The Witches’ History, Our History


The Witches’ History, Our History

In the early days, when Christianity was slowly growing in strength, the Old Religion—the Wiccans and other pagans—was one of its rivals. It is only natural to want to get rid of a rival and the Church pulled no punches to do just that. It has frequently been said that the gods of an old religion become the devils of a new. This was certainly the case here. The God of the Old Religion was a horned god. So, apparently, was the Christian’s Devil. Obviously then, reasoned the Church, the pagans were Devil worshippers! This type of reasoning is used by the Church even today. Missionaries were particularly prone to label all primitive tribes upon whom they stumbled as devil-worshippers, just because the tribe worshipped a god or gods other than the Christian one. It would not matter that the people were good, happy, often morally and Ethically better living than the vast majority of Christians … they had to be converted!

The charge of Devil-worship, so often leveled at Witches, is ridiculous. The Devil is a purely Christian invention; there being no mention of him, as such, before the New Testament. In fact it is interesting to note that the whole concept of evil associated with the Devil is due to an error in translation. The original Old Testament Hebrew Ha-satan and the New Testament Greek diabolos simply mean “opponent” or “adversary”. It should be remembered that the idea of dividing the Supreme Power into two—good and evil—is the idea of an advanced and complex civilization. The Old Gods, through their gradual development, were very much “human” in that they would have their good side and their bad side. It was the idea of an all-good, all-loving deity which necessitated an antagonist. In simple language, you can only have the color white if there is an opposite color, black, to which you can compare it. This view of an all-good god was developed by Zoroaster (Zarathustra), in Persia in the seventh century BCE. The idea later spread westward and was picked up in Mithraism and, later, in Christianity.

As Christianity gradually grew in strength, so the Old Religion was slowly pushed back. Back until, about the time of the Reformation, it only existed in the outlying country districts. Non-Christians at that time became known as Pagans and Heathens. “Pagan” comes from the Latin Pagani and simply means “people who live in the country”. The word “Heathen” means “one who dwells on the heath”. So the terms were appropriate for non-Christians at that time, but they bore no connotations of evil and their use today in a derogatory sense is quite incorrect.

As the centuries passed, the smear campaign against non-Christians continued. What the Wiccans did was reversed and used against them. They did magick to promote fertility and increase the crops; the Church claimed that they made women and cattle barren and blighted the crops! No one apparently stopped to think that if the Witches really did what they were accused of, they would suffer equally themselves. After all, they too had to eat to live. An old ritual act for fertility was for the villagers to go to the fields in the light of the full moon and to dance around the field astride pitchforks, poles and broomsticks; riding them like hobby horses. They would leap high in the air as they danced, to show the crops how high to grow. A harmless enough form of sympathetic magick. But the Church claimed not only that they were working against the crops, but that they actually flew through the air on their poles … surely the work of the Devil!

In 1484 Pope Innocent VIII produced his Bull against Witches. Two years later two infamous German monks, Heinrich Institoris Kramer and Jakob Sprenger, produced their incredible concoction of anti-Witchery, the Malleus Maleficarum (The Witch Hammer). In this book definite instructions were given for the prosecution of Witches. However, when the book was submitted to the Theological Faculty of the University of Cologne—the appointed censor at that time—the majority of the professors refused to have anything to do with it. Kramer and Sprenger, nothing daunted, forged the approbation of the whole faculty; a forgery that was not discovered until 1898.

Gradually the hysteria kindled by Kramer and Sprenger began to spread. It spread like a fire—flashing up suddenly in unexpected places; spreading quickly across the whole of Europe. For nearly three hundred years the fires of the persecutions raged. Humankind had gone mad. The inhabitants of entire villages where one or two Witches were suspected of living, were put to death with the cry: “Destroy them all… the Lord will know his own!” In 1586 the Archbishop of Treves decided that the local Witches had caused the recent severe winter. By dint of frequent torture a “confession” was obtained and one hundred twenty men and women were burned to death on his charge that they had interfered with the elements.

Since fertility was of great importance—fertility of crops and beasts—there were certain sexual rites enacted by the Wicca, as followers of the nature religion. These sexual rites seem to have been given unnecessary prominence by the Christian judges, who seemed to delight in prying into the most minute of details concerning them. The rites of the Craft were joyous in essence. It was an extremely happy religion and so was, in many ways, totally incomprehensible to the gloomy Inquisitors and Reformers who sought to suppress it.

A rough estimate of the total number of people burned, hung or tortured to death on the charge of Witchcraft, is nine million. Obviously not all of these were followers of the Old Religion. This had been a wonderful opportunity for some to get rid of anyone against whom they bore a grudge!’ An excellent example of the way in which the hysteria developed and spread is found in the case of the so-called Witches of Salem, Massachusetts. It is doubtful if any of the victims hung* there were really followers of the Old Religion. Just possibly Bridget Bishop and Sarah Good were, but the others were nearly all pillars of the local church up until the time the hysterical children “cried out” on them.

But what about Satanism? The Witches were called worshippers of the Devil. Was there any truth to this? No. Yet as with so many of the charges, there was reason for the belief. The early Church was extremely harsh on its people. It not only governed the peasants’ way of worship but also their ways of life and love. Even between married couples, sexual intercourse was frowned upon. It was felt that there should be no joy from the act, it being permitted solely for procreation. Intercourse was illegal on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays; for forty days before Christmas and a similar time before Easter; for three days prior to receiving communion, and from the time of conception to forty days after paturition. In other words, there was a grand total of approximately two months in the year only when it was possible to have sexual relations with your spouse … but without deriving pleasure from it, of course!

It was no wonder that this, together with other such harshness, led to a rebellion—albeit a clandestine one. The people—this time the Christians—finding that their lot was not bettered by praying to the so-called God of Love, decided to pray to his opposite instead. If God wouldn’t help them, perhaps the Devil would. So Satanism came into being. A parody of Christianity; a mockery of it. It was a revolt against the harshness of the Church. As it turned out the “Devil” did not help the poor peasant either. But at least he was showing his disdain for the authorities; he was going against the establishment. It did not take Mother Church long to find out about this rebellion. Satanism was anti-Christian. Witchcraft was also—in their eyes—anti-Christian. Ergo, Witchcraft and Satanism were one and the same.

