For Your Viewing Pleasure – (1 Viewpoint) May 2023 New Moon Astrology

New Moon Friday May 19th 2023 – True Sidereal Astrology

(1 Opinion) Here’s How To Harness The May Full Moon’s Divine Feminine Energy

Mercury Retrograde finally ended on May 14, which means you’ve made it through the chaotic period (relatively) unscathed. The May new moon arrives on May 19 at 11:53 a.m. ET with tons of opportunities in tow, so you can officially leave all the negativity behind for good. This lunar event is all about fresh starts, after all — but to effectively harness its energy, you’ll need to be tuned into the spiritual meaning of the May 2023 new moon so you can kick off your next chapter the right way.

Because new moons mark the first phase of the monthly moon cycle, they’re known for bringing abundance in the form of new beginnings. Thanks to the conjunction that occurs between the moon and the sun during this time, you’re able to plant seeds for your future, set personal intentions, and connect with your intuition. Not only that, but the May new moon is also rising in the practical and grounded sign of Taurus, so don’t be surprised if you’re suddenly flooded with stability in your work, relationships, and more.

Ahead, astrologer Brilla Samay shares what you need to know about the significance of the May new moon so you can use its energy to your benefit.

What’s The Spiritual Meaning Of The May New Moon?

Samay describes the May 2023 new moon as embodying the “essence of the divine feminine energy.” If you didn’t know, the divine feminine is thought to be a part of our consciousness where we access qualities such as intuition and receptivity. New moons are typically tied to intuition to begin with, but what separates this lunar event from the rest is that it holds a “profound spiritual significance in terms of ancestral connection,” says Samay.

“[The May new moon] serves as a conduit between the past, present, and future, providing a sacred space to honor our ancestors and receive guidance from their wisdom,” the astrologer explains. “It also invites us to deepen our connection with the earth and assume the role of stewards of the planet.”

How To Work With The May New Moon’s Energy …

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This is a beautiful, harmonious, and healing full moon as we head into spring in the northern hemisphere. Ruled by Venus, the goddess of love, relationships, beauty and abundance, there is a focus for the middle two weeks of April on beautifying and harmonizing our lives. Venus is positioned at 24 degrees of Taurus, the other of the two signs that she presides over. Venus’ rulership of air sign Libra is focused on the inter-personal aspect of abundance and harmony whereas Venus’ rulership of earth sign Taurus is focused on these qualities in the natural world, the organic beauty and interdependence of all things. During this full moon we rather have the best of both worlds.

It is especially significant to have an air sign full moon now, just after Pluto has moved into fellow-air sign Aquarius after a 15 year residency in earthy Capricorn. There is a “lightening up” of certain layers of density and a fresh buzz in the air. All of this will be highlighted and strengthened by the Libra full moon. And it is the ONLY air sign full moon we have this year with Pluto in Aquarius, since Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn in June before the next air sign full moon which is on August 1st. So we are being tasked with harnessing the breezes of inspiration, insight and fresh connections that are coming our way. Perhaps so we can move them forward in a more assertive or concrete way during the upcoming eclipse season.

The first eclipse season of 2023 begins on April 20th with a new moon solar eclipse in Aries. This is significant for several reasons. First, because it click here to read the rest of this article from

Ancient Egyptian Zodiac Symbols were Found in a Temple After Archaeologists Cleared Away 2,000 Years’ Worth of Grime


Ancient Egyptian star signs were found under a thick layer of soot and dust in the Temple of Esna.

The colors in the full set of Egyptian zodiac symbols are vivid after being protected by the grime.

They also found depictions of beasts, including a snake with a ram’s head and a bird with a crocodile’s head.

A rare full set of ancient Egyptian astrological symbols has been uncovered under 2,000 years’ worth of grime in Luxor’s Temple of Esna, in southern Egypt.

The set is just one of three full sets of ancient Egyptian zodiac signs uncovered in Egyptian temples, said Dr. Daniel von Recklinghausen, a Tübingen Egyptologist who worked on the project.

“Representations of the zodiac are very rare in Egyptian temples,” Professor Christian Leitz, an Egyptologist of the University of Tübingen who worked on the project, said in a press release.

The temple was already famous for its astronomical ceiling, but some of the star signs had not been detected in previous archaeological missions, Mostafa Waziri, secretary-general of Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities, said in a briefing per Arab News.

With these last signs uncovered, the archaeologists were able to confirm the temple contains a full set of the 12 Egyptian star signs, from Aries to Pisces, Hisham El-Leithy, head of the Egyptian expert team, per Arab News.

