A Thought and Laugh for Today

“No matter what life throws at you on any day there is always a silver lining to be found and a reason to laugh.” LCB

Ever have a week or two of every day throwing problems, upsetting conversations, rain and more rain, being in constant pain and just want to curl up with a favorite beverage while reading a good book or watching a favorite movie or binging on a show series but you have to pull on your big person panties/underwear and work be it outside or inside your home? You know those days when you want to tell the world to just stay away you don’t want to deal with it. Then welcome to my life this week and last week. The only real highlight was celebrating Big Dawgs’ birthday with family on friends this past Sunday otherwise it has been a time of having way too much to do in a 24-hour day. I’d settle for just adding 2 hours a day to catch up mostly on a neglected household or outside chores. For instance, we were basically gifted an almost brand-new rider mower (6 years old but only 15 miles of use on it) that we bought an outdoor shed to keep it and other outside use things in about 3 weeks ago and it is still sitting in the boxes on our front porch because of either no time to set it up or if we can manage to take a day off from both of our jobs we are to worn out or it’s raining. Give me the extra 2-hours a day or 2 days off in a row (LMAO trying to get this) than my house would look great inside and out. Anyone have a spell that works to slow down time? Not permanently just for a couple of hours on days we need the extra time, so we don’t feel like we are constantly in the express lane of life.

But my daily life is what it is, and I will continue to try to get up early enough every day to do all the regular daily posts but there is no guarantee I can do this. Let me give you a snapshot of a typical day for me: Wake up between 5 – 7 AM, play a game for maybe 30 minutes on my phone to help my brain to get going, next take our fur kids out – first turn on computer to get it booted up, come in open programs needed to work plus get kids fresh water and give them their joint medicine while my coffee is brewing, take my morning meds and get showered, dressed , etc. for the day, sit down at the computer for usually 3 to 6 hours also in this time frame our fur kids have to out again, Big Dawg wakes up and I get him his juice and banana along with our kids morning treats, next get everything needed to go with Big Dawg for an average of 5 hours a day to serve paperwork (his GPS and picture quality on his phone suck while mine doesn’t which is why I go with besides he has trouble using the app that has to be used for his job), maybe stop for something to eat than it is home again to feed our kids if we didn’t do it before we leave (some days we have to leave early in the morning while we go out in the afternoon and evening), take some time to unwind and too sore from being in the car to have the energy to stand up and do housework and mostly fall asleep around 11 PM hoping when I do that I will get a full, unbroken night’s sleep (this too is a LMAO moment). Just to get up the next day and do it all over again usually 6 days and sometimes 7 days a week. So, there are days I just don’t have the energy in the morning or sleep in later than I should, and posting doesn’t get done for which I apologize for. I am going to try to get back to posting tomorrow’s daily posts today so, not all of today’s regular posts will be done. We don’t have an automatic dish washer just my hands or able to do laundry at home so it’s finding time to go to a laundromat too. Typing my daily schedule out, I wonder how I manage to get everything done I do get done every day.

But the important thing is we do find something at some point every day to have a good belly laugh even if it is something silly you have done. Laughing at ourselves for silly things we might do is great and better than feeling embarrassed. Like the other day Big Dawg was delivering paperwork to _____ Jr. A man answered the door, identifying himself as this person father and took the paperwork. Big Dawg needs to get a name when handing the papers to someone other than the person they are for. So, Big Dawg asks the man’s father what his first name is knowing the paperwork is for _____ Jr. I had the window down, so I heard the whole exchange and was laughing so hard when he got back into the car that it took me about 2 minutes to calm down enough to get the necessary information into his job’s app. Big Dawg started laughing at his oops all the way back to the car and even harder when he got in it.

Have a tantalizing, terrific Thursday!!

I hope the rest of your day and evening is relaxing, filled with fun and love.

Merry part until we merry meet again!

Common Kitchen Herbs That Heal c. 2012

Disclaimer: No herb should be used for medicinal purpose until you have checked with your health care professional to ask if it is safe for you to use it for any reason. The content provided on this website is for informational purposes only and DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE PROVIDING OF MEDICAL ADVICE and is not intended to be a substitute for independent professional medical judgment, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your health. WitchesofTheCraft.com, any staff member of WitchesofTheCraft.com and/or Lady Carla Beltane are not responsible for any type of negative reaction when using this herb for any reason.

What follows is a short list of herbs commonly found in kitchens, or easily found in most supermarkets. This list is alphabetical by herb.

