon Cycle and on each phase check out Wikipedia Lunar Phase page.

From Moongiant.com 

You can use this link to go forward or backward in time for Moon phase information. If you are curious you can even find out what phase the Moon was in when you or anyone else, you know was on the date the person was born. 


Custom Planetary Positions 

Northern Hemisphere

The time for the Custom Planetary Positions is from the local time in Chicago, Illinois, United States of America.

July 18, 2021
06:00 pm GMT 12:00 PM CDT
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)Sun:26 Cancer 19
Moon:13 Scorpio 47
Mercury:11 Cancer 18
Venus:26 Leo 04
Mars:23 Leo 03
Jupiter:00 Pisces 57 Rx
Saturn:11 Aquarius 15 Rx
Uranus:14 Taurus 22
Neptune:23 Pisces 04 Rx
Pluto:25 Capricorn 32 Rx
True Lunar Node:09 Gemini 47
Mean Lunar Node:08 Gemini 20 Rx
Lilith (Black Moon):00 Gemini 03
Chiron:12 Aries 56 Rx
Ceres:26 Taurus 06
Pallas:27 Pisces 41 Rx
Juno:08 Sagittarius 59 Rx
Vesta:29 Virgo 47
Eris:24 Aries 47

Southern Hemisphere

The time for the Custom Planetary Positions is from the local time in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

The date in ( ) is because we post this from the Northern Hemisphere. So this post goes live at 7:00 AM AEST on the date that appears before the month. The date inside the ( ) is the date we had to use to get the right time for the Southern Hemisphere. This is why the GMT time is at at 9:00 PM.

19 July (18) 2021
07:00 pm GMT 7:00 AM AEST
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)Sun:26 Cancer 22
Moon:14 Scorpio 22
Mercury:11 Cancer 23
Venus:26 Leo 07
Mars:23 Leo 05
Jupiter:00 Pisces 57 Rx
Saturn:11 Aquarius 14 Rx
Uranus:14 Taurus 22
Neptune:23 Pisces 04 Rx
Pluto:25 Capricorn 32 Rx
True Lunar Node:09 Gemini 47
Mean Lunar Node:08 Gemini 20 Rx
Lilith (Black Moon):00 Gemini 03
Chiron:12 Aries 56 Rx
Ceres:26 Taurus 07
Pallas:27 Pisces 40 Rx
Juno:08 Sagittarius 59 Rx
Vesta:29 Virgo 48
Eris:24 Aries 47

If you need to calculate the planetary positions for a specific use and time, click on this link Currentplanetarypositions.com  To figure out GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) to your local time use this link  For Your Local Time and Date 

Days of the Week Correspondences


Sunday is associated with the colors yellow and gold, which shouldn’t be surprising—it’s the day of the sun. Because of this planetary association, this is a day that’s also connected to solar deities like Helios and Ra. Interestingly, in some Celtic traditions, Brighid’s day is Sunday as well.

When it comes to crystal use, Sunday is related to quartz crystals and diamonds, as well as the yellowish hues of carnelian and amber. For herbs and plants in magical workings, use marigolds, sunflowers, or cinnamon.

What kind of magic is best performed on Sunday? Well, it’s a day that generally has many associations—agriculture, beauty, hope, victory, self-expression, and creativity are all connected to this particular day. Plant or harvest something new (not just material crops, but metaphysical ones as well), create something from nothing and prepare to win at everything.

From Learn Religions

Basic Altar Set Up


One example of a simple, basic altar.

This is one way of setting up a simple altar for Spellwork and rituals being done in a sacred circle. Some Witches leave their altars set up at all times and some do not. It is a personal choice whether you do or not. You can set your altar on a table, the floor anywhere you can walk completely around it to make your sacred circle. As you get more comfortable on your path it will reflect in how you do your altar and what you put on it.

We will start at the top or North/element of Earth – here you need a bowl of dirt or regular table salt or stones or a piece of wood or a green candle.

Next going clockwise (dorsal) is East/element of Air – here you need incense or feathers (real ones not store bought ones) or a yellow candle.