In 1604 King James I passed his Witchcraft Act, but this was repealed in 1736. It was replaced by an Act that stated that there was no such thing as Witchcraft and to pretend to have occult powers was to face being charged with fraud. By the late seventeenth century the surviving members of the Craft had gone underground; into hiding. For the next three hundred years, to all appearances Witchcraft was dead. But a religion which had lasted twenty thousand years, in effect, did not die so easily. In small groups—surviving covens, of times only of family members—the Craft continued.

In the literary field Christianity had a heyday. Printing had been invented and developed during the persecutions, therefore anything published on the subject of Witchcraft was written from the Church’s point of view. Later books had only these early works to which to refer so, not unnaturally, they were heavily biased against the Old Religion. In fact it was not until 1921, when Dr. Margaret Alice Murray produced The Witch Cult In Western Europe, that anyone looked at Witchcraft with anything like an unbiased light. From studying the records of the trials of the Middle Ages, Murray (an eminent anthropologist and then Professor of Egyptology at London University) picked up the clues that seemed to her to indicate that there was a definite, organized, pre-Christian religion behind all the “hogwash” of the Christian allegations. Although her theories finally proved a little far-fetched in some areas, she did indeed strike some chords. Wicca was by no means as far-reaching and widespread as Murray suggested (nor was there proof of a direct, unbroken line of descent from the cavepeople), but there can be no doubt that it did exist as an indubitable religious cult, if sporadic as to time and place. She enlarged on her views in a second book, The God of the Witches, in 1931.

In England, in 1951, the last laws against Witchcraft were finally repealed. This cleared the way for the Witches themselves to speak up. In 1954 Dr. Gerald Brousseau Gardner, in his book Witchcraft Today, said, in effect, ‘What Margaret Murray has theorized is quite true. Witchcraft was a religion and in fact it still is. I know, because I am a Witch myself.” He went on to tell how the Craft was still very much alive, albeit underground. He was the first to give the Witches’ side of the story. At the time of his writing it seemed, to him, that the Craft was rapidly declining and perhaps only hanging on by a thread. He was greatly surprised when, as a result of the circulation of his books, he began to hear from many covens throughout Europe, all still happily practicing their beliefs. Yet these surviving covens had learned their lesson. They did not wish to take the chance of coming out into the open. Who was to say the persecutions could not start again?

For a while Gerald Gardner’s was the single voice speaking for the Craft. However, whatever one’s feelings about Gardner, whatever one’s belief in the Wicca’s origins, all present-day Witches and would-be Witches owe him a tremendous debt of gratitude for having had the courage to stand up and speak out for Witchcraft. It is because of him that we can enjoy the Craft, in its many forms, today.

In America the first Witch to “stand up and be recognized” was Raymond Buckland. At that time there were no covens visible in this country. Initiated in Scotland (Perth) by Gardner’s High Priestess, Buckland set out to emulate Gardner insofar as to try to straighten the long-held misconceptions and to show the Craft for what it truly is. Soon Sybil Leek arrived on the scene, followed by Gavin and Yvonne Frost and other individuals. It was an exciting time as more and more covens, and many different traditions, came intonthe open or at least made themselves known. Today the would-be Witch has a wide selection from which to choose: Gardnerian, Celtic (in many variations), Saxon, Alexandrian, Druidic, Algard, Norse, Irish, Scottish, Sicilian, Huna, etc. That there are so many, and such varied, branches (“denominations” or “traditions”) of Witchcraft is admirable. We are all different. It is not surprising that there is no one religion that suits all people. In the same way, then, there can be no one type of Witchcraft to suit all Witches. Some like lots of ritual, while some are for simplicity. Some are from Celtic backgrounds, others from Saxon, Scots, Irish, Italian, or any of a number of others. Some favor a matriarchy; others a patriarchy and still others seek a balance. Some prefer to worship in a group (coven), while others are for solitary worship. With the large number of different denominations, then, there is now more likelihood of everyone finding a path they can travel in comfort. Religion has come a long way from its humble beginnings in the caves of pre-history. Witchcraft, as one small facet of religion, has also come a long way. It has grown to become a world wide religion, legally recognized.

Today, across America, it is not at all unusual to find open Wiccan festivals and seminars taking place in such unlikely places as family campgrounds and motels such as the Holiday Inn. Witches appear on television and radio talk shows; they are written up in local and national newspapers and magazines. Witchcraft courses are given in colleges. Even in the Armed Forces is Wicca recognized as a valid religion— Department of the
Army Pamphlet No. 165-13 “Religious Requirements and Practices of Certain Selected Groups—A Handbook for Chaplains” includes instructions as to the religious rights of Witches right alongside those of Islamic groups, Sikh groups, Christian Heritage, Indian Heritage, Japanese and Jewish groups.

Yes, Witchcraft has a place in past history and will have a definite place in the future.

Excerpt from Buckland Complete Book of Witchcraft
Raymond Buckland, Author

Celtic Tree Month Ivy Moon: September 30 – October 27


As the year comes to a close and Samhain approaches, the Ivy moon rolls in at the end of the harvest season. Ivy often lives on after its host plant has died — a reminder to us that life goes on, in the endless cycle of life, death and rebirth. The Celts called this month Gort, pronounced go-ert. This is a time to banish the negative from your life. Do workings related to improving yourself, and placing a barricade between you and the things that are toxic to you. Ivy can be used in magic performed for healing, protection, cooperation, and to bind lovers together.


Ogham Letter: Gort (G)

Symbolic Meaning: Growth, Regeneration, Love, Opportunity

Ruling Planet: Moon

Ruling Element:


Corresponding Star Sign: Libra / Scorpio

Ivy Zodiac

Just like the Ivy can grow despite harsh conditions, those born under this sign are survivors, they face challenges with the strength of their emotions. They make loyal friends and are very giving making them likeable to many different people. When it comes to accepting help from other holly signs tend to keep quiet in times of inner turmoil choosing to suffer in silence than to speak out. Despite this, they go about their life with grace and wit making them charming to others.

Ivy signs pair well with Oak and Ash.



Perseverance, strength, tenacity, determination

Tree: Ivy (Hedera spp.)

