Sunday’s Posts

SUnday’s Posts will go up tomorrow morning. We had to get a new printer and it is giving me a very hard time so my energy is not in a good place to brings things to you today.

Celtic Reed Month: October 28 – November 23

(I am sorry I am getting this up so late, but I forgot to look to see when the Celtic tree month changed.)

Celtic Reed Month Source:

Ogham Letter: Ngetal (N)

Symbolic Meaning: Security, Expression, Clarity, Meaning

Ruling Planet: Pluto

Reed Zodiac

Those born under the Reed sign have strong and alluring personalities that people tend to be attracted to. They are curious fellows they are known to delve deep trying to discover the truth and will not just take things at face value. They are drawn to careers in investigation such as detective work and journalism. They can be manipulative when they need something but have a strong sense of truth and their actions are never malicious. They are good at keeping secrets.

Reed signs pair well with other Reed signs but are also compatible with Ash and Oak.

Celtic Reed Month Source:

Reed is typically used to make wind instruments, and this time of year, its haunting sounds are sometimes heard when the souls of the dead are being summoned to the Underworld. The Reed Moon was called Negetal, pronounced nyettle by the Celts, and is sometimes referred to as the Elm Moon by modern Pagans. This is a time for divination and scrying. If you’re going to have a seance, this is a good month to do it. This month, do magical workings related to spirit guidesenergy workmeditation, celebration of death, and honoring the cycle of life and rebirth.

Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence for All the Moon Phases


October 28, 2023 Current Moon Phase and Northern Hemisphere’s Planetary Positions

Current Moon Phase 

You can use this link to go forward or backward in time for Moon phase information. If you are curious, you can even find out what phase the Moon was in when you or anyone else was born.


The Moon’s current phase for today and tonight is a  Full Moon phase. The Moon will be visible throughout the night sky rising at sunset in the east and setting with the sunrise the next morning in the west. During a Full Moon the moon is 100% illuminated as seen from Earth and is on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun. The point at which a Full Moon occurs can be measured down to a fraction of a second. The time it takes between full moons is known as a Synodic month and is 29.530587981 days long. Keep track of all the Full Moons throughout the year on the Full Moon Calendar >

Visit the October 2023 Moon Phases Calendar to see all the daily moon phase for this month.

Today’s Full Moon Phase

The Full Moon on October 28 has an illumination of 100%. This is the percentage of the Moon illuminated by the Sun. The illumination is constantly changing and can vary up to 10% a day. On October 28 the Moon is 14.39 days old. This refers to how many days it has been since the last New Moon. It takes 29.53 days for the Moon to orbit the Earth and go through the lunar cycle of all 8 Moon phases.

Phase Details

Phase: Full Moon
Illumination: 100%
Moon Age: 14.39 days
Moon Angle: 0.53
Moon Distance: 372,340.93 km
Sun Angle: 0.54
Sun Distance: 148,617,037.89 km

Useful Moon Resources

The 8 Lunar Phases

There are 8 lunar phases the Moon goes through in its 29.53 days lunar cycle. The 4 major Moon phases are Full Moon, New Moon, First Quarter and Last Quarter. Between these major phases, there are 4 minor ones: the Waxing Crescent, Waxing Gibbous, Waning Gibbous and Waning Crescent. For more info on the Moon Cycle and on each phase check out Wikipedia Lunar Phase page.

Northern Hemisphere’s Planetary Positions

If you need to calculate the planetary positions in either hemisphere you can use this for a specific use and time in your local time zone, click on this link

To figure out GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) to your local time use this link  

For Your Local Time and Date 

Northwestern Hemisphere

This local time is in Los Angeles, California, USA

October 28, 2023
11:00 pm GMT 4:00 PM PDT
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:05 Scorpio 16
Moon:06 Taurus 42
Mercury:10 Scorpio 53
Venus:18 Virgo 56
Mars:11 Scorpio 28
Jupiter:11 Taurus 13 Rx
Saturn:00 Pisces 33 Rx
Uranus:21 Taurus 42 Rx
Neptune:25 Pisces 17 Rx
Pluto:27 Capricorn 58

True Lunar Node:24 Aries 55 Rx
Mean Lunar Node:24 Aries 16 Rx

Lilith (Black Moon):02 Virgo 50

Chiron:16 Aries 53 Rx
Ceres:18 Scorpio 18
Pallas:20 Libra 33
Juno:04 Virgo 36
Vesta:07 Cancer 25

