Divination Journal

Tarot Card

SOURCE: tarotx.net

2 of Cups

Instinct The link between men and women.
Purpose Emotional and physical exchanges.
The Light Focus on emotional harmony.
The Shadow Disillusionment, separation, conflict of interests.
Quality The happiness of love (balance of extremes).

Menu of Contents

I. Analyze and describe 2 of Cups Thoth Tarot

II. Interpretation of 2 of Cups Thoth Tarot

1. Energy

2. Inner

3. Career

4. Sentiment

III. Similar correlations of 2 of Cups Thoth Tarot

IV. 2 of Cups Thoth Tarot symbolism

V. 2 of Cups Thoth card in the upright and reverse

1. Upright 2 of Cups Thoth card

2. Reversed 2 of Cups Thoth card

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper


Source: TheRuneSite.com


Sound: “n”
Stands for: Necessity (or Need)
Color: Black (Blue)
Casting meaning: This rune represents how our need or want of something can put a restriction on us. It restricts our possibilities but also contains the power we need to break free from those restrictions.

Witch’s Rune

Source: OtherWorldlyOracle.com


Bonding, alliance, marriage, teams, family

This witches rune indicates an issue, be it good or bad, with family, co-workers, friends, etc. Bonding on different levels is also the message.


Source: thepeculiarbrunette.com


Pronunciation – Knee-eh-tl

Tree Association – Broom

The accurate meaning for nGeatal is a broom. However, it is often represented as a reed due to Robert Graves’ interpretation in his book ‘White Goddess’. This interpretation was later expanded on by Liz and Colin Murray in The Celtic Tree Oracle but was not the original meaning.

Meaning – Health, vitality, strength, wounding, healers, and herbal remedies. A broom is a bush with bright yellow flowers and slender branches and was often used to create besoms. Besoms cleansed and removed unwanted or harmful energy from the home or sacred space. NGeatal is also symbolic of prioritizing physical and mental wellness by living a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

If reversed – Sickness, chronic illness, pain, suffering, need to purge or cleanse. Can indicate a lack of wellness in your life – physically, mentally, or spiritually.

Inscription and Magical Uses – Useful for all healing – meditations, ointments, remedies, or gifts to those recovering from illness. Perfect for incorporating into candles, oils, soaps, or lotions. Add to Moon Water you intend to consume to assist with health or physical well-being.

Folklore – Used to make the shaft of broom handles by witches. Broom was used to cleanse a space of negativity and apply natural remedies or hallucinogenic ointments (hence the term “flying”). The cream was absorbed through her sexual organs and quickly into her bloodstream.

I Ching

SOURCE: ichingonline.net

Hexagram Fifty – Four/54

Kuei Mei / A Loveless Marriage

The Thunderstorm inseminates the swelling Lake, then moves on where the Lake cannot follow:
The Superior Person views passing trials in the light of Eternal Truths.
Any action will prove unfortunate.
Nothing furthers.


This is at best a Marriage of Convenience.
You have found yourself in desperate straits, a position of weakness, and you are tempted to pay dearly for a remedy.
A drowning man isn’t picky about who throws him a rope.
The rescue offered to you now is undesirable.
It may pull you out of this sticky situation, but it will cause even greater predicaments down the road.
Don’t obligate yourself in this way.
You are selling your future for a quick fix today.


Source: affinitynumerology.com

Fifty – Four

Number 54 Meaning

The essence of 54 is a humanitarian with a sense of adventure.

The numerology number 54 could be thought of as similar to an adventurous number 9.The numerology essence of the number 54 has similarities to the number 9’s compassion, tolerance, and humanitarian inclination. In addition to the number 9 essence, however, 54 tends to follow whim. It has an urge to be adventurous, yet is pragmatic and tries to focus and be reliable.The essence of the number 54 is continually focused on making life better for people. It isn’t always effective, as it also has an inner urge to express its sense of personal freedom.54 has little, if any, judgement of lifestyles, societal expectations, religious beliefs, and political practices — in fact, it revels in the first-hand experience of a wide variety of cultures.

Angel Number

Source: informationseries.com

Fifty – Four

Element of angel number “54”: Basic meaning of angel number “5”

It is a number that means a big change.

This change tells you that it is a good change and a great opportunity for you.

Meeting people can make a big difference in your life.

It often indicates that the environment changes significantly due to marriage.

Elements of angel number “54”: the basic meaning of angel number “4”

A number that tells you that there are multiple angels around you.

