October 29, 2023 Birthday Horoscopes

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May the next year of your life bring you more love, laughter, joy, happiness, enough income to cover what you have to along with a little left for fun than the past year! Plus, a lot of positive energy for everything you need to do!

As a Scorpio born on October 29th, commitment and working towards a common goal are very important aspects of your life but at the same time, you will also succumb to mystery and chasing all sort of dreams.

It is important for you to be compatible on a mental level with the people you surround yourself by and can be very picky at times. Prepare to read a detailed horoscope profile below.

 The zodiac sign for October 29 is Scorpio.

 Astrological symbol: Scorpio. This symbol is representative for those born October 23 – November 21, when the Sun transits the Scorpio zodiac sign. It suggests stubbornness, passion and mystery.

 The Scorpio Constellation lies between Libra to the West and Sagittarius to the East on an area of 497 sq degrees and has Antares as its brightest star. Its visible latitudes are between +40° to -90°, this being one of the zodiac’s twelve constellations.

 The Latin name for the Scorpion, the October 29 zodiac sign is Scorpio. The French name it Scorpion while the Greeks say it is Scorpion.

 Opposite sign: Taurus. On the horoscope chart, this and the Scorpio sun sign are on opposite sides, reflecting magnetism and reliability and some sort of balancing act between the two with a creation of opposite aspects at times.

 Modality: Fixed. This quality proposes the vain nature of those born on October 29 and their imagination and sentimentalism in taking life as it is.

 Ruling house: The eighth house. This house symbolizes the possessions of other people around and one’s struggle with his own ambitions and reveals why these have always played an important part in the lives of Scorpios.

 Ruling body: Pluto. This connection suggests intention and relaxation. It also reflects on the inquisitiveness in the lives of these natives. Pluto is equivalent to Hades, the Greek god of the underworld.

 Element: Water. This is the element representative for those born on October 29 which reminiscence of their innate emotion and depth and their capacity to express how they feel under contrasting circumstances.

 Lucky day: Tuesday. As many consider Tuesdays as the most advantageous day of the week, it identifies with the powerful nature of Scorpio and the fact this day is ruled by Mars only strengthens this connection.

 Lucky numbers: 3, 7, 14, 17, 29.

 Motto: “I desire!”

More Information:

 People born on October 29 benefit from being strong willed and determined. They are also very sensual and attractive. Just like a true Scorpio, they are both self conscious and socially aware. They love the feeling of being in charge and having others depend upon you. They dislike mediocre people and hate any kind of betrayal. Those born under this sign enjoy situations where they can show how sensual and mysterious they can be.

 Positive traits: A jovial company when they feel comfortable, these natives are sociable, curious and enthusiastic but can also be quite controlling and persistent when they want something to turn right. They exert some sort of hypnotism over those close to them and are often quick to convince them to join their efforts although at time they can be quite manipulative about it. They are great with multitasking and they can keep themselves focus for long periods of time.

 Negative traits: Jealous and controlling with those close to them, they can be very cruel with these people when they feel they have done them any wrong, no matter how insignificant that might be. They are spiteful and hate when others disappoint them although they have no obstacle doing the same and never look back when they transformation their minds and they often do it very rapidly. They need to stop being so domineering and look at their own defects before judging others.

Love and Compatibility

 Lovers born on October 29 are passionate and secretive. They enjoy dating rituals and keeping an aura of mystery on their lives. They hardly connect with someone at a deeper level but when they do, they open their minds completely. They are attracted to sensual partners who know how to handle them and know how to combine praising with criticism. You can conquer the heart of Scorpio if you dedicate your life to understanding their complex parade of emotions and also to supporting their impulsive decisions.

 A passionate lover prone to jealousy fits when madly in love. They offer everything they have to their loved one and ask for the same. They are sometimes unpredictable and hard to understand in love. Gentle and loving daydreamer now, but when time comes they will prove to be very dedicated to their family and they are likely to sacrifice many of their dreams for their loved one’s sake. They are most compatible with those born on the 2nd, 5th, 9th, 11th, 14th, 18th, 20th, 23rd, 27th and 29th.