Eris:24 Aries 36 Rx


Northern Hemisphere

This local time is in Chicago, Illinois, USA

October 28, 2023
09:00 pm GMT 4:00 PM CDT
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:05 Scorpio 11
Moon:05 Taurus 31
Mercury:10 Scorpio 45
Venus:18 Virgo 51
Mars:11 Scorpio 24
Jupiter:11 Taurus 14 Rx
Saturn:00 Pisces 33 Rx
Uranus:21 Taurus 43 Rx
Neptune:25 Pisces 17 Rx
Pluto:27 Capricorn 58

True Lunar Node:24 Aries 55 Rx
Mean Lunar Node:24 Aries 16 Rx

Lilith (Black Moon):02 Virgo 50

Chiron:16 Aries 54 Rx
Ceres:18 Scorpio 16
Pallas:20 Libra 31
Juno:04 Virgo 34
Vesta:07 Cancer 24

Eris:24 Aries 36 Rx


Northeastern Hemisphere

This local time is in Frankfurt, Germany, Europe

28 October 2023
02:00 pm GMT 4:00 PM CEST
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:04 Scorpio 53
Moon:01 Taurus 21
Mercury:10 Scorpio 17
Venus:18 Virgo 33
Mars:11 Scorpio 12
Jupiter:11 Taurus 16 Rx
Saturn:00 Pisces 33 Rx
Uranus:21 Taurus 43 Rx
Neptune:25 Pisces 18 Rx
Pluto:27 Capricorn 58

True Lunar Node:24 Aries 55 Rx
Mean Lunar Node:24 Aries 17 Rx

Lilith (Black Moon):02 Virgo 48

Chiron:16 Aries 54 Rx
Ceres:18 Scorpio 09
Pallas:20 Libra 23
Juno:04 Virgo 27
Vesta:07 Cancer 24

Eris:24 Aries 36 Rx


Divination Journal

Tarot Card


3 of Cups – Minor Arcana

Menu of Contents

I. Keywords and corresponding associations to the Three of Cups Witches Tarot

II. Meaning of the Three of Cups Witches Tarot

III. Message of the Three of Cups Witches Tarot

IV. The Three of Cups Witches in a Tarot spread

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper




Sound: no sound
Stands for: Emptiness
Magick/Healing use: Represents the power of the place where all existence began.

Witches Rune



Rune of healing

The sun sheds its rays down to us so we can dance in its creative healing energies. Associated with the fertility of the giving energies.

happiness, justice, healing, vitality, protection, fertility




E is Eadhadh, or Eadha, which is the Aspen, a symbol of endurance and courage. The Aspen is a durable, hardy tree that grows all over North America and Scotland, so when Eadhadh appears, take it as a sign of strong will and success. Challenges may come your way, but you will eventually conquer your adversaries and obstacles.

In folklore and literature, the Aspen is associated with heroes, and many “crowns of Aspen” have been found in ancient burial sites. The sturdy wood was popular for making shields, and were often imbued with magical protective properties. In the Highlands of Scotland, the Aspen was often rumored to be connected to the realm of the Fae.

Eadhadh Correspondences

Mundane Aspects: Like the Aspen, you can be flexible without snapping. No matter what obstacles come, allow yourself to know that these too will be gone eventually. You will be left stronger for the experience, if you can get over your fears and reservations.

Magical Aspects: Don’t give in to the pressures of the material world. Focus instead on your spiritual journey, even if it seems like it would be a lot easier to give up and let things fall by the wayside. Even in the Tarot, the Fool knows he has a long way to go, but the first step is the hardest. When Eadhadh appears, put aside your distractions, and take that first all-important step on your journey.

I Ching


Hexagram Fifty- One/51

Chên / Thunder

Thunder echoes upon Thunder, commanding reverence for its father Heaven:
In awe of Heaven’s majestic power, the Superior Person looks within and sets his life in order.
Thunder mingles with startled screams of terror for a hundred miles around.
As the people nervously laugh at their own fright, the devout presents the sacrificial chalice with nary a drop of wine spilt.


A thunderbolt of Cosmic judgement crashes to earth.
For the common person, it’s just a momentary fright soon forgotten, its warning unfathomed and unheeded.
But to one who understands its significance, this thunder is a signal to awaken.
Centering the Self, seeking balance, the enlightened person will respect and align himself with this Higher Power, while his fellows remain subject to the whims of every passing storm.



Fifty – One

51 See 15. It is more independent and aggressive.

15 It is loving, forgiving, and extremely tolerant. It is responsible, successful, dynamic, and strong. It represents travel, adventure, and experimentation. This number can bring self-indulgence.

Angel Number


Fifty – One

Changes are happening to you right now. Now is the time to concentrate only on positive outcome. You have your doubts but rest assured everything is as it should be and. Your future will bring you whatever you want so stay positive at all costs and everything will be fine. Think twice about making unnecessary things worrying you and keep moving forward positively.