Anise (Pimpinella ansium)
Anise helps expel gas, relieves nausea and stomach pain caused by gas.
To use: crush anise seeds into a powder. Put 1 teaspoon of the powder into 1 cup of warm water. Drink up to three times a day to relieve symptoms. ——————————————————————————–
Basil (Ocimum basilicum)
Basil is another anti-nauseant that also relieves gas, and promotes normal bowel function.
To use: Make a strong tea using 1 teaspoon of the crushed dried herb in a half- cup of water. Drink as needed, not to exceed three cups a day. ——————————————————————————–
Capsicum or Cayenne (Capsicum frutescens)
Cayenne helps stimulate the appetite and acts as a milk stimulant. It may reduce discomfort from the common cold.
To use: make a tea out of the dried herb, 1 teaspoon per cup of hot water. 2 cups per day only.
Note: Cayenne irritates hemorrhoids and should never be used by people with stomach problems. Do not exceed recommended dosage as high doses can cause stomach and kidney problems. ——————————————————————————–
Caraway (Carum carvi)
Caraway works as an expectorant for coughs due to colds. It also improves the appetite and may increase breast milk in nursing mothers.
To use: Chew some seeds three or four times a day. ——————————————————————————–
Dill (Aniethum graveolens)
Dill eases indigestion and upset stomachs.
To use: make a strong tea by steeping 2 teaspoons of dill seeds in 1 cup of hot water for 10 to 15 minutes. Strain and drink one half-cup 2 to 3 times daily. ——————————————————————————–
Fennel (Foeniculum velgare)
Fennel is a digestive aid and is known to relieve cramps. The oil is used to relieve stiff joints.
To use: 15 drops of extract in warm water with honey, one daily, as digestive aid. Rub oil directly on affected area for pain alleviation. ——————————————————————————–
Fenugreek (Trigonella graceum)
Fenugreek relieves sore throats and is useful for treating irritations and other inflammations.
To use: as a gargle for sore throat – mix 1 tablespoon of pulverized seed in 1 cup hot water. Let steep for 10 minutes and strain. Gargle 3 times a day, every 3-4 hours. As a poultice for skin irritations – pulverize enough seed so that when mixed with 8 ounces of water, it forms a thick paste. Apply paste to affected areas once a day. ——————————————————————————–
Garlic (Allium satvum)
Garlic helps fight infections, lowers blood pressure and may be able to destroy some cancer cells.
To use: stir-fry cloves for a few minutes to cut down garlic-breath. Eat 2 or 3 a day for maximum effectiveness. ——————————————————————————–
Ginger (Zingiber officinalis)
Ginger eases cold symptoms, soothes skin inflammations and minor burns, calms upset stomachs, and is a natural remedy for morning sickness.
To use: for burn and inflammations – mash fresh ginger root, soak cotton ball and then rub juice on the affected area. For all else – add ginger extract to hot water, 10 drops per cup. This can be taken up to three times daily. ——————————————————————————–
Parsley (Petroselinium sativum)
Parsley settles stomachs after meals. If also helps clear congestion due to colds and is soothing for asthma.
To use: make a strong tea using 1 teaspoon dried, ground parsley in 1 cup hot water. Let steep 10-15 minutes. Take once a day. ——————————————————————————–
Peppermint (Mentha piperita)
Mint is an anti-spasmodic and is excellent for relieving cramps and stomach pain. It also relieves gas and aids in digestion. It can help reduce the sick feeling associated with migraines.
To use: drink one cup as a tea. Commercial teas are available. (Make sure it is only mint, not mint flavored.) Drink as needed. ——————————————————————————–
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
Rosemary is used for most head pains.
To use: as tea, to relieve nervous tension, make a strong tea. Rub rosemary essential oil on the temples to relieve headaches. Mix essential oils or leaves with olive oil to make a dandruff treatment. ——————————————————————————–
Sage (Salvia officinalis)
Sage reduces perspiration and can be used to ease sore gums.
To use: to relieve perspiration, medium tea, one time daily. To ease gums, strong infusion, gargled, 3 times daily. ——————————————————————————–
Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)
Thyme is good for chronic respiratory problems, cold flu and sore throat. It is also an anti-fungal.
To use: make a tea of the dried herb, drink daily. As an anti-fungal, rub extract on affected areas. ——————————————————————————–
Turmeric (Curcuma longa)
Turmeric promotes good liver function and helps prevent gallbladder disease. It also may help prevent over-clotting of blood cells, and may help relieve arthritis symptoms.
To use: take 300mg up to 3 times daily. ——————————————————————————–

Spell For Tuesday-Inviting Faries into Your Garden


Inviting Faries into Your Garden

Fairy Invitation Ritual

If you want to specifically invite fairies into your garden, try the following ritual.

What You’ll Need

  • flowers (see above)
  • white candle
  • the offering of quartz and cream/whole milk

What to Do
This ritual is best performed around Beltane or Midsummer but can be performed any time of the year your garden is blooming. Begin by setting your flowers, candle, and offerings on your garden or fairy altar. Light the candle and say,

“Fair fairies from near and far,
I invite you to dance in my yard.
Please stay awhile,
And brighten my garden with your smiles.
Bless these herbs and flowers,
And fill them with magical powers.
Use your magic to help them grow,
By the light of the moon’s glow.
Accept these giftes I give to thee,
By my will, so mote it be.”

Once you are finished, spend time with your altar until the candle burns low. Try and sense the fairies you have invited. You may feel the hair on your arms stand up or as if something is playing with your hair or ear. Leave the offerings on the altar overnight. Do not consume any of the food offerings you leave for the fairies. It is considered rude and disrespectful. Also, don’t expect the offering to disappear. Fairies consume the astral or spiritual essence of the offering. Leave the quartz on the altar indefinitely.

Remember to record the ritual in your BOS or on your ritual log worksheet.

Why You Did It
This spell, as mentioned, is best performed on or around Beltane or Midsummer. The reason for this is because these are two times when the veil for fairies is thin and therefore they are most likely to come out and be willing to take up residence in your garden. However, fairies can be called upon any time of the year, so feel free to use it whenever you get the change.