Letter: G

Ivy, not to be confused with ground ivy, is a tough plant, considered invasive by many. As an Ogham, Gort signifies unbreakable character and nearly-superhuman determination. Gort indicates you are a steadfast personality and will hang in there no matter what, or perhaps a goal that you’ll do nearly anything to achieve, or a person or cause you are willing to put a great deal on the line for. Gort is the fiery energy inherent to water — think of water’s ability to forge any route over time and how it carves canyons out of rock. There is a certain ruthlessness about water. Water can penetrate almost any substance: for instance, you can soak calloused skin in oil and nothing will happen to it, but soak it in water and it becomes soft and pliable. Water is power: most forms of electricity, including electricity created by harnessing nuclear energy, are nothing more than souped up versions of a steam engine.

Gort implies a certain leanness and willingness to sacrifice/impose hard limits to achieve a goal. Drawing Gort is an opportunity to examine your goals and which ones you are the most serious about. Like ivy, you will cling and grow around obstacles. Beaten down by wind, washed loose by rain, and scorched by the sun, you will outlast adversity by the strength of your will.

Questions when you draw Gort:
-What are three of your main goals right now? Which is the one that is the dearest to you?
-When you have gotten something you wanted in the past, what were you willing to do to get it? Were you willing to compromise? What would you have done if it had not worked out?

Gort ill-dignified excess: Victim of your own success
You can actually succeed too much. Think of how ivy, once established, can kill a tree or cause the wall holding it up to crumble. If you succeed too much in business, you may have too many clients to handle, which means it’s either expand the business or not be able to serve all the clients. Many people in the US have too much physical stuff — so much that storage of excess stuff is a multibillion dollar industry. They have succeeded so much, now they feel compelled to pay to store all of the sentimental trophies of excess in a glorified garage. Perhaps you have too many abstract goals and need to whittle down what you can and cannot achieve given this short lifetime; which ones should you release? Success for some people can turn into fairytale-style warnings about greed for more. For instance, the rich man who commits a horrendous crime to become more famous or the fantastically-wealthy author who tweets every passing thought in a vain effort to push DVD sales will never be happy because they will never be able to fill a void that cannot be placated by money. They will try though, and they will try hard!

Gort ill-dignified dearth: Hanging by a thread
Sometimes when the going gets tough, the tough have to cling to a knife edge to survive. The goal you’re clinging to may or may not be worth saving — only you can know this for sure. Look at it with a critical, unbiased eye. Most likely you are feeling tired, weary, blasted, battle-weary, and scattered. You might have anger at the forces working against you that needs to be admitted and analyzed. Sometimes you simply don’t have any more resources to sacrifice towards your goal and you are probably feeling that now.

Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence for Saturday


Saturday/Saturn: binding, protection, neutralization, karma, death, manifestation, structure,reality, the laws of society, limits, obstacles, tests, hard work, endurance, real estates, dentists, bones, teeth, farm workers,separation, stalkers, murderers, criminals in general, civil servants, justice, maths, plumbing, wills, debts, financing, joint money matters, discovery, transformation, relations with older people

SATURDAY Ruled by the Roman God of the harvest and planting.

New starts and firmly planting your seeds of intention or good focuses on Saturday.

Other correspondences for Saturday are:

Saturn Rituals: Disciplining ourselves.

Element: Earth

Colour: Black and sometimes purple

Number: 3


Planet: Saturn
Colors: Black, Red & White

Saturnday. You know I love it. A day for transformation and what I call setting up to be “stable as a table” is Saturday. The day of manifestation, material gain and a great day to banish what doesn’t serve you. Great day to have a talk with your ancestors, refresh that ancestral altar and burn that ancestral money 😉 The last day of the week is also a day of endings, as the wheel of the week completes it turn. Sunday is a new day, Saturday is the day to take out the trash if needed. Clean it all out. I chose Saturn Day for our marketing post because I want to support your material business gain. You should share your stuff. Saturdays are also my “refresh the wards” day and I have a thing I do around my house. I water the plants, refresh my salts, banish the demons, ya know…housework 😂😂😂

I also mop my floors using some Florida water, refresh my fridge and just do normal house stuff. I may also slip into trance and dance on a Saturday, you never know what the day holds for me.

September 30, 2023 Current Moon Phase and Northern Hemisphere’s Planetary Positions

Current Moon Phase

You can use this link to go forward or backward in time for Moon phase information. If you are curious, you can even find out what phase the Moon was in when you or anyone else was born.


The Moon’s current phase for today and tonight is a Waning Gibbous. During this phase the Moon can be seen in the early morning daylight hours on the western horizon. This is the first phase after the Full Moon occurs. It lasts roughly 7 days with the Moon’s illumination growing smaller each day until the Moon becomes a Last Quarter Moon with an illumination of 50%. The average Moon rise for this phase is between 9pm and Midnight depending on the age of the phase. The moon rises later and later each night setting after sunrise in the morning.

Visit the September 2023 Moon Phases Calendar to see all the daily moon phase for this month.

Today’s Waning Gibbous Phase

The Waning Gibbous on September 30 has an illumination of 98%. This is the percentage of the Moon illuminated by the Sun. The illumination is constantly changing and can vary up to 10% a day. On September 30 the Moon is 15.99 days old. This refers to how many days it has been since the last New Moon. It takes 29.53 days for the Moon to orbit the Earth and go through the lunar cycle of all 8 Moon phases.

Phase Details

Phase: Waning Gibbous
Illumination: 98%
Moon Age: 15.99 days
Moon Angle: 0.54
Moon Distance: 370,781.13 km
Sun Angle: 0.53
Sun Distance: 149,797,603.70 km

Useful Moon Resources

The 8 Lunar Phases

There are 8 lunar phases the Moon goes through in its 29.53 days lunar cycle. The 4 major Moon phases are Full Moon, New Moon, First Quarter and Last Quarter. Between these major phases, there are 4 minor ones: the Waxing Crescent, Waxing Gibbous, Waning Gibbous and Waning Crescent. For more info on the Moon Cycle and on each phase check out Wikipedia Lunar Phase page.