 October 29 Zodiac people are most attracted to the other water signs: Cancer and Pisces as they tend to share the same vision of life. In love, Scorpio is permanently seeking for unconditional love and stability and the best to offer them this is the native born under Taurus. The lover in Scorpio is said to be least compatible with Libra. As for the rest of partnerships between the other star signs and Scorpio, you know what they say, stars predispose but people dispose.

Lucky color

Deep red is the color for Scorpio zodiac.

The mysterious Scorpio know exactly how to use this simulative color to boost their confidence and to attract all attention.

Other hues that appeal to people born on October 29 are violet, scarlet and carmine.

Representative birthstone

The elegant Topaz is the sign stone for Scorpio zodiac.

Topaz is the symbol of strength and constancy. It is thought to stimulate and enhance the native characteristics of the wearer.

Other sign stones that are considered to be lucky for people born on October 29 are Onyx and Garnet.

Characteristic flower

Chrysanthemum is the representative flower for Scorpio zodiac.

Chrysanthemum symbolizes meditation and the warmth of sun. This flower can be used as a jolly decoration as it is said to clear bad energies around it.

Other flowers suggestive for Scorpio are Geranium and Roses.

Symbolic metal

Iron is the representative metal for Scorpio zodiac.

It undoubtedly suggests the strength and mystery of Scorpio. Iron is a resilient metal that can be magnetized just like Scorpio can be stimulated. Left in moist air it rusts which suggests that it should be handled with care exactly like the Scorpio native.

Another metal considered lucky for Scorpio is Silver.


 October 29 Zodiac belongs to the first decan of SCORPIO (Octombrie 23-November 2). This decan is under the supervision of the planet Pluto. Those born in this period are mysterious and sensual just like a true Scorpio and focused and possessive just as Pluto makes them be. This period is also said to magnify all the positive and negative characteristics of the Scorpio zodiac sign.

 Being born on the 29th day of the month means attention, tolerance, idealism and emotivity. The numerology for October 29 is 2. This number reveals balance and partnerships. It is the representative number for the desire of harmony and peace. Those Scorpio associated with this numerology can become great mediators and with age they will only turn wiser, gentler and incredibly more considerate to other people.

 October is the tenth month of the year, bringing radiant activity and provision like activities. Those born in October are attentive and decisive. October 29 Zodiac people are introspective daydreamers. October symbols that resonate with these people are the Aquamarine and Opal as gemstones and the Calendula as plant. The name of this month comes from the Latin “octo”.

What statistics say

 In the Gregorian Calendar, October 29 appears as the 302nd day of the year or the 303rd day in case of leap years and there are 63 days left until the end of the year. The fifty ninth day of autumn, this is also the World Stroke Day.

 Scorpio is the first most popular zodiac sign on the list of most common to least common astrology signs. Negative polarity and volcanic energy, this is an even numbered sign with a predominantly feminine symbolism. This suggests introvert natives who are inward-looking and self-assured. The archetype used to describe this sign is the Fortune Teller. It is said that autumn birthday people are better at sports than their peers.

 Famous people born on October 29 under the Scorpio zodiac sign: James Boswell, Dan Castellaneta, Winona Ryder and Richard Dreyfuss.

If you were born on October 29, you can convince anyone of anything! Whether you’re honest with impeccable sales skills or are prone to be sneaky, you have a strong power of persuasion. You’re quick on your feet and can always figure out something witty to say. This often gives you a wonderful sense of humor, which lands you in the center of many social circles. Use your popularity and persuasiveness for good! There’s an extra weight of responsibility on your shoulders to be empathetic and kind. Otherwise, you may just end up as the puppet master to your friends and family.

October 29 Scorpio at Their Best: Convincing, exciting, masterful

October 29 Scorpio at Their Worst: Sarcastic, cruel, secretive

What to Wear: Clothes that show you’re worthy of being in Scorpio’s presence lean toward black, purple and deep reds.

What to Eat: Treats with special centers, like stuffed mushrooms and deviled eggs, or sensual foods like chocolate-covered strawberries or oyster shooters.

Who to Invite: Choose with care. You won’t want to include anyone who might be on Scorpio’s list of enemies du jour.

Where to Go: Somewhere dark and mysterious — where Scorpio won’t have to worry about any wrinkles that might show.