Moving to the bottom is South/element of Fire – here you need either a red or orange candle or a lighter or some matches. The above illustration shows a charcoal burner, but you don’t need that yet and it might be you never use one.

Next is West/element of Water – here you need a bowl of water or some sea shells or a statue of some kind of sea or ocean life or a blue candle.

For Spirit, they have a God and Goddess candle. You can also use a statue or something that to you show the element of Spirit and you can put just one thing in either between Water and Earth or Between Earth and Air.

At this point, you might not have a wand or Athame (ceremonial knife) yet which is fine. So do even concern yourself with that part of this above illustration. If you do have one then place them as shown on the altar.

You should have one taper candle that you have inscribed your name on, this is your personal candle. You need to cleanse it before inscribing it of all energy but your own (there is a post up on here about how to do that) If you have an Atheme use that to do the inscription. If not a favorite sharp kitchen knife will work. It sets on the altar one side of Fire or the other. It should be on the side your power hand is on. Your power hand is the one you write with. You will use it to light the incenses and/or other candles on the altar from.

Have your Book of Shadows and something to write with; with you always when doing Spellwork and/or a ritual so you can either read the spell or ritual from it or want to write down something that happened in your circle. This sets on the opposite side of Fire from your personal candle.

Copyright 2015 Lady Beltane

July 16th Daily Correspondence Digest

Daily Horoscope Friday, July 16, 2021

Moon Alert

There are no restrictions to shopping or important decisions today. The Moon is in Libra.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You will be more emotional than usual expressing yourself in your most personal relationships today. (Marriage, friendships and even enemies.) This means no matter what happens – a friendly exchange or a conflict – it will be emotionally charged! Guard against “knee-jerk” reactions.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Today you have to put your own emotional considerations second to the welfare or the demands of someone else. This doesn’t mean you have to play the martyr game but it does mean that something will take precedence over your own needs today. Stay chill.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Today you are wearing your heart on your sleeve! Romance, flirtations and fun times with others will appeal, and you won’t conceal your delight and your feelings! (Relations with women will improve today.) You might also feel extra protective and nurturing to others, especially children.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You might want to cocoon at home today because you will enjoy relaxing among familiar surroundings. A conversation with a female relative could be significant. You might see how much your life is controlled by your daily habits. (Ditto for all of us.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You’re very keen to communicate to others today. You want to go out to see people and also to be seen. In conversation with someone, you want a true bonding – something honest and real. You don’t want to waste time on superficial, chitchat. You want a genuine exchange.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Today it’s easy to identify with your possessions or whatever you value. This is why you might have a strong attachment to something. You certainly won’t want to lend it to someone. Or in terms of your values, you might find you are defending yourself in an area where there is really nothing at stake.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Today the Moon is in your sign, for the second day. (It’s in your sign for two days every month.) This will heighten your emotions and give you a stronger need to belong to others and relate to them. The good news is the Moon in your sign will slightly improve your good luck!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Today the Moon is hiding in your chart, which means likewise, you will be tempted to withdraw and keep your feelings secret. You will value your privacy and not feel much like socializing. You might want to explore mystical or spiritual disciplines. (The tarot?)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You will feel more protective to a friend or more nurturing today. This is because your emotional contact with others, especially friends and groups, is more important to you today. You might even feel jealous, if a friend pays more attention to someone else. (An Othello moment.)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Regardless of what you are doing, you are more high viz. today, which means other people notice you more than usual. In fact, some people will be talking about you, especially about personal details concerning your private life. (Like what’s with that?) Do you need to do some damage control?

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

At a subtle level today, you long for adventure! You want something different and exciting to happen because you need some stimulation in your life. If you cannot travel, you might enjoy a mental journey through study or film or a discussion with someone else.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Today your emotional experiences will be more intense than usual. This includes your interactions with friends, family members and even the general public. You might feel possessive about property or something that holds memories from your past. (“My precious!”)