Northern Hemisphere’s Planetary Positions

If you need to calculate the planetary positions in either hemisphere you can use this for a specific use and time in your local time zone, click on this link

To figure out GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) to your local time use this link  

For Your Local Time and Date

Northwestern Hemisphere

This local time is in Los Angeles, California, USA

September 30, 2023
11:00 pm GMT 4:00 PM PDT
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:07 Libra 31
Moon:28 Aries 37
Mercury:23 Virgo 04
Venus:23 Leo 33
Mars:22 Libra 29
Jupiter:14 Taurus 26 Rx
Saturn:01 Pisces 29 Rx
Uranus:22 Taurus 38 Rx
Neptune:25 Pisces 57 Rx
Pluto:27 Capricorn 55 Rx

True Lunar Node:24 Aries 54
Mean Lunar Node:25 Aries 45 Rx

Lilith (Black Moon):29 Leo 43

Chiron:18 Aries 09 Rx
Ceres:06 Scorpio 24
Pallas:07 Libra 54
Juno:22 Leo 45
Vesta:03 Cancer 59

Eris:24 Aries 52 Rx


Northern Hemisphere

This local time is in Chicago, Illinois, USA

September 30, 2023
09:00 pm GMT 4:00 PM CDT
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:07 Libra 26
Moon:27 Aries 25
Mercury:22 Virgo 56
Venus:23 Leo 29
Mars:22 Libra 25
Jupiter:14 Taurus 27 Rx
Saturn:01 Pisces 29 Rx
Uranus:22 Taurus 39 Rx
Neptune:25 Pisces 58 Rx
Pluto:27 Capricorn 55 Rx

True Lunar Node:24 Aries 54
Mean Lunar Node:25 Aries 45 Rx

Lilith (Black Moon):29 Leo 42

Chiron:18 Aries 09 Rx
Ceres:06 Scorpio 22
Pallas:07 Libra 52
Juno:22 Leo 42
Vesta:03 Cancer 58

Eris:24 Aries 52 Rx


Northeastern Hemisphere

This local time is in Frankfurt, Germany, Europe

30 September 2023
02:00 pm GMT 4:00 PM CEST
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:07 Libra 09
Moon:23 Aries 12
Mercury:22 Virgo 27
Venus:23 Leo 17
Mars:22 Libra 14
Jupiter:14 Taurus 28 Rx
Saturn:01 Pisces 30 Rx
Uranus:22 Taurus 39 Rx
Neptune:25 Pisces 58 Rx
Pluto:27 Capricorn 55 Rx

True Lunar Node:24 Aries 54 Rx
Mean Lunar Node:25 Aries 46 Rx

Lilith (Black Moon):29 Leo 40

Chiron:18 Aries 10 Rx
Ceres:06 Scorpio 15
Pallas:07 Libra 44
Juno:22 Leo 34
Vesta:03 Cancer 54

Eris:24 Aries 53 Rx


September 30, 2023 Daily and Birthday Horoscopes

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Moon Alert

Avoid shopping or important decisions from 5:30 PM to 9:30 PM EDT today (2:30 PM to 6:30 PM PDT). After that, the Moon moves from Aries into Taurus.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Be open to meeting new people and seeing inventive ways of doing things. This might apply to your job or your health. (Possibly, even your pet.) Meanwhile, you are friendly and warm to everyone today. Enjoy social outings plus fun activities with kids!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

An unexpected invitation to a social event or something to do with sports or kids might catch you off guard today. (Say yes if you can because you will probably have fun.) This is a creative, inventive day for artists. Avoid accidents in sports. Expect social plans to change at the last minute.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This is a great day to schmooze with others, not only friends but also members of groups, clubs and organizations. You’ll enjoy talking to siblings, relatives and neighbours, as well. Something unexpected at home or within the family might occur. Stock the fridge. Be ready for anything.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

People notice you today. In fact, some know personal details about your private life. (Hopefully, this will benefit you because it will probably be positive.) Spontaneous short trips, new faces, new places and new ideas are likely. Enjoy!

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Someone who is different, perhaps from another culture, will intrigue you today. This is perfect because you want to be stimulated by something different. Ideally, you would like to travel or have a change of scenery. Meanwhile, moneymaking ideas might occur. Keep an eye on your possessions.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You’re feeling quite brainy today, which is why you might come up with original, inventive ideas or solutions? You’re also impulsive, which is why you will be quick to act, quick to change your mind and ready to go off in new directions. (Beware of knee-jerk reactions.)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This is a great day to schmooze with friends and groups! You might meet someone new through a friend or partner. Behind-the-scenes research might reveal some surprising answers or solutions to problems. It’s a high-energy day and you’re in your element!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Someone unusual or different might intrigue you today. A conversation with this person might prompt you to rethink your future goals. (Very likely, they’re younger than you.) Meanwhile, you are making a great impression on bosses, parents, teachers and even the police. People are impressed with you.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This is a lovely day to travel or enjoy a vacation. Social outings will please you as well as playful times with children and sports events. You’re feeling a bit competitive with someone, perhaps related to a physical sport or activity? Surprising news from a parent or boss might happen. It’s all good.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Sudden opportunities to travel might fall in your lap today. Or perhaps, you’ll have a brilliant idea related to studies, publishing, the media or something to do with the law or medicine. (It could be a “Eureka!” moment.) Fortunately, you look excellent in the eyes of others, especially bosses and parents. People are impressed by you.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Enjoy the company of friends, partners and spouses today because people are warm hearted and friendly. Stay on top of banking information because something related to shared property, shared responsibilities, inheritances and such might surprise you. Stay sharp.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Relations with coworkers are warm today. It’s an excellent day for financial discussions or discussing moneymaking ideas. (Check Moon Alert above before you act.) Note: A friend, spouse or partner might throw you a curveball. Get ready for a surprise.

If Your Birthday Is Today

Actor Eric Stoltz (1961) shares your birthday today. You’re charming, insightful, knowledgeable and confident. You’re quick to see solutions and capable of persuading others. This year is the beginning of a new nine-year cycle, which means it’s a time of adventure and major changes. Keep your eyes open for new opportunities. Be ready to take the initiative.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This Saturday you are going to be more preoccupied about your health than with anything else and this will be seen in the level of energy you’ll have and in the lack of interest in doing something else.

You should focus on overcoming self imposed obstacles by challenging your mood and by changing something in your diet as well.

You can also read this special Aries Daily Horoscope.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This Saturday you are going to experiment a lot of things, especially in your social circle, don’t expect however, to get to taste anything or similar as this experimentation has more to do with the way you are feeling and the way you see the world around you.

There is a great occasion for you to express your individuality in a creative manner.

You can also read this special Taurus Daily Horoscope.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This Saturday you are going to be surrounded by your family and you are probably going to spend an agreeable time in their company.

There is also a great accent put on residence, on land and on any kind of property you might own and these might act as a reference for you into a higher circle or into a partnership with a better family.