The symbols were hidden under a thick layer of muck
The zodiac sign Sagittarius Ahmed Emam, Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities

The discovery was made by a joint team of experts from the Egyptian Center of Documentation of Antiquities and the University of Tübingen, Germany, who are renovating and documenting the temple’s original colors.

“The zodiac was used to decorate private tombs and sarcophagi and was of great importance in astrological texts, such as horoscopes found inscribed on pottery sherds,” said Recklinghausen, adding: “However, it is rare in temple decoration.”

Several of the signs are recognizable to us. These include the Sagittarius, which is represented by a horse with the torso of a human archer — though in ancient Egyptian times, he also had a spiked tail and wings.

The scorpio is also easily recognizable, represented by a scorpion surrounded by stars.
An ancient Egyptian representation of the zodiac sign Scorpio. Ahmed Emam, Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities

These symbols were hidden under nearly 2,000 years of dust and dirt which has kept them in an incredible state of preservation.
This is what the Sagittarius looked like before restoration. Ahmed Emam, Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities

The Temple of Esna took 400 years to complete

The symbols were found in the Temple of Esna, an ancient Egyptian temple that dates back to the Greco-Roman times and was completed in A.D. 250 , per Egypt Independent.

Only the Hypostyle Hall remains of the temple.

This vestibule, a 121-foot-long, 65-foot-wide, and 50-foot-high sandstone structure held up by 24 columns, took 400 years to complete, per a press release.
Restoration process in the Temple of Esna. Ahmed Amin

Every inch of the temple, which also contains 18 decorative free-standing columns, is covered in intricate designs.
A column in the Temple of Esna being restored. Ahmed Amin

The team has been renovating the temple for the past five years. These zodiac symbols were uncovered in the latest series of renovations, which revealed the designs in brilliant colors.

Ancient Egyptians adopted astrology late in their reign
These symbols show the decans, which are zodiac symbols representing the 12 hours of the night. Ahmed Emam, Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities

Egyptians were introduced to astrology quite late in their rule, during Greco-Roman times.

“The zodiac itself is part of Babylonian astronomy and does not appear in Egypt until Ptolemaic times ,” said Leitz.

Some of the symbols of their zodiac system have been lost in time. Pictured above, for instance, are the Decans, used to measure the twelve hours of the night.

Zodiac symbols were not the only discovery in this latest round of renovations. The archaeologists also uncovered representations of the planets Jupiter, Saturn and Mars.

They also found various fabulous beasts, including a snake with a ram’s head and a bird with a crocodile’s head, the tail of a snake, and four wings, per the press release.
Depiction of winged snakes and an animal with bird, crocodile and snake features. Ahmed Emam, Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities

The temple of Esna is teaching us a lot of information about how ancient Egyptians read the stars.

One inscription, uncovered in a previous round of renovation, showed how Egyptians compared the Big Dipper to a bull’s leg tied to a stake by a goddess in hippo form, per a press release.

According to an accompanying press release, the Big Dipper was considered to be the manifestation of the evil god Seth who murdered his brother Osiris.

The depiction shows the hippo goddess holding Seth back to prevent him from reaching Osiris in the underworld.
A painting in the Temple of Esna shows the Big Dipper, in the shape of a bull’s leg, being held back by a goddess. Ahmed Amin

Since It Is Almost Planting Time, Plants and Herbs for Your Zodiac Sign c. 2019 Printable

Plants and Herbs for Your Zodiac Sign

An astrological guide to the benefits of Mother Nature

Which plants, herbs, fruits and vegetables are most helpful to YOUR zodiac sign? Each of the 12 signs can benefit from the properties of certain plants, which help to heal, grow, balance, and inspire. Look up your sign below and thrive by filling your garden, refrigerator, and home with these brilliant gifts from Mother Nature!

Aries is a Fire sign ruled by the planet Mars. Plants associated with this element and planet usually have thorns or prickles. They are also spicy or bitter in flavor or are red in color. Because Aries rules the head, eyes and face, the best plants for Aries are those that purify the blood, stimulate the adrenal glands, or are high in iron (Mars rules the mineral iron).

Fruits and Vegetables: Chinese cabbage, mustard, horseradish, onion, garlic, leeks, red pepper, rhubarb, chives, radishes

Flowers: Calendula, geranium, anise hyssop, poppies, red roses, tulips, amaryllis, hollyhock, cowslip, tiger lily, impatiens

Herbs: Nettles, burdock root, cayenne, red clover, yellow dock, yarrow, St. John’s wort, hops, marjoram, milk thistle, wormwood, gentian, sarsaparilla, tarragon, ginger, coriander

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Taurus is an Earth sign ruled by the planet Venus. Venus is the planet that represents desire and beauty, so Taurus plants often have gorgeous flowers and enticing fragrances. Because Taurus rules the throat and ears, the best plants for the Bull are often soothing to the throat, or may calm the digestive system after overindulging in the finest foods.

