
Samhain is the harvest of the soul. In some traditions it is when the souls of those who died since the last Samhain move on, leaving our plane behind. In other traditions this is the time when the dearly departed return to pass on messages to us. Whatever the path, this is the time to honor the dead. Renew your home protection spells and start closing up in preparation for winter. Any garden or outdoor tools or furniture that are no longer needed should be cleaned up and put away with thanks for their service. Prep your garden and yard for winter, even if your garden, even if your garden is only a couple of planters of herbs. Pull out your heavier bedding and give it an airing out. Using needle and thread, add a few stiches of blue thread to a corner or inside seam to protect your sleep during the long, dark nights. Divination plays a role in Samhain. Ask your oracles what you need to lay to rest or end for the year.

By Rachel Henderson Llewellyn’s Witches’ Datebook 2023 page 139

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