You can also read this special Gemini Daily Horoscope.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This Saturday you are going to be quite eloquent and you are going to have the occasion to show your arguments in quite an open manner.

It is also a great occasion to support the things you really believe in. There are some chances for short travel or for planning a more complex endeavor for the next year as well as chances to approach new people.

You can also read this special Cancer Daily Horoscope.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

This Saturday it seems that everyone around you has made a coalition and tries to convince you to grow up. Maybe you’ve had a tad too much fun lately and it’s time to take on some responsibilities.

Or maybe those around you are a bit jealous of how good humored you are and are trying to bring you with your feet on the ground, in their sad reality.

You can also read this special Leo Daily Horoscope.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This Saturday seems that you won’t be convinced to respect authority and that the emotionally fragile free spirit in yourself wants to be released.

Maybe there won’t be major consequences to your actions, but who wants to risk that. You should act like a mature person and temper your impulses every time you feel that you are crossing a line.

You can also read this special Virgo Daily Horoscope.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This Saturday you might realize that is time to take a relationship to the next level. Be it that we are talking about your love life or collaboration you’ve been thinking of.

The idea is that you should act in the direction you feel things are going and not expect other chances. This day will also be a moment of truth and revelation in these directions.

You can also read this special Libra Daily Horoscope.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

This Saturday there is an occasion for you to do something for others, be it that it is something related to your field of work or to your personal life.

Keep your eyes opened for anything of this kind happening today because you should take any opportunity of this kind. Although it might seem a bit out of hand in your schedule today it will serve you good too.

You can also read this special Scorpio Daily Horoscope.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This Saturday you are full of common sense and you appreciate simplicity more than ever. It seems that you are trying to add practicality to everything around you and react in a direct and uncomplicated manner.

It is ok to do so, as long as you are not taking this mood as a free pass to being judgmental and too direct with other people.

You can also read this special Sagittarius Daily Horoscope.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

This Saturday might present itself with another work opportunity but this time the outcome of this situation will definitely reflect the degree of hard work and dedication you had for your job in the past months.

For those that have given 100 or more the chances are their work is recognized but those that have been slacking, well, they might get a warning.

You can also read this special Capricorn Daily Horoscope.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This Saturday will be very busy for most natives in terms of encounters and errands. You might have to tend to all kinds of domestic activities and this might keep you on the road for the majority of the day.

The more you go out the more people you will get to meet. You shouldn’t avoid them but instead catch up and even use the information you are casually being given.

You can also read this special Aquarius Daily Horoscope.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This Saturday announces to be a romantic day for you, be it that you are in a couple or you are a single Pisces ready to mingle.

You might even get the courage to ask your romantic interest for a date. However, no matter what you are planning on doing or not doing today it’s sure that your mind will crave for this kind of attention the whole day around.

You can also read this special Pisces Daily Horoscope.


May the next year of your life bring you more love, laughter, joy, happiness, enough income to cover what you have to along with a little left for fun than the past year! Plus a lot of positive energy in everything you do!

Being a Libra born on September 30th, you are confident and energetic and nothing seems to stand in your way when you want to accomplish something. You are clear and find it easy to follow others when they are right.

Accommodating with almost anyone, it doesn’t take you long to get on board with the ideas of your friends. Prepare to read a comprehensive profile analysis in the following rows.

 The zodiac sign for September 30 is Libra.

 Astrological symbol: Scales. The sign of the Scales influences people born between September 23 and October 22, when in tropical astrology the Sun is considered to be in Libra. It refers to the tactful and balance nature of these natives.

 The Libra Constellation lies between Virgo to the West and Scorpio to the East on an area of 538 sq degrees and has no first magnitude stars. Its visible latitudes are between +65° to -90°, this being one of the zodiac’s twelve constellations.

 The name Libra is the Latin definition for Scales, the September 30 zodiac sign. The Italians call it Bilancia while the Spanish say it is Libra.

 Opposite sign: Aries. This suggests a certain sweetness and enthusiasm and shows that cooperation between the Aries and Libra sun signs is thought to be beneficial for both sides.

 Modality: Cardinal. This indicates how much high spirit and imagination exists in the lives of those born on September 30 and how career driven they are in general.

 Ruling house: The seventh house. This zodiac placement governs a space of partnership, team work and balance. This says a lot about the interests of Libras and their life perspectives.

 Ruling body: Venus. This celestial planet reveals indulgence and a pioneering state and also highlights support. The Venus name comes from the Roman goddess of romance.

 Element: Air. This element represents evolution and observation. Air takes on new significances in association with fire, making things heat up, vaporizing water while earth seems to smother it. It is recognized to make people born under the September 30 zodiac sign sharp and ingenious.

 Lucky day: Wednesday. Under the governing of Mercury, this day symbolizes conversion and experience. It is suggestive for the Libra natives who are sociable.

 Lucky numbers: 1, 9, 17, 18, 21.

 Motto: “I balance!”

More Information:

 People born on September 30 are empathetic and loving. They seem to always try to save the world, at least with the small steps they can take and are great communicators although they are introspective beings as nature. They hate superficial people and not being be all listened to, therefore they feel most at ease when in setting where they are given the transformation to offer support and guidance.

 Positive traits: These natives are pragmatic and efficient most times, taking the safe route and sometimes even routes other wouldn’t have thought of. They are introspective and often prefer assurance to risk although their avant-garde nature allows them to come with enticing explanations. They have domestic natures and often their reason resides in the assurance of their families and in providing for them everything they need.

 Negative traits: Sometimes intolerant and overly fastidious, they can make the lives of those close very difficult; especially when they don’t feel they are in control. This doesn’t mean that they need to exert some power but more like they prefer to monitor everything from afar and that people would respect and follow their advice. They are overly calculated and quite timid at times and this really prevents them from having genuine fun.

Love and Compatibility

 Lovers born on September 30 are romantic and affectionate. They seek for a lifetime partner to whom they can commit and create a balanced and accomplishing relationship. They are attracted to enthusiastic and imaginative people that are as reliable as they are. You can conquer the heart of Libra if you are trustworthy and energetic. When they are single they are in no hurry to enter a relationship if they don’t feel it’s the right thing to do, they focus instead on their own self development.