If Your Birthday Is Today

Actress Rosa Salazar (1985) shares your birthday today. You are warm and sociable but sometimes shy. You’re very intuitive and an accurate judge of other people’s character. You are a firm believer in the power of positive thinking. This year you are at the beginning of a new nine-year cycle, which means everything is up for grabs. Be courageous and flexible. Open any door!

Click here for Georgia Nicols’ Daily Horoscopes

Birthday Horoscope Of People Born On July 16 Zodiac Sign Is Cancer

JULY 16 birthday horoscope reports that your ability to read people lends you a fascinating quality. Generally speaking, your instincts are baffling with accuracy but remain very approachable. You believe in perfection in whatever task you undertake.

Those born on this birthday July 16 can be cheery Crabs that enjoy being in love. A fair and sometimes bashful personality, you take life as a learning experience.
You are quick, enthusiastic and insightful. A daydreamer by default, you tend to believe in the power of positive thinking.The July 16th birthday personality characteristics say that most of the Cancer’s interest is spiritual as you are quite receptive and perhaps, prophetic.
You are sharp and could be secure in a lasting relationship. The idea of a permanent relationship only complements your goals and aspirations.

According to the July 16th horoscope, you want to be firmly planted in love before investing in the things that are marital. You will just not marry for the sake or marrying.
Your birthday meanings also suggest that you tend to love hard. The best partner for someone born on this day is a person who is easy-going, loving and confident.
In other words, someone who would mirror the Cancer’s qualities and aspirations would be an excellent partner. You also have a side that is private and a partner who would understand your need for space and time alone would be the best for you.

Otherwise, you can change like the wind. Sometimes, you are inclined to be emotional, and you put your everything into a relationship that you are serious about. Other times, you are playful and understanding. The thought of having a family is something very desirable.
The July 16 astrology analysis predicts that when it comes to money and a profession, a Cancer personality is usually very devoted to securing a stable home front. The right job can only be one that provides care for others, as you like to help people.

You naturally feel the need to help people. On the other hand, you are creative and could pursue a career that has significance to the arts. The July 16 birthday characteristics show that you can live a lavish life but prefer to live a modest and debt-free life. Money in the bank is more important to you than blowing it on frivolous things.
Professional health care advice would be to go and see one. While you do not like visiting the doctor, it can be a lifesaver. Normally, those born on July 16 are healthy individuals, but a yearly physical would be beneficial, as we do not always have symptoms of diseases that can have damaging effects.

Even the way you think can cause adverse reactions in your bodily functions. When you have time alone, Cancer should look forward and not to the past. Dwelling in troublesome and unchanging situations gets you nowhere mentally but physically; you could end up going to the doctor unwillingly.

The July 16th birthday personality traits show that you can read people. This quality suggests that you are a person that is mysterious. Those born on this day are Cancer birthday personalities you like being in love. Even in love, you still need your privacy.

Being somewhat of an introvert, you still want to help people. Perhaps, you take on too much, and in doing so, you can make yourself sick. Stress has its way of rearing its ugly head in the way of headaches and sleepless nights. Normally, the July 16 zodiac person should keep routine appointments with their physicians.

Famous People And Celebrities Born On July 16

Joe Jackson, Rain Pryor, Orville Redenbacher, Ginger Rogers, Barry Sanders, Alexandra Shipp, Barbara Stanwyck
See: Famous Celebrities Born On July 16

This Day That Year – July 16 In History

1755 – Harvard has new graduate. John Adams receives a degree.
1894 – Japan and England sign Treaty of Aoki-Kimberley
1909 – No scores in this game between Detroit and Washington
1960 – Record numbers in attendance at the Brazil-Uruguay World Cup soccer games. Over 200,000 tickets sold.
July 16 Karka Rashi (Vedic Moon Sign)
July 16 Chinese Zodiac SHEEP

July 16 Birthday Planet

Your ruling planet is Moon which symbolizes a person’s feelings towards others, imagination, and emotional makeup.