When it comes to what to do when an angel is around, you need to be positive and think positively about everything.

Beings such as angels and ascended masters love your enthusiasm and positive feelings and want to support you with all your might.

Therefore, it is important to believe and move positively even if you cannot see it.

The wishes that come from your positive and correct thinking are supposed to come true.

The angel number “54”, which has these meanings, conveys the importance of being positive in everything.

What you have hoped for from your positive thoughts will come true.

It shows that it is possible to make a big difference in life.

Sometimes I meet people and get a lot of influence and start a completely different job.

Either way, it’s a good change for you, so feel free to work on it.

A Laugh for Today

A groaner laugh I know but it is a peek at the dry humor I enjoy

Spell For Wednesday


Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence for Wednesday


Wednesday Source: AngelFire.com

The day of Woden, whose name is also pronounced Odin, a Norse God of poetry, resourcefulness and all things mystical. Attune with these energies this day and you find Odin’s power will be with you.

Wednesday are: Mercury

Rituals: Career

Element: Air

Colour: Orange

Number: 0

Wednesday/Mercury: wisdom, healing, communication, intelligence, memory, education, correspondence, phone calls, computers, messages, students, merchants, editing, writing, advertising, signing contracts, sibling, neighbors, kin, accounting, clerks, critics, music, editors, journalists, visual arts, hiring employees, learning languages, placing ads, visiting friends, legal appointments, astrology

Wednesday Source: awithintime.weebly.com

Ruled by Mercury. Divination, communications, knowledge, wisdom, and study.

Day – Wednesday

Planet – Mercury, Chiron

Sign – Virgo, Gemini

Angel – Raphael

Color – Orange, Light Blue, Grey, Purple

Plants – Fern, lavender, hazel, cherry, periwinkle

Stones – Aventurine, bloodstone, hematite, moss agate, sodalite

Intention – Wisdom, healing, communication, intelligence, memory, education

Element – Earth

More Qualities –  Messages, the mind, the intellect, siblings, the arts, partnership, correspondences, phone calls, computers, messages, students, merchants, editing, writing, advertising, signing contracts, neighbors, kin, accounting, clerks, critics, music, editors, journalist, visual arts, hiring employees, learning languages, placing ads, telephone calls, visiting friends, legal appointments, astrology

October 4, 2023 Current Moon Phase and Northern Hemisphere’s Planetary Positions

Current Moon Phase

You can use this link to go forward or backward in time for Moon phase information. If you are curious, you can even find out what phase the Moon was in when you or anyone else was born.

From MoonGiant.com

The Moon’s current phase for today and tonight is a Waning Gibbous. During this phase the Moon can be seen in the early morning daylight hours on the western horizon. This is the first phase after the Full Moon occurs. It lasts roughly 7 days with the Moon’s illumination growing smaller each day until the Moon becomes a Last Quarter Moon with an illumination of 50%. The average Moon rise for this phase is between 9pm and Midnight depending on the age of the phase. The moon rises later and later each night setting after sunrise in the morning.

Visit the October 2023 Moon Phases Calendar to see all the daily moon phase for this month.

Today’s Waning Gibbous Phase

The Waning Gibbous on October 4 has an illumination of 70%. This is the percentage of the Moon illuminated by the Sun. The illumination is constantly changing and can vary up to 10% a day. On October 4 the Moon is 20.18 days old. This refers to how many days it has been since the last New Moon. It takes 29.53 days for the Moon to orbit the Earth and go through the lunar cycle of all 8 Moon phases.

Phase Details

Phase: Waning Gibbous
Illumination: 70%
Moon Age: 20.18 days
Moon Angle: 0.51
Moon Distance: 389,502.80 km
Sun Angle: 0.53
Sun Distance: 149,625,848.39 km

Useful Moon Resources

The 8 Lunar Phases

There are 8 lunar phases the Moon goes through in its 29.53 days lunar cycle. The 4 major Moon phases are Full Moon, New Moon, First Quarter and Last Quarter. Between these major phases, there are 4 minor ones: the Waxing Crescent, Waxing Gibbous, Waning Gibbous and Waning Crescent. For more info on the Moon Cycle and on each phase check out Wikipedia Lunar Phase page.