The candle helps to focus your spell and gives the fairies a light to use to guide them to your garden. Your candle will burn in this realm and the Otherworld, acting as a beacon to draw the fairies to you.

Fairies don’t like to be thanked, but they love to be shown respect in the form of food and shiny objects. Milk, cream, beer, or any of the other food offerings mentioned above are fairy favorites. Including such an offering in our ritual will likely attract fairies to your garden and act as a thank you without you verbally thanking them. You want to make sure the fairies are happy, otherwise, they are prone to cause mischief. The flowers are used for the same reason.

Word of Caution

Fairies are fickle and mischievous. Upsetting them can result in problems for you and anyone who steps foot on your property. Do not use pesticides in your garden. This will scare them off and keep them from coming back. Be good to the environment and animals. Fairies are creatures of the Earth; if you disrespect Her, fairies won’t come to your garden, no matter how much milk and honey you offer them.

If the fairies become unruly or you wish them to leave, tell them to. Cleanse your garden and home and tell the fairies you no longer need their assistance. If they still will not leave, try placing iron in your garden and around your home. Iron burns fairies so it’s a great deterrent.

Some of the Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence for Tuesday


Tuesday Source: momsawitch.blogspot.com 

Magickal Intentions: Courage, Physical Strength, Revenge, Military Honors, Surgery and the Breaking of Negative Spells, Matrimony, War, Enemies, Prison, Vitality and Assertiveness

Incense: Dragon’s Blood, Patchouli

Planet: Mars

Colors: Red and Orange

Herbs/Plants: Red Rose, Cock’s Comb, Pine, Daisy, Thyme and Pepper

Stones: Carnelian, Bloodstone, Ruby, Garnet and Pink Tourmaline

Oil: (Mars) Basil, Coriander, Ginger

Mars rules Tuesday. The energies of this day best harmonize with efforts of masculine vibration, such as conflict, physical endurance and strength, lust, hunting, sports, and all types of competition. Use them, too, for rituals involving surgical procedures or political ventures.

Tuesday Source: thewitchandwand.com

Tuesday is the day of the god Mars. It is a day of action, ambition, power, aggression, lust, and passion.

Metal: Iron

Colors: Red

Gems and Stones: Ruby, Garnet, Bloodstone

Botanicals: Red Roses, Pine, Pepper, Garlic, Patchouli, Basil, Ginger, Dragon’s Blood

Spellwork: Ambition, Success, Protection, Passion, Lust, Victory, Power, Courage

Moon Phase for Tuesday Jun 11th and Wednesday Jun 12th, 2024

I am trying a new website for the current moon phase. Please let me know in the comments if you like it or not. Thank you for your time in letting me know your preface. A) nineplanets.org or B) moongiant.com (which is down for some reason today) C) Both

Source: nineplanets.org

Northern Hemisphere

June 11, 2024

The current moon phase for June 11th, 2024 is the Waxing Crescent phase.

On this day, the moon is 5.09 days old and 25.05% illuminated with a tilt of 149.729°. The approximate distance from Earth to the moon is 398,362.98 km and the moon sign is Leo.

The Moon phase for June 11th, 2024 is a Waxing Crescent phase. This is the phase where the moon started to become visible again after the New Moon.

In this part of the moon cycle, the Moon is moving away from the Sun and is becoming more and more illuminated by sunlight. In this phase, the moon will go from 0.1% to 49.9% illuminated before reaching the First Quarter phase.

In the Waxing Crescent phase the moon rises before noon in the east, transits the meridian before sunset, before setting in the west before midnight.

The Waxing Crescent phase, like all moon phases, will last for just over 7 days. The actual length will vary because of the elliptical shaped orbit of the moon. The moon is close to the Sun in the sky and the right edge will become brighter as it approaches 50% illumination and the First Quarter phase

Fun fact: although only a small part of the Moon is illuminated in the Waxing Crescent phase, you can still sometimes see the rest of moon as faintly visible. This is known as “earthshine” or Da Vinci glow and is a result of sunlight being reflected off the Earth and back to the Moon.

Moon Phase Details:

Phase: Waxing Crescent

Moon age: 5.09 days

Moon illumination: 25.05%

Moon tilt: 149.729°

Moon angle: 0.5

Moon distance: 398,362.98 km

Moon sign: Leo

Southern Hemisphere

12 June 2024

The current moon phase for June 12th, 2024 is the Waxing Crescent phase.

On this day, the moon is 6.12 days old and 34.24% illuminated with a tilt of 153.314°. The approximate distance from Earth to the moon is 401,488.97 km and the moon sign is Virgo.

The Moon phase for June 12th, 2024 is a Waxing Crescent phase. This is the phase where the moon started to become visible again after the New Moon.

In this part of the moon cycle, the Moon is moving away from the Sun and is becoming more and more illuminated by sunlight. In this phase, the moon will go from 0.1% to 49.9% illuminated before reaching the First Quarter phase.

In the Waxing Crescent phase the moon rises before noon in the east, transits the meridian before sunset, before setting in the west before midnight.