July 16 Birthday Symbols

The Crab Is The Symbol For The Cancer Zodiac Sign

July 16 Birthday Tarot Card

Your Birthday Tarot Card is The Tower. This card signifies some major event that will occur in your life which will have life-changing consequences. The Minor Arcana cards are Four of Cups and Knight of Wands

July 16 Birthday Zodiac Compatibility

You are most compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign Aquarius: This relationship is a playful one in which you are friends first before being lovers.
You are not compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign Libra: A relationship that can get boring without some spice in it.
See Also:

Cancer Zodiac Compatibility

Cancer And Aquarius

Cancer And Libra

July 16 Lucky Numbers

Number 5 – This number stands for new experiences, adventure, motivation, curiosity, and progress.
Number 7 – This number symbolizes a knowledge seeking an individual who might be a loner but is in search of spiritual awakening.
Read about: Birthday Numerology

Lucky Colors For July 16 Birthday

Cream: This is a calming color that represents intellect, quietness, richness, and elegance.
Blue: This color stands for freedom, passion, stability, and loyalty.

Lucky Days For July 16th Birthday

Monday – This weekday is ruled by planet Moon. It symbolizes your general behavior, harmony, caring for others and how you perceive things.

July 16 Birthstone Pearl

Pearl gemstone is a symbol of clarity in thinking, peaceful relationships and general happiness.

Ideal Zodiac Birthday Gifts For People Born On July 16th

Cooking lessons for the Cancer man and a set of good steak knives for the woman. The July 16 birthday horoscope shows that you have strong intuitive powers.

Click here to read anyone’s birthday horoscope

Moon Goddess’ Current Phase

The Moon’s current phase for today and tonight is a Waxing Crescent Phase. A Waxing Crescent is the first Phase after the New Moon and is a great time to see the features of the moon’s surface. During this phase the Moon can be seen in the wester sky after the sun dips below the horizon at sunset. The moon is close to the sun in the sky and mostly dark except for the right edge of the moon which becomes brighter as the days get closer to the next phase which is a First Quarter with a 50% illumination.

Visit the July 2021 Moon Phases Calendar to see all the daily moon phase for this month.

Today’s Waxing Crescent Phase

The Waxing Crescent on July 16 has an illumination of 40%. This is the percentage of the Moon illuminated by the Sun. The illumination is constantly changing and can vary up to 10% a day. On July 16 the Moon is 6.4 days old. This refers to how many days it has been since the last New Moon. It takes 29.53 days for the Moon to orbit the Earth and go through the lunar cycle of all 8 Moon phases.

The 8 Lunar Phases

There are 8 lunar phases the Moon goes through in its 29.53 days lunar cycle. The 4 major Moon phases are Full Moon, New Moon, First Quarter and Last Quarter. Between these major phases, there are 4 minor ones: the Waxing Crescent, Waxing Gibbous, Waning Gibbous and Waning Crescent. For more info on the Moon Cycle and on each phase check out Wikipedia Lunar Phase page.

From Moongiant.com 

You can use this link to go forward or backward in time for Moon phase information. If you are curious you can even find out what phase the Moon was in when you or anyone else, you know was on the date the person was born. 

Custom Planetary Positions

Northern Hemisphere

The time for the Custom Planetary Positions is from the local time in Chicago, Illinois, United States of America.

July 16, 2021
09:00 pm GMT 4:00 PM CDT
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:24 Cancer 32
Moon:17 Libra 25
Mercury:07 Cancer 57
Venus:23 Leo 48
Mars:21 Leo 53
Jupiter:01 Pisces 06 Rx
Saturn:11 Aquarius 23 Rx
Uranus:14 Taurus 19
Neptune:23 Pisces 05 Rx
Pluto:25 Capricorn 35 Rx
True Lunar Node:09 Gemini 46 Rx
Mean Lunar Node:08 Gemini 26 Rx
Lilith (Black Moon):29 Taurus 50
Chiron:12 Aries 56 Rx
Ceres:25 Taurus 29
Pallas:27 Pisces 43 Rx
Juno:09 Sagittarius 10 Rx
Vesta:29 Virgo 00
Eris:24 Aries 47

Southern Hemisphere

The time for the Custom Planetary Positions is from the local time in Melbourne, Victoria, Australi