Northern Hemisphere’s Planetary Positions

If you need to calculate the planetary positions in either hemisphere you can use this for a specific use and time in your local time zone, click on this link


To figure out GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) to your local time use this link  

For Your Local Time and Date

Northwestern Hemisphere

This local time is in Los Angeles, California, USA

October 04, 2023
11:00 pm GMT 4:00 PM PDT
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:11 Libra 27
Moon:22 Gemini 52
Mercury:29 Virgo 55
Venus:26 Leo 37
Mars:25 Libra 09
Jupiter:14 Taurus 05 Rx
Saturn:01 Pisces 16 Rx
Uranus:22 Taurus 32 Rx
Neptune:25 Pisces 51 Rx
Pluto:27 Capricorn 54 Rx

True Lunar Node:24 Aries 58
Mean Lunar Node:25 Aries 32 Rx

Lilith (Black Moon):00 Virgo 09

Chiron:17 Aries 58 Rx
Ceres:08 Scorpio 05
Pallas:09 Libra 43
Juno:24 Leo 33
Vesta:04 Cancer 44

Eris:24 Aries 50 Rx


Northern Hemisphere

This local time is in Chicago, Illinois, USA

October 04, 2023
09:00 pm GMT 4:00 PM CDT
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:11 Libra 22
Moon:21 Gemini 49
Mercury:29 Virgo 46
Venus:26 Leo 33
Mars:25 Libra 06
Jupiter:14 Taurus 05 Rx
Saturn:01 Pisces 17 Rx
Uranus:22 Taurus 32 Rx
Neptune:25 Pisces 51 Rx
Pluto:27 Capricorn 54 Rx

True Lunar Node:24 Aries 58
Mean Lunar Node:25 Aries 33 Rx

Lilith (Black Moon):00 Virgo 09

Chiron:17 Aries 58 Rx
Ceres:08 Scorpio 03
Pallas:09 Libra 41
Juno:24 Leo 30
Vesta:04 Cancer 43

Eris:24 Aries 50 Rx


Northeastern Hemisphere

This local time is in Frankfurt, Germany, Europe

4 October 2023
02:00 pm GMT 4:00 PM CEST
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:11 Libra 05
Moon:18 Gemini 04
Mercury:29 Virgo 16
Venus:26 Leo 19
Mars:24 Libra 54
Jupiter:14 Taurus 07 Rx
Saturn:01 Pisces 18 Rx
Uranus:22 Taurus 33 Rx
Neptune:25 Pisces 52 Rx
Pluto:27 Capricorn 54 Rx

True Lunar Node:24 Aries 57
Mean Lunar Node:25 Aries 33 Rx

Lilith (Black Moon):00 Virgo 07

Chiron:17 Aries 59 Rx
Ceres:07 Scorpio 56
Pallas:09 Libra 33
Juno:24 Leo 23
Vesta:04 Cancer 40

Eris:24 Aries 50 Rx


October 4, 2023 Daily and Birthday Horoscopes

Click here to read Georgia Nicols Daily, Weekly and Monthly Horoscopes

Click here for Anyone’s Birthday or Daily or Monthly Horoscopes from thehoroscope.co

Click here to read more about traits for anyone’s birthday horoscope from tarot.com

Click here to read anyone’s birthday traits and more from sunsigns.org

Moon Alert

There are no restrictions to shopping or important decisions today until 11 PM PDT. The Moon is in Gemini.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Your communication skills are excellent today because not only will you be forceful and direct, you will also be charming and diplomatic. (That’s a killer combo.) You might even play the role of adjudicator or ombudsperson to others who are quarreling.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Financial talks will go well today, especially related to your job. Likewise, financial discussions that relate to real estate or home and family will also be blessed. You might even buy something beautiful for your home or decide to entertain at home today.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This is a fortunate day for you because the Moon is in your sign dancing with Venus and Mars. This means you feel confident, especially dealing with younger people, sports situations and anything to do with the entertainment world and the hospitality industry. You’ll go after what you want (but nicely).

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

It will suit you perfectly to be low key today and work alone or behind the scenes. Your primary focus is on your personal world and issues related to home and family. Very likely, you are dealing with home repairs and family dynamics.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