The Waxing Crescent phase, like all moon phases, will last for just over 7 days. The actual length will vary because of the elliptical shaped orbit of the moon. The moon is close to the Sun in the sky and the right edge will become brighter as it approaches 50% illumination and the First Quarter phase

Fun fact: although only a small part of the Moon is illuminated in the Waxing Crescent phase, you can still sometimes see the rest of moon as faintly visible. This is known as “earthshine” or Da Vinci glow and is a result of sunlight being reflected off the Earth and back to the Moon.

Moon Phase Details

Phase: Waxing Crescent

Moon age: 6.12 days

Moon illumination: 34.24%

Moon tilt: 153.314°

Moon angle: 0.5

Moon distance: 401,488.97 km

Moon sign: Virgo

June 11, 2024 Daily and Birthday Horoscopes

Click here to read Georgia Nicols Daily, Weekly and Monthly Horoscopes

Click here for Anyone’s Birthday or Monthly Horoscopes Source: thehoroscope.co

Click here to read more about traits for anyone’s birthday horoscope Source: tarot.com

Click here to read anyone’s birthday traits and more Source: sunsigns.org

Moon Alert

Avoid shopping or making important decisions after 3 PM EDT today (12 noon until 11 PM PDT). After that, the Moon moves from Leo into Virgo.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Today you might encounter disputes and arguments with someone about money, cash flow or something to do with your belongings. Whatever transpires will be a power struggle. It might relate to a cancelled social event or an accident with your kids. Be careful.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Your home routine will be interrupted today. Small appliances might break down or minor breakages could occur. Do your best to practice patience to keep the family peace because you will be tempted to stand up to authority figures, including parents. What will this achieve?

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Be careful today. Something going on behind the scenes might cause problems for you. Most definitely, if you think something fishy is going on – it is! Meanwhile, pay attention to everything you say and do because this is an accident-prone day for you. Don’t jump the gun.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Disputes with friends as well as members of groups or members of organizations or attendees of a conference might erupt today. Basically, this is probably a power struggle. Because you might be caught off guard, you might lose something or a possession might be damaged or stolen. Stay sharp.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

This is a restless day for you. You might feel upset or rebellious about something. In all likelihood, it deals with difficulties or struggles that you’re having with a parent, a boss or an authority figure. It might even involve a partner or close friend. Do what you can to keep the peace.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Be smart and avoid controversial subjects today because they will burst into arguments and nasty power struggles. This might be difficult for you because you feel restless, and you have strong opinions about things today. Keep in mind that you’re high viz. and people notice you. Set a worthy example.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Although your relations with friends, especially someone who is different or in another country, are positive today; nevertheless, you might have a squabble with someone about shared property, debt, taxes or inheritances. It might include the cost of an event or be a child-related expense. Stay chill.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

This is a tricky day. People are looking for excuses to argue. Meanwhile, you’re high viz., which means people notice you. Therefore, do your best to keep the peace with partners and close friends. Avoid unnecessary squabbles. Keep your head down and your powder dry.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Work-related arguments might arise today, especially if you’re trying to introduce improvements or you suggest a better way of doing something. No one is interested. Meanwhile, travel plans might be suddenly changed due to a shifting landscape. Steady as she goes.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

This is a rocky day for romance. Likewise, parents might have difficult exchanges with their kids because of arguments, meltdowns and hissy fits. (On both sides.) This could relate to an unexpected expense or a problem with shared property. Don’t say anything you will regret later.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Domestic disputes might occur today. Consider this an opportunity to demonstrate grace under pressure. Because someone else might catch you off guard, don’t be quick to react. Give yourself a chance to process things. In years to come, will this really matter?

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Pay attention to everything you say and do today because today is ripe for arguments, which in turn, could trigger accidents both verbal and physical. You don’t need this. Therefore, do what you can to stay calm. Listen with sincerity. Think before you speak.

If Your Birthday Is Today

Actor Joshua Jackson (1978) shares your birthday today. You’re a perceptive, energetic optimist. You’re ready for action. You like the reassurance of a close relationship. This is a good year to renew your spiritual or religious beliefs or explore new belief systems and ideologies. You will welcome a chance to learn as well as to teach.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This Tuesday seems to give you a bit of a hard time to begin with and some things you have been planning for some time might not reach to completion or if they do, they might not held the results you were interested in.

You’d be surprised of the people you have beside so don’t be reluctant in asking for their help.

You can also read this special Aries Daily Horoscope.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This Tuesday will be quite challenging and demanding so do expect a busy week from now on.

And don’t even think about postponing anything because it will be very difficult to keep track of everything that you have done. At the same time another challenge will be to keep an optimal balance with your family life.

You can also read this special Taurus Daily Horoscope.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Today you seem to be ready to do a million things and do them really quick. Unfortunately there still might be things you are not taking in consideration and that might slow you down in your intention.

What I find important for you is to prepare yourself mentally for that and to accept certain things.

You can also read this special Gemini Daily Horoscope.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This Tuesday will come with some important meetings, most likely in regard to career and similar activities.

Don’t be surprised if you receive mixed signals because you will only have to wait until everything is clear and the final conclusion is drawn. So don’t let yourself get lost on the way not until you’ve seen the end.

You can also read this special Cancer Daily Horoscope.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

This Tuesday comes with a clarification of a previous situation and will probably offer you a lot of self confidence, especially if evidence will show that you have been right.