17 July 2021
06:00 am GMT 4:00 PM AEST
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:24 Cancer 54
Moon:22 Libra 38
Mercury:08 Cancer 36
Venus:24 Leo 15
Mars:22 Leo 07
Jupiter:01 Pisces 04 Rx
Saturn:11 Aquarius 21 Rx
Uranus:14 Taurus 20
Neptune:23 Pisces 05 Rx
Pluto:25 Capricorn 35 Rx
True Lunar Node:09 Gemini 46 Rx
Mean Lunar Node:08 Gemini 25 Rx
Lilith (Black Moon):29 Taurus 53
Chiron:12 Aries 56 Rx
Ceres:25 Taurus 37
Pallas:27 Pisces 42 Rx
Juno:09 Sagittarius 07 Rx
Vesta:29 Virgo 09
Eris:24 Aries 47

If you need to calculate the planetary positions for a specific use and time, click on this link Currentplanetarypositions.com  To figure out GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) to your local time use this link  For Your Local Time and Date

Days of the Week Correspondences


July 15th Daily Correspondence Digest

Birthday Horoscope Of People Born On July 15 Zodiac Sign Is Cancer

JULY 15 birthday horoscope shows that you are affected by the moon which can determine what kind of day or life a Cancer zodiac sign person will have. Those born on this day can be easily influenced. The July 15 birthday personality can be happy if they would let go of the past. Holding on to troubling issues will only make your future difficult.

There may be something in your past that seems to stay with you. Although you spend much time thinking about it, you haven’t learned that it truly affects you, your friends and family. It could very well affect your children.

The Cancer, according to the July 15th horoscope, loves family gatherings and wants to have a close relationship with the family. Nonetheless, you are a good person with a charismatic personality.
The birthday love compatibility analysis predicts that for you romance is only preceded by marriage. The two just come hand in hand. You are an extraordinarily affectionate Crab who has a normal sex drive unlike some of the others born on this day.

Those born on this day look for a partner to be as smart as you are even above average. If you were a woman, the chances are that you are headstrong, possibly unrealistic. The July 15 birthday analysis goes on to say that you may not even be domesticated.
The July 15th zodiac predicts that you are prone to have strong family connections and will more than likely work to achieve a comfortable lifestyle for you and your family. You spend a lot of time and money on making your place of dwelling comfortable.

For someone born on this day, July 15, achieving personal success is paramount, but the ultimate focus is on the future. Since you are normally a self-reliant Crab, you have loads of determination, and you set goals as your creative mind allows you to come up with some rousing ideas.
It is suggested that many of your family members favor a particular profession and may own their businesses as a result. You have the talent for speaking or communicating. According to the July 15 birthday personality, you would make an excellent customer service manager or any profession that will allow you to use your people skills.

Whichever career you choose, it should provide enough stimulation to keep you interested as you can’t stand to do nothing. You got to keep it moving at a productive pace as there isn’t any financial security in idleness. However, “new” money goes fast… so be careful with how you spend it.
When you speak in general about July 15 Cancer birthday health, you may say that they are in good physical condition. You personalities are driven by a desire to succeed.

You are always going somewhere and doing something. It, in turn, helps to keep those unwanted pounds off you. However, when you find yourself being bothered with headaches and such, it’s time to slow down.
Maybe you’ve been so busy that you hadn’t had a proper meal in weeks. Believe it or not, when we don’t get our proper rest or eat right, it can affect our performance or even our attitudes.

The July 15 astrology says that perhaps it is your nature to be helpful to others, but you can’t take on their problems. You should take time for yourself. Make some appointments for a makeover or spa day. It’ll do you good.
The July 15 birthday meanings suggest that you can be happy if you would deal with issues of the past. Those issues could be holding you back from reaching your full potential of being a parent or a well paid professional.

Typically, you are easily influenced and will likely follow in the footsteps of your family’s business. Those born on this day are Crabs that don’t take excellent care of themselves.