This is a great day to schmooze! Talk to friends as well as groups and members of clubs and organizations because everyone will be happy to see you. With Venus in your sign now, you are charming and diplomatic. Nevertheless, Mars will beef up your communications and make you confident and to the point.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You’re noticed today. People might even know personal details about you. For some of you, this could relate to a secret love affair that has been going on. (You know who you are.) Meanwhile, discussions with parents and bosses might impact your earnings or your assets. Looks good.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This is a lovely day and in particular, you would like to do something to break the monotony or routine of things. You want to experience something different! Travel would be the perfect option. You can also be a tourist in your own neighbourhood. Go someplace different – have a little adventure!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Quiet, behind-the-scenes discussions about shared responsibilities, shared property, inheritances or debt and taxes might take place today. You will probably come out smelling like a rose because at the moment, Venus is at the top of your chart giving you great favour.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Today you have to cooperate with others and be prepared to go more than halfway, which is not a big deal. You simply have to be polite, a bit deferential and certainly, willing to listen. Travel plans will intrigue you. A competitive colleague might be in the picture.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You are not a lazy sign. Today you are prepared to work because you know you will make a good impression on someone, hopefully someone in authority. Meanwhile, help from another source, either practical or financial, will be forthcoming. This means your efforts will be rewarded.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

A playful day! It’s also a romantic, flirtatious day! Enjoy social outings and exciting, provocative exchanges with others. Meanwhile, sports events and fun activities with kids will please you, along with movies, the theatre and outdoor entertaining diversions. Have fun!

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

You might cocoon at home today. You might also have a heartfelt discussion with a family member about something, probably domestic matters. It might also relate to a home-based business. If so, you can expect help from someone else. It might be financial support or the helpful, physical efforts of someone.

If Your Birthday Is Today

Actor Dakota Johnson (1989) shares your birthday today. Sometimes too you’re inclined to put others first. (It’s wise to have a healthy self-interest.) Nevertheless, your efforts to help others are admirable. This year is playful and fun-loving! It’s time to nurture the happiness and beauty that you have within yourself. Gratitude will be important. Old friends might reappear.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You have high expectations from those around you and it seems that you are going to spend the most time today with your partner so him or her are going to be center of your attention.

Try not to appear forceful or even talk about the things you’re not happy about because this whole attitude surrounding this day will only get you into even more trouble.

You can also enjoy this special Aries Daily Horoscope.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

It seems that today your couple life will be intertwined with your professional life and this translates into you either having to bring your partner to an official meeting or maybe you hosting an event in which you are going to invite some people from work.

It is important to pay attention to your behavior with both sides.

You can also enjoy this special Taurus Daily Horoscope.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Today is going to be an especially successful day for you as it seems like you are going to reach some sort of conclusion that will help you get further on with your desires.

Whether you have a frank conversation with someone you care about or discover something you long wanted to know, be sure that your perspective will change and you will feel a lot better.

You can also enjoy this special Gemini Daily Horoscope.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

It seems that this Wednesday you need to leave worries aside and to avoid any other problems from creeping in.

There are high chances to spend a great time with someone close so why not use this as an occasion to change your point of interest towards something more important. There might be some ambiguity around if you don’t pay attention to technical details.

You can also enjoy this special Cancer Daily Horoscope.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Some financial imbalances might interfere with your family dynamics and you are probably going to feel them exacerbated, especially if your behavior is the cause for what is going on.

You need to have a measure of what is happening around and come with practical solutions instead of just complaining or playing the role of the victim.

You can also enjoy this special Leo Daily Horoscope.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Today your optimism will make everyone jealous and it seems like you are going to be able to make the people around you get a sense of what accomplishment and self confidence really means.

You are able to fight off all negativity that tries to creep into your life but at the same time all this reassurance in yourself will make some people argue you even more.

You can also enjoy this special Virgo Daily Horoscope.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

It seems that the main focus of the day is going to be centered on money and you are going to be somewhat challenged in taking some courageous decisions.

Maybe you want to make some changes in your life and you need some money for that and you’ll have to discuss with people close to you whether you can use them or not.

You can also enjoy this special Libra Daily Horoscope.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

It seems that today you undergo a great tendency to disagree with everyone and you can’t wrap your head around thinking that some of those people are right.

You need to be more adaptable and to understand that the advice you receive from those close to you means good. Don’t throw away any new ideas just because you didn’t come with them.

You can also enjoy this special Scorpio Daily Horoscope.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You are going to be more focused on your love life now then ever but this doesn’t mean that you are going to also take any measures.

You prefer to stay aside observe and wait for others to take any measures they feel like taking. This would be a great chance for you to be more reflective and to analyze your behavior as well.

You can also enjoy this special Sagittarius Daily Horoscope.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You are more connected with your friends today than ever and it seems that you are also open to making plans.

Whether you are the one to propose something to your group or you are just in the position to accept a proposal, be sure that you are going to have a great time. This configuration also prompts you to be more open about yourself.