So don’t be reluctant in putting things to test and don’t be scared of the result, it will be purely reality. Then you will have to see on what side you are standing.

You can also read this special Leo Daily Horoscope.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This Tuesday will show you that even when things don’t work as planned there are other lessons to be learned and that you should focus more on the overall situation rather than on a particular bad thing that happened.

You will see you have your friends next to you and probably your partner as well and you all can climb mountains together for that matter.

You can also read this special Virgo Daily Horoscope.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This Tuesday seems to begin in quite a serious mood, having you worrying over the smallest thing and being very careful not to enter in more troubles.

You seem to account for all your obligations and further than that. And of course, you are still investing too much in work, time you should be using at home.

You can also read this special Libra Daily Horoscope.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

This Tuesday is quite bright and humorous for you, maybe you get to spend some time with your friends, reconnect and just remember the old times.

It is a witty and romantic attitude about you this Tuesday and you will surely be quite attractive. If you’re in a relationship, do something special with your partner.

You can also read this special Scorpio Daily Horoscope.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This Tuesday begins in a communicative and perceptive mood, ready to sweep you off your feet with a lot of information and with signs from everywhere.

Maybe a bit of travel as well. The only down side is that you will have to be very careful with money because you risk throwing them out the window on things you don’t really need.

You can also read this special Sagittarius Daily Horoscope.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

This Tuesday will show you that no matter how much you dream and how many illusions you make, reality is just one and often doesn’t really depend that much on what we are doing.

Leave things a bit loose for now and see where that takes you but try not to be so dreamy because this is a recipe to disappointment.

You can also read this special Capricorn Daily Horoscope.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This Tuesday seems to come under interesting auspices although it might begin with a bit of a headache or some health troubles.

Don’t mind them too much because chances are they will only be temporary. However, if something does bother you for long, it might not be a bad idea to have it investigated.

You can also read this special Aquarius Daily Horoscope.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This Tuesday marks the beginning of an intuitive and inspired period for you, a period in which you will be able to quickly seize opportunities but also a time during which you are more prone to risking it all just for that unlikely return.

You need to be more realistic about certain things and have someone a lot more objective stand by you.

You can also read this special Pisces Daily Horoscope.

Joyful birthday wishes from Lady Carla Beltane with the WOTC Family and Friends!!

May the next year of your life bring you more love, laughter, joy, happiness, enough income to cover what you have to have along with a little leftover for fun! May it bring you everything you want if it is supposed to be and everything you need. May sorrow be unknown, and any negativity be minimal. May the wind always be at your back.

As a Gemini born on June 11th, you seem to be governed by a great sense of justice and are extremely dynamic when it comes to doing new things.

You probably dream about a peaceful existence but at the same time, you are too quick to follow your impulses and get enthusiastic easily with all sorts of activities that are anything but peaceful. Prepare to read an exceptional report below.

 The zodiac sign for June 11 is Gemini.

 Astrological symbol: Twins. The sign of the Twins influences people born between May 21 and June 20, when in tropical astrology the Sun is considered to be in Gemini, the sign of duality. It refers to friendly and empathic individuals who cooperate easily.

 The Gemini Constellation visible between +90° to -60° is one of the 12 constellations of the zodiac. Its brightest star is Pollux while it covers an area of 514 sq degrees. It is placed between Taurus to the West and Cancer to the East.

 The name Gemini is the Latin name for Twins. In Greek, Dioscuri is the name of the sign for June 11 zodiac sign. In Spanish it is used Geminis and in French Gémeaux.

 Opposite sign: Sagittarius. This means that this sign and Gemini sun sign are in a complementary relation, suggesting ambition and enthusiasm and what one has the other lacks and the other way around.

 Modality: Mobile. This quality of those born on June 11 shows curiosity and control and also offers a sense of their clairvoyant nature.

 Ruling house: The third house. This house governs over all travel related activities and communications. This explains why Geminis are so keen on human interactions, why they are always ready to learn something new or try to discover places.

 Ruling body: Mercury. This celestial planet symbolizes elusiveness and beauty. Mercury governs over short distance travel. Mercury is also suggestive for the generosity component of these personalities.

 Element: Air. This element sheds light on the capacity of those born under June 11 to focus on more things at once and shows how they are hard to distract whenever they are really passionately involved in something.

 Lucky day: Wednesday. This day is under the governing of Mercury and symbolizes friendship and sense of critique. It also identifies with the realistic nature of Gemini natives.

 Lucky numbers: 5, 9, 17, 19, 20.

 Motto: “I think!”

 People born on June 11 are malleable, captivating and have a funny nature. They are ardent to discover the world we live in and learn new things but they most dread being caught in a ordinary so they can only satisfy their thirst of awareness trough experience and travel. They also hate being lonely so they crave for social settings in which they can state their beliefs and showcase their opinions. They are conscientious to those close but it does take time to create such a relation with them.

 Positive traits: These natives are resourceful and outspoken but at the same time they are sometimes driven by their own eagerness and seem to forget to dignity consideration others motives. They crave for challenges and try to experiment as many things as possible. Their creativity and their path to life stems from this liveliness and impatience in trying to discover so much in so little time.