Famous People And Celebrities Born On July 15

Eddie Griffin, Jim Jones, RembrandtLinda Ronstadt, Adam Savage, Jesse VenturaForest Whitaker

See: Famous Celebrities Born On July 15

This Day That Year – July 15 In History

1538 – Karel and King Francios I have peace talks
1830 – A peace treaty signed by the Sioux, Sauk and Fox communities assigns Minnesota, Iowa, and Missouri over to the US.
1914 – Mexico’s president Huerta runs off to Europe with approximately 2mil in pesos
1929 – Oakland, Ca responsible for an opening first airport hotel

July 15 Karka Rashi (Vedic Moon Sign)
July 15 Chinese Zodiac SHEEP

July 15 Birthday Planet

Your ruling planet is Moon that symbolizes how our emotions manifest in our daily lives.

July 15 Birthday Symbols

The Crab Is The Symbol For The Cancer Zodiac Sign

July 15 Birthday Tarot Card

Your Birthday Tarot Card is The Devil. This card symbolizes situations in life where you need to tread with care or else you will get caught in a trap. The Minor Arcana cards are Four of Cups and Knight of Wands

July 15 Birthday Zodiac Compatibility

You are most compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign Capricorn: This is a great love match.
You are not compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign Aquarius: This relationship will be an upsetting one.

See Also:

July 15 Lucky Numbers

Number 4 – This number stands for determination, an eye for details, perfection, disciplined and seriousness.
Number 6 – This number symbolizes balance, economy, conscientiousness, and curiosity.

Read about: Birthday Numerology

Lucky Colors For July 15 Birthday

Green: This color signifies abundance, stability, harmony, and confidence.
Cream: This color signifies grounding, richness, warmth, and purity.

Lucky Days For July 15th Birthday

Monday – This day is ruled by Moon and symbolizes nurturing, moods, feelings, and patience.
Friday – This day ruled by Venus and signifies joy, imagination, relationships, and pleasure.

July 15 Birthstone Pearl

Pearl is a healing gemstone that can be used to have a purifying effect on your mind and soul.

Ideal Zodiac Birthday Gifts For People Born On July 15th

A meal planning software for the Cancer man and a handmade journal for the woman. The July 15 birthday horoscope predicts that you have an enigma that attracts people towards you.

Click here to read anyone’s birthday horoscope

Daily Horoscope

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Moon Alert

After 10:45 AM EDT today (7:45 AM PDT) there are no restrictions to shopping or important decisions. The Moon is in Libra.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Today you feel sympathetic with a family member, especially a parent. Something within you feels the need to help a relative or listen to their concerns. Or you might want to cocoon at home and contemplate your navel.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Today you are more sensitive to your environment. You might wish that you could make improvements or help to make things better. You might also be lost in a fantasy world today and spend time daydreaming.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

When it comes to money and your possessions today, one of two extremes might occur. You might want to share what you have with someone who is less fortunate. Or, you might want to spend money on gorgeous, luxurious items. It’s a tossup.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Your ability to tune in to the nuances and subtle feelings of those around you is strong today. (You’re picking up acid rock through the Mercury fillings in your teeth.) Because of this sensitivity, you will sense if someone needs your help. If so, you will likely offer aid.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You will be happy to find some quiet moments today to enjoy some peace and quiet to relax. Or you might choose to explore yoga, meditation or some kind of quiet contemplation. You might also be happy to have an afternoon nap? It’s a gentle day.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

A friend or a group might inspire you to become involved in charitable activities with others. You might work with a friend to help someone in need. You might also volunteer your time to an organization that promotes the welfare of those who are less fortunate.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

With the Moon in your sign today, you feel more emotional than usual. Meanwhile, the Sun at the top of your chart will call attention to in a positive way. People see you as charismatic, caring and compassionate. This is why you might be approached by someone who needs help.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Your idealism is aroused today, which is why you might want to help people in another country who are suffering. This same influence can also heighten your appreciation of beauty, which is why you will enjoy museums, art galleries and the arts and crafts of others.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Although you might be focused on shared property, inheritances and the wealth and resources of others today, you will feel gratified if you can do fundraising or steer resources and money to an area where they are really needed – perhaps the needs of children or suffering animals.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