You can also enjoy this special Capricorn Daily Horoscope.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You are going to be very efficient today and you are probably going to feel an inner sense of accomplishment for your work.

But unfortunately, this doesn’t guarantee that your plans are going the way you want them to, especially if there are other people involved and you rely on them to finish their work until a certain deadline.

You can also enjoy this special Aquarius Daily Horoscope.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

You are content of the state you are in and no one can really take this from you. Unfortunately, this might not be the place where you need to be now and you might want to gather your resources and be more ambitious.

If you want things to happen to you then you need to demand more from life than you are doing at the moment.

You can also enjoy this special Pisces Daily Horoscope.


May the next year of your life bring you more love, laughter, joy, happiness, enough income to cover what you have to along with a little left for fun than the past year! Plus a lot of positive energy in everything you do!

Being a Libra born on October 4th, romance is somehow in your being and you do know how to pamper your loved one. Most of your life you will probably be chasing clarity and stability and it seems that you work best in a partnership.

You will also avoid shallow people and superficial matters as much as you can, even when you are young and in search of easy entertainment. Discover more about your horoscope profile below.

 The zodiac sign for October 4 is Libra.

 Astrological symbol: Scales. This symbolizes balance, tactfulness and a great sense of justice. It influences people born between September 23 and October 22 when the Sun is in Libra, the seventh zodiac sign.

 The Libra Constellation having no first magnitude stars is spread on 538 sq degrees between Virgo to the West and Scorpio to the East. Its visible latitudes are +65° to -90°, this being just one of the twelve zodiac constellations.

 The name Libra is the Latin name for Scales. In Greek, Zichos is the name of the sign for October 4 zodiac sign. In Spanish and it is used Libra while in French Balance.

 Opposite sign: Aries. Partnerships between the Libra and Aries sun signs are considered auspicious and the opposite sign reflects upon the surrounding helpfulness and independence.

 Modality: Cardinal. This quality reveals the positive nature of those born on October 4 and their combativeness and daring regarding most life aspects.

 Ruling house: The seventh house. This house placement symbolizes all the kinds of partnerships and the accomplishments that come from cooperation and balance and reveals why these have always played an important part in the lives of Libras.

 Ruling body: Venus. This celestial planet symbolizes romance and productivity. In the horoscope chart, Venus relates to our love life. Venus is also suggestive for the orderliness component of these personalities.

 Element: Air. This element suggests a harmonious existence, often analyzing and assimilating what is going on everywhere and influences people born on October 4. When associated with the water, this is the element to vaporize it.

 Lucky day: Wednesday. This day is representative for the elegant nature of Libra, is ruled by Mercury and suggests reciprocation and clarity.

 Lucky numbers: 2, 7, 15, 18, 27.

 Motto: “I balance!”

More Information:

 People born on October 4 Are considerate and loving. They seem to always try to save the world, at least with the small steps they can take and are great communicators although they are introspective beings as nature. They hate shallow people and not being listened to, therefore they feel most at ease when in situation where they are given the change to offer support and guidance.

 Positive traits: These natives have a domestic nature, they enjoy spending time surrounded by their family, in the convenience of their home. They are also kind-hearted and introspective. Libra people are usually wide minded and empathetic they seem to come with the right explanation in no time. Those born under this sign are also pragmatic and efficient.

 Negative traits: Extreme worriers and sometimes intolerant, these natives can transform from the most reliable being in the world in the most childish one at a moments notice if they feel they are not being taken seriously. They can be quite controlling sometimes and often get engulfed in the problems of those around them, forgetting about their own. They need to prioritize better as they panic a lot when dealing with unexpected deadlines.

Love and Compatibility

 Lovers born on October 4 are romantic and loyal. They are attracted to enthusiastic and imaginative people that are as reliable as they are. You can conquer the heart of Libra if you are as trustworthy and affectionate as they are. This single native is completely focusing energy on their personal development and is in no way in a hurry to enter a relationship if they don’t feel it’s the right thing to do.

 They are likely to fall in love at a young age and have many interactions with different kinds of people. Once they settle for their loved one, they are patient and dependable and seek for peace and fulfillment. Usually a reserved person, once they are in love, everyone around them knows it. They surprise everyone with their warmth and devotion to their loved one, especially because love comes unexpectedly in their life. They are most compatible with those born on 1st, 8th, 10th, 17th, 19th, 26th and 28th.