Fruits and Vegetables: Spinach, peas, potatoes, sweet potatoes, gourds, artichoke, olive, grape, apple, fig, apricot, pomegranate, strawberry

Flowers: Daisies, lilac, aster, lily of the valley, sweet pea, lilies, larkspur, columbine, violet, foxglove, rose, sweet William, daisy, geranium

Herbs: Licorice, fenugreek, slippery Elm, anise hyssop (Venus), mallow, lavender, dandelion, marshmallow, sage, vervain, feverfew, thyme, angelica, yarrow

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Ruled by the planet Mercury, Gemini is an Air sign that rules the lungs, shoulders, arms, and hands.

Gemini’s plants usually feature finely divided leaves or stems (like the bronchi of lungs), hairy or fuzzy leaves (related to the cilia in the lungs), or subtle odors. Plants associated with Gemini help to strengthen the lungs and respiratory system, or relax the nervous system.

Fruits and Vegetables: Endive, carrots, parsnips, oats

Flowers: Orchid, chrysanthemum, lilac, azalea, daffodil, Lily-of-the-valley, honeysuckle

Herbs: Mullein, hyssop, lemon balm, lobelia, elecampane, vervain, woodbine, yarrow, meadowsweet, dill, fennel, skullcap, lavender, fenugreek, licorice, valerian

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Because Cancer is a Water sign and is ruled by the Moon, Cancer’s plants generally have soft or Moon-shaped leaves, contain a lot of moisture, or are found near water. Oftentimes they are white in color, or have white or pale yellow flowers. Cancer rules the stomach, breasts, diaphragm, and liver, so plants that aid digestion or affect the subconscious are associated with the sign of the Crab.

Fruits and Vegetables: Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, endive, kale, lettuce, watercress, kohlrabi, mushroom, turnip, sweet potato, cantaloupe, cucumber, gourds, watermelon, pumpkin, squash, seaweed, mango, banana, apple, pear

Flowers: Daisy, water lilies, jasmine, hyssop, morning glory, geranium, lily, lotus, white roses, opium poppy

Herbs: Peppermint, spearmint, papaya leaf, agrimony, lemon balm, parsley, verbena, chickweed

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22)

Naturally, Leo is a Fire sign ruled by the brilliant Sun. The part of the body ruled by Leo the Lion is the heart. Leo’s plants are usually large and gold or orange in color, or have heart-shaped leaves or a radiating shape. Plants that regulate blood pressure and have an uplifting effect on the spirit are most beneficial to Leo.

Fruits and Vegetables: Chinese cabbage, corn, collards, mustard, Swiss chard, okra, peppers, pineapple, orange, grapefruit, olive, coconut

Flowers: Marigolds, anise hyssop, sunflower, dahlia, larkspur, aster, passion flower, heliotrope, poppy, peony, calendula, crocus

Herbs: Borage, hawthorn, motherwort, rosemary, celandine, mint, lavender, parsley, dill, fennel, chamomile, St. John’s wort, angelica, eyebright, anise, ginger, saffron

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)

Virgo is an Earth sign ruled by the planet Mercury. Virgo is traditionally the Goddess of the Grain, and is associated with autumn. Her plants often have finely divided leaves or stems, subtle odors, or small, brightly-colored flowers. The most beneficial plants for Virgo are high in potassium and help to calm the nerves.

Fruits, Vegetables and Grains: Endive, carrots, parsnips, barley, oats, rye, wheat, millet

Flowers: Narcissus, chrysanthemum, aster, violet, all brightly colored small flowers (particularly blue or yellow)

Herbs: Dill, fennel, blackberry (leaves and root), plantain, St. John’s wort, skullcap, woodbine, valerian, lavender, marjoram, licorice, parsley, fenugreek, dill

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)

Libra is an Air sign, and is ruled by the planet Venus. Because Venus is the planet of beauty and love, Libra’s plants often have light, lovely flowers and gorgeous scents. Libra rules the kidneys and the adrenals, so her plants help to bring balance to these areas of the body.

