Goddess Of The Day: VESTA

(I could not get the font to go larger, sorry about that)


Feast of Vesta (Rome)

 Themes: Home; Love; Fertility; Peace

Symbols: Fire; Donkey; Veils

 About Vesta: In Roman mythology, Vesta was part of every fire. As such, Vesta commands the sacred fires of the hearth, the heart of spiritual and emotional stability in your home. Today was one other festival days, Christianized as the Feast of the Ass, which is a sacred animal to her. Traditional offerings for Vesta include homemade bread and salt cakes.

 In works of art, Vesta was never shown directly but always depicted her in veils, possibly to honor her importance in Roman society. The vestal priestess was one of the few people considered suited to negotiating peace during war threats.

 To Do Today: The first month of the year is a good time to think about the spiritual warmth in your living space. Ask Vesta to kindle those fires anew. Do this by lighting any fire source you have handy-a match, a candle, the oven, a pilot light-or, alternatively, just turn on a light as a symbolic fire. Be sure to keep this lit all day. When a fire goes out on Vesta’s day, it’s considered a bad omen, indicative of love being lost. To encourage peace on any battleground you’re facing this year, light a white candle (the color of truce) and put it in a window to invite Vesta’s presence (being sure it’s safe to do so, of course). Then take a piece of bread outside, breaking it into small bits so the birds can carry your wish of harmony across the earth.

By Patricia Telesco

Daily Cosmic Calendar for November 30th

Keep out of mischief-making during the first few hours of the day when the Moon remains void in Gemini. Once the lunar orb enters its natural abode of watery Cancer (5:56AM PST), you can breathe a big sigh of relief and get on with the business of sprucing up your residence. Make the kitchen and bath areas sparkle again. Out with clutter, grease and grime; in with a new shine and sense of pride around your home base.  Helping you nurture dear ones and be more productive across the board is the monthly Moon-Ceres conjunction (7:26AM PST). Use this union to add healthful foods to your weekly diet. Cooking, baking and taking care of your lawn and garden (weather permitting) are back in style.  Emotional mood swings may rock your psychic interior this evening as Mars is contra-parallel to Ceres (9:28PM PST), Mercury makes a frictional, 135-degree link to its higher-octave planet Uranus (10:34PM PST), and Mars forms an inspirational, 72-degree tie with Pallas (10:42PM PST). While the Mars-Ceres and Mercury-Uranus connections carry a strong note of cosmic turbulence, the Mars-Pallas rapport can play the role of problem-solver to the hilt.  However, warning signals continue to flash red as November morphs into December since two, off-kilter, 150-degree sky patterns — Mercury with Vesta, and Venus with Jupiter — are about to manifest at 12:27AM PST and 12:46AM PST respectively, tomorrow morning, Saturday December 1. You will really want to stay emotionally calm and mentally clear as the last month of 2012 comes into being.