IF YOU ARE BORN ON OCTOBER 29, and you are driven by the idea of success, you are a Scorpio. You have a strong desire to be extraordinary. Ambitious, you are ready to meet any challenge that comes your way.

Some people born under this zodiac sign may walk away from conflict, but not you. In fact, you thrive on it. It makes you feel better.

The 29 October birthday personality have a tendency to not over react in situations that can be heated or where there’s a lot of confusion. Naturally, you keep your cool. However, you have your breaking point. It is not wise to push this Scorpion to the limit.

The October 29 birthday astrology analysis shows you to be high spirited and passionate people. When you get upset, it shows. This Scorpio birthday person normally doesn’t want the spotlight on them.

So they tend to avoid anything that would cause attention but especially negative attention to themselves. You like to watch people in situations than to participate. On the other hand, you are a private person who is discerning when it comes to confiding in others.

If today 29 October is your birth day, you are impulsive or adventurous. When you can, you’re off exploring with your family. More often than not, these Scorpions are close to their friends and loved ones. Needless to say, you are protective of them as well. Normally, you are ready for whatever when it comes to them. Your friends say that you could be guilty of starting a drama when there is none.

Because of the way you carry yourself, people may not think that you are approachable. However, it’s far from the truth. You are a passionate person that can be ummm, well… be peculiar acting from time to time. At the end of the day, people like you and respect you.

Furthermore, even with your small group of friends, you can‘t imagine anyone not liking you. As a child, maybe you had some rough times but it’s nothing to be ashamed of. You have the best intentions but when it comes to the past, you can’t change it. Changing the story doesn’t erase the facts. You are what you are because of your soul, move on. You’re not that person anymore.

The October 29th birthday horoscope predictions for career show that areas relating to physics or psychology are good for you. It is not going to be an easy choice but you have people skills that every good social worker should have. Most of the time, those qualities come natural. So another option could be found in the service industry.

For someone born today on a 29th October zodiac birthday, the entertainment field is also a possibility. Having said all of that, it’s hard for you to go unnoticed as you would like. Some of you born on this day are not particularly concerned with salary but are worried about your image. Once you decide on a career, you will be highly successful

As the October 29th birthday personality negative qualities and traits go, you tend to belittle folks especially in the way you talk to them. Be sincere when you communicate with people who perhaps work for you. Only then will you be rewarded with trustworthy employees. However, you have your favorites and will go to no limit to provide a positive working environment for them. It would do your heart good to let go of things beyond your control. Don’t hold grudges.

Physically, you like being active and often times, you like competing but with yourself. The October 29 born Scorpions may set a goal for themselves, accomplish it and then set an even higher one right away. You enjoy activities that are uncommon like bungee jumping or rope climbing. This is good for the heart. Other areas you should concern yourself with are the bladder, blood vessels, and genitals.

The October 29 birthday meanings show that you are observant but competitive people. You usually don’t like attention but you can’t help yourself. People look up to you even when you are out of character. This is not very often but it happens when you feel you have been let down by someone you trust and care about.

For a profession, you’re a natural born social worker who is flexible and knowledgeable. It would seem that you like challenges. As a drawback, the 29 October birthday characteristics show that you are jealous, possessive and can be overly sensitive when it comes to your loved ones.

See: Famous Celebrities Born On October 29

This Day That Year –October 29 In History

1859 – Morocco and Spain are at war.
1894 – Hawaiian Republic holds first election.
1994 – Jeannette Markey, then 28, marries Rich Little who was 55.
2010 – After almost a 20 year union, Randy Travis breaks up.

October 29  Vrishchika Rashi (Vedic Moon Sign)
October 29 Chinese Zodiac PIG

October 29 Birthday Planet

Your ruling planet is Mars that symbolizes the God of War in astrology and stands for your ability to overcome the most toughest of challenges.

October 29 Birthday Symbols 

The Scorpion Is The Symbol For The Scorpio Sun Sign

October 29 Birthday Tarot Card

Your Birthday Tarot Card is The High Priestess. This card symbolizes psychic abilities, strength, decisiveness, and knowledge.  The Minor Arcana cards are Five of Cups and Knight of Cups

October 29 Birthday Zodiac Compatibility

You are most compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign Capricorn: This can be an entrancing love match.
You are not compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign VirgoThis love relationship will be mundane and boring.