 Negative traits: Learning to focus and not be so easily distracted, even by the smallest thing, is one thing Gemini needs to do. Those born on this day are contradictory, both with their work and human interrelations. They are spiteful up to the point they become malevolent and when they feel like someone has done or said something wrong. They are sometimes likely to lose temper especially because of their proverbial greed and their belief that they need to get only the best things. They tend to begin more projects they can manage and when they get caught up their explanation is to abandon them one at a time.

Love and Compatibility: Lovers born on June 11 are versatile and ingenious. They do know how to conquer someone they get passionate, not only they know how to charm their way through words but also with gestures. They are attracted to active and unpredictable person who can keep them guessing but also keep up with their energy. For the sociable Gemini, love comes fast and goes even faster. You can conquer the heart of Gemini if you have an interesting personality and you know how to reveal it step by step and you are able to accept their eccentricities.

 They regard all their relationships with respect and care and usually no one has anything to criticize about their attitude in love. Once they meet the right person, they are remarkably affectionate and loyal. Gentle and loving daydreamer now, but when time comes they will prove to be very dedicated to their family and they are likely to sacrifice many of their dreams for their loved one’s sake. They are most compatible with those born on the 2nd, 5th, 9th, 11th, 14th, 18th, 20th, 23rd, 27th and 29th.

 June 11 Zodiac people are most attracted to the other air signs: Libra and Aquarius as they tend to share the same vision of life. In love, Gemini is permanently seeking for someone who can truly listen to them and help them grow to their full potential and the best to offer this occasion is the native born under Sagittarius. The lover in Gemini is said to be least compatible with Taurus. As for the rest of partnerships between the other star signs and Gemini, you know what they say, stars predispose but people dispose.

Lucky Color: Yellow is the color for Gemini zodiac.

This color suggests a bright and lovely nature, opened to novelty and permanently commenting on something. This is the same description as the one for the native in Gemini. The power color can be used in things around, from clothes, decorations to even the color of your vehicle.

Other colors that are good for people born on June 11 are green and purple.

Representative Birthstone: The sign stone for Gemini zodiac is the captivating Agate.

This symbol of clarity and comfort is said to conduct all positive energies and empower the communicative native in Gemini to make themselves and their ideas better understood.

Other sign stones that are considered to influence people born on June 11 are Pearl and Emerald.

Characteristic Flower: Lavender is the flower of choice for Gemini zodiac.

Lavender symbolizes creativity and aesthetics and suggests an insightful personality with an open mind. Lavender is an aromatic plant that quickly spreads just like the ideas of a very active mind.

Other flowers considered to bring luck to people born on June 11 are Lily of the Valley and Poppy.

Symbolic Metal: Mercury is the metal of choice for Gemini zodiac.

Mercury symbolizes spirituality and mystery. This fickle and toxic metal is all about movement and change, so it also refers to travel. It is alluring but dangerous and should be handled with care.

Another metal considered lucky for Gemini is Gold.

Characteristics: June 11 Zodiac belongs to the third decan of GEMINI (June 11-June 20). This decan is under the supervision of the planet Uranus. Those born in this period are optimistic and dreamy just like a true Gemini and curious and enthusiastic just as Uranus makes them be. This period is said to temper the characteristics of the Gemini zodiac sign.

 Being born on the 11th day of the month suggests a remarkably confident and perceptive motivator willing to sacrifice for his peers. The numerology for June 11 is 2. This number reveals balance and partnerships. It is the representative number for the desire of harmony and peace. Those Gemini associated with this numerology can become great mediators and with age they will only turn wiser, gentler and incredibly more considerate to other people.

 June is the first summer month in the Northern Hemisphere, bringing sunny time and childlike enthusiasm. Those born in June are active and emotional. June 11 Zodiac people are idealistic daydreamers. The symbols for June include Ruby, Alexandrite and Moonstone as gemstones, Rose and Oak as plants and the goddess of family.

What Statistics Say: June 11 is counted in the Gregorian Calendar as the 162nd day of the year or the 163rd day in leap years, while until the end of the year there are 203 days left. The eleventh day of summer, this is also the Kamehameha Day as observed in Hawaii, United States and Student Day in Honduras.

 Gemini is the third most popular zodiac sign on the list of most common to least common astrology signs. Being an odd number sign, this is also considered a masculine sign with a positive meaning and a enthusiastic energy. This describes extrovert people who are spirited and informal. Amongst the archetypes used when talking about this sign there is the Comedian. People born during the springs months are rated as nine per cent less physically active or interested in sports. Famous people born on June 11 under the Gemini zodiac sign: Jacques Cousteau, Gene Wilder, Shia LaBeouf and Hugh Laurie.

If you were born on June 11, you’re known to cross lines and push boundaries! This might be considered rebellious, but you’re normally considered to be an innovator and an inspiration to others! You break through barriers and find the creative route around the problems you face. Respect is something you gain easily, but you don’t always want to be the leader. You enjoy being on your own! It’s great that you’re so independent, but remember to be patient with others, especially those who admire or look up to you.

June 11 Gemini at Their Best: Inspirational, driven, confident

June 11 Gemini at Their Worst: Isolating, harsh, annoyed

What to Wear: Business casual clothes. Gemini doesn’t like anything stuffy or buttoned-up, but gets annoyed when guests don’t make the effort to look good.

What to Eat: Anything that packs a crunch — start with crudité and move on to finger foods and cute surprises like fried zucchini or egg rolls.