 In love, they don’t settle for less than what they consider it’s best for them. They like to progress slowly in love, get to know all about their loved one. When someone catches their attention they are a loyal but pretentious lover, sometimes prone to controlling behavior and fits of jealousy. Creative, freedom lovers, once decided to settle will invest all their attention in their family and they will probably have brilliant children. Some struggle, trial and error will govern parts of their love life but in the end everything will be worth it. They are most compatible with those born on the 6th, 9th, 15th, 18th, 24th and 27th.

 September 30 Zodiac people are very attracted to the other air signs: Gemini and Aquarius as they tend to share the same vision of life. In life, Libra is constantly seeking for excitement in the shape of a humorous and creative partner who can bring some enthusiasm in their lives and the most suitable to offer them this is the native from Aquarius. Libra is thought to be least compatible with Aries. As for the rest of compatibilities between the other star signs and Libra, you know what they say, stars predispose but people dispose.

Lucky color

Blue is the color that is considered lucky for those Libra natives with September 30.

This hue denotes harmony, symmetry and aesthetics, just like Libra. This zodiac color is advised to be used in accessories and items of clothing.

People who have blue as sign color are creative, trustworthy, reliable and tend to live a harmonious and balanced life. The color blue symbolizes stability and calmness. It is one of the most popular choices of favorite color.

Other colors for Libra people are pink and green.

Representative birthstone

The attractive Opal is the birthstone defined for September 30 and in general for Libras.

This is a precious stone that symbolizes clarity and honesty. This zodiac birthstone should be used in all kinds of jewelry items that are to be worn frequently.

It is thought to unleash the creative genius and might help the wearer express their emotions and ideas in a clearer and convincing way. Did you know that Opal is the official gemstone of Australia?

Another gemstone considered influential for Libra natives is Jade. It suggests practical intelligence.

Characteristic flower

The flower considered to be representative for Libra natives with September 30 is Rose.

Rose suggests never ending love, loyalty and passion. This zodiac flower should be used in decorations and other accessories.

Rose symbolizes passion and unconditional love but one of the main symbols is loyalty and purity of thought. This plant can be found during midspring to fall.

Other flowers representative for Libra are the flowers of all fruit trees.

Symbolic metal

The metal used in astrology for those with September 30 is Bronze.

Bronze is a metal that suggests wisdom and never ending power. This zodiac metal could be used in accessories and decorative objects.

This is a metal of monetary wealth, artistic creations and warfare. It is said to influence progress and human civilization.

Another metal considered influential for Libra natives is Copper.


 September 30 Zodiac belongs to the first decan of LIBRA (September 23-October 2). This decan is strongly influenced by the planet Venus. This is representative for people who are affectionate and reliable just like Libra and charming and emotional just like Venus. This decan is said to be magnifying all characteristics of the Libra zodiac sign, both positive and negative.

 Being born on the 30th day of the month shows friendliness, enthusiasm but also reliability and hard work. The numerology for September 30 is 3. This number reveals great human interactions and all kinds of communication. People ruled by number three sure know their way around words. The association between Libra and this number will surface eloquence and great people skills in the first.

 September is the first autumn month in the Northern Hemisphere, bringing the return to education and careers after the long summer. Those born in September are motivated and analytical. September 30 Zodiac people are cautious but understanding. The symbols for September include the Sapphire and Sardonyx as gemstones and Aster and Morning glory as plants. The name of this month comes from the Latin “septem”.

What statistics say

 In a year in the Gregorian Calendar, September 30 is the 273rd day or the 274th day in case of leap years and until the end of the year there are left 92 days. The thirtieth day of autumn, this is also the Blasphemy Day.

 Libra is placed on the fifth position on the list of birth signs occurrence. Positive meaning and harmonious energy, this is an odd numbered sign with a predominantly masculine symbolism. This exemplifies extrovert natives who are cordial and hospitable. The Lover is an archetype used when talking about this sign. This is also known as the sign with the highest chances towards a happy marriage.

 Famous people born on September 30 under the Libra zodiac sign: Truman Capote, Deborah Kerr, Fran Drescher, Monica Belluci and Marion Cotillard.

If you were born on September 30, you have a thirst for knowledge! You crave new information on a daily basis. Whether this comes from books, music, movies, social media, or friends, you always need to be learning. This makes you a very wise and impressive person who has the ability to remember and share all sorts of facts and stories. Always remember that, if you’re going to be regurgitating information, you trust its source! Do your due diligence and find trustworthy hubs for your education.

September 30 Libra at Their Best: Educated, curious, impressive

September 30 Libra at Their Worst: Know-it-all, judgmental, obnoxious

What to Wear: Go trendy, but not too flashy. Libra will be watching the crowd and silently critiquing everyone’s ability to keep up with style and elegance.

What to Eat: Keep it healthy — you don’t have to go as far as no carb, gluten-free and vegan, but some meatless dishes and low-fat fare will be greatly appreciated.

Who to Invite: Restrict your list to the more refined people in the crowd. Libra doesn’t like noise, arguments or lewd behavior … unless it’s in their bedroom.

Where to Go: The newest, trendiest club or restaurant you can find.

SEPTEMBER 30 birthday horoscope says that you tend to be spontaneous. Usually, emotional and romantic, you enjoy life. You can find humor in almost any situation and can laugh at yourself. You can laugh at yourself. You find humor even in the darkest of situations.

Highly imaginative, you are creative and dreamy. But this September 30 birthday personality can also be lazy and impulsive. You are likely to get used to a prominent lifestyle. You like the comfortable lifestyle of the rich and famous.

Libra, your friends, say that you jump into relationships with your blinders on. You like to go places, and this quality makes you a changeable person.If today is your birthday, you are a romantic person by nature who is generous and fun loving. You don’t like messy people or dramatic situations.

Usually, no one will bother you, but you do have a way of leading some people on. When you are by yourself, you have a chance to think.

On the other hand, the September 30th horoscope also predicts that you like learning and have no qualms about going back to school. If you didn’t jump into relationships, you’d be better off. In general, those of born today are hard to “read.”

Seemingly detached or aloof, you spend time perfecting things that need attention. In love, you can be a strong individual. You are highly motivated and personable. That’s just one of your imperfections as a human.

The September 30 astrology analysis also shows that you are cool until someone throws you off balance. When this happens, you can be a raging lunatic. Otherwise, you are usually well put together.