Fruits and Vegetables: Broccoli, eggplant, spinach, peas, sweet potato, artichoke, watercress, pomegranate, apricot, apple, fig, plum, grape, strawberry, olive

Flowers: Orchid, gardenia, tea roses, tuberose, freesia, gladiolus, aster, hydrangea, daisy, nasturtium, rose, violet, primrose, pansy, columbine

Herbs: Parsley, cleavers, juniper, corn silk, uva ursi, mint, thyme, yarrow, angelica, vervain

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)

A Water sign ruled by both Mars and Pluto, Scorpio’s plants are often found in remote places or underground. They will likely have thorns, be red in color, and grow under adversity. The reproductive organs are ruled by Scorpio, so plants that balance the hormones, regulate the menstrual cycle, or help with childbirth and pregnancy are very beneficial to Scorpio.

Fruits and Vegetables: Mushroom, peppers, rhubarb, leek, onions, chives, pepper, garlic, horseradish, radish, mustard

Flowers: Calendula, rhododendron, geranium, holly, black-eyed Susan, scarlet monkey flower, anemone, heather, gardenia, honey-suckle, peony, hibiscus

Herbs: Aloe vera, ginseng, pennyroyal, raspberry leaf, saw palmetto, cramp bark, basil, gentian, wormwood, ginger, coriander

Sagittarius (Nov.  22 – Dec.  21)

Sagittarius is a Fire sign that is ruled by the planet large and optimistic planet Jupiter. So the Archer’s plants tend to be large in size and fairly conspicuous, with a pleasant odor. The best plants for Sagittarius will support the liver, are high in the mineral silica, and promote a positive frame of mind.

Fruits and Vegetables: Asparagus, endive, rhubarb, beets, tomato, turnip, watercress, olive

Flowers: Red roses, calendula, anise hyssop, pinks, carnations, clematis, peony, crocus, jasmine

Herbs: Dandelion, horsetail, Oregon grape root, wild yam, sage, feverfew, sage, anise, nutmeg, mint

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

As an Earth sign ruled by the planet Saturn, Capricorn’s plants usually have few flowers, are knobby or woody, and may have an unpleasant smell or taste. Saturn rules plants with long lives and slow growth, so plants with annual rings are also associated with the Goat. And because Capricorn rules the knees, joints, bones, and teeth, plants that are high in calcium can be very beneficial.

Fruits and Vegetables: Spinach, mushroom, beets, parsnips, barley, rye

Flowers: Calendula, black poppy, henbane, nightshade, African violet, snowdrop, jasmine, love-lies-bleeding, pansy, baby’s breath

Herbs: Comfrey, sarsaparilla, rue, kava kava, mullein, thyme, horsetail, shepherd’s purse

Aquarius the Water Bearer (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)

Aquarius is an Air sign ruled by odd-ball Uranus, so the Water-bearer’s plants will often grow in unusual places and may vary in appearance. The most healing and beneficial plants for Aquarius are ones that help circulation, relax the nervous system, or promote inspiration.

Fruits and Vegetables: Spinach, beets, rye, barley, parsnip

Flowers: Bird of paradise, orchid, gladiolus, trillium

Herbs: Chamomile, catnip, skullcap, passion flower, valerian, hops, aloe, myrrh, frankincense, spikenard, kava kava, comfrey, cinnamon, cloves

Pisces the Fish (Feb. 19 – March 20)

As a Water sign ruled by both Jupiter and Neptune, Pisces plants are often large but hard to find, and may grow near the ocean. The most healing plants for Pisces are those that strengthen the immune system or have an antibacterial effect. Pisces plants may also catalyze expanded states of awareness and be helpful in dream work.

Fruits and Vegetables: Asparagus, endive, mushroom, rhubarb, beets, tomato, seaweed, watercress, olive

Flowers: Calendula, anise hyssop, jasmine, lilac, narcissus, water lily, poppy, clematis, wisteria, lilac, orchid

Herbs: Golden seal, Echinacea, chaparral, eyebright, mugwort, kava kava, yarrow, skullcap, oatstraw, nutmeg, anise is Part of Zappallas USA © 2019

Why Your Zodiac Sign is Probably Wrong

This article is by a guest author and her views

Author’s bio:

Emily Moore is an experienced copywriter and photographer with a degree in design. She works with startups, entrepreneurs, bloggers and companies from all over the world. In addition to writing articles and promotional material, she enjoys hiking, reading, cooking and spending time with her family. Emily also writes on the website You can see more of her work there.

Many of us have hunches about our zodiac sign. Remember Penny, from the Big Bang? First of all, I am a Saggitarius. Perhaps you’ve always had a feeling that people born under a certain animal are more likely to share your interests or personality. Or maybe you think that people who were born under the same astrological constellation as you have similar values, skills, and interests. However, the truth is, that our zodiac sign meaning might not be as reliable as we think it is. No matter how much we wish it wouldn’t be so, no single zodiac element can describe a person completely. Some of us may have traits that are common for those born in a particular sign (like being an early bird), others may only do things that their particular sign indicates (like being very good at music). But with all these inaccuracies aside, knowing what your zodiac sign is supposed to signify can still help you understand yourself better and discover your hidden talents.