Who to Invite: Gemini knows everybody. So that’s who you’ll have to invite.

Where to Go: If the local football stadium isn’t available, consider a rather large restaurant or outside space.

JUNE 11 birthday horoscope predicts that your zodiac sign is Gemini, and you are influential intellectuals. Alternatively, you can combine your creative talents with your business skills. This has proven to be beneficial and profitable. It takes discipline, but you are quite successful. You can become very successful in life.

Your many associates come from all lifestyles. Those born on this day are likable people as your controlled disposition comes across as being cool.

You are capable of making quick decisions as you listen to your gut instinct. This June 11 birthday personality appreciates art, nature and is turned off by strife. Those born on this day can be neatness freaks as well.

June 11 Gemini birthday people are twins who treasure family traditions. Normally, you continue to maintain connections with your family who live far away and have an even closer relationship with those members locally.

As a parent, Gemini will provide a loving and stable environment. The June 11 zodiac analysis suggests that you are never too busy for your family. Your “family first” attitude speaks mounds for you, Gemini.

According to the June 11 horoscope, you are not likely to toy with other people‘s feelings. You could be an introvert who dreams about love. A romance that is ideally stimulating as you are comfortable to be turned on.

The slightest of touches could send chills through your body. You seem to be optimistic when it comes to achieving a fairy tale relationship. Of course, you deserve a lover who is much like you, erotic, mysterious and sensuous.

You like everything in harmony as anything less will irritate your restless nature. Sometimes Gemini birthday June 11 can display a lack of emotional growth. Nevertheless, you are a bucket full of laughs.

You are an interesting person so any partner should be excited to have this brainy reserved Gemini. Those born on this day are private people and will not always show their affection in public although extremely affectionate behind closed doors. The June 11th astrology predicts that you may subconsciously draw negative circumstances into your life.

Those born today on June 11 are employed in a profession that has a passage for their creative skills in ways that express their dreams and helps face their fears. Characteristically, Gemini is not overly ambitious people so you would do well to surround yourself with people who are successful.

Unrealistically, you may “feel” your way around making your goals happen. It is kind of like driving on an endless narrow road. You are moving, but you are not going anywhere. You put forth so much effort into achieving your dreams; it is a shame you do not know how to.

According to the June 11th zodiac meaning, you are guilty of having a swinging disposition. You are emotional and have a tendency to be bothered with headaches and illness that could be due to their state of mind. You need to decide if you wish to avoid this and adopt a better lifestyle.

Some symptoms may not even be medical but rather the mind playing tricks on you. If you think about it, some of you do not even get sick until you’re sad or angry. Gemini natives typically drink too much or overeat when depression comes over to visit. Find an alternative to this destructive behavior.

The June 11 birthday personality profile reports that you need constant reassurance to build your egos but are likable people. You have strong conventional values and love your family. Somehow you attract negative forces or create them. You can appear to be shy but are most affectionate.

However private, you desire a partner who is impulsive and imaginative. Those born on this day are Gemini who should drink alcohol in moderation and watch what they eat. You are likely to abuse these things when you are emotional.

Famous People And Celebrities Born On June 11

Adrienne Barbeau, Peter Bergman, Chad Everett, Hugh Laurie, Vince Lombardi, Mehmet Oz, Jose Reyes, Gene Wilder

See: Famous Celebrities Born On June 11

This Day That Year – June 11 In History

1793 – Robert Haeterick receives rights to first American stove
1816 – Baltimore Gas Light Company established
1870 – In Amsterdam the first stone Amstel Brewery founded
1928 – The “Case of Jonathan” airs; a film by Alfred Hitchcock

June 11 Mithuna Rashi (Vedic Moon Sign)

June 11 Chinese Zodiac HORSE

June 11 Birthday Planet

Your ruling planet is Mercury and symbolizes a quickness in all your actions, energy, and active personality.

June 11 Birthday Symbols

The Twins Are The Symbol For The Gemini Zodiac Sign

June 11 Birthday Tarot Card

Your Birthday Tarot Card is Justice. This card symbolizes the need to make the right choices after a thorough examination. The Minor Arcana cards are Ten of Swords and Queen of Cups.

June 11 Birthday Zodiac Compatibility:

You are most compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign Aquarius: This is a very passionate and loving match.
You are not compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign TaurusThis is a complicated and stubborn relationship.

See Also:

June 11 Lucky Numbers

Number 2 – This is a diplomatic, harmonious and intuitive number.
Number 8 – This number strives for material goals and has big dreams and high ambitions.

Read about: Birthday Numerology

Lucky Colors For June 11 Birthday

Orange: This color stands for vitality, joy, self-esteem, wealth and aspirations.
White: This color symbolizes virginity, perfection, safety, and clarity of mind.

Lucky Days For June 11 Birthday

Monday – Planet Moon‘s day that symbolizes sympathy, caring, perception and love.
Wednesday – Planet Mercury‘s day that symbolizes deep intellectual thinking and excellent reasoning.

June 11 Birthstone Agate

Agate gemstone can help in neutralizing your positive and negative energies and thus help you in balancing your chakras.

Ideal Zodiac Birthday Gifts For People Born On June 11th

An iPod for the man and seashell necklace for the Gemini woman. The June 11 birthday horoscope predicts that you love gifts that are traditional and extraordinary.