Your grooming standards are to be admired. Most people mimic your style, and you consider this flattering. At the same time, you realize that not everyone who smiles at you is your friend.

Those born on this Libra birthday are optimistic people. Normally, you can think on your feet and can come up with a solution rather quickly. Additionally, you are innovative and pleasant to be around.

You don’t want to solve the problems of the world unlike others born on under the Libra zodiac sign. You can be creative and hard-working. You can find a logical explanation for things when other people cannot. Mainly, you strive to find ways to make your job(s) easier.

If you have this September 30 zodiac person as a friend or as a lover, you need to let them breathe sometimes. Too much pressure on a Libran will make them shy away. You could learn to have more patience. It makes take some doing, but it’s in you, Libra.

Drawn to people who are likely stable and relaxed, you despise not being heard. The September 30th birthday personality is likely to deal with their children’s insecurities. You can be a victim of abuse. Nonetheless, you are a genuine person who deserves to have some fun. You look for drama and tend not to involve yourself in those kinds of situations.

The September 30 birthday meaning also shows that you are headstrong and unreasonable. You look for a partner who would be around for a while. Working on your self, you could be focused to enter into a relationship that you are not compatible with. Moreover, you can be a little idealistic when it comes to romance and relationships.

Your health is normally in good condition. You stay active so being overweight is not your problem. Although you do exercise and eat right, take your vitamins and get regular check-ups.

The career choice of a Libra born on September 30 can be hard as you are good at so many things. You tend to go beyond most people’s imagination and have the ability to read people and their character. This is a valuable trait to have when hiring someone to work for you.

You have the potential to be very successful and to make a lot of loot. However, you tend to spend it before you make it. Maybe it’s time to put away some of that cash for a rainy day. You have to start thinking of your future right now.

Librans born on September 30 are go-getters. You have a great imagination and are romantic people. You dislike drama and violence. Although it’s hard to ruffle your feathers, you can be a force to be reckoned with when upset. You may be found asking people for their signatures to petition a cause. You are slow to make friends or to fall in love. You may have trust issues but are a kind person.

See: Famous Celebrities Born On September 30

This Day That Year – September 30 In History

1878 – Hawaii becomes a target of refuge for Portuguese immigrants
1888 – Two more women killed by “Jack the Ripper.”
1939 – Fordham vs. Waynesburg first college football game to be shown on television
1960 – West Germany and East Germany make a trade agreement

September 30 Tula Rashi (Vedic Moon Sign)
September 30 Chinese Zodiac DOG

September 30 Birthday Planet

Your ruling planet is Venus that symbolizes relations, beauty, attraction, love, and creativity.

September 30 Birthday Symbols

The Balance or Scales Is The Symbol For The Libra Zodiac Sign

September 30 Birthday Tarot Card

Your Birthday Tarot Card is The Empress. This card stands for a great positive, creative influence in your life. The Minor Arcana cards are Two of Swords and Queen of Swords

September 30 Birthday Zodiac Compatibility

You are most compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign LeoThis can be an excellent and invigorating match.
You are not compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign Taurus: This relationship will need some endurance to survive.

See Also:

September 30 Lucky Number

Number 3 – This number stands for culture, charity, expression, happiness, and aesthetics.

Read about: Birthday Numerology

Lucky Colors For September 30 Birthday

Blue: This is a bright color that symbolizes honesty, steadfastness, wisdom, and devotion.
Purple: This is a color of spirituality, dreams, intuition, and introspection.

Lucky Days For September 30 Birthday

Friday – This day ruled by Venus stands for beauty, romance, feelings, art and bonds between people.
Thursday – This day is ruled by Jupiter and is a good day for being nice to people and being more productive in whatever task you take up.

September 30 Birthstone Opal

Opal gemstones are said to make your relationships stable and enhance your emotions.

Ideal Zodiac Birthday Gifts For People Born On September 30th

An elegant accessory for the study is an excellent gift for the man and a beautiful crystal flower vase for the woman. The September 30 birthday horoscope warns that you might need to go easy on your shopping sprees.

For your birthday or daily horoscope


Divination Journal

Tarot Card

Today’s Tarot Card Reading come from The English Magic Tarot by Rex Van Ryn, Steve Dooley and Andy Letcher Copyright 2015 (The unfamiliar terms used with this deck is in England English) Page 75


Struggle; responsibility; burden; refusal to delegate

Description: A man struggles with ten staves. He’s knocked his hat off and is going to come to a cropper in that puddle.

Reading: You’re doing to much. You’ve taken on too many responsibilities and now you’re unable to do any of them justice. Remember that your energy and time are not unlimited. Delegate.

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper

Today’s card comes from Messages from Your Animal Spirit Guides Oracle Cards by Steven D. Farmer Copyright 2008 Pages 27-29


“It’s time to strike out on your own and relinquish your over dependency on others.”

It’s so easy to slip into a comfortable dependency with anything or anyone, from simple dependencies that can be healthy and restorative (such as daily exercise) to destructive and hard-core dependencies, such as an addiction. You may find yourself so totally hooked on another person that you lose yourself, always turning to that individual to either make decisions for you or to validate your own. This can apply to organizations as well.

Those dependencies that you’re most familiar with are most likely born out of habit rather than conscious choice. To make truly autonomous decisions, don’t get caught up in the polarities of being dependent or independent. Instead, make those choices from a place where you maintain your own authority and power, and accept 100 percent responsibility for those choices and their consequences. Now is the time to review the people and things upon which you excessively and habitually dependent: Step back from them, identify the areas where you need to make some adjustments, and act accordingly. Practice setting boundaries, asking for what you want, and making decisions based on your own internal authority and autonomy.

Associations: Independence; Autonomy; Curiosity; Courage; Unpredictability; Perceptiveness; Cleverness; Resourcefulness; Intuition; Passion; Sensuality; Playfulness; Adventurousness, Stealth; Charisma, Gracefulness




Sound: “k”
Stands for: Torch
Color: Yellow
Casting meaning: Kenaz is a rune of knowledge, understanding, learning and teaching. It allows us to view situations with more clarity than we normally would.

Witches’ Rune  



This rune means to watch, to be spellbound, to probe deeper and discover that which is hidden from view.

It indicates becoming conscious and aware. This can sometimes mean you will be shocked into some awareness.

The Eye Rune implies the inner eye, to bring something into focus, to awaken or startle.

It suggests the all-knowing or all-seeing consciousness.