 October 4 Zodiac people are most attracted to the other air signs: Gemini and Aquarius as they tend to share the same vision of life. In love, Libra is permanently seeking for a visionary partner to expand their horizon and the best to offer them this is the native born under Aquarius. The lover in Libra is said to be least compatible with Aries. As for the rest of partnerships between the other star signs and Libra, you know what they say, stars predispose but people dispose.

Lucky color

Blue is the color said to be representative for Libra people born with October 4.

Blue as a hue, is the symbol of balance, peacefulness and soothing. This zodiac color should be used in objects that surround the natives.

People who have blue as sign color are creative, trustworthy, reliable and tend to live a harmonious and balanced life. People who prefer darker shades are moodier and more likely to be picky and emotionally insecure.

Other colors representative for Libra are pink and green.

Representative birthstone

The Libra birthstone used in astrology for those with October 4 is the gentle Opal.

Opal presents a precious stone that reflects clarity and sincerity. This zodiac birthstone should be used in pendants, bracelets and other accessories.

This gemstone is said to be beneficial in eye ailments and for eye sight. It is also said to help the healing in many kinds of diseases by purifying the blood. Did you know that Opal is the official gemstone of Australia?

Another gemstone considered influential for Libra natives is Jade. It suggests practical intelligence.

Characteristic flower

Rose is the representative flower for those born under the October 4.

Rose is one of those plants that denote trustworthiness and loyalty. This zodiac flower should be used in decorative items in the places these natives spend time.

Rose symbolizes passion and unconditional love but one of the main symbols is loyalty and purity of thought. This flower is to be found during midspring to fall.

Other flowers representative for Libra are the flowers of all fruit trees.

Symbolic metal

The metal used in astrology for those with October 4 is Bronze.

Bronze is one of those metals that denote great wealth coupled with wisdom. The zodiac metal could be used in accessories and jewelry items.

Bronze is the metal of battle and creativity as it relates to monetary wealth, artistic creations and warfare. It is said to influence human civilization and progress.

Another metal considered lucky for Libra natives is Copper.


 October 4 Zodiac belongs to the second decan of LIBRA (October 3-October 13). This decan is under the supervision of the planet Uranus. Those born in this period are dependable and caring just like a true Libra and inquisitive just as Uranus makes them be. This period tempers the positive and negative characteristics of the Libra zodiac sign with a great accent on the positive ones.

 Being born on the 4th day of the month shows these people are hard working, meticulous and self disciplined. The numerology for October 4 is 4. This number reveals creation combined with logic and a bit of stubbornness. Those Libra associated with number four are surely imaginative but also hard working and critical.

 October is the tenth month of the year, bringing radiant activity and provision like activities. Those born in October are attentive and decisive. October 4 Zodiac people are introspective daydreamers. October symbols that resonate with these people are the Aquamarine and Opal as gemstones and the Calendula as plant. The name of this month comes from the Latin “octo”.

What statistics say

 October 4 is counted in the Gregorian Calendar as the 277th day of the year or the 278th day in leap years, while until the end of the year there are 88 days left. The thirty fourth day of autumn, this is also the World Animal Day.

 Libra as occurrence in birth signs is considered to be the fifth most popular. Being an odd numbered sign, this exudes a positive meaning and a masculine symbolism. This defines extrovert people who are hearthy and manageable. The archetype used to describe this sign is the Mediator. The highest achievers in school are said to be born under Libra.

 Famous people born on October 4 under the Libra zodiac sign: Rutherford B. Hayes, Christoph Waltz, Susan Sarandon and Alicia Silverstone.

If you were born on October 4, you have quite the funny bone! Whether it’s witty charm, sarcasm, or a fart joke, you have a wonderful sense of humor that can leave a whole room in stitches. You find a lot of joy from entertaining others. If it’s not through jokes, your charisma and endless number of stories will draw a crowd! Be gentle with your need for attention. Don’t make other people the butt of your joke just to get a laugh — you’re better than that! Enjoy your popularity and influence on others. Use it positively and you’ll lead a life of love and laughter.

October 04 Libra at Their Best: Hilarious, fun, charismatic

October 04 Libra at Their Worst: Cruel, tasteless, desperate

What to Wear: Go trendy, but not too flashy. Libra will be watching the crowd and silently critiquing everyone’s ability to keep up with style and elegance.

What to Eat: Keep it healthy — you don’t have to go as far as no carb, gluten-free and vegan, but some meatless dishes and low-fat fare will be greatly appreciated.