What does everyone else think your Zodiac Sign Means?

Your zodiac sign is supposed to represent your intellectual and emotional make-up. It’s your primary personality type. There are 4 types of Zodiac: Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind. 

The first group of the zodiac (Sagittarius, Aries, Leo) is associated with the Fire element and is said to be quick-tempered and impatient. The second group (Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces) is associated with the Water element and takes things slowly. The Wind signs are Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. And the Earth signs are Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn The zodiac sign elements are a great way to help you find out what you’re like when it comes to key personality traits. But there are some misconceptions about what the signs stand for: 

  • People born under Aries are believed to be selfish and self-centered because they’re always taking care of their needs before others’. 
  • People born under Virgo are often thought of as perfectionists or hard workers because they’re always productive. 
  • And people who were born under Scorpio are often seen as dark souls because they have a tendency to feel emotions intensely. Сheck it out here.

Finding out what your true Zodiac Sign is

Whatever your zodiac sign, there is probably a lot more to you than meets the eye. If you want to get a better understanding of yourself, then it may help to know what your zodiac sign is saying about you. To find out what your zodiac sign says about you and what your other signs are saying, understand the meaning of each sign: 

Aries: The ram 

Taurus: The bull 

Gemini: The twins 

Cancer: The crab 

Leo: The lion 

Virgo: The virgin 

Libra: The scales 

Scorpio: The scorpion 

Sagittarius: The archer 

Capricorn: The goat 

Aquarius – The water-bearer

Pisces – The fish

Assigning New Signs to Old Zodiac Constellations

No matter how accurate you think your zodiac sign dates are, the one that describes you best might not be the one you originally had. Luckily, astrology has been around long enough for there to be a few other signs for old Zodiac constellations. For example, if your sign was Taurus and your constellation was Leo, then you could switch to Virgo. If it was Scorpio and your constellation was Sagittarius, then you could change to Pisces as well. Your new Zodiac constellation can be based on how you feel about life in general or how it relates to yourself specifically. If a certain constellation just doesn’t seem right for you anymore but feels like it fits someone else better, consider changing it up! 


HOWEVER: Changing your zodiac sign does not mean that all of your old traits will disappear. You’ll continue to have those same characteristics regardless of which zodiac sign you choose – they’re just labeled differently now.

Who Is Your Real-Life Zodiac Sign?

Just because your sign is on the list, doesn’t mean that you are 100% like that person. It just means that you have a good idea of what type of personality traits and behaviors are common for people of that zodiac sign compatibility. For example, if you’re an Aries, chances are there’s something about you that has Aries written all over it. Your zodiac sign can also provide some insight into your career path. If you know what your zodiac sign says about your personality and interests, you might be able to identify where your passions lie. Additionally, knowing your zodiac sign can help you understand how other people see and relate to you as well as give a better perspective on how you should conduct yourself in different situations.

Other Things You Should Know About Your Zodiac Sign

Zodiac signs you’re born under are usually considered to represent your personality. However, this isn’t always the case. For example, Gemini, which is associated with air and communication, doesn’t really mean anything about the personalities of those who are born under that zodiac sign. Another common misconception is that people born under the same zodiac sign have similar interests and values. This isn’t always true as well. Another thing worth noting is that every person is different and has their own unique traits regardless of the zodiac sign colors they prefer. Finally, personality changes throughout a person’s life with age, so don’t be too quick to pin your personality on your zodiac sign.

How Can You Use This Information?

Knowing your zodiac sign can help you understand yourself better and discover your hidden talents. If you’re not sure what your zodiac sign is, but you think it might be one of these: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, or Scorpio. Try out some of these questions to learn more about yourself: Do you ever feel like you need to prove yourself? Do people often underestimate the intelligence of those born under this sign? What zodiac sign is the smartest? Are people born under this sign often called a know-it-all? Are people born under this sign often seen as being too honest at times? Can someone born under this sign keep their cool when they are angry?

Bottom Line

Knowing your zodiac sign can help you understand yourself better and discover your hidden talents. You might find that the things that are true for you in life are not the same things that are true for people born in other signs. The reality is, that no single zodiac element can describe a person completely so knowing what your zodiac sign is supposed to signify can still help you understand yourself better and discover your hidden talents.