This rune has everything to do with examination, inspection, exposure and understanding on the deepest level.




S is for Saille, pronounced sahl-yeh, and is associated with the Willow tree. The Willow is often found near water, and when nourished it will grow rapidly. This symbol is representative of knowledge and spiritual growth, as well as being connected with the month of April. Willows offer protection and healing, and is closely connected to the cycles of the moon. Likewise, this symbol is tied to women’s mysteries and cycles.

In folk medicine, Willow has long been connected with healing. A tea of willow bark was used to treat fevers, rheumatism, coughs, and other inflammatory conditions. Nineteenth century scientists discovered that the Willow contains salicylic acid, a synthetic version of which is the primary pain-relief ingredient in Aspirin. In addition to its use as a healing herb, Willow was also harvested for wicker work. Baskets, small curricles, and even bee hives were constructed with this bendable, flexible wood.

Saille Correspondences

Mundane Aspects: One cannot evolve without changing. Realize that part of life’s journey includes learning lessons–even unpleasant ones. This is a natural part of the human experience.

Magical Aspects: Give yourself a break periodically, and take time to rest spiritually. Know that change will come when you are ready for it. Allow yourself some flexibility in your spiritual life as well.

I Ching


Hexagram One/1

Name: Ch’ien.

Keyphrase: The Creative.

Formed By The Trigrams: Heaven over Heaven.

General: Persistent effort will help you realize your potential for achievement.

Love: You need to behave in a compassionate fashion towards your partner.

Business: Your ideas are sound but you need to take time to thoroughly plan out your strategy for making them work.

Personal: You need to take time out to relax and enjoy life more.

Overview: Ch’ien is pure yang energy. Being pure yang it indicates a time when you are in a good position to achieve your objectives (whatever they may be). However, it is a time of potential as there is a lack of yin influence. So now is the time to make those plans and get ready to put them into action. Plan thoroughly and don’t be impatient. Although Ch’ien is an auspicious hexagram, for your plans to have a lasting effect and value your motives need to be virtuous. Be compassionate when you move forward. If you are arrogant you will only breed complacency or resentment in those around you.





From a spiritual perspective, the 1 is the number of creation – the primal force from which all other numbers spring forth. Some say once you truly understand the place and function of this elemental number, enlightenment will be yours.

This statement doesn’t apply to a Numerologist’s perspective alone, but perhaps it’s a good place to start since the personality of the number 1 aligns nicely with its elevated spiritual symbolism.

The 1 is a doer, a powerful force that produces results.

The 1 is aggressive – a necessary trait for creating, and not allowing anything to limit its potential. The 1 is the spearhead, always in the forefront directing and leading others.

The shape of this number reflects its meaning; the 1 walks upright with pride and purpose – strong, determined, and unwavering with a specific goal in mind. The 1 is capable of turning ideas into reality – pushing obstacles aside or simply drilling right through them.

The 1 tends to have a simple, straightforward view of life, heedless of its many complexities.

An individual with the dynamic 1 trusts their ability to separate right from wrong, doesn’t waste time on abstract ideas, and rarely follows a path that isn’t in line with their result-oriented goal. The 1 is no preacher, no philosopher, spiritual explorer, nor dreamer – and certainly not an idealist. They are pragmatic, ruthless conquerors, and warriors extraordinaire. The 1 is individualistic and independent to a fault. They will attempt to force their viewpoint on you but have no desire to hear yours.

The 1 can be confrontational, jealous, and exceedingly stubborn, but also courageous and willing to try anything new (with promise) even at great risk. They have a sense of honor and responsibility that demands respect and are the first to defend injustice and hypocrisy.

Befriend a 1 and you have a friend for life.

Fortunately, the 1 has a great capacity for humor, often self-depreciating, so you can poke fun at your friend and not worry about hurt feelings. But don’t cater to them to win love or friendship or you will lose their respect. Stand up to a 1 and you may lose the fight, but you’ll gain admiration. Working for a 1 you will be pushed to the limit, abused at all hours, and incapable of living up to unreasonable expectations. But you will also become the best you can be.

When in trouble, you want a friend with a strong 1 on your side, and you won’t find a braver partner or a more dedicated protector. But, if the 1 is your enemy, you could be crushed without mercy. And be forewarned, the number 1 is the most difficult of all lovers, demanding, jealous, confrontational, and impatient.

If you have a 1 in your core numbers, your happiness and sense of satisfaction will come from your work more than any other source.


Angel Number



Number one represents unity. We are all one a we are connected with our thinking. Observe your thoughts and concentrate on your desires. Let positive thinking be your utmost priority. Your fears will just vanish if you remember you have powerfull allies and guardians around you at all times.

A Thought for Today

Whether you are in or out or partly out of the broom closet remember the only person that needs to be concerned with your spiritual path is you!

May your path be blessed with whatever you want out of it. You are the one in charge of which gods and/or goddesses you choose to make offerings to and work with. You are the one in charge of what you put out into the universe through wishes or spells or rituals or any combination of these. It is your wants and wills that are the center of your spiritual and magicakal path. Even if you are in a coven ultimately it is you who decides to participate in what the coven does or not. 

Personally over my 40 + years of following the Goddess who goes by many names including but not limited to The Great Mother/Mother Earth/Gaia and the God who goes by many names including but not limited to Horned God/The Great Father/Odin. Over the years I slowly and than fully came out of the broom closet in most areas of my life the one place I do not put it out there much that I am a pagan and witch is when I am with family. Basically my family knows loosely what type of spiritual path I choose to follow but it is not brought up and I wear alternative amulets instead of a pentacle when I am with them or keep my pentacle under my shirt.

Why do I do this? So unlike the Christians in my family I do not feel I have to have an outward sign of any kind to be true to my spiritual path. My path is a personal one even though I lead a coven of my apprentice. As I tell them we are a coven of solitary witches who come together to talk about our lives or our spiritual paths or magickal workings and for the 8 Sabbats. A few months ago in our monthly chat a novice brought this topic it up and it was refreshing to hear how others feel about it and why they come out to some people but not others. So, I asked myself does it take away from me walking a pagan path to just saying that I do? No I do not feel that by me being in the shadow of the wide open broom closet door when with family deteriorates what I feel and the path I choose to follow spiritually and magickly.

What are your views on the topic of how far out of the broom closet do you want to be or are?