Who to Invite: Restrict your list to the more refined people in the crowd. Libra doesn’t like noise, arguments or lewd behavior … unless it’s in their bedroom.

Where to Go: The newest, trendiest club or restaurant you can find.

OCTOBER 4 birthday horoscope predicts that you could be very different from the rest of the people born under the same zodiac sign. This Libra birthday person could be a rebellious soul. You think very differently from the people around you.

Although you have good manners and traditional values, you enjoy being the “black sheep.” It is not often that you behave this way, but it is certainly a part of your mystic.

If today is your birthday, you are likable people. It is not like you to toot your own horn because you typically dislike arrogance. Those who know you would probably let you get away with it, as they know this mood is just temporary. On the other hand, the October 4th birthday personality enjoys people.

You have a great understanding of how humans work so it’s probable that you would make a sacrifice to ensure their happiness. Your friends and family say that you are a thoughtful Libra and are thankful for you. They say that you make the best friend anyone could have.

The October 4th astrology predicts that you are likely responsible but fascinating people. You like having fun and are often misunderstood because of your laid-back attitude. You are verbal people who like to learn. On occasion, you can be tenacious when it comes to what you want.

As a negative birthday characteristic, you tend to stretch the truth a bit. In your mind, you do this to protect yourself. Typically, you are innovative, and your ideas may be odd to some who are conservative. Don’t mind them as you have insights that others do not have. Besides, most people respect your ideas and are interested in your success.

Let’s talk about you as a parent and you as a lover. It would seem that this does not mix friendships with perspective romantic interests or co-workers. In love, you will do you can to maintain a loving and trusting relationship and are usually the one to keep the peace when it comes to an argument.

Libra, as a parent in many cases, is the provider so, you may be away during some of those precious moments. However, your children may understand this as otherwise; you are a devoted member of the family. You have a genuine interest in their upbringing. The October 4 horoscope predicts that your way of showing your love is very unique.

The October 4 personality can be overactive. You seem to never sit still. A high intensity works out could be what you need to work off this extra energy. You have the ability to control what your state of health is and how you look.

You love having the power over your body, your mind, and your soul. However, you would benefit from methods that are approved by experts and should avoid fads and experimental drugs.

The October 4th zodiac also predicts that you are sensitive to others. You would love to solve the world’s hunger problems as well as everyone’s financial status or lack thereof. You feel that nobody should have to go without a roof or clean water. If your career meets these goals, you would be one happy camper.

Politics could be a means to help many people. Money is not the object when it comes to obtaining a position of employment. You prefer to help others and feel that your lifestyle should not suffer because of your beliefs. However, you live a decent life, as you know how to manage your money.

The October 4 astrology suggest that this Libra is conscientious and down-to-earth. You are flexible but can be stubborn about certain things. You like to learn and to share your knowledge and ideas.

It happens on rare occasions, but you will exaggerate the truth a bit but only to protect your character. This zodiac birthday person is slow to make important decisions. But usually, you arrive with answers that are profitable and give surety to your standing as a respectable individual.

Famous People And Celebrities Born On October 4

Ashley Banjo, Abraham Benrubi, Charlton Heston, Tony LaRussa, Derrick Rose, Susan Sarandon, Russell Simmons

See: Famous Celebrities Born On October 4

This Day That Year –October 4 In History

1648 – First volunteer firefighters program established by Peter Stuyvesant.
1862 – End of the Battle of Corinth.
1904 – NYC opens subway; 350,000 rides.
1931 – Chester Gould presents Dick Tracy comic strips.

October 4 Tula Rashi (Vedic Moon Sign)
October 4 Chinese Zodiac DOG

October 4 Birthday Planet

Your ruling planet is Venus that symbolizes your tastes in life and the money you are ready to spend behind fulfilling your fantasies.

October 4 Birthday Symbols

The Scales Are The Symbol For The Libra Star Sign

October 4 Birthday Tarot Card

Your Birthday Tarot Card is The Emperor. This card symbolizes authority, power, structure, and organization. The Minor Arcana cards are Three of Swords and Queen of Swords

October 4 Birthday Zodiac Compatibility

You are most compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign Pisces: This can be a rewarding match.
You are not compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign VirgoThis love match will be disturbing and troubled.

See Also:

October 4 Lucky Number

Number 5 – This number signifies adventure, curiosity, courage, and healing.
Number 4 – This number signifies a dedication, determination, motivation, and progress.