See Also:

October 29 Lucky Number

Number 2 – This number signifies endurance, diplomacy, flexibility, and kindness.
Number 3 – This number signifies encouragement, pleasure, imagination and positive energy.

Lucky Colors For October 29 Birthday

Red: This color stands for life-force, sensuality, brightness and an energetic personality.
White: This is a color known for its authentic values, truth, peace, virginity, and innocence.

Lucky Days For October 29 Birthday

Tuesday – This is the day of planet Mars and is a day of immediate action, aggression, passion, and forcefulness.
Wednesday – This is a day of planet Mercury that calls for better interaction and communication with people.

October 29 Birthstone Topaz

Topaz gemstone signifies trust in relationships and ability to accept people who make mistakes.

Ideal Zodiac Birthday Gifts For People Born On October 29th

A pair of binoculars for the man and an antique jewel box for the woman.

Divination Journal

Tarot Card

Source: tarotx.net

Ace of Cups – Minor Arcana

Menu of Contents

I. Meaning of the Ace of Cups Gilded Tarot

II. Message of the Ace of Cups Gilded Tarot

III. Interpretation of the Ace of Cups Gilded Tarot in a spread

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper


Source: The Rune Site


Sound: “y” as in “yoga”
Stands for: Bow made from a Yew Tree
Casting meaning: Yr symbolizes the perfect combination of skills and knowledge applied to materials taken from nature. This rune lets us know when we are in the “right spot” for a situation, and is good to use when looking for lost objects.

Witch’s Rune

Source: wizardforest.com


Rune Harvest means that it is time to obtain the results of your work, it promises prosperity and luck. You may get something you have been dreaming about for a long time. But you should note that you will have to get rid of something old. Success will come at a price. Key words: reward, success, abundance, getting rid of old, achievement, achievement price, investment blessing, results.

Moon phase: full Moon

Saturday: Lughnasadh

Element: Earth

Chakra No. 1 – root, sacral


Source: LearnReligions.com


Ae (sometimes represented as X or Xi), is Amhancholl or Eamhancholl, associated with Witch Hazel. This natural astringent is purifying and cleansing. The word Eamhancholl literally translates to “twin of Hazel”, so there is a strong connection to C–Coll in the Ogham. When Amhancholl appears, it’s usually an indicator that cleansing and purification is necessary or has taken place.

From a purely medicinal standpoint, Witch Hazel has long been used as a cleanser and astringent. Native American tribes turned it into a poultice which was used to treat swelling and tumors. Amongst the early settlers, midwives arriving in the New World found that it could be used to prevent sepsis following childbirth or an abortion. Today, it’s still in use as a treatment for skin inflammations, such as insect bites, mild burns, and even hemorrhoids.

Amhancholl Correspondences

Mundane Aspects: When this symbol appears, it means it’s time for a cleansing. Sometimes this is a physical cleansing of our Self, but often it applies to emotional clutter and baggage. Smudge your home, get rid of all the negative energies around you, and allow yourself to purify both your body and your mind.

Magical Aspects: This is a good indicator that you need to do a re-evaluation of your spiritual life. Are you studying things that no longer interest you? Are you hanging on to books or other magical items that you know you’ll never need–or worse, that you really dislike? If you’re feeling stagnant, or that you’re drifting a bit on a spiritual level, when this symbol appears it probably means you need to rethink your priorities. What are your spiritual goals? Do a cleansing ritual, and help yourself begin anew.

I Ching

Source: ichingonline.net

Hexagram Sixty/60

Chieh / Limitations

Waters difficult to keep within the Lake’s banks:
The Superior Person examines the nature of virtue and makes himself a standard that can be followed.

Self-discipline brings success; but restraints too binding bring self-defeat.


Cultivating the proper disciplines and the proper degree of discipline are the concerns of this hexagram.
By limiting options, you may give more attention to priorities.
One who is all over the map is no less lost than one without a map.
Avoid asceticism, however.
Deprivation is not wise discipline.
The key here is regulation, not restriction.


Angel Number