Divination Journal


Source: Tarotx.net

Death – Major Arcana

Work: In a Tarot spread, Death often represents an important end to lead to great changes. Usually, the things you need to let go of are your beliefs and limitations. You may hate your job or be under pressure, but you do not want to quit because your income is stable. But eventually, you will be forced to sign the resignation form. Of course, this will lead you to “better things”, but why don’t you choose to leave yourself? You will be able to get good benefits from this.

Sentiments: If you are clinging to an unhappy relationship just because you do not want to lose the feeling of being familiar or you hate to be alone, then it is time to think about everything. You and your lover need a frank conversation. If things do not change, it is time to end. You are brave enough to leave the safety circle and find a much better relationship. But first, you have to face the problem and try to solve it. Do not bang your head against the wall for too long

Finance: You may have to sacrifice a bit to face the upcoming financial difficulties. Do not hesitate to ask for help if necessary. In addition, do not endure everything by yourself. If your money decreases dramatically, do not avoid that. You should identify the problems correctly and then resolve them slowly. Finally, you will gain more financial experience thanks to this lesson.

Health: Stress control is a way to maintain good health during this period. Let’s solve all physical problems and do not avoid them. You should get enough rest and do not poison yourself with alcohol. If you need to relax, you should pay attention to both the physical and mental aspects.

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper

Source: Messages from Your Animal Spirit Guides Oracle Cards by Steven D. Farmer


“Express yourself through rhythm and movement by drumming and dancing.”

Your first experience of life in a physical body was rhythm and movement: the vibrations of your mother’s heartbeat and her voice, the pulsing of her breathing, and the fluid movement of the placental sea the enveloped you. You would flow with the harmony — or disharmony — of her moods and movements. If you’ve ever tried drumming (or any percussion), dancing or the two together, you they touch something very deep  and ancient in us — something tribal, a deep chord of being where spirit and body coincide.

Rhythm and movement draw out sensual expression and merge with the sensuous world around you. By allowing yourself to surrender to the pulse of whatever rhythm is guiding you, you connect more completely to your body. When you engage in some form of rhythmic dance on a regular basis, you’ll feel more relaxed and in the flow of life. Doing so can re-create and tap into the sensations you felt in the womb, revisiting that place of no thought, where movement moves you effortlessly. So cut loose and enjoy yourself! You have nothing lose but everything to gain.

ASSOCIATIONS: Movement; Dancing; Drumming; Sacred Spiral; Completion; Fulfillment; Intuition; Enlightenment; Rhythm; Personal Power; Flow; Vision; Creativity; Healing


Source: The uneSite.com


Sound: “h”
Stands for: Hailstone
Casting meaning: Like a hailstone, the rune Hagl/Haal represents restrictions and restraints. But like a hailstone melting, Hagl/Haal allows for the transformation form something so restricting to something more fluid and easy going.

Witch’s Rune

Source: tarotingie.com


Traditional male characteristics. Action. Being a father. Protecting loved ones. Being a provider. Being empowered. Having confidence.

Druid Ogham

Source: DruidOgham.wordpress.com


Gifts, doorways, standing on the shoulders of giants, luck

Tree: Oak (Quercus spp.)

Letter: D

There isn’t a bad side to Duir, even when ill-dignified. Maybe it is because the mighty Oak is king of all trees and therefore king of the Ogham. Drawing Duir means that you will receive, are receiving, or have received a gift. The gift can come in unexpected forms — it could be as simple as a thought or it may be, in rarest of cases, an actual physical gift. Understanding Duir does take the prerequisite ability to appreciate gifts. The modern world is cursed with entire classes of people who take luxuries for granted and for whom gratitude is an untenable concept. Those people cannot be helped by any force other than glacial procession of time and the unimaginable powers that shape it.

Duir’s influence is like a good father or wise old grandpa: generous, kind, wise, full of knowledge and happy to share it, protective, and nurturing. He is a living library. He acts as a guide, creator, and ruler.

I Ching

Source: IChing.Online.net

Hexagram Twenty-Eight/28

Ta Kuo / Critical Mass

The Flood rises above the tallest Tree:
Amidst a rising tide of human folly, the Superior Person retires to higher ground, renouncing his world without looking back.

Any direction is better than where you now stand.


Several high-priority concerns demand immediate attention.
All are crucial.
None will be denied.
Yet some demand the denial of others.
Like two atoms seeking to occupy the same space, these irresistible forces and immovable objects threaten to ignite a cataclysm that could irreversibly alter your world.
This is no time for fatal heroics.
You are at Ground Point Zero.
Remove yourself from this situation without delay.
Find sanctuary.
Later you may deal with these concerns on your own terms, from a position of strength.


Source: WorldNumerology.com


Overly sensitive, intuitive, and vulnerable to criticism. It has emotional problems and can be unstable. It can show weakness and cowardice in the face of challenges but is also highly resilient and a survivor.

Angel Number

Source: angel-numbers.com

Two Hundred Twenty Two – 222

Angel number 222 is a sign for you to know that everything will be just alright. You have lots of unnecessary concerns lately and it’s time to put them away. Believe in yourself and believe in help coming from above. Ask Angels for help if you need to. They are here, ready to lend you a hand.