Read about: Birthday Numerology

Lucky Colors For October Birthday

Lavender: This color stands for imagination, intuition, spiritual energies and mental balance.
Silver: This is a modern color that stands for prosperity, feelings, telepathy, courtesy.

Lucky Days For October 4 Birthday

Sunday – This is the day of Sun that symbolizes the day of renewal of goals, feelings, relationships, and thoughts.
Friday – This is the day of the planet Venus and signifies excellent relationships and new avenues of earning.

October 4 Birthstone Opal

Your lucky gemstone is Opal which is a symbol of love, intuition, faith, stability, and clear thinking.

Ideal Zodiac Birthday Gifts For People Born On October 4th

A tuxedo for the man and a beautiful opal finger ring for the woman. The October 4 birthday horoscope predicts that you love gifts that are not regular and a little out of the way.

Divination Journal

Tarot Card

Source: Tarotx.net

High Priest – Major Arcana

Menu of Contents

I. Keywords and corresponding associations to the High Priest Witches Tarot

II. Meaning of the High Priest Witches Tarot

Message of the High Priest Witches Tarot

The High Priest Witches in a Tarot spread

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper

Source: UniGuide.com


Crow meaning and symbolism include adaptability, cleverness and intelligence,  teamwork and reciprocity, transformation, and psychic abilities. Crows live on every continent except Antarctica. (And their close bird cousins, jays, exist in South America.) So, crow symbolism, meanings, and mythology exist in many cultures around the world. In addition, the crow spirit animal is a sacred power animal to those who feel a kinship with these highly intelligent birds. In this post, you’ll learn about crow symbols and meanings and what they might mean in your life. Plus, you’ll learn about crow spirit animal, crow mythology, and more.

Table of Contents

What do crows symbolize?

Difference Between Crows and Ravens

Detailed Crow Symbols and Meanings

Crow Spirit Animal

Crow Power Animal

Crow Totem

Crow Symbolism in Cultural Mythology

Native American Crow Meanings

Australian Aboriginal Crow Meanings

Crows in Greek Mythology

Crow Symbolism in the Bible

Crow Meanings in Celtic Mythology

Crows in Norse Mythology

Crow Meaning in Asian Cultures

Crows in Hinduism

Crow Symbols in Buddhism

Crow Dream Meanings

Crow Tattoo

Organizations that Protect Crows


Source: The Rune Site


Sound: “a” as in “aah”
Stands for: Leadership
Casting meaning: Modern meanings of this rune are of beauty, fame, intelligence and virtue. List’s version of this rune has it representing sunlight that washes away darkness as well as having it denote nobility and leadership.

Witch’s Rune

Source: thecarnutiannemeton.com


Rune of healing

The sun sheds its rays down to us so we can dance in its creative healing energies. Associated with the fertility of the giving energies.


happiness, justice, healing, vitality, protection, fertility


Source: symbolsage.com


Amancholl has the phonetic value of Ae, and corresponds to the witch hazel—sometimes pine. However, it doesn’t refer to the common witch hazel in North America, but to the witch elm, whose British name is witch hazel. It’s also given various names such as Xi, Mor, and Peine. In Celtic lore, the elm is associated with the underworld, though modern interpretation links it to cleansing and purification.

I Ching

Source: ichingonline.net

Hexagram Forty – Seven/47

K’un / Exhaustion

A Dead Sea, its Waters spent eons ago, more deadly than the desert surrounding it:
The Superior Person will stake his life and fortune on what he deeply believes.

Triumph belongs to those who endure.
Trial and tribulation can hone exceptional character to a razor edge that slices deftly through every challenge.
Action prevails where words will fail.


This is the realm of the Shaman.
You have exhausted every alternative, spent yourself completely, taxed body and mind beyond your former limits.
Survival and salvation lie beyond your reach now.
Only transcendence to a new existence — a higher plane of being — will see you through.
The Old You is just a dry husk.
You can’t return to it.
Metamorphosis is the only grace offered.
You can only return to your homeland as a New You.


Source: worldnumerology.com

Forty – Seven

It is the same as 11. See “Master number 11.” There is an inner struggle between practical, down to earth 4, and spiritual 7. Once balance has been achieved, it is a prophet and counselor extraordinaire.

Angel Number

Source: Angel-Numbers.com

Forty – Seven

Angels see you are doing everything you can, you are on a right path. They are close to you and help you with daily concerns. If you need to, they can help even more. Just tell them your problems. There is no need to worry about solutions, Higher Powers know best how to do things right.