A discussion with a partner or close friend will be sensitive and mutually kind and receptive today. You will feel that you can be candid and honest with this person; and in turn, they will reciprocate and be candid and honest with you as well.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

If possible, you will use your influence at work to help a colleague or lend a sympathetic shoulder for someone to cry on because you are more tuned in today. And because you are more tuned in, you see how some people might be anxious or suffering.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Today you are in touch with your muse, which is why this is an excellent day for those of you involved in the arts or who perhaps want to express their creative talents. Romance will be idealistic. You will also feel sympathetic and caring about the needs of children.

If Your Birthday Is Today

Actor Forest Whitaker (1961) shares your birthday today. Home and family are important to you. You are sensitive and caring. You are detail oriented because you are observant and analytical. In a nine-year cycle, this is your nine-year, which means you are wrapping up things you have been involved with for the last nine years. It’s time to let go in order to prepare for your new cycle next year.

Click here for Georgia Nicols’ Daily Horoscopes

Moon Goddess’ Current Phase

Today the Moon will be in a Waxing Crescent Phase. A Waxing Crescent is the first Phase after the New Moon and is a great time to see the features of the moon’s surface. During this phase the Moon can be seen in the wester sky after the sun dips below the horizon at sunset. The moon is close to the sun in the sky and mostly dark except for the right edge of the moon which becomes brighter as the days get closer to the next phase which is a First Quarter with a 50% illumination.
Visit the July 2021 Moon Phases Calendar to see all the daily moon phase for this month.

Waxing Crescent Phase

The Waxing Crescent on July 15 has an illumination of 29%. This is the percentage of the Moon illuminated by the Sun. The illumination is constantly changing and can vary up to 10% a day. On July 15 the Moon is 5.36 days old. This refers to how many days it has been since the last New Moon. It takes 29.53 days for the Moon to orbit the Earth and go through the lunar cycle of all 8 Moon phases.

From Moongiant.com 
You can use this link to go forward or backward in time for Moon phase information. If you are curious you can even find out what phase the Moon was in when you or anyone else, you know was on the date the person was born. 

Northern Hemisphere

The time for the Custom Planetary Positions is from the local time in Chicago, Illinois, United States of America 

July 15, 2021
02:00 pm GMT 9:00 AM CDT
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)Sun:23 Cancer 18
Moon:29 Virgo 42
Mercury:05 Cancer 45
Venus:22 Leo 15
Mars:21 Leo 04
Jupiter:01 Pisces 12 Rx
Saturn:11 Aquarius 28 Rx
Uranus:14 Taurus 17
Neptune:23 Pisces 06 Rx
Pluto:25 Capricorn 37 Rx
True Lunar Node:09 Gemini 49 Rx
Mean Lunar Node:08 Gemini 30 Rx
Lilith (Black Moon):29 Taurus 42
Chiron:12 Aries 56
Ceres:25 Taurus 04
Pallas:27 Pisces 44 Rx
Juno:09 Sagittarius 17 Rx
Vesta:28 Virgo 27
Eris:24 Aries 47

Southern Hemisphere

The time for the Custom Planetary Positions is from the local time in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 

The date in ( ) is because we post this from the Northern Hemisphere. So this post goes live at 7:00 AM AEST on the date that appears before the month. The date inside the ( ) is the date we had to use to get the right time for the Southern Hemisphere. This is why the GMT time is at at 9:00 PM.

16 July (15) 2021
09:00 pm GMT 7:00 AM AEST
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:23 Cancer 35
Moon:03 Libra 40
Mercury:06 Cancer 15
Venus:22 Leo 36
Mars:21 Leo 15
Jupiter:01 Pisces 11 Rx
Saturn:11 Aquarius 27 Rx
Uranus:14 Taurus 17
Neptune:23 Pisces 06 Rx
Pluto:25 Capricorn 37 Rx
True Lunar Node:09 Gemini 48 Rx
Mean Lunar Node:08 Gemini 29 Rx
Lilith (Black Moon):29 Taurus 44
Chiron:12 Aries 56 Rx
Ceres:25 Taurus 10
Pallas:27 Pisces 43 Rx
Juno:09 Sagittarius 16 Rx
Vesta:28 Virgo 35 Rx
Eris:24 Aries 47


  If you need to calculate the planetary positions for a specific use and time, click on this link Currentplanetarypositions.com  To figure out GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) to your local time use this link  For Your Local Time and Date

Days of the Week Correspondences


Daily Divination Journal

Your Daily Rune


Rune of harvest and reward for, or reaction to, right actions in a horizontal (naturally ordered) cyclical process. Rune of peace on the land and in the heart.

Psi: psychological time, patience, the measurement of time

Energy: good harvest, orbits, cycles, progress, biorhythms, right effort

Mundane: waiting, gardening, farming, the seasons, harvest

Divinations: Reward for positive action, plenty, peace, proper timing; or repetition, bad timing, poverty, conflict, regression.

Fertility, creativity and harmony with the land
Peace, prosperity and plenty
Realization of the cyclical nature of the multiverse, invoking the power of time and cycles
Bringing other concepts gently into material manifestation
Initiating gradual and lasting change in flow of life

Your Daily Witches Rune

The Wave

Meaning: This rune symbolizes your friends and family and their influence upon you. Its meaning is usually derived from the other stones closest to it. This rune is also associated with travel. A journey abroad is indicated especially if the Sun rune is nearby, but a journey for someone close to you if the Moon stone is closest. If it is near to the Rings it foretells a holiday or long distance relationship.

Your Daily Tarot Card


Keywords: inner strength, vision, self control!Astrological Correspondence: LeoThe Strength card, depicting a gracious queen-like figure and a wild lion, shows that real strength has to be combined with graciousness and gentleness to become a force. It symbolizes inner strength, determination to overcome obstacles, self-knowledge and self-discipline, as only when we know ourselves and act in a responsible manner will we be able to deal with challenging situations and overcome difficulties successfully. Yet this card not only represents physical strength; moral and emotional strength are also included in the meaning. Patience, compassion, dealing with frustration, accepting of others, and tolerating imperfection (in oneself and in others) all leads to being a complete person. The negative qualities of Strength include misuse of power, aggressiveness, and intolerance.

Your Daily Ogham Reading


The Birch tree is known as a pioneering species, which means it is often first to colonize open ground following a disturbance or fire. Because of this natural fact Beith is the first letter of the Ogham alphabet. It symbolizes birth, renewal, and new beginnings. The Beith symbol appearing is a true sign that a change has occurred or will occur.

Fortune – Drawing this Ogham is a way of telling you to look for a new path, a necessary change is on the way!

Crack the Cookie

Tarot Card for Today

Number 6 in the Major Arcana
The Lovers
Am emotional decision.
A Forest dragon stands on the bank of a lake, its neck outstretched to touch noses with a beautiful Water dragon that rises from the waters. The gaze at each other in love, unconcerned that their attraction  will prove difficult because of their very different lifestyles. For the moment, they are caught up in the power of their emotions. The Forest dragon represents the liner, analytical left brain and the conscious mind, while the Water dragon represents creativity, spiritually connected right mind and the conscious mind. To achieve success and reach goals, both halves of the brain, as well as the conscious and subconscious minds, must live and work together in harmony in order to reach a spiritual balance point. However, because of the vast differences in perceiving life and spirit, this is extremely difficult to maintain on a constant basis.  Thus, we go through life in a kind of dance, approaching, then retreating from the balance point. The heron, representing generation of life, and the butterfly, symbolizing the soul itself, reveal that we must always be aware of the soul and its need to grow, regardless of our emotional side-paths.
Divinatory Meaning
A romantic encounter may come into your life. You may be faced with an attraction or a temptation that may not be good for you. There will be an attraction of opposites that will be difficult to reconcile in the long run. A difficult choice will arise; make your decision on facts, not the emotions.